Mome: Vol. 18: Spring 2010 \ PDF < YWSSOCOWPQ

Mome: V ol. 18: Spring 2010


Fantagraphics. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Mome: Vol. 18: Spring 2010, Eric Reynolds, The influence of ' flagship anthology of new comic art and storytelling continues to grow with annual award nominations, a widely-acknowledged banner 2008 that found MOME on many year-end critics' lists, increasing academic and library interest, several gallery exhibitions mounted nationwide, and an increasingly potent well of top-notch, known and unknown talent making every issue a surprising, dense and delightful read. With this season, the quarterly journal of comics will have brought over 2,000 pages of new comics to the world since its inception in 2005. Upcoming contributors of short stories to MOME include: Lilli Carre, Laura Park, Olivier Schrauwen, Tom Kaczynski, Dash Shaw, Ray Fenwick, Emile Bravo, Andrice Arp, , Eleanor Davis, Nathan Neal, Conor O'Keefe, Jon Vermilyea, Jonathan Bennett, Robert Goodin, Sara Edward-Corbett, Derek Van Gieson, and many more. 2009 saw the end of three serials for MOME- legendary cartoonist Gilbert Shel--ton's serialized , "Last Gig in Shngrlig," Paul Hornschemeier's "Life with Mr. Dangerous," and Tim Hensley's "Wally Gropius"- and the launch of two more. T. Edward Bak's biography of German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller-who traveled with Vitus Bering on what is generally...



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