September 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1307 HONORING THE LIFE OF MARY Steenbergen for receiving the Chamber Direc- was a treasured son of Philadelphia’s African EDWARDS WALKER tor of the Year Award from the Wyoming American community. Chamber of Commerce. In recognition of his service we support the HON. JOHN KATKO The Wyoming Chamber of Commerce an- designation of, October 9, 2018 as ‘‘Charles OF nual award recognizes directors that have had W. Bowser Day’’ in the city of Philadelphia. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an outstanding impact and made significant On behalf of the 1st and 2nd Congressional Wednesday, September 26, 2018 contributions to the community. His selection Districts of Pennsylvania and the city of Phila- for this award is a sign of his dedication to our delphia, we extend gratitude to the late Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to community and his support of F.E. Warren Air Charles W. Bowser for his dedicated support honor the life of Mary Edwards Walker, an ab- Force Base, and I thank him for all he does. and service to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- olitionist, physician, and service member from Again, Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend vania. Oswego, New York. Walker dedicated her life my congratulations to Dale Steenbergen for f to the practice of medicine and her country, receiving the Chamber Director of the Year serving as a surgeon with the Union Army Award from the Wyoming Chamber of Com- RECOGNIZING ANTHONY CRISCI throughout the Civil War. In recognition of her merce. I wish him the best in his future en- service to protect this nation, Mary Walker is deavors. the only woman to ever receive the Medal of HON. JAMES A. HIMES Honor. f OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mary Edwards Walker was born in Oswego, HONORING CHARLES W. BOWSER, New York and grew up in the decades leading ESQ. Wednesday, September 26, 2018 up to the American Civil War. Born the young- Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- est of seven children, Walker was raised in a ognize Anthony Crisci for his leadership in the manner that was well ahead of its time. Deter- HON. DWIGHT EVANS LGBTQ+ community of Fairfield County. After mined that their daughters get the same edu- OF PENNSYLVANIA cation as their sons, Walker’s parents estab- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES five years, Anthony will be stepping down as the Triangle Community Center’s (TCC) Exec- lished an elementary school that she attended Wednesday, September 26, 2018 in the late 1830s. After primary school, Walker utive Director. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today along would continue her education at Falley Semi- Starting in 2013 as TCC’s first full-time staff with Representative ROBERT BRADY to honor nary in Fulton, New York. Attending Falley member, Anthony breathed new life into the Seminary would instill in Walker the motivation an influential and dedicated man from Phila- organization, carrying a fresh perspective and she needed to defy the norms of her time. delphia, Charles W. Bowser, Esquire, a de- boundless energy. Under Anthony’s guidance, Walker then studied at the Syracuse Med- voted public official, and former Deputy Mayor TCC’s budget increased eight-fold and its staff ical College and graduated, with honors, as a of Philadelphia. Mr. Bowser was born on Octo- quintupled, enabling it to expand its core mis- medical doctor in 1855 and was the only fe- ber 9, 1930, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and sion to include case assistance, regular pro- male in her class. After marrying later that dedicated his life and career to improving the gramming and educational initiatives for over year, Walker and her husband joined together lives of others through public service. 300 individuals. As a community leader, An- to establish a practice in Rome, New York. Mr. Bowser graduated from Temple Univer- thony has also prioritized cultivating LGBTQ+ She would later attend Bowen Collegiate Insti- sity in 1952 and earned a Bachelor of Science pride in our state. He worked to revive Pride tute in 1960 before returning to the medical degree in Journalism. After graduation, Mr. in the Park, Connecticut’s largest pride march, profession full-time. Bowser joined the United States Armed Serv- where thousands of individuals from around Though she was able to find eventual suc- ices and served as an Explosive Disposal Ex- the region gather to celebrate the LGBTQ+ cess in private practice, Walker answered to a pert in Korea from 1952 to 1954, earning the community’s accomplishments. higher calling and enlisted as a volunteer sur- rank of Sergeant. Upon returning from Korea, Through his dedication and advocacy, An- geon when the Civil War broke out. Though Mr. Bowser graduated from Temple University thony has worked tirelessly to ensure initially limited to serve strictly as a nurse, Law School in 1957 with a Juris Doctorate. LGBTQ+ individuals feel welcome in Fairfield Walker would later be allowed to serve as an Mr. Bowser began his lengthy career in pub- County, that their civil rights are upheld, and unpaid field surgeon during the Battles of lic service in the 1960’s under the tutelage of that their contributions to the community are Fredricksburg and Chickamauga. As the first former United States Representative, Rev. Dr. celebrated. Anthony is a passionate advocate female surgeon of the Union army, she later William H. Gray, II and Samuel Evans. In for equality, a pillar of the community, and I’m would be promoted to ‘‘Contract Acting Assist- 1964, Mr. Bowser served as Executive Direc- proud to call him my friend. ant Surgeon’’ and then appointed assistant tor of the Philadelphia Anti-Poverty Action Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent An- surgeon of the 52nd Infantry of Ohio. In the Committee. He was later appointed as the first thony Crisci in the . I spring of 1864, Walker was captured and ar- African-American Deputy Mayor of Philadel- ask you and our colleagues to join me in com- rested as a spy after aiding a Confederate phia by Mayor James Tate. mending Anthony for his commitment to the doctor conduct an amputation. She was re- In 1968, Mr. Bowser became the first Exec- TCC, the LGBTQ+ community, and the con- leased four months later and spent the rest of utive Director of the Philadelphia Urban Coali- tinuing effort for equality. her life in Oswego, New York, championing tion, now known as the Urban Affairs Coali- f women’s rights and suffrage. tion. Under his leadership, the total value of ´ Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues in the programs at the Urban Affairs Coalition had IN HONOR OF MAURO CALDERON House join me to honor the remarkable life of grown from $3.9 million to $12 million. This Mary Edwards Walker. She was a trailblazing growth was a result of Mr. Bowser’s innovative HON. J. LUIS CORREA figure from who paved the means of leadership and vision for the organi- OF CALIFORNIA way for future Americans. Her many contribu- zation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions to her community and service to her Over the course of his outstanding career country will not be forgotten. and lifetime, Mr. Bowser remained a staunch Wednesday, September 26, 2018 f supporter and advocate of the community. He Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN HONOR OF DALE served on numerous boards and commissions, honor Mauro Caldero´n for his dedication and STEENBERGEN’S SELECTION OF including but not limited to, the MOVE Com- passion in sharing Mexican cultural traditions DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR FROM mission, 1985 and the Pennsylvania Commis- with the world. Mr. Caldero´n has done this THE WYOMING CHAMBER OF sion on Judicial Reform, 1987 through 1988 through a voluminous body of musical and ar- COMMERCE and as Special Counsel to the Pennsylvania tistic work that transcends genres and touches Legislative Black Caucus, 1998 through 2000. the lives of people all over the world. Twenty Mr. Bowser received numerous awards over years of traversing the globe has gifted Mr. HON. the span of his career. These countless hon- Caldero´n with unique experiences and insights OF WYOMING ors serve as a testament to Mr. Bowser’s that leave an indelible imprint on his music IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service to the city of Philadelphia. which resonates with all those who have the Wednesday, September 26, 2018 Charles W. Bowser, Esquire passed away pleasure of listening. Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on August 9, 2010. He will be remembered as Though his career has taken him far, Mr. extend my congratulations to Dale a force in local, state and national politics. He Caldero´n has never forgotten those who have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Sep 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26SE8.004 E26SEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2018 come before him and offered him instruction States in pursuit of $300 million worth of soy- New Grafton Baptist Church was estab- and advice when he was just beginning his beans purchases. lished on November 10, 1915. It began as The lifelong journey in music back in 1983. Now 35 I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- Grafton Mission, named in honor of the Graf- years later, Mr. Caldero´n has taken those les- lating our friend, Taiwan, on this significant oc- ton Baptist Church in Grafton, Virginia. Rev- sons and turned them into a successful musi- casion. erend Silas Crowley, originally a member of cal career working with renowned artists and f Grafton Baptist Church, led his fledgling con- being recognized with numerous awards along gregation in meetings at 1111 35th Street, CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNI- the way. One such award that was especially Newport News, Virginia before they moved VERSARY OF GEORGE’S CONEY fitting was his recognition as ‘‘Ambassador of their services to Reverend Corsey’s home in ISLAND IN WORCESTER, MASSA- Mexican Music in the World’’ after a success- 1916. After years of fundraising and growing CHUSETTS ful tour in Japan. in membership, Reverend Corsey was finally I know the impact music has in solidifying able to purchase a lot at 3913 Roanoke Ave- cultural identity—by bridging generational gaps HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN nue, and from there they began to build their and expressing a community—and Mr. OF MASSACHUSETTS new church. Reverend Corsey oversaw the Caldero´n has worked effortlessly to enshrine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES construction of their new church building in the Mexican cultural identity in song. For this Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1918, and the name was officially changed reason, I am honored to recognize the accom- from The Grafton Mission to New Grafton Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ´ plishments and career of Mauro Calderon. to celebrate the 100th anniversary of George’s Baptist Church. Reverend Corsey served as New Grafton f Coney Island in Worcester, Massachusetts on Baptist Church’s pastor until his retirement in PERSONAL EXPLANATION Sunday, September 30, 2018. Mr. Speaker, everyone from Central Massa- 1923. Following his departure from the church, ´ chusetts is familiar with George’s Coney Is- he was succeeded by Reverend N. E. Jack- HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ land. Since its opening in 1927, the restaurant son in 1924, Reverend Isaac Daniels in 1928, OF ILLINOIS has become one of New England’s most and Reverend R. H. Green, DD in 1933. The New Grafton Baptist Church congrega- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iconic eateries. I grew up enjoying their hot tion continued to worship at their Roanoke Av- Wednesday, September 26, 2018 dogs, and still try to visit whenever I’m back enue location until 1963. Reverend W. M. Al- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- home in Worcester. George’s Coney Island is an important piece ston, DD, elected as pastor in 1937, oversaw avoidably absent in the House chamber on of Worcester’s history. George Tsagarelis the construction efforts and helped to ease the Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Had I been opened Coney Island in 1927 after he bought church’s transition into their new building. present, I would have voted Yea on New Grafton Baptist Church expanded an existing luncheonette. George ran it with votes 400 and 401. again in 1988 under the leadership of Rev- his wife, Catherine, eventually passing owner- erend S. D. Sparrow, who had ambitious plans f ship down to their children. The restaurant is for how to grow the church and give back to now run by Kathryn Tsandikos, who is CONGRATULATING TAIWAN ON the local community. A number of choirs and THE 107TH ANNIVERSARY George’s granddaughter. As for the hot dogs—the restaurant’s signa- ministries were established under his leader- ture style is to smother them in chili and top ship, as well as the New Grafton Baptist HON. them with mustard and onions. What many Church Governing Board. Reverend Dr. Michael L. Sumler became OF CALIFORNIA people don’t realize is that this style was the church’s eighth pastor in 2000, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES made popular in the United States by Greek church has continued to grow and expand Wednesday, September 26, 2018 immigrants like George, who migrated to the since then. New Grafton Baptist Church now U.S. during the early 20th Century. Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Speaker, I supports a variety of ministries and programs Because so many immigrants passed rise today to congratulate the people of Tai- aimed at bolstering fellowship and strength- through New York’s Ellis Island, they were fa- wan as they celebrate the 107th anniversary ening the church’s community, including a Vir- miliar with Coney Island—this is how the of its National Day on October 10, 2018. tuous Women’s Ministry, Community LINK We just celebrated the 39th anniversary of Coney Island hot dog was born. I’m especially grateful to George and Cath- program, Boys and Girls Scouts programs, the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) this past April. Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care Ministry, and The TRA was intended by Congress to endure erine for opening George’s Coney Island near- ly a century ago. The restaurant has been a more. Reverend Sumler also led the con- an important relationship between close gregation as they renovated the church and friends and allies. I am heartened by the staple for visitors and locals alike. The dark wooden booths that line the sides of the dining built a new, larger sanctuary in 2006. strengthening of ties that have taken place New Grafton Baptist Church enjoys a strong room are covered with decades of graffiti as since the enactment of the TRA, notably Tai- fellowship with Grafton Baptist Church—Dare customers etch their names and initials into wan’s admission to the U.S. Visa Waiver Pro- Road and Grafton Baptist Church—Harris gram in 2012. Travel from Taiwan to the the booths. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of everyone that Grove, founded in 1777 and 1860 respec- United States has since increased by 50 per- knows and loves George’s Coney Island, I’d tively. These three churches share a rich and cent. like to offer a sincere ‘‘thank you’’ to Kathryn deep common history, and their congregations Our close ties are underscored by our and her grandparents for making George’s regularly meet for joint picnics and worship shared commitment to democratic values. Coney Island such a treasured landmark. For services. Together they formed a Steering With the success of its sixth direct presidential all of us in Central Massachusetts, their res- Committee, dedicated to celebrating their election in 2016, Taiwan continues to serve as taurant is a point of pride. I’m proud to rep- shared experiences as linked congregations a beacon of vibrant democracy in the Asia-Pa- resent such an iconic, beloved piece of that flourished in Virginia ‘‘from slavery to the cific region. There are now 150 sister cities Worcester. present.’’ between the United States and Taiwan. In Over the last 100 years, New Grafton Bap- 2017, Taiwan became the third in East Asia f tist Church has been served by many dedi- and twelfth worldwide whose passport holders HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- cated men of faith—Rev. Silas Corsey, Rev. are eligible for the U.S. Global Entry Program. SARY OF NEW GRAFTON BAP- N. E. Jackson, Rev. Isaac Daniels, Rev. R. H. In addition, Taiwan is the United States’ sev- TIST CHURCH Green, DD, Rev. W. M. Alston, DD, Rev. D. enth largest source of international students. M. Willis, Sr., Rev. S.D. Sparrow, Sr., and Correspondingly, many of our students partici- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT Rev. Dr. Michael Sumler. pate in study abroad opportunities in Taiwan. OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, as New Grafton Baptist The United States has also forged an impor- Church of Newport News, Virginia celebrates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tant bond with Taiwan in commerce. In 2017, this historic milestone, its congregation can trade in goods between the United States and Wednesday, September 26, 2018 feel affirmed by 100 years of successful disci- Taiwan exceeded $68 billion, making Taiwan Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise pleship and service to both their community the United States’ 11th largest goods trading today to honor the 100th anniversary of New and to each other. I would like to congratulate partner. Just this past September, Taiwan sent Grafton Baptist Church in Newport News, Vir- Reverend Michael Sumler and all of the mem- an agricultural trade mission to the United ginia. bers of the church’s congregation. I wish them

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