PrettyPretty TGirlsTGirls MagazineMagazine August 2006

AnAn interviewinterview withwith MandyMandy TaylorTaylor

Pretty TGirls Magazine is a production of the Pretty TGirls Group and is intended as a free resource for the Transgendered community. Articles and advertisements may be submitted for consideration to the editor, Rachel Pastel, at [email protected] . It is our hope that our magazine will increase the understanding of the TG world and better acceptance of TGirls in our society. To that end, any articles and notices are appreciated and welcomed for review ! PrettyPretty TGirlsTGirls MagazineMagazine August 2006 Edition

Welcome to the July edition … Take pride and joy with being a TGirl !

Table of contents:

¾Cover Girl Mandy Taylor ¾Editor’s Corner - Rachel Pastel ¾Patty’s Powder Room - Patty Cakes ¾Kathy’s Korner - Kathryn Hughes ¾Mid-Summer Meanderings - Leigh Smythe ¾Being An Online Girl - Tiana Lockheart ¾ With Us - Michele Angelique ¾Transgendered Word Jumble ¾A Upcoming TG Events ¾Advertisements and newsy items ¾Our Miss August 2006 Cover Girls ¾Our August 2006 Calendar

Magazine courtesy of the Pretty TGirls Group at An Interview With Mandy Taylor

Question: When did you first start crossdressing?

Mandy: I started dressing around 5 years of age, trying on the girls coats in nursery.

Question: Describe your early experiences dressing as a girl.

Mandy: The earliest memories, and reasons for dressing were a comfort thing, the feeling of the different materials was lovely. After that, from the age of 7-8 it was more of a thrill.

Question: At what age did you start using make-up and wearing wigs? How did you learn how to apply make up? Any tips for other TGirls? Brand of make up you use?

Mandy: I didn’t start using make-up until I left home, aged 17 Once I started ,though, I seemed to know what to do straight away , whether I had sub-consciously watched my mother and sister , or because I am an artist , I don’t know. I do now watch how girls do their make-up in mags , but that’s because I want a certain look rather than how to do it. I use cheap make-up, because …… I’m poor (awwwww) so I find Collection 2000 great.

Question: If you had your choice, what do like wearing the most when being a girl? Answer: I adore my mini’s, I have about 65 now!! But basically , anything ultra fem but not ‘ flouncy’. Oh God!!! Boots too, love them !!

(continued on page 2)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 1) An Interview With Mandy Taylor … continued

Question: Now a bit of personal information ... What is your marital status? A sensitive area for some girls, but ... how old are you now? Does anyone know you are a TGirl? What country do you live in?

Mandy: Happily married to my wife Joanne, just celebrated our 15th wedding Anniversary. I’m 38, not sensitive about my age, just sour that I didn’t become public YEARS ago!! Virtually everyone knows about me except some of the younger children in the family, but my own 9yo son met Mandy in March of this year , and he loves it!! I am English, born and bred, living all my life(so far) in London. Question: Do you have a website of your own you'd like to share with our readers? Do you want to receive email from our readers? If so, what is your email address?

Mandy: My site is at I’d love to hear from your readers, so if you fancy a chat mail me at [email protected]

Question: Have you ever gone out as a girl? If so, tell us what the first time is like and how you feel being out in the world as a girl.

Mandy: I’ve only been going out at all in the last 8 months, a total of 9 times now. My first time was thanks to an admirer who offered to take me to the Way Out Club , in London, my face ached for 3 days where I grinned all night , it was a world I had never seen before, but one I knew I was a part of immediately.

(continued on page 3)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 2) An Interview With Mandy Taylor … continued

Question: Have you ever gone through a purge of your female clothing? If so, can you tell us why? How did it make you feel? How long before you went back to being a girl?

Mandy: I haven’t ‘purged’ as such, except a few times , years ago, I threw all my things out to avoid being found out. I never stopped, just threw my wife off the scent for a while.

Question: What percentage of time do you spend as a girl?

Mandy: Nowadays, since my son was told I dress about 60-75% of the time. Question: Have you ever considered moving towards becoming more of a girl physically with options like hormones, feminisation surgery, breast enhancements, or SRS? Mandy: I would like to take my feminisation further, but will not do so , because I would lose my wife and son. This is not an option. Question: Do you feel more like a boy or a girl now and why?

Mandy: I feel more like a girl now, as the barriers are down , I can be myself, and that self is feminine.

Question: Have you ever dated or wanted to date another TGirl or a man?

Mandy: No, I am monogamous, no-matter which sex.

Question: Do you have any advice for other TGirls, especially ones that have yet to venture out as a girl?

Mandy: My advice would be to do it in your own time, and only if you are sure it is for you. I feel there is too much pressure to ‘go out’ , so much so that many girls do it in a blind panic and put themselves at risk. Only do it if you are sure its for you, you have nothing to prove, being a girl is within, you can be just as fem curled up in front of the telly as in a club strutting your stuff. (continued on page 4) Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 3) An Interview With Mandy Taylor … continued

Question: How is your life now as a TGirl? What's gone well and not so well?

Mandy: The last year has been amazing, since I have gone public I have met so many wonderful people. Its not all plain sailing , there are some nasty pieces of work out there who relish putting other girls down , but that is their problem , not mine. My magazine is another shock to me as it was mostly unplanned. I just wanted my Yahoo group to have something different, so I started Narcisse, it’s grown far beyond anything I could have dreamt, so that’s a huge bonus, but the most precious thing to me is the acceptance from my son, that was, to me , the biggest hurdle.

Question: Anything else you'd like to say?

Answer: To all the girls I’ve met , and to all those yet to meet , in me you have a friend, just shout xx

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 4) Editor’s Corner – Rachel Pastel Personal Website:

Welcome to our issue for August 2006!

My comments this month are very brief …I’ve been a very busy girl I guess! There are so many TG events going on in August and September, you really should check some of them out I have listed towards the end of our magazine. Attending an event that is Transgendered-specific is a great way to feel comfortable going out as the girl we all are on the inside. A great way to make friends, share stories, and realize that we are normal and acceptance of the TG community continues to improve with each day.

For me, my first outing as a girl beyond walking outside and driving around, was a CtView meeting. CtView is a terrific TGirl group that has monthly meetings in New Haven, CT (USA).

It wasn’t that long ago believe it or not. May 2004 was when I ventured to my first meeting. Before that time, I only ventured out driving or walking in areas where I knew I wouldn’t run into but a couple people here and there.

I stumbled across the CtView (short for Connecticut View) group by accident after exchanging a few emails with a member, Gina (in the photo here, far left). I was hailing from Manchester, CT (well, I called that home the rare times I wasn’t working/traveling). The meetings were held in New Haven, CT … not too far away. Gina sort of talked me into going to a meeting, so I got all dressed up, got in my car, and began driving to the meeting.

(continued on page 6)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 5) Editor’s Corner – Rachel Pastel Personal Website:

I got into the parking lot and, as many girls can probably relate to, sat in my car for a few minutes wondering if I should go in or not. I eventually got out of may safe haven (my car) and went into the building. I went up the elevator and went into the meeting room. To my surprise, I was greeted with open arms by several other TGirls.! The instant feeling of acceptance was so terrific. Being accepted as a girl by others like me. It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

The evening was full of talk about many things, including being accepted by others.

So, why am I writing about this? Like so many girls, I started with an online presence. I felt accepted on the net, but something was missing in my life … being accepted out in the “real world.”

While going to “regular” establishments such as clubs, restaurants, and malls may be taking a chance on acceptance, I really encourage any TGirl to try a meeting with a group for TGirls. Acceptance is so important to most of us and this is a great step in that direction. It is also a safe step, assuming the group is an established one and in an area you are comfortable with.

Going out and meeting/talking with other people in a regular venue is a terrific way to advance understanding of our TG community, but may be a bit too scary for some. So meeting other TGirls is a great way to become at peace with who you are and to be proud of being a girl ! Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 6) Patty’s Powder Room By Patty Cakes And now for something completely different! This month I am going off in yet another direction. I was sitting down tonight thinking about how many great tips we pick as we progress through the TG journey you know things that help us look and feel our best. Also tips that help overcome some of the challenges of transforming our look from male to female. This month I turn 51 and I must say it is getting harder to hide veins, keep my legs in shape and look my best. So I have put together a few tips that I have picked up along the way that has helped me in a number of areas. If you even get one new tip that helps you out then I feel this month’s column has been worth it.

Tip # 1 – Air Brushed Legs

One of my challenges this summer was to go out in public with bare legs. The veins in certain parts of my legs have been showing more and more as time goes on. Usually I hide them up by wearing tights but that is not going to work in the summertime and I don’t want to wear jeans all the time. If only someone would invent spray on pantyhose!!! What?? They finally did that? God bless those creative minds in the make-up industry!! Sally Hansen has developed a great product called Air Brush Legs and it’s in a can. It is airbrush makeup made just for legs to hide imperfections and make your legs look great! And yes it's like spraying on pantyhose and you end up looking as if you have very very light hose on and it is very easy to apply. All you need to do is just spray it on and sponge it all over till it looks even. It dries in a matter of a few minutes. Your legs look extremely good after applying it and still feel soft and smooth. It also doesn’t come off with just water. It takes soap and water to remove it. The product makers say that it is enriched with Vitamin K and covers veins and imperfections. I will agree with that statement wholeheartedly as it covers very well I found. It is also long- lasting once applied and is transfer-resistant so wont end up all over your clothes. They also say it won't streak, run or hide your . From what I can see you get about 10 – 12 applications per can depending on how much you use. Obviously you must shave your legs as it is not going to hide hair. On scale of 1 – 10, I would rate this product at least a 9. Why not 10? I wish the can was bigger and the price a little lower. I paid $12.99 CDN for a can although it came as a packaged deal with their cream product that was just okay. I prefer the aloe shaving crème for sensitive skin that I currently use from Gillette. Although considered what it might cost to get a professional to airbrush your legs this is a probably a very good deal so maybe it should be rated a 9.5!!

(continued on page 8)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 7) Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

Tip # 2 – Quick Dry Nails I cannot believe how many times I have spent an hour or more to get ready to go out full makeup clothes and the last thing to do is do my nails. So many times I have scraped, nicked, smeared or made my nails look crappy before I even leave the house by going in my purse to get keys or something. If only they had that would dry instantly!! A friend of mine, Siobahn, told me about quick dry top coat nail care products and it improved everything so much. Thanks Siobahn!!! I hardly ever have a problem with my nails getting wrecked before I make it out the door and I don’t have to wait 20 – 30 minutes for my nails to dry. How? I now use Liquid Quick Dry. There are also a number of similar products on the marketplace so just find one you like. Does it work well? YES and very well I might add!!! This stuff is great! Paint your nails as per usual (although don’t apply nail polish too thick seems to be part of the secret here). Let the nail polish set for a few short minutes at most and then start applying the quick dry solution. Apply it lightly as it goes on like water and is not thick at all. Within a few minutes your nails are dry and you are ready to go! It’s that easy! This is a must have in the makeup case. A simple and effective solution. Why not give it a try for yourself? I rate it a 9 on a scale of 1 -10.

Tip # 3 Beard Cover Up As far as makeup goes the most noticeable thing that can show through your is your beard. If it is not well covered up even before you apply foundation you will end up with that tell tale blue hue peeking though and telegraphing that you have a beard under the makeup. You know what I am talking about I am sure. I want to send as few signals as possible and blend in as much as I can especially when I am out during the daytime. So what is the best way to hide it without enduring through 2 years of electrolysis? (Although that can be a great long term option!).

(continued on page 9)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 8) Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

There are number of products on the market that effectively deal with this challenge. I have read and experimented with using the red approach and found that it works to a degree but did not seem like the most reliable and consistent solution for me personally. I found I over compensated with foundation to make sure nothing showed through. So for the past year I have tried a few products. Including Derma blend, Joe Blasco’s Blue Neutralizer and Special Blue Neutralizer products and Blue Neutralizer from Ben Nye. Both are great name brands in the makeup industry. Personally, I have stayed with the Joe Blasco for the neutralizer products so far. I rate them a 9 also. However, the next time I go to get some I am going to try the Ben Nye Five O’Sharp product as it looks like a perfect solution made especially for beard cover up. I apply the neutralizer quite lightly with a makeup sponge and watch the blue tinge of the beard shadow disappear instantly and I also use a little around some veins by the side of my nose. I then apply my foundation as per usual and then powder. It is not cheap to purchase but it does last a long time so it is well worth the investment. By the way here is a little info on the Ben Nye Five O'Sharp®. It conceals heavy blue beard shadows and comes in a series of specialty cover-ups in different skin tones. May be applied beneath or over foundation tone. Very effective in concealing deep discolorations including black eyes or intense under-eye discoloration. 50-125 applications per container. Comes in studio, ruddy, cinnamon and olive. Size: .3(3/10) ounce. I can’t wait to try it. If you have already tried it please let me know what you thought of it.

Tip # 4 Pierced Ears vs. Clip-On Earrings One of the best things I did in the last year was to get my ears pierced. Now I wonder why I didn’t get it done sooner. It was my wife who finally said come on lets get these ears of yours done, you’ve waited long enough and chickened out doing it too many times already. I love that lady! Clip-ons were all I ever knew and I admired my wife being able to put in real earrings all the time. The clip-ons were fine for the first few hours of wearing them but after a 6 hour plus night out my ears would hurt quite a bit. That was not fun and became a distraction the longer I had them on. Also the selection of earrings you can buy and wear once you get your ears pierced is never ending. Wow another great excuse to go shopping and now I can also stop at all those street vendors selling earrings and necklaces and see if there is anything that I like. As for friends and family noticing I couldn’t believe how many people didn’t notice I had 2 small studs in my ears for months. In fact some still haven’t acknowledged it. The ones that have well it has really been a non event to be honest. So if you have been considering it, this tip is to say … Go for it!!! You’ll really wonder why you waited so long!! (continued on page 10)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 9) Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

Tip # 5 Wigs

The most noticed thing about crossdressers/TG’s is the wigs we choose to wear. My wife is an ex- hairstylist, my friend Siobahn has been dressing most of her life and another good friend Mz Adrien dresses for her living as a Drag Queen and is also a great makeup artist. The three of them have helped me really focus on my wigs offering tips and ideas to improve my look. Some of the tips I have picked up include the following:

•If it looks just like a wig when you look at it leave it in the store even if it is on sale •Should be as natural as looking as possible even slightly askew or a lil windswept can work •Style your wigs using your fingers and not so much by brushing it perfect (hardly and real women have perfect hair these days) •The wig should be age appropriate shorter if you’re a little older and longer if younger •Best to have hair with different shades or lightly blended streaks and not one solid color •Get wigs with natural looking bangs and not parted in the middle or defined side parts •Stay away from thin looking wigs that you can see thru to the scalp and avoid wearing wig caps wear possible quality is very important •Wash wigs regularly with a and conditioner blend •Dry wigs on a wine bottle or similar device so the air goes completely thru the hair •Don’t brush wigs to roughly as they will frizz •Hair clips can work well for more formal dinner events etc. •Light backcombing on the bangs and sides can help make the wig look more natural •Find a wig that suits your face style sometimes it is best to take a friend along who you trust to help you find something that suits you •Don’t be afraid to get a wig styled and cut at a TG friendly salon especially if you are not wearing it anymore because you feel it might not suit you •If you are going clubbing then you can experiment quite a bit more not all of the above applies Well once again that is it for this issue of the Powder Room. Your comments, tips and ideas welcome for a future Tips article with credit acknowledged to you. Feel free to email me at [email protected]


Patty Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 11) KATHY'S KORNER VISITING A TG-FRIENDLY SPOT EACH MONTH By Kathryn Hughes

Hi everyone!! Welcome to Kathy's Korner!! This month I decided to do a brief summary of the last five places I've written about, as they all deserve another mention.

My first article in March was about The Femme Fever Ball 2006. It was coordinated by Femme Fever's founder Karen Cunningham and held at the Holiday Inn located in Ronkonkoma, Long Island New York on Saturday, February 25th. With entertainment and great food provided, this event is held each year and draws more than 100 guests, most of them lovely TGirls.

For my April article I went to The Tudor Club in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, March 16th to visit some of the gang in the local Gurl's Night Out Club for their weekly meeting. It was also one of the group's founders Maxine Maria Morse's birthday that night. Known to most as Maxi, she founded the Manchester group with her friend Sandy Keefe and it has quickly spread to other cities in New England along with the rest of the U.S. and Canada.

(continued on page 13) Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 12) KATHY'S KORNER (continued) VISITING A TG-FRIENDLY SPOT EACH MONTH By Kathryn Hughes

In May my article was about a great shop in Auburn, Massachusetts that has anything you might need for an enfemme transformation. It's called The Glamour Boutique, and on Saturday, April 22nd my lovely friend and editor Rachel Pastel and I were given a wonderful shop tour by the owner John Warrener and his store manager "Dawn". There's also two other new locations in Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas, Nevada, and you can buy their products online as well.

For June I went to Friend's Landing in Haverhill, Massachusetts on Saturday, May 27th for my article. It's a huge club with an indoor lounge, two DJ dance halls and an outdoor deck bar. I was lucky to have my beautiful friend Maureen Joy, who I met at the lounge and had been to the club before, show me around the place. We both had a great time!!

(continued on page 14)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 13) KATHY'S KORNER (continued) VISITING A TG-FRIENDLY SPOT EACH MONTH By Kathryn Hughes

This brings me to my July article about The Friends of Triangles group. I went to one of their parties, coordinated by the group's founder Tiffany Leigh, at Triangles Cafe in Danbury, Connecticut on Saturday, June 10th. This club has two indoor bars and an outdoor patio bar, and all areas were filled with gorgeous TGirls. There was also a DJ in one of the indoor bars, so I ended up dancing the night away!!

Thank you Karen, Sandy, Maxi, Dawn, John, Maureen and Tiffany!!

Tiffany Leigh

I also wish to thank my very dear friends Sweet, Michelle and Amber for all their help, my beautiful tsister Judy and my roommates Brenna and John just for being there, and of course, the very lovely Rachel for making it all possible!!



Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 14) Mid-Summer Meanderings by Leigh Smythe

I thought I'd share something precious to me, with all of you. Maybe you have had similar thoughts. [Well, some have, and others haven't] I know that. I'm wondering if I'm just Schitzophrenic? [Well, leave out that first "c", and you may be on to something! But, one thing's for can't spell worth a darn!! ] I know that! I've been trying to understand my need to be female for 50 years. I confess I've been all over the continu-um. Yeah, OK, I can't spell. There is a continu-um that, I believe, represents the nature of our personality, from male to female. [A female would have said, "from female to male", you know....] That's my point. This continu-um has plagued me from my earliest stirrings of identity questions. Some call it a scale and profess that they and others are not at each opposite pole as either male, or female, but may be in a point between somewhere. Not male, or female, but a combination, a chimera. [There you go again. Isn't a chimera a monkey?] Chimera means something unique and different. Its a word no one should use cause no one knows what it means. [Hmmmm.....] Anyway, I have spent a lifetime slipping around this continuum trying to find my place. And I've come to the observation that I'm slipping around on this continuum trying to find my place. [Groan] I've come to the conclusion that our personal identity is fluid. At least, mine is. When I was teenaged, my female identity was much stronger, and I would have taken the operation in a New York minute! Fortunately, it didn't happen. But, I also, realized that I was sexually attracted to women. [Too bad it didn't work the other way, too. ] Ha, ha... So, I swallowed hard and resolved to be what God made me genetically. [That's genetical-leigh!!] 50 years passed. [Gee, you can almost hear the door creek! and smell the dust!]

(continued on page 16)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 15) Mid-Summer Meanderings by Leigh Smythe (continued)

I have been married twice, raised 2 wonderful children, and have never lost the cravings to be other than strictly, ok, strict-leigh, male. My secret life had me dressing, in secret, sharing with no one, and purging when I felt that it was going to ruin my life to be discovered. So, a couple of years ago, my 2nd marriage went kaput and I said to myself, "OK, girl, you can come out now!!" [Whew, I thought you'd never open that closet door!! You oughta see what I got in here! So beautiful!!] Yeah, I know, that's the problem! There's 2 of me! But, one of me. Well, sharing this poor one body! I let "her" out and my male can sit back and enjoy the spectacle. But, we're not really, ooops, real-leigh separate, are we? We each enjoy each other so much. We're one but dancing around on this continuum, here. I, also, enjoy being male sometimes. That is, when the bill collectors have temporari-leigh lost my number. Is it that my true personality is just so diverse and complicated that I have to experience both genders? Am I always both, just dominant as one at times? Why can't I be both all the time? [Well, that last one..... you can't be both, cause I don't want all that dull maleness messing up my prettiness!!! Now, shoo... I've got something to say, here. You guys are so analytical. Why can't you just accept your femaleness? I do! Maybe the Chinese had it right with that picture of yin and yang. They just messed up on the portions. The female should always be the biggest part ] So, here I am this morning. I want to go out an have some fun tonight as Leigh, but the friend I've found local-leigh wants to go out for the first time as a gay guy. You see he's bi. And he's never been out as a guy, well, not as a gay guy. Just a TG. He's acting like its as "earth shattering" as going out for the first time as a TG. [Well, sunshine, maybe that's why I'm here, to bring a little compassion to your, otherwise, stogy self!] I sure sympathize with him, but what does that make me? His date? I'm just out for a little fun and dancing [Ahhh, dancing]. I gave up looking for my soul mate, we just got divorced, so I don't need to do that anymore! I just want to dress up and be pretty. Ooops, I just crossed the line again, didn't I? [Yeah, bub, that's my territory!] You see, this whole thing is so confusing. It's hard being part of the GLBT soup. [Whenever you say that stuff, I get so hungry. Gee, a BLT! ] I'm not separate personalities vying for the same body! I am one! Well, maybe schitsophrenic.... uh, what do you think?

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 16) Being An Online Girl By Tiana Lockheart

Well, it's that time again... what time is it you ask? How many of you have an online presence somewhere? I'm talking about a website, chat ID, email account, etc. There are literally thousands of choices when it comes to choosing a service that provides you with webspace. I've tried most of them and I believe that I've found one that I really like using. I was so impressed by the options that I ended up actually subscribing to it for one year! First of all, before you go running off and start putting in keyword "free webpage" in your google or yahoo search engine, here are a few facts that you may want to consider.

Do I really need a webpage? Yes and no. It depends on how large you want your footprint (no, not your feet! but your TG presence) to be. Are you worried about your significant other finding your girlie things in the suitcase that you have stashed way in the back of your walk-in closet? If you have to secretly dress and have a difficult time going out, chances are that you probably do not want to have a webpage. Imagine your partner's expression when that suitcase is discovered and you're forced to open it up right in front of them! Embarrassing! So, don't even go there! Suggestion... if you are worried about being discovered at home, do not use "auto log in" features or "remember password" or "remember userid" options on Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger. It will surely get you in trouble! Use the Firefox browser instead of Internet Explorer. You can download it from Firefox has the option where you can choose for it to delete all cookies, passwords, form data, cache, websites visited, etc automatically whenever you close the browser. How cool is that? Now, as far as your photographs go, you should store them on a removable hard drive (maybe a USB jump drive or a portable hard drive). That way, you can stash it when the timing is not good. (continued on page 18)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 17) Being An Online Girl (continued) By Tiana Lockheart

Email addresses... choose one from Netscape, Yahoo, MSN, or whatever your favorite provider has. I would not recommend having one associated with your ISP, as it could be problematic trying to explain that you have an account called "sexytransgirl" as one of your email addresses. I'd recommend a web-based account from yahoo, MSN, or Netscape. Choose a userid that describes you but does not lead people on about who you are. Something with "CD, TV, TS, TG," or some sort of designation would be good to include in yours. It's recommended but not required, only because when you start chatting with people, you want them to know that you have some sort of affiliation with the TG community. Netscape, Yahoo, and MSN all have partnerships with chat clients (AIM, YIM, MSNM) so you can use the same ID with which to chat online.

Web presence... the one that many or the majority of TGirls use is URNA (URNotAlone). It offers different tiers of membership from free to paid. Pay them a visit and see if it's for you. There's also TVChix as well. There is also AdultFriendFinder,, among others. I'd stick to something associated with the TG community personally. Are you interested in more content for your web presence, like a Bio page, Photo , etc? You might be interested in a hosting site that provides that for you. There are way too many to choose from. You can typically get free webspace from Geocities/Yahoo, AOL, Tripod, etc that has around 5Mb of web storage for your photos, etc. Free webpages typically run ads on your site so if you don't mind the ads, and don't have a lot of content to show, that is your best choice. If you're willing to pay for your webspace, they will run it sans ads and give you more storage. I use for my web hosting. The main reason why I chose Moonfruit was because of their web platform. It's all Flash- based (Macromedia/Adobe Flash), therefore much of the content (i.e. photos) can be protected from web- bots searching for TG photos to download. The level of membership I have also allows for password- protected entrance so not just anyone can have access to your site.

Continued on page 19)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 18) Being An Online Girl (continued) By Tiana Lockheart

You may want to stay away from blog sites such as MySpace, since it's rife with predators, underaged individuals, and law enforcement. Besides, if you have kids at home, they probably have MySpace accounts and most likely spend lots of time on there. You may not want them finding your TG site there! To see what my website looks like, please visit the following link.... you will need to register on my site in order to view it (the information I ask you when you register is for my tracking purposes only. I don't share your information with anyone else)...

Online Chat... just a few comments regarding online chat. Everyone uses it, but as always, your chats are always logged somewhere so just be aware of that. There are some chat guidelines that you may want to take note of. It's considered bad form now to do the "ASL" questioning. This is pretty annoying to me, and I'm sure to others. The "Buzz" button is something that I despise as well. Refrain from using those and ask others to do the same. If you haven't had the experience of being on the receiving end of "ASL," or "Buzz," you'll soon see why they are annoying to me. Last words... be smart when chatting or playing online. Always make sure your chat friends know you're a TGirl. Leading someone on, especially someone who is intolerant of our lifestyle, will surely cause trouble for you. Stay away from Minors unless you are one yourself. Do not share personal information or photos with others unless they have earned your trust. Have fun surfing the net! Tiana

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 19) The following is a publication found on GenderEvolve. My thanks to Michele Angelique for her permission to use valuable TG information found on GenderEvolve!

Coming Out With Us Used With Permission of Michele Angelique of GenderEvolve

We often talk about coming out. The fear of potential life altering backlash from friends, family workmates etc., but wht about those that come out with us? Recently, the boyfriend of Harisu -- 's most famous post op- TS -- was revealed to the world

The celebrity Harisu has finally shown her boyfriend to the world after jealously guarding the man’s identity on previous occasions. In a program on KMTV called "Introducing Harisu's Boyfriend," the singer’s lover was revealed to be one Woo Seung-woo. Readers may see for themselves when the show airs on Thursday afternoon. Until now the press has always shown Woo from the side or with his features pixilated out to protect his privacy.

(continued on page 21)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 20) Coming Out With Us (continued)

"In the first and second episodes, my face was shown in mosaic, like I was some kind of a criminal," Woo said. "When I first made the decision to appear, this wasn't the plan, but as we went along it just felt like our image was being distorted." “Anyway, our original intent was to show people our love, so we just wanted to show everything fair and square," he said. "What we have is a love just like any other, and we will continue to be true to each other." ([email protected] ) Ha Ri Su

Born in Songnam, Korea as Lee Kyoung-eun in 1975, Harisu (which means "Hot Issue") underwent sex reassignment surgery in 1998 at the age of 23. She began modeling in while studying hair design, and after her first major commercial shoot for the make up company DODO, Harisu became an overnight star and the most recognizable in China. She recorded her first album called Temptation, which was released in 2001 and has been called the Kylie Minogue of the East. Harisu has become so mainstream that she was the first transsexual to ever be featured in a Menstrual Pad ad, and has also been in several movies. When asked: When you decided to be a woman, what was your family's reaction? She said, "There wasn't any reaction at all. When I was young, I was already "Hirasu". They treated me as their son. I am still me. It's just that I have changed my sex." When asked about advice to those who want to follow in your footsteps? She said "For those who feel trapped in their bodies, destiny is in their own hands. It's like if your ambition is to be a teacher, you attend a teacher's training course.If you want to have a sex change, it's your choice. For those who want to be an entertainer, they have to work hard at it.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 21) Transgendered Word Jumbles Try your luck unscrambling these TG-related words. See the last page for the answers!





Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 (page 22) Upcoming TG Events

•SATURDAY 5 AUGUST Join Trans-MISSION for a night of the very best in music at 'Saturday Night Diva'...! •SATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER As girls around the country smarten up their uniforms ready to return to school, so t*girls everywhere smarten up their uniforms for a night out at Trans-MISSION! •SATURDAY 7 OCTOBER Summer is over so the time is just as right for dancing in the street (or even better, dancing at Trans-MISSION) •SATURDAY 4 NOVEMBER Whizz Bang Flash - that's the fireworks not the girls. But hey, if 'Whizz Bang Flash' is your thing, come and share it with us! •SATURDAY 2 DECEMBER It's not Christmas quite yet, so don't get all festive. Come and be furtive instead at the Masque Bar.

http://www. Located in "Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada", we are a Social Club for Crossdressers, the Transgendered, and their Wives/Girlfriends! Where... - BOYS have FUN being GIRLS!! -

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events

August 11 & Saturday, August 12th... 2 day event Our annual Luau..... Friday - Arrive between 11-12 on the 12th...have a makeover...lunch....socialize with the galz....We'll go to the mall and then back for Pizza or takeout and movies...... and some fun....(Maybe a little dancing outside too) Saturday - Have some breakfast, shower time....then we will start makeovers, have lunch...socialize (Inside and out)...snacks....Have a fabulous spread for and PAR-TY...crash and laugh about how much fun we had over breakfast. It will be such a great weekend! Please let me know if you are planning on attending. We are getting a tent again this year.

Cost? $150.00 for Friday - $250.00 for Saturday everything to include dinner. (Take $50.00 off per day if you are not having a makeover)

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events

Welcome to Southern Comfort 2006 4 WEEKS LEFT TO REGISTER ON-LINE On-Line Registration Ends August 31st Hotel Group rate available until August 19, 2006. Subject to availability Click here to register

The Southern Comfort Board of Directors and the City of Atlanta welcomes you to the 16th Annual Southern Comfort Conference! We have a terrific convention planned for you this year. Please join us as we take a fabulous journey through the decades, “Celebrating the Times of Our Lives”. Along with an outstanding variety of inside and outside social activities, we have an exceptional assortment of seminars, guest speakers, and even a few surprises.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events

October 15 - 22 2006 Provincetown, MA

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events September 14, 2006

14 8pm -12am Special Welcome Back From Summer Break Party! Watch for details as to location,Info & Theme.Private Party; CD's, TG's, TS's,S/O's & Approved Admirers.NOT open 2 public. Great People,Open bar, Full Buffet, Dancing, Contests, etc. Pay there.Always GREAT turnout! Pre-party reduced makeovers by appointment. Come Drab/dressed/change there 7pm on. Always a FUN, Friendly,Discreet, well attended PARTY! RSVP to Karen. Join us, we always have a great time! October 7, 2006

7 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. LISA’S "TRANSGENDER PARTY ... HOLLYWOOD NIGHT: @ a secluded private location in the beautiful Pocono Mountains:

Overnight Rooms Available at $35 Per Person (limited number, reserve early). Hotel Rooms also available (email [email protected] for info), with a shuttle to and from The Party. For Pre-Party Makeovers by Appointment at a Reduced Rate, Contact Karen ASAP at 516-520-0380 or Karen For Party Contact: [email protected] or 732-771-7731

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events

TransLiving Parties coming up Admission fee: non-members £8, non-members partners £5, members £6, members partners £4 Doors open at 7pm and the party ends at mid-night. If you would like to know how to get to the Parties just Click here to view the Map or Click here to find other ways to Contact us.

*If you have any suggestions of themes for 2007 please email us* 2006

MARCH 24th Maids Night (Working Maids Required For This Evening)

APRIL 28th TV Brides Be A Celebrity Night (Come As MAY 26th Your Favourite Celeb - Past Or Present!) JUNE 23rd Transliving 22nd Anniversary (Buffet Included)

JULY 28th Summer Frocks

AUGUST 25th Leather And Lace

SEPTEMBER 22nd 50's Rock n Roll Night (Teddy Boys And Girls!) Jewellery party Quality Gold/Silver OCTOBER 27th 60% cheaper than shops! Halloween Ball NOVEMBER 24th Super Girl - Will You Win The Event Of The Year?

DECEMBER 8th Christmas Party with Buffet

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Upcoming TG Events



A very special centre for everyone who likes to crossdress A peaceful sanctuary where you can relaxe and be yourself in a safe and descreet environment. No need to dress if your not ready. Just relax and have a chat over a cup of coffee or tea with myself.

The Gemini Club has been catering for Transgendered people since 1996 and is run by myself Natalie Conroy (RG)

I provide full gender makeovers with a professional touch including make up, the opportunity to try on all various styles and colours of wigs, full range of clothes, lingerie and shoes. in comfortable discreet surroundings.


Phone Natalie 087 7621869 or use the contact button above to E-Mail [email protected]

Usual opening hours are as follows: MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY 12PM - 6PM WEDNESDAY 12PM - 9PM THURSDAY 2PM - LATE

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] .

The Glamour Boutique is a terrific TG store. The original retail location is in Auburn, MA and now has 2 other retail locations! You can also order online. Can’t say enough about this lovely store! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!

Crazy 4 Clipons is a terrific online place to discreetly buy clip on earrings at a very reasonable price. They have a large variety to choose from and love to have TG customers! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!

FemmeFever : Karen has developed a wonderful site and TG resource! Along with coordinating many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities online.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] .

Austin’s Angels … by Jamie Austin

I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beautiful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover packages … well worth every penny girls !


This is a fabulous place for GG’s and TGirls alike. Countessa is a GG, former model, and a terrific supporter of the Transgendered Community ! There is an online store and a physical location in Studio City, California. More to follow about this great Lady and her offerings.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] . Weave of Dreams is a terrific is a very new online TG store carrying many items for us Tgirls.It is run by Carol Deanna. It is worth the visit !

AngelWings Designs by Mary Beth You really should checkout Mary Beth’s products. She hand sews everything and has lovely lingerie items and dresses, plus she is a doll and very supportive of us TGirls !

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006 Our Miss August 2006 Cover Girls !

How about joining us? Just go to … We’re a tasteful, fun group of girls and we m/group/prettytgirls love new friends!

Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006

Transgendered Word Jumbles Here are the answers …how did you do???





Pretty TGirls Magazine - August 2006