Curriculum Vitae Michael zur Muehlen 939 Bloomfield Street Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA Home Phone: +1 (551) 208‐1071

Management Summary . Internationally respected authority on Business Process Innovation and Operational Risk Management . Assistant Professor, School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology . Independent Business Process Management & Transformation Consultant . Fellow, Management Coalition . Author of dozens of peer‐reviewed research studies and published articles

Synopsis Dr. Michael zur Muehlen directs the SAP/IDS Scheer Center of Excellence in Business Process Innovation at Stevens Institute of Technology, in Hoboken, NJ, and is responsible for Stevens’ graduate and executive education programs in Business Process Management and Service Innovation. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of process automation and workflow management, and has led numerous process improvement and design projects in the utility, financial services, industrial, and telecommunications sector both in Germany and the US. Prior to his appointment at Stevens, Michael was a senior lecturer at the Department of Information Systems, University of Muenster, Germany, and a visiting lecturer at the University of Tartu, Estonia. An active contributor to standards in the BPM area, Michael was named a fellow of the Workflow Management Coalition in 2004 and chairs the WfMC working group “Management and Audit”. He studies the practical use of process modeling standards, techniques to manage operational risks in business processes, and the integration of business processes and business rules. SAP Research, the US Army, the Australian Research Council, and private sponsors have funded his research. Michael has presented his research in more than 20 countries. He is the author of a book on workflow‐based process controlling, numerous journal articles, conference papers, book chapters and working papers on process management and workflow automation. Michael’s research interests center around the organizational aspect of BPM technology, risk‐ aware process management, and process support for managerial decision‐making. He has also published widely on BPM standards and standard making in general. He is a founding director of the Association of Information Systems special interest group on process automation and management and serves on the board of directors of Stevens Institute of Technology’s WebCampus online learning operation. Michael holds a PhD and an MS in Information Systems from the University of Muenster, Germany.

Representative Client Experience: Anaheim Public Utility, Anneliese Zement, Canon USA, Carnot, Deutsche Telekom Immobilien, Euroforum, Intel, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Online, National Security Agency, NYC Office of Emergency Management, OSCE Estonia, Pegasystems, Provinzial, Siemens, Stadtwerke Duesseldorf, Sungard, U.S. Department of Defense Business Transformation Agency. Curriculum Vitae – Michael zur Muehlen

Present Position Assistant Professor of Information Systems Center of Excellence in Business Process Innovation Howe School of Technology Management Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point on Hudson Hoboken NJ 07030 Phone: +1 (201) 216‐8293 Fax: +1 (201) 216‐5385 E‐mail: [email protected]


Ph.D. 2002 Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität, Münster, Germany Information Systems Thesis: Workflow‐based Process Controlling. Foundation, Design, and Application

of Workflow‐driven Process Information Systems M.S. 1997 Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität, Münster, Germany Information Systems

Professional Experience 06/2008‐ongoing Enterprise Chief Process Architect, Department of Defense Business Transformation Agency (Contract) 10/1997‐ongoing Independent BPM Consultant, clients include Anaheim Public Utility, Canon USA, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Online, OSCE Estonia, Reward Health Science, SunGard, PegaSystems, National Security Agency, Siemens Inc. 03/2000‐10/2005 Strategy Advisor, Carnot AG, Frankfurt, Germany 09/2000‐03/2002 Business and Technology Analyst, Westfälische Provinzial, Münster, Germany (Contract) 04/1999‐06/1999 Workflow Analyst, Anneliese Zementwerke, Ennigerloh, Germany (Contract) 10/1997‐03/1998 Business Process Analyst, Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, Germany (Contract) 05/1997‐12/1998 Process Analyst/Designer, Deutsche Telekom Immobilien, Münster, Germany (Contract) 1997‐1999 Managing Partner, M2Webdesign, Münster, Germany 1995 Research Intern, Lufthansa German Airlines, Los Angeles, CA

Academic Experience 08/2002‐ Assistant Professor, Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology 1998‐2001 Visiting Lecturer, University of Tartu, Estonia (Part‐Time) 1998‐2000 Lecturer, Institute of Applied , University of Muenster, Germany (Part‐Time) 07/1997‐07/2002 Research Assistant, Department of Information Systems, Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität, Münster, Germany 04/1996‐07/1997 Teaching Assistant, Department of Information Systems, Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität, Münster, Germany 10/1994‐03/1996 Teaching Assistant, Department of Marketing, Westfälische Wilhelms‐ Universität, Münster, Germany


Curriculum Vitae – Michael zur Muehlen

Career Highlights Founder and Director of the SAP/IDS Scheer Center of Excellence in Business Process Innovation at Stevens Institute of Technology (2004). Initiated collaborative projects with Universities in Australia and Europe and initiated student exchange with several universities in Germany and Switzerland. Developed the undergraduate curriculum for a BSc degree in Information Systems. Developed and coordinated graduate concentration and advanced graduate certificate in Business Process Management and Service Innovation. Assembled advisory board of leading industry experts, founding member of several industry‐academia relationship programs and solicited in‐kind software contributions worth more than $100,000.

Developed product features and marketing strategies for a J2EE‐based workflow management system with the executive team at Carnot AG (now Sungard Infinity) (2000‐ongoing). Analyzed the competitive situation and developed strategies for the positioning of the product. Reviewed the product roadmap and advised members of the executive team on necessary product features. Performed competitive analyses and participated in venture funding due diligence review. Since the start of the collaboration the organization has received venture‐funding and was subsequently acquired by SunGard, a $5bn technology provider for financial services and public safety organizations.

Managed and conducted a multi‐million dollar pilot project for the introduction of workflow technology within a large insurance corporation (Westfälische Provinzial 2000‐2002). Interfaced with various participating business units including systems development, enterprise controlling, business organization and executive board. Revised the existing process infrastructure and designed a framework for process optimization.

Involved in the installation of one of the first information systems curricula in Estonia (University of Tartu 1998‐2001). Prepared and conducted lectures on the topics of information modeling, systems analysis & design, data management, retail information systems, business process redesign, workflow management and process controlling.

Widely read author of both academic and industry publications (500+ citations), regular columnist on with readership of 20,000+ subscribers. Presented research results in 20+ countries since 2000, named life fellow of the Workflow Management Coalition in 2004.

Recent Publications

Books . zur Muehlen, Michael: Workflow‐based Process Controlling. Foundation, Design, and Application of workflow‐driven Process Information Systems. Logos, Berlin 2004. ISBN 3‐8325‐0388‐9.

Refereed Journal Articles . zur Muehlen, M.; Indulska, M.: "Business Process and Business Rule Modeling: A Representational Analysis," Information Systems 2009, forthcoming. . Nickerson, J.V., and zur Muehlen, M. "The Ecology of Standards Processes: Lessons from Internet Standardization," MIS Quarterly (30:Special Issue) 2006, pp 467‐488. . McGregor, C., Schiefer, J., and zur Muehlen, M. "A Shareable Web Service Based Intelligent Decision Support System for On‐Demand Business Process Management," International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (1:3) 2006, pp 156 ‐ 174. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Nickerson, Jeffrey V.; Swenson, Keith D.: Developing Web Services Choreography Standards ‐ The Case of REST vs. SOAP. Decision Support Systems 40 (2005) 1, pp. 9‐29.


Curriculum Vitae – Michael zur Muehlen

. zur Muehlen, Michael: Organizational Management in Workflow Applications ‐ Issues and Perspectives. Information Technology and Management Journal. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 5 (2004) 3‐4, July ‐ October, pp. 271‐291. . Antonucci, Yvonne L.; zur Muehlen, Michael: Creating a Collaborative B2B Environment in the Classroom: Evaluation of Methods Utilized in an International Simulation over a 4‐Year Period. Information Systems Education Journal 1 (2003) 20. ISSN: 1545‐679X. . Rosemann, Michael; zur Muehlen, Michael: Evaluation of Workflow Management Systems ‐ a Meta Model Approach. In: Australian Journal of Information Systems 6 (1998) 1, pp. 103‐116.

Refereed Conference Proceedings . zur Muehlen, Michael; Indulska, Marta, Kittel, Kai: "Modeling of Business Processes and Business Rules: An Integrated Methodology", 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2008), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 3‐5, 2008, Australasian Computer Society. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Recker, Jan: “How Much Language is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2008), Montpellier, France, June 16‐20, 2008, Springer LNCS. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Ho, Danny T.: Service Process Innovation: A Case Study of BPMN in Practice. In: Ralph Sprague, Jr. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 41st Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences. Waikoloa, HI, January 7‐10, 2008, IEEE Publishers. Nominated for Best Paper Award. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Indulska, Marta; Kamp, Gerrit: Business Process and Business Rule Modeling: A Representational Analysis. In: Taveter, K.; Gasevic, D. (Eds.): The 3rd International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2007). Baltimore, MD, October 15th, 2007, IEEE Publishers. Best Workshop Paper. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Recker, Jan; Indulska, Marta: Sometimes Less is More: Are Process Modeling Languages Overly Complex? In: Taveter, K.; Gasevic, D. (Eds.): The 3rd International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2007). Baltimore, MD, October 15th, 2007, IEEE Publishers. . Reijers, Hajo A.; Jansen‐Vullers, Monique; zur Muehlen, Michael; Appl, Winfried: Workflow Management Systems + Swarm Intelligence = Dynamic Task Assignment for Emergency Management Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management, (Gustavo Alonso, Peter Dadam, Michael Rosemann, eds.), Brisbane, Australia, September 24th 2007, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2007. . Raduescu, C., Tan, H.‐M., Jayaganesh, M., Bandara, W., zur Muehlen, M., and Lippe, S. "A Framework of Issues in Large Process Modeling Projects," Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2006), AIS, Göteborg, Sweden, 2006. . zur Muehlen, Michael; Rosemann, Michael: Integrating Risks in Business Process Models. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2005), Manly, Sydney, Australia, November 30‐December 2, 2005. Winner of Best Paper Award. Columns / OpEd . zur Muehlen, M.: Research and Education in Business Process Management: Evidence‐based Research: What we know, what we don’t, and why we should find out. BP Trends June 2008. . zur Muehlen, M.: Research and Education in Business Process Management: A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing. BP Trends January 2008. . zur Muehlen, M.; Recker, J.: Asking the Wrong Questions: Process Discovery on a Rainy Day., July 3rd, 2007. . zur Muehlen, Michael: Research and Education in Business Proces Management: A Blast From the Past. BP Trends May 2007.


Curriculum Vitae – Michael zur Muehlen

Grants and Awards

Grants . SunGard Infinity ($25,900) for work on “Developing Business Analyst Skills”. Project Duration: June ‐ Dec 2007 . Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (AUD 388,117) for work on “Configurable and Executable Reference Models” with Michael Rosemann, Artur ter Hofstede, Marlon Dumas (Queensland University of Technology) and Wil van der Aalst (Technical University of Eindhoven). Project Duration 02/26/2006‐ongoing . Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (AUD 280,303) for work on “Modeling in the Large” with M. Rosemann, W. Sedara (Queensland University of Technology), P. Green (University of Queensland), G. Shanks (Melbourne University), W. Sadiq (SAP Research), Project Duration: Feb 2005 – June 2008 . SAP Research ($157,000) grant for work on “Advanced Monitoring and Controlling Services for Workflow Environments”, Project Duration: Sep 2003 – Aug 2007. . U.S. Army TACOM/ARDEC ($90,000) grant for work on "Distributed Task Allocation" Project Duration: Aug 2004 – Aug 2005 . U.S. Army TACOM/ARDEC ($47,000) grant for work on "Location‐based Work Allocation in Emergency Situations" Project Duration: 8/15/2003‐8/15/2004 . SAP University Alliance Curriculum Development Grant 2001 ($50,000) with Y. Antonucci and M. Shoemaker (Widener University) for the development of an international curriculum: “SAP‐ Based E‐Business Curriculum, Connecting the Student to the World by Bridging Departments, Universities, and Industry: Development of a Generic Business‐to‐Business Curriculum with ERP Software” . SAP University Alliance Curriculum Development Grant 2000 ($100,000) with Prof. Yvonne L. Antonucci, Widener University, Chester (PA), for the development of an international curriculum with the title “Teaching cross‐organizational business processes using SAP R/3 in an international collaboration” . Stevens Institute of Technology, Office of Sponsored Research, seed grant for the development of proposals in Business Process Management ($12,000). Duration: 06/01/2004‐08/31/2004 . Center for Technology Management Research ($ 10,000) Stevens Institute of Technology CTMR grant for the preparation and preliminary research on "Mobile Resource Allocation in Workflow Applications" Project Duration: 05/2003‐12/2003

Awards . 2008: Stevens Institute of Technology Harvey N. Davis Distinguished Teaching Award . 2008: Howe School of Technology Management: Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award . 2007: Best Workshop Paper at VORTE Workshop, November 2007 . 2006: Howe School of Technology Management: Publication Award . 2005: Best Paper Award at ACIS Conference, December 2005 . 2004: Named Life Fellow of the Workflow Management Coalition . 2004: Stevens Institute of Technology: Research Award . 2003: ISEB Conference: Best Paper Award . 2002: University of Muenster: Dissertation Award . 1997: Siemens Nixdorf: SAVE Award 3rd Prize for Master’s Thesis