E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2016 No. 113 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was become the United Kingdom’s next Memorial Hospital in Rhode Island to called to order by the President pro Prime Minister. law enforcement groups like the Fra- tempore (Mr. HATCH). Our allies, the British, have stood ternal Order of Police and antidrug f with us through the toughest of times groups like Voices of Hope in my own and remain a valued ally and partner. State of Kentucky. PRAYER This was true under Theresa May’s At a time when drug overdoses claim The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- predecessor as Conservative Party 129 American lives every single day, it fered the following prayer: leader and Prime Minister—that is is painfully clear we need to do more, Let us pray. David Cameron, to whom we also send and we need to do it now. That is why Living God, we bless Your Holy warm regards today—and it was true this Senate majority has provided Name. We praise You for the abun- under the preceding Labour govern- more than double the funding the pre- dance of Your love and for Your peace ments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown vious majority provided for opioid-re- that transcends understanding. Lord, as well. We have every expectation it lated issues. That is why this Senate even in the midst of the cacophonous, will be true under her leadership as majority has made passing this com- You permit us to hear Heaven’s har- well. prehensive response a priority. monies. From what I hear, May is tough, I particularly want to thank those Today, inspire our lawmakers to de- savvy, and she has promised to seek who made this moment possible, Sen- pend on Your grace. As they rely on unity and ‘‘a strong . . . positive vision ator PORTMAN, Senator AYOTTE, Sen- Your promises, empower them to obey for the future’’ of her country. ator GRASSLEY, and Senator ALEX- Your precepts, finding in Your wisdom So on behalf of the Senate, allow me ANDER. I also appreciate those on the a lamp for their feet and a light for to wish her the best in the days to Democratic side who worked very hard their path. Sustain them with Your come. on this bill, such as Senator WHITE- sweet presence when they walk on f HOUSE and Senator KLOBUCHAR. I know weary roads, and continue to bless they are all proud to support it today. LEGISLATION BEFORE THE them with the constancy of Your love. We can also pass the bipartisan, bi- SENATE Send Your Spirit to bring quiet and se- cameral aviation bill, which is an im- renity into their souls. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, portant step to ensuring safety and se- We pray in Your marvelous Name. today the Republican-led Senate will curity for American travelers. Recent Amen. have two opportunities to make a dif- terror attacks, such as those at air- f ference for the American people by ports in Brussels and in Istanbul, un- passing the Comprehensive Addiction derline the significance of this bill, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and Recovery Act conference report which represents the most significant The President pro tempore led the and the bipartisan, bicameral aviation airport security reform in a decade. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: agreement. Both bills are the result of By shoring up security for inter- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the months of hard work from colleagues national flights coming into the United United States of America, and to the Repub- on both sides. With continued coopera- States, by enhancing vetting for avia- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tion, we can move these measures tion employees, and by improving secu- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. across the finish line now. rity in prescreening zones that are f The CARA conference report is a often vulnerable, the airport security comprehensive legislative response to bill before us will take more steps to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY the prescription opioid and heroin epi- protect airline passengers. LEADER demic which is devastating our Nation. The bill will also take steps to keep The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. By increasing prevention, treatment, Americans safe from active shooter PAUL). The majority leader is recog- recovery, and law enforcement tools, threats by authorizing more so-called nized. CARA can help prevent more people VIPR teams. It will also make sure air- f from struggling with addiction to begin ports are better equipped to respond with and it can help foster long-term and disarm threats that come their UNITED KINGDOM’S NEXT PRIME healing for those already struggling way by bolstering resources and train- MINISTER with addiction. ing for security personnel. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, It is no wonder it has earned the In addition to these smart security today the Queen of England will ask backing of nearly 250 groups, from enhancements, the bill also includes a Theresa May to form a government and local hospitals like the Kent County number of key items to improve safety

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.000 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 in our skies, such as ensuring that un- The third takes unspent money that To quote the top Democrat on the manned aerial vehicles don’t interfere was set aside for health care in the ter- Committee on Appropriations, ‘‘Mos- with emergency response and improv- ritories but cannot be used and actu- quitoes don’t care about the budget ing mental health screening for pilots. ally uses those funds for—get this— process.’’ She is right. It includes a number of consumer pro- health care in the territories. The time for games is over. This is tection provisions, too, such as refunds Democrats pretend the compromise our chance to pass anti-Zika funding, for lost or delayed baggage and im- conference report would weaken clean and there is only one way to do it. Vote provements to travel for disabled pas- water protections. Actually, it tempo- yes on the compromise Zika control sengers and parents with small chil- rarily—just temporarily—waives a du- and veterans conference report before dren. plicative paperwork provision that us and send it on down to the Presi- I especially thank Senator THUNE for Democrats themselves call ‘‘unneces- dent. guiding this critical bill through the sary for the protection of our environ- f legislative process and for his work to ment’’ and a ‘‘waste of taxpayer dol- include even more security provisions lars.’’ This temporary provision would RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY to keep Americans safe. only apply to pesticides already ap- LEADER Every Senator should support this proved—already approved—by the EPA, and it represents the only real way to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill today so we can send it to the Democratic leader is recognized. President’s desk immediately. With co- commence with the kind of anti-mos- operation now, we can finish our work quito efforts we need—efforts the EPA f Administrator herself assures us are on these critical bills. With continued LEGISLATION BEFORE THE SEN- cooperation in the coming days, we not only safe but ‘‘perhaps the most important tool we can use right now’’— ATE AND JUDICIAL NOMINA- will be able to finish our work on other TIONS important legislation as well. as the vaccine takes a period of time to For instance, yesterday we voted to develop. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Repub- Democrats also pretend the com- go to conference on the Energy Policy lican leader celebrates the opioid legis- promise conference report would pro- Modernization Act, which represents lation and the FAA bill, but both are hibit funding or deny access for birth the first broad energy legislation to missed opportunities. There is no fund- control. Actually, it provides more re- pass the Senate since the Bush admin- ing in the opioid bill. There were edi- sources for health care, including pre- istration. By updating and reforming torials all over the country yesterday ventive care, than the Zika bill Demo- our energy policies and infrastructure, about that. I read here on the Senate crats voted for just last month. This this bill can help Americans save more floor, it is in the RECORD, about The compromise bill directs those health energy, produce more energy, and pay New York Times saying it was really care dollars to the very places you less for energy. wrong to try to claim credit for doing would expect, such as hospitals, public This much needed legislation something on opioids when there is no health departments, community health wouldn’t have been possible without money to do it. centers, and Medicaid. The FAA bill—I will talk about that the resilient efforts of the Energy Com- Democrats are now upset because a mittee chair, Senator MURKOWSKI, and in a little more detail in a little bit— political supporter doesn’t get a special is another missed opportunity to do the ranking member, Senator CANT- carve-out, so they are demanding an WELL, to move it forward. I am pleased what is right to help, to help the Re- earmark for this partisan group as the publican leader keep his word. the Senate took the next step to ad- cost of ending their attack on women’s vance this bill, and I hope we can ar- CARA, the opioid legislation, has no health and their blockade of anti-Zika real funding to solve the real problem. rive at a final agreement in the near funding. Of course, Democrats would future. Over the last week, Democrats have like us all to ignore the fact that the exhausted every avenue to try and Unfortunately, there are areas where very same partisan campaign organiza- our colleagues have blocked critical work with Republicans on a Zika fund- tion would not have been able to access ing measure. Democrats had the audac- progress on issues such as Zika control these Medicaid funds in the President’s funding and support for our veterans. ity to expect the Republican leader to Zika request either. live up to his promise in April of bipar- Here was the headline in a newspaper So it is hard to decide which of these tisan work on Zika. This is what the this week: ‘‘Reid: Senate Dems will excuses is the most disingenuous. Republican leader said in April: block Zika funding again.’’ ‘‘[W]hich Maybe it is the false claim this bill means,’’ the article explained, ‘‘there cuts funding for veterans. It actually We all are very much aware that this is a will be no further avenues to pass a increases veterans funding to record serious crisis. We’ll be working with the ad- ministration, with Democrats. funding bill to combat Zika for the rest levels, by the way. Just as Democrats of the summer.’’ are pushing a partisan proposal to pro- But his actions, especially over the Democrats used to say Zika was an vide political cover on Zika, it actually last couple of weeks, clearly illustrate imminent threat. Now they are threat- would leave veterans funding behind. that he was never really interested in a ening to extend the of the So, look, I think we get this. Demo- bipartisan solution. For example, the funding we need to fight Zika and pro- crats have a partisan interest in block- President offered a meeting with Sen- tect women’s health. Why? It seems ing critical anti-Zika funding. That is ator MCCONNELL, Speaker RYAN, Sec- clear enough. They think dysfunction what is going on here, but Americans retary Burwell, and Director of OMB works well for them politically, so they are asking them to please just put poli- , to work on the Zika are trying to manufacture some re- tics aside for once and think of the na- crisis. The Speaker and the Republican gardless of who gets hurt in the proc- tional interest. Does anyone—anyone— leader refused that meeting. We offered ess. They have tried to muddy the issue seriously believe pregnant mothers to reintroduce the Senate’s bipartisan with extraneous arguments and half- care about manufactured squabbles Zika compromise from what we sent to truths, but they just don’t stand up to over offsets and earmarks and duplica- the House. We would do it again as a serious scrutiny. tive paperwork? They want Wash- freestanding bill. That bill had 89 Let us examine a few of the things ington to kill mosquitoes and they votes. Eighty-nine Senators voted for they have said about this compromise want them to do it now. They want to it. conference report. Our Democratic see a vaccine developed—and quickly. We have offered Republicans legiti- friends pretend it would underfund They want to see their unborn babies mate compromises in the hopes they Zika. Actually, it contains the exact protected from a devastating virus that would join us at the negotiating table, $1.1 billion funding they just voted for can have lifetime consequences. What but it is clear that they don’t want to last month. they do not want to see, what they are stay in DC. They want to rush to Cleve- Democrats pretend it contains par- not interested in observing, is one land and wave the flag for Donald tisan offsets. Actually, the offsets have more manufactured partisan excuse Trump. That is why they are imposing bipartisan buy-in. Two of the three off- from our colleagues over here on the imaginary deadlines on Zika legisla- sets have explicit bipartisan support. other side. tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.002 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5021 reported can’t see the writing on the wall, we been turned into a partisan Republican yesterday that ‘‘Senate Majority Lead- can’t make them read the writing on opposition research operation. The Re- er MITCH MCCONNELL today rejected the wall. It is up to them to open their publican Judiciary Committee now has that offer, saying the time for such ne- eyes and read the writing on the wall. a singular focus: winning the White gotiations had passed’’—talking about Look at the time we have to do some- House for . our offer, our latest offer. The Repub- thing on Zika. Look at the time—July The Judiciary chairman has wasted lican leader is saying there is no time 15, August. See all these big black millions of taxpayer dollars trying to to work on Zika. Well, I would suggest lines? We are not here. We come back embarrass during her that I disagree with that. on September 6. July is gone, August is stalwart term as Secretary of State of Starting this Friday—right here, gone, and part of September is gone. this great country. They failed, of July 15—we are going to begin the We have a lot of time to be here and do course. Senator GRASSLEY wrote count- longest recess in the Senate in 60 some work. less letters demanding State Depart- years. Sixty years ago, there was not I say to my Republican colleagues, ment documents. He even once went much going on in this country, rel- sit down with us. We have offered com- after a woman who worked at the State atively speaking. We had far fewer peo- promise after compromise. To hear my Department and was having a baby. He ple, 100 million fewer people. We had a friend talk about, oh, I can’t under- wanted the records to make sure he less complicated government in many stand why they won’t accept pre- could document that. He scoured sen- ways, so there was an opportunity at venting Planned Parenthood from tak- sitive records belonging to Secretary that time to take the time off, but 60 ing care of these women—if there were Clinton’s aides. He was obsessed with years later, there is no time to do that. ever a time in the history of America digging up political dirt. He found To say there is no time to work on where women wanted to do something none. But, like the Benghazi Com- Zika—give us all a break. There is about birth control, how about now? mittee in the House, Senator GRASSLEY plenty of time—7 weeks, to be exact. I My Republican friend says: I don’t has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars guess a couple months of paid vacation understand why they are concerned and produced zero. Now that the FBI is more important than protecting about Planned Parenthood not being has closed the book on Secretary Clin- pregnant women and their babies from able to take care of these women. I ton’s emails, Senator GRASSLEY is re- the terrible birth defects caused by don’t understand why they are con- sorting to questioning the integrity of Zika. There is no reason we can’t stay cerned about changing the environ- career FBI officials, calling their inves- here and work on protecting women mental laws dealing with the Clean tigation ‘‘suspect.’’ and their babies, but Republicans are Water Act. I don’t understand that. Senator GRASSLEY’s efforts to elect in such a hurry to coronate Trump in Their legislation takes $500 million Donald Trump don’t end with his par- Cleveland, they are willing to sacrifice from veterans that we were going to tisan attacks regarding Secretary Clin- helping their constituents. use to process claims. For him to come ton. The senior Senator from has The Republican leader announced and say we are increasing veterans obstructed qualified, consensus judicial yesterday that he will be speaking at money is just not true. Everyone nominees in the hopes that Trump will the Republican convention next week. I knows that the $543 million they have win in November and remake the judi- guess the Republican leader is rushing here is an offset from ObamaCare. I ciary in his image. Think about that. for the exit without funding Zika so he could raise a point of order right now, Unlike past Judiciary Committee will have time to prepare his speech and it would fall automatically. Every- chairs, Senator GRASSLEY is content to and polish it because I am sure it will one knows that. Taking money from put partisanship above a functioning really help Donald Trump a lot in his Ebola—there is not much left there. judiciary. election efforts. The Republican leader Ebola is still a crisis. We know that. The number of vacancies under Presi- cares more about his time off and We remember that from 2 years ago. dent Obama has skyrocketed. Repub- cheering Donald Trump than pro- But what is always so interesting is licans’ obstruction is putting them in tecting the women of America and why in the world, if they are so inter- the history books—but for the wrong their babies from this horrible virus. ested in doing something about this, reason. Last year, Senate Republicans Let’s be clear. It is obvious that Re- would they stick a provision in their made history by confirming the fewest publicans are choosing Trump and legislation that they reinstate the abil- judges in a long time. This year, they some time off over protecting Amer- ity to fly the Confederate flag over seem determined to shortchange the ican women from the Zika virus. This military cemeteries? How is that for a judiciary even further. We have a myr- is a really bad, revolting set of prior- compromise? iad of judicial emergencies around the ities, and every Republican in this So this calendar is going to stay country, meaning the judges can’t get building and the office buildings sur- here. Let’s look at it for a while and their work done. These courts have rounding this Capitol should be see what time we have left. The Repub- more cases than judges can handle, and ashamed. They shouldn’t fool them- lican Senate is being defined by its un- that has more than doubled. selves—every Republican in Congress finished business. It is not just Zika; Justice is being denied for millions of should know that if they walk away we could go on for quite some time. I Americans, but under Chairman without funding Zika, the repercus- will mention a couple things. GRASSLEY, the Judiciary Committee sions are going to be severe. How about giving serious consider- spends its time playing politics, not I can’t recall ever, having been ation to protecting Americans by fund- confirming judges. It seems the only around here a long time—even before I ing our military and our national secu- thing deserving the chairman’s atten- came to Congress, I worked here— rity, addressing gun violence, or pro- tion is electing Donald Trump, ensur- watching a party so willingly move to viding the necessary resources to at- ing he gets as many judicial appoint- its own destruction. That is what Re- tack our Nation’s opioid crisis. ments as possible. Nowhere is that publicans seem to be intent on doing. Through their historic inaction, Re- more apparent than with the current Maybe they don’t like being in the ma- publicans are refusing to treat the Fed- vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court jority. It is hard to be in the majority. eral judiciary with the respect it de- and GRASSLEY’s obstruction of the We are trying to save the Republicans serves and the Constitution demands. highly qualified Chief Judge Merrick from themselves, but they won’t let us. The senior Senator from Iowa has Garland. No one can find anything We have pursued every avenue possible turned the once proud and independent dealing with his education, his quali- to find a bipartisan Zika bill path for- Judiciary Committee—my friend—we fications, his judicial temperament, his ward that can pass both Houses and be have been together for 34 years in the integrity—he is top of the line, as was signed by the President. It shouldn’t be Congress of the United States—the sen- indicated some time ago by ORRIN hard. Women and babies across Amer- ior Senator from Illinois is a member HATCH. ica are counting on Republicans to of that committee. He loves his work President Obama nominated Garland come to their senses and pass a bill be- on that committee; he has told me nu- 100 days ago. He serves as the chief fore we leave here on a 2-month vaca- merous times. But that once proud and judge of the DC Circuit Court of Ap- tion, but if Republicans refuse, if they independent Judiciary Committee has peals. He was unanimously rated as

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.003 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 ‘‘well qualified’’ by the American Bar a.m. will be equally divided between I am pleased the CARA conference re- Association—the highest rating pos- the two leaders or their designees. port includes new grant programs to sible. By any measure, he is exactly The Senator from Illinois. expand access to naloxone—the life- the type of fairminded, consensus Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, pending saving anecdote—to promote treat- nominee the Senate should be consid- before the Senate is an important bill. ment alternatives instead of arrests for ering for the vacancy. But Judge Gar- It is a bill that relates to the opioid those suffering from addiction and to land can’t make his case to the Amer- epidemic in America—an epidemic create flexibility and treatment op- ican people because Senator GRASSLEY which is linked directly to the heroin tions for those who need medication- refuses to even hold a hearing on the epidemic in America and the sad re- assisted therapy or pregnant women nomination. Chairman GRASSLEY has ality of the deaths that are occasioned who need specialized care. come up with a myriad of excuses to by heroin overdoses. Having said all of these positive block the nomination, none of which The prescription opioid and heroin things about what we are to vote on, hold water. As epidemic claimed 28,647 American lives let me state the obvious. When only 12 said recently, ‘‘Grassley’s excuses are in 2014—1,652 in my State of Illinois. percent of the people in Illinois are purely political.’’ That is a 30-percent increase in just 4 able to receive care for their addiction, Iowans aren’t being fooled. They years. and there is a 12-week wait at facilities I have seen this devastation first- know that the chairman’s real goal is for vulnerable patients to get into drug hand. I have sat with parents who have holding the Supreme Court open for treatment, authorizing new programs, lost their kids. I have met with young Donald Trump to do with what he which this bill does, is good but not teenagers who were addicted. Thank wants. The Judiciary chairman has al- good enough. We need to make an in- goodness that some of them have been ready said Trump would ‘‘appoint the vestment. We need to put taxpayers’ able—with treatment, counseling, and right type of people’’—boy, I will tell dollars behind this commitment to end strength—to fight off that addiction. you, that must be a real stretch—‘‘the The reality is obvious. This narcotics this epidemic, and it is needed now. That is why Senator JEANNE SHA- right type of people’’ to the Supreme epidemic is not an inner city problem. HEEN of New Hampshire offered an Court. The senior Senator from Iowa It is an American problem. It is a prob- amendment during the Senate floor obviously places a high value on lem that not only touches the inner consideration of this bill. Her amend- Trump’s judgment, which has proven cities of America, but it also touches ment would have put $600 million into to be so good the last year. Senator every other community. There is no GRASSLEY is holding a Supreme Court town too small, no suburb too wealthy actually making the bill work, enforc- vacancy for a man who accused an In- to escape the opioid and heroin epi- ing it, investing in it. It failed. During the CARA conference meet- diana-born judge of being unable to do demic. his job because of his racial heritage. I have been across my State, from ings, Senator MURRAY and Congress- His parents came from . Appar- one end to the other, at roundtables man PALLONE offered amendments to ently he would like to see that brand of with law enforcement, with medical ensure that Congress would put some thinking brought to the Nation’s professionals, with those who do addic- money into the promise of this bill. courts. tion treatment and with those who They couldn’t get it passed in a con- It is time for Senator GRASSLEY to have lived through these addictions. I ference dominated by the Republican stop playing politics with his com- have seen firsthand what it has done to majority. Why? Why would these ef- mittee and give Judge Garland a fair communities and families and lives. We forts be blocked when the Republicans hearing. It is time for his committee to need a forceful response, and we are are joining us and saying this is a na- address the numerous lower court va- going to vote on one in about an hour. tional problem that deserves our im- cancies and damaging judicial emer- It is called the CARA bill. It is a bill mediate attention? Because Repub- gencies throughout the country. The that moves us in the right direction licans have said they have already pro- American people deserve a functioning when it comes to dealing with this ad- posed to increase funding in appropria- judicial system led by the Judiciary diction. tion bills to take care of this. Yet Committee in the Senate. They have The conference report has many im- many Republicans are supporting a had enough with Republican excuses. portant elements to it, and that is why continuing resolution that freezes Iowans and the Nation are waiting. It I am going to support it. It includes my funding at this year’s level and pro- is time for Senator GRASSLEY and Sen- proposal to require reforms at the vides for no increase in opioid epidemic ate Republicans to do their job. FDA, or the Food and Drug Adminis- treatment. When they say they are Mr. President, I would ask the Chair tration, to ensure better oversight of going to put more money in and then to announce what the Senate is going dangerous and addictive opioid drugs call for a continuing resolution, they to do the rest of the day. before they are approved for sale in our know and we know that it is a sham. The Republicans are opposing an in- f country. My provisions will ensure the FDA convenes scientific advisory com- crease in funding for this bill by saying RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME mittees before approving new opioid they already proposed increased fund- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under drugs and that the Pediatric Advisory ing in another bill, but at the same the previous order, the leadership time Committee has a voice in the decision. time they are advocating a freeze, or is reserved. We require the FDA to consider the flat-funding a continuing resolution. f public health impacts before allowing They can’t have it both ways. more addictive products to come onto It is confusing, but those of us who COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND the market. We direct Federal health live in this world know what they are RECOVERY ACT OF 2016—CON- agencies to develop plans for con- up to. They want to take the credit for FERENCE REPORT tinuing medical education with doctors passing this bill and the promise of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under and other providers who prescribe funding it in the future into the elec- the previous order, the Senate will re- opioids. We require the FDA to encour- tion in November but not provide the sume consideration of the conference age drug companies to make abuse-de- money that is needed to make it work. report to accompany S. 524, which the terrent formulations of these dan- That is playing games with people’s clerk will report. gerous drugs. lives. America deserves better. The assistant bill clerk read as fol- The CARA conference report also in- Failing to provide the dollars today lows: cludes a proposal I have worked on to is not going to help those who are cur- Conference report to accompany S. 524, a improve State prescription drug moni- rently suffering. It is not going to help bill to authorize the Attorney General to toring programs. This legislation will that mother who was awake all last award grants to address the national make it easier for States to share in- night worrying about a son or a daugh- epidemics of prescription opioid abuse and formation about overprescribing and ter who is facing an addiction, praying heroin use. overusing opioids, it gives doctors they can get that child they love into The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under more information to better perform treatment in time to break that addic- the previous order, the time until 11 their prescribing practices. tion and save their lives.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.004 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5023 You know what else is missing from sically sending a very nice greeting to Health Services Administration, or this CARA conference report? Many of America that we recognize the problem SAMHSA, by $160 million before Demo- these measures in the bill deal with ad- but we are not paying to solve it. Peo- crats pushed to restore it. We didn’t diction after it has taken hold. We ple across America understand this epi- hear much of an outcry from the very have to do things to prevent addiction demic. It is time for us to take it seri- same people who are out there saying on the front end. The best way is to en- ously, not for political posturing. they are doing things on opioids. sure people don’t get addicted in the I yield the floor. On the other side of the Capitol, the first place. I have introduced the Ad- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tea party Republicans have gone even diction Prevention and Responsible ator from New York. further. In 2012, they proposed cutting Opioid Practices Act, or the A-PROP Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, first, SAMHSA by $283 million. The latest Act. It is going to help shut off the let me thank my colleague from Illi- PAUL RYAN budgets—the holy grail of spigot for fueling this crisis. nois for his remarks on the funding Republican fiscal austerity—took a Here is something most people don’t issue. I couldn’t agree more. meat cleaver to this agency. He pro- understand or realize. The Drug En- There is no question that this body posed cutting an estimated $400 million forcement Administration sounds like should be working to help curb opioid from SAMHSA in 2013 and 2014. the kind of law enforcement agency abuse in this country, to improve men- The Republican record on actually that polices America to reduce the tal health services, to improve the way funding these programs is, frankly, likelihood that narcotics are going to we treat addiction and speed up recov- abysmal. When you hear treatment be found in our homes, in our neighbor- ery. Everyone in this Chamber knows centers and when you hear law enforce- hoods, in our communities, and in our it. But the bill before us, the Com- ment say that we don’t have the re- States. It also has another responsi- prehensive Addiction and Recovery sources to do what we need to do to go bility. Each year pharma, the major Act, is woefully insufficient for dealing after the opioid crisis, ask yourself pharmaceutical companies, comes to with the opioid and heroin crisis. It why, because our colleagues on the this agency and asks for the approval makes a whole lot of changes, but it other side of the aisle have fought in- to make even more narcotics. These doesn’t support a single one with new creases in funding. are prescription narcotics like opioids. resources. You can’t have an additional coun- The DEA has to sign off on this in- It would authorize block grants to selor. I have held parents in my arms crease in production each year. States to treat people who are hooked who said: My son or daughter didn’t If we are going to take a look at the on these dangerously addictive pre- make it as they were waiting in line seriousness of this opioid problem and scription painkillers, but it doesn’t for treatment. There were not enough its growth in America, take a look at provide any actual money to give. It counselors, not enough slots. I have the growth of production in America would authorize programs to help law talked to law enforcement officials that has been approved by this Federal enforcement crack down on this who say they want to do much more, agency. Between 1993 and 2015, the scourge, but it doesn’t provide a single but their hands are tied because they Drug Enforcement Administration-ap- plugged nickel to our cops. don’t have enough cops, enough intel- proved quotas for oxycodone increased Without actual appropriations, this ligence, enough follow-through on almost 40 times. In 1993, they were pro- bill is like a Hollywood movie set— going after these evil drug dealers who ducing about 31⁄2 tons of these opioid something that appears real on the sur- are just despicable. pills. Now they are producing 150 tons face but has no substance and no life We want to say to our colleagues on of these opioid pills. behind its facade. Let me say that the other side of the aisle that what The DEA has approved pharma to again. Without actual appropriations, they probably would have done to us is produce enough opioid narcotic pills to this bill is like a Hollywood movie to block this bill so we should have no provide—listen closely—every adult in set—something that appears real on accomplishments. That is what hap- America a 1-month prescription each the surface but has no substance and pened in 2013 and 2014. We are not going year to opioid narcotics—every adult no life behind its false facade. to do that. This has a few good things, in America. That goes way beyond any I want to clear one thing up. I have but it is not close to enough. medical need. It is pharma’s effort to heard many of my Republican col- The way the appropriations process make more money and to feed the leagues say that we should pass this has proceeded this session, I see no rea- beast of this opioid epidemic, and DEA bill, and we can just fill in the money son to believe how any of this is going each year gives the seal of approval. later. Forgive me for being skeptical to change. So far the majority has been That is wrong. that they will actually follow through utterly unable to pass bills that con- Once these pills are produced, it on that promise, because my friends on tain increases in funding. Why? Why takes a doctor or a dentist or some the other side of the aisle have been wouldn’t good people here who say other authorized medical professional fighting for years to cut, not increase, they want to fight opioids and come to prescribe them. How they are mak- the exact same programs they are now home and talk about it do it? I will tell ing it through that process onto the touting in this bill—what a sham. you why. Because the hard right has a streets and into the homes of America With the rise of the tea party, the stranglehold. They say no increase in is the next question beyond this DEA hard-right conservative factions in the funding for anything, except maybe De- approval of pharma’s overproduction. House and Senate brought devastating fense, and even a lot of the hard right We need continuing medical edu- proposed cuts to the health programs people don’t want that. Everyone goes cation to be mandated. Incidentally, that combat the opioid problem, and along. They are afraid of the Koch DEA approves doctors to give them the my colleagues here who are not mem- brothers, who want to cut, cut, cut. authority and power to prescribe nar- bers of the tea party went along. Now They are afraid of the Heritage Foun- cotics. They can monitor this, as well, that there is an opioid crisis, now that dation that wants to cut, cut, cut, and and see where the abuse is taking some are worried about reelection, oh, so they give speeches and even pass a place. We need an all-hands-on-deck they are out there. Where were they bill that makes some small improve- approach to this epidemic. Each stake- last year and the year before? Where ments, but they don’t get the funding. holder needs to play a role. are they going to be this year in terms It is not that they are malicious, but I am going to vote for this CARA of actually getting some funding? they don’t have the courage and conference report. On its face, it is Last year, Republicans proposed bil- strength to stand up and do what is hard to vote against, but I want to do lions of dollars in cuts to the Labor- needed, and then they are hypocritical it with the knowledge of having said in HHS appropriations bill—the main when they go back and say they are this statement on the floor that it isn’t funding source for substance abuse leading the fight to go after opioid ad- enough. Unless we pass Senator JEANNE treatment. Without the bipartisan diction. That is the problem here. After SHAHEEN’s amendment, unless we fol- budget agreement, this would have cut years of opposing funding for mental low up on Senator ’s $9 billion. In fact, the Senate Appro- health and substance abuse programs, amendment in conference and fund this priations Committee proposed cutting no one should believe that Republicans effort to stop this epidemic, we are ba- the Substance Abuse and Mental are going to honor their promises

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.005 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 about CARA—yeah, down the road we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without done with prescription drug moni- will find some funding—until we see it. objection, it is so ordered. toring. I would have liked to have done Shortly the Senate will pass this bill. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I it in this bill, but now we need to move As soon as that happens, Republican come to the floor today to speak in on and get something done. Senators are going to run home to tout support of the Comprehensive Addic- Today, I will be introducing a bill its passage as if they have single- tion and Recovery Act. This bill rep- with Senator KING and Senator handedly solved the opioid crisis in resents an important step in tackling MANCHIN to actually do something this country, but that will not be true. the growing crisis of prescription drug about prescription drug monitoring, They will not mention that the bill has and heroin addiction in this country. I and that is requiring individual States no funding and doesn’t have the teeth thank my colleagues, especially the to put in place prescription drug moni- it needs; they will not tell people that original sponsors of this bill. Senator toring programs and actually submit it doesn’t include a dime for a new WHITEHOUSE, Senator PORTMAN, Sen- the data. I have learned—having treatment bed, a dollar for a drug ator AYOTTE, and I have worked to- Hazelden in my State—that some counselor’s salary, or the needed in- gether on this legislation for a number States have a program, but it just creases in money for law enforcement. of years. means doctors have to sign up. It What it says is this: that colleagues on Drug overdoses from opioids now doesn’t actually mean that they actu- the other side of the aisle are more in- claim more lives than car accidents ally record information or that they terested in showing voters they are every year. That is a pretty shocking share it with other doctors. It doesn’t doing something about opioids than ac- statistic that I don’t think most Amer- even mean they share it between tually doing something because they icans would expect. The crisis is rip- States. Our bill would require States are constricted by a small, narrow, but ping apart families from all different that receive Federal funding to combat powerful group of special interests in backgrounds, and with deaths increas- opioid abuse to ensure that their pre- their party that say you can’t vote for ing nearly sixfold since the year 2000, it scription drug monitoring complies any increases in funding for anything, is a crisis on the rise. This deadly trend with certain standards so that we can and it is a shame. This is an issue ripe struck at the heart of Minnesota. Last crack down on this addiction before it for bipartisan compromise. It is an year alone, 336 Minnesotans died after starts. It would require prescribers to issue in which we can and must make overdosing on opioids. consult with the PDMPs before they real progress, but as it stands, this bill Since I started working on this bill, I hand out prescriptions, require dis- doesn’t get the job done. have heard from people in communities pensers to report back within 24 hours Every day 2,500 teenagers in America across my State. In Montevideo, 12- of distribution, and would provide for abuse prescription drugs for the first year-olds were courted by pushers who the proactive notification of health time. These are our kids, our neigh- said: Hey, kids. If you go in and check care professionals when patterns indic- bors, and our friends. We all know fam- your parents’ medicine cabinets—I’ll ative of opioid abuse are detected. For ilies that have had the anguish—and give you a list—and bring us their pre- people who travel across State lines, it the joy that some have had as their scription drugs, we will give you a can would also require States to share in- sons and daughters have recovered. But of beer. That happened in Montevideo, formation. everyone who knows people who have MN. Here is an example: There was a pa- been fighting addiction—whether it is Shelly Elkington shared her tragic tient at Hazelden Betty Ford who had alcohol or prescription drug abuse or story. Her daughter, Casey Jo, was a 108 prescriptions for painkillers filled some other substance—knows that champion swimmer and hoped to study by more than 85 different prescribers. every day is a struggle and a fight. You nursing like her mom, but in 2008 she Think about that: 85 different medical are never sure that they will not go was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, professionals had prescribed these back. And then there are those who and that is when she started taking drugs. have lost kids. Sometimes their kids opioids for pain relief. As we know, I met a rehab guy up in Moorhead are just out on the streets, and their four out of five heroin users started out who had a patient with a similar story, family doesn’t know where they are, by misusing prescription pain killers, who had filled prescriptions from doc- and some of them, of course, are gone. and in the end the very pills that were tors in North Dakota, South Dakota, It is nothing we should be playing supposed to ease Casey Jo’s pain didn’t Minnesota, and Wisconsin. That is games with, and a small group of hard- work. She became addicted and eventu- what is going on. If we don’t require right ideologues shouldn’t be blocking ally turned to heroin and other drugs, States to share information with other change in America. We don’t need a and basically this addiction hijacked States, it is as if we don’t really have bill designed for campaign rhetoric. We her life. She is no longer with us. a prescription drug program to begin need resources. This is the story for far too many I strongly urge my Republican col- with. people. In one 7,000-person town in Min- leagues to schedule a vote on legisla- CARA is an important bill, but there nesota, 3 young people died of opioid tion that provides robust funding to are two things that we need to change overdoses in just 6 months in 2013. address the opioid and heroin epidemic in order to improve the work we are Our final bill includes a number of as soon as possible. Until we pass the doing in Congress. No. 1 is the money proven strategies to help States and increase in resources for law enforce- for treatment that I know Senator local communities in the fight against ment and treatment, both of which are SCHUMER just addressed, which is in addiction, and one of the most impor- so necessary, we cannot say that Con- Senator SHAHEEN’s bill, which would tant provisions in it for me is looking gress has done what is necessary to appropriate emergency funding and, at solutions for unused prescription solve and fight the opioid crisis. second, not just say we are doing some- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- drugs. Senator CORNYN and I passed a thing about prescription drug moni- sent that any time spent in quorum bill back in 2010 and finally got the toring but actually do something about calls prior to 11 a.m. be equally di- rules out after advocating for them prescription drug monitoring, and that vided. from the DEA, I believe for 4 years, and is why I am introducing this bill today. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- we are finally starting to see some There is a lot of work ahead, but I TON). Without objection, it is so or- pharmacies, such as Walgreens, volun- want to conclude my remarks by ac- dered. tarily taking back unused prescription knowledging the major step we are Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I sug- drugs. This bill helps to build on that taking by passing the Comprehensive gest the absence of a quorum. work. Addiction and Recovery Act and send- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The CARA also increases the availability ing it to the President’s desk to be clerk will call the roll. of naloxone, which we know can be signed into law. The senior assistant legislative clerk used in overdoses, and, of course, one of I thank my colleagues for their sup- proceeded to call the roll. the most important things in this bill port. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I is a start at prescription drug moni- I yield the floor. ask unanimous consent that the order toring. I emphasize that it is a start The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for the quorum call be rescinded. because I think a lot more needs to be ator from Alabama.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.007 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5025 TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP administration estimate that this ally been negotiated’’—she is explain- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I con- agreement—their own estimate is it ing why she now opposes it when she tinue to be concerned by the deter- will slow the growth of manufacturing supported it previously. She said: ‘‘I mination of a number of people to in the United States and cost us 120,000 waited until it had actually been nego- move through the Senate the Trans- manufacturing jobs over the next 15 tiated because I did want to give the Pacific Partnership trade deal, the years. But other studies show the benefit of the doubt to the (Obama) ad- 5,554-page document, which the Amer- United States could lose much more. A ministration. Once I saw the outcome, ican people have clearly rejected and Tufts University study said we could I opposed it.’’ do not favor, even though powerful lose 400,000 jobs. That is their analysis Well, that was not a very satisfac- forces continue to push for it. It has of it. tory answer to me at the time. I was been reported that both Presidential Secretary Clinton’s adviser, Kurt very uneasy about that conversion to candidates oppose it; however, it does Campbell, and other expansive trade opposition, and now we have her top appear that Secretary Clinton’s opposi- advocates always believe in these free- adviser to Asia saying something en- tion is in doubt, and there was a trou- trade agreements no matter what is in tirely different. bling report yesterday. them. They seem to remain oblivious This is what the Australian news- Her top Asia policy adviser, who to the impacts that such a massive paper said about him and this agree- served as her Assistant Secretary of trade deal will have on the already- ment. He says that—he did acknowl- State for East Asia, Kurt Campbell, struggling economy and middle Amer- edge globalization has sometimes been told an Australian news outlet that ica. Mr. Campbell’s statements are fur- disruptive to politics, disruptive in Clinton’s opposition to TPP is not real. ther confirmation that the Obama ad- countries like the United States. He is He said: ‘‘Every trade agreement goes ministration and Hillary Clinton have talking about disruptive for jobs and through the deepest, darkest tunnel be- not given up on this deal. Indeed, workers in the United States. I think fore it is ultimately passed.’’ Her top President Obama continues to push for he is certainly correct about that. adviser is saying to our Australian al- it openly and without apology. They How did PolitiFact analyze Mrs. lies that it is going to pass, and that is fully intend to do everything they can Clinton’s statements? Here are some of contrary to what she has been telling to sneak the TPP through Congress, the things they reported in their anal- the American people. In fact, I think it with perhaps some cosmetic changes to ysis. ‘‘Once I saw what the outcome is fair to say that the worst-kept secret say they have fixed the problem, after was, I opposed it.’’ in Washington is that Hillary Clinton, the election—most likely during the That is a pretty clear statement, it if elected, intends—in some way and lameduck session of the House or the appears. some fashion—to see that the TPP be- Senate—when many Members are no Speaking in Australia in 2012, how- comes law. She made 45 different state- longer accountable to the American ever, she hailed the deal as ‘‘setting ments during her time before this law- people, or it could be even in the next the gold standard.’’ less agreement was being negotiated— Congress. She said: ‘‘This TPP sets the gold up to the very end of Congressional de- While talking with the newspaper standard in trade agreements to open, bate over fast track—that she sup- The Australian, the former Assistant free, transparent, fair trade, the kind ported it. This statement by her top Secretary of State, Mr. Campbell, also of environment that has the rule of law adviser is not only shocking but really found time to denigrate and talk bad and a level playing field.’’ confirms the fears that so many people about the presumptive nominee of one It seems to me to be a total commit- have had—that her opposition to the of our national parties, Donald Trump. ment to supporting the trade deal. TPP on the campaign trail is a result The Australian reported that the Remember, as Secretary of State, she of the pressure of the voters and is not former Australian Foreign Minister is the chief diplomatic official for the a real conversion. has written that Mr. Campbell ‘‘will be United States. The Trade Representa- After voicing her support for the Secretary of State if Mrs. Clinton be- tive does most of the negotiations, but 5,554-page agreement 45 times before comes the President at the end of the the Secretary of State is involved in running for President, and after refus- year.’’ Well, that is the first I have these negotiations. It involved the eco- ing to take a position on it when asked heard of that. We learned that maybe nomic relationship of the United about it for months during her cam- from Australia. States with 11 other Pacific nations. So paign, she has since made statements I believe this is another example of she knows what is going on in these ne- to the American people that she op- the kind of political duplicity that irri- gotiations and should be well aware of poses the agreement. Her senior policy tates, frustrates, and angers—legiti- them. If she wasn’t, she was not doing advisor is overseas touting the benefits mately—the American people. They her job. of TPP. Just as her email scandal prob- have their leader saying one thing, Hillary Clinton’s support for the TPP lem proves, Mrs. Clinton tends to say promising one thing during the elec- goes on as she said that it would create one thing to the American people but tion season, all the while they are ‘‘Better jobs with higher wages and another thing to her globalist friends. working to advance a different agenda safer working conditions, including for The TPP creates a 12-country Pacific entirely. women, migrant workers and others union, whereby each country gets a It is the same about fixing illegal im- too often in the past excluded from the single vote. This will allow the union migration. They always promise it dur- formal economy will help build Asia’s to legislate and change its own rules. It ing the campaign, but when we get in middle class and rebalance the global is described as a living agreement. the Senate and start actually voting on economy.’’ They can even change their own rules. the things that would be necessary to Well, I don’t have any doubt that if They can pass laws and regulations create a lawful system of immigration this trade agreement is like the other that make it very difficult—virtually that protects the national interests, it trade agreements—and I believe it is— impossible—for the American people to never seems to happen. it will definitely help Asian trade com- have control over it. It is going to be So it is pretty clear Hillary Clinton petitors of ours. The question is, who is very difficult to contain this union really supports the TPP. It was only an representing the American people? where each country gets one vote. The election-cycle diversion that caused That is whom our legal, moral, and po- United States gets one vote. The Sul- her to back off of it, and she refuses to litical responsibility is to—the Amer- tan of Brunei gets one vote. Vietnam rule out its passage entirely. The ican people. Is it going to be a better gets one vote. This makes no sense. We media should demand that she clarify transaction for them or not? They absolutely should not pass this massive her position. Why will she not rule out don’t think so, I don’t think so, and a agreement that erodes the economic passing it? Does her top adviser to growing number of economists are be- strength of America, giving our com- Asia, meeting with Asian nations that ginning to understand why these trade petitors the same votes on important would participate in this TPP—does he deals I have so often supported in the issues as we have. speak for her or not? past are not working effectively. Even the rosiest Trans-Pacific Part- As quoted by PolitiFact, Mrs. Clin- PolitiFact reported in October that nership projections cited by the Obama ton said: ‘‘I waited until it had actu- she also described this trade deal over

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.009 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 time as ‘‘exciting, innovative, ambi- not right. That is very damaging for recovering from this disease—it is a tious, groundbreaking, cutting-edge, America. Our trade deficit with South disease, and we must recognize it as a high-quality, and high-standard.’’ That Korea more than doubled. disease that can be treated if we com- is the way she has described it over the I would say to my colleagues some- mit the resources. years. body needs to be asking: What is hap- I thank Senator COATS for joining me PolitiFact concludes with this: pening to jobs in America? What is in authoring the Expanding Access to ‘‘Nonetheless, her comments at the happening to wages in America? The Prescription Drug Monitoring Pro- time were so positive and so definitive, situation is not good. Since 1999, wages grams Act, which is among the meas- it becomes disingenuous to argue, as in America have declined $4,186, ad- ures included in this bill. This provi- she’s doing now, that she didn’t en- justed for inflation. That is the way to sion would allow nurse practitioners dorse it before it was finalized.’’ calculate it properly. Median family and physician assistants to access So that is where we are. income is down over $4,000 since 1999. State prescription drug monitoring I will yield the floor if someone else Make no mistake, bad trade deals are a programs and view the patient’s pre- arrives. That is the main point I want- part of that. Another part of that is, scription opioid history to determine if ed to make. when you bring in more workers than a patient has a history of addiction. I would urge our colleagues to under- you have jobs for, you create a surplus Although nurse practitioners and stand what is happening. There has of labor and wages go down, if there are physician assistants write over 30 mil- been an analysis and a growing under- any free-market people left on Wall lion opioid prescriptions every year, in- standing within the developed nations Street, they understand that. cluding in 2013, few States allow them of the world that their middle-class So we have had a double whammy, in to consult and submit prescribing data working people are being hammered by addition to high regulations and stupid to these important State databases. Al- these trade agreements. Last year, it taxes that we impose on the economy. lowing them to access more informa- was reported that 55 percent of the peo- All of these things have created a situ- tion about a patient’s history enables ple in Germany supported the trans- ation in which we are not healthy eco- them to help address potential addic- atlantic trade agreement, and this is a nomically. Wages are declining. Mid- tion before it becomes a serious prob- follow-on to the TPP, all part of the dle-class Americans are hurting. They lem. fast-track authority Congress gave to have a right to ask: Who in Washington Critically, we must recognize the key the Trade Representative of the United is looking out for my interests? That is role nurse practitioners and physician States. I opposed it, but Congress voted the way I see it. assistants can play in curbing prescrip- to approve it. He is negotiating right This trade agreement—5,500-some- tion drug abuse and diversion. That is now with the Europeans on a match- odd pages—is bad. We do not need to why this provision allowing those ing-type treaty that will also be monu- pass it, and we absolutely do not need nurse practitioners and physician as- mental involving trade to go into another European Union-like sistants to access State prescription deal. trade agreement where the United drug monitoring programs is so impor- Last year, 55 percent of the people in States gets only one vote even though tant. Germany supported this agreement. A we have by far the dominant economy. I thank my colleague Senator BALD- recent poll in Germany showed now What do all of these countries want WIN for her tireless effort in advancing only 17 percent support it. first and foremost? It is understand- the Jason Simcakoski Memorial Opioid In recent weeks, clear messages have able. It is not evil. They want to sell in Safety Act to address overprescribing also been sent by the people of the our market. They want to bring home and accountability at the VA. Her lead- United Kingdom, our British allies; American dollars. That is their goal. ership on behalf of Jason’s family and they don’t like being placed in these When we enter into a trade agree- their courage and strength, particu- large international trade organizations ment with somebody who wants to sell larly his mother Linda, widow Heather, where the UK only gets one vote. If here, we should make sure that we do and daughter Anaya, were impressive they get that in the European Union, I it in a way that protects American and instrumental in incorporating this don’t know if they have a single vote— workers and makes sure that our trad- measure. and they don’t believe it has been ing partners open their markets to us The provisions from Senator BALD- working in their interests. That was a so that we can export as much to them WIN’s legislation that have been in- factor in them voting to withdraw from as we allow them to import to us. cluded in CARA will require the VA to the EU, even though the EU is pushing Mr. President, I thank the Chair, and expand the use of opioid safety initia- this trade deal—the TTIP—exceedingly I yield the floor. tives within all VA facilities—a pro- hard. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- foundly important step because it will What has been the impact on our ator from . enable the VA to better facilitate use trade deals in the past? In 2011, I sup- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. I thank my col- of State prescription drug monitoring ported the South Korea trade deal. It leagues for the vote we will take in a programs and ensure that all VA facili- was an important deal, one of our big- very short time on the Comprehensive ties provide naloxone to at-risk vet- gest trade agreements, and they are al- Addiction and Recovery Act known as erans without a copay. That is a pro- lies. I believe in the South Koreans. CARA. This legislation holds great foundly significant step. They are good people. So we voted for promise to help families and commu- I hope monitoring and tracking pro- it. Congress passed it. President Obama nities combat the opioid epidemic that grams will be further improved so that advocated for it and signed it. At the has truly been ravaging our Nation. State boundaries can be more easily time, he declared that our exports to The epidemic is a public health cri- overcome in terms of information flow, South Korea would increase $10 billion sis, causing death and destruction to and the effectiveness can include not a year and that would help create man- families and communities, and this leg- only the VA but our civilian programs. ufacturing jobs in the United States; islation is barely a symbolic step. The Additionally, improvements to the that it would be a win-win: Korea rhetoric on the floor today and VA Patient Advocacy Program will would import more to us, but we would throughout our consideration of this truly help the VA better serve our vet- export more to Korea too, the trade bill, unfortunately, is unmatched by erans. deficit would not increase, and it would real dollars. Until we commit re- These provisions are also included in be a job creator in the United States. sources, our words will be a glass half the Veterans First Act. I am hopeful So Congress voted for it—a big vote for empty, and we must fill that glass with that this body will move forward on it. the resources necessary to truly make the Veterans First Act. Well, what has happened since 2011? a difference, as I have seen from the I appreciate the bipartisan work of Last year, our exports to Korea were roundtables I have held around the my colleagues in addressing the opioid not $10 billion, not $1 billion but $30 State of Connecticut where law en- crisis. I am pleased to support this bill million. Their exports to us from South forcement, community activists, fami- but again emphasize that it is a short- Korea were $15 billion. So what hap- lies whose loved ones have suffered term solution. pened? The data, the projections were from addiction, and addicts themselves I yield the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jul 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.011 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5027 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- crash course or an extended, semester- lenting devotion to recovering Amer- ator from Utah. length course or a course lasting 51⁄2 ica’s founding principles and thereby Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask unani- years on Senate procedure, politics, putting the Congress back to work for mous consent to speak for up to 12 and policy, James Wallner is the man. the American people. minutes. This was some of the best advice I As James knows better than most, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without had ever received—to consult James placing principle over party and ele- objection, it is so ordered. Wallner on these and other issues. The vating the interests of the American TRIBUTE TO JAMES WALLNER instruction and guidance James pro- people over the interests of political Mr. LEE. Mr. President, Capitol Hill vided to me and my staff far exceeded elites is unlikely to win a popularity is a famously transient place. Every 2 expectations. James’s knowledge of the contest in Washington, but it will earn years, the membership of the House of Senate is encyclopedic. Working with you the respect of your colleagues and Representatives changes, the member- him is like having your own personal anyone happening to be watching. ship of the Senate changes, and in the Parliamentarian by your side, always Few on Capitol Hill respect James interim, the coming and going of con- ready and eager to give comprehensive more than two of his former bosses, gressional staffers is virtually con- answers to virtually every question Senator and Senator JEFF stant. But when you take a step back that might come up, even those dealing SESSIONS. This is what each of them and look through the wide lens of his- with the most arcane procedural me- had to say about James on the occa- tory, you can see certain pillars of per- chanics within the Senate. sion of his departure from the Senate. manence, certain exceptional individ- Most people in Washington operate Senator TOOMEY said: uals who stand out from and rise above on the premise that connections are James Wallner not only understands a the fleeting crowd. These are the insti- what you need to succeed in politics. wide range of policy issues, but he is a mas- ter of the congressional rules and procedures tutional giants of Congress, the men Some might even assume that they are needed to turn conservative philosophies and women whose extraordinary tal- all you need to succeed in politics. into action. He is an exceptionally smart ents and devotion to the Constitution James, although known and esteemed strategist and is willing to work hard to ad- have shaped the character and the by many, has flipped this conventional vance the ideas needed to restore an Amer- course of government and whose leg- wisdom on its head. For him, it is not ican government that is limited in scope, ef- acies continue to influence Congress who he knows but what he knows that ficient with taxpayers’ money, and account- long after the individuals behind them has made him an invaluable resource able to the voters. have gone. for so many Members in Congress and Senator SESSIONS said: For the past 51⁄2 years, I have had the so many staffers on both sides of the It has been an honor to work with James pleasure of working with and learning Capital over the years. in the Senate. I am proud to say that James from one such individual, a true master While his formidable intellect has set began his Senate career in my office as a Legislative Assistant and later became my of the Senate, James Wallner. him apart over the 10 years in the Sen- Legislative Director. In these roles, James Friday will be James’s last day as ex- ate, the qualities I always admired demonstrated a mastery of congressional ecutive director of the Senate steering most in James are his deep and abiding procedure and policy. He has supported not committee—although the optimist in love for this country, for its history, only me, but the entire party in developing me hopes that he will be back in the its people, and its institutions, and his and working to implement conservative, pro- Senate someday. Starting next week, uncompromising commitment to the growth policies that help place our nation on he will join the Heritage Foundation as self-evident truths upon which it was a more sustainable path. The Heritage Foun- the group vice president of research, founded and the truths built into our dation is fortunate to have hired a man of such skill and I am confident that he will where he will oversee all of the think governing document, the U.S. Con- serve them well. James is without a doubt tank’s research papers, projects, and stitution. one of the most talented and dedicated staff- initiatives. For this, James is emi- One of my favorite examples of this ers I have ever worked with or known in the nently qualified. James has been study- is exemplified by James’s annual tradi- Senate. ing politics in the classroom and in tion of reading, start to finish, the offi- For 10 years, James Wallner has been real life on Capitol Hill throughout his cial and complete notes from the Con- an exceptionally articulate, pas- entire adult life. In all his spare time, stitutional Convention of 1787. Of sionate, knowledgeable, and steadfast in between advising Senators and rais- course, for James, it is not enough to champion of the very things that make ing his two children, Graham and simply read and re-read this volumi- the Senate great and that make the Quinn, with his wife Kimberly, James nous text every year; he makes sure to Senate unique—especially open, robust has been busy becoming a scholar, do it between May 25 and September 17 debate and deliberation. The Senate is earning two master’s degrees and a so that he can read each day’s notes on better because of him. doctoral degree in politics, and an ac- the very day or the very anniversary of He will be missed. But with so many complished author, having published the very day on which they were origi- challenges looming over the horizon one book, with another forthcoming. nally recorded. and with so much work yet ahead of us Aside from what must be the best James brought the same passion and to be completed, something tells me time-management skills in the world, appreciation for our constitutional her- this will not be the last time the Sen- coupled with the fact that the man itage to his work as the executive di- ate hears from James Wallner. probably never sleeps, this is what you rector of the Senate steering com- Thank you, Mr. President. first notice about James: just how mittee, a position which he has held CLOTURE MOTION freakishly smart he is. since 2012. The purpose and mission of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- I will never forget the first time I the steering committee is to encourage LIVAN). Pursuant to rule XXII, the met James, which was back in 2011, not innovative thinking and bold action Chair lays before the Senate the pend- too long after I had been sworn in to within the Senate’s Republican con- ing cloture motion, which the clerk office as a Senator. As a brandnew Sen- ference. This is no easy task, of course. will state. ator with a brandnew staff, one of my In a town that is not exactly known for The senior assistant legislative clerk top priorities was to find someone who innovation or boldness, many may see read as follows: could help mentor and guide me and this as a mission impossible, but James CLOTURE MOTION my staff—someone outside of my staff. saw it as a moral imperative because We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- My staff included a lot of people who he understands that many of our gov- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the had never worked in Washington be- ernment’s and our country’s most ur- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby fore, so we needed someone on the out- gent problems today are caused by an move to bring to a close debate on the con- side of our staff to help teach us how unnatural timidity and sclerosis within ference report to accompany S. 524, a bill to authorize the Attorney General to award the Senate really works and how Con- the legislative branch. grants to address the national epidemics of gress really works. The job may be difficult, but James prescription opioid abuse and heroin use. I asked around for suggestions, and carried it out with an admirable com- Mitch McConnell, James M. Inhofe, Pat one name kept coming up: James bination of tenacity, patience, courage, Roberts, , Johnny Isak- Wallner. If you need someone to give a and grace, and always with an unre- son, Chuck Grassley, ,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.012 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 , , Kelly fore the Senate the House message to ed behind closed doors and passed Ayotte, John McCain, , accompany H.R. 636, which the clerk under threat of government shutdown, , Lamar Alexander, Rich- will report. completely outside of regular order. ard Burr, , Orrin G. Hatch. The legislative clerk read as follows: The truth is, America’s budget proc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Resolved, That the House agree to the ess is broken, and it is preventing Con- imous consent, the mandatory quorum amendment of the Senate to the text of the gress from tackling the pressing fiscal call has been waived. bill (H.R. 636) entitled ‘‘An Act to amend the challenges facing our country. The cur- The question is, Is it the sense of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to perma- rent budget process is designed only to Senate that debate on the conference nently extend increased expensing limita- spend and fails hard-working tax- report to accompany S. 524, a bill to tions, and for other purposes,’’ with House amendments to Senate amendments. payers. Each year, nearly $3 trillion is authorize the Attorney General to spent by Washington without any award grants to address the national The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- meaningful congressional review or epidemics of prescription opioid abuse ator from . consideration. What America really and heroin abuse, shall be brought to a MOTION TO CONCUR needs is a budget process built to save. close? Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I move to The last time Congress reformed the The yeas and nays are mandatory concur in the House amendments to under the rule. budget process was in 1974. Times have the Senate amendments to H.R. 636. changed, and the 40-year-old process The clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The legislative clerk called the roll. has only grown more dysfunctional and Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators the previous order, the time until 1:45 antiquated. Until 1998, Congress had are necessarily absent: the Senator p.m. will be equally divided between never failed to pass a budget, but in the the leaders or their designees. from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the last 15 years, Congress failed to pass a The Senator from Wyoming. Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), budget resolution more than half the Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, before I the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROB- time. Today, budgets from Congress give my speech, I ask unanimous con- ERTS), the Senator from South Dakota and the President are increasingly sent for Senator PORTMAN to have 1 (Mr. ROUNDS), the Senator from Ala- tossed aside, leaving the country with minute. bama (Mr. SESSIONS), the Senator from no long-term fiscal plan. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Alabama (Mr. SHELBY), the Senator Our appropriations process is broken. objection, it is so ordered. from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER), and the Spending bills are nearly always late, COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY BILL Senator from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER). creating crippling uncertainty for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I agencies, businesses, and the American any other Senators in the Chamber de- thank my colleague and, in less than a people. We have completed all appro- siring to vote? minute, I want to acknowledge some- priations bills on time in only 4 of the The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 90, thing historic that just happened on last 45 years. In 15 of those years, we nays 2, as follows: this floor—a 90-to-2 vote for the Com- did not pass one appropriations bill on [Rollcall Vote No. 126 Leg.] prehensive Addiction and Recovery time. Instead of well-considered fund- YEAS—90 Act. This is the Senate agreeing with ing decisions, the government operates Alexander Ernst Mikulski the House to do something important on short-term spending bills or con- Ayotte Feinstein Moran to address this epidemic of heroin and tinuing resolutions. We have had to use Baldwin Fischer Murkowski prescription drug abuse, and I con- 173 short-term spending bills since 1977, Barrasso Flake Murphy HELDON Bennet Franken Murray gratulate my colleague S and that is just 3 years after the Budg- Blumenthal Gardner Nelson WHITEHOUSE, my coauthor, and encour- et Act was passed. Blunt Gillibrand Paul age all my colleagues to now get this That is just the portion of the budget Booker Graham Perdue signed as soon as possible so we can get Boozman Grassley Peters Congress has control over. Today, a Boxer Hatch Portman it out to our communities to help. growing portion of our budget is de- Brown Heinrich Reed I thank the Chair. voted to entitlements and other auto- Burr Heitkamp Reid The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- matic spending. When Congress last re- Cantwell Heller Risch ator from Wyoming. Capito Hirono Rubio formed the budget process in 1974, this Cardin Hoeven Sanders REFORMING THE BUDGET PROCESS type of spending constituted only one- Carper Isakson Schatz Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I rise to dis- third of what was spent and two-thirds Casey Johnson Schumer cuss America’s broken budget process Cassidy Kaine Scott of the spending provided annually. Coats King Shaheen and the Senate Budget Committee’s This chart points that out: 1966, 33 Collins Kirk Stabenow continuing effort to provide solutions percent on automatic pilot, 67 percent, Coons Klobuchar Sullivan to place our Nation’s budget on a bet- annual review. Now, 70 percent auto- Corker Lankford Tester Cornyn Leahy Thune ter, sustainable path. matic spending, 30 percent under an- Cotton Manchin Tillis Last year, on May 5, the Senate nual review. And this is growing auto- Crapo Markey Toomey passed its first balanced 10-year budget matically. These don’t have guaranteed Cruz McCain Udall since 2001. This was a big deal. It was revenue sources. Whenever the revenue Daines McCaskill Warner Donnelly McConnell Warren thoroughly considered and amended to source doesn’t meet up with what we Durbin Menendez Whitehouse the tune of 71 rollcall votes, and 146 have already said would automatically Enzi Merkley Wyden amendments adopted overall, and it be paid, it cuts into this 30 percent NAYS—2 provided an enforceable plan to get the that we get for annual review—auto- Lee Sasse Nation’s exploding debt under control. matically—and reduces the amount we On May 22, just 17 days later, we en- NOT VOTING—8 get to actually make decisions on. acted legislation that violated the I have talked about what could hap- Cochran Rounds Vitter budget. Congress didn’t even abide by Inhofe Sessions Wicker pen if the interest rates go up—$19 tril- Roberts Shelby the budget for a whole month. This lion in debt. So $20 trillion at a 1-per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this trend has continued throughout the cent interest rate would cost us $200 vote, the yeas are 90, the nays are 2. 114th Congress. Since passing its fiscal billion a year. The norm, 5 percent, Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- year 2016 budget plan, Congress has would cost us 1,000 billion, or $1 tril- sen and sworn having voted in the af- been unable to achieve any reduction lion, and we only get to make deci- firmative, the motion is agreed to. in overspending called for in the bal- sions—this part of it—on $1,070 billion. anced budget. Instead, Congress en- f So how would we fund everything the acted legislation increasing spending government does on $70 billion? FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRA- by nearly $150 billion and reducing rev- This crisis is coming. In 2016, 70 per- TION REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF enue by $478 billion over the 10-year cent of Federal spending is provided 2016 window. Much of these violations were automatically, essentially on autopay The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under enacted as part of the end-of-the-year year after year without congressional the previous order, the Chair lays be- omnibus spending bill, which was draft- review or approval. In 15 years, this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.015 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5029 runaway spending and interest will Senate to make sure we get our work essary to allocate taxpayer dollars ef- consume all of the taxes and revenues done. fectively and efficiently. Third, budget points of order should the Federal Government collects Finally, Congress should get serious be meaningful. Today, they are rou- crowding out the functions we nor- about addressing America’s long-term mally associate with good government. tinely ignored or waived by Members of debt crisis, which today totals more What would those be? Some really this body. The Senate should tie the important ones would be national de- waiver vote threshold to the size of the than $19 trillion and is expected to fense and border security, maybe trans- budget violation. De minimis viola- grow over $29 trillion by 2026—and that portation, maybe education. tions—that would be under half a mil- is just based on this 70 percent on auto- This mandatory spending operates lion dollars, probably—should be auto- matic pilot. We need long-term, en- with no connection between funding matically waived, while large viola- forceable fiscal targets with guideposts decisions and program performance. tions should be subject to up to a two- along the way that ensure revenues Given that this spending often con- thirds vote threshold. It has to be a lit- and spending are moving in the right tinues in perpetuity, the least we can tle more difficult for us to violate what direction. do is ensure that it is spent effectively. we set out to do. Fiscal targets alone will not fix the Fourth, Congress needs to rethink I want to repeat that part. The man- Federal budget. Congress will need to datory spending operates with no con- the way it allocates Federal resources. enact substantial policy reforms if it nection between funding decisions and Our fragmented budget process makes wants to get our Nation’s debt under program performance. There are a it nearly impossible to know how much whole bunch of programs out here in of the government’s resources are de- control. Former Budget Chairmen Judd the 70 percent that we never have to voted to a particular policy goal. There Gregg and Kent Conrad—one Repub- look at because they are going to get is a different budget for the Budget lican, one Democrat—recommended es- their money anyway. Nobody lobbies Committee, a different one for the tablishing a bipartisan commission to us on it because they get their money, spending committees which are the ap- submit a legislative proposal that anyway. So we don’t have any program propriators, and a different one for the would achieve long-term revenue, performance. How many of those do we . I think it is intentional, spending, and debt targets. Congress suppose are not doing what they were so that we can’t follow what it is. Our would then be required to consider and originally intended to do? I am willing fragmented budget process makes it vote on the commission’s recommenda- to bet a lot of them. In fact, I have impossible to know how much of the tions without amendment. This is a looked at them and know it is a lot of government’s resources are devoted to creative, bipartisan approach to ad- them. a particular policy goal. We should es- dressing politically difficult decisions The good news is there are bipartisan tablish subcommittees within the that must be made to ensure this coun- steps Congress can take now to fix Budget Committee to review entire try’s future prosperity. America’s broken budget process. The portfolios of government spending and The Budget Committee has been Senate Budget Committee has held a tax policy to ensure the programs and working diligently on these reforms series of hearings and meetings to dis- funding are actually accomplishing and stands ready to offer bipartisan cuss bipartisan solutions that would, certain policy objectives. This would No. 1, improve the way Congress con- help identify both effective and ineffec- legislation should the Senate choose to siders budget legislation, No. 2, update tive programs, reducing waste, and fo- fix our broken budget process. The the antiquated accounting rules that cusing on results. time to act is now. We are currently would affect the information Congress We should also consider moving to a spending over $230 billion in interest on uses to make tax and spending deci- 2-year funding cycle. Funding uncer- our debt every year, even with histori- sions, and, No. 3, set the country’s fi- tainty creates wasteful spending, dis- cally low interest rates that I talked nances on a sustainable path by estab- rupts government operations and plan- about. The Congressional Budget Office lishing enforceable long-term fiscal ning, and reduces productive invest- tells us that every one percentage targets. ment and hiring in the private sector. point our interest rates rise will in- Congress can begin to regain control A biennial process would lock in 2 crease America’s overspending by $1.6 of the Nation’s finances by reforming years of spending in law, providing trillion over the next 10 years, or about the procedures it uses to consider budg- Federal agencies, businesses, and the $160 billion a year. That is a 1-percent et legislation. Based on conversations American people with certainty and rise in the interest rate—$230 billion— with Democratic and Republican mem- predictability. That is why this com- up another $160 billion, up another $160 bers of my committee, I am pursuing monsense solution has been supported billion. Interest on the debt will soon the following reforms with the under- by Presidents, legislators, and good- put America out of the business of pro- standing that they will receive bipar- governance think tanks from both par- tecting its citizens from foreign tisan support: ties for decades. threats, educating our youth, and First, the Senate’s rules governing Once the Senate passes legislation to building national infrastructure like consideration of budget resolutions are improve our internal budget proce- highways and roads. overly burdensome and discourage pas- dures, we should move on to the more sage of this important planning docu- fundamental problems of the current These bipartisan reforms wouldn’t ment. We can fix this by reforming budget process; that is, the antiquated solve all of our budget problems, but what we call the vote-arama, the dis- accounting rules and our growing debt they are a promising first step toward graceful ritual that has turned into a burden. The private sector applies mod- unsticking the budget gridlock that string of meaningless gotcha votes. ern advances in economics, accounting, has gripped Washington in recent The Senate should bring order to this and finance to accurately reflect a years. This would begin to put our Na- chaotic process by establishing filing business’s financial condition and the tion on not just another path but a bet- deadlines and limits on the number of potential impact of new policies, but ter path. amendments that can be offered. the Federal Government’s budget rules Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Second, the Senate should be re- haven’t undergone comprehensive re- sent that the following article, which quired to devote floor time to consider- views since 1967. That was 50 years ago. appears in the Washington Times ation of annual appropriations meas- This issue may seem dry and boring, today, be printed in the RECORD: ‘‘Gov- ures—the annual spending measures. In but as an accountant, I can tell you ernment not close to paying for prom- Wyoming, the State legislature encour- that it is extremely important and ex- ises, CBO says.’’ The subtitle is ‘‘Tax ages full consideration of their spend- citing. Antiquated accounting tech- increases, cuts needed to return to nor- ing bills by holding a budget session— niques mislead Congress and the pub- that is, a session of the regular legisla- lic, and they misstate the true cost of mal debt load,’’ by Stephen Dinan. ture—and it requires a two-thirds vote government activities. Updating these There being no objection, the mate- to consider any nonbudget legislation. budget rules will provide Congress with rial was ordered to be printed in the We should have similar rules in the the honest, accurate information nec- RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.018 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 [From the Washington Times, July 13, 2016] Social Security, which eats up 4.9 percent Also, Mr. Enzi says the Senate should GOVERNMENT NOT CLOSE TO PAYING FOR of GDP today, will average 6.3 percent in 25 focus on the regular appropriations bills PROMISES, CBO SAYS: TAX INCREASES, CUTS years. Medicare, which stands at 3.8 percent from the moment the budget resolution is NEEDED TO RETURN TO NORMAL DEBT LOAD today, will balloon to 6.6 percent surpassing adopted until Congress breaks for its August (By Stephen Dinan) Social Security to become the biggest enti- recess. tlement program. Any attempt to consider a non-appropria- The economy simply cannot grow fast Meanwhile discretionary spending—the tions measure during that period would re- enough to cover the federal government’s nuts and bolts government operations such quire a two-thirds vote in the Senate. generous promises to Americans, the Con- as education, defense and homeland secu- Mr. Enzi also wants a new budget commis- gressional Budget Office said Tuesday, lay- rity—will drop to just 5.2 percent of GDP. sion to update government accounting prac- ing out grim options of massive tax increases tices. or withering cuts to spending that loom Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, there is an- other article that the Washington For instance, the commission could ex- ahead. plore whether ‘‘dynamic scoring,’’ in which After a few years of post-recession relief, Times did called ‘‘Budget chairman to the economic impact of federal policies is deficits are roaring back, the CBO said, propose bipartisan overhaul of congres- taken into account by congressional score- sounding a call to action for a Congress and sional budget process.’’ It has bipar- keepers, should be used to enforce budget White House that have instead been arguing tisan quotes from members of the com- agreements. over how much to increase spending. mittee. I ask unanimous consent that Committee aides expect Democrats to sup- But with health care costs rising, and an it be printed in the RECORD. port rules that would limit the number of aging population already promised very gen- floor amendments allowed to budgets, erous Social Security and Medicare benefits, There being no objection, the mate- rial was ordered to be printed in the though other aspects of the plan might be a the government cannot come close to paying tougher sell, for instance Democrats have for its current promises, the CBO said. RECORD, as follows: balked at Republican demands to use dy- ‘‘Revenues are projected to increase, but [From the Washington Times, July 12, 2016] namic scoring to count the economic ripple much more slowly than spending, leading to BUDGET CHAIRMAN TO PROPOSE BIPARTISAN effect of tax cuts. larger budget deficits and rising debt,’’ the OVERHAUL OF CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET Sen. , Maine independent who analysts said in their long-term budget out- PROCESS caucuses with Democrats, said he’s already look. (By Tom Howell, Jr.) on board with Mr. Enzi’s plan to budget for The picture is substantially worse than two years instead of just one. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike just a year ago, when the CBO said debt held ‘‘It gives you more time for oversight, and Enzi on Wednesday will propose the first bi- by the public would reach 107 percent of it’s ridiculous to do a one-year budget on an partisan overhaul of Congress’ budget proc- gross domestic product by 2040. Now, the enterprise this big,’’ he said. CBO says, that figure will be 122 percent—a ess in four decades, saying lawmakers should 15-point turn for the worse. outline two years of spending at a time and Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I yield the Analysts said Congress keeps cutting taxes then stick to their plans. floor. and boosting spending, at a time when the The Wyoming Republican hopes to put an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- budget hole calls for the exact opposite ap- end to the last-minute deadline showdowns ator from . proach. that have plagued Capitol Hill over the last Mr. NELSON. Mr. President at 1:45 To get back to normal—which means a six years by forcing the Senate to debate p.m. today, we are going to vote on the spending bills soon after the annual budget debt rate of about 40 percent of the econ- FAA bill. It is coming back, in essence, omy—the government would have to cut $560 is finished. billion out of next year’s budget, and grow- ‘‘Instead of a functioning appropriations as a conference report, although it was ing every year thereafter. Even to maintain process, Congress has resorted to massive negotiated directly with the House. So the current level of already excessive debt, omnibus appropriations bills and continuing we will take up the House message. which is 75 percent of the economy, would re- resolutions that carry over spending from I thank Senator THUNE, the chairman quire cuts of $330 billion in 2017. the previous year,’’ he says in a summary of of the committee, because the two of ‘‘The longer lawmakers waited to act, the his plan obtained by The Washington Times. us, of course, get along, and we have larger the necessary policy changes would He said it needs to be easier to write the worked together to achieve an agree- become,’’ the CBO said. budget and harder to break it once it’s fin- Budget watchdog groups demanded Hillary ished. And he said Congress should be forced ment with our counterparts in the Clinton and Donald Trump, the presumptive to spend more time working on the spending House. So I thank Senator THUNE. presidential nominees for Democrats and the bills to carry out the budget, as a way of There were parts of this bill that he ba- GOP, begin to talk about the massive fiscal making the document matter. sically said for me to work them out problems looming ahead. Under current rules, Congress is supposed with the Republican chairman in the ‘‘The presidential candidates should step to complete a budget by April 15 each year, House, and the work product is the up and address our dangerous long-term debt and the spending committees then use that proof in the pudding that we are going trajectory with constructive solutions and broad blueprint to write 12 appropriations to take up today. real leadership, not continuing to duck these bills doling out the money by Sept. 30. challenges as they have so far,’’ said Maya In reality, Congress never meets either This is a little more than a 14-month MacGuineas, head of Fix the Debt. deadline. extension, but don’t let that fool you Robert L. Bixby, executive director of the Lawmakers instead regularly pass short- because it is going to put into perma- Concord Coalition, said the presidential term stopgap bills to keep the government nent law bolstering security at our air- hopefuls need to take the issue to voters so open, limping along until they can agree on ports in order to help better protect us. the public gets invested in the debate, and so massive year-end spending packages that Of course, in these times, the safety of the elections produce a mandate for the please neither side. Over the last 40 years, our traveling public is a top priority. Congress approved some 173 stopgap bills. kinds of solutions needed to fix things. In fact, it contains some of the most The deficit was a dominant issue in 2010, as Other times Congress has failed altogether, President Obama’s health law, the Wall sending the government into partial shut- significant aviation security reforms Street bailout and the stimulus package downs. that Congress has ever considered, and were all making a major dent in the govern- Mr. Enzi believes changing the process can we have considered, as the Presiding ment’s finances. Deficits soared beyond the produce better results, and will formally out- Officer can remember, a lot since Sep- $1 trillion mark for the first time in history. line his ideas in a speech early Wednesday on tember 11, 2001. It also contains a num- The deficit has dropped dramatically over the Senate floor. ber of consumer protection and drone the last few years as spending limits, im- In his outline, he says the government is safety provisions. So let me just enu- posed by Congress, have kicked in, and as already operating on two-year budgets after some of the post-recession tax breaks have massive debt agreements in 2011, 2013 and merate a couple of those. expired. 2015. But he’d make it even easier to write a To address the insider threat posed But the CBO said things are about to get budget by limiting the number of amend- by terrorists, we increase the vetting worse. ments that can be considered on the Senate requirements and random physical Revenue will remain low—at between 18 floor. screenings of airport employees. What and 19 percent of GDP, which is about the av- It’s also relatively easy to break the budg- we found was, especially with the At- erage of the last 40 years. But spending will et caps, with a 60-vote threshold. Mr. Enzi lanta airport situation 2 years ago, explode, rising from 21 percent today to more says small breaches should be easy, but the that they were not really checking than 27 percent by 2040. bigger the spending, the tougher it should That means that 30 years from now, the be. their airport employees. There was a government will regularly run deficits total- Really big budget breaches should require gunrunning scheme over a 3-month pe- ing $5 trillion a year—more than the size of a two-thirds vote, he says—the equivalent of riod in which an Atlanta airport em- the entire federal budget right now. overturning a presidential veto. ployee would bring in guns. He wasn’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:38 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.002 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5031 checked, he wasn’t screened, and they We are also going to require the air- agreed with that sentiment and made a didn’t know what was in his backpack. lines to have policies that are family- commitment to address the discrep- Then he would go into the sterile TSA friendly. What about the child who des- ancy early this year. Unfortunately, we area where passengers are, into the perately needs to sit next to a parent? have yet to place it on a moving legis- men’s room, and he would trade his Save for the goodness of the pas- lative vehicle. The lack of certainty for backpack to a passenger that had al- sengers—and the passengers usually re- these technologies is creating market ready come through TSA screening. spond because they are good people and distortions that will drive capital out For 3 months they carried on this realize that a child ought to sit close of these technologies and toward those scheme of running guns from Atlanta to a parent. We have enshrined that in with longer-term incentives. to New York. Thank goodness, they this bill, and that will become a perma- I think it is important that we sup- weren’t terrorists. They were crimi- nent law. port an all-of-the-above energy strat- nals. But we can imagine that some- For air travel with people with dis- egy and ensuring new clean energy thing like 150 guns were transported abilities, we call for a review of the technologies have a seat at the table is over that 3-month period. Well, that is training and practices by airports and a key component. Therefore, although what we addressed in this FAA bill. We airlines and require the Department of I had hoped to see us put the section 48 have increased the screening required Transportation to accelerate the rule- fix on the FAA extension, I remain at the airports, even though that is making. committed to securing this change be- their responsibility. The most effective Finally, I want to talk about the po- fore the end of the year. This is a non- thing for TSA in screening anybody or tential—and it is an accident waiting controversial, already-agreed to modi- baggage is the nose of a dog. We have to happen—of an unmanned aerial vehi- fication and it should be processed ex- doubled VIPR dog teams, and that is a cle—in other words, a drone—colliding peditiously. substantive change. with an airliner. We had a report a few (At the request of Mr. LANKFORD, the What about the international flights? months ago about an inbound Amer- following statement was ordered to be We are always concerned about the ican Airlines flight into Miami. They printed in the RECORD.) point of last departure in an inter- sighted a drone off the left wing. It is ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, today I national designation coming into the absolutely essential that we keep wish to support the FAA Extension, United States. Have they been suffi- drones out of the airspace for takeoffs Safety, and Security Act of 2016. The ciently checked, since we in effect are FAA extension provides the aviation relying on the host government of that and landings in a busy airfield, so we have set up in the legislation a pilot community with necessary stability airport for a U.S.-inbound flight? This over the next year and sets into motion will authorize TSA to donate unneeded program to develop and test tech- nologies to intercept that drone or to important reforms to improve safety security equipment to foreign airports and security for air travelers. This leg- with service to the United States. We shut it down when it is near an airport in order that we don’t have what we islation includes provisions that sup- are calling for increased cooperation port the general aviation community, between us and partner nations on know would be a catastrophic crash. It as well as job creators in Oklahoma. routes flown by Americans. We are now requires the FAA to work with NASA First, this bill includes third class in this bill requiring a new assessment to test and develop a drone traffic man- medical reform, the foundation to my of foreign cargo security programs. agement system. We also are setting up new screening I thank all of our Senate colleagues. Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2, which will cut systems and security checkpoint con- I thank the ranking member and the burdensome red tape and encourage pi- figurations to try to expedite pas- chairman in the House, as we nego- lots to disclose and treat medical con- sengers getting through. But at the tiated these provisions in this bill. ditions that could impact their ability same time, recognizing what happened That is what we are going to vote on at to fly. It also includes a provision al- in the terrorist attacks in Belgium and 1:45 p.m. I commend the FAA bill, and lowing critical infrastructure operators Istanbul makes it clear that we have to I hope the Senate considers it favor- to use drones to support their needs for reduce the vulnerability of all those ably. meeting existing regulations or in re- passengers amassing as a soft target Mr. President, I yield the floor. sponse to natural disasters. This provi- before they ever go through the TSA The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. sion will make way for innovative checkpoint. That is what they did in SASSE). The Republican whip. technology to be used with large-scale Istanbul and in Belgium. So we put (The remarks of Mr. CORNYN per- infrastructure, such as bridges or pipe- stuff to address that in this bill. taining to the introduction of S. 3184 lines, so that businesses can safely and Now, as to cyber security, we have are printed in today’s RECORD under efficiently provide services to their heard a lot about it. Certainly, the ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and consumers. cyber security risk for the FAA is a Joint Resolutions.’’) I am particularly pleased to note definite one, and we have done stuff in Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, as we that this bill includes the third class this bill to reduce the cyber security take up extension of the FAA reauthor- medical reforms from my bipartisan risk to the national airspace system ization this week, I want to voice my Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2, which has and civil aviation. That includes reduc- frustration that an extension of the passed the Senate three times since ing the vulnerability of the in-flight section 48 energy investment tax credit last December. This legislation is entertainment systems. We have all was not included. More importantly, I strongly supported by the entire gen- seen that video where someone with a want to make clear my continued com- eral aviation community, a number of laptop can take over a car through the mitment to securing the credit’s exten- pilot unions, including the Allied Pi- in-car entertainment systems. We are sion before the end of the year. This is lots Association representing the pilots concerned about that with regard to an issue of immediate urgency. of American Airlines, the Southwest airlines, airplanes as well. This legisla- The tax package agreed to at the end Airlines Pilots’ Association, and the tion supports the FAA efforts to de- of last year extended the section 48 en- NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft velop a threat model to strengthen ergy investment tax credit for 5 years, Pilots, as well as the National Associa- against that cyber security threat. beginning on January 1, 2017, phased tion of State Aviation Officials. In par- What about consumers? This is sub- down to 26 percent in 2020 and 22 per- ticular, I want to highlight the Air- stantive law that will last far beyond cent in 2021. However, through a draft- craft Owners and Pilots Association, the extension of this bill that extends ing error, some technologies in section AOPA, and the Experimental Aircraft the FAA authorization through Sep- 48 were left out of that long-term ex- Association, EAA, for their leadership tember 30 of next year. Don’t you get tension. As a result, those tech- and support from the beginning and all irritated when you pay a baggage fee? nologies—including fuel cells, geo- their work to educate my colleagues in Say you pay 50 bucks for an extra bag thermal, , and biomass, Congress on issues that affect pilots. I or a heavy bag and all of a sudden it is among others—are set to expire at the am very grateful for the strong and lost or significantly delayed? In this end of this year. consistent voice of AOPA and EAA bill, those baggage fees are going to be Picking winners and losers was not members who have shared why third returned. our intention. The majority leader class medical reform is necessary.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.021 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 FAA’s current medical certification This amendment is supported by a wide even heard of, and for what? For hav- process is bureaucratic, burdensome, array of stakeholders including the ing the temerity to exercise their and discourages pilots from disclosing Small UAV Coalition, the National rights under the Constitution, their and treating medical conditions that Rural Electric Cooperatives, the Amer- rights to free speech and free expres- could impact their ability to fly. This ican Public Power Association, Edison sion. Heaven forbid someone should legislation reforms the medical certifi- Electric Institute, CTIA—the Wireless utter words that somebody across the cation process for general aviation pi- Association, the American Gas Asso- aisle might disagree with. The answer, lots in a way that will increase pilots’ ciation, the American Public Gas Asso- as we know, to speech you disagree knowledge of risk while demanding ciation, the Interstate Natural Gas As- with is more speech, not less speech. It treatment of identified conditions. The sociation of America, the American Pe- should not be used to try to squash, in- reforms expand the existing exemption troleum Institute, the Association of timidate, coerce the people you dis- for light sport pilots to include more Oil Pipelines, the American Fuels and agree with. That is not the America I qualified, trained pilots, as long as Petrochemical Manufacturers, 3D Ro- know, and that is not what the Con- they complete three requirements. botics, and the American Wind Energy stitution provides for. First, pilots must complete an online Association. Congress should provide I hope our colleagues will get their medical education course; second, pi- direction to FAA to set up a process for priorities straight. This is about pre- lots must maintain verification that critical infrastructure operators to be venting devastating birth defects in they have been to a doctor at least able to safety operate unmanned aerial children infected with the Zika virus. once every 4 years and certify that vehicles where there is clear and We can have a discussion about climate they are receiving the care they need articulable need, and the provision in- change—hopefully without the attempt as directed by their physician to treat cluded in this bill accomplishes that to intimidate and attack people who any medical condition that warrants goal. express opinions our colleagues don’t treatment; and third, pilots must com- I strongly support this legislation, agree with—but I suggest that our pri- plete one comprehensive medical re- and I look forward to ensuring the orities ought to be a little bit different. view by the FAA. swift implementation of these provi- It is not just that this is a conscience The FAA extension legislation also sions by the Federal Aviation Adminis- effort to ignore the most pressing includes a provision that would allow tration in the coming months.∑ issues facing our country, such as critical infrastructure owners and op- COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY BILL fighting the Zika virus or funding our erators to use unmanned aircraft sys- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, on an- troops; they don’t even want to have an tems to comply with mandated regula- other matter, earlier today this Cham- honest conversation about the policies tions and to perform emergency re- ber voted to move the Comprehensive they are peddling because they are not sponse and preparation activities. Addiction and Recovery Act conference interested in a debate, they want to This amendment would apply to en- report forward. This legislation has stamp out contrary views. ergy infrastructure, such as oil and gas been the work of bipartisanship from For all their fanfare about , this is not the most urgent and renewable electric energy, it would the beginning, and it sailed through thing we need to do this week. They apply to power utilities and tele- the Senate earlier this year. don’t talk about how the policies are communications networks, and it Now, this bicameral agreement au- advocating what actually stifled free would apply to roads and bridges and thorizes even more resources to combat speech and hurt the American economy water supply system operators. Today the epidemic of heroin and prescription and cut jobs. We have had debates and critical infrastructure owners and op- painkiller abuse that is tearing fami- votes in this body about some of these erators are required to comply with lies apart across the country. Over the sweeping proposals to deal with the significant requirements to monitor fa- last few years, we have heard the sto- problem that may or may not actually cilities and assets, which can stretch ries and we have seen a dangerous trend of heroin and prescription drug come to pass. There have been other thousands of miles, and traverse rural challenges we faced in this country and hard to access areas. Existing Fed- abuse. In my State alone, it is esti- mated that these deaths have increased that have been overcome due to the in- eral safety regulations require periodic ventiveness, innovation, and genius of by as much as 80 percent in recent patrolling of the rights of way of crit- the American people in coming up with years. There is no doubt this is a seri- ical infrastructure such as pipelines or solutions. transmission lines to check for en- ous issue. This is not just a bipartisan I hope our colleagues who have croachment, unauthorized excavation, issue; this is a nonpartisan issue. Now latched on to this as a way to divert evidence of leaks, or any other condi- is our chance to get something done. attention from the imminent threat of I am grateful for the hard work and tions that might jeopardize the safety the Zika virus and the need to fund our the leadership of the junior Senator of the pipeline or transmission line. troops will come back into a zone—not from Ohio, Mr. PORTMAN, who has shep- Currently, Federal regulations allow a logic-free zone—where we can talk herded this bill from the beginning to periodic patrols to be conducted on about these issues. And instead of try- where we are today, along with Sen- foot, in vehicles, or with manned air- ing to score political points with out- craft. ator AYOTTE from New Hampshire, side groups who are happy to raise This language would ensure that crit- Senator BLUNT from Missouri, and money off of this issue, we need to get ical infrastructure owners and opera- Chairman GRASSLEY of the Senate Ju- back to reality and back to the work at tors, sponsors or associations who diciary Committee. I want to thank all hand. sponsor critical infrastructure, or their of them for their role in getting this Quite frankly, it is hard to believe agents are able to apply to the Federal bill across the finish line. Now we need this is where we are, with our Demo- Aviation Administration to use un- to complete our work and pass it so we cratic friends arguing against bills that manned aircraft as well. can get it to the President’s desk. would help prevent birth defects in our This is of particular importance be- ZIKA VIRUS FUNDING children and support our troops. In- cause unmanned aircraft can be quick- Of course, there is a lot more we stead, they want to grandstand on cli- ly deployed to assess dangerous situa- should be doing for the American peo- mate change. I hope they get a reality tions as part of a coordinated response ple this week, but unfortunately, in- check soon and stop quibbling over bi- to provide immediate feedback and sit- stead of advancing bills that would cameral, bipartisan pieces of legisla- uational awareness and direct re- help prevent birth defects from the tion. sources to locations of highest danger. Zika virus and divert a public health I yield the floor. The use of unmanned aircraft would crisis, our colleagues want to talk The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- provide consistent and long-term on- about climate change. I understand ator from . scene information gathering capability many of them feel this is a serious COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY BILL in spite of weather or other incident matter and a priority, but what they Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I wish to dangers harmful to responding per- have been basically doing is beating up address two issues which the Senate sonnel, reduce the threat to response on a group of nonprofits and private Finance Committee has spent a consid- personnel in emergency situations. citizens no one outside the beltway has erable amount of time on, and both of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.071 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5033 them are examples of how the Senate is The bill green-lights the National In- to be lost and families are going to leaving important work undone on its stitutes of Health putting new energy continue to be torn apart until the way out the door. I am going to begin into the development of safe, non- Senate finishes the rest of the job, and by discussing the opioid bill. addictive, effective, and affordable the rest of the job is still ahead of us. If ever there were an issue that ought drugs and treatments for chronic pain. NOMINATION OF MARY WAKEFIELD to be unifying the Congress and bring- The bill establishes a task force and Mr. President, I have unfinished busi- ing Democrats and Republicans to- grants for States to construct what I ness that needs to be addressed, and gether to surmount an important chal- believe could be a fresh approach to that is the yearlong obstruction in lenge, it ought to be opioid addiction in pain management and opioids, includ- front of the Senate Finance Committee America. This is a crisis indiscriminate ing education programs, treatment, re- on a supremely qualified nominee, Dr. of geography and politics. The reality covery efforts, prescription moni- Mary Wakefield, who is the President’s is that opioid addiction is ripping toring, and strategies to prevent over- choice to be the Deputy Secretary of through our communities like wildfire. dose. Health and Human Services. Her nomi- A recent editorial in one of my home Getting those proposals off the nation has been sitting in purgatory State newspapers captured the extreme ground is a first step, but with the Sen- longer than any other such choice in urgency of the opioid struggle, the ad- ate on its way out the door, it seems to history, and it is for reasons that have diction, with this statement: ‘‘Opioids me that you also have to do more than absolutely nothing to do with her are winning.’’ just leave the strategy for actually qualifications. After months of work, the Senate winning against opioid addiction to the I am going to talk about what is and House have come up with an opioid uncertainty of the appropriations proc- causing the holdup, but I want to spend bill. I can give my assessment in a sen- ess in the fall. a little bit of time talking about Dr. tence: It is a half-measure. The job is There are other questions about this Wakefield and the important role she far from complete, and certainly no- bill. I am very concerned about the has been nominated to fill. She is up body ought to be taking victory laps. provision that gives $75 million in spe- for the No. 2 spot at Health and Human The reality is that this opioid bill cial kickbacks to the manufacturers of Services, which would make her the leaves many opportunities to fight and opioids that are considered under the chief operating officer of a Department successfully win the battle against bill ‘‘abuse deterrents.’’ I believe it is that is taking on some of our most im- opioid addiction on the negotiating wrong for the bill, which only does half portant health challenges, including table. the job for Americans struggling with opioid addiction. They manage the A landmark study dealing with addiction, to then turn around and give most important health programs in the country. This Department is on the opioids came out a few months ago and an unjustified windfall to big drug frontlines in the battle against Zika. found that 80 percent of those who were companies. I offered an amendment to They run the Centers for Disease Con- addicted to painkillers or heroin get rid of the windfall, and it was very trol, the Food and Drug Administra- weren’t getting treatment. simple. I said: Let’s give that money to I want everybody to understand that tion, the National Institutes of Health, pregnant women who are enrolled in under this bill, those waiting lines are child welfare programs, family support Medicaid, women of limited means who not going to get much shorter. The programs, and it goes on and on. are struggling to fight addiction. But thousands of babies born each year I felt from the outset that she was the choice was made to give the wind- with an addiction to narcotics—this the right person for this job. She is fall to the drug companies rather than bill won’t be enough to bring that num- somebody who has seen the American ber down to zero, where everybody to help those vulnerable women who health care system from all sides. She knows it should be. And there is a are trying to get their lives back on comes from rural America. She hails moral imperative to actually get it to track. We shouldn’t be giving funding from North Dakota and sought out zero. That is why there are headlines to programs that really help women more opportunities to help individuals stating that opioids are winning the and others who are trying to overcome by working in policy and managing war. addiction and then turn around and programs. She was a nurse, and she The package before the Senate cer- give a $75 million windfall to drug com- said: I want to do more, and I am going tainly has the kernels of a meaningful panies. That, in my view, is an imbal- to be able to do it by learning more game plan, but, in my view, there is ance that does not pass the smell test. about these health policies. So she just not enough there. There are pro- The bottom line on the opioid legisla- earned a master’s degree, a Ph.D., and grams being established that could be a tion is that there is an awful lot of then she served as a legislative assist- big help to those who are struggling to heavy lifting to do before anybody ant and chief of staff in the Senate. get their lives back on track, but there ought to think about taking a victory She has proven herself most able as the aren’t the tools to deliver on that lap. My State—and it pains me to say head of the Health Resources and Serv- promise. this—is the fourth worst State in the ices Administration. This is almost a Senators should know that doing country when it comes to opioid abuse. textbook case of somebody qualified to only half the job now means that Mem- I hear from Oregonians who have gone do this job. bers are going to be leading with their from pills, to heroin, to a tragic end- When the Finance Committee met in chins when the appropriations process ing. I hear accounts that nobody could February to discuss her nomination, returns later this year. The reason I have ever dreamed of. she was winning plaudits from both say that is there are some programs I was blessed to go to school on a bas- sides of the aisle. My friend, Chairman that are going to be bumping up ketball scholarship. Nobody heard HATCH, said Dr. Wakefield has an ‘‘im- against the uncertainty of the appro- about basketball players who had an pressive background and a reputation priations process. injury getting hooked on opioids and for being a problem solver.’’ Those are There is a program for pregnant having tragic, premature endings and not my words. They are the words of women and new mothers suffering from opportunities choked off. We didn’t Chairman HATCH. an opioid-use disorder. hear those stories then, but we hear Senator HOEVEN, who introduced Dr. There is a program to help States them now. Wakefield at that hearing, said, ‘‘She is take important strides when it comes I have heard from doctors and phar- a dedicated public servant and a hard- to monitoring prescription drugs. macists about the dangers drugs pose working health care advocate.’’ There is better tracking within the and the difficulty of treating pain safe- And Senator HOEVEN, whom we all VA. ly. I hear from community leaders who respect, like Senator HATCH, made the There is a plan to strengthen the net- are trying fresh approaches to reach important point that Dr. Wakefield is work of support in American commu- out to young people. My sense is that an advocate especially for rural Amer- nities that is best equipped to reach every single Member of the Senate is ica. She believes Americans deserve ac- out to those who need support in fight- hearing these kinds of stories. cess to high-quality health care, re- ing addiction, which includes physi- I want it understood that the opioid gardless of their ZIP Code, and she has cians, employers, the criminal justice addiction crisis is going to keep raging certainly walked the walk as a nurse system, and more. unabated. Lives are going to continue and as a practitioner.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.025 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 Senator HOEVEN encouraged the Fi- really shorten those waiting lines for bate the Senate version. There is no nance Committee to support Dr. Wake- opioid treatment and respond fully to government—bicameral, two legisla- field’s nomination and ‘‘send her to the the challenge of opioid addiction. The tive body chart in the world—that full Senate for confirmation.’’ Congress ought to be doing its job. It shows how one group decides what the Unfortunately, this process of mov- ought to be doing more than making final bill looks like before the other ing this highly qualified nominee has political points and passing half meas- body of the Congress is allowed to pass ground to a halt. There have been kind ures. a bill. That is just not the way this of two stages of this process. First, in I will close by way of saying that I works. There is a Senate bill, there is February, Senator GRASSLEY indicated think as much as any Member of this a House bill, and those two bills come he would put a hold on the nomination body, I have made a commitment to together. on the ground that he and other Repub- working in a bipartisan way. It is what The country, for good reasons, has lican Senators had not received ade- I want to be the hallmark of my time forgotten the basic civics of how our quate responses to the questions they in public service. I will just close by democracy works because the Senate had raised about Planned Parenthood. way of saying that I think both fight- particularly has been such an obstacle Now, these questions had absolutely ing opioid addiction and making sure to that democracy working for 7 years nothing to do with what Dr. Wakefield that qualified people who have been now. For 5 years, we were not able to had been involved in. Senator GRASS- recommended by senior Republicans amend the bills, and that was a reason LEY’s questions were answered months can actually be considered here in both not to go forward, and by the way it ago, but as soon as that was accom- instances. The Congress and the Senate was a good reason not to go forward. plished, there was another objection. owe more to the American people. Then, for 2 years, we didn’t want to de- In March, the Republican members of With that, I yield the floor. bate the bills because apparently we the Finance Committee sent a letter to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- didn’t know what they were going to the inspector general raising questions ator from Missouri. say before they got to the President’s about a complaint against the State of THE APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS AND PELL desk. That is not how this process is regarding what is the so- GRANTS supposed to work. called Weldon amendment. The amend- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I was in- Last month, for the first time in 7 ment prohibits recipients of appro- terested to hear my good friend talk years, the Senate Appropriations Com- priated funds from discriminating about the uncertainty of the appropria- mittee on Labor, Health and Human against health care providers who do tions process. Frankly, I think we Services, and Education passed a bipar- not cover abortion services. We were could debate no issue that would tisan bill. It came out of the full com- told the Wakefield nomination could change the Congress more totally than mittee 29 to 1. That is a good vote, but not be considered until those issues the issue of getting back to the cer- that still means 70 of the Senators with respect to California and the tainty of the appropriations process. haven’t gotten to weigh in on what Weldon amendment were resolved. For 200 years, the principal work of that bill should look like. If that was Once again, we are seeing issues the Congress—the House and the Sen- the case, it could be that other Sen- raised that have absolutely nothing to ate—was to set our national priorities ators who are concerned about opioid do with Dr. Wakefield, a nurse, some- based on how we spend our national abuse—which I want to talk about in a one who hails from rural America, who trust of the money given to this gov- minute—the Senators who are con- Republican Senators say is eminently ernment by the people who pay taxes, cerned about whether that is going to qualified, to be held up for matters the revenue of the government. We be funded would be less concerned if that had nothing to do with her nomi- have gotten out of the habit of doing they knew we were back to the con- nation. She wasn’t the subject of the that. Frankly, one of the reasons we stitutional way of running the govern- investigation. She didn’t work in Cali- have an authorizing process—and have ment. fornia. There has been no allegation always had that—and an appropriating As chairman of the Labor and Health she has been involved in any way in the process is because that gave the Con- and Human Services Committee, I was matters being investigated. gress the annual ability to look at pleased we were able to write that bi- Several weeks ago, the Office of Civil those programs, see how they were partisan bill. Certainly, Senator MUR- Rights concluded their investigation of working, see if they were still working, RAY, the leading Democrat, didn’t get California and the Weldon amendment. and gave the Congress the ability to everything she wanted in this bill, and It concluded the Weldon amendment reach out to a program and have that I didn’t get everything I wanted in this had not been violated, really not even program answer every question because bill, but we were willing to set prior- implicated, because none of the parties there was an annual review of how we ities. One of the priorities I want to bringing the complaint were even cov- spent the money. If there is an incred- talk about for a few minutes, before we ered by the amendment. So as a matter ible indictment over the last 7 years, it all go home and have a chance to talk of law, there was no violation. is that the Senate has stopped doing about the good things that could hap- Now, one would normally think that that work. pen in the country if we will just do would finally clear the decks; no issues The Republican-led Appropriations our job—one of those priorities will be left related to Dr. Wakefield’s nomina- Committees over the last 2 years have returning to year-round Pell grants. tion. Even the issues unrelated to her had all the bills ready for the first time Pell grants are the grants available nomination had been resolved. So one in a long time—ready to do the work to people who, because of their family would think we would be ready to go, and ready to talk about the priorities income or their personal income, qual- ready to forward the nomination. That of the country and, maybe more impor- ify for not a student loan but actually has not been the case. My under- tantly, ready for the 30 people who a student grant. Until 2008, we had sev- standing is, on the other side of the serve on the Appropriations Committee eral years where you could go to aisle, Republican members of the Fi- to not be the only people who get to school, and you could go to school nance Committee are still unwilling to offer amendments, to not be the only year-round, and still have access to favorably report the nomination. people who ask and answer questions, those Pell grant funds. So a highly qualified nominee is and to not be the only people who get Recently, I was at Harris-Stowe being needlessly blocked for reasons a say in this process. That is why these State University in St. Louis. I was at that—and I have spent a lot of time bills need to be on the floor. Mineral Area College, I was at Ozarks digging into this—are completely unre- What a tragedy this week and last Technical College, Missouri State Uni- lated to her qualifications and the posi- week that the Defense appropriations versity in Springfield, and I was at tion she has been nominated to. bill—the primary responsibility of the Three Rivers Community College in It just seems to me the people we Federal Government to defend the Poplar Bluff talking about what hap- represent deserve more when it comes country—that bill isn’t even allowed to pens if people are able to stay in school to the consideration of vital nomi- be debated by the minority because once they get in school. nees—vital nominees like Dr. Wake- they say: We want to see what the final One of the students I talked to at field—and legislation that ought to bill will say before we are ready to de- Harris-Stowe is Tierra Wilson, a 21-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.028 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5035 year-old senior who was about to grad- in a couple of our universities you can fighters who were also in the first re- uate. She was going to school pretty still get all your tuition, all your sponder team, and it is clear that this much on her own resources, her own books, all the fees paid for with a Pell is something where 10 or 15 times a part-time job. She needed to get done grant. day, and even more on weekends, they as soon as she could so she decided to What is the advantage of being able are responding to opioid overdoses. If take summer classes, but since she to stay in school once you get started you are in a fire department in Amer- didn’t have the opportunity for a year- in school? The Presiding Officer and I ica today that also has a first re- round Pell—she could only get the Pell are two of the three university presi- sponder unit, you are three times more grant for two semesters instead of the dents here in the Senate. So we have likely to go to an overdose than you way it was until 2008—she could only talked to many students who had to are to go to a fire. get that money for two semesters so have financial aid and had to have help The good news is there is treatment. she had to borrow the $3,000 it took her to go. If you are the first person in Seventy-two percent of the Missou- to finish her degree sooner. The good your family to graduate from college rians who went through the State’s news is, she is going to finish her de- or you are going back to school— opioid treatment program, having been gree. The bad news for her is, she has maybe you are taking a break, you tested, were found to be negative after- an additional $3,000 debt that she didn’t go to college, or college didn’t ward with any random test. So there is wouldn’t have had. work out—and you are an adult and to- a solution here. The problem is that The newspaper the Joplin Globe re- tally responsible for all of your college only about 10 percent of the people who cently shared a story about another expenses if you are going to go, staying have the problem get into the program student who also recently has gone to in school makes a big difference. If you to solve the problem. school on Pell grants, Andy Hamon. He decide you can’t go that summer se- That is why yesterday the bill was is a senior. His mom and dad run a mester because you can’t afford the passed that I co-sponsored that dealt small business. According to that tuition and you get the full-time sum- with the idea of opioid abuse. This story, he has always depended on finan- mer job, it is real easy for the full-time agreement expands access to evidence- cial aid because his family didn’t have summer job to turn into this: Well, I based treatment and recovery services the resources to pay tuition. He said it will do this job one more semester, and and focuses on proven strategies that hasn’t been easy. He said he had to I will get into school in January. In strengthen people’s ability not to get take classes in the summer, and when January it is easy to think: Well, I will addicted and, if they are addicted, to he did take classes in the summer, he go ahead and finish my job and save a figure out how to no longer be ad- had to borrow or out-of-pocket come up little more money, and I will get back dicted. In this appropriation, we rec- with the $800 to $10,000 the Pell grant into school at the regular time next ommended a 93-percent increase in the will not cover. fall. Before you know it, life gets in the money available. One of the issues that When I was at Mineral Area Commu- way, things happen, and you intend to Senator WYDEN was concerned about nity College, the president of Mineral continue to go to school, finish, and was whether there would be enough Area Community College, Dr. Steve get your degree, but it somehow money. Between last year and this Kurtz, said, when you talk about af- doesn’t happen. year, we increased the money by 542 fordability and accessibility, you are Those students who want to continue percent. It takes an unbelievably effec- right in the middle of this discussion their class work year-round should tive government agency to deal with a on what happens if you have access to have access to the Pell grant help that more than 542-percent increase. We are help year-round as opposed to just two you would have if you were a little more flexible and had a little more going to continue to watch the bill, to semesters a year. watch the need, to see and do every- Jean Merrill-Doss, who serves as the ability to take a part-time job in the thing possible to see that the money is dean of student services at that col- summer, live at home with your mom and dad, and do whatever you are doing available. lege, says approximately 60 percent of The House has ideas here. We do too. their student body is dependent on Pell there and start back in the fall. Year- round Pell is not for everybody, but it First responders are not the people who grants to attend school. need to be primarily focused on this As a college student, I went to school is expected that an estimated 1 million students of the 7.7 million students job. They need to be there when they as quickly as I could. Nobody in my need to be there, but we have to do that get Pell would take advantage of family had graduated from college be- something that solves this problem. year-round Pell, and that includes fore. I went three years, three sum- People need a place to go. That is mers. It took 124 credit hours to grad- 20,000 Missouri students who would why the Excellence in Mental Health uate with a bachelor’s degree. I had 124 take advantage of year-round Pell. Act will have at least 6 States, and as credit hours. I didn’t have an extra They would get an average of $1,650 many as 24 States, on January 1, treat- hour. I couldn’t pay for an extra hour, each to take advantage of that other ing mental health like all other health, in my view, and I needed to get college semester—another semester to catch providing an important access point for behind me or I might not be the first up, another semester to get ahead, or mental health issues of all kinds and person in my family to graduate from another semester to just graduate fast- opioid issues that can only be dealt college. er. This is something we need to do and with in that context of overall health In fact, the first teaching job I took should do. involving mental health. at Marshfield High School—my grand- OPIOID EPIDEMIC I hope we will begin to work more father was the janitor. He had been the Mr. President, I want to speak for a openly, more transparently, and more janitor, when I was growing up, at the couple of minutes about the other topic committed to solving problems than we school where I took my first job as a that was just discussed—opioids. Clear- are committed to just complaining college graduate. ly, this is a problem. About 1,000 Mis- about problems. Students like Tierra, students like sourians every year die from opioid I yield the floor. Andy need to have the opportunity we overdoses. In St. Louis alone, deaths The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- can give them to go to school and fin- related to opioid abuse have increased ator from Missouri. ish school. three times since 2007. An estimated 5.9 f Pell grants benefit about 7.5 million million American adults have an opioid students annually. The maximum two- use disorder. This is truly a public DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- semester Pell grant will be $5,815 in the health crisis in every corner of the na- FAIRS DENTAL INSURANCE RE- school year that begins next fall. The tion, from our major cities to our rural AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2016 $5,815 pays for tuition, fees, books at communities. There is some evidence Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask every community college in Missouri, that rural communities even have a unanimous consent that the Com- and we have a big community college bigger problem with opioid abuse than mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be dis- system. So for people who have the in the city. charged from further consideration of most economic need, we already have I was visiting over the Fourth of July S. 3055 and the Senate proceed to its free 2 years of college in our State, and weekend with some St. Louis fire- immediate consideration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.029 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘(3) Each individual covered by the dental floor, I noted what my friend said objection, it is so ordered. insurance plan shall pay the entire premium about his being the first member of his The clerk will report the bill by title. for coverage under the dental insurance plan, family to get a college degree. The senior assistant legislative clerk in addition to the full cost of any copay- The Leahys came to in 1850. ments. When my grandfather—who was a read as follows: ‘‘(g) VOLUNTARY DISENROLLMENT.—(1) With A bill (S. 3055) to amend title 38, United respect to enrollment in the dental insur- stone carver—died, my father was a States Code, to provide a dental insurance ance plan under this section, the Secretary teenager, and he had to go to work. I plan to veterans and survivors and depend- shall— became the first LEAHY to get a college ents of veterans. ‘‘(A) permit the voluntary disenrollment of degree, and my sister was the second There being no objection, the Senate an individual in the dental insurance plan if one. I have to think what the path proceeded to consider the bill. the disenrollment occurs during the 30-day might have been otherwise. There is Mr. BLUNT. I ask unanimous consent period beginning on the date of the enroll- one thing we all have to agree on: We that the bill be read a third time and ment of the individual in the dental insur- have to make it easier for college to be ance plan; and passed, and the motion to reconsider be affordable, with all kinds of plans and ‘‘(B) permit the voluntary disenrollment of ideas. The kids have to be able to go to considered made and laid upon the an individual in the dental insurance plan table. for such circumstances as the Secretary college. I was able to do that. I was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without shall prescribe for purposes of this sub- able to go on to graduate school. It is objection, it is so ordered. section, but only to the extent such so important to be able to compete The bill (S. 3055) was ordered to be disenrollment does not jeopardize the fiscal today. I was touched by what my friend engrossed for a third reading, was read integrity of the dental insurance plan. said, and I appreciate it. the third time, and passed, as follows: ‘‘(2) The circumstances prescribed under COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND RECOVERY BILL paragraph (1)(B) shall include the following: S. 3055 Mr. President, we have kind of a good ‘‘(A) If an individual enrolled in the dental news/bad news situation today. The Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- insurance plan relocates to a location out- resentatives of the United States of America in side the jurisdiction of the dental insurance good news is that Congress is taking a Congress assembled, plan that prevents use of the benefits under step forward on how to respond to SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the dental insurance plan. opioid addiction. By advancing the This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Department ‘‘(B) If an individual enrolled in the dental Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- of Veterans Affairs Dental Insurance Reau- insurance plan is prevented by a serious ery Act, or CARA, we are leaving be- thorization Act of 2016’’. medical condition from being able to obtain hind decades-old misconceptions about SEC. 2. DENTAL INSURANCE PLAN FOR VET- benefits under the dental insurance plan. how to confront addiction. ERANS AND SURVIVORS AND DE- ‘‘(C) Such other circumstances as the Sec- For too long, Congress relied on puni- PENDENTS OF VETERANS. retary shall prescribe for purposes of this tive measures that only served to push (a) DENTAL INSURANCE PLAN.— subsection. addicts further underground and away ‘‘(3) The Secretary shall establish proce- (1) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter II of chapter from recovery. This legislation treats 17 of title 38, United States Code, is amended dures for determinations on the permissi- by inserting after section 1712B the following bility of voluntary disenrollments under opioid addiction as an illness. It com- new section: paragraph (1)(B). Such procedures shall en- bats it as we would any other public health issue, through a commitment to ‘‘§ 1712C. Dental insurance plan for veterans sure timely determinations on the permissi- and survivors and dependents of veterans bility of such disenrollments. evidence-based treatment and recovery ‘‘(h) RELATIONSHIP TO DENTAL CARE PRO- programs. But the bad news is our com- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall es- VIDED BY SECRETARY.—Nothing in this sec- mitment falls short. tablish and administer a dental insurance tion shall affect the responsibility of the plan for veterans and survivors and depend- The conference report promises crit- Secretary to provide dental care under sec- ical programming, but then it does not ents of veterans described in subsection (b). tion 1712 of this title, and the participation ‘‘(b) COVERED VETERANS AND SURVIVORS of an individual in the dental insurance plan pay the bill. It does not provide the re- AND DEPENDENTS.—The veterans and sur- under this section shall not affect the enti- sources necessary to support the pro- vivors and dependents of veterans described tlement of the individual to outpatient den- gramming. So we should know what we in this subsection are as follows: tal services and treatment, and related den- have here. We have a first step—an im- ‘‘(1) Any veteran who is enrolled in the sys- tal appliances, under such section 1712. portant first step but barely a first tem of annual patient enrollment under sec- ‘‘(i) REGULATIONS.—The dental insurance step. If we make a mistake and say: tion 1705 of this title. plan under this section shall be administered ‘‘(2) Any survivor or dependent of a veteran OK, we have done our job, then we have under such regulations as the Secretary failed the countless communities who is eligible for medical care under section shall prescribe. 1781 of this title. ‘‘(j) TERMINATION.—This section terminates across the country grappling with ad- ‘‘(c) ADMINISTRATION.—The Secretary shall on December 31, 2021.’’. diction. We are doing very little to contract with a dental insurer to administer (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of stem this epidemic. the dental insurance plan under this section. sections at the beginning of chapter 17 of I am afraid my friends, the Repub- ‘‘(d) BENEFITS.—The dental insurance plan such title is amended by inserting after the licans, have repeatedly blocked efforts under this section shall provide such benefits item relating to section 1712B the following to fund the programs authorized by for dental care and treatment as the Sec- new item: CARA. When the legislation was first retary considers appropriate for the dental ‘‘1712C. Dental insurance plan for veterans insurance plan, including diagnostic serv- considered on the Senate floor, Repub- and survivors and dependents of ices, preventative services, endodontics and licans opposed Senator SHAHEEN’s veterans.’’. other restorative services, surgical services, amendment that would have provided and emergency services. (b) CONFORMING REPEAL.— $600 million in new funding of emer- ‘‘(e) ENROLLMENT.—(1) Enrollment in the (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 510 of the Care- gency supplemental appropriations, dental insurance plan under this section givers and Veterans Omnibus Health Serv- which is actually a modest amount ices Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–163; 38 U.S.C. shall be voluntary. considering what is needed in this ‘‘(2) Enrollment in the dental insurance 1712 note) is repealed. (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of country. plan shall be for such minimum period as the Then we have the appropriations Secretary shall prescribe for purposes of this contents for the Caregivers and Veterans section. Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 is process in committee this year. Emer- ‘‘(f) PREMIUMS.—(1) Premiums for coverage amended by striking the item relating to gency funds to fight this addiction epi- under the dental insurance plan under this section 510. demic were denied. Senate Republicans section shall be in such amount or amounts f kept assuring us that there was going as the Secretary shall prescribe to cover all to be a time and a place to include real FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRA- costs associated with carrying out this sec- funding. Well, last week’s conference TION REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF tion. provided such an opportunity. I, along 2016—Continued ‘‘(2) The Secretary shall adjust the pre- with other Democratic conferees, iden- miums payable under this section for cov- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. erage under the dental insurance plan on an tified commonsense and bipartisan off- PERDUE). The Senator from Vermont. annual basis. Each individual covered by the sets that would enable us to dedicate dental insurance plan at the time of such an COLLEGE AFFORDABILITY almost $1 billion in new resources to adjustment shall be notified of the amount Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, while the put the programs in CARA to work. We and effective date of such adjustment. Senator from Missouri is still on the told our Republican counterparts we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:38 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.030 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5037 could not sign the conference report nized by Lamoille County Sheriff families in our State devastated by unless it included meaningful funding, Roger Marcoux. He is a former DEA this. I am sure it is the same in the but the Republicans voted against agent who has seen the toll of heroin Presiding Officer’s State and every funding CARA so I did not sign the re- and opioid abuse and what it has done other State in this country. We have to port. They also made a new promise. in the rural regions of my State. represent the people from our States At the conference meeting, the Repub- Dr. Betsy Perez, a panelist and long- and help. licans promised to include $525 million time practitioner at nearby Copley Mr. President, I suggest the absence in new funding to combat addiction Hospital, surprised many in the crowd of a quorum. through the appropriations process. I when she addressed the opioid issue The PRESIDING OFFICER. The have to note that I hope Americans de- from a personal rather than from a clerk will call the roll. mand that Congress keep this promise medical perspective. This doctor told Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I ask and provide meaningful funding for the heart-wrenching story of her ad- unanimous consent that the order for CARA—not with poison pill offsets dicted daughter’s journey. the quorum call be rescinded. that would kill it but with real prom- Despite many efforts at treatment, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ises. her daughter repeatedly relapsed, even- objection, it is so ordered. I will soon again join with Senators tually winding up homeless on the Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I ask MURRAY, WYDEN, and SHAHEEN to in- streets of Burlington. Her daughter is unanimous consent to speak for up to troduce legislation to provide $920 mil- now 2 years into recovery and recently 15 minutes. lion to fund CARA. It could be fully became a mother. The cost of her in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without paid for. It could be paid for with off- tensive residential treatment was high. objection, it is so ordered. sets that received overwhelming bipar- It drained the doctor’s retirement sav- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLICE AND tisan support. If we are really serious ings. But she would have it no other COMMUNITIES OF COLOR about combatting the opioid epidemic, way. I wonder how much better off Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, as our there is no sense not to pass this, and they might have been if we had preven- Nation confronts what increasingly there is no sense not to put our money tion clinics in place. feels like a weakening of the bond be- where our mouths are, because, if we I held a hearing in St. Albans, VT— tween law enforcement and the com- fund it, it can make an important dif- again, standing room only. I remember munities they serve, I rise to urge all ference. We can expand prevention ef- a noted pediatrician who spoke about of my colleagues to examine the rela- forts, expand access to treatment and being with parents whom he did not tionship between police and commu- recovery services, and authorize the identify. He said they were well off. He nities of color. One year ago, I joined critical public health programs to cre- was telling them about the dangers of the Democratic members of the Senate ate and expand Medication Assisted opioids and how teenagers can get ad- Judiciary Committee in urging our col- Treatment, MAT, programs. dicted. They were shocked to hear this. leagues to convene hearings on this If CARA were funded, it could make They said: Thank you for telling us critical issue. an important difference in commu- about this. We will watch out for our The Justice Department had recently nities across the country. The bill lays daughter. made public the, frankly, shocking the groundwork for expanding preven- He said: I have been treating your findings on its investigation into the tion efforts and access to treatment daughter for 2 years. She is an addict. Ferguson Police Department, which and recovery services. It removes arbi- You could hear a pin drop in that found that the city engaged in a pat- trary restrictions on prescribing Medi- room. But she was getting treatment, tern and practice of constitutional vio- cation Assisted Treatment, which will and many are not so fortunate. Each lations. But the Judiciary Committee, allow nurse practitioners and physician day, throughout our country, 129 peo- which has jurisdiction over matters re- assistants in Vermont to treat addic- ple die from drug overdoses. I suspect lating to civil liberties and criminal tion just as they treat other illnesses. that almost every Vermonter knows proceedings, and entire subcommittees It authorizes a critical public health someone who has been impacted by ad- devoted exclusively to matters of program I helped create to expand diction. This is not the future we want crime and to the protection of con- MAT programs. Some Vermonters tell for our children, our grandchildren, our stitutional rights held no hearings on me they are struggling with addiction communities. In Vermont, we know the broader issue. No proposals were and they have had to wait nearly 1 year what it takes to get ahead of addiction. debated by the whole committee, no to receive treatment. At the While I appreciate the attention Con- testimony heard. Chittenden Clinic in South Burlington, gress has given this issue, CARA will We had already lost Eric Garner, Mi- VT, several have died while waiting. only work for Vermont and States chael Brown, Tamir Rice, and Freddie Because we wouldn’t fund it, several across the country if Congress is will- Gray. And rather than honor our obli- died. This story is not unique. ing to provide the funding that is nec- gation to confront this problem head- The bill also includes my provision to essary to fight this epidemic. on, rather than engage in difficult con- support our rural communities by in- I was proud to help usher CARA versations about race and about per- creasing access to the overdose rever- through the Senate. I will support it sistent inequality, we allowed these sal drug naloxone. Rural locations have today. But I am greatly disappointed problems to be met with silence. the highest death rates in the country that Congress has so far refused to It must be said that we owe a debt of from opioid poisoning, and getting this treat this public health crisis as seri- gratitude to the brave officers who drug into more hands will save lives. ously as it did the swine flu or Ebola. worked tirelessly to keep us safe from The Comprehensive Addiction and I would urge all Senators: Don’t go harm. Every day, they put their lives Recovery Act also recognizes that the just to formal meetings. Just stand on the line to protect our safety and overprescription of opioids is largely outside your local grocery stores, as that of our families. But we are doing responsible for this epidemic, and the my wife, a registered nurse, and I often a disservice to the noble men and legislation includes a provision I do. Just talk with people. Walk down women of that profession and to the strongly support to encourage the Na- the street, and talk with people. You communities they serve by turning tional Institutes of Health to intensify are going to find what Vermonters away from unpleasant facts and by re- research on the effectiveness of opioids know all too well: Lives are at stake fusing to talk about them. in treating chronic pain and to encour- here, and time is of the essence. It is That silence carries a terrible price. age the development of opioid-alter- time for Congress to act like it and Last week, a 32-year-old man named natives to manage chronic pain. fully fund CARA. Philando Castile was pulled over for Two weeks ago, on a beautiful I know when Marcelle and I go home, driving with a broken taillight in Fal- Vermont evening, a standing-room we want to say that we are helping be- con Heights, MN. It was the 53rd time only crowd filled a conference room at cause we know some of these families he had been pulled over in just a few the Green Mountain Technical and Ca- personally. In a little State of only short years. His girlfriend Diamond reer Center for a community meeting 600,000 people, you tend to know a lot was beside him. Her 4-year-old daugh- on opioid abuse. The event was orga- of people. I have seen some of the finest ter Dae’Anna was in the back seat. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.031 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 don’t know precisely what happened as contact, through blood transfusions, or safety net clinics such as Planned Par- Philando spoke to the officer who ap- from mother to child. While it typi- enthood for birth control and for edu- proached the car. We don’t know what cally causes no symptoms or mild ill- cation on family planning. the two men said to each other, but we ness in adults, we now know that a Two weeks ago, one of my Repub- know how that encounter ended. Zika virus infection during pregnancy lican colleagues addressed this issue on Philando died after suffering multiple can cause microcephaly and other se- the floor of the Senate. Standing next gunshot wounds. vere birth defects. In fact, the World to a photo of a baby girl with Philando’s community—our commu- Health Organization has declared this microcephaly, he argued that Demo- nity—in Minnesota is devastated. That outbreak a public health emergency of cratic objections to the bill were ‘‘fan- community includes Philando’s family, international concern. In some coun- ciful and imagined.’’ That is what he his loved ones, and his friends. It also tries, Zika virus transmission is so said—‘‘fanciful and imagined.’’ He dis- includes the staff and the children in high that public health officials have missed the idea that Planned Parent- the elementary school where Philando asked women to delay their preg- hood was deliberately targeted in this worked; he knew them all by name. nancies. legislation since it was not mentioned And it includes the parents of those While other countries are feeling the by name in the text. But it is actually children, many of whom began the brunt of this outbreak, Zika is also af- that intention that is fanciful. morning after his death by explaining fecting us here at home. So far, there Because of the way the legislation is to their kids that Phil wouldn’t be at have been over 1,100 people in the con- crafted, it excludes family planning school anymore. tinental United States who have been clinics such as Planned Parenthood The impact of Philando’s death has affected by the Zika virus while trav- from receiving funds. This is particu- been felt far beyond those who knew eling to endemic countries. This in- larly harmful in places like Puerto him. In Dallas, as people seeking jus- cludes 320 who are currently pregnant. Rico, where infection rates are rising tice for Philando and his family gath- We are already seeing local trans- rapidly and high numbers of uninsured ered in a peaceful protest, a deeply mission in U.S. territories, where 2,500 women need access to information troubled man murdered five members additional people have been infected, about the virus, as well as effective of a police force shielding demonstra- and these are just the confirmed cases. birth control. tors from gunfire. And over the week- The actual number of those infected is This kind of tactic is deeply counter- productive. To combat this virus, we end, protests in St. Paul took a vicious likely to be much, much higher. turn as protesters pelted police with This is why over 140 days ago Presi- must rely on the strength of our entire rocks and chunks of concrete. dent Obama asked Congress for emer- medical system and not sideline the Such violence does not honor the gency funds to respond to the Zika country’s most experienced family lives of those we have lost. It does not virus outbreak. His request, drawing on planning providers. Second, Republicans have criticized advance the cause of justice. Rather, the expertise of public health experts, Democrats for asking for more money, violence makes it more difficult for our sought funds for things such as mos- describing our vote against their bipar- communities to begin the long and dif- quito control, vaccine and drug devel- tisan package as ‘‘disgraceful.’’ Let me ficult healing process. opment, and diagnostics so that more describe what is disgraceful. This Re- From the suburbs of St. Paul to people can get tested and receive their publican bill, unlike any other recent downtown Dallas, our communities are results faster. in pain, and it is our responsibility as After weeks of deliberation, the Sen- emergency spending bill, actually lawmakers to do something about it. ate eventually reached a bipartisan takes money away from efforts to con- We cannot take the steps necessary to compromise. Although we didn’t get all trol Ebola outbreaks—which are still confront this challenge if we fear ac- the money we need to fight the virus, active in Africa—in order to pay for knowledging that it exists. We cannot we did get $1.1 billion. Democrats and Zika. I would like to remind my colleagues solve this problem without coming to- Republicans in the Senate negotiated that a short time ago Ebola ravaged gether as a nation to address and dis- in good faith and got a bipartisan pack- West Africa, infecting more than 28,000 mantle the systemic racial injustices age that included important provisions people and killing over 11,000, making that lead to far too many of these to combat the Zika virus. That is why it the deadliest Ebola outbreak on deaths and to identify solutions. We 68 Members of the U.S. Senate, includ- cannot solve this problem if we run record. ing 22 Republicans, voted for the Sen- While research is under way, we do away from it. ate bill. not yet have a vaccine against this But running from it is precisely what Unfortunately, that bipartisan spirit virus. Ebola is still an active threat. In this body will do. In just a few short has not prevailed. As it turned out, Re- fact, since the 2014 outbreak, there days, the Senate will adjourn for 7 publicans in the House of Representa- have been several new clusters of Ebola weeks. During that time, our commu- tives delayed and then derailed the virus due to the virus’s persistence in nities will continue to endure anguish, funding request. Even though the Sen- survivors. Public health experts warn heartache, and pain. I hope every Sen- ate passed a bipartisan compromise, that this virus will return; the ques- ator uses this time to meet with people House Republicans, with support from tion is whether we will be ready. At who have been touched by these events Republican Senate negotiators, sent this juncture it would be irresponsible and to better understand the chal- back a partisan package packed with to cut funding from Ebola research, lenges that we face and they face. I ideological poison pill provisions. surveillance, and public health infra- urge them to join me in working to ad- These included provisions that delib- structure. The Republican strategy to dress them. erately block funds from going to fam- When asked about her son’s death, fight the Zika virus would do just that. ily planning clinics, take away money The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time Philando’s mother said: ‘‘All we want from the continuing fight against of the Senator has expired. is justice.’’ And she deserves nothing Ebola, and even erode provisions in the Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I ask less. Clean Water Act. unanimous consent for an additional ZIKA VIRUS FUNDING Let me explain some of these provi- 11⁄2 minutes. Mr. President, I wish to turn to an- sions in more detail. The bill the House The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there other important issue: the Zika virus and Senate Republican negotiators objection? outbreak, its devastating impact on sent back to us limits women’s access Without objection, it is so ordered. families, and—I hate to say this—the to contraceptive services. Imagine Mr. FRANKEN. Thank you. Republican obstructionism that is pre- that. At a time when many women Finally—see, I was going to say ‘‘fi- venting us from taking meaningful ac- have decided to delay their pregnancies nally’’ anyway. tion to address this outbreak. out of fear of the Zika virus, my Re- Finally, the bill even waives permit- As you know, the Zika virus is trans- publican colleagues are actively work- ting requirements when it comes to ap- mitted to people primarily through the ing to keep birth control out of reach. plying pesticides near bodies of water. bite of an infected mosquito, but it can Such provisions disproportionately This clean water requirement was in- also be transmitted through sexual harm low-income women who turn to tended to protect people from toxic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.033 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5039 substances, particularly pregnant items that were so important to this These provisions that are so helpful women, children, and other vulnerable country’s economy, to those who uti- were contained not just in the Senate- populations. But my colleagues are lize general aviation, to communities passed bill but also in the original mischaracterizing our objection to this that care about their local airports, House FAA bill that was approved by rider. In fact, one of my colleagues and to those—in my case in Kansas— the House Transportation and Infra- went to the Senate floor recently and who care about how many jobs we have structure Committee earlier in the accused the Democrats of being ‘‘more and can continue to have and how spring. So here we have a situation in focused on protecting the mosquito many more we can create as a result of which the House Transportation Com- than they are protecting people.’’ That the manufacturing of aircraft in this mittee, the Senate Commerce Com- is just absurd. country. So we did what we were sup- mittee—in fact, the full Senate—ap- To sum up, my Democratic col- posed to do in the Senate. We worked proves things that matter greatly to leagues and I supported the Senate bill together and found solutions. We found our country and, most importantly, to to fund the fight against a devastating compromises, and we passed legislation its workers, and yet today we come to disease, and Republicans decided to po- overwhelmingly. the Senate with a relatively simple ex- liticize this issue by sending back a Unfortunately, when it went to the tension that ignores those important conference report that was filled with House of Representatives, no action reforms and improvements. partisan policy riders. was taken in the House. As I said, the These provisions that are not in- Every day that we don’t act, this clock is ticking and the FAA will no cluded in this extension would stream- virus continues to spread. And, in the longer continue to have legal authority line aircraft certification, significantly meantime, the Republican leader has to exist. Once again, as has happened improving efficiency, and better focus not given any indications that he plans in years gone by, we are left with a the FAA’s valuable resources some- take-it-or-leave-it situation. We either to change course. In fact, he said he place else. These reforms would have take the House-passed extension or the plans to bring up the same exact par- had a positive impact upon our econ- FAA shuts down. There is no need for tisan bill that was defeated last week. omy, on job security, and job creation. us to be in the position we are in The President has already threatened Both the House and Senate recognized today, and the extension we are going to veto this bill, so another vote would the importance of this issue and ad- to vote on will be missing many impor- be useless. tant provisions included in the Senate- vanced nearly identical certification I urge my Republican colleagues: passed bill. reform language, but, as I said, for Please, please stop playing partisan My perspective on this certainly is as some reason that language no longer politics, and let’s pass something a Kansan, but it matters no matter appears in this bill. meaningful to address this crisis. what State you live in. Kansas is an In addition to certification, there I yield the floor. aviation State. General aviation is our were lots of other issues we agreed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- State’s largest industry, and our larg- upon. Among the members of our com- ator from Kansas. est city is Wichita, which is appro- mittee and among Members of the Sen- Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, at the priately known as the air capital of the ate, overwhelmingly popular bipartisan moment, we are considering the reau- world. Kansas aviation workers have provisions were included in this bill thorization of the Federal Aviation Ad- supplied three out of every four general originally in the Senate but are not in- ministration, and I am disappointed by aviation aircraft since the Wright cluded now in this simple extension, in- what we are about to do today, al- brothers’ first flight at Kitty Hawk, cluding things such as strengthening though at this point there appears to and today some 42,000 Kansans make a our Contract Tower Program, which is be no option. This extension fails to ac- living manufacturing, operating, and so important, particularly to rural complish significant and important re- servicing the world’s highest quality communities. forms in the aviation world, and it is aircraft. Again, while I come from a State something we were able to do, should So what does the FAA reauthoriza- where we manufacture planes, I also have been able to do, and almost ac- tion—the extension we are about to represent a State in which general complished. As a result of our failure, I vote on—have to do with those jobs in aviation, our pilots, and the airports will oppose the reauthorization legisla- Kansas? What does it have to do with which they utilize are important to tion we will vote on in just a few mo- jobs in this country? If we have a goal communities across my State as we ments. we ought to be working on together to again try to compete in a global econ- Three weeks ago, I came to the Sen- achieve, it would be to create more op- omy. The ability to bring a business ate floor to express my concern with portunities for more Americans to have customer to a small community that what was happening, and my plea and better jobs. We need—and we all know has a manufacturing plant is dependent request to our House colleagues to act it—a strong manufacturing sector in upon airport and air services. on the FAA reauthorization bill as the this economy. Yet we will fail to take The language from section 1204 of the Senate sent it to them—the FAA Reau- advantage of the opportunity to in- Senate-passed bill would have signifi- thorization Act of 2016, which in April crease the chances of more manufac- cantly reformed the cost-benefit eligi- passed the Senate by the unusual vote turing jobs, more general aviation jobs, bility rules for contract towers—again, of 95 votes in favor—broadly supported. more airplane manufacturing jobs in this is a way we provide air safety for I serve on the Commerce Committee, the United States—more jobs for Amer- communities that are small and have and Chairman THUNE and Ranking icans, better jobs for Americans, more small airports—strengthening the pro- Member NELSON worked hard with all secure jobs for Americans—because we gram and providing certainty once and of us on that committee to see that a aren’t able to do today—the House was for all for the 253 contract towers that wide variety of interests, a wide vari- unwilling to include in the extension handle nearly one-third of our tower ety of opportunities were explored for those things that increase the chances operations nationwide. It was a good us to make improvements in the world the aviation industry in our country idea. It was broadly supported—sup- of aviation. can better compete with those in a ported in the House in the Transpor- The way it works is, we have a piece global economy that are our competi- tation Committee, supported in the of legislation that is in effect and will tors. Senate in the Commerce Committee soon expire, and we are up against a What the manufacturing side of avia- and on the Senate floor—but not in- deadline for that extension, but we tion needs, what aviation manufactur- cluded in today’s simple extension. knew that. In fact, we went to work ers in Kansas need is the ability to Apparently, the reason these impor- early. The Senate Commerce Com- compete in a global marketplace so the tant reforms were excluded was so they mittee began hearings a long time industry remains our country’s No. 1 could, at a later date, be used as a po- ago—months ago. We worked hard to net exporter. This requires significant litical bargaining chip. The House held find consensus, and we did. Our product reforms at the FAA, particularly in these popular reforms hostage in an at- came to the Senate floor not just with their certification process and im- tempt to gain leverage and to later a simple reauthorization of the Federal provements in the regulatory environ- promote an effort to privatize our Na- Aviation Administration but with ment. tion’s air traffic control system.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.034 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 By putting on hold these long over- to create jobs is diminished and Kan- THUNE and Ranking Member NELSON, is due, noncontroversial certification re- sans are more at risk for their futures giving us the workforce we need to en- forms, the Contract Tower Program, as a result of our failure to do our jobs. hance the use of bomb-sniffing dogs, and others, Congress is damaging the Mr. President, I thank the Chair for strengthen perimeter security, expand business aviation industry and the peo- the opportunity to address my col- training, respond to active shooter at- ple who work therein. leagues in the Senate, and I express my tacks, and make sure the outer limits Not too long ago I spoke on this floor dissatisfaction and disappointment of our airports are secure. defending general aviation from the with the end product, recognizing the I am proud that many of these provi- Obama administration’s repeated at- circumstance we now find ourselves in. sions we passed out of the Commerce tempts to end the accelerated deprecia- I yield the floor. Committee are contained in this legis- tion schedule for general aviation air- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- lation and that it is doubling the num- craft. In my view, the proposal came as ator from Washington. ber of these TSA VIPR teams that con- a clever political sound bite—the so- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ask duct controls and make sure our pas- called corporate jet loophole—but in unanimous consent to speak for up to 5 sengers are secure. These teams consist reality it would have meant thousands minutes. of a combination of law enforcement, of jobs would be gone and the unem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there inspectors, explosive specialists, and, ployment lines longer. The President’s objection? as I mentioned, bomb-sniffing dogs. proposal would have accomplished Without objection, it is so ordered. What is so important about those nothing for the economy—not even a Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I dogs is that they are one of our best de- meaningful increase in tax revenues— rise to talk about the FAA reauthor- terrents, picking up explosive material and only would have hurt 1.2 million ization we are going to be voting on, and tracking down people, and that is Americans who make their living and I thank Senator MORAN for being what we need to have at our airports. I building and servicing airplanes. here and talking about aviation in gen- again thank Chairman THUNE and This makes today all the more dis- eral and aviation manufacturing. He Ranking Member NELSON for putting appointing. It is one thing for me to comes from a strong aviation manufac- this in. Combining these law enforce- come to the floor and complain about turing State, so I certainly support ment and bomb-detecting canine capa- an Obama administration proposal, but many of the things he said. bilities provides another layer of secu- today I come to the Senate floor to I certainly support making sure we rity at our airports. We have seen how complain about a Republican-con- continue to streamline our process, and the use of dogs helps us expedite our trolled House that was unable to take it is one of the things left out of this security lanes at SeaTac—now the advantage of an opportunity to pass a legislation. So we need to do more on busiest airport in the country as far as strong, long-term reauthorization bill that effort. I certainly don’t want peo- increase in volume—and we need to and instead leaves us with a simple, ple demonizing any aspect of aviation have more of these dogs outside on the short-term extension. because they are all aviation jobs. Peo- perimeter as well. This will give us a Of course, I believe fully that the ple don’t realize how many aviation visible deterrent and help us in pro- leadership of my Commerce Com- jobs we have in the United States and tecting the much needed continuation mittee—Chairman THUNE and Ranking the fact that we are still the top when of air transportation travel. Member NELSON—worked very hard at it comes to aviation manufacturing I also want to mention a couple of crafting this Senate-passed FAA bill. I jobs. So it shouldn’t be a sector we re- other things that are in this legisla- am here in support of their efforts and lent on. We have a lot of work to do. tion—the checkpoint of the future and express my disappointment that their I would add to that list, though, the making sure we are streamlining our efforts were not rewarded by the House passage of the Export-Import Bank security checkpoints. We have been of Representatives. I regret that be- Board members so the Export-Import proud to work with the Pacific North- cause we did not have a willing partner Bank can be functioning so we can ac- west Lab in Richland, WA, where crit- in the House, we are left with a wa- tually approve aviation sales when we ical work is underway in detection tered-down extension so we can further get them done, and this is for smaller technologies. And this legislation con- entertain other ideas at some other aircraft or larger aircraft. It doesn’t tains the extension of an important point in time while uncertainty con- matter. aviation safety item. There are 136 air- tinues. If we build the best product, we ports across the country that have While that uncertainty continues, ought to be able to sell the best prod- automated weather equipment, but the rest of the world can advance their uct around the globe. And we are still they need weather observers to make efforts, particularly in airplane manu- stuck on getting that nominee out of these around-the-clock observations. facturing, while we wait for improve- committee because of someone holding So at Spokane International Airport, ments, efficiencies, and modernization it up, and the fact that they are hold- this is a vital tool, and I was so glad to in our own. While we wait for Congress ing it up means we will go many more work with Senator MORAN and others to do its work, the rest of the world months before completing airplane in keeping this on. moves on, with the potential of taking sales. Finally, we address in this extension away jobs from the manufacturing sec- I want to talk about some other pro- a critical upcoming shortage of air tor here in the United States. visions we are passing today. I am so traffic controllers by making improve- Americans rightfully should expect, proud to have worked with the chair- ments to the FAA’s hiring process and and do expect, leadership from their of- man of the committee, whom I just saw creating a path forward for graduates ficials in Washington. At a time when pass here on the floor—I am sure he is like those at the Green River Commu- this partisan dysfunction puts us in going to speak in a moment—and the nity College in Washington State. places in which we constantly find bar- ranking member on very important as- I thank Chairman THUNE and Rank- riers in the legislative process, it sure pects of aviation security. ing Member NELSON for these inclu- seems to me to be a waste that this op- First, we are doubling the number of sions in their work. We obviously have portunity to pass meaningful bipar- terrorist-deterrent teams at U.S. air- much more work to do to maintain our tisan reforms and improvements that ports and ground transportation. As we aviation infrastructure, and I look for- could have an immediate positive im- can see, these TSA teams are people ward to getting those done in the very pact on our economy is foregone. who are very involved in making sure near future. We have enough other problems we handle security at our airports. Mr. President, I yield the floor. around here in the way this place This is a very important aspect of this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- works. Here we had, in my view, a legislation because, as we saw with the ator from South Dakota. chance to grasp victory for the Amer- tragic events in Brussels and Istanbul, Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask ican people, for its workers, and for our terrorists can attack us not just on air- unanimous consent to speak for up to 5 economy. We failed to do it, and in the planes or inside the security perimeter minutes. process and as a result of that failure, but outside security as well. So I think The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there the ability of American manufacturers this legislation, thanks to Chairman objection?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.036 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5041 Without objection, it is so ordered. TSA PreCheck Enhancement Act, [Rollcall Vote No. 127 Leg.] Mr. THUNE. Mr. President I rise which will help enroll more Americans YEAS—89 today to discuss the security, safety, in expedited security screening and re- Alexander Fischer Murkowski and other air travel benefits included duce waits by vetting more passengers Ayotte Flake Murphy in the bipartisan aviation reform before they arrive to get them through Baldwin Franken Murray Barrasso Gardner Nelson agreement that was negotiated with checkpoints quickly. Bennet Gillibrand Paul the House of Representatives. Beyond question, safety and security Blumenthal Graham Perdue Last week, Senator BILL NELSON, the needs drove the effort to finish this 14- Blunt Grassley Peters Booker Hatch Portman ranking member on the Senate Com- month aviation reauthorization. The Boozman Heinrich merce Committee, and I reached accord Reed result, I can confidently say, ended up Boxer Heitkamp Reid Brown Heller on a way forward with House Transpor- being the most significant airport secu- Risch Burr Hirono tation and Infrastructure Committee Rubio rity reform bill in over a decade. Our Cantwell Hoeven Sanders Chairman BILL SHUSTER and Ranking bipartisan, bicameral bill is good legis- Capito Isakson Sasse Member PETER DEFAZIO. Our agree- lation that guards against the threat of Cardin Johnson ment presents an opportunity for the Carper Kaine Schatz terrorism, provides stability for the Coats King Schumer Senate to break the pattern of short- U.S. aviation system, and boosts safety Collins Kirk Scott term extensions for the Federal Avia- and consumer protections for airline Coons Klobuchar Shaheen Stabenow tion Administration that have not in- passengers. Corker Lankford cluded any meaningful reform. Cornyn Leahy Sullivan As we prepare for a vote on this im- Tester The aviation bill the Senate passed Cotton Lee portant bill, I urge my colleagues to Crapo Manchin Thune by a vote of 95 to 3 in April was a larger Tillis support this bill that we carefully Cruz Markey and, granted, more comprehensive bill Daines McCain Udall crafted over the past several months than the agreement that came out of Donnelly McCaskill Vitter with our House counterparts that Durbin McConnell Warner our negotiations with the House. It keeps the American people protected Enzi Menendez Warren contained provisions added by Members Ernst Merkley Whitehouse from terrorists, makes air travel safer in the Commerce Committee and on Feinstein Mikulski Wyden and more secure, and addresses an the Senate floor that we remain com- NAYS—4 issue of importance to all Americans. mitted to enacting. Casey Moran Nevertheless, we knew that certain Again, I thank the ranking member Cassidy Toomey on our committee, Senator NELSON. safety and security reforms just NOT VOTING—7 couldn’t wait until next year for the Senators AYOTTE and CANTWELL, the chair and ranking member on the Avia- Cochran Rounds Wicker process to restart. When we looked at Inhofe Sessions the ISIS attacks in airports in Brussels tion Subcommittee, were very involved Roberts Shelby and Istanbul, as well as the downing of in crafting this legislation. And, of The motion was agreed to. a Russian jetliner leaving Egypt, we course, there is the great work of our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- knew there were meaningful reforms staffs, who put in countless hours to jority leader. get us to where we are today, not only that could help efforts to prevent these f kinds of attacks here in America, and moving the original bill across the EXECUTIVE SESSION so we acted. Senate floor back in April but also in To address the threat of an ‘‘insider’’ negotiations with the House of Rep- resentatives to produce a result which working at an airport helping terror- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ists, the aviation reform agreement I think we can all be proud of and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I now before the Senate enhances re- which puts us on a path toward a safer ask unanimous consent that, notwith- quirements and vetting for airport travel opportunity for people in this standing the provisions of rule XXII, workers with access to secure areas. It country who use our airlines to get to the Senate proceed to executive session expands the use of random and physical their destinations. for the consideration of Calendar No. inspection of airport workers in se- Mr. President, I hope we will have a 592; that there be 15 minutes of debate cured areas and requires a review of pe- big vote, a bipartisan vote, in support only on the nomination, equally di- rimeter security. of this bipartisan legislation. vided in the usual form; that upon the Responding to ISIS’s demonstrated I yield the floor. use or yielding back of time, the Sen- interest in targeting unsecured areas of Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and ate vote on the nomination without in- airports, this aviation reform bill in- nays. tervening action or debate; that if con- cludes provisions to enhance the secu- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- firmed, the motion to reconsider be rity presence of units that can include TON). Is there a sufficient second? considered made and laid upon the canines and other personnel in table; that the President be imme- prescreening airport areas and in- There appears to be a sufficient sec- diately notified of the Senate’s action, creases preparedness for active shooter ond. and the Senate then resume legislative incidents. VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR session without any intervening action Because some international airports The question is on agreeing to the abroad operating nonstop flights to or debate. motion to concur. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there U.S. airports lack the security equip- The clerk will call the roll. objection? ment and expertise of U.S. and other The bill clerk called the roll. Without objection, it is so ordered. state-of-the-art airports, the bill au- The clerk will report the nomination. thorizes TSA to donate unneeded secu- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators are necessarily absent: the Senator The senior assistant legislative clerk rity equipment to foreign airports with read the nomination of Carla D. Hay- from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the direct flights to the United States, per- den, of Maryland, to be Librarian of Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), mits increased cooperation between Congress for a term of ten years. the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROB- U.S. officials and partner nations, and Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to ERTS), the Senator from South Dakota requires a new assessment of foreign consider the nomination. cargo security programs. (Mr. ROUNDS), the Senator from Ala- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- This bill, which the House passed ear- bama (Mr. SESSIONS), the Senator from ator from Maryland. lier this week, recognizes that long Alabama (Mr. SHELBY), and the Sen- Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise TSA lines aren’t only an inconvenient ator from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER). in support of the nomination of Dr. delay for passengers trying to catch The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Carla Hayden to be the head of the Li- flights, but they can lead to large SCOTT). Are there any other Senators brary of Congress. President Obama crowds in unsecured airport areas that in the Chamber desiring to vote? nominated her on February 24, 2016, create a target for terrorists. To ad- The result was announced—yeas 89, and the Rules Committee held a hear- dress these lines, the bill includes the nays 4, as follows: ing on April 20, 2016.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.037 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 I thank the chairman of the Rules libraries from every corner of the country; of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles), Committee, the Senator from Missouri, more than a score of national library groups; University of Boulder (Boulder, Mr. BLUNT, and Senator SCHUMER. and virtually all of the nation’s state library Colo.), University of Missouri-Kansas City Why is there an urgency to confirm associations. Organized by the American Li- (Kansas City, Mo.), The University of New brary Association (ALA), of which Dr. Hay- Orleans, Utica (N.Y.) College, Wake Forest Dr. Hayden? den is a past-president, the letter was trans- University (Winston-Salem, N.C.) Speaking as the vice chair of appro- mitted late yesterday to the members of the Academic libraries: Appalachian State priations committee, the Library of Senate Rules Committee which today holds University Libraries (Boone, N.C.), College of Congress has $600 million of appropria- its confirmation hearing on her nomination the Canyons Library (Santa Clarita, Calif.), tions funded through the legislative to become America’s 14th Librarian of Con- Denison University Libraries (Granville, branch and 3,000 employees. In addition gress. Ohio), Dominican University Graduate ALA President Sari Feldman previously to the work they do that is well known School of Library & Information Science said of Dr. Hayden’s nomination: (Lake Forest, Ill.), Duquesne University with the , they also ‘‘The President could not have made a bet- Gumberg Library (Pittsburgh), Florida State oversee the U.S. Copyright Office for ter choice. Hats off to President Obama for University Libraries (Tallahassee, Fla.), The the entire Nation, which needs leader- nominating Dr. Hayden, a professional li- Furman University Libraries (Greenville, ship and resources. The Library of Con- brarian uniquely positioned with the leader- S.C.), Georgia State University Library (At- gress also needs to move into the dig- ship and management skills and under- lanta), Library ital age, and that is why President standing of digital technology to make the (Washington, D.C.), Harvard Library (Cam- Library of Congress the preeminent national bridge, Mass), Ithaca (N.Y.) College Library, Obama nominated Dr. Carla Hayden. library in the world, highly-valued by and As Senators from Maryland, Senator Massachusetts Institute of Technology Li- serving all Americans as a treasured re- braries (Cambridge, Mass.), Michigan Aca- CARDIN and I know Dr. Hayden well. source. We look forward to working closely demic Library Association, State She has been head of the Maryland with her to further librarians’ bedrock prin- University Library (Bozeman, Mont.), Mont- Enoch Pratt Free Library for 23 years. ciple that all Americans everywhere deserve gomery College Libraries (Rockville, Md.), She is distinguished. She was the past and must have equitable access to the infor- Montgomery College Paul Peck Humanities president of the American Library As- mation that they need to succeed and lead Institute (Rockville, Md.), New York Univer- sociation and was confirmed by the productive lives in the digital age.’’ sity Division of Libraries, Oregon State Uni- The 140+ group letter of support follows: versity Libraries and Press (Corvallis, Senate in 2010 to serve on the National National organizations: American Book- Wash.), The Rockefeller University Rita and Museum and Library Services Board sellers Association, American Historical As- Frits Markus Library (New York), Rowan- sociation, Authors Alliance, Bill of Rights and has received numerous awards. Cabarrus Community College Learning Re- Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foun- She has proven herself to be a skilled source Centers (Salisbury, N.C.), Temple dation, Citizens for Responsibility and Eth- manager of large, complex projects and University Libraries (Philadelphia), Univer- ics in Washington, Center for Democracy and handling large budgets. She moved the sity of Arizona Libraries (Tucson, Arz.), Uni- Technology, Constitutional Alliance, Elec- versity of California Council of University Enoch Pratt Free Library into the dig- tronic Frontier Foundation, Government Ac- Librarians (11 campuses), University of Kan- ital age by leading the renovation of IT countability Project, Harry Potter Alliance, sas Libraries (Lawrence, Kan.) infrastructure dating back to the 1930s. National Coalition for Literacy, State library associations: Alabama Li- When she did that, she not only OpenTheGovernment.org, Organization for brary Association, Library Associa- Transformative Works, PEN American Cen- brought the library into the modern tion, Arizona Library Association, California ter, Public Knowledge, Reach Out and Read, age, she avoided techno-boondoggles Library Association, Colorado Library Asso- Reading is Fundamental, Scholarly Pub- and produced tangible results. ciation, Connecticut Library Association, lishing and Academic Resources Coalition She established a new wing dedicated Delaware Library Association, District of (SPARC), Society of American Archivists, Columbia Library Association, Florida Li- to young adults, guided the $11 million The OpenGov Foundation, The Sunlight brary Association, Georgia Library Associa- annex to house the library’s oldest and Foundation tion, Hawaii Library Association, Li- rarest materials, and also made the li- National Regional library organizations: brary Association, Illinois Library Associa- brary a statewide research institution. National Association of Law Libraries, tion, Indiana Library Association, Iowa Li- American Association of School Librarians, She is a transformational leader who brary Association, Kansas Library Associa- American Library Association, Association receives kudos from community lead- tion, Kentucky Library Association, Lou- of College and Research Libraries, Associa- ers, archivists, and academics. isiana Library Association, Maine Library tion for Library Collections & Technical President Obama has nominated a Association, Maryland Library Association, Services, Association for Library Service to Massachusetts Library Association, Michi- qualified candidate, and our Nation Children, Association for Specialized and Co- gan Library Association, Minnesota Library will be well served by her confirma- operative Library Agencies, Association of Association, Mississippi Library Association, tion. Research Libraries, Association of South- Missouri Library Association, Montana Li- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- eastern Research Libraries, Greater Western brary Association, Nebraska Library Asso- Library Alliance, Library Information Tech- sent that a statement by the American ciation, Nevada Library Association, New nology Association, Library Leadership & Library Association and other informa- Hampshire Library Association, Management Association, New England Li- tion related to Dr. Hayden be printed Library Association, New Mexico Library brary Association, New Jersey Association of in the RECORD. Association, New York Library Association, College and Research Libraries, Public Li- North Carolina Library Association, North There being no objection, the mate- brary Association, Reference and User Serv- Dakota Library Association, Ohio Library rial was ordered to be printed in the ices Association, Southeastern Library Asso- Association, Oklahoma Library Association, RECORD, as follows: ciation, United for Libraries: Association of Oregon Library Association, Pennsylvania Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Founda- [From the American Library Association] Library Association, Rhode Island Library tions, Urban Libraries Council, Urban Li- BROAD PUBLIC, LIBRARY AND EDUCATIONAL Association, South Carolina Library Asso- brarians Unite, Young Adult Library Serv- SECTOR SUPPORT OF HAYDEN NOMINATION ciation, South Dakota Library Association, ices Association MORE THAN 140 NATIONAL NONPROFIT AND LI- Educational institutions: Agnes Scott Col- Tennessee Library Association, Texas Li- BRARY GROUPS, SCHOOLS, AND ACADEMIC LI- lege (Atlanta), Appalachian State University brary Association, Utah Library Association, BRARIES URGE DR. CARLA HAYDEN’S RAPID (Boone, NC), Bates College (Lewiston, Vermont Library Association, Virginia Li- CONFIRMATION AS LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS Maine), Clemson (SC) University Libraries, brary Association, Washington Library Asso- WASHINGTON, DC.—‘‘The Library of Con- Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH), DePaul ciation, West Virginia Library Association, gress has never more needed the unique com- University (), Goucher College (Bal- Wisconsin Library Association, Wyoming Li- bination of character, acumen and humanity timore), Grand Valley State University brary Association that Dr. Carla Hayden is so professionally, (Allendale, Mich.), Illinois Wesleyan Univer- intellectually and personally qualified to sity (Bloomington, Ill.), Missouri State Uni- QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD SUBMITTED BY offer that great institution. We urge her ear- versity (Springfield, Mo), Northwestern Uni- CHAIRMAN FOR DR. CARLA HAY- liest possible approval by the Rules Com- versity (Evanston, Ill.), The Pennsylvania DEN, LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS NOMINEE mittee and rapid confirmation by the Sen- State University (State College, Pa.), Rollins QUALIFICATIONS ate,’’ said more than 20 leading national non- College (Winter Park, Fla.), St. Charles Com- 1. You led the Pratt Library amidst some profit organizations in the letter below. munity College (Cottleville, Mo.), Santa very difficult circumstances. What about Nonprofit supporters were also joined by Clara University (Santa Clara, Calif.), that experience has prepared you to lead the two dozen educational institutions (ranging Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.), world’s largest library? from community colleges to the Big Ten and Trinity University (San Antonio), University Answer: For more than 20 years leading the Ivy League); two dozen additional academic of Arkansas (Fayetteville, Ark.), University Enoch Pratt Free Library, I ran a library

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.039 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5043 system that was the State of Maryland’s re- that the Library is moving in the right di- CIO and the Register of Copyrights to secure search and reference library and an oppor- rection. If confirmed, I look forward to exe- the necessary resources for implementation. tunity center for patrons of all ages and cuting and, where appropriate, strengthening 8. In your view what role should the Li- abilities. I witnessed how the Library made a that plan. brarian of Congress play in shaping copy- significant impact on the lives of thousands 4. Please explain your efforts as CEO of the right policy and influencing the agenda of of people, from researchers to job seekers. Pratt Library to improve access to digital the Copyright Office? During my tenure at the Pratt, the Library resources, including computers and e-read- Answer: By statute, the Librarian appoints faced severe fiscal challenges, and transi- ers, and to expand that library’s electronic and supports the Register as the chief ad- tions in management structures. At the collection. ministrator of the U.S. Copyright Office. In same time, it strikingly became the main Answer: One of my main priorities as CEO so doing, the Librarian relies on the signifi- source of public computing for literacy and of the Pratt Library was to secure resources cant subject matter expertise provided by life empowerment. I led the Pratt Library as to enable the library to modernize its tech- the Register. If confirmed, I will carry out it redefined and refined its role as the re- nological infrastructure not only in the City those responsibilities to ensure the U.S. search and reference library for the entire of Baltimore but for the entire State of Copyright Office has what it needs to func- State of Maryland, providing internet serv- Maryland. The Library serves as the State tion fully, effectively, and efficiently. In ad- ice, staff training, public programs and Library Resource Center. Accordingly, it is dition, if confirmed, I will be attentive to the digitization of collections. I enlisted sub- responsible for providing internet and ref- views and concerns of stakeholders. stantial private and public support for the li- erence services for library users across the CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE brary, including major capital projects and state. 9. If confirmed, what will you do to ensure technological improvements. My leadership During my tenure, I led the effort to raise that CRS fulfills its mission of providing to required intense board and donor cultivation and secure public and private funding to Congress authoritative, objective, non- as well as cooperative work with all levels of build the internet service for libraries, partisan legislative research and analysis? government. As the primary advocate for the school systems, and other government agen- How would you respond to a Member’s con- Library, I spoke to various constituencies, cies in Maryland. In the City, we established cerns that CRS has fallen short in this re- represented the institution in media, and an IT plan and unit to expand the Library’s gard? made presentations on the needs of the Pratt electronic collection by lending e-books and Answer: I believe the Library’s Congres- Library to various stakeholders. e-readers while enhancing broadband and sional Research Service staff are the ‘‘spe- 2. If confirmed, what goals and perspec- computer access at all facilities. At present, cial forces’’ who are there to provide com- tives will you bring to the Library of Con- the Pratt Library is the largest provider of prehensive and objective research to mem- gress, and how will they advance the mission public access computers in Baltimore. In bers of Congress. If confirmed, I would fully of the Library? fact, the Pratt Library was the first entity support the CRS mandate ‘‘to provide Con- Answer: My primary goals for the Library to utilize the city’s broadband network for gress, throughout the legislative process, of Congress are threefold: to ensure that it public access. Also as the State Library Re- comprehensive and reliable legislative re- serves Congress at the highest level; to ex- source Center, the Pratt Library maintains, search, analysis and information services pand and enhance the reach of the Library’s coordinates and updates the digitization pro- that are confidential, objective, nonpartisan, collections to innumerable settings through- gram of collections across the state. authoritative, and timely, thereby contrib- out the country, including classrooms and 5. Please explain how your experiences ren- uting to an informed national legislature.’’ If public libraries; and to engage key stake- ovating and modernizing the Pratt Library a Member concluded that CRS had fallen holders, including in the copyright commu- would guide you in modernizing the Library short of that mandate, I immediately would nity, to address how the Library can best of Congress and improving its IT infrastruc- want to know how and why, and I would meet their needs. ture. work with CRS to address the concern. Should I be confirmed, my perspective and Answer: In my experiences at the Pratt Li- CHAIRMAN BLUNT QUESTION DURING HAYDEN experience will assist the Library in meeting brary I learned first-hand the value of build- NOMINATION HEARING RE: CHILD INTERNET those goals in the following ways. As chief ing a leadership team of senior IT managers PROTECTION ACT executive officer of a complex library system whose highest priority was the core mission Chairman Blunt. Thank you, Senator serving multiple constituencies with special- of the organization. In addition, I learned Boozman. I have a couple of other questions. ized services and collections, I know the im- that where I continuously stressed the im- Being the president of the American Library portance of consensus building and strategic portance of strong IT infrastructure to the Association is, I am sure, a great honor, but planning as vehicles to operate in a rapidly organization, the team was responsive. If maybe not an unmixed blessing, because sud- changing technological environment and confirmed, I will take a similar approach at denly you are responsible for everything that profession. During my tenure at the Pratt the Library, a task made simpler by the is being talked about as part of the associa- Library, I also had the opportunity to serve strides the Library has recently made in this tion. There are a couple of areas of criticism on numerous civic and professional boards area. that you and I have talked about and I would and to be elected President of the American COPYRIGHT OFFICE like to get your response to those on the Library Association (ALA) with a member- record today. One was when the Congress 6. The Copyright Office is also in the midst ship of over 63,000. These experiences, com- passed the Children’s Internet Protection of an IT modernization effort. If confirmed, bined with my previous academic and profes- Act, the American Library Association chal- how do you plan to assist the Copyright Of- sional tenures at the University of Pitts- lenged the constitutionality of that, arguing fice in its effort? Would you advocate for burgh School of Information Science and the that it violated the First Amendment. And I keeping the Copyright Office’s IT systems Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, know, beginning then as a leader of the na- aligned with those of the Library, or are you give me a broad outlook on managing change tional organization through really up until open to giving the Office a degree of inde- while preserving the traditions and legacy of now, you have commented on this several pendence (and the necessary resources) to venerable institutions and organizations. times, but you want to talk about that whole manage its own unique IT needs? issue of what kind of violation that would MODERNIZING THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Answer: My goals for IT infrastructure at have been, and then the issue of what kinds 3. Problems with the Library’s information the Library generally, and the U.S. Copy- of things need to happen in a library to be technology (IT) systems and management right Office more specifically, are efficiency sure that children do not have access to ma- were well documented in a GAO audit re- and effectiveness. I will approach the issue of terial that we would not want children to leased last year. The Library has already whether the U.S. Copyright Office should have access to, and then how often you have taken steps to address its IT deficiencies, but have separate IT infrastructure with an open to revisit that whole concept? a lot of work remains. If confirmed, how will mind, and I will embrace the solution that is Dr. Hayden. I really appreciate that ques- you continue the Library’s efforts to im- most efficient and effective. As I approach tion, Senator, because there has been quite a prove and modernize its IT? the issue, I will do so with an understanding bit of just misinterpretation of the Library Answer: Modernized IT is the key to im- that the U.S. Copyright Office has particu- Association’s position during that time. proving efficiency and access at the Library, larized technology needs, and has a weighty That was in 2003–2004, and at that time, the and in its component parts, including the task in serving its important and diverse filters that would have been required for li- U.S. Copyright Office. I understand and will stakeholders. braries to install were found to prohibit ac- not lose sight of its importance. In over 20 7. Some have noted that the Copyright Of- cess to very important health information, years at the Pratt Library, I have overseen fice’s registration process has become out- and the most notable at that time was breast several IT modernization projects with an dated, cumbersome, and backlogged, particu- cancer. And since that time, the technology attention to detail that matched the signifi- larly for those operating in the digital space. has improved and the filters that are in- cance of the project. What plans do you have to help the Register stalled to receive federal funding—and my li- As the question notes, the Library is al- improve the copyright registration process brary, the Pratt Library, in its state role, ready making great strides in IT moderniza- so the Office can meet the needs of those in- has installed filters—have improved, and the tion. A new Library Chief Information Offi- dustries at the core of the digital economy? need to be vigilant is also something that li- cer (CIO) was appointed in September 2015, Answer: I understand that proposals are in braries are doing in not only the techno- and a Library-wide IT Strategic Plan was fi- place to address these concerns. If confirmed logical aspect, but just plain physical ar- nalized in December 2015, demonstrating I look forward to working with the Library’s rangements of computers, making sure that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.020 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 there are faceout positioning of computer Answer: If confirmed, I would ensure that Dr. Hayden led the American Library monitors, as well as very few, if any, cubicles the responsibilities of the Policy and Stand- Association from 2003 to 2004. This is that contain computers as well, and edu- ards Division of the Library, which responds the national organization for librar- to constituent request regarding catalog sub- cation and making sure that people know ians. In 2001, before she began her ten- that pornography is illegal and we do not ject headings, are performed and carried out support that in any shape or form. in the most professional, efficient, and objec- ure as President, the organization’s Chairman Blunt. You do not think that tive manner. In the position of Librarian of council voted to challenge the Chil- pornography, illegal, as you described it, has Congress, I would welcome the opportunity dren’s Internet Protection Act on First a place in the library? to work with Congress to ensure that the Li- Amendment grounds. This act requires Dr. Hayden. Not online, no. brary’s mandates are fulfilled. libraries receiving public funding to in- Chairman Blunt. And there are, at the Ms. MIKULSKI. In the interest of stall Internet content filters on public same time, things in the library that are not time, I yield the floor. computers. This requirement helps pro- appropriate for everybody that visits the li- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tect children from harmful Internet brary to see. ator from Missouri. Dr. Hayden. Right, and Senator, the way content in public libraries, and, of Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, the li- course, I support its implementation. you described it is exactly the way that li- brary of Congress is at a critical junc- braries even design their buildings and the In 2003, right before Dr. Hayden be- furniture, and making sure there is even ture. We seldom talk about the Library came president of the association, the signage that unaccompanied adults in chil- because there have only been 13 Librar- Supreme Court upheld the law, and she dren’s sections are going to be questioned. ians who have served in the Library of was actually the president of the asso- There are so many safety measures that are Congress in the entire history of the ciation not when they challenged the put in public libraries, and even college and Library, dating back to the starting of law but when they implemented the university libraries, to make sure that mi- the Federal Government here in Wash- nors are safe and that they are not exposed law. ington. It is an important time for the I specifically asked her about her po- to objectionable material as far as we can Library to have a chance to really prevent. sition on the Children’s Internet Pro- focus on the technologies available to tection Act during our public hearing us today. SENATOR CRUZ QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD on the nomination, and I wish to make I am the chairman of the Rules Com- FOR DR. CARLA D. HAYDEN COMMITTEE ON a couple of points about her response mittee, and the ranking Democrat on RULES AND ADMINISTRATION—NOMINATION to my questions. She explained to the that committee, Senator SCHUMER, and TO BE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS committee that the American Library I proposed legislation earlier in the 1. The Library of Congress recently an- Association’s concerns were focused on nounced its decision to eliminate the terms year that would set a limit—for the first time—for the Library of Congress. unintentionally restricting access to ‘‘aliens’’ and ‘‘illegal aliens’’ from subject nonpornographic materials, including heading and search classifications, replacing This nomination is the first nomina- them with the supposedly less ‘‘pejorative’’ tion for a Librarian to have a term health information related topics like terms ‘‘Noncitizens’’ and ‘‘Unauthorized im- limit. That 10-year term will replace breast cancer. At the time, according migration.’’ Numerous important historical what was previously a lifetime appoint- to Dr. Hayden, the filters were not as materials use the former terms. And at over ment. sophisticated as they are today, and 100 years of age, the heading ‘‘aliens’’ is one It is a critically important 10 years they had a tendency to overfilter in of the oldest headings used by the Library. some areas. However, she made it clear Moreover, Congress has chosen to utilize for the Library. Congress unanimously agreed to make this change, and then that her view of pornography was that these terms throughout the United States it has no place in public libraries and Code. The Library’s decision to nevertheless the nomination of Dr. Carla Hayden move forward with this revisionist maneuver was received by the Rules Committee noted that her library, the Enoch Pratt appears virtually unprecedented, and it will at the end of February this year. Since library, has installed filters consistent waste resources and hinder research efforts. that time, the committee has thor- with the requirement of the law. Do you believe the largest library in the oughly vetted Dr. Hayden. We reviewed I will quote her testimony at this world should be sacrificing research effi- her qualifications, writings, experi- point because this has been the one ciency and resources in the name of political ence, and in particular, her role in area where some Members have ex- correctness? pressed concern. She said: Answer: The Library of Congress has a long leading the Enoch Pratt Free Library Technology has improved and the filters history of (i) providing assistance to re- in Baltimore for the past 23 years. She that are installed to receive federal funding searchers in finding what they are looking oversaw the expansion and moderniza- . . . have improved. And, the need to be vigi- for in its vast collections, and (ii) sharing its tion of the library and how it could be lant is also something that libraries are processes with libraries of all types through- made more available to people. doing in not only the technological aspect, out the nation. Part of the Library’s process This committee spent more time re- but just plain physical arrangement of com- includes reviewing catalog subject headings, viewing this nomination than any pre- puters, making sure that there are face-out often at the request of the public or the li- vious nomination for this position. I positioning of computer monitors, as well as brary community. In fact I was involved in a think she has an extraordinary profes- very few, if any, cubicles that contain com- similar review of the terms referring to Afri- sional background. By the way, the puters as well, and education and making can Americans, which evolved from Negro, sure people know that pornography is illegal Black, and Afro-Americans during extensive longest serving Librarian of Congress and we do not support that in any shape or debate and discussion among numerous com- was a librarian, and she brings that form. munities. In this current subject heading re- skill in ways that nobody else has in view, my understanding is that the Library the past. She earned her Ph.D. from The committee went through a thor- is engaging in a customary public comment the University of Chicago in library ough process. She was unanimously ap- period and after the comments are received science. She served as an assistant pro- proved by the committee. I certainly will engage in additional review regarding fessor at the University of Pittsburgh, agree with Senator MIKULSKI when she the matter. and spent 40 years working in her cho- said that this is an important time. We Similarly, do you believe the exclusive re- sen profession of leading library sys- have taken the time to look at this, search arm of Congress should be elimi- nating search terms used extensively by Con- tems in Chicago and Baltimore. and we don’t need to wait any longer. gress in the United States Code? She has been endorsed by librarians I urge my colleagues to approve this Answer: I understand that the Library is around the country, associations, and nomination. reviewing this matter and will consider the higher education entities in many Mr. President, I also ask that Sen- most effective and efficient use of subject States, including my State. Missouri ator CARDIN have a chance to speak headings for research and reference for the State University and the University of about Dr. Hayden. He also knows her public in searching the Library’s collections, Missouri in Kansas City have both en- very well. as well as those in libraries throughout the dorsed her service. The librarian in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- nation. This review will consider the needs Ferguson, MO, served on panels with ator from Maryland. and use of Congress, as the core mission of Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I thank the Library is to assist Congress in per- her and has endorsed her. The libraries forming its constitutional duties. in both Ferguson and Baltimore played Senator BLUNT for his leadership and As Librarian of Congress, would you re- their own roles in dealing with the for bringing this nomination to the verse this unprecedented and harmful ac- stress that those communities have floor. I wish also to thank Senator tion? faced over the last 2 years. SCHUMER and the manner in which it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.021 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5045 was handled by the Rules Committee. The clerk will call the roll. ator from Massachusetts, who have The staff did a lot of work, and I thank Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators been real leaders on this issue. all who were involved in bringing this are necessarily absent: the Senator Well, we have only one more day of nomination forward. from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the legislative session before Congress We have heard from my colleagues, Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), breaks until September. It is an appro- Senator MIKULSKI and Senator BLUNT, the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROB- priate time to take stock of how the about the extraordinary qualifications ERTS), the Senator from South Dakota majority has handled their job of of Dr. Hayden. She has the academic (Mr. ROUNDS), the Senator from Ala- scheduling and confirming judges. credentials, experience, and proven bama (Mr. SESSIONS), the Senator from More than a year into this new Con- leadership, as we saw with the Enoch Alabama (Mr. SHELBY), and the Sen- gress, the Republican leadership has al- Pratt Free Library in Baltimore and ator from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER). lowed only 22 judges to be confirmed— what she was able to do. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the only 22. In the last 2 years of the Bush I wish to add one more dimension to Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) administration with a Democratic ma- this, if I might, and that is the person is necessarily absent. jority—the mirror situation of what we she is. She is admired by all. She The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there are in today—there were 68. So that is knows how to bring people together. any other Senators in the Chamber de- 68 versus 22. She has incredible people skills in addi- siring to vote? The Republican majority is con- tion to having the technical skills to The result was announced—yeas 74, firming judges at the slowest rate in be an extraordinary CEO and to man- nays 18, as follows: more than 60 years. This has real con- age a complex operation. The Library [Rollcall Vote No. 128 Ex.] sequences across America. Vacancies of Congress is a complex operation. It YEAS—74 have risen from 43 to 83 since Repub- takes a great deal of management licans took over the majority; 29 have Alexander Fischer Moran skills. Ayotte Flake Murkowski been judicial emergencies. I know that She has received many acknowledge- Baldwin Franken Murphy in my city of Buffalo in Western New ments and awards during her career, Barrasso Gardner Murray York we had an emergency. We have but the one that I think perhaps speaks Bennet Gillibrand Nelson one of the busiest courts, and for a Blumenthal Graham Paul to her character the most was when Blunt Grassley Peters while we had no judges. Now we have the Daily Record gave her the award Booker Hatch Portman one. for the most admired CEO 2 years ago. Boozman Heinrich Reed At this point in time in the Bush ad- Boxer Heitkamp Reid That is a hard award to get, and it just Brown Hirono ministration, with Democrats in con- Schatz shows that she knows how to lead—but Burr Hoeven trol of the Senate, we had reduced the Schumer Cantwell Johnson to lead in an effective way. Quite Shaheen number to 39. That is half as many va- Capito Kaine cancies as now exist. From the district frankly, the Library of Congress, I Cardin King Stabenow think, will benefit from those skills Carper Klobuchar Sullivan courts to the Federal courts of appeal, and use those skills very effectively. Casey Lankford Tester all the way up to the Highest Court in Thune I also want to share with my col- Collins Leahy the land, the Republican majority has Coons Manchin Tillis leagues that, in addition to her creden- Corker Markey Toomey been showing the American people that tials in her profession, which we have Cornyn McCaskill Udall when it comes to judges, they just are already gone through—including being Donnelly McConnell Warner not doing their job. Durbin Menendez Warren This is hardly a Senate that is back president of the American Library As- Enzi Merkley Whitehouse sociation and also serving on the ac- Feinstein Mikulski Wyden to work. The nuts and bolts of gov- creditation committee—she has done a erning is the process of nominations, NAYS—18 lot of the nuts and bolts with regard to especially for the judiciary. By this Cassidy Ernst Perdue measure, the Republican Senate and its libraries both locally and nationally. Coats Heller Risch She has also been involved in many Cotton Isakson Rubio Judiciary Committee are not back to community activities. I know that lo- Crapo Kirk Sasse work; they are sleeping on the job. cally she served on the Goucher College Cruz Lee Scott There is no better example of it than board, the Baltimore Gas and Electric Daines McCain Vitter the irresponsible, partisan blockade of board, and the Baltimore Leadership NOT VOTING—8 President Obama’s Supreme Court School for Young Women. I could men- Cochran Rounds Shelby pick, now in its fifth month. tion a lot more activities. She has been Inhofe Sanders Wicker The speedy application of justice, the an extremely engaged individual in our Roberts Sessions right to petition the government for community. The nomination was confirmed. redress of grievances is a bedrock of I know she will do a great job in this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under American values enshrined in the Con- capacity, and I know she will make us the previous order, the motion to re- stitution. This is not an abstract con- proud. We know the Library of Con- consider is considered made and laid cept. It has real, everyday con- gress is the envy of the world, and I upon the table and the President will sequences for American litigants. Jus- think we have a world-class leader to be immediately notified of the Senate’s tice delayed is justice denied. lead the Library of Congress. I urge my action. Without judges on the bench, justice colleagues to support this confirma- f is denied for a woman who was un- justly fired, suing to get back her job tion. LEGISLATIVE SESSION If there is no one else who seeks rec- and support her family. ognition, I suggest that we yield back The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- It is denied for a small business all time and move toward a vote. SIDY). Under the previous order, the owner seeking to resolve a contract Mr. BLUNT. I yield back our time. Senate will resume legislative session. dispute and keep his stores open. Any The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there f small business owner can tell you that when lawsuits hang over them, wheth- objection? COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND er they are plaintiffs or defendants, it Without objection, it is so ordered. RECOVERY ACT OF 2016—CON- All time is yielded back. causes them sleepless nights. My dad FERENCE REPORT—Continued Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask for was a small business man. Our Repub- the yeas and nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- lican colleagues are just twiddling The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a ator from New York. their thumbs. sufficient second? UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE It is denied for criminal defendants There appears to be a sufficient sec- CALENDAR who deserve to have their cases heard ond. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I rise in a courtroom before an impartial The question is, Will the Senate ad- this afternoon to talk about the pace of judge and a jury of their peers. This vise and consent to the Hayden nomi- judicial confirmations with my friends, matters in so many of the States, in- nation? the Senator from Hawaii and the Sen- cluding my home State of New York.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.042 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 One of the judges who has been lan- will. I would like to put all this in per- integrity and his Mexican-American guishing on the calendar is Gary spective and talk about the theatrics heritage at political rallies. Some Re- Brown. He is currently serving as a that we sometimes call the discussion publicans in Congress claimed to be magistrate judge in the Eastern Dis- on the Senate floor. You know, I think shocked by the assault on our legal trict of New York. He has been nomi- that we have a tendency here—maybe system. PAUL RYAN called Trump’s at- nated for a seat on the Islip court, a it is because we are busy and we have tack the ‘‘textbook definition of a rac- crowded bench. Long Island has 3 mil- got a lot of other things we are doing, ist comment.’’ lion people, more than many States. but we have a tendency to have very Oh, please. Spare me the false out- That seat has been vacant for 18 short memories. rage. Where do you suppose Donald months—18 months. We should remember that we con- Trump got the idea that he can demean The small business people in Long Is- firmed a judge last week and the prior judges with impunity? He got it from land who need these cases settled and week. In fact, one of those judges was Republicans right here in Congress. the many others who are awaiting jus- a judge put forth, supported by Sen- It is bad enough that Senate Repub- tice are in anguish. Our Republican ators from the State of New Jersey, licans will not even give Merrick Gar- colleagues just sit there. We know why. both Democrat Senators. We moved land, the President’s Supreme Court The American people know why too. forward with the confirmation. nominee, a hearing—while the Repub- They are not doing their jobs. I also want to talk a little bit about licans’ allies spend billions of dollars Gary Brown is eminently qualified history because I am new here. But my conducting a nonstop campaign of for this seat. As a magistrate judge, he facts seem to stand in contrast to what slime against him. But the story is ac- heard a number of cases related to the is discussed on this floor from week to tually much bigger than Judge Gar- fallout from Superstorm Sandy. Only week. When it comes to judicial nomi- land. through Judge Brown’s intelligence nations, the President has been treated Sixteen noncontroversial district and integrity were deficiencies in the much more fairly, I would submit, than court judicial nominees—16—are wait- insurance claims process uncovered, President George W. Bush. To date, the ing to take their seats alongside Judge and hundreds of homeowners began to Senate has confirmed 329 of President Curiel on the Federal bench. They have recoup their losses. So we need a Judge Obama’s judicial nominations. At this been investigated, they have gone Brown. The people of Long Island need point, President Bush had only 312 ju- through hearings, and they have been a Judge Brown. Without judges on the dicial nominations confirmed. voted out of committee. About half bench, we are diminishing that corps. In fact, President Obama has now have been sitting there for more than a Our majority leader likes to talk surpassed President Bush in terms of year. But in a few days, the Republicans about the fact that the Senate is work- the total judicial nominees confirmed who control the Senate are planning to ing again. Give me a break. If you can’t for the entire Presidency of George W. pack up and shut down this body for even appoint judges, how can you say Bush. During his entire Presidency, the most of the rest of the year, leaving the Senate is working? There is no Senate confirmed only 326 of President Bush’s judicial nominations. We have every single one of these men and good reason other than the usual polit- already confirmed 329. So I would sub- women to twist in the wind. Why? Be- ical games, games that Democrats did mit, that is getting the work done. cause in 6 months Donald Trump might not play when we were in the same po- That is getting the job done. That is be President. Make no mistake, Repub- sition in the last 2 years of George doing our job. licans want Donald Trump to appoint Bush’s term and we had the Senate ma- I know the other side of the aisle the next generation of judges. They jority. does not like the fact that they don’t want those judges to tilt the law in Well, we have 1 day left before we set the floor agenda. But any reason- favor of big businesses and billionaires break. Yet this body has failed to pass able, objective review of the record like Trump. They just want Donald adequate legislation dealing with Zika, demonstrates that President Obama Trump to stop being so vulgar and ob- failed to pass real funding on the opioid has been treated more fairly than his vious about it. crisis, failed to pass sensible gun safety predecessor, George W. Bush. It is ridiculous. If Republicans expect measures after another senseless trag- So, for that reason, I do object. the American people to believe they edy in Orlando, and failed to fill our The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- don’t agree with Trump’s disgraceful benches, whether it is the Supreme tion is heard. attacks on an independent judiciary, Court, the circuit courts, or the dis- The Senator from Massachusetts. they should confirm these judges. trict courts. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE We have just one message for the Re- Our Republican majority owes it to CALENDAR publicans: Do your job—now—before the American people to make some Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, Donald shutting off the lights and leaving progress on judges before Members run Trump spent years pedaling Trump town. At least confirm the 13 non- for the hills. We should not be adjourn- University, a sham college that his controversial district court judges who ing with this many vacancies, this own former employees refer to as one were nominated before 2016. many judicial emergencies. It is time big, fraudulent scheme. Now he is being Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- to confirm these uncontroversial nomi- sued for fraud and, worse, for targeting sent that the Senate proceed to execu- nees. I say to every one of my col- the most vulnerable people he could tive session to consider the following leagues on the other side of the aisle, find, lying to them, taking all their nominations: Calendar Nos. 359, 362, particularly the majority leader, it is money and then leaving them in debt. 363, 364, 459, 460, 461, 508, 569, 570, 571, time to do your job. Now, the judge presiding over 572, and 573; that the Senate proceed to I ask unanimous consent that the Trump’s case is Gonzalo Curiel, a vote without intervening action or de- Senate proceed to executive session to former Federal prosecutor who has bate on the nominations in the order consider the following nominations: spent decades quietly serving his coun- listed; that the motions to reconsider Calendar Nos. 11, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 359, try, sometimes at great risk to his own be considered made and laid upon the 362, 363, 364, 459, 460, 461, 505, 508, 569, life. The Republican Governor who first table with no intervening action or de- 570, 571, 572, 573, 597, 598, 599, and 600; appointed him calls him an American bate; that no further motions be in further, that the Senate proceed to hero, and he was confirmed with bipar- order to the nominations; that any re- vote without intervening action or de- tisan support from the Senate. lated statements be printed in the bate on the nominations; and that, if Like all district court judges, Judge RECORD; that the President be imme- confirmed, the motion to reconsider be Curiel’s work is not political so he is diately notified of the Senate’s action, considered made and laid upon the following the law in the Trump Univer- and the Senate then resume legislative table. sity case, but Donald Trump wants session. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Judge Curiel to bend the law to suit The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Trump’s own personal financial inter- objection? The Senator from North Carolina. ests and Trump’s very, very fragile ego. The Senator from North Carolina. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, reserving A little over a month ago, Trump Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, reserving the right to object—and, of course, I began savagely attacking the judge’s the right to object.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.043 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5047 Sometimes when I come to the Sen- cluding district and appellate venues, That is why I am proud to be a mem- ate floor, I can’t help but think that criminal and civil arenas, and litiga- ber of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. people who are watching me in the Gal- tion on issues ranging from tax law to I told the soldiers down at Fort Bragg lery and watching on C–SPAN are tough cases such as crimes against and Camp Lejeune and across this Na- thinking: What’s going on? I thought children. tion we were going to work to fund the we were working on funding the vet- I met with Clare in Hawaii and when Department of Defense. erans, coming up with a solution to she came before the Judiciary Com- What I wish to do is see if we can get Zika, funding the DOD, making sure mittee. She is more than qualified to back to these matters that are nec- States and localities have adequate re- serve on the Federal bench today. Sen- essary and important. They will save sources to combat drug addiction and ator GRASSLEY has indicated that Re- lives. They will equip our men and the opioid epidemic. Instead, we get publicans will shut down the nomina- women to take the fight wherever we floor speeches that have nothing to do tion process this month, even though may go. with doing our jobs. vacancies have nearly doubled. Today I want to talk specifically I am doing my job today in objecting If Clare is not confirmed, the Hawaii about the MILCON-VA-Zika bill that is to these measures so we can actually district court seat would be left vacant before us. It is a conference report. For get back to the pressing matters that for a year. Historically, the Senate has those who are not familiar with con- hopefully will get passed out of the held confirmation votes on widely sup- ference reports, they are unamendable. Senate before we go to the state work ported nominees into September of a We need an up-or-down vote, and we period and return in September. Presidential election year. need to send it to the President’s desk. Mr. President, for that reason, I ob- The nominees before us all have bi- That is what lies before us. That is a ject to the motion from the distin- partisan support and come from States bill we can pass this year, funding that guished Senator from Massachusetts. throughout the country: Tennessee, the Democratic conference in large The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- New Jersey, New York, California, numbers supported at $1.1 billion when tion is heard. Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Utah, and it went to the House. The Senator from Massachusetts. of course Hawaii. What is that funding going to do? It Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I am I urge my Republican colleagues to is going to fund remediation programs not sure what version of the Constitu- do their job. to make sure we don’t have an epi- tion you are reading that doesn’t say Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- demic that is spread through mosquito confirming judges is part of doing your sent that the Senate proceed to execu- bites. Right now, the known U.S. cases job in the U.S. Senate. tive session to consider the following are all travel related, but we are afraid These judges have all been com- nominations: Calendar Nos. 359, 362, pletely vetted, they are noncontrover- 363, 364, 459, 460, 461, and 508; further, of that threat—particularly as mos- sial, and they have bipartisan support. that the Senate proceed to vote with- quito season sets in across the Nation. The amount of time it would take to out intervening action or debate on the It has been going on in North Carolina get these judges confirmed is simply: nominations in the order listed; that and the South for several months. We Don’t object. Let us go forward. the motions to reconsider be consid- want to give local health professionals We hear a lot of talk these days from ered made and laid upon the table with and the CDC the resources they need to Republicans in Congress suddenly car- no intervening action or debate; that find a vaccine that the CDC promises ing about the rule of law. Talk is no further motions be in order to the we can get in a matter of 18 months, cheap. Real cases are piling up. Real nominations; that any related state- and we want to make sure we do every- thing we can to educate people about courts are starved for help. Real justice ments be printed in the RECORD; that is being denied, and the American peo- the President be immediately notified the potential dangers of this disease. ple aren’t easily fooled. If Senate Re- of the Senate’s action, and the Senate That is what approving this conference publicans leave town without putting a then resume legislative session. report will do. single one of these highly qualified, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- noncontroversial judicial nominees on objection? sent that the Senate proceed to the the bench, they are making it clear The Senator from North Carolina. consideration of the conference report that for them politics is everything 24/ UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—CONFERENCE to accompany H.R. 2577 and that the 7, that politics trumps everything, REPORT TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 2577 conference report be agreed to with no even an independent judiciary. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, reserving intervening action or debate. Mr. President, I yield back the re- the right to object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there mainder of my time. I wish to just touch briefly on what objection? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the distinguished Senator from Hawaii The Democratic leader is recognized. ator from Hawaii. mentioned regarding vacancies. If you Mr. REID. Mr. President, I reserve UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE take a look at the average number of the right to object, and I am going to CALENDAR vacancies over the last 25 years or so, say a few words. Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I thank during every presidency, the average I say to my friend, the junior Senator Senators SCHUMER, WARREN, and others vacancy rate has been higher than it is from North Carolina, this is the first for their efforts to get some movement in 2016. It is a natural part of the proc- time I have ever heard anyone say the on these neglected judicial nominees. ess that when judges move up to senior problem with the judges is it is just When we talk about the Senate doing status, we are filling the vacancies. one of those things, let’s not worry its job, of course confirming judges is a This goes up and down. This is not a about it, it happens all the time—but part of the Senate’s job. In fact, only crisis. It is no different than a situa- that is not true. Around America the Senate can do that job. tion the Senate has dealt with long be- today, we have a number of extremely So far 23 of the 24 nominees on the fore I got here. important judicial emergencies, mean- Executive Calendar were approved by Mr. President, so that we can dis- ing we have all these judicial districts the Judiciary Committee by voice pense with these matters and move where there are not enough judges to vote, including 16 district court nomi- back onto the legislation before us that do the work. nees. This includes Hawaii’s own Clare can fund the VA, that can address the Justice delayed is justice denied. Connors. Before I speak about Clare, I Zika crisis and do things that we need Having practiced law quite a few years, want to also mention that she and the to do before we get out of town, I ob- it is very hard to go to a court and be other nominees before us today—who ject. told: We are sorry, but the judge is were unanimously approved by the Ju- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- doing all civil cases today. He has no diciary Committee—will be kept from tion is heard. time for criminal cases—or vice versa. serving on the Federal bench, kept The Senator from North Carolina. So I appreciate his succinctness say- from doing those jobs because of Re- Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I want to ing: Well, this is no big deal. Don’t publican inaction. get back on doing my job. I promised worry about the judges. I will tell you something about Clare. the people of North Carolina I was We are worried about the judges. It is She has wide-ranging experience, in- going to help fund the VA. very difficult.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.044 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 Let’s move on to the second subject call it. They are not the same two vehi- We have reached out to Republicans he brought up, the second subject— cles. It restricts funding for birth con- to try to work something out. We can judges are no big deal. I think that is a trol provided by Planned Parenthood. work together. Even now, when we can tremendously big deal and so do the There is an obsession by the House see just over the horizon the Repub- American people. Republicans—and I am sorry to say the lican convention starting on Monday, Once again, the Senator from North obsession over here is fairly well fixed we can still do it before then. We need Carolina seeks to pass the very par- also—and they want to do everything to work something out. We want to do tisan VA-Military Construction-Zika they can to dramatically negatively af- that. I have tried. bill. Yes, he said—for those not famil- fect Planned Parenthood. That is what I know what is going on in the House. iar with the conference reports, I am this is about. They can’t pass anything on their own familiar with lots of them. I have been If you are a woman in America today unless they put this kind of stuff in it. through lots of conference reports. I and you are worried about Zika, I All they would have to do on the bill understand the rules, but I also under- think you should be concerned about that passed the Senate with 89 votes— stand that we as a body can do any- birth control. And women all over if the Speaker would allow a vote in thing we want to do. That is the way America are. Some women can’t go to the House of Representatives, it would the Senate operates. We have the abil- a boutique physician and get a pre- pass overwhelmingly. Democrats, with ity to change the rules in a manner of scription; they need to go to Planned rare exception, would vote for it. It minutes and move on to change what is Parenthood, where the health care would get 98, 99 percent of the Demo- before this body. We know the reason needs of millions of women are taken cratic vote, and a few Republicans the Republican leader cannot move for- care of—but not under Republican would vote for it. It would pass over- ward on a Zika funding bill that is rea- guidance, no. whelmingly. That is what should hap- sonable is because the House of Rep- So as part of this conference report, pen, but it can’t. resentatives is unreasonable. funding for Planned Parenthood would I understand the Speaker is con- We passed out of this body a very be restricted—birth control. strained by—he hasn’t gone this far, at good bill. It wasn’t what I wanted. I Just to make sure they covered all least publicly. Boehner publicly said he wanted $1.9 billion that the Centers for their poison pill areas, they said: We had to deal with his crazies. Speaker Disease Control and the National Insti- have to do something to whack the en- RYAN is dealing with the same crazies. tutes of Health said they need—$1.9 bil- vironment, so we will change the Clean So I am going to ask unanimous con- lion. But I said: OK, $1.1 billion will Water Act. That is what they did. That sent to pass the same Zika legislation help a tremendous amount. It is emer- is what we got back. that passed this body with 89 votes. As gency spending, no offsets. We hear all these great speeches I said, if the Speaker allowed a vote on So we agreed and sent it to the about ‘‘We want to do something to this, it would pass. House. Eighty-nine Senators voted for take care of the veterans.’’ Well, $500 UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 5243 it. The Democrats voted for it and the million was taken out of veterans to So I ask whether the Senator from vast majority of Republicans voted for help pay for Zika funding—$500 million. North Carolina would amend his re- it. That was good. It wasn’t perfect, What was that veterans money to be quest to this: I ask unanimous consent but it was good. used for? Processing claims. There is a that the Senate proceed to the consid- So what did the House of Representa- tremendous backlog. But that is in eration of H.R. 5243; that all after the tives do? They filled this report, this there. enacting clause be stricken; that the conference report. They ignored what Ebola funding. Two years ago, Amer- substitute amendment, which is the we had done in the Senate, and they ica was up in arms over Ebola. The epi- text of the Blunt-Murray amendment decided they were going to stick some demic has died down, but it is not gone. to provide $1.1 billion in funding for of their favorite poison pills onto this There are still pockets of real problems Zika, be agreed to; that there be up to legislation. Why? Because the Speaker, in Africa, and on any one day, they 1 hour of debate, equally divided be- to his credit, is trying—but he is not could burgeon into something like they tween the two leaders or their des- doing much good over there. He is find- were 2 years ago. The National Insti- ignees; that upon the use or yielding ing that Speaker Boehner couldn’t do tutes of Health and the Centers for Dis- back of time, the bill, as amended, be much better than he has done. That is ease Control want to keep some money read a third time and the Senate vote why Boehner left. He couldn’t handle it there so they can take care of this epi- on passage of the bill, as amended, with because, as Boehner used to call them, demic, but, no, they whacked $107 mil- no intervening action or debate. Finally, Mr. President, I would ask the ‘‘crazies’’ take over that caucus. lion off of that. that everyone be reminded that we They have a rule in the House, Mr. Everyone knows the money they have had emergencies all over Amer- President—and the Presiding Officer took from ObamaCare—I could raise a ica. The Presiding Officer—I am sorry used to serve in the House of Rep- point of order right now and it would to keep referring to him, but this is the resentatives. All the time he was there, fall. They can’t do that. That is wrong. subject at hand. When his State had they had this rule. When I was there, They have had 67 votes in the House to that terrible devastation with that ter- there was no such rule. The rule they defund ObamaCare. None of them have rible hurricane, we were there. We were have now is called the Hastert rule. Of passed, but they have had fun trying. there the next day, the next week, the course, Hastert is in prison, so they But in a final effort to kind of stick next month, the next year, doing what should at least change the name of their finger in our eye, they said: Here we could to provide emergency funding that rule. The Hastert rule says: We is what we are going to put on this for the beleaguered State of Louisiana. great bill. We believe it would be ap- are only going to pass a bill if we can We did it because it was the right thing propriate to fly the Confederate flag in get a majority of the majority to vote to do. It was an emergency. It was un- for it. So to get anything done in the military cemeteries. You can’t make paid for. There were no offsets. We House of Representatives, you have to up stuff like this. That is what they have done that with an earthquake in have a majority of the Republicans did. California and with a manmade fire in We have repeatedly reached out to support a bill. It doesn’t matter how Texas. That is what we do. That is the Democrats feel. Basically, they do the Republicans to try to compromise, what emergencies are all about. not get to vote on anything. to reach a solution to the threat of So I ask that my consent request So what they did, in an effort to get Zika. Of course, if we work together, that I have outlined be approved. something back here—the Speaker has we have a chance to prevent babies The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the told lots of people: I can’t pass any- from being born with these terrible Senator from North Carolina so modify thing dealing with Zika unless we do birth defects. The Presiding Officer is a his proposal? something about Planned Parenthood. physician. I wasn’t able to listen to all Mr. TILLIS. No. That is what he has told everybody, of his speech last evening, but I Mr. REID. Thank you very much, Mr. and it is obvious from what they sent watched part of it. He had a picture of President. us. So this $1.1 billion, no offsets, came a little baby, and he was explaining I guess the shake of the head takes back to us as a—I don’t know what to about what Zika is all about. care of it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.047 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5049 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- don their principles, it calls on them to retribution and rehabilitation, justice ator from North Carolina. fight for them. and mercy, the rights of victims and Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, reserving This process and the conservative the rights of perpetrators. the right to object—and I will be very cause are all about making our com- The Sentence Reform and Correc- brief—sometimes when I hear these de- munities—these little platoons, if you tions Act will expand the now-limited bates, they seem to be far-ranging and will, of service and cooperation at the discretion of Federal judges so they they are getting off the main subject. very heart of our constitutional repub- can treat offenders like human beings The motion that is before us would lic—safe and prosperous and happy. It and not mere statistics and punish basically unwind a carefully crafted is about basing our laws and basing our them according to their particular cir- compromise that could come crashing court procedures and our prison sys- cumstances. It would broaden the Fed- down if we don’t move forward with tems on a clear-eyed understanding of eral safety valve, a provision of exist- this deal. What the minority leader has human nature—of how human beings ing law that allows judges to sentence suggested takes us back to a process respond, what brings out their better a limited number of offenders below that takes days or weeks. We can’t af- selves and what doesn’t, about man’s the mandatory minimum. Contrary to ford days or weeks; we need to get this predilection toward sin and his capac- what many of this bill’s critics claim, done now. ity for redemption—along with an un- this would not absolve offenders of The motion we should be consid- compromising commitment to human their crimes, nor would it suddenly and ering—that the Senator from Nevada dignity. indiscriminately release legions of vio- objected to—is the one that would get Respect for the dignity of all human lent predators into our communities. this to the President’s desk. The Sen- life, the basic dignity of the human In fact, under this reform, the status of ator’s request adds time, complexity, soul, no matter how small or how violent offenders would not change at and most likely is going to suffer the weak, how rich or how poor, and the re- all. They would remain ineligible for same fate in the House, so for that rea- demptive capacity of all sinners, no Federal safety-valve relief. son, I object. matter how callous, are the foundation Our criminal justice system simply The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- for everything that conservatives pur- has to be flexible—at least flexible tion is heard to the modification. port to stand for. Our approach to po- enough—to apply in many different sit- Is there objection to the original re- licing and of punishment should be no uations. Prosecutors and judges need quest? different. to have the ability to impose lengthy Mr. REID. I have objected to his re- Moreover, as a conservative, I believe sentences on serious offenders who pose quest. we ought to watch out anytime we give the greatest threat to public safety, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the government extraordinary powers, just as they must have the ability to tion is heard. especially powers that deprive the indi- impose modest sentences on those who The Senator from Utah. vidual of liberty. And nowhere is the violate our laws but do not pose an on- SENTENCE REFORM AND CORRECTIONS ACT deprivation of liberty more severe, going threat to public safety. Whenever Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I would like more intense, more long-lasting than we interfere with the flexibility of ei- to give a few remarks about how I first the deprivation of liberty that occurs ther of these, we impair the effective- became involved in the cause of sen- when a person is locked up for years or ness and the efficiency of our Federal tencing reform within our Federal for decades at a time, with no oppor- criminal justice system. When we do criminal justice system. tunity to progress, no opportunity to that, we necessarily make our country I will never forget when I first began interact with family members, no op- less safe, rather than more safe. to appreciate the full magnitude of this portunity to interact with the vibrant So this bill would leave untouched problem—the problem we face within a growing economy. the maximum penalty levels that exist Federal criminal justice system that is So when I got to the Senate and I was under current law. It also would not sometimes too inflexible and some- assigned to the Senate Judiciary Com- eliminate any mandatory minimum times doesn’t allow judges to take into mittee, I started looking for partners— sentences. Instead, it takes a targeted account the unique circumstances of partners on both sides of the aisle— approach, reducing the harshest man- each case. It was 2004. I was a Federal who shared my concerns with the Fed- datory penalties and providing relief prosecutor, an assistant U.S. attorney eral criminal justice system, shared for low-level offenders with limited in Utah. In some cases, I witnessed my concerns with the way Federal criminal history. It is this type of of- judges being forced by Federal law to minimum mandatory sentences were fender that helped draw my attention impose punishments that simply, under working. I started looking for partners to this issue back in 2004, just as I de- any standard, did not fit the crime— on both sides of the aisle who shared scribed a few minutes ago. first-time offenders sometimes being this commitment to reform. Progress One of the cases that was being han- locked up for periods of time longer in this area is difficult, and for a long dled by the office in which I worked, than some rapists or murderers, terror- time the progress we made in this area the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the ists or kidnappers. These were real peo- was slow, just as any deliberative proc- District of Utah, involved a young man ple—people with children, siblings, par- ess often is. named Weldon Angelos, a young man ents, spouses, and, of course, dreams I found an ally in my colleague, the in his midtwenties, the father of two for a better life. Yet in too many cases senior Senator from Illinois. We young children. He got involved in the so-called system that was supposed teamed up and put together legislation. some criminal activity and was caught to correct their mistakes arguably That legislation gradually started selling three relatively small quan- compounded them. This system wasn’t gaining some support. At first, it tities—dime-bag quantities—of mari- just wasting money, it wasn’t just gained more support on the other side juana to what turned out to be an in- wasting physical material resources, it of the aisle than it did on my side of formant. Because Mr. Angelos had a was wasting lives. the aisle, but we were pleased with the gun on his person at the time of these I know some in my party may view progress that was made. But in the fall transactions, because of the way he this as a progressive cause. I view it as of last year, we struck an agreement was charged, and because of the way a conservative one. Think about it. and we started making more progress. some of these provisions of law have When there is a major problem tearing We introduced a bill called the Sen- been interpreted—including a provision at our economy and our civil society— tencing Reform and Corrections Act. of law in 18 USC, section 924(c)—Mr. a problem that is threatening our most Like most legislative compromises, it Angelos received a sentence of 55 years vulnerable families in our commu- isn’t perfect and it doesn’t accomplish in prison. nities—conservatives don’t just shrug everything that every member of our Now, we may ask: What on Earth was their shoulders and expect a bunch of coalition might wish we could accom- this judge thinking? How could such a outdated laws and bloated government plish, but it is an extraordinarily great judge be so cruel, so arbitrary, so ca- bureaucracies to take care of it. We start, and it proves it is possible to de- pricious as to sentence this young man know better. Criminal justice reform sign our laws in a way that can balance to 55 years in prison for selling three doesn’t call on conservatives to aban- the sometimes competing interests of dime-bag quantities of marijuana? The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.049 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 judge didn’t have a choice. In fact, it Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, Senator color—are treated fairly in our system was the judge who first drew my atten- BOOKER from New Jersey is on the of justice. tion to the case because it was the floor. The three of us asked to come to Senator LEE just spoke. For those judge who took the unusual—the al- the floor at 3, because the rollcall was who may not know him, Senator LEE is most unprecedented, almost unheard delayed. a conservative—a tea party conserv- of—step of issuing a written opinion I ask unanimous consent, if it is all ative, I believe he would probably say— prior to the issuance of the sentence, right with the Senator from Ohio, that Republican from the State of Utah. disagreeing with the sentence the judge Senator BOOKER be allowed to follow Senator LEE is joining us—DURBIN of himself was about to impose. and to complete his statement on the Illinois, BOOKER of New Jersey, and Then-Federal district judge Paul legislation we are supporting. Senator GRASSLEY of Iowa—in this ef- Cassell issued a lengthy opinion stat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there fort. How many times do we run into ing: This is a problem. This young man objection? that, where four Senators with such di- is about to receive a sentence that is Without objection, it is so ordered. verse political beliefs come together on excessive under any standard. It is a Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I am one bill—this bill? As Senator LEE ex- longer sentence than he would have re- going to be brief because I want to plained, what we are setting out to do ceived had he engaged in many acts of defer and give my time to the Senator here is to right an injustice—an injus- terrorism or kidnapping. So why are from New Jersey. tice that is filling the Federal prisons, we sending this guy away until he is We are going through a moment in sentencing individuals to lengthy sen- about 80 years old simply because of America’s history that we are going to tences for nonviolent, nongun drug of- this minimum mandatory penalty? remember for a long time. We are used fenses. But, the judge said: This is a problem I to shooting deaths. Sadly, gun violence This is long overdue, and it is some- cannot address. This is a problem I am has become part of America. Unfortu- thing that we need to do. If we did it, powerless to remedy. Only Congress nately, we are also used to mass mur- it would say yes to those across Amer- can fix this problem. ders, where more than four people are ica who are asking: Is Congress listen- Those words have haunted me ever killed in one of these shooting inci- ing? Is the Senate awake to what is since then: Only Congress can fix this dents. But it rocked America’s con- going on in our country? It would say problem. So when I became a Senator science and soul when five policemen to them: Yes. in 2011, I still remembered those words. from Dallas were murdered. Those five On a bipartisan basis, these four Sen- Those words continued to haunt me policemen were Officer Brent Thomp- ators, and many more, are prepared to and continue to haunt me to this day. son, age 43; Officer Patrick Zamarripa, bring reform to our criminal justice Miraculously, fortunately, Mr. age 32; Officer Mike Krol, age 40; Senior correction and sentencing system. Will Angelos has been released through a Corporal Lorne Ahrens, age 48; and Ser- it solve all of our problems? No, not at variety of procedural maneuvers that I geant Michael Smith, age 55. all, but it is a significant step forward. don’t have time to address right now. Yesterday, President Obama and I was serving in the U.S. House of He himself has been released. Many former President Bush were there for Representatives over 25 years ago when others are still in prison, under the the memorial service to honor these a famous basketball star at the Univer- same system, who have been locked up men and to honor everyone in law en- sity of Maryland died from a drug over- for years—decades—at a time, much forcement who gets up each morning, dose. We were shocked by this. They longer than any reasonable person puts on a badge, and risks their lives came in and said it is possible that he would think would be a just sentence. for us—for me, for my family, for my was a victim of crack cocaine. We had In fact, I have yet to meet a single per- neighbors, for my community, for my never heard the term before. What is son—Democrat, Republican, old, town, for my State, and for my Nation. crack cocaine? A new form of cocaine young, male, female—who believes that America was rocked by the senseless crystals that are cheap, highly addict- the sentence Mr. Angelos received was murder that took place in Dallas, TX. ive, and destructive. Len Bias was his just. His story, his example is a good But it isn’t the only thing that has name. We were asked to put into law a reason why we need to pass this bill. stunned the conscience of America. At Finally, this bill improves the qual- sentencing provision that would be a the same time, we have seen some ity of our Federal prisons. If it became warning to everyone across America: shocking and disturbing videos. In law, it would increase access to voca- Don’t use crack cocaine. Baton Rouge, LA—the home State of tional training, therapeutic counseling, We did. We imposed a new sentencing the Presiding Officer—Alton Sterling, a reentry services, and other programs, guideline for crack cocaine 100 times 37-year-old father, was shot and killed so that we would have fewer first-time the penalty over powder cocaine—100 outside a convenience store. In Falcon offenders turning into career criminals. times. What it meant, sadly, over a All of these are commonsense and, I Heights, MN, Philando Castile, age 32, span of 25 years is that hundreds, if not believe, long-overdue reforms. But was fatally shot in his car during a po- thousands, of individuals were con- make no mistake. We are at the begin- lice traffic stop for a broken taillight. victed of possessing and selling crack ning, not the end, of this generation’s His fiancee and her 4-year-old daughter cocaine and sentenced for extraor- story of criminal justice reform. As all were in the car. dinarily long sentences. of us know, the road to reform is long Those three events came together— I ran into one of them in the city of and full of setbacks and obstacles. To- the killings of the police in Dallas, and Chicago. Let me tell a story. It is brief, day’s movement for criminal justice these video shootings—and shocked the but it tells a story. reform is no exception. But so long as conscience of America in a way that I Alton Mills, age 24 in 1994, was a run- the people here today are involved in haven’t seen before. It really called ner, a seller when it came to street this effort, I am confident we can to- into question some basics about our drugs. He was caught on his third of- gether succeed where our prisons today country and where we are going and fense of selling street drugs. His third often fail—in preparing offenders to re- what we need to do. offense. He had never served a day in integrate into their communities as President Obama said we must try to jail, not one. His two previous offenses productive and law-abiding citizens, as find common ground when he spoke at ended up in probation, and he didn’t spouses, parents, neighbors, and em- this memorial service. He is right. I end up with any correctional time. But ployees, instead of career criminals. thought about that over the weekend, this third one was the third strike. It We can fix this problem. This bill and I called my colleague and friend turned out that Alton Mills at age 24, would begin to address this problem. from New Jersey and talked to him for his third sale of crack cocaine, was But we need to bring this up. We need about it. I said to him: When it comes sentenced to life in prison—life in pris- to have the opportunity to debate this, to really showing America, and par- on. to discuss this, to vote on it, and to ticularly those who feel aggrieved by He languished there. Thank good- pass it. the current State of justice, our bill on ness, his mom and dad never gave up I yield the floor. criminal justice reform speaks to a on him. He found a public defender, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- fundamental issue as to whether or not whose name, ironically, was MiAngel sistant Democratic leader. minority populations—people of Cody. She went to work and fought for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.050 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5051 him and took her message to every of- to be indulging in a dangerous, toxic better because this broken criminal fice, including mine, and I took her state of being, which is hopelessness justice system is hurting us. Rather message to the White House. Alton about criminal justice issues in our than being a tool for public safety and Mills’ sentence was commuted. He country. social order, as was intended by our came out of prison after 22 years be- I have appreciated Senator DURBIN, criminal justice system, it instead be- hind bars. That is one example—22 who has not just been a senior Senator, came an industry and an end to itself. years. not just been steadfast in working on It became a massive exploding bu- What we are trying to do is come up this issue, but he has been a friend, reaucracy, draining our economic pros- with a sentencing system that is sen- calling me up, not just this past week perity. sible, that punishes those who are but weeks before, when lots of Ameri- In fact, one study has shown we guilty for sure, but does it in a smart cans were indulging in hopelessness would have 20 percent less poverty in and thoughtful way—reforming and about the divisiveness in our country, America if our incarceration rates were saying to populations across America, about the injustices in our country, similar to our industrial peers. This yes, we can be a more just society. about the ravages of a broken criminal has been a divisive drain on our cohe- This criminal justice reform idea is justice system. sive society, a misappropriation of tax- one that is not only bipartisan, but it As I have been thinking about hope- payer funds. passed out of the Senate Judiciary lessness, I keep coming back to this While our infrastructure has been Committee in October of last year—Oc- understanding, taught to me by teach- crumbling, we have led the planet tober—by a vote of 15 to 5. It was a bi- ers on the streets of Newark, NJ, that Earth in building out a prison infra- partisan rollcall vote that came out of hope does not exist in an abstract; that structure. In fact, between the time I committee. Why haven’t we taken up hope is the active conviction that no was in law school in the mid-1990s to this bill? Why don’t we take this up as matter how bad things get, despair will the time I became mayor of Newark, soon as we return in September? Why not have the last word; that hope is a we were building a new prison in this don’t we say to people across America choice that must be made amidst hope- country every 10 days. that we are going to do something posi- lessness; that amidst despair, amidst Congress has increased Federal tive in terms of restoring justice in frustration, you have to choose hope; spending on prisons alone by 45 percent this country to everyone across the and that choosing hope means you since about the year 2000. Congress has board in this bipartisan bill? commit yourself to a process that cut spending on the things that keep us That is why we come to the floor doesn’t divide this country but that safe, such as law enforcement at the today, and that is what we are asking unifies it with the conviction that we State level, by 76 percent—putting for. It will save money for taxpayers in can be a nation that makes real the someone like Weldon Angelos in prison addition to bringing justice to the sys- words we pledge when we say we are a for 55 years, hundreds of thousands of tem. I believe the money we save can nation, one nation, under God, indivis- dollars in a long, disproportionate sen- be brought back to our law enforce- ible, with liberty and justice for all. tence for a nonviolent crime that could ment agencies for training and equip- This week we need those words. We have gone to public safety, like hiring ment. So let’s show our faith in their need that hope. MIKE LEE and DICK police officers for our community. efforts to keep America safe, and let’s DURBIN, two politicians on opposite What is painful to me in this time is show our commitment to justice in sides of the spectrum, said: Hey, this is that our criminal justice system—the this reform. a time that we should be pushing hope, data that I gave would be painful I am fortunate because I was joined indivisibility, and we have a bill that enough, but our criminal justice sys- in this struggle by a brand-new Sen- addresses issues at the core of so much tem clearly disproportionately affects ator from New Jersey then named CORY of the frustration going on. It doesn’t poor people, leading authors like Bryan BOOKER. He has been an extraordinary solve all the issues, it doesn’t wave a Stevenson to say that we have a crimi- voice in this effort. wand, but it will advance us toward lib- nal justice system that seems to treat Senator LEE and I were doing pretty erty and justice for all because, un- you better if you are rich and guilty well until came along, equivocally, we have gone off the rails. than poor and innocent. and he has added more firepower and Since 1980, the land of the free broke Blacks and Whites have no difference more horsepower to this effort than with the rest of the world and became in America in using or selling drugs, any other Senator could, certainly any the incarceration nation. Our prison but African Americans are about 3.6 new Senator. I commend him for help- population has exploded since 1980. The times more likely to get arrested for ing us in this effort and being com- Federal prison population is up 800 per- selling drugs. Instead of a criminal jus- mitted to it in his heart. cent. Our overall prison population is tice system that unites us under prin- At this time I would like to yield the up 500 percent. We have only about 5 ciples of justice and fairness, we see it floor to my junior colleague from the percent of the globe’s population, but disproportionately persecuting groups State of New Jersey, Senator BOOKER. one out of every four incarcerated peo- because they are poor or because they The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ple on the planet Earth are right here are of color. ator from New Jersey. in America. If you look at Latinos, they account Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, I want In response to a criminal justice sys- for the largest group of offenders con- to thank MIKE LEE for coming to the tem that has lost its proportionality in victed of offenses that have a manda- floor and speaking with such heart and its punishment and that seems to have tory minimum at 38 percent. Native conviction. Also, I want to thank Sen- become more about retribution than Americans are grossly overrepresented ator DURBIN for his stand on the floor restorative justice, a criminal justice in the criminal justice system with an today. system that is rife with the stories incarceration rate 38 percent higher Please understand, Senator LEE, Sen- that MIKE LEE talked about when he than the national average. ator GRASSLEY, Senator DURBIN, Sen- talked about Weldon Angelos and a Eighty percent of Americans in our ator LEAHY, and so many Senators on judge who himself cried out about the criminal justice system are rep- both sides of the aisle have been speak- injustice of sentencing someone to 55 resented by public defenders, meaning ing on this issue for years. In fact, years for a nonviolent drug crime or that they are deemed by the court to since before I became a U.S. Senator, Alton Mills, whom Senator DURBIN be indigent, to be too poor to afford an this moment has come. As Senator spoke about, who was sentenced to life attorney. DURBIN began talking about the issues in prison for a nonviolent drug crime, Our justice system does not reflect of the day, where there is so much frus- we in America went off the rails. our values. This drug war is not being tration, so much concern, so much con- I am hopeful today because on the carried out in a way that is fair or just, sternation, so much divisiveness on right and the left, not just Members of and it is not just hurting the poor, the this issue of criminal justice in Amer- this body but from the Koch brothers mentally ill, the drug addicted, the mi- ica, it made me think personally about to Newt Gingrich, to Grover Norquist, norities. It hurts all Americans be- this idea of hope because this week I to the ACLU, people on both sides of cause it drains our resources; it drains have talked to a lot of people who seem the political spectrum said we can do our treasure. When I say ‘‘treasure,’’ I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.051 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 don’t just mean money. We have come time that we should choose hope. It is to expunge their criminal records if to a point in America today where mil- a time that we should choose unity. It they turn their lives around. And it lions of children have had parents who is a time that this very body should be remedies a constitutional defect in are incarcerated, and it hurts genera- saying to America: Hey, we have chal- Federal criminal law by permitting in- tionally the best of our Nation, the lenges, but we can find common dividuals sentenced to life sentences as promise of our Nation. ground. We can come together, left and juveniles to seek parole after many The irony about our lack of action in right, Black and White. We can do bet- years, but doesn’t guarantee that pa- putting this bill to a vote is that ter than we are doing now. It is a hard role will be granted. It even adds two States are already moving more quick- walk that we have ahead, but this body new mandatory minimum sentences to ly than we are. Red States, Georgia can start leading on issues of justice. the Federal criminal code for serious and Mississippi and Texas, have been There have been other difficult times crimes. doing things for years that we have in our country when this body an- The confidence of people in the been proposing in this bill, and have swered the call. There have been times criminal justice system is not as yet to enact, that have shrunk their where people were fearful, people strong as we would like. There are var- prison populations. Guess what has doubted, and there have been times ious reasons for this lack of trust, and happened in States such as Texas and where people felt their heart was some of them are valid. Georgia and Mississippi, which have heavy. I am proud that, in our history, The Judiciary Committee reported a lowered their prison populations. Guess it was in those times that leaders compromise bill that is designed to ad- what happened. Their crime went emerged and chose hope. dress some of those concerns. The spon- down, as well, because when you have a My prayer is that in the waning days sors’ willingness to compromise was system that is not about retribution of this Congress, with all the impor- further demonstrated by a managers’ but about restorative justice, that has tant things we have on our agenda, we amendment that narrowed the bill’s proportionality in sentences, you not remember that there are people right sentencing reductions. only save money for your State, but now who are stuck in despair. There Those changes responded to concerns you also empower people to succeed are people who don’t believe in our in- of some of my Republican colleagues and lower crime. divisibility, as we say in our Pledge of and brought on board a number of new When States start to put drug addicts Allegiance. There are people who are Republican cosponsors. in treatment as opposed to jail, it em- frustrated. It is my hope, when it I have been willing for a long time to powers people to succeed, saves money, comes to issues of criminal justice, a enter into an agreement where mem- and lowers the prison population. It is system that is so obviously broken, bers can offer amendments of various common sense. Red states have acted. that we choose reform; that we choose kinds and we can vote. For instance, We have seen the success. But in the healing; that we demonstrate unity; the House has determined that a provi- Federal prison population, there is an that on this issue we bring forward a sion of substantive criminal law ad- 800 percent increase. It takes away bipartisan bill that begins to cast away dressing intent should be part of any money that should be spent on home- some of the darkness that hangs over bill. I have been open to any com- land security, money that should be our country with the light and wisdom promise on that issue that could gain spent on investing in public safety, that is in this bill that reflects both 60 votes. And I would agree to have a money that should be spent for our sides of the political aisle and, I be- vote on the subject if a compromise public universities, money that should lieve, that reflects the best of who we cannot be reached. The differences can be saved for the taxpayers but is now are as a body. be aired and resolved. going, still fueling one of the biggest I yield the floor. I am certain that this bill would re- growing bureaucracies we have seen in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ceive many more than 60 votes and the last 40 years. ator from Iowa. that most of the Republican conference This calls for unity in our country. I Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I rise would vote for it if given the chance. tell you, we have unity. When I can because I continue to believe that the No one thinks the sentencing bill is stand in partnership with MIKE LEE Senate should take up the Sentencing perfect, as it represents a compromise and CHUCK GRASSLEY, when you have Reform and Corrections Act. There is among people with strong differences people like and DICK still time this year for both the Senate of opinion. But the people of this coun- DURBIN—these folks are not normally and the other body to pass legislation try want action to address deficiencies mentioned together as partners on leg- reforming sentencing. In light of recent in the criminal justice system. islation, but I am proud that some of and justified public concern over treat- This bill would make important but the most esteemed Members, the chair- ment of suspects by some police and limited changes in the way the Federal man of the Judiciary Committee and treatment of police by people who Government sentences those who com- the ranking member of the Judiciary would do them harm, the need for the mit crimes. Committee, both agree that we can put bill is even greater. We should take the bill up, debate it, more justice in our justice system. We The Sentencing Reform and Correc- and show the American people that we can do something to reverse this trend, tions Act contains three parts, each of are willing to take on one of the most and we can begin to put rationality which was formed as the basis of a bi- important domestic challenges facing back so that the values of this country partisan compromise among Judiciary the country. are made more real. Committee members, as well as mem- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. I am proud to have negotiated and bers off the Committee. GARDNER). The Senator from Ohio. worked with Chairman GRASSLEY, who The first is a reduction in the manda- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I rise is sitting across the aisle from me tory minimum sentences for non- to talk about the Comprehensive Ad- right now. I am honored. In the 3 years violent drug offenders. The bill takes diction and Recovery Act. We had a I have been in the Senate, one of the great pains to limit sentencing reduc- good vote earlier today on proceeding more proud things that I have accom- tions to people with minimal criminal to that legislation, and it is my expec- plished is to find common ground with histories and no history of serious vio- tation and hope that we will vote on my Republican colleagues on the other lence. Second, the bill enhances prison this legislation either today or tomor- side in a bill that I know—from the programming that has been proven to row morning. neighborhood and block that I live on reduce the likelihood of reoffending, Let me say first say, this legislation to across the country—would make a and reduces the sentences of inmates called CARA, the Comprehensive Ad- difference. who successfully completed those pro- diction and Recovery Act, also includes Now we have encountered some scle- grams. Reducing the likelihood of fu- some criminal justice reform. It is one rosis, some blockage. A dam exists be- ture crimes reduces the crime rate. step closer to this broader bill that tween where we stand now and greater And third, the bill makes various re- Senator GRASSLEY and Senator BOOKER justice for our Nation. This has been a forms to the federal criminal justice just talked about. I am a cosponsor of tough week. It has been a week of frus- system. For instance, it allows people their bill because I do think we need tration and grief and sadness. This is a convicted of certain crimes as juveniles sentencing reform, but CARA actually

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.052 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5053 has some reforms called diversion pro- port was voted on in the House last up early as a law enforcement entity. grams. Instead of putting people who Friday, and it was an overwhelming Others have backed this legislation as are in the criminal justice system and vote. Why? Because this makes so well because it provides more training addicted to drugs in prison, they are much sense. Again, on the Senate floor on how to use this miracle drug called put into a treatment program, and today we had a very strong vote result Narcan, or naloxone, which will help those treatment programs have proven of 90 to 2 on the cloture motion to save people who have overdosed. There to be successful. We have drug court move this legislation forward, and I am are a lot of specific programs here, but funding and specific new programs for hopeful we will have a strong vote to- I think the answer to the question as our veterans. The notion is, this is part morrow morning so we can send this to to what it does is pretty simple. For of criminal justice reform, to actually the President and get it to our commu- the first time ever in this United take people who are suffering from nities and begin to get those who need States Congress, it begins to treat ad- drug addiction in the criminal justice it some help. diction like the disease it is, and this system and move them into treatment, The legislation is considered by some means, by necessity, if it is a disease, which makes so much more sense for to be inadequate because it doesn’t we need to get people into treatment. them, their families, taxpayers, their have enough funding in it. Well, it is It begins to change the way we ap- communities. That is part of this un- not a funding bill. It is not an appro- proach addiction by saying: Let’s re- derlying legislation that we will vote priations bill. It is a bill that estab- move the stigma so people will come on later today in the Comprehensive lishes new programs to fund new and forward and families are willing to talk Addiction and Recovery Act. better ways to deal with addiction. It about it. I also support broader legislation. I authorizes significant new spending. Last night on that call, when 68 per- am hoping the broader legislation will Since the Senate passed the bill with a cent of the respondents to the poll said have more to do with the prisoner re- 94-to-1 vote, only two things have hap- they were directly affected by this entry programs as well—the so-called pened with regard to funding. One is issue, I bet many of those people had second chance. I am the author of the that we more than doubled the author- not thought about talking about that Second Chance Act from my House ization so there is more funding au- issue publicly. I think this legislation days, and I hope that legislation can be thorized—$181 million per year. Second, helps to establish the fact that this is reauthorized as part of this larger we also had the Appropriations Com- a disease. criminal justice reform issue. mittee go through its process and both This legislation will also help deal Today I will focus on the Comprehen- the Senate and House Appropriations with an underlying problem, which is sive Addiction and Recovery Act be- Committee voted to actively increase how we will deal with prescription cause this legislation is badly needed. funding in this area, and that is a good drugs in our communities. Too often in It is an emergency in our communities thing. our society there has been an overpre- right now. This is the heroin and pre- I think it is an emergency, I think it scribing of painkillers that are addict- scription drug issue that unfortunately is urgent, and I think we should spend ive. many more people are learning about more money here because it will save I heard another story today, and I because it is affecting many more of money over the long haul and because hear them every day when I am back us. there are so many people who are not home. This was somebody whose family I had a tele-townhall meeting last achieving their God-given purpose be- member had gone to the hospital for a night, which I do monthly. We had cause this addiction has taken them off knee operation, and when he was done 25,000 Ohioans on the call. We typically track. We have to help them and help with the procedure, the doctor gave have a few polls where we ask about them now. We have to help keep people him 80 Percocets. He didn’t take any of the top issues. Last night, we asked from getting into that funnel of addic- them because he didn’t need them, but how many people on the call were di- tion by focusing more on prevention his point was: Why 80 pills? Four out of rectly affected by the heroin and pre- and education, but all that has hap- five of the heroin addicts in Ohio and scription drug issue. We asked people pened since the 94-to-1 vote in the Sen- around this country started with pre- to indicate that by hitting ‘‘1’’ for a ate is that there has been a 93-percent scription drugs, and often it was very yes and ‘‘2’’ for a no. Sixty-eight per- increase over last year’s funding which inadvertent. It was something where cent of the people on this call said: will go into effect next year, and by the someone had a wisdom tooth taken out Yes, they were directly affected. We way that is a 539-percent increase over and was given a number of these pre- had a lot of calls from people who were the funding just 2 years ago. scription pain pills but didn’t under- affected. We had a call from a woman The House appropriations bill has a stand the risks. When that person whose stepson was addicted and he was bigger increase in the funding. I will started taking them, there was a phys- trying to get treatment but couldn’t fight for that funding, and I will fight iological change in that person’s brain. find a place, and they wanted me to to ensure that that funding actually That person became addicted and that help them find a proper place to get applies to the programs that are in the person went to heroin and that person treatment and recovery services. Oth- Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- then died of an overdose. That has hap- ers called in about the legislation and ery Act because it is the kind of legis- pened to two families in my home asked why we haven’t passed it yet. My lation that will actually make a dif- State. Those parents have now come answer to them was, it is coming and ference helping to ensure that we can forward not to just tell that story and help is on the way. begin to turn the tide on this issue. share their grief but to channel that I am frustrated, just as they are, that The legislation before us is one that grief into something positive, which is we haven’t moved more quickly on 94 Senators have already voted for, to let other parents know. That is in this, but, again, we finally had a vote and, again, it passed the House with this legislation. We have a national today to move this legislation forward. big numbers so I am hopeful there will awareness program to let people know I hope the final passage vote will occur not be any roadblocks in the way of about the fact that the prescription later today or tomorrow morning, and getting it done. drug link to heroin, opioids, and addic- we will be able to get this to the Presi- Today I was asked by some people: tion is real, and we must be very care- dent’s desk for his signature. What does the bill really do? I started ful. It initially passed the Senate with a to go through all of the specific grant For the first time ever in Federal 94-to-1 vote back on March 10. It then programs for our veterans, mothers law, it also promotes recovery. Treat- went over to the House of Representa- who are pregnant, kids who are born ment is one thing, but as one of my tives, where the House worked through dependent on drugs, and those folks friends back home who is in recovery their own process. They had 18 separate who find themselves unable to get told me, getting clean is easier, but bills rather than 1 comprehensive bill, treatment. There are specific provi- staying clean is hard. In other words, and then in the period between then sions for our law enforcement per- so often what we found as we did our and now, we have had this conference sonnel, which is why the Fraternal research around the country is that between the House and Senate to work Order of Police has been a strong sup- people go through a treatment pro- out the differences. That conference re- porter. I appreciate them for standing gram, but the recovery services aren’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.054 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 there to take them through that longer prescription drugs, opioid overdoses. tion. I want to commend her for having term support to enable them to stay Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the courage to admit she needed help clean. Tragically, we save a life only to the iceberg. and for taking the steps—very pub- see someone overdose again later. Re- As horrible as those numbers are— licly—necessary to get her life back on covery is about finishing the job and the 14,000 overdose deaths—think of all track. This will help others to do the helping people get their lives back, and the casualties. Think of the 16,000 peo- same thing. God bless you for doing it. it is an incredibly important part of ple in Ohio who have been saved from I think this is, sadly, an instructive this legislation. overdoses by Narcan. But many of case because, much like Prince, she has Earlier this week, I spoke to Faces & them have not gotten into treatment, fame, she has fortune, 10 No. 1 hit Voices of Recovery. They have been have not gone into recovery, and they songs, and all of the talent you could terrific in promoting this legislation, continue to be broken apart from their ever ask for. Most people would say and just as important, letting people families. The drugs are everything— those aren’t the kinds of people who who are in recovery know that you not their kids, not their parents. They get addicted. Addiction knows no ZIP have friends, that this can be ad- continue to be unable or unwilling to Code. Addiction spares no one. It af- dressed, and that you can come out on work. They continue to commit fects people of every single back- the other side as a person who is crimes. In most communities in my ground. achieving their purpose in life and God- home State of Ohio, law enforcement If you talk to people in Ohio, they given abilities. You can get through will tell us that the No. 1 cause of get it. Ohioans understand the scope of this. crime is this issue. They continue to be this epidemic now, and they are taking I was honored to speak at their rally unable to pursue their God-given abili- action. They expect us to help and to here in Washington, DC. This was ties. Those are the casualties of this. take action too. That is what this leg- about a year ago, and they brought in No one suffers alone. In Ohio, we are islation is about. They couldn’t believe people from all over the country. They told that 200,000 people are now strug- how slow we have moved on this. They had some great entertainers and people gling with addiction. That is the size of couldn’t believe these ideas that we who were willing to stand up for the a major city in Ohio. Many of those ad- might try to delay this further for rea- first time and say: I am in recovery. If dicted are parents. We are told that 30 sons that had nothing to do with the you are in recovery, too, we want to percent—think about this—30 percent substance. embrace and help you. of all kids in Ohio who are in the cus- The Talawanda School District out- side of my hometown of Cincinnati, One of the advocates whom I met tody of the State are there because OH, announced last week that they are with the other night is a woman named their parents are opioid users. Among now adding to their health and Sarah Nerad. Sarah is someone I have infants, that number is 70 percent. Sev- wellness curriculum key information gotten to know over the years. A cou- enty percent of the infants who are in about opiates. I talked to a couple of ple of years ago, we had a roundtable the custody of the State of Ohio are superintendents today who are doing discussion as this legislation was being there because their parents are opioid the same thing in their schools. I be- drafted, and Sarah told me her story. users. I call that an epidemic. lieve this is critical to preventing She was a recovering addict who went It is driving up crime, as I said. In overdoses from beginning in the first to Ohio State University. She found Marion, OH, Police Chief Bill Collins place, by using better prevention and there were no support services at the put it this way: ‘‘All of the property identification, keeping people from university. She started a student re- crimes we have—the shoplifting, the getting into that funnel of addiction, covery support community. That com- theft, the robberies—all go back to one and that is what is happening. CARA munity at Ohio State University not thing, and that’s heroin.’’ That is a supports this. only has a lot of people now joining quote from him. He says that this epi- In Trumbull County, OH, more than and participating in it—recovering ad- demic makes him and other law en- 200 Ohioans participated in a Walk dicts, family members, and friends— forcement officials feel like they are Against Heroin over the Fourth of July but she is also now spreading this at ‘‘in the ocean without a life jacket.’’ weekend. Again, people are starting to colleges and universities around the That is what we are trying to do with take action. country. CARA, is to provide that life jacket. I know it can be very discouraging. There are grants in this legislation It is not just the silver bullet. It The scope of this problem is over- to promote these support communities won’t solve all the problems. Wash- whelming, but there is hope. Treat- because they work, and I hold up Sarah ington is not going to solve this prob- ment can work. Recovery does work. If as an example of someone who was lem—it is going to be solved in our we can get this legislation to the Presi- brave and courageous enough to talk communities and in our hearts—but dent, I am confident he will sign it into about her addiction and therefore was this will help. It will help make the law, and in many more of our commu- able to get other people attracted to Federal Government a much better nities we will have better treatment her and her support group. As a result, partner with State and local govern- and better recovery and more hope for she was able to go on and help so many ment, with the wonderful nonprofits the people we represent. other people and change so many other that are doing the good work, and with I thank Senator SHELDON WHITE- lives, and really, in her case, to be able the families and the communities. HOUSE for his work with me on this to say that she is a major part of this Last week, in just one 36-hour period issue. He has been the coauthor of this. legislation, because we included this in Akron, OH, 20 people overdosed on We started more than 3 years ago, partly because of her testimony and opioids, 3 of them fatally. That is not going to conferences here in Wash- her stories. even 2 days in one city. When the first ington, DC. We had five conferences. Until we end this stigma, we are not responders arrived at one of the We brought in experts from all over the going to make the progress that we overdoses, by the way, there were two country—people whom I have talked must. The Drug Enforcement Agency small children present. about earlier included—from Ohio but tells us that this is not getting better, In Central Ohio, in Columbus, nine every State. We talked about how to this is getting worse. They tell us that people overdosed, two of them fatally, actually make a difference in commu- from 2010 until the most recent data we on Sunday. That is in one city in 1 day. nities around the country. We didn’t have, which is 2014, there has been a Two of those occurred at McDonald’s, care where the idea came from—Repub- tripling of heroin overdoses. by the way, with families around. It lican, Democrat, Independent. That In my own State of Ohio, we have was in broad daylight. didn’t matter. What mattered was seen a dramatic increase. Since March A few months ago, we lost seven-time whether the idea made sense. Senator 10, when 94 Senators voted for CARA, Grammy Award winner Prince to a WHITEHOUSE and his staff have done a we have lost more than 14,000 Ameri- fentanyl overdose. We all know about terrific job in keeping this bill moving cans. Think about that. Since March Prince. You might not know that this and making sure we didn’t get off 10, more than 14,000 Americans have week, 10-time Grammy Award-winning track. succumbed. In other words, they have singer Chaka Khan checked into a re- I also thank other colleagues who overdosed and died from heroin and habilitation center for fentanyl addic- have been helpful, especially Senator

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.055 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5055 KELLY AYOTTE and Senator AMY KLO- ample of the process we went through experiences or the experiences of good BUCHAR for their passion and for their with this legislation. It wasn’t just a friends and other professionals. help in crafting this legislation. bunch of people in Washington saying I can certainly remember the very The American people are tired of the we know what is best; it was people first time I was pulled over by a police partisanship. We all hear that. We all back home saying: We need this help, officer as just a youngster. I was driv- know that. It is time for us to act. and we want to be sure you do it right. ing a car that had an improper head- I also thank some of the staff who And by the way, keep it nonpartisan. light. It didn’t work right. And the cop have been so helpful on this legislation Make sure we get this done. Don’t let came up to my car, hand on his gun, and who have put their heart and soul anything get in the way. and said: Boy, don’t you know your into this effort, including Megan Har- That is what we have done. That is headlights are not working properly? I rington, Pam Thiessen, Mark what we will do tonight or tomorrow felt embarrassed, ashamed, and Isakowitz, Teri Geiger, Brian Riedl, morning when we vote on this bill. scared—very scared. Allen Ernst, and Sarah Schmidt on my That is why it is so important that we staff. I am proud of their work get it passed, because it is those recov- But instead of sharing experience throughout this process. ering addicts at the Zeph Center and after experience, I want to go to a time I thank all the advocates we have others around the State of Ohio who in my life as an elected official to worked with all across Ohio and all have patiently waited for this legisla- share just a couple of stories as an across the country. They have been tion. It is now our duty to deliver that elected official. But please remember here in Washington. They helped us to legislation and help turn the tide in that in the course of 1 year, I have been get the great vote in the House last this epidemic. stopped seven times by law enforce- week, and they are working today on Thank you, Mr. President. ment officers—not four, not five, not the vote tonight or tomorrow. I want I yield the floor. six, but seven times in 1 year as an to point out in particular that Jessica The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- elected official. Was I speeding some- Nickel has helped to keep us all mov- ator from South Carolina. times? Sure. But the vast majority of ing in the same direction. The outside OUR AMERICAN FAMILY the time I was pulled over for nothing advocates have been terrific. Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I rise more than driving a new car in the Last, I thank those who have shared today to give my second speech this wrong neighborhood or some other rea- their stories, and most importantly, I week discussing the issues we are fac- son just as trivial. thank them for their willingness to ing as a nation following last week’s One of the times I remember I was allow us to hear from them. These are tragedies in Dallas, Minnesota, and leaving the mall. I took a left out of people who are in recovery. These are Baton Rouge. This speech is perhaps the mall, and as soon as I took a left, people who are in the trenches, dealing the most difficult because it is the a police officer pulled in right behind every day with this issue, who are pro- most personal. me. That was my first time. I got to viding the love and the attention and On Monday, I talked about how the another traffic light, and I took an- the support to help people get their vast majority of our law enforcement other left into a neighborhood. The po- treatment and into recovery. These are officers have only two things in mind: lice followed behind me. I took a third our first responders who are out there protect and serve. But, as I noted then, left onto the street that at the time led on the frontlines dealing with this we do have serious issues that must be to my apartment complex and then fi- issue every single day. These are our resolved. nally I took a fourth left coming into doctors and nurses who find our wait- In many cities and towns across the my apartment complex, and then the ing rooms and our emergency rooms Nation, there is a deep divide between blue lights went on. The officer ap- are filled with people who have addic- the Black community and law enforce- proached the car and said that I did not tion problems and overdoses. These are ment. There is a trust gap, a tension use my turn signal on the fourth turn. the people who work in the neonatal that has been growing for decades. And Keep in mind, as my colleagues might units with these babies who are born as a family, one American family, we imagine, I was paying very close atten- dependent, a 750-percent increase in my cannot ignore these issues because tion to the law enforcement officer who home State just in the last 12 years, while so many officers do good—and as followed me on four turns. Do you real- and they take these babies through a I said on Monday, we should be very ly think that somehow I forgot to use recovery and treatment program so thankful and supportive of all of those my turn signal on the fourth turn? that they can be healthy and get back officers who do good—some simply do Well, according to him, I did. on track. I thank all of them. not. I have experienced it myself. I want to finish with a story. About So today I want to speak about some Another time, I was following a a year ago I visited a treatment center of those issues—not with anger, al- friend of mine. We had just left work- in Ohio. I have been to more than a though I have been angry. I tell my ing out and we were heading out to dozen treatment centers in my home story not out of frustration, although grab a bite to eat at about 4 o’clock in State to talk about this issue and to at times I have been frustrated. I stand the afternoon. He pulls out, and I pull get ideas. It was the Zeph Center, here before you today because I am out right behind him. We are driving which is a center in Toledo, OH. I had seeking for all of us, the entire Amer- down the road, and the blue lights asked if we could have a discussion, a ican family, to work together so we all come on. The officer pulls me into the roundtable discussion, and sure experience the lyrics of a song that we median, and he starts telling me that enough, we did. At this roundtable dis- can hear but not see: peace, love, and he thinks perhaps the car is stolen. cussion, some people came forward who understanding. Because I shuddered Well, I started asking myself—because are in recovery. There were about a when I heard Eric Garner say, ‘‘I can’t I was smart enough not to ask him but dozen people there. Again, I congratu- breathe.’’ I wept when I watched Wal- was asking myself—is the license plate late them for coming forward and for ter Scott turn and run away and get coming in as stolen? Does the license being willing to talk to me and to be shot in the back and killed. And I plate match the car? I was looking for public. There were people there from broke when I heard the 4-year-old some rational reason that may have the community who heard their stories daughter of Philando Castile’s prompted him to stop me on the side of for the first time, and they did share girlfriend tell her mother, ‘‘It’s OK, I’m the road. their stories, but also they came ready right here with you.’’ These are people. I also think about the experiences of to talk. They had reviewed the draft Lost forever. Fathers, brothers, sons. my brother, who became a command legislation. They had it in front of Some will say and maybe even sergeant major in the U.S. Army, the them. They had ideas. They had input. scream: But they have criminal highest rank for an enlisted soldier. He They had looked at every single sec- records. They were criminals. They had was driving from Texas to Charleston tion of the bill. They knew what pro- spent time in jail. and was pulled over by a law enforce- grams were funded. They talked about And while having a record should not ment officer who wanted to know if he what they thought worked and what sentence you to death, I say, OK, then, had stolen the car he was driving be- didn’t work in their lives. It was an ex- I will share with you some of my own cause it was a Volvo.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.058 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 I do not know many African-Amer- member of our law enforcement com- do not feel the pain, the anguish of an- ican men who do not have a very simi- munity—ever. I don’t want anybody to other, does not mean it does not exist. lar story to tell, no matter the profes- misinterpret the words I am saying. To ignore their struggles—our strug- sion, no matter their income, no mat- Even in the times of great darkness, gles—does not make them disappear; it ter their position in life. there is light. As I shared Monday, simply leaves you blind and the Amer- I also recall the story of one of my there are hundreds—thousands of sto- ican family very vulnerable. Some former staffers—a great guy, about 30 ries of officers who go beyond the call search so hard to explain away justice years old—who drove a Chrysler 300, of duty. Ms. Taylor—whom I spoke that they are slowly wiping away who which is a nice car, without question, about on Monday night—at the Dallas we are as a nation. We must come to- but not a Ferrari, not a super nice car. incident was covered completely by at gether to fulfill what we all know is He was pulled over so many times here least three officers who were willing to possible here in America—peace, love in DC for absolutely no reason other lose their lives to save hers. We have a and understanding. Fairness. than that he was driving a nice car. He real opportunity to be grateful and Thank you, Mr. President. sold that car and bought a more ob- thankful for our men and women in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). scure form of transportation. He was uniform. The Senator from California. tired of being targeted. Imagine the I shared another story on Monday Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, before frustration, the irritation, the sense of night as well, and while the one I want Senator SCOTT leaves the floor, let me a loss of dignity that accompanies each to tell you today does not involve a say to my colleague how much I appre- of those stops. tragic loss of life, it does show support ciate his frank discussion today. We Even here on Capitol Hill, where I that meant a lot to me at the time it are so blessed to have you and CORY have had the great privilege of serving occurred. Prior to serving in the U.S. BOOKER here. We don’t have enough di- the people of South Carolina as a U.S. Senate, I was an elected official on the versity here—let me just be clear. As Congress Member and as a U.S. Senator county level, State level, and a Mem- much as all of us want to walk in each for the last 6 years—for those who ber of the U.S. Congress. I believe it is other’s shoes because we each have dif- don’t know, there are a few ways to my responsibility to hang out and be ferent experiences in our lives, it really identify a Member of Congress or Sen- with my constituents as often as pos- matters who is in the room, who is at ate. Well, typically, when you have sible and to hear their concerns. At the microphone, who is sharing the been here for a couple of years, the law some point during my time as a public truth. enforcement officers get to know your servant, I traveled to an event I was in- Senator SCOTT has shared a truth face and they identify you by face, but vited to along with two staffers and with us today, and I want to say Sen- if that doesn’t happen, then you have two law enforcement officers—all four ator BOOKER shared similar stories an ID badge, a license you can show were White, and me. When we arrived with us in our caucus, and it is life- them, or this really cool pin. I often- at the event, the organizer seemed to changing for us. I so appreciate every- times said the House pin was larger be- have a particular issue with me coming thing you said, and it makes us better cause our egos are bigger. So we have a to the event. They allowed my two to have you and CORY BOOKER here. smaller pin in the Senate. It is easy to staffers to go into the event and RACE RELATIONS identify a U.S. Senator by our pin. seemed fine with allowing the two offi- Having said that, Mr. President, I I recall walking into an office build- cers to go into the event, who both said think it is important to discuss a very ing just last year after being here for 5 they weren’t going in unless I was similar topic, which is the status of years in the capital, and the officer going in. So in order to avoid a tense race relations today, because I don’t looked at me, full of attitude, and said, situation, I opted to leave because think Senator SCOTT and Senator ‘‘The pin I know, and you I don’t. Show there is no winning that kind of debate BOOKER should have to be the ones to me your ID.’’ I will tell you, I was ever. But I was so proud and thankful have to carry this forward. thinking to myself, either he thinks I for those two law enforcement officers Mr. President, when I was a little am committing a crime, impersonating who were enraged by this treatment. It girl—I was 10—I came face-to-face with a Member of Congress, or—or what? was such a moment that I will never ugly, vile, stupid, and dangerous dis- Well, I will tell you that later that forget and a situation that I would love crimination. I cheered on Jackie Rob- evening I received a phone call from to forget. inson with all my girl power to coun- his supervisor apologizing for the be- This situation happens all across the teract what my dad said was hatred havior. That is at least the third phone country. This situation happens all aimed at Jackie because of the color of call I have received from a supervisor across the country whether or not we his skin. And how blessed was I when I or the Chief of Police since I have been want to recognize it. It may not hap- worked hard with a Republican col- in the Senate. pen a thousand times a day, but it hap- league to make sure Jackie Robinson So while I thank God I have not en- pens too many times a day, and to see got the Congressional Medal of Honor. dured bodily harm, I have felt the pres- it as I have had the chance to see it When I was with my mother in Flor- sure applied by the scales of justice helps me understand why this issue has ida—the same age, 10 years old, 1950—I when they are slanted. I have felt the wounds that have not healed in a gen- saw African Americans forced to sit in anger, the frustration, the sadness, and eration. It helps me to appreciate and the back of the bus. I got up to offer the humiliation that comes with feel- to understand and helps me commu- my seat to an elderly woman. She must ing like you are being targeted for nicate why it is time for this American have been 55 at the time—I was 10—she nothing more than being just yourself. family to have a serious conversation looked old to me. I stood up and she re- As the former staffer I mentioned about where we are, where we are fused me. She said no, no. I was hurt. earlier told me yesterday, there is ab- going, and how to get there. We must I said to my mother: What is hap- solutely nothing more frustrating, find a way to fill these cracks in the pening here? Why won’t the woman more damaging to your soul than when very foundation of our country. take my seat? you know you are following the rules Tomorrow I will return with my final And my mother said: Segregation. and you are being treated like you are speech in this three-part series on solu- Well, growing up in Brooklyn, this not. tions and how to get to where we need made no sense to me. My mother could But make no mistake—no matter to go by talking about the policies that have let it go; instead, she told me to this turmoil, these issues should not get us there and the people solutions follow her to the back of the bus—not lead anyone to any conclusion other because I, like you, Mr. President, that anyone noticed, but we knew ex- than to abide by the laws. I think the don’t believe that all answers are in actly what we were doing. And I felt Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., said government. I don’t believe all the so- like a part of her team—part of a team it so well. Returning violence with vio- lutions we need start in government, against this craziness where people had lence only leads to more violence and but we need people doing things that to go to the back of the bus simply be- to even darker nights, nights, to para- only individuals can do. cause of the color of their skin. phrase, without stars. There is never Today, however, I simply ask you The civil rights movement has made ever an acceptable reason to harm a this: Recognize that just because you enormous progress in our laws, but the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.062 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5057 trouble remains in our hearts. There is think there are certain things we can it is a little bit of a different conversa- too much hatred in our communities. do. tion. Not that we are any better, but But let’s be clear. Whether you are a I have introduced legislation with we have had different experiences. police officer—regardless of the color Senator CORY BOOKER. It is called the When our African-American colleagues of your skin—kissing your family good- PRIDE Act. It would start us off by tell us: Look at our lives. Look at what bye in the morning or the parents of a getting statistics that we need. How we have been through. We have the young African-American teenager, no many shootings are there in our com- same job as you. Why are we pulled one should ever have to fear that they munities by the police toward the com- over seven times in a year? Why have will not see their loved ones at night. munity? How many shootings by the we been scared? Something is wrong. Yet that is a truth in America—a truth community toward the police are We can’t turn our back on it. We can’t that has been witnessed by a couple of there? Believe it or not, we don’t really leave it up to just those two colleagues our Senators. No one should have to collect those numbers. We would pro- to lead us. We need to help them, work fear that they won’t see their loved vide funding for States for the use-of- together, and have this conversation ones at night because of this type of force training for law enforcement that Alicia Garza says we should have. hatred. agencies and personnel, including de- Number four, we must formally rec- Now is not the time to paint whole escalation and violence training and ognize and encourage police depart- groups of people with a broad brush be- funding for tip lines and hotlines and ments that epitomize what it means to cause when you do that, that is the public awareness announcements to be a keeper of the peace—a keeper of exact definition of prejudice. You can’t gain information regarding the use of the peace. That is what they want to broad-brush a whole community be- force against the police. So it is a very be—those officers who attend commu- cause of the color of their skin or their balanced piece of legislation that looks nity meetings after work, who spend religion or whom they love, and you at the problems on both sides. their Saturdays playing basketball can’t broad-brush all the police in the Secondly, we need to better support with the neighborhood kids, who at- police department. law enforcement agencies who work to tend church services so they can con- What we need is a de-escalation of advance the practice of community po- nect with the congregants, who take suspicion and an escalation of trust—a licing. Now, we can do that by increas- lower income children shopping for de-escalation of suspicion and an esca- ing funding federally for the Justice toys and gifts at Christmas, who stop lation of trust. It is long past time that Department’s Community Policing De- to check in on residents just because we stood together united. It is long velopment Program, which provides they care. That is happening all over past time that we look inside our own law enforcement agencies with funding the country. That is why we can’t hearts, look inside our own souls, and to implement innovative community paint people with a broad brush. It is banish the hatred. We must instead policing practices. But guess what; the wrong. In my State, in the community of embrace each other and God’s creation, funding for this critical program, Vallejo, in the San Francisco Bay because we—each of us—are God’s cre- which may well be one of our most im- Area, you should see what some of ation. Dr. Martin Luther King wrote: portant programs, is $8 million a year. these officers do. They had a growing ‘‘Men often hate each other because That is it for the whole country. It is divide between the community and the they fear each other; they fear each not enough. We need to do better. police. The police department knew other because they don’t know each Number three, we should provide something had to change. So they in- other; they don’t know each other be- dedicated funding for Justice Depart- vited the public to participate in those cause they cannot communicate; they ment programs to initiate formal gath- changes. They held open-door commu- cannot communicate because they are erings or summits to bring community nity meetings. They created a citizen members and police into one conversa- separated.’’ advisory board to ensure residents’ That is what Martin Luther King tion. Anyone who looked at Dallas un- voices were heard. They invited resi- said—a man who taught us love, a man derstands how hard they are trying, dents to experience their training sim- who taught us compassion, a man who how much they have done. When I saw ulator and give them a new perspective taught us nonviolence, a man who President Obama with Mrs. Obama and on that police experience. taught us to listen to each other, a President George W. Bush with Laura See it through our eyes, they said, man who taught us to walk in each Bush, I was so happy. and we will see it through your eyes, other’s shoes. So we need that con- They are starting that conversation, and let’s deescalate the tension and es- versation. We start it by breaking the building of that trust, the tearing calate the trust. They put a high im- down barriers that separate us, bridg- down of that suspicion. One of the portance on the hiring of officers who ing the gap between communities and founders of Black Lives Matter, Alicia had a connection to Vallejo and wanted law enforcement and establishing Garza, said: to serve the public. They even started trust. Healing will begin in the streets. ‘‘We have so many different experiences a late-night youth program at the local It should. that are rich and complex. We need to bring high school. They started change from Policing should be for the commu- all those experiences to the table in order to within that community. achieve the solutions we desire.’’ nity, by the community, and with the So I think we should have a commu- community. When I was a county su- To anyone listening to Senator nity policing innovation fund at the pervisor in the 1970s, there were police- SCOTT or anyone who has heard the sto- Justice Department which would re- versus-community issues. So I rec- ries or read some of the words of Sen- ward law enforcement agencies and lo- ommended, and my colleagues con- ator BOOKER, we have a lot to learn. A calities that are doing the right thing. curred, in a new system of community U.S. Senator was stopped—he said Lastly, I want to bring up that issue policing. What does it mean? It means seven times; this is what I heard Sen- where everyone goes into their corners. you get the police out of a central pre- ator SCOTT say—in one year because of I beg colleagues not to go into their cinct and you move them into the com- the color of his skin. What? It is just corners. We have to address gun vio- munity. Relationships develop. It too much for these people to bear. We lence. Now, we know we can’t prevent seems so right. It works so well that I need to help them change policies that every tragedy. But we can do some was shocked when I got out of local lead to this suspicion. smart things while protecting the Sec- government and I realized that not Yes, we have so many different expe- ond Amendment. enough communities were following riences that are rich and complex. We We don’t need military weapons on that same community policing method. need to bring those experiences to the the streets. They are weapons of war. Where it exists, there is cooperation table. My friend the Senator from Alas- The family of the gentleman who de- and true protection of the community. ka is here. We are only 20 women out of veloped these weapons said to his fam- It is an obvious step that should be im- 100 Senators. I think our colleagues un- ily: I didn’t develop them for people on plemented widely. Well, what can we derstand that we have brought some- the streets; I developed them for the do? We can’t force people to love. We thing to the body. We have brought our military and law enforcement. We can suggest it. We can’t force people to experiences to the body. It transcends can’t have the people who are pro- be tolerant. We can suggest it. But I partisanship. When we are in the room, tecting us outgunned. We don’t need

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.063 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 these weapons on the streets. There is come. I want to quote JOHN LEWIS as I The comments of the Senator from only one reason—to kill as many peo- close. He was beaten, bloodied, and California, which were preceded by the ple as you can as fast as you can with- jailed, fighting for civil rights. He tells comments of our colleague from South out reloading. this story, and I quote: Carolina, remind us that as lawmakers, Don’t tell me hunters need this. That ‘‘I saw those signs that said ‘white men,’ as policymakers, our jobs are indeed is a bunch of baloney. The people who ‘colored men,’ ‘white women,’ ‘colored difficult, as we do try to make good on want to keep these weapons on the women,’ ‘white waiting,’ ‘colored waiting.’ that pledge for a more perfect union street are the ones who sell them. Let’s I would come home and ask my mother, my father, my grandparents, my great because we are clearly not there today. be clear. The vast majority of people grand-parents, ‘Why?’ I am on the floor to speak to another support this. We can expand back- They would say: ‘That’s the way it is. type of killer that we face in this coun- ground checks—90 percent of the people Don’t get in the way. Don’t get in trou- try, and that is the killer that comes support that, even a majority of NRA ble.’ ’’ with drugs, substance abuse, illegal members—so we can keep guns out of He goes on: drugs, opioids, heroin—this insidious the hands of criminals and the men- ‘‘In 1957, I met Rosa Parks at the age of 17. scourge that has afflicted us as a na- tally ill. In 1958, at the age of 18, I met Martin Lu- tion. We are fortunate in that we have We should prohibit the sale or posses- ther King, Jr., and these two individuals in- an opportunity—hopefully soon—to be sion of high-capacity magazines and spired me to get in the way, to get in trou- voting for the Comprehensive Addic- ble. end the ban preventing the Centers for So, I encourage you to find a way to get in tion and Recovery Act, CARA. Disease Control from researching gun the way. You must find a way to get in trou- I thank all of my colleagues who violence. Have you talked to doctors ble—good trouble, necessary trouble.’’ have been involved in this effort, very who work in big city hospitals? I have. That is JOHN LEWIS. We are blessed to aggressively pushing this bill. Senator They say: We are prepared to go to any have this hero, JOHN LEWIS, among us PORTMAN from Ohio, Senator AYOTTE war zone. Those are the kinds of in the Congress. We must listen to him from New Hampshire are among the wounds they see. They tremble at what because he is right. It is our job to get many who have stepped forward to they see. They mourn about what they in the way of prejudice and hate. We really shine a light on an area where see. may do it each in his or her own way. we know that we need to work to de- Somebody goes out to a nightclub. My way may not be your way, but our velop a comprehensive solution, a com- They hide in the bathroom. They call way is to fight against prejudice and munity-focused solution to so much of their mother. They never see their hate wherever we see it. Our job is to what we are dealing with. family again. move forward with respect and under- The CARA act touches on all areas of My State of California has created a standing, with tolerance and love. this issue, from education to aware- new research center on gun violence to Our Founders knew we were not a ness, from access to treatment to pre- understand the impact of firearm fa- perfect union. They told us we had to venting and treating overdose, from talities and injuries and, hopefully, re- make a more perfect union. That is our families to veterans to infants with duce them in the future. It should hap- job. I know we can do it, and we must neonatal abstinence syndrome, and pen at the Federal level. do it. even teens who may suffer a sports in- There are 30,000 of our people killed a I yield the floor. jury. Opioid and heroin addiction is a year by gun violence. We lost 55,000 to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- serious threat to our Nation’s pros- 60,000 in the —a 10-year ator from Alaska. perity, and the legislative initiative period. It tore the country apart. This f that we have in front of us is one way is 300,000 of our people over 10 years. VETERANS’ COMPENSATION COLA to fight back. So I am going to close with this. ACT OF 2016 The rates of opioid abuse have sky- There will always be bad people. I have rocketed. Drug overdose-related deaths Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I lived long enough to know that. There have more than quadrupled since 1999. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- will always be bad people. There will When an addict can no longer afford to ate proceed to the immediate consider- always be lost people. There will also ation of H.R. 5588, which was received get access to opioids, we find, unfortu- be mean people. But we cannot and from the House. nately, that they oftentimes turn to must not allow them to poison this Na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The heroin, a cheaper alternative with tion wherever they are. Good people— clerk will report the bill by title. similar effects. and that is most of America—must join The senior assistant legislative clerk The rates of heroin overdose have tri- hands across every line that divides read as follows: pled between 2010 and 2014. In my State us—race, religion, color, creed, and, A bill (H.R. 5588) to increase, effective as of of Alaska, we like to think that some- yes, politics. December 1, 2016, the rates of compensation times we are far enough away geo- We must call out the racists, the for veterans with service-connected disabil- graphically that we are isolated or in- prejudiced, and the haters—whoever ities and the rates of dependency and indem- sulated from some of what happens in they are, wherever they are—even if nity compensation for the survivors of cer- the lower 48. But in fact we have seen they are in elected office. We have to tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- instances of heroin use, opioid abuse, poses. support those who believe in commu- that have resulted in statistics that nity, who believe in community polic- There being no objection, the Senate are shattering. Efforts to prevent those ing and not support those who refuse to proceeded to consider the bill. deaths by overdose have resulted in Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I admit that there is a problem with many States, like the State of Alaska, ask unanimous consent that the bill be profiling. Just read what Senator passing legislation which has removed read a third time and passed and the SCOTT said about his life, about his the liability for a family member to motion to reconsider be considered fears, about what happened to him. administer the lifesaving drug made and laid upon the table. Ask CORY BOOKER, a Rhodes Scholar, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there naloxone. CARA does this, as well, what it is like. objection? through grants that improve access to We have to support those activists Without objection, it is so ordered. medically assisted treatment, opening who bring us together, support steps to The bill (H.R. 5588) was ordered to a access treatment to overdose treat- improve our institutions, and reject third reading, was read the third time, ment, and it provides for first re- those who inflame fears on any side in and passed. sponder training. Over the course of these many which they are found. f We must speak out and support those months, there have been so many per- who believe this is the United States of COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION AND sonal horror stories about the impact America, not the ‘‘Divided States of RECOVERY ACT OF 2016—CON- of opioid and heroin addiction in our America,’’ and we will not allow this FERENCE REPORT—Continued respective States. We have witnessed Nation to be divided by race, color, Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, the sense of urgency and desperation as creed, religion, or whom you love. I there is a great deal of discussion this we hear those stories from families know America. I believe we will over- week on very difficult and hard issues. who are truly desperately seeking help.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:27 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.065 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5059 Too often those families face a mul- munities. More importantly, these ef- The families, friends, and commu- titude of different challenges from forts highlight the importance of mak- nities that are working together to ad- treatment centers that are at capacity, ing sure that all members of the com- dress opioid addiction need to know very expensive private options—if you munity are involved in addressing ad- that they are not alone and that the can find them—that put families in a diction. situations they face are not hopeless. financial bind. In so many cases, there CARA acknowledges that any suc- We can provide that hope. We can is just no option. In Alaska our options cessful efforts at combating opioid and provide the tools needed to build up are extraordinarily limited, so what heroin addiction must focus on build- these communities so they can really happens is that you have to send your ing community-centered and culturally come together to fight back against loved one outside of the State to find inclusive methods that engage every- the addiction that we see. I think that treatment if you can find it. There are one who may be impacted by drug by moving forward and passing CARA, so many of our families that simply abuse. we take the steps to do this. lack the tools or the resources to help The grants within CARA will give This legislation takes into consider- those they love who are suffering from States and local communities the fund- ation the diversity and the magnitude substance abuse. They don’t have the ing, as well as the tools they need, to of the opioid epidemic and works to ad- resources, and they really don’t know build these sorts of relationships and dress this issue head-on through im- where to turn. They don’t even know work toward not just treating but real- proved research, pain management whom to talk to. ly preventing that abuse up front. practices, community-focused pro- Addiction to opioids and heroin does We have seen rapid rates of pre- grams, and opening up the dialogue not just harm the individual; it breaks scribing opioids for pain, largely due to about drug addiction because we know the community. It leaves these com- a lack of consensus on uniformity or that the more we allow ourselves to munities with a sense of hopelessness prescribing opioids. While many State talk openly and honestly about this amongst the loss. legislative bodies in the Department of issue, the more that stigma fades. But despite the anguish that we Health and Human Services have al- CARA is an encouraging first step. know that addiction brings, I actually ready begun to do their part in address- We all know there is much more work have been very inspired by several of ing prescribing guidelines and estab- to be done, and I certainly remain dedi- the communities in my State that have lishing prescription drug-monitoring cated to the fight against substance really come together to fight back and programs, CARA takes this one step abuse now and well into the future. to deal with the levels of addiction further. The task force on pain man- With that, I yield the floor. that they see in their communities and agement will provide more information (At the request of Mr. LANKFORD, the say: No, we are going to be engaged; we about pain management practices by following statement was ordered to be are going to come together to make a supporting evidence-based practices as printed in the RECORD). difference. they examine the trends of opioid pre- ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, today In 2014, the community of Juneau scription nationwide. we have the opportunity to vote on an lost seven young people—all in their CARA also offers support for our Na- important piece of legislation that will early twenties—to drug overdoses. tion’s veterans by improving opioid support efforts to combat the opioid After they lost their loved ones, what prescribing safety measures within the epidemic our country is facing. In my happened was that these families just VA system through education and home State of Oklahoma, we have seen kind of closed up. It was very difficult, training on pain management for our deaths from prescription drug overdose extraordinarily hard, to be able to talk providers. I think we have all heard far on the rise. In 2014, Oklahoma set a about what had happened because, too many stories of concerns from our new record in the number of deaths by quite honestly, of the stigma that is veterans or from their families where, overdose. During that time, 864 people attached to drug abuse. in an effort to get a vet through the lost their lives and 510 of those people By 2015, a year later, that community system and with not enough providers had prescription drugs as the cause. came together and said: Enough. Our or with a backlog, the easiest thing to Oklahoma has continuously ranked silence is not going to help anyone. do is just to provide a prescription for near the top of the nation in narcotic So they came together to help sup- pain medication rather than really try- prescribing activity and overdose port families. They formed a group ing to work to rebuild that body. deaths. that provides support, educational In addition, there are provisions to In 2015, Oklahoma sought to address tools, and community outreach. improve patient advocacy, support the this problem by introducing House bill This group, which is called Stop Her- integration of care, and enable mul- 1948 that requires doctors to check an oin, Start Talking, works proactively tiple treatment options—depending on online database before prescribing with Alaska’s young people, goes into that particular veteran’s needs—really opioids. This law went into effect in the classrooms to talk with the kids moving away from this rush to pre- November and was designed to help early on about drug abuse, and focuses scribe opioid medications. spot patients who are receiving pre- on making kids active participants in CARA provides the support and treat- scriptions from several physicians at the discussion, instead of just kind of ment needed for postpartum mothers the same time, a practice known as preaching the talk to them. and infants with neonatal abstinence doctor-shopping. Oklahoma is taking In the Matanuska Valley, another syndrome and establishes a pilot pro- an important step in addressing the group called Fiend 2 Clean runs a gram meant to enhance funding flexi- opioid epidemic, but as we know, this Facebook page and reaches out to at- bility so that States can support the does not just affect my State, but the risk teens in the community. They also services that will properly benefit entire Nation. run a peer-run support system that women and their children. CARA will The Comprehensive Addiction and really empowers these young people by also improve the reporting and under- Recovery Act, CARA, will provide reminding them: Look, you are not standing of addiction related to youth grants to States to fight the abuse of alone in this. We are here as a re- sports injuries. I think we recognize prescription pain relievers and heroin, source, we are here to talk to, and we that kids are out playing soccer or bas- as well as grants that address criminal are here with you. ketball, doing things, and they get justice activities, treatment of preg- Fiend 2 Clean works with another or- hurt. Those providers who are treating nant and postpartum women with sub- ganization called MyHouse to empower them need to be included in the discus- stance abuse problems, first responder young people and really support them sion of how to treat sports-related education and training and treatment as they are developing job skills, build- youth injuries. Kids shouldn’t just be and recovery programs. ing self-worth, and understanding their given highly addictive medications, In addition, CARA addresses the role in the community. These peer-fo- opening them up to possibly future ad- opioid issue as it affects the veterans’ cused programs make the difference. diction. Again, let’s look at com- community specifically. Our veterans They really help make the difference in prehensive pain management care that have put their lives on the line to pro- the day-to-day lives of these young is focused on different treatment op- tect our Nation, and it is our job to people, their families, and their com- tions. make sure that they are getting the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.068 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 treatment and prevention services they ate State and Foreign Operations Ap- behavior, which means taking action deserve. Many of our veterans come propriations Subcommittee provided against their destabilizing support for home with painful injuries that will nearly $95 million in funding for the the murderous Assad regime in Syria alter their daily lives going forward. It IAEA—a $5 million increase over the and their promotion of terrorism is important that, through the Depart- level requested by President Obama. throughout the Middle East, ’s on- ment of Veteran’s Affairs, we develop On top of giving the IAEA greater re- going ballistic missile tests, and the best practices for pain management sources, this increase, I believe, sends a regime’s human rights abuses, from its that do not lead to addiction. CARA strong signal to Iran and our inter- executions of juveniles to its detention addresses this by requiring that all VA national partners that we intend to en- of journalists and Iranian-American employees who prescribe opioids re- force the JCPOA; that we intend to en- citizens. ceive education and training on pain courage voluntary contributions by our I have also joined my colleague Sen- management and safe opioid pre- international partners to strengthen ator GRAHAM in leading a letter to scribing practices. the agency and to sustain its ability to President Obama calling on the admin- This truly is a comprehensive re- take advantage of the unique opportu- istration to include a strengthened 10- sponse to the opioid epidemic, and I nities under this agreement for a year MOU, or memorandum of under- hope my colleagues will join me in sup- searching and continuing insight into standing, on defense priorities with our port of this bill as we take an impor- Iran’s nuclear activity. vital ally . tant step in combating this addiction Advocating for additional U.S. sup- I am determined to continue these ef- crisis.∑ port for the IAEA is just one of the forts in the months and years to come. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- steps my colleagues and I have taken We cannot avert our eyes from Iran’s ator from Delaware. over the past year to ensure the nu- destructive behavior, even as we review IRAN clear agreement is implemented effec- what progress has been made in the Mr. COONS. Mr. President, tomorrow tively and enforced strictly. In a series year since the JCPOA. will mark 1 year since the United of 15 floor speeches since December, If we are to ensure that agreement States, the United Kingdom, France, during which I have been joined by remains intact, if we are to succeed in Germany, , China, and Iran nearly a dozen members of my caucus, our task of preventing Iran from devel- reached an agreement to prevent Iran I have sought to keep this agreement oping or obtaining a , Congress must play an active role. If from obtaining or developing a nuclear on our radar to ensure that Congress is the agreement succeeds, we should rec- weapon. This afternoon, I intend to re- effectively monitoring it and that we ognize those successes. If Iran falls view where we are today 1 year after are relentlessly enforcing its terms. the deal—also known as the Joint Com- Holding Iran accountable doesn’t just short of the terms of the agreement, we prehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. I mean enforcing the JCPOA. It also need to make certain the international am grateful a number of my colleagues means pushing back on that regime’s community reacts swiftly to bring Iran will come to the floor today as well, or bad behavior across the Middle East— back into compliance. Regardless of whether my colleagues are submitting statements for the behavior that falls outside the scope of opposed or supported this agreement a RECORD, reviewing where we are 1 year the nuclear agreement. That is why I year ago, regardless of where one stood later. have called for the Obama administra- As I said 1 year ago, roughly—in Sep- then, we all have an interest today in tion to strengthen its efforts to inter- tember—when I ultimately decided, working together to ensure we prevent dict Iranian arms shipments to the after long and thorough and detailed Iran from ever being able to develop a Houthi rebels in Yemen, and—like a consideration, to support the agree- nuclear weapon. We have a responsi- police department after a successful ment, those of us determined to pre- bility then to review Iran’s actions and vent a nuclear-armed Iran have a real, drug bust—to then publicize that those hold them accountable through aggres- enduring, and ongoing responsibility to interdictions have occurred and the sive enforcement of the deal, pushing undertake consistent and clear-eyed weapons they have seized, dem- back on their bad behavior, and main- assessments of how this agreement onstrating to the American people and taining a credible conventional deter- fares and not just over the course of its our partners in the Middle East the full rent. first year but over the many years to scope of Iran’s destabilizing activities As my colleagues comments later come. and our intention to keep cracking today will make clear, in addition to In short, in my assessment so far, down on those activities, which is cru- holding Iran to the terms of the nu- this deal has done what it intended to cial to building a broad coalition that clear deal, we have to push back do. Because of aggressive enforcement will sustainably counter Iranian ag- against their dangerous nonnuclear bad of the terms of the agreement, the gression. behavior—as I mentioned, the ballistic JCPOA has cut off Iran’s most likely That is why I have also worked with missile tests, human rights violations, short-term uranium and plutonium my colleagues to provide $117 million and support for terrorism. pathways to building a nuclear weapon. this year for the U.S. Treasury’s Office I know my colleagues and I remain The time it would take for Iran to of Terrorism and Financial Intel- committed to overseeing strict en- break out, to assemble enough fissile ligence, which enforces American sanc- forcement of the nuclear agreement material for one nuclear weapon has tions against bad actors, including en- with Iran and protecting the security extended significantly from just 2 to 3 forcing some of the very sanctions that of our allies and partners in the Middle months to well over a year. crippled Iran’s economy and forced it East, especially our vital ally Israel. I The international community, in to the negotiating table in the first also know we remain committed to turn, has upheld its commitments place. That funding represents a sig- showing that international engage- under the deal, providing Iran with re- nificant increase of $17 million since ment and multilateral diplomacy can lief from nuclear-related sanctions. 2013, and I am fighting for an addi- be effective, even with rogue regimes More importantly, the agreement has tional $6 million this next fiscal year. like Iran. given the IAEA, or the International I have also held discussions with for- These commitments are why my col- Atomic Energy Agency—the world’s eign leaders, from Israel to Saudi Ara- leagues and I are on the floor this nuclear watchdog—unprecedented bia, India, Qatar, Turkey, and Russia, afternoon and evening. These commit- searching access to oversee all of Iran’s about how we can work together to ments will continue tomorrow, as the nuclear activities with intrusive in- sustainably counter Iranian aggres- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, spections and round-the-clock remote sion. I have called on the administra- on which I serve, holds a hearing that monitoring. tion to levy new sanctions against an will review closely where we are 1 year I will review for a few more minutes entity affiliated with Iran’s hardline since the JCPOA. all the different ways I and some of my Revolutionary Guard Corps, known as I thank Chairman CORKER and Rank- colleagues have worked to ensure effec- Mahan Air, and I will make the same ing Member CARDIN for regularly hold- tive enforcement of this agreement. demand of the next administration. ing hearings to assess the nuclear deal First, as to the IAEA inspections I I have worked to impose penalties on and for convening tomorrow’s hearing, just mentioned. At my urging, the Sen- Iran for its dangerous and provocative which I look forward to attending.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.066 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5061 Our commitment to overseeing the Iranian regime.’’ On the 1-year anni- technical assistance agreement with implementation of this important versary of the deal, that statement re- the United States to improve their ca- agreement can and must continue for mains true. pability to investigate and prosecute its entire duration. Even if another cri- One of the strengths of the JCPOA is terrorist financiers. Although Iran is sis emerges, we must remain vigilant a robust, arguably unprecedented, already designated a state sponsor of and push for the most aggressive en- monitoring and verification mecha- terrorism, the President could use this forcement of this deal and not be dis- nism. We need to fully fund the Inter- new authority to hold accountable ju- tracted by developments in other parts national Atomic Energy Agency in sup- risdictions where Iranian terrorist of the world. That is my commitment port of its efforts to monitor Iran’s proxies and their supporters operate for as long as I have the honor of rep- compliance with the JCPOA; that is with relative impunity. resenting the people of Delaware in the why I supported an increase to the U.S. When the Iranians complain that Senate. voluntary contribution to the IAEA in they are not getting the influx of Euro- I am grateful to some of my col- this year’s budget. pean business that they anticipated leagues who will join me on the floor We also need to see greater trans- following the deal, maybe they need to later today—Senator CARPER, Senator parency from the IAEA. On July 6, Am- take a hard look at their support for PETERS, and Senator BLUMENTHAL. I bassador Dennis Ross wrote, ‘‘Recent terrorism. With the sanctions on Iran would also like to thank the senior reports from the International Atomic for terrorism and human rights still Senator from Pennsylvania, Mr. CASEY, Energy Agency indicate that Iran is in firmly in force, it is no wonder that for his steadfast effort to support our compliance with the JCPOA, but the European financial institutions and vital ally Israel and ensure swift multi- level of information they provide is other businesses are wary of doing lateral consequences for JCPOA viola- dramatically less than that found in business in Iran. tions. previous IAEA reports on Iran’s nu- One year on from the signing of the In closing, let me say this. We—this clear program.’’ JCPOA, I continue to believe that im- body, this Congress, the people of this Specifically, Ambassador Ross iden- plementation of this agreement is country—must make a clear distinc- tified several key elements of the deal firmly in our strategic interests. We tion between the Iranian regime and that were not included in the IAEA’s knew that implementation would be the Iranian people. The Iran regime de- most recent report: the amount of low difficult and that the Iranians could serves scrutiny, condemnation, and op- enriched uranium currently stockpiled not be trusted. position for a decades-long pattern of in Iran, the number of centrifuges still Rigorous congressional oversight has human rights abuses, support for ter- operating at Natanz, and research and been critical in this first year. We have rorism, and bad behavior, but the Ira- development activity on centrifuges, to pushed for increased sanctions on il- nian people deserve our support in name a few. I urge the administration licit ballistic missile activity, and the their fight for freedom, democracy, and to work with the P5+1 and the IAEA to administration responded. We have human rights. increase the transparency of these re- tightened sanctions on Hezbollah and With that, I am hopeful we will hear ports. If Iran is indeed complying, introduced new legislation to counter soon from my good friend and fellow there should be no need to hide the de- terrorism financing more broadly. We Delawarean, the senior Senator from tails. have advocated for a transformative in- our State of neighbors, who has been a My decision was also predicated on vestment in our defense relationship leader in my State for decades. I know the assumption that Iran would con- with Israel, which continues to face later this evening we will also hear on tinue to foment instability and support threats from Iran and its proxies. We these important topics from Senators terrorism in the region. The JCPOA did will continue to ask tough questions PETERS and BLUMENTHAL as well. not address this issue, and likewise, it and demand answers. I am grateful to all of my colleagues in no way curtailed our ability to sanc- We will also continue to prepare for who have joined me in colloquies and tion and hold accountable terrorist the possibility that Iran may violate statements on the floor on this impor- groups and facilitators. These tough the agreement. This means maintain- tant topic in the past, and I just hope sanctions remain in full force and ef- ing the legal architecture that would we can, in a sustainable and bipartisan fect. be needed to snap back sanctions in the way, insist on effective and rigorous Iran continues its aggressive and de- event of a violation; I have said that I enforcement of this deal throughout its stabilizing actions in the region, in- will support a clean reauthorization of entire term. cluding by providing robust financial the Iran Sanctions Act. This also Mr. President, I yield the floor. and material support to its terrorist means toughening our deterrence pol- Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, this week proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, as well icy, both here in Congress and in the we are marking the 1-year anniversary as to the murderous Assad regime in White House, to ensure, as I wrote in of the signing of the Joint Comprehen- Syria and the Houthi rebels in Yemen. my statement last year, ‘‘The Iranian sive Plan of Action. This week, 1 year Iran unequivocally remains the regime should not doubt our capability ago, my colleagues and I began the world’s leading state sponsor of ter- and willingness to respond swiftly enormous task of reading, analyzing, rorism. The Hezbollah Secretary Gen- should they attempt to break out and and making a decision about whether eral Hassan Nasrallah recently stated, develop a nuclear weapon.’’ or not we would support the deal. ‘‘Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its ex- One year after the Joint Comprehen- For me, that task took 6 weeks of penses, everything it eats and drinks, sive Plan of Action was signed, we careful study, several classified brief- its weapons and rockets, come from the should redouble our commitment to en- ings, countless meetings with experts Islamic Republic of Iran.’’ We know suring that Iran cannot acquire a nu- and conversations with constituents. that Hezbollah is seeking advanced clear weapons capability and be firm in As I wrote, on September 1 last year, rocket capability, which could be used our resolve to counter their aggressive ‘‘This agreement will substantially against Israel. We know that Hezbollah actions in the Middle East. But we constrain the Iranian nuclear program has become the ground force of the should also commend the wisdom of for its duration, and compared with all Assad regime in many parts of Syria. this body for allowing the agreement realistic alternatives, it is the best op- Last week, I introduced bipartisan to go forward, as it remains the best tion available to us at this time.’’ legislation with Senator ISAKSON called available alternative to constrain We were under no delusions that the the Stop Terrorist Resources and Iran’s nuclear ambitions. JCPOA would be a panacea for all of Money, or STORM Act. This bill will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- our problems with Iran. Rather, it was authorize the President to designate ator from West Virginia. envisioned and designed to meaning- countries that are not doing enough to Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I ask fully address one major issue: Iran’s stop terrorist financiers and unanimous consent that notwith- pursuit of a nuclear weapons capa- facilitators as ‘‘Jurisdictions of Ter- standing rule XXII, the only remaining bility. rorism Financing Concern.’’ With that postcloture time be the following: Cap- In my decision, I wrote, ‘‘We need designation comes significant penalties ito-Baldwin, 15 minutes; Carper, 10 not, and indeed should not, trust the or the requirement to enter into a minutes; Markey, 10 minutes; further,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.094 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 that following the use or yielding back We have heard throughout the day guish? No. But it does begin to address of that time, that all postcloture time how it expands prevention, education, the frustrations and pain this grand- be yielded back and the Senate vote on promotes resources for treatment and mother and so many others feel. CARA the adoption of the conference report recovery. It includes reforms to help attempts to break the cycle of repeated to accompany S. 524. our law enforcement create alter- overdoses by encouraging the use of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there natives to incarceration, such as suc- followup services for those who have objection? cessful drug court programs. received the drug naloxone to reverse Without objection, it is so ordered. We have also heard of the many orga- the opioid overdose. CONGRATULATING CARLA HAYDEN nizations that are in support of this— Too many stories of addiction start Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I would over 200. It may be approaching 300 like this one, with prescription pain like to begin my statement first of all now. These organizations deal with ad- killers. By allowing the partial fill of by congratulating Carla Hayden, who diction and the results of addiction on certain opioid prescriptions, reviewing was just confirmed as the 14th Librar- a daily basis. I believe one of the rea- best practices for acute pain manage- ian of Congress. I know she will do a sons so many organizations support ment, and expanding prescription take- good job. I am very proud of her and I this bill—and I know that part of the back days and locations, CARA will re- look forward to working with her and reason I am so proud to support the duce the number of unused painkillers the Library. bill—is it addresses how addiction af- and hopefully prevent future cases of Mr. President, earlier today I was fects not only the addict or their fam- drug abuse and addiction. proud to support cloture for the CARA ily but the well-being of an entire com- We cannot continue to lose 129 grand- bill. It puts us on track to reverse this munity. daughters, sisters, fathers, neighbors, epidemic and promises to provide help Following a drug prevention seminar and friends every single day to drug to so many who are impacted by addic- I held last year, one of my constituents overdoses. As I have said before and tion. We will be hearing also from my said: will say again, we will lose a genera- friend and colleague Senator BALDWIN There is a need for the community to be tion if we don’t address this crisis now. because we both believe strongly that involved in resolving the drug addiction This cannot be the new normal for our our veterans are one of those many issue. It is my hope and prayer that we can young people or for our communities. groups this bill seeks to assist. find community based solutions that will im- I commend all who have worked on A little over a year ago, under the prove the lives of all the citizens in our com- this bill to get us to this point. It is leadership of Senator BALDWIN—and I munity, county and state. time to pass CARA and send it to the thank her for that—the two of us intro- CARA contains many ideas and opens President’s desk. Our communities in duced the Jason Simcakoski Memorial the door for communities to take ac- West Virginia and across the country Opioid Safety Act, which provides safer tions to help neighborhoods and cannot afford to wait any longer. and more effective pain management schools. It authorizes much needed pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for our Nation’s veterans. This legisla- grams for prevention and education. ator from Wisconsin. tion, named after U.S. Marine veteran Another one of my constituents Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, Con- Jason Simcakoski of Wisconsin, who wrote: gress is taking a critical first step to died at the Tomah Veterans Affairs Our young people are dying off by the doz- combat our country’s opioid crisis and Medical Center as a result of a mixed ens and a generation of children think of this a major step in providing safer, more drug toxicity, is included in the CARA as normal. effective, and higher quality care for bill. In fact, title IX of the bill is titled Some of the saddest letters I have re- America’s veterans. the Jason Simcakoski Memorial and ceived have been about those who have I want to speak about my bipartisan Promise Act. already lost their battle to the scourge Jason Simcakoski Memorial Opioid Tragically, stories like Jason’s exist against addiction. A grandmother from Safety Act, which is included in the all around the country, including my Martinsburg wrote the following: final version of the Comprehensive Ad- own State of West Virginia. Andrew Our granddaughter—that tall, exuberant diction and Recovery Act, known as White, another marine, returned home redhead who laughed her way into our to West Virginia only to be placed on a CARA. This bipartisan legislation re- hearts, is now a statistic. forms opioid prescribing and pain care cocktail of drugs, including anti- As a grandmother myself, I love the psychotics, over twice the rec- at the VA. way she phrased that—laughed her way These bipartisan reforms to veterans ommended dosage. Andrew died in his into our hearts. sleep at the age of 23. health care that I authored, along with Far too many of our veterans have Several days ago our son called to tell us my colleague Senator SHELLEY MOORE that she had died the night before from a CAPITO, should unite us all. They rep- returned home from overseas to fight heroin overdose. . . . It was that quick. Our another battle here at home. This leg- resent our responsibility to honor and granddaughter started her drug journey with care for those who have served and sac- islation will update and strengthen the prescription drug opiates. When those pills guidelines for opioid prescriptions and weren’t enough, heroin stepped in, and the rificed for our Nation, and their fami- require—require—the VA to expand the downward spiral began. lies—and all our families. scope of research, education, delivery, It isn’t just the problem kids . . . who get This bipartisan legislation is named and integration of alternative pain hooked. Our granddaughter came from a sta- in honor of Wisconsin Marine Veteran management. ble, affectionate home. Even though her par- Jason Simcakoski. On August 30, 2014, Chronic pain should not be some- ents tried their best to save her with count- Jason tragically died. He died in Wis- less sleepless nights, multiple trips to re- thing our veterans are forced to live consin’s Tomah Veterans Affairs Med- habs, tough love and loving persuasion, that ical Center of mixed-drug toxicity. At with, and the VA must be on the cut- drug won the battle. ting edge of developing effective pain Now, we are not even allowed to grieve. We the time of his death, Jason was on 14 management. Our hope is, this will pro- must also contend with the many forms of different prescription drugs, including vide the VA with the tools it needs to our anger; impatience with our grand- opioids. help prevent these types of tragedies daughter for not being stronger, rage at Jason’s heartbreaking story is just from occurring. those who sold her the drugs, frustration one example of the overprescribing and Again, I thank Senator BALDWIN for with the authorities for not doing more to pain care problem within the VA in her very great work in this area. stop the trafficking or establishing more Wisconsin and across the country. I be- So many across the Nation, and par- treatment centers, and self-recrimination for lieve the VA’s overreliance on opioids maybe not doing enough. ticularly in rural States like West Vir- We are also trying to cope with the guilt of has resulted in getting our veterans ginia, which has the unfortunate dis- feeling relief that her hell is finally over. hooked rather than getting them the tinction of having the largest amount There is nothing more we can do for her now, help they need, and it is our job to act of drug-related overdose deaths—more no more treatments that we can try. now to address this epidemic. than twice the national average—are She’s gone. Just . . . gone. At this time last year, I joined Sen- impacted by addiction. CARA is a com- Will the passage of CARA stop all ator CAPITO on the Senate floor to in- prehensive step forward in the national overdoses or ensure that no other troduce our bipartisan measure in response to this drug epidemic. grandmother or family feels this an- honor of Jason and the entire

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.096 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5063 Simcakoski family. I was proud to Tom Heywood for his expert drafting, At this time a year ago, there were a work closely with the Simcakoski fam- redrafting, and redrafting, and tech- lot of skeptics as to whether Iran ily, as well as medical professionals nical expertise on this bill. would keep its part of the bargain and and veterans service organizations, to Today we send major veteran re- not go forward with developing nuclear craft these reforms to prevent Jason’s forms—my Jason Simcakoski Opioid weapons. We heard arguments that tragedy from happening to any other Safety Act—to the President’s desk for they would evade inspection and that veteran or their family. his signature. I am proud that Congress Iran would never live up to their obli- This legislation, shortly to be ap- put aside differences and joined to- gations under the agreement that we proved by the U.S. Senate, will provide gether to help fix what has been broken signed a year ago tomorrow. We heard safer and more effective pain manage- and help restore the sacred trust with that they couldn’t be trusted. We heard ment services to our Nation’s veterans our veterans and their families. that they would not keep their word. by strengthening and updating VA The Simcakoski family has inspired We heard any number of accusations opioid prescribing guidelines. It will us by showing tremendous courage and and speculation. We heard that the enhance education and training and ex- strength in sharing their tragic story people of Iran wished death upon Amer- pand access to opioid alternatives. It of loss and in working to make a dif- ica and wished to continue the antago- will create an independent Office of Pa- ference in the lives of other veterans nistic relationship with the United tient Advocacy at the VA to give vet- and their families. I believe that to- States that dominated U.S.-Iranian re- erans and their families a stronger day’s passage of the Jason Simcakoski lations after the Iranian revolution. voice in their care. The bill strength- Memorial Opioid Safety Act marks one I just want to say a year later that I ens VA hiring practices to help prevent of Congress’s great accomplishments— believe there is good reason to believe bad doctors from treating veterans. It to provide our veterans and their fami- the critics were proved wrong when will hold VA accountable for providing lies with the care they have earned and Iran took those irreversible steps to quality care to our veterans by deserve. dismantle its nuclear weapons pro- strengthening opioid oversight and re- My closing message comes from Ja- gram—steps that were certified by the porting. son’s widow Heather. Heather said: nuclear watchdogs at the International The story of Jason’s bill is a story of When I look back at the past, I want to Atomic Energy Agency. For example, Congress doing the job that we were know we made a difference. I want to believe national inspectors certified that Iran elected to do by the families of our we have leaders in our country who care. I had reduced its stockpile of enriched States and the communities we rep- want to inspire others to never give up be- uranium by 98 percent and that the re- resent. cause change is possible. maining enriched uranium was only en- The Simcakoski family called on us I want to say to Marv and Linda, Ja- riched at levels consistent with peace- to stand up for our brave men and son’s parents; to Heather and Anaya, ful energy uses. Inspectors from the women in uniform, and we took action. Jason’s wife and daughter; and to International Atomic Energy Agency For more than a year, I have worked Jason: Thank you for inspiring me. certified that the nearly 15,000 cen- across the aisle with Senator CAPITO Thank you for demanding that we trifuges for enriching uranium have and leaders of the Senate Veterans’ Af- stand together to enact the strongest been dismantled, leaving Iran with fairs Committee to advance my re- opioid safety reforms for veterans and only its least sophisticated centrifuges forms in the Senate. The House of Rep- their families. You have inspired true that can be used solely for peaceful resentatives did their part by moving change. This change will save lives, purposes. The inspectors from the forward with a House companion meas- and you have given us all hope for a International Atomic Energy Agency ure based on our bill. When it came brighter future. have also certified that the special time for my colleagues to agree on the Mr. President, I yield the floor. heavy water reactor that could produce final package that we have before us The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the kind of plutonium needed for a nu- today, I worked with the Simcakoski ator from Delaware. clear bomb will produce no more. In- family to ensure that it reflected the Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, before I spectors saw firsthand that the core of strongest possible response to the talk a bit about the 1-year anniversary that reactor had been filled with con- opioid overprescribing and pain man- of the signing of the Joint Comprehen- crete, rendering it incapable of ever agement problems at VA. sive Plan of Action between the five producing plutonium again. Inspectors I thank my colleagues—particularly permanent members of the U.N. Secu- the 20 Senators who cosponsored the from the International Atomic Energy rity Council, plus Germany, with Iran, Agency continue to assess that Iran is bill—for their work and help in passing I want to take a moment to say to the the Jason Simcakoski Memorial Opioid keeping up with its commitments in Senator from Wisconsin that I am priv- the nuclear agreement. Safety Act today. ileged to serve with her on the Senate I thank my partner in this bipartisan I have never been to Iran. I hope to Committee on Homeland Security and go someday. But a place I have been to endeavor, Senator SHELLEY MOORE Governmental Affairs. I have had a is Southeast Asia. I served 3 years in a CAPITO of West Virginia. chance to see and witness her sin- war in that part of the world, with a I wish to express my sincere appre- cerity, her commitment, and her dedi- ciation for Senate Veterans’ Affairs country with which we were at war—in cation on this front, and I commend Committee Chairman ISAKSON and some cases, almost a proxy war but at her. Ranking Member BLUMENTHAL and war for many years, the Vietnam war. I serve with the Senator from West The names of 55,000 men and women their staffs for their commitment to Virginia—not on Homeland Security combating opioid abuse at the VA. are on a granite wall about 2 miles but on Environment and Public Works. I thank Leader REID and Senators from where we are standing here today, I commend her for her bipartisan spirit MURRAY, SCHUMER, LEAHY, WYDEN, close to the Lincoln Memorial. that we see here and I commend the ALEXANDER, and all the members of the When the war was over—the war was conference committee for their stead- leadership they have both shown to en- winding down—my Active-Duty tour fast support of these reforms. And im- sure that the right thing is done. with the U.S. Navy as a naval flight of- portantly, I want to thank and recog- IRAN ficer came to an end, and I resigned nize all of their staffs and my staff for Mr. President, I thank Senator from my regular commission and as- their tireless work through late nights COONS, my colleague from Delaware, sumed a Reserve commission and con- and weekends to get this bill to the fin- for organizing a floor colloquy of Mem- tinued to fly with the Navy as a P–3 ish line. bers to take place this afternoon to dis- aircraft mission commander in the This legislation is informed by the cuss the 1-year anniversary of some- Naval Reserve for another 18 years. collaborative efforts of a broad range thing we call the Joint Comprehensive The month after I retired from the of outside health and veterans organi- Plan of Action—or the Iran nuclear Navy as captain, I was a member of the zations, and I am grateful for their ex- deal—that was signed literally a year House of Representatives. I led a dele- pert contributions. ago tomorrow by the five permanent gation of six of us—all Vietnam mem- I cannot forget the incredible work of members of the U.N. Security Council, bers of U.S. House of Representatives— Senate legislative counsel—specifically plus Germany, with Iran. back to Vietnam in August of 1991. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.097 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 went at a time when, even though we established about 4 years later. The I would suggest to our colleagues were not at war with Iran, there was first U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam was who say we can’t trust these guys that still great animosity between our two a member of our delegation, former we still have problems with what they countries. Some of that was spurred by POW and former Air Force pilot Pete are doing with some of their missile the fact that we never found out what Peterson. testing. We have problems with support happened to thousands of American Fast-forward about 25 years later, a of Hezbollah and other terrorist groups MIAs. They disappeared, in some cases month and a half ago, President Obama like that. For the most part, they have almost without a trace. We had very was nice enough to invite me to join kept their word on the joint deal we little cooperation from Vietnam to try him on a trip to Vietnam, along with a signed, the Joint Comprehensive Plan to find out the truth of their demise. couple of Congressmen. A lot changed of Action. There is a lot of speculation that they in those 25 years. Today the United We are starting to see some com- are being held as POWs in Vietnam, States of America is Vietnam’s top ex- merce transact between both countries Cambodia, or Laos, and there were ac- port market. Today Vietnam is part of that actually inure to our bottom line tually photographs of people alleged to the 12-member transpacific trade part- to strengthen the economy of this Na- be our MIAs who were being held in nership we are endeavoring to establish tion. captivity—we didn’t know where but and get approved here and in 11 other I just want to say—is it time for us the assertion was in Vietnam or Cam- countries. to spike the football? Is everything bodia or Laos. While we were over there a month fine? No. Eyes wide open. That is im- During our congressional delegation and a half ago, the Vietnamese an- portant. Eyes wide open. Having said trip in August of 1991, it turned out nounced an $11 billion deal with Boe- that, I think most fairminded people that the pictures that were shown on ing. They are going to buy 100 737 jets would say: So far, so good. Let’s con- the cover of Newsweek and TIME mag- valued at $11.3 billion from Boeing. tinue to be vigilant, and hopefully a azine and on the front pages of news- They announced that they are going to year from now, the second anniversary papers across the country were not buy from Pratt & Whitney—a big air- of the signing of this joint agreement Americans; they were Soviet nationals. craft engine company—another $3 bil- will have even better news not just for There was an effort by people in Cam- lion worth of engines to put in 63 us but for the rest of the world. bodia—bad people—to try to extort Airbuses. With that, I thank you, Mr. Presi- money from the families of the Amer- The President lifted the ban on arms dent, for that extra minute. ican MIAs who never came home. The sales to Vietnam, and a lot of other an- I yield to the Senator from Massa- people in those pictures were actually nouncements were made. While we chusetts. Soviet nationals, not missing Ameri- were over there, we learned that a sur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cans. vey of the Vietnamese people done ear- ator from Massachusetts. During the midst of all of this back- lier that year indicated that 84 percent Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I would and-forth about the MIAs from Amer- of the Vietnamese people had a favor- like to start my remarks on the Com- ica from that war, six of us partici- able opinion of the United States. An- prehensive Addiction and Recovery Act pated in a congressional delegation. We other survey indicated that 95 percent with a story I received from one of my went to Vietnam. We met with the new of the Vietnamese people have a favor- constituents, David. He is a patient at leader of Vietnam, a fellow named Do able opinion of the United States. They Hope House in Boston. Hope House is Muoi, who became the leader in August like us more in Vietnam than we like the oldest and one of the largest resi- of 1991 of the Communist Party, mak- us. dential treatment programs for adults ing him the top leader of Vietnam. We Meanwhile in Iran, Iran is not unlike in Massachusetts. This is what he said: presented to him from the George Her- Vietnam—a young nation. There are Senator Markey: Addiction has totally ru- bert Walker Bush administration a about 78 million people who live in ined my life. It quickly took everything roadmap to normalize relations. This Iran. More than half of them are under from me and my family. It has stripped me was the deal: Vietnam, if you will open the age of 25, and they have a great af- of my dignity and self worth along with my self respect. I also lost the trust of my entire up your archives, open up your war mu- fection for our country. Some of the family. seums, allow us to explore, excavate leaders do not, but many of the people Addiction started late for me. I was 44 crash sites, have free movement around do, particularly the younger people. years old. I had everything I could possibly your country to see if Americans re- They want a better life with us and a dream of. A beautiful wife, a son, two step- spond or people believed to be Ameri- better relationship with us. daughters that I raised and put through col- cans respond—if you will do all those They have had elections since the lege. We also built a new home in 2000. I had things, we will reciprocate, and we will joint agreement was agreed to, elec- a great career and was a few years away from 20 to retire. move toward normalized relations with tions in their Parliament and in the Then my family and I went on vacation for your country. Council of Experts, which elects the two weeks and I came home with a parasite There was a lot of lack of faith on next Supreme Leader. The moderates, in my stomach for which I was prescribed the sides of both countries, Vietnam the reformers made great strides in pain medication. That was at the end of and us. The Vietnamese were fearful those elections earlier this year. There April that year. In May, I had my appendix that we would move the goalposts, that were very encouraging results. taken out. In June, I had to have my gall- even if they did all the things they A year later, among other things bladder out. All the while being prescribed were required to do under the roadmap that have happened, the Iranians de- pain meds. Before I knew it, I was addicted. It wasn’t to normalize relations, we would move cided they have had a hard time access- long after that there were no more scripts to the goalposts and still not normalize ing capital to be able to purchase be had. Then I was doing heroin. This was so relations. For our part, there was con- things—— scary for me because I had not used any cern that they would never do those The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. drugs my entire life. Within two years, ev- things anyway, so why should we both- PERDUE. The Senator’s time has ex- erything was gone. Wife, family, job, house. er. pired. Everything. At the end of the day, we engaged Mr. CARPER. I request 1 more It has been a real struggle to get out and with the Vietnamese, and they engaged minute, Mr. President. stay clean between not being able to get a with us. They did the things they were The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without detox bed, or, if I did, after five days, only to be told that there were no beds available for supposed to do, and we did as well. We objection, it is so ordered. further treatment. Which meant back on the normalized relations about 4 years Mr. CARPER. Just as the Vietnamese street to start the whole process over again. later. have finalized a large deal—the pur- I finally did make it to the Hope House, and JOHN MCCAIN did chase of American jets—the Iranians which I am so grateful for. I know I am going good work in the Senate. Our delega- announced about 2 weeks ago that they to make it this time; I just feel it. Thank tion did good work in the House. The will be purchasing a number of 747 you for the chance. George Herbert Walker Bush adminis- jumbo jets built by Boeing, 737s, 777s. I pray for David and all the patients tration passed the baton to President The value of the deal is worth about $17 at Hope House. They found the help Clinton, and normalized relations were billion over the next 4, 5, 6 years. they needed, and we hope they will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:07 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.100 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5065 have the strength and the support to 2014. Approximately 1,300 of those were bitrarily have their Medicaid coverage achieve long-term recovery. in Massachusetts. Of those 1,300, 754 terminated, making it more difficult to I am proud that this opioid legisla- had fentanyl in their system. Massa- access treatment once they are re- tion contains provisions of the TREAT chusetts is 2 percent of America’s pop- leased and fueling, once again, the vi- Act—The Recovery Enhancement for ulation. If you multiply 754 times 50, cious cycle of incarceration. Addiction Treatment Act—a bill I in- you are up to 37,000 people dying from We need to make sure that all opioids troduced with Senator of fentanyl in our country. That is like approved by the Food and Drug Admin- Kentucky and other colleagues here in having a war in Korea every single istration are first reviewed by inde- the Senate. The TREAT Act addresses year. We haven’t even begun this battle pendent experts to ensure that these the demand side of the opioid epidemic. on fentanyl. But it is coming, and it is drugs are not only safe and effective I firmly believe that if we are going coming with an urgency that is very but also won’t continue to fuel the epi- to reduce the supply of heroin, difficult to even imagine. The total demic of addiction in this country. fentanyl, and illicit prescription drugs, deaths from opioids in America would We need to make sure that prescrip- we have to reduce the demand through be equivalent to a Vietnam war every tion drug monitoring programs are treatment. But for far too long, out- single year, and fentanyl is 50 times fully utilized and nationally interoper- dated and scientifically unsound Fed- more powerful than morphine—unbe- able in order to prevent doctor shop- eral restrictions have severely limited lievable. That is how powerful it is—50 ping, and we must let Big Pharma access to effective medication-assisted times more powerful. know that their army of lobbyists on treatment like Suboxone for opioid ad- This is just something that we are Capitol Hill will be matched by an diction. The TREAT Act removes these going to have to deal with, and ap- army of advocates that work every day restrictions. Importantly, the TREAT proximately 2.5 million Americans to raise awareness and save lives. Act would allow appropriately trained abused or were dependent on opioids in The Congress has an opportunity to nurse practitioners and physician as- 2012, but fewer than 1 million received let all those struggling with addiction sistants to treat patients with these treatment for their condition. Out of know that help is on the way. We know lifesaving therapies. the 2.5 million people who needed help, that we have heard their stories, and These TREAT Act provisions, which only 1 million got it in our country. We we will not forget them. are included in the CARA conference are being overwhelmed by a tsunami of We must let them know that no mat- report, will increase access to treat- heroin, prescription drugs, and ter how dark life seems right now, ment, especially in community health fentanyl addiction, and we must stop it there is hope, and sunlight will grace centers and rural communities across before it drowns any more families in them once again, and this Chamber has this country. I am grateful that these our country. not finished this job—this journey— provisions are included in the bill we We had an opportunity here to make that we must be on with every family will vote on today. I am hopeful they sure we put real funding into this bill in our country. Substance abuse is a will have an impact in the future. for more treatment. We are not going crisis the likes of which we have never It has been a long haul and hard work to meet that challenge here today. We seen in America. A decade from now over the last few years, but we have do need funding for those families— people will ask: What did you do to achieved a measure of success that will funding for treatment providers who impact lives as soon as this bill is help put people on the path to recovery help end this epidemic? That is why I signed into law. I sincerely thank Sen- and funding for our sheriffs, fire- stand today congratulating all of those ator MURRAY and Senator ALEXANDER fighters, and other first responders who who worked on this bill, and we must for their support on the TREAT Act. I carry the overdose prevention drugs also pledge to continue to stand up and thank Senator HATCH and Representa- that save lives. We need funding for the fight for the funding and other invest- tives PALLONE and UPTON and all the public education campaign so that we ments we need to make. CARA conferees who worked to get the can prevent addiction before it takes We must stand united to end this cri- TREAT Act provisions included in this hold. We will not save lives and stop sis of addiction in our communities final package we are voting on today. I this scourge of addiction unless we, in now and for generations to come so would like to express my appreciation fact, ensure that there is full funding that children will not have to look to to Senators WHITEHOUSE and PORTMAN for treatment. We will save lives with the history books to find that there and all of the Senate and House co- more treatment options, more Narcan, ever was a year like 2016 with an epi- sponsors of the TREAT Act who sup- more counselors, more education, more demic that is raging across the coun- ported efforts to get the law changed so beds, and a better continuum of care, try. that more people can get the treatment but we must fund it. I yield back the remainder of my they need. The bill we are voting on today is a time. In Massachusetts, I am hearing enor- good step, but we still have much fur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under mous frustration from people who ther to go. Without that funding, this the previous order, all postcloture time don’t feel that adequate resources are effort will not do the full job that our has expired. being brought to bear on this enormous country wants us to do. Our cities are The question is on agreeing to the epidemic of prescription drug and her- fighting a war, and we need to help conference report. oin addiction. Just like David, count- them. We are hemorrhaging lives by Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I less people suffering from addiction the day. If we are to staunch the flow ask for the yeas and nays. cannot find a bed for detox, and then of suffering and death, we desperately The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a when they are at their most vulnerable need funding to implement all of the sufficient second? moment in recovery, they cannot find programs in this bill. There appears to be a sufficient sec- a place or provider of long-term treat- Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a de- ond. ment. fining moment in our national discus- The clerk will call the roll. For the months that we have been sion to address the public health crisis Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators debating CARA in this Chamber, we of addiction. Our work doesn’t stop are necessarily absent: the Senator have heard the statistics. Our Nation is here. It has only just begun. Let’s be from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the experiencing more deaths from drug clear. Stopping the overprescription of Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), overdoses than from gun violence or opioid pain medication that is fueling the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROB- auto deaths. Eighty percent of people addiction and overdoses starts with the ERTS), the Senator from South Dakota suffering from heroin addiction started prescribers. We need to require anyone (Mr. ROUNDS), the Senator from Ala- on opioid pain medications approved by who prescribes opioid pain medication bama (Mr. SESSIONS), and the Senator the Food and Drug Administration and and other controlled substances to un- from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER). prescribed by doctors who aren’t re- dergo mandatory training on safe pre- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there quired to receive education on safe scribing practices and the identifica- any other Senators in the Chamber de- opioid prescribing. tion of possible substance use disorder. siring to vote? Nearly 30,000 people in the United We need to make sure that people The result was announced—yeas 92, States died of an opioid overdose in who enter the judicial system don’t ar- nays 2, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.102 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 [Rollcall Vote No. 129 Leg.] patent troll suits target small and in- venue reform is of the utmost impor- YEAS—92 vestor-driven companies. This is a real tance and must be central to any larg- Alexander Feinstein Murkowski threat to innovation. er reform effort. Ayotte Fischer Murphy The VENUE Act addresses this issue I urge my colleagues to support the Baldwin Flake Murray and ensures that patent cases are liti- reforms contained in the VENUE Act, Barrasso Franken Nelson Bennet Gardner gated where there is a connection to and I yield back. Paul The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Blumenthal Gillibrand Perdue the patent dispute. Under the VENUE Blunt Graham Peters Act, in order for a case to be properly ator from Iowa. Booker Grassley Portman litigated, it must be brought where ei- f Boozman Hatch Reed ther, No. 1, the defendant has a prin- Boxer Heinrich Reid INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGA- Brown Heitkamp Risch cipal place of business or, No. 2, the al- TIONS OF FBI-FACILITATED RAN- Burr Heller Rubio leged infringing act occurred or, No. 3, Cantwell Hirono SOM PAYMENTS Sanders Capito Hoeven where the inventor conducted research Schatz Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I rise Cardin Isakson and development that led to the pat- Carper Johnson Schumer today to speak about allegations that Scott ent. Casey Kaine In addition to the provisions relating the FBI has facilitated ransom pay- Cassidy King Shaheen ments to terrorist groups. Unfortu- Coats Kirk Shelby to proper venue, the VENUE Act pro- Collins Klobuchar Stabenow vides a more streamlined avenue for nately, the administration has been Coons Lankford Sullivan those seeking review of erroneous stonewalling the Senate Judiciary Corker Leahy Tester Committee’s investigation into the Cornyn Manchin Thune venue determinations. I believe my leg- Tillis islation strikes the right balance for matter. Cotton Markey We have seen many terrible terrorist Crapo McCain Toomey determining when venue is proper, but Cruz McCaskill Udall I also understand that addressing attacks recently. The government’s Daines McConnell Vitter venue is just one piece of the puzzle highest duty is to provide for national Donnelly Menendez Warner security. That means fighting the rad- Durbin Merkley Warren when we are talking about overall pat- Enzi Mikulski Whitehouse ent reform. ical Islamic terrorist groups that mean Ernst Moran Wyden There are a number of ways patent us harm. An important part of fighting radical NAYS—2 reform can be achieved, and that is Islamic terrorist groups is going after why I support the principles of the Lee Sasse their funding. The U.S. Government PATENT Act and believe it goes a long NOT VOTING—6 should do everything it can to stop way in combatting this growing prob- Cochran Roberts Sessions money from flowing to groups like al lem. The PATENT Act includes much Inhofe Rounds Wicker Qaeda and ISIS. needed reforms, such as fee shifting, The government has had significant The conference report was agreed to. heightening pleading standards, and successes in fighting terrorist funding. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- customer stays that would provide re- Ransom payments for hostages are one ator from Arizona. lief to retailers, small businesses, and of the key sources of funds for terrorist f startups that are constantly under as- groups to raise money. MORNING BUSINESS sault by these nonpracticing entities. The government should not be par- I commend Chairman GRASSLEY for Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I ask ticipating in helping to make such pay- ushering that legislation out of the Ju- ments. Yet, in April of last year, the unanimous consent that the Senate be diciary Committee. However, one piece in a period of morning business, with Wall Street Journal reported that the missing from that comprehensive pack- FBI had helped facilitate a $250,000 ran- Senators permitted to speak therein age is venue reform. Such a reform was for up to 10 minutes each. som payment to al Qaeda. included in the House version of the It was from the family of kidnapped The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without patent bill, and I believe it needs to be objection, it is so ordered. aid worker Warren Weinstein back in added to the Senate bill as well. All 2012. That report was later confirmed f one has to do is look at the numbers by 60 Minutes in an interview with Dr. and the problem surrounding venue be- VENUE ACT Weinstein’s widow. comes clear. Around the same time as that Wall Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I come to In 2009, 9 percent of all U.S. patent Street Journal article, Army LTC the floor to speak in support of legisla- cases were filed in one particular Fed- Jason Amerine contacted Judiciary tion I introduced, the Venue Equity eral district. By comparison, in 2015, Committee staff. He is a decorated war and Non-Uniformity Elimination Act, that number increased to just over 44 hero who reached out to Congressman or VENUE Act, that addresses patent percent. That is an increase of over 400 HUNTER, Senator JOHNSON, and to my venue reform. percent. Again, the increase went from office, to raise concerns about ineffec- Patents are an important part of our 9 percent in 2009 to 44 percent in 2015. tive hostage-recovery efforts. He al- economy and are vital to promoting in- In addition, of the cases brought in leged that the FBI was involved in a novation and spurring growth, but the that Federal district in 2015, 95 percent ransom payment made in an effort to patent system is at risk. There is an of those cases were brought by non- recover SGT Bowe Bergdahl. ever-increasing problem of patent law- practicing entities. Such a distortion To be clear, the U.S. Government suits brought by nonpracticing enti- in case distribution is problematic, es- should take all appropriate measures ties, also known as patent trolls. This pecially when the venue has no real to recover American hostages. problem is exacerbated by plaintiffs connection to the alleged infringement But those measures cannot include being able to handpick friendly judicial at issue. ransom payments that end up funding venues that are otherwise unrelated to One hope for relief was the Federal more terrorist operations. the alleged infringement. An article in circuit case in TC Heartland, but after Ransom payments are big business the Harvard Business Review states the court’s decision on April 29 de- for terrorist groups. According to a that ‘‘patent trolls cost defendant clined to impose more stringent venue 2014 investigation by the New York firms $29 billion per year in direct out- restrictions in patent cases, it appears Times, Al Qaeda and its affiliates have of-pocket costs’’ and ‘‘in aggregate, judicial relief will have to wait. There- taken in at least $125 million from kid- patent litigation destroys over $60 bil- fore, this decision has only made the napping for ransom since 2008. lion in firm wealth each year.’’ need for congressional action on venue ISIS also takes in huge amounts It is clear these types of abuses im- even more important. I hope it will from ransom payments. The United Na- pose substantial costs on the economy bring renewed attention to patent tions estimated that ISIS collected be- and simply cannot be ignored any venue reform and the VENUE Act in tween $35 and $45 million in ransom longer. the Senate. payments in 2014 alone. Additionally, according to a 2013 While there are a number of solutions This is a serious threat to our na- White House patent report, the bulk of to the overall patent troll problem, tional security.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.051 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5067 In 2012, David S. Cohen, who was the the administration failed to share ransom payment to al Qaeda in an attempt Treasury Department’s Under Sec- those classified parts of the policies to recover Dr. Weinstein? retary for Terrorism and Financial In- with the Committee. 3. Did the FBI provide other intelligence to telligence at the time, explained why Think about that. The FBI plays a enable the ransom payment? If so, what in- telligence was provided? To whom was it pro- in a presentation on the issue. key role in hostage-recovery efforts. vided? He said: The Judiciary Committee is respon- 4. What other steps, if any, did the FBI Ransom payments lead to future sible for overseeing the FBI. Yet, the take to facilitate the ransom payment? kidnappings, and future kidnappings lead to administration refuses to even tell the 5. What steps, if any, did the FBI take in additional ransom payments. Committee in full what its written preparation for a potential release of Dr. And it all builds the capacity of terrorist policies say. That kind of stonewalling Weinstein following the ransom payment to organizations to conduct attacks. is unacceptable. secure his safe return to the United States? Al Qaeda affiliates use ransom money to 6. What happened to the ransom money help fund the full range of their activities, I referred the matter to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice after Dr. Weinstein was not released? including recruiting and indoctrinating new 7. What steps, if any, did the FBI take to members, paying salaries, establishing train- last October. In February, he informed secure a return of funds to the Weinstein ing camps, acquiring weapons and commu- me that his office had opened an initial family? nications gear and helping to support the inquiry. That inquiry is ongoing. My 8. Has the FBI been involved in any trans- next generation of violent extremist groups. investigation continues as well. fer of money in connection with attempts to Paying ransoms incentivizes terror- Yesterday I sent another letter to secure the release of hostages held by al ists to kidnap more people, and it funds Attorney General Lynch and Director Qaeda, the Taliban, the Haqqani network, their terrorist attacks. Comey seeking complete answers to ISIS, or associated forces? The administration says it is still my questions and complete copies of 9. What are the FBI’s policies and proce- U.S. policy for the government to deny the policy documents. dures relating to ransom payments, whether by the U.S. Government or third parties, in hostage-takers the benefits of ransom. If the public reports are accurate, hostage recovery efforts? But its policy on helping others make then there is a very real possibility 10. What audit procedures, if any, are in ransom payments is murky. that the FBI has helped send millions place to ensure FBI compliance with these If the FBI pays lip-service to the no- of dollars to al Qaeda and ISIS. That policies, procedures, and all applicable law? ransom policy by not making pay- money inevitably was used to help ter- 11. Have those audit procedures, if they ments itself, but facilitates payments rorists kill more innocent people. exist, revealed any violation of FBI policies, by others, then the financial incentive The Judiciary committee needs all procedures, or applicable law? Has the FBI for terrorists to kidnap people remains the facts to get to the bottom of this. otherwise learned of such violations? the same. 12. If any violations were found, what re- The FBI should cooperate. The Depart- medial or punitive actions were taken? The Judiciary Committee has juris- ment of Justice should cooperate. The 13. What is the status of the FBI’s current diction over the Department of Justice, White House should cooperate. hostage recovery efforts for those hostages including the FBI. FBI Director Comey and Attorney believed to be held by terrorist groups? The FBI’s hostage-recovery efforts, General Lynch should fully respond to 14. Is FBI facilitation of ransom payments including any facilitated ransom pay- all the questions in my May 2015 letter. by the families of hostages being considered ments, must be subject to constitu- I ask unanimous consent that a copy as an option in those recovery efforts? tional oversight by the committee. of that letter be printed in the RECORD. Please number your responses to match The Justice Department has failed to There being no objection, the mate- their corresponding questions. Please also fully cooperate with the committee’s provide FBI personnel to brief the Judiciary rial was ordered to be printed in the Committee on these issues after you have inquiries. RECORD, as follows: provided your responses, but in any event no In May of last year I wrote to the At- U.S. SENATE, later than May 22, 2015. If you have any ques- torney General. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, tions about this request, please feel free to I asked several questions about the Washington, DC, May 1, 2015. contact Patrick Davis of my Committee FBI’s alleged involvement in facili- Hon. , staff. Thank you for your attention to this tating payments to terrorist groups. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, important matter. Among other things, I asked: ‘‘Has Washington, DC. Sincerely, the FBI been involved in any transfer DEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL LYNCH: I am CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, of money in connection with attempts writing in regard to the Federal Bureau of Chairman. Investigation’s policies and practices regard- to secure the release of hostages held Mr. GRASSLEY. There is no excuse ing ransom payments in hostage recovery ef- for stonewalling oversight, but it is es- by al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Haqqani forts. On April 29, 2015, the Wall Street Jour- network, ISIS, or associated forces?’’ nal, citing unnamed senior U.S. officials, re- pecially inexcusable in a matter as im- The Justice Department failed to re- ported that ‘‘the Federal Bureau of Inves- portant as this. It is shocking that the spond for 5 months. tigation helped facilitate a 2012 ransom pay- only answer the FBI can come up with In the meantime, the President ment to al Qaeda from the family of kid- to these allegations is silence. Burying issued Executive Order 13698 and Presi- napped aid worker Warren Weinstein[.]’’ The our heads in the sand does not make dential Policy Directive 30. Those es- article alleges that, although the FBI claims the issue go away. it did not directly approve or authorize a tablished a new hostage-recovery pol- If our government is assisting in pay- ransom payment, it nonetheless ‘‘vetted a ing ransom money to terrorists, Con- icy as the result of an interagency re- Pakistani middleman used by the family to view. transport the money and provided other in- gress needs to know, the public needs Then, 5 months after I sent my ques- telligence to enable the exchange.’’ The arti- to know. tions to the Attorney General, the Jus- cle also quoted U.S. officials as saying that, The government officials involved tice Department finally sent me a re- ‘‘the family was particularly encouraged by need to be accountable. The facts can- sponse. That response failed to answer the ransom option when the FBI said it was not be hidden from the FBI’s oversight my questions. Instead, the response probably the best chance to win Mr. committee. The policies implementing just summarized the public documents Weinstein’s release.’’ Another recent news our laws on this topic cannot be kept article reported that the government ‘‘is re- released by the administration when it viewing its policy preventing families of hos- secret from the FBI’s oversight com- announced its new hostage-recovery tages to pay ransom to kidnappers[.]’’ mittee. policy. In order to evaluate the FBI’s policies and I suggest the absence of a quorum. Merely pointing to publicly available procedures related to ransom payments to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The documents is not good faith coopera- terrorist organizations as part of hostage re- clerk will call the roll. tion with independent fact finding. So I covery efforts, please provide the Committee The senior assistant legislative clerk wrote to the White House last fall. with answers to the following questions by proceeded to call the roll. I asked that the administration pro- May 15, 2015: Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask 1. Was the FBI involved in a payment of a vide the committee the classified parts ransom in an attempt to recover Dr. unanimous consent that the order for of the new hostage-recovery policy, Weinstein? the quorum call be rescinded. PPD–30, as well as the classified part of 2. Did the FBI vet a Pakistani middleman The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the policy it replaced, NSPD–12. But for the Weinstein family to use in making a objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.053 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 REMEMBERING GERALD R. Jerry’s selfless service to the univer- Grayson. Dr. Shufflebarger is a great SHERRATT sity. In the library’s main entryway, example of the Greatest Generation Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, today I there is a bust of President Sherratt. putting country and community before wish to pay tribute to a remarkable As students walk in, they pay tribute self. public servant, humanitarian, neigh- to the former president by rubbing the On behalf of a grateful Common- bor, and friend: Gerald R. Sherratt. bald head of the statue for good luck. wealth and a grateful nation, I join my Jerry was the former mayor of Cedar Jerry was delighted by this gesture. colleagues today in recognizing and City and the 13th president of Southern He was a good-natured man who saw commending Dr. Harold E. Utah University. He passed away last the humor in having his bald head Shufflebarger for over seven decades of week, leaving behind an unparalleled rubbed by hundreds of students as they service to his country and to his com- legacy that will forever bless his home- entered the library to study each day. munity. We keep Dr. Shufflebarger’s town and the great State of Utah. In addition to being a fun-loving and health in our thoughts and prayers, A man of abundant energy and un- jovial president, Jerry was also a and we wish him; his wife, Hazel; his wavering enthusiasm, Jerry trans- strong leader who was willing to roll daughter, Alicia; his son, Eric; and his formed the town of Cedar City. The up his sleeves and get in the trenches four grandchildren the best. fruits of his service can be found year after year to help his community. f throughout the city, including the tre- Jerry loved Cedar City. He once ex- TRIBUTE TO EDWARD AND mendous growth of Southern Utah Uni- pressed his deep emotional attachment MAXINE HANDZIAK versity, the building of a new airport to his community in a simple yet pro- terminal, the success of the Utah found way: ‘‘These roots, they grab Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Shakespeare Festival, the founding of hold.’’ wish to pay tribute to a uniquely Ken- the Utah Summer Games, the incep- Our State was well served by the tuckian love story. It is a story that tion of the Livestock and Heritage Fes- deep roots and leadership of this re- began in the tumult of World War II tival, the organization of the Story- markable man. I will deeply miss my and still continues to this day, more book Cavalcade Parade, and the estab- good friend Jerry Sherratt and the than 70 years later. I speak of the lov- lishment of the American Children’s kindness and support he always ex- ing relationship and marriage of Ed- Festival. These and so many other tended to me throughout my service. ward and Maxine Handziak, of Win- achievements owe their success to the He made an indelible impression on me chester, KY. leadership of Mayor Sherratt. He was and on all those who were blessed to In 1943, America faced the Axis Pow- truly Cedar City’s most enthusiastic know him. Jerry personified every- ers in World War II. Many Americans cheerleader and one of Southern Utah thing that is good about our State and bravely wore their country’s uniform University’s most cherished presidents. its people. in the fight for freedom and democ- Jerry served as the mayor of Cedar f racy. Two of those Americans were na- City for two terms, implementing tive Kentuckian Maxine Hamon and groundbreaking initiatives and infus- TRIBUTE TO DR. HAROLD E. her suitor Edward Handziak. ing a new energy into the city. In rec- SHUFFLEBARGER Edward was in the U.S. military and ognition of the world-famous Utah Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I stationed in Stillwater, OK. Maxine, Shakespeare Festival, he coined the wish to pay tribute to my constituent, who had volunteered for the Women’s term Festival City USA to attract visi- Dr. Harold E. Shufflebarger, for his ex- Reserve in the U.S. Navy, was also sta- tors to the city. The tourists came in emplary dedication to duty and service tioned there. The two met in a chance droves. Over the course of his public to the U.S. Navy and to the United encounter at a roller skating rink. service, Jerry oversaw the fast growth States of America. He has spent his life Edward was smitten with the young of Cedar City’s neighborhoods and serving his Nation and his community, Kentuckian, and when he was sent helped lead efforts to improve the and I would like to recognize him abroad to serve in Europe he did not city’s transportation infrastructure at today. forget her. He wrote her letters faith- a time of increased demand. With his Harold Shufflebarger was born and fully. Even when shrapnel injured his trademark smile and charismatic per- raised in Grayson, KY. At the age of 20, writing hand, he wrote her with his left sonality, he quickly became a beloved he became a Navy corpsman, serving hand. He knew, when he returned to public servant who would give his all from 1943–1945 as part of the 4th Divi- America, that he wanted to marry her. to the good of the city and its citizens. sion, 24th Marines. Dr. Shufflebarger’s As soon as the war was over, Edward Jerry’s academic career stands on its combat record in World War II was ex- came home and proposed. And it turns own. He was a graduate of Branch Agri- emplary; in the short space of one year, out that, when he fell in love with cultural College, which later became he participated in four major amphib- Maxine, he fell in love with her home- Southern Utah University. He received ious assaults, during which his unit town of Winchester as well and longed a bachelor’s degree in elementary edu- won two Presidential citations. In Feb- to return. A job with Gulf Oil delayed cation and a master’s degree in edu- ruary 1944, he conducted an assault those plans, with his career sending cational administration before serving landing onto Roi-Namur Island in the him all over the country. The in his first leadership position at Utah northern part of the Kwajalein atoll of Handziaks finally settled down in Win- State University. He would later re- the Marshall Islands. From June to Au- chester in 1985. turn to his first alma mater to serve as gust 1944, Dr. Shufflebarger assaulted Today the couple has been happily Southern Utah University’s president onto the Saipan and Tinian Islands of married for more than 70 years, and from 1982 to 1997. While at the helm, the Northern Mariana Islands. Harold’s they have three children, three grand- SUU saw the largest increase in stu- heroic actions culminated in the his- children, and four great-grandchildren. dent population and facilities in its toric amphibious assault onto the is- Maxine’s granddaughter still has her history, setting the pace for many land of Iwo Jima in February of 1945. grandmother’s roller skates from that years to come. Perhaps one of Jerry’s After valiantly serving his country, fateful day when she met Edward. proudest moments came when he suc- Dr. Shufflebarger returned home to I am honored to represent the cessfully lobbied to turn Southern Grayson, KY, and became a family Handziaks here in the U.S. Senate and Utah State College into Southern Utah practitioner. For over 50 years, he want to wish them every happiness and University. The crowning jewel of Jer- served as a physician in northeastern thank them for their service. I am sure ry’s tenure was the building of the Cen- Kentucky, a region without many med- my colleagues join me in expressing trum—a basketball arena and special ical providers. gratitude for their service as well. events center on campus. Dr. Shufflebarger has served his com- They truly represent the finest of Ken- Jerry’s contributions to the univer- munity throughout his life. He founded tucky. sity were memorialized with the nam- a regional radio station that won four Mr. President, an area publication, ing of Southern Utah University’s Ger- National Association of Broadcasters the Winchester Sun, published a com- ald R. Sherratt Library. Today the li- Crystal Radio Awards for community pelling article on Edward and Maxine’s brary stands as a constant reminder of service, and he served as mayor of love story. I ask unanimous consent

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.090 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5069 that said article be printed in the He said his first introduction to small town lions of books, photos, movies, oral his- RECORD. life in the South was a conversation at Sam tories, and music. But it should also There being no objection, the mate- Reed’s store on the corner of Lexington Ave- lead by example, working to ensure rial was ordered to be printed in the nue and Bloomfield Road, where the taxi that libraries keep their important driver stopped to ask directions to the RECORD, as follow: Hamon home. place in our society and help Ameri- [From the Winchester Sun, Dec. 7, 2011] ‘‘Sam says to me, ‘What are you to cans of all ages and backgrounds access LOVE AND WAR—COUPLE BROUGHT TOGETHER them?’ ’’ Edward said. information in engaging ways. BY WORLD WAR II SHARE STORY OF THEIR The story still makes him laugh, although Dr. Hayden faces numerous chal- NEARLY 70-YEAR ROMANCE he said that he immediately loved the town, lenges as she begins her tenure as Li- (By Rachel Parsons) and actually encouraged Maxine to move brarian of Congress. She must find back there. When Edward Handziak met Maxine ways to improve the Library’s efforts He also found the Hamons to be ‘‘two gra- Hamon in 1943, he fell for her right away. to digitize its materials and preserve cious people.’’ Literally. digital content. And she must find ‘‘They accepted him as if they’d known The two were at a roller skating rink in him forever,’’ Maxine said. ways to improve the public’s access to Stillwater, Okla., when Edward skated by The couple married at the Hamons’ home the Library’s incredible collection Maxine. That also happened to be the time after Maxine was discharged, and moved through effective and responsible he lost his balance and took a spill. changes. I am committed to helping ‘‘I liked to go roller skating, mainly be- back to Massachusetts. It didn’t take long, cause I liked the music they played. I was however, for Edward to start thinking about her achieve those goals. skating right along, and I fell in front of her. Winchester. ‘‘It seemed more progressive. I also encourage Dr. Hayden to work So, the story is, I fell for her,’’ Edward said. There were subdivisions and everything with me to promote access to govern- He and Maxine were both stationed in down there, and there wasn’t in New Eng- ment-funded research and information Stillwater with the United States military land,’’ Edward said. prepared by the Congressional Re- during World War II. Maxine and her friend His wish to live in Maxine’s hometown was granted, but only briefly. A job with Gulf Oil search Service, CRS. I have introduced Ann Marie Bush Carter were living in Win- bipartisan legislation to make CRS re- chester when World War II broke out and, sent the Handziaks traveling all over the country. In 1985, they were finally able to ports available online while respecting after seeing their older brothers join the the important advisory role that CRS Navy, the two decided to join the Women Ac- settle in Winchester, on Churchill Drive, cepted for Volunteer Emergency Service long-term. provides to Congress. The status quo— (WAVES), a division of the Navy. Maxine ‘‘I enjoyed seeing all the places and meet- where the public can only access these was 20 years old at the time. ing all the new people. He wanted to come reports by paying hefty subscription Edward Handziak was living in Massachu- back more so than I did,’’ Maxine said. fees to third parties—is bad policy, and Both Maxine and Edward say they have en- setts when he was drafted at the age of 20. He I look forward to working with Dr. and Maxine were both sent to Oklahoma joyed their 66 years of marriage and can re- member few disagreements. They have three Hayden to find solutions to make this A&M College, now Oklahoma State Univer- meaningful resource available more sity, for training. There were numerous serv- children, Ronald, Donald and Peggy; three ice men and women on the campus for spe- grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. broadly to schools and individual citi- cialized training at that time, Edward said. ‘‘I guess I’ll keep her now,’’ Edward said. zens. ‘‘Stillwater was a small town, kind of like f The Library also needs Congress’s as- sistance to reauthorize its film and Winchester, with a movie house and a skat- CONFIRMATION OF CARLA ing rink,’’ Edward said. sound recording preservation pro- Maxine was an avid skater and carried her HAYDEN grams, which preserve important mate- roller skates with her wherever she traveled Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today the rials that would otherwise disappear or for the WAVES. Senate confirmed Dr. Carla Hayden to be destroyed through the passage of Her granddaughter still has the skates be the 14th Librarian of Congress. This time. I have introduced bipartisan leg- today. is an historic moment, as Dr. Hayden After their initial meeting at the roller islation to reauthorize these programs skating rink, Edward and Maxine began dat- becomes the first woman and the first that I hope members of the Rules Com- ing. African American to serve in this im- mittee and the Congress will strongly ‘‘I was shy and not very aggressive with portant capacity. I congratulate Dr. support. The Library’s work on girls, but with her, I skated with her the rest Hayden and look forward to working digitization and preservation can and of the session,’’ Edward said. with her to help the Library of Con- should be a model for the world. Eventually, Edward was sent overseas, gress continue building its legacy as a Finally, during her confirmation fighting in Marseilles, France, to replace in- great American institution. hearing and in follow-up questions fantrymen training for the D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944. As she assumes her new office, Dr. asked of Dr. Hayden, much attention Maxine was sent to Washington, D.C., for Hayden will be able to draw on her has been paid to the relationship be- secretarial work, but Edward wrote to her years of experience leading the Enoch tween the Library of Congress and the every day. Because he was injured twice, the Pratt Free Library in Baltimore. Copyright Office, which has long been letter writing could be tedious at times, in- Through her leadership, the library has housed within the Library. Diverse cluding trying to use his left hand after his become more accessible to members of stakeholders have called to modernize right hand was hurt by shrapnel. There also the community through expanded after the functioning of the Copyright Office, was a period of time when he couldn’t lie on school programs and career mentoring. to ensure that it, much like the Li- his back, also because of shrapnel. The inju- ries earned him a Purple Heart with an oak As she powerfully testified during her brary, can best serve the public in the leaf cluster. confirmation hearing before the Rules digital age. I hope that Dr. Hayden will ‘‘I wasn’t a good letter writer,’’ Maxine Committee, the Enoch Pratt Free Li- serve as a helpful collaborator as I and said. brary also served as a safe haven last other Members of Congress consider When the war ended in the spring of 1945, summer when the city of Baltimore ex- how to accomplish that goal. Among Edward was stationed in Austria and Maxine perienced painful unrest following the the most pressing issues is how best was still in Washington, D.C. By that time, death of Freddie Gray. Her leadership the Library’s and Copyright Office’s in- Edward knew he wanted to marry Maxine, so has shown the transformative power of formation technology, IT, systems can as soon as he was discharged, he returned home to Massachusetts and bought a ring. libraries, and I am optimistic that she be improved to address widely recog- He went to visit Maxine in Washington, D.C., will use that knowledge and expertise nized shortcomings. As Dr. Hayden to propose, although, after 66 years of mar- at the Library of Congress to the ben- takes office, I encourage her to care- riage, neither can recall much about that efit of all Americans. fully consider how to solve these prob- day. Since I received my first library card lems, knowing that the two entities’ IT ‘‘I assumed when I came back, I was going at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in needs may be vastly different and a so- to be with her,’’ Edward said. Montpelier, VT, I have loved libraries. lution that works for the Library’s col- Because Maxine couldn’t leave her post in A library is a place where everyone fits lection management may be ill-suited Washington, Edward traveled to Winchester alone to introduce himself to his future in and the possibilities are limitless. for the particular issues facing the mother and father-in-law. The Library of Congress occupies a spe- Copyright Office. It is far more impor- The Hamons lived on Lexington Road, and cial place within our country. It is our tant that these IT issues be resolved Edward got a taxi after arriving on the train. Nation’s treasured repository for mil- correctly, particularly in light of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.087 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 fast-changing nature of technology, gration to the United States of des- James’ environmental advocacy,’’ said Steve than that they be resolved quickly. perate people fleeing violence. I wel- Costello, a Green Mountain Power vice presi- Dr. Hayden will serve as the Librar- come the assurances of top officials in dent who worked with Zetterstrom on osprey ian for a 10-year term, and I am opti- those governments of the seriousness restoration, and presented the award. ‘‘Both made bettering the environment their life’s mistic that she can accomplish great of their commitment to confront these work, and neither was put off by tough chal- things during that time. I look forward challenges. I also know that what mat- lenges. They got energized by tackling what to working together with her and once ters is performance. others might think was impossible.’’ again congratulate her on this historic I supported the $750 million that Con- Zetterstrom, an elderly widow when she accomplishment. gress approved last year to implement set out to restore endangered ospreys to Vermont in the late ’80s, was a feisty vision- f the U.S. Strategy for Engagement in Central America and look forward to ary who took her fight to politicians, fisher- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN receiving the multiyear spend plan re- men, utility executives and community lead- HONDURAS ers to build support for her effort. She ex- quired by the Consolidated Appropria- posed the danger of venturing too close to Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, yester- tions Act, 2017, spelling out with suffi- osprey nests by shooting video and sending it day I made a statement about the situ- cient detail and clarity the administra- to local TV stations, educated school- ation in Honduras, where the March 3 tion’s plans for using those funds. children, and ultimately inspired an effort assassination of environmental activist f that resulted in ospreys’ removal from Berta Caceres remains under investiga- Vermont’s endangered species list. TRIBUTE TO JAMES EHLERS tion. I also mentioned the brutal kill- Like Zetterstrom, Ehlers has been an envi- ronmental advocate for decades, and has led ing last week of Lesbia Janeth Urquia. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, Vermont environmental advocate James Ehlers LCI since 1999. He took LCI—little more than In that statement, I said that Ms. a Father’s Day fishing derby—and turned it Urquia was a member of the organiza- has won the prestigious 2016 into a broad lake-focused environmental tion COPINH, which stands for the Zetterstrom Environmental Award, an group with tens of thousands of supporters. Civic Council of Popular and Indige- honor presented annually by Green The annual LCI derby has become one of the nous Organizations of Honduras. Ac- Mountain Power Company. I know leading fishing derbies in the nation, while cording to information I received James well from having worked for LCI’s focus has grown to include lake-advo- most of the last two decades to protect cacy, education, cleanup and restoration. today, she was not a member of LCI operates Lake Champlain’s first and COPINH. However, it is my under- and restore Lake Champlain. I have often found myself as the focus of his only pollution-prevention boat, removing standing that she had been active with waste from recreational boats to reduce ille- other supporters of COPINH in oppos- unrelenting vision to achieve a ‘‘swim- gal dumping. Ehlers ensured continuation of ing the construction of a hydroelectric mable, fishable, drinkable’’ Lake the state’s lake trout and salmon restoration project along the Chinacla River. Champlain, and I agree with that vi- program by working with the Vermont Gov- Whether Ms. Urquia’s environmental sion. ernor’s Office, the Great Lakes Fisheries activism was related to her death is a Since his earliest days with Lake Commission, commissioner of the Depart- question that remains unresolved. Champlain International, LCI, James ment of Fish & Wildlife, and Senator Patrick Leahy’s office. Similarly, he brought to- Three suspects in the case were ar- has made it his mission to restore Lake Champlain fisheries. In recent years, gether landowners, lawmakers, scientists, rested in the past 24 hours, one of and public stakeholders to effect stronger whom is reportedly her brother-in-law. James has broadened his work and the mission of LCI to also address many Clean Water Act rules for the benefit of Lake According to press reports, the murder Champlain. of Ms. Urquia may have been the result known and suspected lake pollutants, Ehlers has built a reputation as a tough, of a family dispute over inheritance, to prevent the spread of invasive spe- focused and effective leader. In 2010, Sen. but the investigation is only in an cies, and to tackle many other issues Leahy lauded Ehlers’ efforts following a fed- eral appropriation to help the lake. He said, early stage. affecting the our beloved Lake, which is also known as the jewel of New Eng- ‘‘Your work at Lake Champlain Inter- This case reminds us, again, of the national has been instrumental in securing unacceptable amount of violence in land. Named for the famed osprey advo- the future of Lake Champlain. All of us who Honduras and the history of impunity cate, Meeri Zetterstrom, the GMP- enjoy its waters every year are very grateful in that country. This is a pervasive for your dedication. Many thanks for the Zetterstrom Environmental Award is problem in each of the Northern Tri- work that you do.’’ presented annually to one person, busi- angle countries, as well as Mexico. For his part, Ehlers said he is proud of his ness, group, or nonprofit to honor a sig- Homicides rarely result in conviction focus on lake improvement and environ- nificant contribution to Vermont’s en- mental advocacy, and honored to receive the or punishment, unless there is inter- vironment. It is accompanied by a Zetterstrom Award, but more proud of all national attention. Corruption is per- $2,500 donation to the winner’s environ- those behind the scenes who don’t get the vasive within the police and other pub- mental cause. For James, of course, credit they deserve for making his work pos- lic and private institutions. The courts sible—the volunteers, members, staff, and that is the Lake Champlain ecosystem. are not as immune from political pres- benefactors. The hard work that makes this award ‘‘It’s an honor to receive this award from sure as they should be. These are prob- so well-earned by Mr. Ehlers is detailed lems that will take years to effectively Green Mountain Power. And frankly, unex- in an article published this month in pected. I am just one member of a team—a address, as they require, among other The St. Albans Messenger. team deeply committed to truly sustainable things, building professional, account- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- communities. We’ll use the funds received to able police forces and ending the role sent that this article be printed in the support our important education programs of the military in civilian law enforce- RECORD. at LCI and recruit more people to the team ment, strengthening the Office of the There being no objection, the mate- necessary to effect real change, the transi- Attorney General, and reinforcing the rial was ordered to be printed in the tion to an economy that protects water rath- er than the current one predicated on its pol- independence of the judiciary. RECORD, as follows: It also requires strong support by lution. We have made gains in recent years, [From the St. Albans Messenger, July 1, 2016] but it’s not enough. Lake Champlain is more governments of the rights of civil soci- LCI’S EHLERS RECOGNIZED BY GMP than a place to recreate. The lake sustains ety and particularly journalists, A man once called Lake Champlain’s loud- our cities with drinking water and supports human rights defenders, and social ac- est advocate is being honored for his tireless habitat essential to our state’s unique envi- tivists who peacefully protest govern- devotion to Vermont’s most important body ronment,’’ Ehlers said. ‘‘Meeri had a vision ment policies they disagree with. This of water. James Ehlers, executive director of and saw it to completion, and Vermont is support has been notably absent in the Lake Champlain International, was pre- better for it. Like Meeri and so many others past, and it is fundamental to any de- sented with the GMP-Zetterstrom Environ- out there, we must continue the hard work mocracy. mental Award for his unwavering efforts to ahead to reverse the effects of centuries of The United States has a strong inter- protect and improve Lake Champlain. The pollution in Lake Champlain. This will take time, but there are important steps we can est in helping Honduras and the other award, named for famed osprey advocate Meeri Zetterstrom, comes with $2,500 to sup- take now so that future generations will Central American countries address port LCI’s work. have the benefit of this critical natural re- the culture of lawlessness that has en- ‘‘As with Meeri Zetterstrom, grit, a big source. As Cousteau said many years ago, gulfed them and in reversing the mi- voice, and a thick skin are key elements of and it is as valid now as it was then, there is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.079 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5071 no disconnecting the life cycle from the During his time as Her Majesty’s include this broadly supported provi- water cycle. If I can continue to remind peo- Ambassador to the United States, Sir sion. ple of this and motivate people to act on it, Peter worked tirelessly to maintain Congress must take seriously the both our natural resources and our most pre- cious resource, our children, will be better and strengthen U.K.-U.S. relations and management of taxpayer dollars, and off. We are all at least 60 percent water, after to promote diverse and inclusive cul- be good stewards of such. The Contract all.’’ tures. His long career illustrates his Tower Program is a clear example of a LCI is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non- deep belief in unity and that we, as na- cost-efficient program that provides es- profit organization actively involved in tions, can accomplish more together sential safety services. In fact, accord- shaping the future of Lake Champlain’s than we could dream of achieving ing to FAA statistics, towers in this water and fisheries health for the well-being alone. program are responsible for 28 percent of the people who depend on it today and to- Marcelle and I are lucky to count morrow. To protect, restore, and revitalize of air traffic and utilize only 14 percent Lake Champlain and its communities, LCI Peter Westmacott and his wife, Susie, of total funding. educates, advocates, and motivates to ensure among our friends and are proud of him Montanans are fully aware of the that Lake Champlain is swimmable, drink- for earning this prestigious honor. I need for safe and reliable transpor- able, and fishable, understanding that wanted to share with the Senate the tation services. They are also all too healthy water resources are essential for a full citation from the Queen’s 2016 aware of the wasteful and careless healthy economy and a healthy community. Birthday Honours for Diplomatic Serv- spending by our Federal Government. The GMP-Zetterstrom Environmental Award, first presented in 2010 shortly after ices: ‘‘Peter Westmacott has success- Ensuring the Contract Tower Program Zetterstrom’s death, was created to honor fully and relentlessly pursued British is fully utilized is a commonsense solu- her legacy and recognize others who follow interests at the highest levels of inter- tion that addresses both of these her example. Past award recipients include national diplomacy, including over the issues. I call on my Senate colleagues Sally Laughlin, a leading wildlife advocate last ten years through three important to join me in supporting this vital pro- and scientist whose work was instrumental relationships for the UK—the USA, gram. in restoring three species of endangered birds France and Turkey. He has used every in Vermont; Michael Smith, the founder of f Rutland’s Pine Hill Park; Margaret Fowle, aspect of modern diplomacy—political, who leads Vermont’s peregrine falcon res- prosperity, soft power and leadership— CLIMATE CHANGE toration program; the Lake Champlain Com- to deliver high impact outcomes for mittee, which for five decades has used the UK. In each of these most recent Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I science-based advocacy, education and col- roles he has faced difficult challenges wish to speak about the importance of laboration to protect and improve Lake to deliver for the UK whether it be recognizing the reality of climate Champlain; and Kelly Stettner, who founded deepening the bilateral relationship at change. the Black River Action Team, which pro- the highest levels or persuading part- The truth is that manmade climate tects the Black River in southeastern change is real. This past May was the Vermont; and Roy Pilcher, co-founder of ners to work with the UK on difficult issues. He has been one of the UK’s planet’s warmest May in the 136-year Rutland County Audubon. history of weather records. In fact, the f leading and most accomplished British Ambassadors of his generation.’’ last 13 months in a row all set world TRIBUTE TO AMBASSADOR PETER I thank Peter and Susie for their records for hottest average tempera- WESTMACOTT many achievements and dedication to tures. Last year was the planet’s hot- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I wanted strengthening the special relationship test recorded year, and the last two to share with my friends in the Senate between the United States and United decades include the 19 hottest years on some news from across the pond. Sir Kingdom. record. Sea levels rose 7 inches in the last century. And, since the beginning Peter Westmacott, who served as Brit- f ish Ambassador to the United States of the industrial era, the acidity of the from 2012 until January of this year, FAA CONTRACT TOWER PROGRAM oceans has increased by 26 percent, was recently bestowed the high honor Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I want which could destabilize the food chain. of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of to applaud the passage of the Federal My own home State of California is Saint Michael and Saint George for his Aviation Administration FAA Reau- seeing firsthand the effects of higher services to British diplomacy. In other thorization, as it strengthens security, temperatures and changing precipita- words, Sir Peter is now a ‘‘super provides for critical aviation infra- tion patterns. We are in the midst of an knight.’’ structure, and maintains access to af- epic drought, which scientists say has Sir Peter has served British diplo- fordable travel for Montanans as well been made 15–20 percent worse due to matic interests at home and abroad for as the rest of the country. However, human-induced changes in the climate. decades. His commitment and dedica- while many important provisions were This has made a drought into a dis- tion to peaceful cooperation in the addressed in the FAA reauthorization, aster. The wildfires in California are international community is unparal- improvements to the Federal Contract made even more terrifying by the hot, leled. Sir Peter first came to Wash- Tower Program that I advocated for dry conditions. And the fire season now ington, DC, as Counsellor for Political were not included. lasts 75 days longer than just 10 years and Public Affairs in Washington, a po- There are currently 253 airports in 46 ago, resulting in more and larger fires. sition he held from 1993 to 1996, after States that participate in the Contract As urgent as this issue is, it is not a which he returned home to serve as Di- Tower Program, including three air- surprise. We have seen these changes rector for the Americas at the Foreign ports in my home State of Montana. coming from a long way off. Scientists and Commonwealth Office. The Contract Tower Program is a employed by the oil company Exxon From 2002 to 2006, Sir Peter prime example of a successful govern- were warning the company’s leadership Westmacott served as Her Majesty’s ment-industry partnership and pro- about climate change as early as 1977, Ambassador to Turkey. His experience vides safety and air traffic efficiency writing that: ‘‘There is general sci- and unwavering commitment to diplo- benefits to airports across our country. entific agreement that the most likely macy were instrumental as he navi- The Bozeman, Kalispell, and Mis- manner in which mankind is influ- gated difficult and tragic waters fol- soula airports in Montana count on the encing the global climate is through lowing the November 2003 terrorist at- Contract Tower Program to provide es- carbon dioxide release from the burn- tack on the British Embassy in Tur- sential and cost-effective services. ing of fossil fuels.’’ key. He also fostered diplomatic dis- That is why I introduced an amend- Even before that, White House sci- cussions surrounding Turkey’s can- ment in the Senate passed FAA reau- entific advisers first cautioned about didacy as a member of the European thorization bill that would protect con- climate change in 1965, explaining that Union. Beginning in 2007, Sir Peter tract towers and require the FAA to re- carbon dioxide from fossil fuels would served as Her Majesty’s ambassador to spond to airports when additional con- ‘‘almost certainly cause significant France, where he promoted diplomacy, trol staff and hours are needed. Unfor- changes’’ and ‘‘could be deleterious trade, and investments between France tunately, this 14-month FAA author- from the point of view of human and the U.K. ization extension legislation does not beings.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.057 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 And as far back as 1956, the New York It is hard to undertake such a collabo- communities they serve, providing Times reported early evidence con- ration, however, when well-financed scholarships, sponsorships, and their necting climate change with green- special interests dig in their heels, and own interactive educational learning house gases from fossil fuel combus- place profits over the public’s needs. system to continuously support the tion. That prescient article concluded We are out of time. families and businesses they work with a sad commentary: ‘‘Coal and oil Let’s end the denial of climate with. The Mid Atlantic Farm Credit’s are still plentiful and cheap in many change and start building sustainable dedication and commitment to their parts of the world, and there is every energy, water, and transportation in- customers goes above and beyond their reason to believe that both will be con- frastructure. This transformation will responsibilities in credit sumed by industry as long as it pays to be good for our businesses and commu- and funding. do so.’’ nities, and it is what the next genera- I am delighted and honored to recog- Despite the overwhelming scientific tion needs. nize the Mid Atlantic Farm Credit and evidence, many in the Senate refuse to f the Farm Credit System, which for the accept that climate change is caused past 100 years has helped meet the 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE by human activity. During the Key- credit and financial service needs of FARM CREDIT SYSTEM stone Pipeline debate at the end of rural communities and allowed Amer- 2014, a majority of Senators revealed Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, today I ican agriculture to flourish in Dela- they were in denial about climate wish to celebrate the 100th anniversary ware and across these United States of change. Over the course of three votes of the Farm Credit System and to rec- America. on resolutions concerning climate ognize the important contributions of f change. All but one Senator could the Mid Atlantic Farm Credit to Dela- agree that climate change is ‘‘real.’’ ware’s farmers and communities. RECOGNIZING THE WYOMING AIR However, only 14 Republican Senators When President Woodrow Wilson NATIONAL GUARD agreed that human activity contrib- signed the Federal Farm Loan Act of Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, it is utes to climate change, and only five of 1916, he created a robust and reliable a privilege to recognize the Wyoming those Republican Senators would agree source of credit for American farmers Air National Guard as it celebrates its that human activity significantly con- and ranchers that would come to serve 70th anniversary. tributes to climate change. This denial our rural communities for a century. The Wyoming Air National Guard of the link between our greenhouse gas Since its founding, the Farm Credit has boasts a legacy of service that spans emissions and climate change makes supported farming operations large and decades—and generations. Since its for- political action very difficult. small and served as a lifeline for farm- mation, dedicated men and women Several of my colleagues have spoken ers in the face of tremendous hard- from communities throughout Wyo- about organizations and industries ships—including the Great Depression, ming have provided essential support that have actively contributed to the the Second World War, and the farm to our State, Nation, and world during political denial of climate change. crisis of the 1980s. times of trial. This rich history illus- These coordinated campaigns to ob- Today, the Farm Credit System sup- trates Wyoming’s devotion and com- scure the facts and defeat legislative ports farmers and ranchers with a wide mitment to serving our Nation. solutions have succeeded in delaying variety of financial services, including The Wyoming Air National Guard action. crop insurance, appraisal service, life was organized in Cheyenne on August However, whether we act now to fore- insurance, and the leasing of farm-re- 10, 1946, and designated the 187th Fight- stall the worst changes or we are lated vehicles. By providing farm oper- er Group. Three years after formation, forced to react to the refugees and the ations with the financial trust and sup- the 187th was tested. During the Great floods and the fires after the fact, there port they need to get up and running or Blizzard of 1949, the Guard took to the is no escaping that we must reckon survive and thrive through difficult air to aid stranded ranchers, travelers, with the reality of climate change. times, the Farm Credit System has and residents in central and south- Fortunately, we have already dem- been crucial to the ongoing success of eastern Wyoming. Operations Snow- onstrated that political progress is pos- our farmers, rural communities, local bound and Haylift included more than sible. For example, California has im- economies, and national agriculture 200 flyovers to provide much-needed plemented several policies to address sector. The partnership of the Farm supplies, such as food and medicine, to the problem, including a cap-and-trade Credit System with communities those stranded below. In addition, program to return statewide emissions across the Nation throughout the last members of the 187th provided over 550 back to their 1990 levels by 2020, a re- century has helped to build our coun- tons of hay to livestock. newable portfolio standard requiring 50 try’s vibrant and thriving agriculture The members of the Wyoming Air percent renewable electricity by 2030, sector. National Guard have provided mission regulations to double energy efficiency Across the country, the Farm Credit support in nearly every national mili- by 2030, a low-carbon fuel standard to System continues to do a great deal of tary campaign. During the Korean con- reduce from good for the farmers and farm families flict, Wyoming pilots served around the transportation fuels at least 10 percent who need help the most, ensuring that world in Germany, Japan, and South by 2020, and a program to reach 1 mil- farmers who are young, beginners, or Korea, flying over 1,500 combat mis- lion zero-emission vehicles by 2020. own a small plot have the financial sions. Here is the thing: Even as California footing they need to embark on the dif- The Guard also served valiantly in is implementing these policies, the ficult yet rewarding experience of the face of other major military con- State continues to grow. The State’s starting their own farm operation. By flicts. In 1953, under the threat of nu- economy grew by 2.8 percent last year, supporting organizations such as 4–H clear war, the 187th Fighter Group was and unemployment was reduced by 1.3 and the Future Farmers of America, redesignated as the 187th Fighter Inter- percent. Both of those figures are bet- the Farm Credit System is working to ceptor Squadron. The squadron’s mem- ter than the national average. make a brighter future for our farmers bers trained relentlessly and routinely Combating climate change will grow in the generations to come. executed 5-minute simulation drills to our national economy; ignoring the re- In Delaware, farms and communities prepare for attacks from Russian ality will only weaken it. We will all be rely on the Mid Atlantic Farm Credit bombers. forced to recognize the reality of cli- for those essential services. With 17 During the Vietnam war, the Air mate change sooner or later. The faster branches across Delaware and our Guard flew combat zone missions in we act, the easier it will be to avoid neighboring States of Maryland, Penn- Southeast Asia. In 1966, the group was catastrophic disasters, disruptions, and sylvania, and Virginia, the Mid Atlan- designated as the 153rd Military Airlift dislocations. tic Farm Credit supports over 11,000 Group and later as the 153rd This problem requires the sincere, in- members and today has more than $2.5 Aeromedical Airlift Group. Throughout formed collaboration individuals, busi- billion in outstanding trust. The folks the grueling conflict, Wyoming airmen nesses, and every level of government. there have made a great impact on the flew dangerous missions through rough

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.076 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5073 terrain to move wounded and fallen Ann in the House of Representatives. ency. No matter how cantankerous. No mat- soldiers from the battlefield. Remark- She has always been well-respected by ter how poor. No matter how rural. ably, no Wyoming Air National Guard her constituents, her colleagues in It is safe to say, and I think you know this too, that Jo Ann Emerson did not choose pol- lives were lost during the war. Congress, and the many individuals itics. Politics chose Jo Ann Emerson. During Operations Desert Storm and and families whose problems she dealt Even her campaign slogan reflected her Desert Shield in the early 1990s, the with as if they were her family. When personal morality. Election after election, it men and women of the 153rd supported Congresswoman Emerson left the Con- was, ‘‘Putting People Before Politics.’’ And the war effort by transporting troops gress, she became the CEO of the Na- it made her a beloved leader as a member of and supplies within the U.S. and in tional Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- Congress. Central and South America. The ciation, NRECA. She worked hard ‘‘Work Days with Jo Ann’’ in the district is Guard’s medical personnel were acti- across the country for the kinds of one of the best examples of how she would stand shoulder to shoulder with her constitu- vated and sent to Saudi Arabia and communities and families she under- ents. Of course, for Work Days, Jo Ann chose were later sent to aid the Kurdish peo- stands so well in our State of Missouri. to call the cattle auction at the sale barn, ple in Iraq during Operation Provide It would be difficult for me to convey deliver UPS packages, serve customers from Comfort. just how great an impact she has al- the drive-through window at McDonald’s, The terrorist attacks of 9/11 dras- ways had on those she encountered bet- and read the St. Louis Cardinals report on tically changed America. The Wyoming ter than the remarks made by Jeffrey the local sports radio station. Air National Guard was the first unit Connor, interim CEO, on June 13 at the Perhaps there were four C’s: Conscience, to resume flying. In addition to trans- Constituents, Caucus, and Cardinals. NRECA summer board meeting. Any way you describe her, the key to Jo porting blood donations around the I ask unanimous consent to have his Ann is her perspective. When Jo Ann came to western United States, the 153rd Airlift remarks printed in the RECORD. NRECA, she did so with a great perspective Wing was deployed in support Oper- There being no objection, the mate- on our membership. It was almost as though ations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi rial was ordered to be printed in the she had gone from one congressional district Freedom. In total, the Wyoming Air RECORD, as follows: in southern Missouri to a bigger one—with 42 million people in it. She knew exactly what National Guard has deployed personnel Today marks the end of Jo Ann’s tenure as to do, and she went right to work. abroad more than 3,700 times since CEO of NRECA, and there is so much for Within six months, she had been up in a which to thank her. 2001. bucket truck, shot an advocacy advertise- Jo Ann has not walked through the doors Today the Wyoming Air National ment for a national audience, opened up of this building since July 29th of last year— Guard continues to be known for its Facebook and social media to the staff, 46 weeks ago. outstanding versatility and integrity. started a strategic planning process, coined And I have said it many times since then: Members remain actively involved in a the term Co-op Nation, and laid down a chal- We miss our leader, but we have not lacked lenge to submit 1 million comments to the wide range of missions in Wyoming, for her leadership. Jo Ann’s influence on Environmental Protection Agency on the the United States, and around the NRECA, our staff members, the work we do world. These operations include pro- Clean Power Plan. and the privilege of serving our member- I bet I’ve heard Jo Ann say this a million viding humanitarian aid, supplies, and ship—those things remained at the core of times: Perception is reality. It’s usually my transportation for servicemembers. Ad- our mission—even in her physical absence. ‘‘reality’’ being generally overruled by her ditionally, the 153rd Airlift Wing pro- Jo Ann and I would start each day with perception of it. vides antiterrorism support worldwide. five minutes to reflect on the events of the Jo Ann uniquely understands the impor- The heroes of the Wyoming Air Na- day before and to contemplate the day tance of NRECA to our members, the reason ahead. And I still make time for that five tional Guard proudly offer aid and sup- we exist. She appreciates the essential part- minutes every day, for her counsel and guid- nership between NRECA and the commu- port to our friends and neighbors at ance, to let her remind me what is truly im- home. One crucial mission, especially nities we serve. portant in our work. If there is one way to summarize Jo Ann’s in the Western United States, is fire- NRECA has been through an incredible contribution here, it is to say that —at a fighting. In 1976, two aircraft were out- amount of change, with Jo Ann leading the critical moment in our history—she changed fitted with the Modular Airborne Fire charge, joyfully. NRECA’s perception of the world and the Fighting System, beginning a long his- Jo Ann has made a remarkable difference world’s perception of NRECA, and therefore tory of exceptional firefighting deploy- in the partnership between NRECA and our she changed our reality. members. She enhanced our reputation in And so she lifted the NRECA International ments. MAFFS has become an essen- Washington DC. And she brought with her: tial tool in our Nation’s efforts to bat- Program into a position of prominence with openness to new ideas, an appetite for inno- our members and in Washington. She began tle forest fires. In 40 years, the Guard vation, transparency and a highly-involved, to build the reputation of NRECA around it. unit has helped extinguish fires from very personal approach. Jo Ann re-energized our communications Washington to Arizona, including the It’s remarkable to me that this organiza- channels and gave our members a fresh voice historic 1988 Yellowstone National tion is so different after just three years, and in Washington. She tackled member engage- Park fire and the 2007 wildfires in Cali- that Jo Ann accomplished that internal ment from the ground up. She re-organized fornia. change even as she spent so much time out our approach to the experience we offer to The Wyoming Air National Guard with our membership. She was everywhere at NRECA members. once. continues to maintain the highest lev- She relished walking up to a member and And she worked constantly. She was avail- asking—point blank—what do you think we els of integrity and reliability when- able all the time, accessible for any reason, can do better at NRECA? ever and wherever they are called to to any individual on our team or in our She understood that doing right is always serve. These dedicated men and women membership. She was ‘‘Always On.’’ more important than being right. She chal- routinely pause their own lives to I’ve been fortunate to see that selfless lenged us to work collaboratively. She made stand tall in the face of danger. Our work ethic in action from the time I joined it possible for us to fail, and then showed us State commends these heroes—and Jo Ann’s congressional staff in 2003. what we could learn from failure. She opened those who came before them—for all She made decisions with the Three C’s in the doors to the CEO office, and she would mind and in order: Her Conscience, Her Con- they have done to protect our most sit and listen for a minute with anyone who stituents, and Her Caucus. asked for her time. Anyone. cherished ideals. She fought for every job in the district. Even small changes in perception make a I encourage my colleagues to join me She fought for the cost of every prescription big difference, though, like the annual picnic in recognizing the Wyoming Air Na- drug. She fought for every inch of four-lane we will enjoy this evening where the NRECA tional Guard’s 70 years of courage, highway. She fought for every veteran who Board members and the Arlington staff, in- commitment, and dedication. needed to see a specialist, every expectant terns and contractors will have a chance to mother who needed a home nursing visit for share a meal and fellowship. f pre-natal care. She fought for every flood Hers has been a short chapter in NRECA’s TRIBUTE TO JO ANN EMERSON and tornado victim. She fought for every long history, but it is a most important one. Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, today I man and woman called to active duty in the We can thank Jo Ann for helping us realize armed services. the exciting possibilities for a united, well- wish to pay tribute to Jo Ann Emerson Her conscience demanded that she rep- informed, ambitious and innovative member- for her tireless dedication and service resent the members of her community, re- ship. For peeling back the layers of NRECA to both her State and her country. I gardless of how they voted or even if they in order to show our members that we are an had the pleasure of serving with Jo voted. She represented her whole constitu- organization full of leadership. For leading

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.084 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 us to a heartfelt mission of service. And for sons Josh and Jason; parents Tom and fore, Georgetown has a wonderful his- showing us how to do our work ener- Diane; and his brother, Nate. tory. Thanks to those who are there getically, humbly, and, as only she could, today, it has a bright future. joyfully. f This is a different organization thanks to 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF f Jo Ann Emerson. It is stronger yet more GEORGETOWN, MAINE ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS flexible. It thinks and communicates dif- ferently. It possesses a greater degree of self- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today I wish to commemorate the 300th anni- awareness. It remains a beacon to others. REMEMBERING HENRY DIAMOND That’s her legacy: Jo Ann prepared us to versary of the town of Georgetown, expand the relationship with our many part- ME. One of Maine’s oldest and most ∑ Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I ners— relationships in which we are the historic communities, Georgetown was wish to pay tribute to a fellow Ten- trusted resource, champion the cooperative built with a spirit of determination and nessean Henry Diamond, who passed cause and inspire the future. resiliency that still guides the commu- away Sunday, February 21, here in Today, her story joins those of the CEOs nity today, and this tricentennial is a Washington. who made her leadership of this organization time to celebrate the generations of He was a champion for land and possible. Jo Ann would not have had this op- water conservation, a tireless advocate portunity if not for the courage and vision of hard-working and caring people who Clyde Ellis, Robert Partridge, Bob Bergland, have made it such a wonderful place to for the cause of protecting and con- and Glenn English. We all, Jo Ann included, live, work, and raise families. serving some of this country’s greatest look to a future full of promise at NRECA. The year of Georgetown’s incorpora- natural treasures. He had the ability And it is our greatest hope that Jo Ann tion, 1716, was but one milestone in a and personality to work across the po- will continue to improve, and that she will long journey of progress. For thou- litical spectrum with members of both have the opportunity to live a life filled with sands of years, the region where the parties, nongovernmental groups, the blessings of family and the chance to re- mighty Kennebec River meets the sea State and local governments, and oth- flect on her significant accomplishments and ers. many wonderful friendships built over a ca- served as fishing grounds for the reer well-spent in service to others. Etchemin Tribe, and the extensive Named by then Governor Nelson On her behalf, thank you for allowing Jo shell middens and other archeological Rockefeller, Henry was one of the Ann the privilege of leading NRECA. I sites are today a treasure trove of this country’s first commissioners of a know—and she agrees—that this has been ancient history. newly created State environmental de- the highest honor of her distinguished ca- In 1607, the English established Pop- partment. From that beginning, he left reer. ham Colony on the opposite shore of an indelible mark. f the Kennebec. This was an event of I think back to the seminal Outdoor profound importance to Maine and to Recreation Resources Review Commis- HONORING OFFICER MICHAEL our Nation, as the rugged pioneers of sion some 50 years ago in which Henry KATHERMAN the short-lived colony crafted the first played a prominent role. The commis- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I oceangoing sailing vessel built in sion led to the creation of our wilder- ask my colleagues to join me in hon- North America and created an industry ness areas, wild and scenic rivers, and oring the life of Police Officer Michael that remains vital to the Maine econ- the Land and Water Conservation Katherman, a beloved husband, father, omy and to our national security. Fund, which has invested billions of son, and brother who tragically lost his Drawn by one of the finest natural dollars from oil and gas revenues in life in the line of duty on June 14, 2016. harbors in New England, English set- well over 40,000 projects all across this Officer Katherman was born on Octo- tlers arrived within a few years of the country. ber 18, 1981, in San Jose, CA. After Pilgrims landing at Plymouth in 1620. I am reminded of his involvement graduating from Valley Christian High The early English influence is under- some 20 years later when he created School in 2000, Officer Katherman scored by the fact that the first deeds and chaired a task force that pressed played basketball at Simpson Univer- granted to the settlers were signed by for a timely review of the country’s sity in Redding before returning to his the Etchemin Sagamore, who was commitment to land and water con- hometown to pursue his lifelong goal of called Chief Robinhood by the new- servation, which prompted President becoming a police officer. In 2005, Offi- comers and whose name lives on at Reagan to establish the President’s cer Katherman’s dream became a re- many points of interest throughout the Commission on Americans Outdoors. I ality when he joined the San Jose Po- community. By 1716, Georgetown was a chaired the commission when I was lice Department, serving the commu- growing town with an economy driven Governor of Tennessee. The commis- nity grew up in. After receiving the De- by fishing, shipbuilding, and lumber sion’s 1987 report called for a ‘‘prairie partment’s Outstanding Police Duty and grain mills. The wealth produced fire of local action’’ to inspire States Award in 2009, Officer Katherman be- by the sea and by hard work was in- and communities to build greenways came a motorcycle officer in 2015. vested in schools and churches to cre- and otherwise protect outdoor re- At a memorial service on June 21, ate a true community. sources and provide opportunities for friends and colleagues fondly recalled Today the people of Georgetown con- outdoor recreation. Officer Katherman’s selfless nature and tinue to build on those traditions. And then there was his work with passionate commitment to his fellow Fishing and boatbuilding are main- Lady Bird Johnson as director of the police officers. He was actively in- stays of the economy. Fine inns and White House Conference on Natural volved with the Keith Kelley Club, a restaurants support a thriving tourism Beauty, which rallied Americans to local organization that helps the fami- industry. Reid State Park, a gift to the support environmental initiatives and lies of law enforcement officers facing people of Maine from Georgetown busi- paved the way for an array of laws and hard times, and recently participated nessman and civic leader Walter Reid, programs Congress enacted to clean in the annual Police Unity Tour, a bi- offers spectacular scenery and abun- our air and water and ensure the con- cycle ride to honor fallen officers and dant wildlife that makes Georgetown a tinuing productivity of the natural re- raise funds for the National Law En- haven for outdoor enthusiasts and art- sources on which our economy and our forcement Officer’s Memorial. ‘‘Mike ists. An active historical society, li- quality of life depend. means so much to me because he rep- brary, and volunteer fire department His close friendship with the Rocke- resents everything I’ve wanted to be- demonstrate the spirit of this remark- feller family led to their contribution come: a good moral person,’’ said his able town. to the Nation of some outstanding supervisor, Sergeant John Carr. This landmark anniversary is not landscapes in Wyoming, Hawaii, and Above all else, Officer Katherman just about something that is measured Vermont. was devoted to his family and his faith. in calendar years. It is an occasion to After he left public service, Henry On behalf of the people of California, celebrate the people who for more than started one of the premiere environ- whom Officer Katherman served so three centuries have pulled together, mental law firms that still bears his bravely, I extend my gratitude and cared for one another, and built a com- name, Beveridge & Diamond, where he deepest sympathies to his wife, April; munity. Thanks to those who came be- continued to champion conservation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.058 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5075 Henry coauthored ‘‘Land Use in Amer- servation. As Commissioner, he led a 533- As all of Henry’s friends and colleagues ob- ica’’ with another great conservation mile bike ride across the entire state of New served throughout the years, he was re- leader Patrick Noonan to take stock of York to advocate for the successful legisla- nowned as a witty story teller, a master at our Nation’s accomplishments, chal- tive passage and voter approval of the Envi- trivial pursuit, and an iconic commentator ronmental Quality Bond Act of 1972 that pro- on political talent and lack thereof. He loved lenges, and new thinking in how we vided $1.2 billion for water and air pollution biking, hiking, reading history, and listening build communities to meet the needs of control and land acquisition. to the oral histories of presidents and other American families while protecting the In 1975, Henry moved to the private sector, leaders. lands we treasure. joining the nascent environmental law firm Henry was an exceptional lawyer, a fine In 2008, Henry Diamond helped create that would become Beveridge & Diamond. mentor to his colleagues, and a devoted con- a task force I cochaired with our His practice included advising leading com- servationist. We are proud of uphold the high former colleague Senator Jeff Binga- panies and numerous municipalities on high standards and traditions of excellence he set. profile environmental matters. He also Thank you, Henry. man that envisioned a new day in pro- served as a mentor to many young lawyers tecting landscapes of value and ful- inside and outside the firm. [From ] filling the promise of the Land and While in private practice, Henry remained HENRY DIAMOND, LAWYER AT FOREFRONT OF Water Conservation Fund, tying in a tireless advocate for land and water con- CONSERVATION MOVEMENT, DIES AT 83 recreation, health, education, jobs, and servation. He served on more than 30 boards Henry L. Diamond, a lawyer who went more. This endeavor initiated one of and commissions, including Resources for the Future, the Environmental Law Insti- from the vanguard of a nascent environ- President Obama’s signature conserva- mental movement half a century ago to be- tion programs, America’s Great Out- tute, The Woodstock Foundation, The Jack- son Hole Preserve, Inc., and Americans for come New York State’s first environmental doors, implemented by another of our Our Heritage and Recreation. He chaired the conservation commissioner, appointed by former colleagues Ken Salazar, whom 75th Anniversary Con- Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller on the inaugural the President chose as his Secretary of ference, which produced the influential Vail Earth Day in 1970, died on Sunday in Wash- the Interior. Report, and co-authored the 1996 survey ington. He was 83. There is so much more to Henry Dia- Land Use in America. He recently co-chaired His death, at a hospital there, was con- mond’s long and distinguished career, the bipartisan Outdoor Resources Review firmed by his wife, Elizabeth, who did not Group, sponsored by Senators Jeff Bingaman specify a cause but said Mr. Diamond had from chairing the National Park Serv- Parkinson’s disease. ice’s 75th anniversary conference to and Lamar Alexander. The group’s report, Great Outdoors America, served as a cata- Mr. Diamond may not have been a gung-ho serving on various boards and commis- lyst for President Obama’s America’s Great outdoorsman in the mold of Theodore Roo- sions, including Resources for the Fu- Outdoors initiative. sevelt; he liked to bike and hike and was a ture, the Environmental Law Institute, Henry’s close friendship with Laurance frustrated gardener. In 1959, however, after and the Jackson Hole Preserve. Rockefeller over many years allowed him to he had hitched his political star to the His many contributions were recog- facilitate some of Mr. Rockefeller’s gifts to Rockefellers instead of the Kennedys, who nized in 2011 when he was awarded the the National Park Service. These included were also courting him, he embarked on a the JY Ranch in Wyoming, additions to Ha- career in conservation and a fruitful 40-year Interior Department’s highest citizen association with Laurance Rockefeller, the honor, the Lifetime Conservation waii’s Haleakala National Park, areas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the establishment of Rockefeller brother whose portfolio was de- Achievement Award. the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National His- voted to the environment. Henry Diamond was an exceptional torical Park in Woodstock, Vermont. His pro At the time, in the early 1960s, ‘‘ecology lawyer, a mentor to colleagues and bono work included representing the Rails- was thought to be for eccentrics,’’ Mr. Dia- young conservationists, and someone to-Trails Conservancy in its defense of the mond recalled in a recent article in The En- many of us regularly turned to for ad- constitutionality of rail banking. vironmental Forum. vice and support. Henry’s contributions to conservation and ‘‘Conservation was an afterthought on po- We will miss him. We will miss his the field of environmental law are widely litical platforms,’’ he continued, ‘‘slightly recognized. In October of last year, the Envi- ahead of Esperanto and a single tax.’’ tireless efforts to protect the best of But by 1970, the environmental movement our Nation’s natural endowment, the ronmental Law Institute (ELI) presented Henry with its Environmental Achievement had gathered steam, prompting activists to lands and waters that sustain us. Our Award before an audience of more than 700 declare April 22 of that year Earth Day and condolences to his wife, Bettye, and to environmental professionals from the pri- to promote it as a day of national conscious- their family and to all who valued his vate sector, government and non-profit com- ness-raising about environmental threats. friendship. munities. With assistance from some of Governor Rockefeller chose the day to sign May he rest in peace. Henry’s ‘‘contemporaries and collaborators,’’ legislation creating the State Department of I ask that Henry’s remembrance from we produced a brief tribute video that Environmental Conservation and to name Beveridge & Diamond and his New debuted at the ELI award dinner after warm Mr. Diamond, at 37, to lead it, months before York Times obituary be printed in the introductory remarks from former U.S. Park Congress established a comparable federal Service Superintendent Bob Stanton. agency. RECORD.∑ In 2011, he received the Secretary of the In- The governor went so far as to declare that The material follows: terior’s Lifetime Conservation Achievement people were ‘‘ready to slow down the pace of [Feb. 23, 2016] Award, the Interior Department’s highest economic progress to protect the environ- HENRY L. DIAMOND—1932–2016 honor for a private citizen. He was also the ment.’’ We are saddened to announce the passing recipient of Pugsley Medal of the American After his appointment, Mr. Diamond sym- of one of our founders, Henry L. Diamond. Academy for Park & Recreation Administra- bolically took to the streets to help collect Henry was an early advocate for conserva- tion in 2008. litter. In the preceding years, as a prote´ge´ of tion and greatly influenced the development As Pat Noonan, founder and Chairman Laurance Rockefeller, he had served on of environmental law in the United States. Emeritus of The Conservation Fund, said in White House advisory panels on conserva- His work on the Outdoor Recreation Re- the ELI Tribute video, ‘‘Henry Diamond em- tion. sources Commission under President Ken- bodies the values of public service, political As the state commissioner, Mr. Diamond nedy laid the foundation for the creation of insight, and private sector activity. He has biked 533 miles from Niagara Falls to his the Land and Water Conservation Fund and blended all of those into his life’s work in a home in Port Washington on Long Island in our national system of protecting wilderness remarkable mosaic that has led to the con- 1972 to promote a $1.2 billion state bond issue areas and scenic rivers. servation field, the environmental field, and to pay for water and air pollution controls He later served as Executive Director of sustainability that we now have today. It’s a and to purchase and protect pristine private the 1965 White House Conference on Natural remarkable legacy.’’ land. Beauty. This bipartisan event helped to ele- Earlier this year, Henry penned an inspir- ‘‘It has been just crazy enough to give us vate environmental issues on the national ing charge to us all in an article in the ELI an invaluable amount of publicity,’’ he said agenda in the years leading up to the estab- Forum entitled, ‘‘Lessons Learned for on reaching . lishment of the U.S. Environmental Protec- Today.’’ Calling for a return to the spirit of The bond referendum passed. tion Agency and the passage of the major the 1965 White House Conference, Henry During his more than three years in the federal environmental legislation that wrote, ‘‘We must return to the spirit of that job, New York was in the forefront of efforts guides our nation today. He was a member afternoon in 1965, where government-citizen to ban certain pesticides, eliminate polluting and Chairman of the President’s Citizens Ad- cooperation, high-level leadership, and bipar- phosphates from detergents and protect vast visory Committees on Recreation and Nat- tisanship can again be brought to bear on to- swaths of the Adirondacks. ural Beauty and Environmental Quality. day’s unfinished agenda. We cannot allow The state also became ensnarled in a con- He served as the first Commissioner of New complacency to take hold. There is work to troversy over Consolidated Edison’s plans to York’s Department of Environmental Con- be done.’’ build a hydroelectric plant at Storm King

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.091 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 Mountain in the Hudson Valley. Mr. Dia- dinary leadership, innovation, and port to the cape’s fishing industry mond said at the time that he had grave res- drive to help build the Coors Brewing today and works to ensure that it has ervations about the plan, but he also said he Company, a great symbol of success in a vibrant future for many years to had no choice but to approve a permit be- the State of Colorado. come. cause his department’s jurisdiction was lim- ited to the project’s impact on water quality. Bill was born in Colorado on August But it is not just about Cape Cod or Environmentalists defeated the project after 11, 1916, and went on to earn his under- Massachusetts, the Fishermen’s Alli- 18 years of legal and administrative chal- graduate degree at Princeton Univer- ance is sharing its success story with lenges. sity. After finishing his master’s de- other fishing communities, too. In 2015, He resigned the post in 1973 to become ex- gree, Bill started his work at Coors and they published a detailed roadmap for ecutive director of the Commission on Crit- eventually became the president of the starting a permit bank based on their ical Choices for Americans, a body created company in 1952. experience running loan programs for by Governor Rockefeller to set goals for the The success of Coors is a direct result groundfish and scallops. This guide will nation and to keep him in the limelight for of Bill’s impressive leadership and de- a potential presidential campaign. help local fishermen across the country In 1975, Mr. Diamond joined what became sire to produce only the highest qual- create sustainable and successful busi- Beveridge & Diamond, a Washington law ity products. Under his management, nesses in their communities. Just as firm that describes itself as the nation’s Bill advanced Coors from a regional cod from the waters off the cape helped largest dedicated to environmental and nat- brewery to one that was marked as a sustain America in its early years, the ural resources law. Through the firm, he ad- major competitor on the national Fishermen’s Alliance ideas can help vised corporations and municipalities and stage. Known for the innovative two- sustain small boat fishermen around served on dozens of nonprofit boards and piece aluminum can, implementing a America. commissions. Henry Louis Diamond was born in Chat- program to offer customers money The Fishermen’s Alliance truly lives tanooga, Tenn., on May 24, 1932, a descendant back on returned cans, and bolstering up to their slogan: ‘‘Small Boats. Big of Jews from Russia and Poland who paused efforts to strengthen recycling pro- Ideas.’’ They are constantly striving in their migration for a generation or so in grams, Bill demonstrated remarkable for a better tomorrow. They have pro- Ireland. His father, Louis, was a shopkeeper. creativity and an evident desire to pro- vided my office with valuable insight His mother was the former Esther Deich. tect Colorado’s environment. and perspective for many years. Their Mr. Diamond received a bachelor’s degree Colorado is steeped in rich history, work to create sustainable fisheries for from Vanderbilt University in 1954, served in and Bill has without a doubt played a Cape Cod and future generations of the Army and graduated from Georgetown major role influencing that history. University Law Center. fishermen distinguishes them across In addition to his wife, the former Eliza- Bill not only helped transform Coors this great Nation and today in the U.S. beth Tatum, who is known as Betty, he is into a national brewery sensation but Senate. I once again congratulate the survived by their daughter, Laura Diamond also advanced the prosperity of Colo- Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Al- Decker. rado. Congratulations on this incred- liance on their 25th anniversary.∑ After law school, Mr. Diamond was hired ible achievement.∑ f as a news writer for CBS-TV in Washington. f He also worked for the federal government’s REMEMBERING GARRY NEIL broadcast enterprise Voice of America. But 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CAPE DRUMMOND he aimed much higher: the White House. COD COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN’S ∑ Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise Interviewed by Robert F. Kennedy for a job ALLIANCE in his brother John F. Kennedy’s 1960 presi- today to honor the life of my friend dential campaign, Mr. Diamond turned him ∑ Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, fishing Garry Neil Drummond of Birmingham, down, apparently concluding that the can- is a way of life on Cape Cod. But it is AL, who passed away on July 13, 2016. didate was too young to be elected and that not always smooth sailing. That is He will be long remembered as an Nelson Rockefeller, a Republican, offered why, in 1991, a group of Cape Cod fish- iconic leader and skilled entrepreneur more promise. Kennedy was 43 when he was ermen came together to respond to the who left a positive impact on the coal elected. challenges facing the fishing industry and mining industry and the State of A friend later introduced him to Laurance Rockefeller, who by then was the chairman in order to protect their way of life. Alabama. of the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review This year, the Cape Cod Commercial Garry was born in Walker County, Commission, an advisory panel created to re- Fishermen’s Alliance, as they are now AL. He earned a bachelor of science in view the nation’s environmental challenges known, is celebrating their 25th anni- civil engineering from the University and recommend legislative remedies. versary of advocating for commercial of Alabama in 1961. After graduation, Mr. Rockefeller hired Mr. Diamond to edit fishermen and protecting their liveli- he joined Drummond Company, Inc., the commission’s 27-volume report, which in- hood. and became the first engineer hired by spired legislation to preserve the nation’s A few local fishermen created what is the company. wilderness and scenic rivers. President Lyndon B. Johnson named Mr. now a nationally recognized nonprofit Garry’s father, H.E. Drummond, Diamond counsel to a Citizens Advisory organization and leading voice for Cape began the Drummond Coal Company in Committee on Recreation and Natural Beau- Cod’s commercial fishermen. Today the Sipsey, AL, in 1935 to serve as a coal ty, which was charged with drafting an envi- organization represents 400 inde- provider for farms and households. At ronmental agenda. President Richard M. pendent small businesses that annually age 15, Garry began working in coal Nixon reappointed him to its successor bring in over 12 million pounds of sea- mines across Walker County with his group, the president’s Advisory Committee food worth over $16 million. They are a father. He was eventually named chief on Environmental Quality, and Mr. Diamond vital component to the local economies executive officer of the Drummond became its chairman. A 1965 White House conference convened by of the cape towns, Cape Cod as a whole, Company, and he served in this role for President Johnson’s citizens committee rec- and the entire Bay State. more than 50 years. ommended strip-mining controls, bans on These fishermen have firsthand expe- Garry was a founder of the American billboards and burying power lines. rience at sea and understand the im- Coal Foundation, and in 1978, he served The conference created ‘‘a bridge from tra- portance of a healthy ocean and fish- as the first chairman of the Mining and ditional conservation to a new eries. They have come together for 25 Reclamation Council of America, and prompted a surge of years to share their solutions and their which later merged with the National groundbreaking legislation,’’ Mr. Diamond successes. The Fishermen’s Alliance Coal Association. Garry also served on wrote in The Environmental Forum. In 2011, the federal Interior Department provides an outlet for the knowledge of the boards of the National Mining As- gave him its Lifetime Conservation Achieve- generations of Cape Cod fishermen to sociation and the Alabama Coal Asso- ment Award.∑ be passed to the next generation. It ciation. f provides help for entrepreneurial fish- He was a longtime member of the ermen who want to use the latest busi- University of Alabama board of trust- TRIBUTE TO BILL COORS ness tools to enhance their efficiency ees and served as president pro tem of ∑ Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, today and profitability. Whether it is loans or the board. He was also the university’s I want to celebrate Bill Coors’ 100th lobster, dogfish or data, the Fisher- ‘‘Outstanding Alumnus’’ for 1987–88. birthday, and recognize his extraor- men’s Alliance provides critical sup- Garry was inducted into the Alabama

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.060 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5077 Academy of Honor in 1989, the Alabama ists, and patrons on July 30, 2016, for few soldiers—known as ‘‘OP’s’’—took up ob- Engineering Hall of Fame in 1997, the the ‘‘Cue 25: Lights Up!’’ celebration servation posts, and two patrol squads head- Alabama Business Hall of Fame in 2003, and benefit to reflect on the past 25 ed out to secure a 100-yard perimeter around and the Birmingham Business Hall of the clearance. years of memories and accomplish- Before the soldiers disbursed, Gary gave Fame in 2010. ments and look forward to many more everyone a prodigious reminder. ‘‘If anyone A dedicated civil servant, Garry years of success. needs me,’’ he yelled, ‘‘holler ‘Doc,’ instead served on the boards of the Big Oak Congratulations to Jeff Daniels, the of ‘Medic.’’ This was because the North Viet- Ranch, Inc., Boy Scouts of America theatre’s staff, and countless others re- namese had figured out what ‘‘medic’’ Greater Alabama Council, the Business sponsible for the Purple Rose’s tremen- meant, making the soldier who responded to Council of Alabama, the Economic De- dous success and growth these past 25 that call instant high-value targets. velopment Partnership of Alabama, the years—and best wishes for many more With that, the soldiers set off. But just minutes later, a familiar sound rang out. It Rotary Club of Birmingham, and Glen- years of continued success.∑ wood, Inc. was the click of a gun being chambered, the f only warning the patrol squad received be- Largely due to Garry’s steadfast fore being ambushed by a battalion four leadership, Drummond Company today TRIBUTE TO GARY BOOTH times their size. includes large coal mines in Alabama ∑ Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today, I The basecamp was soon under fire and as and Colombia, South America, a world- wish to honor Gary Booth, a lifelong the machine gunners took up arms, the oth- wide coal sales organization, ABC ers soldiers sought cover behind a sparse line resident of Billings, Montana, and a Coke—the largest merchant foundry of trees. About 10 minutes into the firefight decorated Vietnam veteran. coke producer in the United States— one of the machine gunners called for help; I ask that the remarks that I made in and a real estate division with major his weapon had been hit by enemy fire, dis- Montana at a ceremony honoring Gary developments in Lakeland, FL, Palm locating the barrel of his gun and propelling Booth be printed in the RECORD. shrapnel into his right shoulder. Springs, CA, and Birmingham, AL. The material follows: Under heavy fire, Gary ran to the his fel- Garry’s many successes, accomplish- low soldier’s aid, bandaging his wounds as Gary, on behalf of myself, my fellow Mon- ments, and contributions to the State the gunner used his bare hand to hold the tanans, and my fellow Americans, I would of Alabama and the coal and mining in- barrel of his broken gun in place and return like to extend our deepest gratitude for your enemy fire. After Gary had finished ban- dustries will not soon be forgotten. He service to this nation. daging the gunner’s shoulder, he tied an- was truly a remarkable businessman, Gary was born on July 25, 1944, in St. An- other bandage around the gun to help steady an unwavering leader, a devoted civil thony, Idaho, to Francis and Fern Booth. He the barrel and protect the gunner’s hand servant, and a loyal friend. was welcomed by his older brother Edwin, from the intense heat. I offer my deepest condolences to and joined by his younger brother William Once Gary made his way back to the trees, Garry’s wife, Peggy Drummond, his shortly thereafter. His father Francis another soldier began calling for help. This four children, his large extended fam- bought, sold, and transported produce all time it was an OP who had been shot in the ily, and countless friends as they cele- across the west—an occupation that brought lower back as he was returning from his ob- brate his exceptional life and mourn the family to Billings in 1948. servation post. Gary yelled at the man—who So Billings became the town that Gary this great loss.∑ had stopped about 50 yards away from him— grew up in, attending the Lockwood School to take cover behind his tree, but the soldier f from grades 1–9, before graduating from Bil- was too injured to move. RECOGNIZING THE PURPLE ROSE lings Senior High in 1962. So with bullets raining down and mortar After high school, he tried his hand at fan- bombs going off around him, Gary directed THEATRE ning and auto repair, before going back into ∑ the nearest machine gunners to give him Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, the family trucking businesses. But he cover as he ran head first into the line of fire today I wish to pay special tribute to wasn’t settled long before he got the call; it to retrieve his fallen comrade. Gary slung the Purple Rose Theatre in Chelsea, was September 30th of 1965 and he was being the injured man over his back and ran for MI, as the theatre celebrates its 25th called for duty. cover. Once the pair was back behind the season. Gary answered the call, but stuck to his trees, Gary went to work bandaging the The Purple Rose is not just an ex- principles, enlisting as a conscientious objec- man’s wounds and, once he got the bleeding tor. This meant he would protect and serve, to stop, called for help to get the man back traordinary regional theatre; its world- while forgoing the aid of a firearm. So he class productions have inspired artists, to basecamp. was shipped off to Fort Sam Houston in San About 10 minutes later, Gary was called performers, and audiences across our Antonio, Texas, where he went through basic upon again. The machine gunner with the State and Nation. training, as well as an additional 10 weeks of broken barrel had now taken a bullet to the The Purple Rose Theatre was founded advance medic training. After that, he joined foot. So Gary ran over and was tending to in 1991 by actor and Michigan native, the Fourth Infantry Division at Fort Louis, the wound when, all of a sudden, he felt a Jeff Daniels. Starting out in an old in Tacoma, Washington, where he continued sharp pain pierce his left leg. He had taken used car and bus garage, the theatre to train until his comrades shipped out from a bullet directly to the femur. His leg was now features an intimate feel and au- Seattle in June of 1966. broken so, finding himself immobilized, Gary He and the rest of the Fourth Infantry Di- called for his fellow soldiers to get help. thentic 1930s theatre decor. vision reached the eastern coast of Vietnam Michigan is home to a vibrant per- There were a total of five medics dispersed about a month later, in late July, arriving at among the platoon, so his comrades pulled forming arts community, and the Pur- the Port of Qui Nhon (QUINN–YAWN). From him off to the perimeter of the basecamp ple Rose is a unique gem and special there they trekked more than a hundred while he waited for a fellow medic to arrive. part of Michigan’s rich and diverse cul- miles to the west-coast city of Pleiku The canopy was so dense that air support tural fabric. (PLAY–COO), which would serve as their couldn’t reach the camp by helicopter, so the The theatre is a home for all types of base of operations as they patrolled the medic put a splint around Gary’s leg and artists, whether new and aspiring per- dense jungle spanning the border between covered him with a poncho. All he could do formers or experienced professionals. It Cambodia and Vietnam. now was wait out the fight. When the fight- This was in November, and for the next few ing finally subsided the next morning, Gary’s provides new performers a place to months Gary and his fellow soldiers cycled grow and learn as they master their poncho was covered in shrapnel and debris, through weeks of search and destroy mis- but he was still alive. craft. sions in the jungles of Pleiku, punctuated by The U.S. had prevailed, but only after We are all fortunate to be able to brief stints back at the larger artillery base, eight soldiers had died and 39 more were enjoy the quality, professional produc- where they kept watch and took whatever wounded. Even more would die if the wound- tions of the Purple Rose at affordable opportunity they could to ‘‘rest.’’ ed weren’t evacuated quickly, so the soldiers prices. It was towards the end of the day, during went to work clearing space for air support The theatre has also been a great one of these search and destroy missions, to land. Every soldier carried with him a community partner. It offers readings when the sun was about to set, that Gary and small amount of C–4, usually in the band of and lectures through a partnership his comrades came across an open clearing in their sock. Each individual’s piece was then the jungle where they decided to set up camp with the Chelsea District Library and collected and combined to make an explosive for the night. large enough to blow a hole through the jun- has helped make Chelsea a thriving It was now February, months had passed gle’s thick canopy. destination for the arts. since their arrival, and they had fallen into Finally, after surviving hours under I am proud to join the theatre’s lead- a routine. Part of the company would stay siege—without ever setting hands on a fire- ership, sponsors, board members, art- back and set up camp for the night, while a arm—Gary was air lifted out of the battle

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:39 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.072 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 zone to the nearest base. From there he was authorize COPS grantees to use grant funds REPORTS OF COMMITTEES shipped off to the Philippines, where he was for active shooter training, and for other confined to a body cast for about a week be- purposes. The following reports of committees were submitted: fore being transferred to an army hospital in The message further announced that Japan. Gary spent the next three months re- the House has passed the following By Mr. VITTER, from the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: covering in Japan, with the help of his bills, in which it requests the concur- younger brother who, in a twist of fate, had Report to accompany S. 2850, A bill to been stationed as a medic at the very same rence of the Senate: amend the Small Business Act to provide for place. H.R. 3394. An act to amend the Terrorism expanded participation in the microloan pro- Eventually, Gary returned to Fort Louis in Risk Insurance Act of 2002 to allow for the gram, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 114– Tacoma, Washington, where he spent almost use of certain assets of foreign persons and 301). a year learning how to walk again. Once he entities to satisfy certain judgments against By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on recovered, Gary was medically discharged terrorist parties, and for other purposes. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- from the army with 60% disability. He re- H.R. 4768. An act to amend title 5, United fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a turned to Billings, went into business with States Code, to clarify the nature of judicial substitute: his father, and spent the next 43 years in the review of agency interpretations of statutory H.R. 1656. A bill to provide for additional trucking industry. and regulatory provisions. resources for the Secret Service, and to im- Gary has been married to his wife Ellen, a H.R. 5421. An act to amend the Securities prove protections for restricted areas (Rept. fellow Billings native, for 42 years and to- Act of 1933 to apply the exemption from No. 114–302). gether they raised their son Christopher, State regulation of securities offerings to se- f curities listed on a national security ex- who Gary adopted when he was just three INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND years old. Christopher and his wife Gale now change that has listing standards that have have two sons of their own, making Gary a been approved by the Commission. JOINT RESOLUTIONS proud grandfather to Christopher H.R. 5658. An act to amend title 5, United The following bills and joint resolu- States Code, to codify the Presidential Inno- Murphree—who served in Afghanistan as a tions were introduced, read the first member of the National Guard—and Dono- vation Fellows Program, and for other pur- poses. and second times by unanimous con- van Arnold, a boy scout whose troop con- sent, and referred as indicated: ducted a beautiful flag ceremony here today. The message also announced that the The family all still lives in Billings, where House has agreed to the following con- By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. ALEX- Gary volunteers at his local VFW post— current resolution, in which it requests ANDER, Mr. BURR, Mr. ENZI, Mr. ROB- Mark Curtis #6774. He and a group of fellow the concurrence of the Senate: ERTS, and Mr. CASSIDY): veterans perform flag ceremonies and 21 Gun S. 3173. A bill to amend title XVIII of the H. Con. Res. 142. Concurrent resolution Social Security Act to provide for a 90-day Salutes at military funerals throughout the supporting the bid of Los Angeles, Cali- county. Gary has performed at nearly two EHR reporting period for the determination fornia, to bring the 2024 Summer Olympic of whether an eligible professional or eligible dozen military funerals since joining the Games back to the United States and pledg- group in January. hospital is a meaningful EHR user and to re- ing the cooperation of Congress with respect move the all-or-nothing approach to mean- I now have the profound honor of pre- to that bid. senting Gary with his own set of military ingful use, and for other purposes; to the honors. For his courage and valor in battle, f Committee on Finance. By Mr. KING: Gary Booth received the: MEASURES REFERRED Purple Heart S. 3174. A bill to establish an Interagency Bronze Star Medal The following bills were read the first Council on Workforce Attachment to pro- Good Conduct Medal and the second times by unanimous mote effective and coordinated workforce at- Combat Medic Badge 1st award consent, and referred as indicated: tachment strategies, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Health, Education, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon w/De- H.R. 4639. An act to reauthorize the Office Labor, and Pensions. vice of Special Counsel, to amend title 5, United Vietnamese Service Medal with 1 bronze By Mr. WYDEN: States Code, to provide modifications to au- S. 3175. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- service star thorities relating to the Office of Special enue Code of 1986 to create a refundable first- National Defense Service Medal Counsel, and for other purposes; to the Com- time homebuyer tax credit; to the Com- Gary, these medals serve as a small token mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- mittee on Finance. of our country’s appreciation for your in- mental Affairs. By Mr. BROWN: credible service and profound sacrifice. H.R. 4768. An act to amend title 5, United S. 3176. A bill to amend the Public Health You are a true American hero. Thank you States Code, to clarify the nature of judicial Service Act to enhance efforts to address an- so much for your service.∑ review of agency interpretations of statutory tibiotic resistance, and for other purposes; to and regulatory provisions; to the Committee f the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, on the Judiciary. and Pensions. H.R. 5421. An act to amend the Securities MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT By Mr. HELLER (for himself and Mr. Act of 1933 to apply the exemption from Messages from the President of the NELSON): State regulation of securities offerings to se- S. 3177. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- United States were communicated to curities listed on a national security ex- the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- enue Code of 1986 to provide for the tax-ex- change that has listing standards that have empt financing of certain government-owned retaries. been approved by the Commission; to the buildings; to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. f Affairs. BOOKER, Mr. CARDIN, and Mr. COONS): H.R. 5658. An act to amend title 5, United EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED S. 3178. A bill to amend title XVIII of the States Code, to codify the Presidential Inno- Social Security Act to permit hospitals in As in executive session the Presiding vation Fellows Program, and for other pur- all-urban States to be considered Medicare poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Officer laid before the Senate messages dependent hospitals, and for other purposes; rity and Governmental Affairs. from the President of the United to the Committee on Finance. States submitting sundry nominations f By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, Mr. which were referred to the appropriate MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME WHITEHOUSE, Mr. TESTER, Mr. committees. SCHATZ, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. KAINE): (The messages received today are The following bills were read the first S. 3179. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- printed at the end of the Senate pro- time: enue Code of 1986 to improve and extend the ceedings.) H.R. 10. An act to reauthorize the Scholar- credit for carbon dioxide sequestration; to ships for Opportunity and Results Act, and the Committee on Finance. f for other purposes. By Ms. HEITKAMP: H.R. 4465. An act to decrease the deficit by S. 3180. A bill to improve hiring and human MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE consolidating and selling Federal buildings resources flexibilities for Federal agencies in At 11:27 a.m., a message from the and other civilian real property, and for geographic areas affected by unique situa- House of Representatives, delivered by other purposes. tions or circumstances, including remote- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- H.R. 4487. An act to reduce costs of Federal ness, that cause recruitment and retention real estate, improve building security, and challenges, and to provide agencies experi- nounced that the House has passed the for other purposes. encing such challenges with a toolkit of re- following bill, without amendment: H.R. 4901. An act to reauthorize the Schol- sources to overcome those challenges; to the S. 2840. An act to amend the Omnibus arships for Opportunity and Results Act, and Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to for other purposes. ernmental Affairs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.061 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5079 By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. Diekmann Peak’’; to the Committee on En- State of Alaska for the construction of a CARDIN, and Mr. ROBERTS): ergy and Natural Resources. road between King Cove and Cold Bay; to the S. 3181. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Mr. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- enue Code of 1986 to provide for S corpora- GRASSLEY): sources. tion reform, and for other purposes; to the S. 3193. A bill to amend title IV of the So- By Mr. LEE (for himself and Mr. Committee on Finance. cial Security Act to allow the Secretary of HATCH): By Mr. HATCH: Health and Human Services to award com- S. 3205. A bill to allow local Federal offi- S. 3182. A bill to provide further means of petitive grants to enhance collaboration be- cials to determine the manner in which non- accountability of the United States debt and tween State child welfare and juvenile jus- motorized uses may be permitted in wilder- promote fiscal responsibility; to the Com- tice systems; to the Committee on Finance. ness areas, and for other purposes; to the mittee on Finance. By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- By Mr. MORAN (for himself, Mr. SCHU- COONS, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mr. sources. MER, Mrs. FISCHER, and Mr. NELSON): By Mr. MARKEY: BLUMENTHAL): S. 3194. A bill to amend the Public Health S. 3206. A bill to promote worldwide access S. 3183. A bill to prohibit the circumven- Service Act to promote healthy eating and to the Internet, and for other purposes; to tion of control measures used by Internet physical activity among children; to the the Committee on Foreign Relations. ticket sellers to ensure equitable consumer Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. access to tickets for any given event, and for Pensions. BLUNT): other purposes; to the Committee on Com- By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Mr. S. 3207. A bill to authorize the National Li- merce, Science, and Transportation. GRASSLEY): brary Service for the Blind and Physically By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. S. 3195. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Handicapped to provide playback equipment CRUZ, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. BOOZMAN, Ms. Social Security Act to preserve Medicare in all formats; considered and passed. AYOTTE, Mr. BARRASSO, and Mr. beneficiary access to ventilators, and for By Mr. KING: PORTMAN): other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- S. 3208. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- S. 3184. A bill to protect law enforcement nance. enue Code of 1986 to make the Child and De- officers, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself, Mr. pendent Care Tax Credit fully refundable, mittee on the Judiciary. BARRASSO, Mr. FLAKE, and Mr. JOHN- and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and SON): Finance. Mr. SULLIVAN): S. 3196. A bill to amend the Consumer Fi- By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mr. S. 3185. A bill to provide that section nancial Protection Act of 2010 to transition MANCHIN, and Mr. KING): 4108(5)(C)(iv) of the Elementary and Sec- the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protec- S. 3209. A bill to require the use of pre- ondary Education Act of 1965 may be known tion to a 5-member board of directors; to the scription drug monitoring programs and to as ‘‘Bree’s Law’’; to the Committee on Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban facilitate information sharing among States; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Affairs. to the Committee on Health, Education, By Mr. CARPER (for himself and Mr. By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Labor, and Pensions. LEAHY): Mrs. GILLIBRAND): S. 3186. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- S. 3197. A bill to reestablish the Office of f curity Act of 2002 to provide for active shoot- Noise Abatement and Control in the Envi- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND er and mass casualty incident response as- ronmental Protection Agency, and for other sistance, and for other purposes; to the Com- purposes; to the Committee on Environment SENATE RESOLUTIONS mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- and Public Works. The following concurrent resolutions mental Affairs. By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Ms. and Senate resolutions were read, and By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. HIRONO): referred (or acted upon), as indicated: WYDEN): S. 3198. A bill to amend title 38, United S. 3187. A bill to increase the authorization States Code, to improve the provision of By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. of the National Transportation Safety Board adult day health care services for veterans; BALDWIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. through fiscal year 2020, to require the NTSB to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, to investigate major oil and other hazardous By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. PAUL, Mr. Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. materials derailments, to expand the Sec- HATCH, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. HEIN- retary of Transportation’s emergency order MCCONNELL, Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. RICH, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. authority, and to require the Secretary of RISCH): Transportation to establish a volatility S. 3199. A bill to require the appropriation MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. MIKUL- standard for crude oil transported by rail; to of funds to use a fee, fine, penalty, or pro- SKI, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and ceeds from a settlement received by a Fed- SCHATZ, Mr. SCHUMER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Transportation. eral agency, and for other purposes; to the Ms. WARREN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Ms. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Mr. WYDEN): CANTWELL, Mr. ROBERTS, Ms. ernmental Affairs. S. Res. 530. A resolution supporting the HEITKAMP, Mr. THUNE, Mr. WHITE- By Mr. LEE: termination of the Select Investigative HOUSE, Mr. KIRK, Mr. HEINRICH, Mrs. S. 3200. A bill to prohibit mandatory or Panel of the Committee on Energy and Com- ERNST, Mr. DONNELLY, Mr. BLUNT, compulsory check-off programs; to the Com- merce of the House of Representatives estab- Ms. HIRONO, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. MUR- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- lished pursuant to House Resolution 461, and RAY, and Ms. KLOBUCHAR): estry. for other purposes; to the Committee on S. 3188. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. LEE (for himself and Mr. BOOK- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- enue Code of 1986 to modify the incentives ER): fairs. for biodiesel; to the Committee on Finance. S. 3201. A bill to prohibit certain practices By Mr. TILLIS: By Mr. FRANKEN (for himself and Ms. relating to certain commodity promotion S. Res. 531. A resolution celebrating the HEITKAMP): programs, to require greater transparency by 25th anniversary of the Albert Einstein Dis- S. 3189. A bill to improve access to health those programs, and for other purposes; to tinguished Educator Fellowship Program care in rural areas, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and recognizing the significant contributions the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Forestry. of Albert Einstein Fellows; to the Committee and Pensions. By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. FRANKEN (for himself and Ms. Mr. SULLIVAN): By Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. HEITKAMP): S. 3202. A bill to facilitate the transport of BENNET): S. 3190. A bill to enhance the rural health additional hydrocarbons to extend the life of S. Res. 532. A resolution celebrating the workforce, and for other purposes; to the the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, to further 140th anniversary of the State of Colorado; Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and American energy security, and for other pur- considered and agreed to. Pensions. poses; to the Committee on Commerce, By Mr. WARNER (for himself, Ms. MI- By Mr. FRANKEN (for himself and Ms. Science, and Transportation. KULSKI, Mr. KING, Mr. BURR, Mrs. HEITKAMP): By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and FEINSTEIN, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. HEINRICH, S. 3191. A bill to amend titles XVIII and Mr. SULLIVAN): Mr. RUBIO, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. HIRONO, XIX of the Social Security Act to improve S. 3203. A bill to provide for economic de- and Mr. LANKFORD): the quality of health care furnished in rural velopment and access to resources in Alaska, S. Res. 533. A resolution designating July areas, and for other purposes; to the Com- and for other purposes; to the Committee on 26, 2016, as ‘‘United States Intelligence Pro- mittee on Finance. Energy and Natural Resources. fessionals Day’’; considered and agreed to. By Mr. DAINES (for himself and Mr. By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and By Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. TESTER): Mr. SULLIVAN): BENNET): S. 3192. A bill to designate a mountain S. 3204. A bill to provide for the exchange S. Res. 534. A resolution relative to the peak in the State of Montana as ‘‘Alex of Federal land and non-Federal land in the death of William L. Armstrong, former

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.028 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 United States Senator for the State of Colo- care program of an initial comprehen- nationwide summer electronic benefits rado; considered and agreed to. sive care plan for Medicare bene- transfer for children program. By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. ficiaries newly diagnosed with Alz- S. 1833 MCCONNELL, Mr. COATS, Mr. CORNYN, heimer’s disease and related demen- At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Mr. THUNE, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. ENZI, Mr. SCOTT, and Mr. GRASS- tias, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Connecticut LEY): S. 1072 (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- S. Con. Res. 47. A concurrent resolution ex- At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the sponsor of S. 1833, a bill to amend the pressing support for fostering closer eco- names of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. Richard B. Russell National School nomic and commercial ties between the HIRONO) and the Senator from Oregon Lunch Act to improve the child and United States and the United Kingdom fol- (Mr. MERKLEY) were added as cospon- adult care food program. lowing the decision of the people of the S. 2031 United Kingdom to withdraw from the Euro- sors of S. 1072, a bill to require the Su- pean Union; to the Committee on Finance. preme Court of the United States to At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the promulgate a code of ethics. name of the Senator from Michigan f S. 1088 (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, of S. 2031, a bill to reduce temporarily S. 366 the names of the Senator from Oregon the royalty required to be paid for so- At the request of Mr. TESTER, the (Mr. MERKLEY), the Senator from New dium produced on Federal lands, and name of the Senator from Delaware Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Sen- for other purposes. (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor ator from Hawaii (Ms. HIRONO) were S. 2034 of S. 366, a bill to require Senate can- added as cosponsors of S. 1088, a bill to At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the didates to file designations, state- amend the National Voter Registration name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ments, and reports in electronic form. Act of 1993 to provide for voter reg- MORAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 429 istration through the Internet, and for 2034, a bill to amend title 18, United At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the other purposes. States Code, to provide additional ag- name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. S. 1139 gravating factors for the imposition of KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the the death penalty based on the status 429, a bill to amend title XIX of the So- names of the Senator from New Jersey of the victim. cial Security Act to provide a standard (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Senator from S. 2042 definition of therapeutic foster care Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) were added as At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the services in Medicaid. cosponsors of S. 1139, a bill to amend name of the Senator from Delaware S. 497 the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2042, a bill to amend the National At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the require States to provide for same day name of the Senator from New Jersey registration. Labor Relations Act to strengthen pro- tections for employees wishing to advo- (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- S. 1176 cate for improved wages, hours, or sor of S. 497, a bill to allow Americans At the request of Mr. UDALL, the other terms or conditions of employ- to earn paid sick time so that they can name of the Senator from New Jersey ment and to provide for stronger rem- address their own health needs and the (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- edies for interference with these rights, health needs of their families. sor of S. 1176, a bill to amend the Inter- and for other purposes. S. 569 nal Revenue Code of 1986 to reform the S. 2108 At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the system of public financing for Presi- At the request of Mr. BENNET, the name of the Senator from Connecticut dential elections, and for other pur- name of the Senator from Michigan (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- poses. (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- sponsor of S. 569, a bill to reauthorize S. 1400 sor of S. 2108, a bill to amend title the farm to school program, and for At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the XVIII of the Social Security Act to other purposes. name of the Senator from Michigan provide for an extension of certain S. 613 (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor long-term care hospital payment rules At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, of S. 1400, a bill to amend the Small and the moratorium on the establish- the name of the Senator from Con- Business Act to direct the task force of ment of certain hospitals and facilities. LUMENTHAL the Office of Veterans Business Devel- necticut (Mr. B ) was added S. 2272 as a cosponsor of S. 613, a bill to amend opment to provide access to and man- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the age the distribution of excess or sur- the Richard B. Russell National School name of the Senator from Vermont Lunch Act to improve the efficiency of plus property to veteran-owned small (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- businesses. summer meals. sor of S. 2272, a bill to amend the High- S. 772 S. 1520 er Education Act of 1965 regarding pro- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the prietary institutions of higher edu- name of the Senator from Delaware name of the Senator from Pennsyl- cation in order to protect students and (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- taxpayers. of S. 772, a bill to secure the Federal sponsor of S. 1520, a bill to protect vic- S. 2352 voting rights of persons when released tims of stalking from violence. At the request of Mr. CASEY, the from incarceration. S. 1536 name of the Senator from New York S. 774 At the request of Mr. VITTER, the (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. MORAN, the name of the Senator from Arkansas sponsor of S. 2352, a bill to amend the name of the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. COTTON) was added as a cosponsor Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment (Mr. CASSIDY) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1536, a bill to amend chapter 6 of Act to require mandatory reporting of of S. 774, a bill to amend the Federal title 5, United States Code (commonly incidents of child abuse or neglect, and Financial Institutions Examination known as the Regulatory Flexibility for other purposes. Council Act of 1978 to improve the ex- Act), to ensure complete analysis of po- S. 2424 amination of depository institutions, tential impacts on small entities of At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and for other purposes. rules, and for other purposes. the name of the Senator from New S. 857 S. 1539 York (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a co- At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the sponsor of S. 2424, a bill to amend the name of the Senator from Pennsyl- name of the Senator from Connecticut Public Health Service Act to reauthor- vania (Mr. TOOMEY) was added as a co- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- ize a program for early detection, diag- sponsor of S. 857, a bill to amend title sponsor of S. 1539, a bill to amend the nosis, and treatment regarding deaf XVIII of the Social Security Act to Richard B. Russell National School and hard-of-hearing newborns, infants, provide for coverage under the Medi- Lunch Act to establish a permanent, and young children.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.030 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5081 S. 2483 victims of Holocaust-era persecution ican cultural objects, and for other At the request of Mr. UDALL, the and their heirs a fair opportunity to re- purposes. name of the Senator from Delaware cover works of art confiscated or mis- S. 3129 (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor appropriated by the Nazis. At the request of Mr. THUNE, the of S. 2483, a bill to prohibit States from S. 2785 name of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. carrying out more than one Congres- At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, her ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S. sional redistricting after a decennial name was added as a cosponsor of S. 3129, a bill to provide for the extension census and apportionment, to require 2785, a bill to protect Native children of the enforcement instruction on su- States to conduct such redistricting and promote public safety in Indian pervision requirements for outpatient through independent commissions, and country. therapeutic services in critical access for other purposes. S. 2823 and small rural hospitals through 2016. S. 2484 At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the S. 3132 At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the name of the Senator from Michigan At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the names of the Senator from South Caro- (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. lina (Mr. GRAHAM) and the Senator sor of S. 2823, a bill to amend the Inter- MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor from Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) were added nal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend and of S. 3132, a bill to direct the Secretary as cosponsors of S. 2484, a bill to amend modify the section 45 credit for refined of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot titles XVIII and XI of the Social Secu- coal from steel industry fuel, and for program to provide service dogs to cer- rity Act to promote cost savings and other purposes. tain veterans with severe post-trau- quality care under the Medicare pro- S. 2895 matic stress disorder. gram through the use of telehealth and At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the S. 3134 remote patient monitoring services, name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the and for other purposes. RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from New York S. 2531 2895, a bill to extend the civil statute of (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. KIRK, the name limitations for victims of Federal sex sponsor of S. 3134, a bill to improve of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. DON- offenses. Federal population surveys by requir- NELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 2912 ing the collection of voluntary, self- 2531, a bill to authorize State and local At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the disclosed information on sexual ori- governments to divest from entities name of the Senator from Montana entation and gender identity in certain that engage in commerce-related or in- (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor surveys, and for other purposes. vestment-related boycott, divestment, of S. 2912, a bill to authorize the use of S. 3140 or sanctions activities targeting Israel, unapproved medical products by pa- At the request of Mr. ENZI, the name and for other purposes. tients diagnosed with a terminal ill- of the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. S. 2590 ness in accordance with State law, and PAUL) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the for other purposes. 3140, a bill to prevent a fiscal crisis by name of the Senator from New York S. 2993 enacting legislation to balance the (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the Federal budget through reductions of sponsor of S. 2590, a bill to amend title name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. discretionary and mandatory spending. XXI of the Social Security Act to im- CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 3155 prove access to, and the delivery of, 2993, a bill to direct the Administrator At the request of Mr. HATCH, the children’s health services through of the Environmental Protection Agen- name of the Senator from Connecticut school-based health centers, and for cy to change the spill prevention, con- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- other purposes. trol, and countermeasure rule with re- sponsor of S. 3155, a bill to amend chap- S. 2595 spect to certain farms. ter 97 of title 28, United States Code, to At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the S. 3027 clarify the exception to foreign sov- names of the Senator from Mississippi At the request of Mr. KING, the name ereign immunity set forth in section (Mr. COCHRAN), the Senator from Flor- of the Senator from Maine (Ms. COL- 1605(a)(3) of such title. ELSON ida (Mr. N ), the Senator from LINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 3159 New Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the 3027, a bill to clarify the boundary of At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the Senator from Michigan (Ms. STABENOW) Acadia National Park, and for other names of the Senator from Massachu- were added as cosponsors of S. 2595, a purposes. setts (Mr. MARKEY) and the Senator bill to amend the Internal Revenue S. 3083 from California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) were Code of 1986 to permanently extend the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the added as cosponsors of S. 3159, a bill to railroad track maintenance credit. names of the Senator from Virginia amend the Internal Revenue Code of S. 2599 (Mr. KAINE), the Senator from Ohio 1986 to provide tax credits for energy At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, (Mr. PORTMAN), the Senator from Wis- storage technologies, and for other pur- the name of the Senator from Massa- consin (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator poses. ARREN chusetts (Ms. W ) was added as a from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER), the Sen- S. 3160 cosponsor of S. 2599, a bill to prohibit ator from Montana (Mr. TESTER), the At the request of Mr. PERDUE, the unfair and deceptive advertising of Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS), name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. hotel room rates, and for other pur- the Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH) and RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. poses. the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. 3160, a bill to require all Department of S. 2612 UDALL) were added as cosponsors of S. State employees to use Department- At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the 3083, a bill to provide housing opportu- managed email accounts and tele- name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. nities in the United States through phonic systems for all work-related SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of modernization of various housing pro- electronic communications, to require S. 2612, a bill to ensure United States grams, and for other purposes. the Secretary of State to submit an an- jurisdiction over offenses committed S. 3127 nual report to Congress on any secu- by United States personnel stationed At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the rity violations within the Department, in Canada in furtherance of border se- names of the Senator from Arizona to provide training to Department of curity initiatives. (Mr. MCCAIN), the Senator from Mon- State employees on the rules and pro- S. 2763 tana (Mr. TESTER) and the Senator cedures governing the appropriate han- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) were dling of classified information, to re- name of the Senator from California added as cosponsors of S. 3127, a bill to form the process for identifying and (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- amend title 18, United States Code, to archiving classified information, and sponsor of S. 2763, a bill to provide the enhance protections of Native Amer- for other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.033 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 S.J. RES. 5 United States, encompassing broad and country: There is no justification— At the request of Mr. UDALL, the robust economic, military-to-military, zero, zip, nada—no justification for vio- name of the Senator from Delaware law enforcement, and counterterrorism lence against police officers. There is (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor cooperation. none. You can’t justify what happened of S.J. Res. 5, a joint resolution pro- S. RES. 521 in Dallas with something that hap- posing an amendment to the Constitu- At the request of Ms. AYOTTE, the pened in Ferguson, in Baltimore, or tion of the United States relating to name of the Senator from New York some other place around the country. contributions and expenditures in- (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- Chief Brown said that what we need tended to affect elections. sor of S. Res. 521, a resolution express- to do is not paint with a broad brush S.J. RES. 16 ing support for the designation of Sep- the 99 percent of police officers who do At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the tember 2016 as National Ovarian Cancer what they should be doing in a brave name of the Senator from Delaware Awareness Month. and heroic sort of way because of the actions of the 1 percent or whatever (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor S. RES. 526 of S.J. Res. 16, a joint resolution pro- the rogue individual might be. What he At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the said we need to do is to hold the offi- posing an amendment to the Constitu- name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. tion of the United States relative to cers who do misbehave, who don’t re- PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of S. spect the communities they are serv- equal rights for men and women. Res. 526, a resolution calling for all ing, and who cross the line—we need to S.J. RES. 35 parties to respect the arbitral tribunal hold them accountable, and he is ex- At the request of Mr. FLAKE, the ruling with regard to the South China names of the Senator from South Caro- actly right. Sea and to express United States policy What I hope we will hear more about, lina (Mr. GRAHAM) and the Senator on freedom of navigation and over- from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE) were added as the President talked about yester- flight in the East and South China day, is the importance of having this as cosponsors of S.J. Res. 35, a joint Seas. resolution providing for congressional national discussion about race, about disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, f law enforcement. What I hope we hear United States Code, of the final rule of STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED more of is some clarity from our na- the Department of Labor relating to BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS tional leaders. Our police officers in Dallas were doing nothing more than ‘‘Interpretation of the ‘Advice’ Exemp- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. tion in Section 203(c) of the Labor- keeping order and protecting civilians CRUZ, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. BOOZMAN, Management Reporting and Disclosure in peaceful protests. Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. BARRASSO, and Act’’. The supreme irony in Dallas is that Mr. PORTMAN): the people protesting were part of S. CON. RES. 46 S. 3184. A bill to protect law enforce- Black Lives Matter. Who was pro- At the request of Mr. NELSON, the ment officers, and for other purposes; tecting them? The very police officers names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. to the Committee on the Judiciary. targeted by this deranged shooter. RUBIO), the Senator from Connecticut Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, yester- Actually, as President Obama ac- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL), the Senator from day I had the privilege of attending a knowledged yesterday, the Dallas Po- Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator memorial service for the brave Dallas lice Department is a national model for from New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the police officers who lost their lives al- how to deescalate conflict in commu- Senator from Illinois (Mr. KIRK), the most a week ago. It was a fitting trib- nities and work with communities to Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- ute to these courageous men who reduce crime. Again, it is another KEY), the Senator from New Jersey fought evil and who made the ultimate irony that this terrible tragedy oc- (Mr. MENENDEZ), the Senator from sacrifice. curred there against that department. Michigan (Mr. PETERS), the Senator Through such a sad and tumultuous In the aftermath of this great na- from New York (Mr. SCHUMER) and the time, the brave leadership of Mayor tional tragedy, we do need to come to- Senator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) were Mike Rawlings and Police Chief Brown gether as a country and have some un- added as cosponsors of S. Con. Res. 46, has been a constant source of inspira- comfortable discussions, perhaps. We a concurrent resolution expressing sup- tion. need to get beyond the talking points port for the goal of ensuring that all A number of people have stopped me in our comfort zone. But the one thing Holocaust victims live with dignity, in the hallway and said: Have you seen we need to do absolutely is to come to- comfort, and security in their remain- or heard this police chief in Dallas? gether to show our support for those ing years, and urging the Federal Re- I said: Absolutely. who get up every morning, put on their public of Germany to continue to reaf- Have you seen the sort of leadership badge, and walk out the door not firm its commitment to comprehen- and the calming influence Mayor knowing if they will come home at the sively address the unique health and Rawlings has provided in a time where end of the day. We can do that by send- welfare needs of vulnerable Holocaust people are confused, distraught, angry? ing a clear message that America will victims, including home care and other It has been very impressive. They have not tolerate those who seek to kill medically prescribed needs. gone above and beyond the call to those who are duty-bound to defend us. S. RES. 508 bring as much comfort to the city as We will not stand for it. This should go At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the they possibly can. While they have without saying. name of the Senator from South Da- shown the world what poise under pres- In the aftermath of the Dallas at- kota (Mr. THUNE) was added as a co- sure looks like, I want to say how tack, we have another chance to stand sponsor of S. Res. 508, a resolution ex- proud I am of their dedication to the up for law enforcement and stand pressing support for the expeditious people of Dallas and their steady and united for policies that better support consideration and finalization of a new, unwavering hand. them. robust, and long-term Memorandum of The events of last week serve as a Today I am introducing legislation Understanding on military assistance terrible reminder that our law enforce- with our colleague from North Caro- to Israel between the United States ment officers face multiple threats in lina, Senator TILLIS, and our colleague Government and the Government of their line of duty every day and that from Texas, Senator CRUZ, called the Israel. some twisted, deranged individuals will Back the Blue Act, which would do just S. RES. 515 stop at nothing to target them. that. At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the Mayor Rawlings was right yesterday Many folks have seen the hashtag name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. when he said that the officers in Dallas ‘‘Back the Blue’’ on social media, on- RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. did nothing wrong. He is absolutely line. It is a small way for Americans to Res. 515, a resolution welcoming Prime right. They were just doing their job. show their solidarity with our law en- Minister Lee Hsien-Loong to the Here is what I would like to hear a forcement officials and their families United States and reaffirming Singa- little bit more about from our leaders following this tragedy, and that is pore’s strategic partnership with the here in Washington and around the where this legislation gets its name.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.035 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5083 The Back the Blue Act would create If now is not the time to show our official capacity, as a law enforcement offi- a new Federal crime for killing or at- support for law enforcement, when is? cer, as a firefighter, as a chaplain, or as a tempting to kill a Federal judge, a law With the attention of the Nation riv- member of a rescue squad or ambulance enforcement officer, or someone funded eted on events like those that occurred crew. ‘‘(b) OFFENSE.—It shall be unlawful for any by Federal funds—a federally funded in Dallas, I think it is critically impor- person to— public safety officer. Under this bill, an tant that we take advantage of this op- ‘‘(1) kill, or attempt or conspire to kill— offender would be subject to a range of portunity to make this statement of ‘‘(A) a United States judge; penalties, from a minimum of a 30-year solidarity. ‘‘(B) a Federal law enforcement officer; or mandatory minimum sentence for mur- Yesterday President Obama stressed ‘‘(C) a federally funded public safety officer der ranging up to the death penalty. the need to translate our words and while that officer is engaged in official du- I think it is more important than prayers into action. This legislation is ties, or on account of the performance of of- ever for us to make this kind of clear responsive to what the President said. ficial duties; or ‘‘(2) kill a former United States judge, Fed- and unequivocal statement about our It is one thing to offer people our best wishes and our thoughts and prayers; it eral law enforcement officer, or federally support for law enforcement. This is funded public safety officer on account of the the very glue that holds our country is another thing to actually do some- past performance of official duties. together, and without the safety and thing about it. This legislation does ‘‘(c) PENALTY.—Any person that violates security they provide, none of our that. subsection (b) shall be fined under this title other freedoms are really possible. I hope my colleagues will join me in and imprisoned for not less than 10 years or The Back the Blue Act would also supporting this legislation. We can do for life, or, if death results, shall be sen- create a new crime for assaulting a law more for our police officers and their tenced to not less than 30 years and not more families, and we can start with the than life, or may be punished by death.’’. enforcement official and create a new (2) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- law prohibiting the fleeing to avoid Back the Blue Act. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- tions for chapter 51 of title 18, United States punishment for assaulting a law en- sent that the text of the bill be printed Code, is amended by adding at the end the forcement official. As I said, there is no following: in the RECORD. excuse, no justification—none whatso- There being no objection, the text of ‘‘1123. Killing of law enforcement officers.’’. (b) ASSAULT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFI- ever—for attacking a law enforcement the bill was ordered to be printed in officer. Most of us learned that from CERS.— the RECORD, as follows: our parents while growing up, but ap- (1) OFFENSE.—Chapter 7 of title 18, United S. 3184 parently some people didn’t learn that States Code, is amended by adding at the end Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the following: lesson, and we ought to make clear to resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘§ 120. Assaults of law enforcement officers those who did not get the memo, who Congress assembled, did not learn that lesson, that assault- ‘‘(a) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘federally funded State or local law enforce- ing a law enforcement officer is abso- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Back the ment officer’ means an individual involved lutely beyond the pale. Blue Act of 2016’’. in crime and juvenile delinquency control or We need to show that we value the SEC. 2. PROTECTION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OF- reduction, or enforcement of the laws (in- lives of our law enforcement, and we FICERS. cluding a police, corrections, probation, or (a) KILLING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFI- need to make it absolutely clear that parole officer) who works for a public agency CERS.— (that receives Federal financial assistance) we will hold those who carry out (1) OFFENSE.—Chapter 51 of title 18, United of a State of the United States or the Dis- crimes against them accountable. The States Code, is amended by adding at the end trict of Columbia. Back the Blue Act would do that. the following: The Back the Blue Act would also ex- ‘‘(b) OFFENSE.—It shall be unlawful to as- ‘‘§ 1123. Killing of law enforcement officers sault a federally funded State or local law pedite court proceedings for cases that ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— enforcement officer while engaged in or on involve the death of a public safety of- ‘‘(1) the terms ‘Federal law enforcement of- account of the performance of official duties, ficer. ficer’ and ‘United States judge’ have the or assaults any person who formerly served It would make sure criminals aren’t meanings given those terms in section 115; as a federally funded State or local law en- rewarded for committing a crime by re- ‘‘(2) the term ‘federally funded public safe- forcement officer on account of the perform- covering money damages from injuries ty officer’ means a public safety officer or ance of such person’s official duties during they sustained while committing a fel- judicial officer for a public agency that— such service, or because of the actual or per- ‘‘(A) receives Federal financial assistance; ceived status of the person as a Federally ony or violent crime. and It would help strengthen our commu- funded state or local law enforcement offi- ‘‘(B) is an agency of an entity that is a cer. nities by allowing grant funding to be State of the United States, the District of ‘‘(c) PENALTY.—Any person that violations put toward efforts to foster more trust Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto subsection (b) shall be subject to a fine under between police and those around them. Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American this title and— This is something I am particularly Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern ‘‘(1) if the assault resulted in bodily injury proud of that has been happening in Mariana Islands, or any territory or posses- (as defined in section 1365), shall be impris- Dallas under Mayor Rawlings and Chief sion of the United States, an Indian tribe, or oned not less than 2 years and not more than Brown. They make it absolutely clear a unit of local government of that entity; 10 years; ‘‘(3) the term ‘firefighter’ includes an indi- ‘‘(2) if the assault resulted in substantial that the responsibility of the law en- vidual serving as an official recognized or bodily injury (as defined in section 113), shall forcement official is not to sit in their designated member of a legally organized be imprisoned not less than 5 years and not police car and wait for something to volunteer fire department and an officially more than 20 years; happen, to wait for someone to call; recognized or designated public employee ‘‘(3) if the assault resulted in serious bodily they believe in community policing, member of a rescue squad or ambulance injury (as defined in section 1365), shall be making sure law enforcement mixes crew; imprisoned for not less than 10 years; and intermingles with the very people ‘‘(4) the term ‘judicial officer’ means a ‘‘(4) if a deadly or dangerous weapon was they are supposed to protect. Fre- judge or other officer or employee of a court, used during and in relation to the assault, including prosecutors, court security, pre- shall be imprisoned for not less than 20 quently, those same people can be the trial services officers, court reporters, and years; and eyes and the ears that provide essential corrections, probation, and parole officers; ‘‘(5) shall be imprisoned for not more than information to law enforcement so ‘‘(5) the term ‘law enforcement officer’ 1 year in any other case. they can prevent criminal acts from means an individual, with arrest powers, in- ‘‘(d) CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENT.— occurring in the first place. volved in crime or juvenile delinquency con- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—No prosecution of any of- The final thing I would mention that trol or reduction or enforcement of the laws; fense described in this section may be under- this legislation would do is it would ‘‘(6) the term ‘public agency’ includes a taken by the United States, except under the allow law enforcement officers to carry court system, the National Guard of a State certification in writing of the Attorney Gen- to the extent the personnel of that National eral, or a designee, that— firearms in Federal facilities. Guard are not in Federal service, and the de- ‘‘(A) the State does not have jurisdiction; These are not expansive proposals; fense forces of a State authorized by section ‘‘(B) the State has requested that the Fed- they are tailored measures that would 109 of title 32; and eral Government assume jurisdiction; better serve the men and women who ‘‘(7) the term ‘public safety officer’ means ‘‘(C) the verdict or sentence obtained pur- serve our communities every day. an individual serving a public agency in an suant to State charges left demonstratively

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JY6.057 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 unvindicated the Federal interest in eradi- ‘‘(j)(1) For an application for a writ of ha- necessary out-of-pocket expenditures and cating bias-motivated violence; or beas corpus on behalf of a person in custody other monetary loss.’’; and ‘‘(D) a prosecution by the United States is pursuant to the judgment of a State court (2) indenting the last sentence as an undes- in the public interest and necessary to se- for a crime that involved the killing of a ignated paragraph. cure substantial justice. public safety officer (as that term is defined (b) ATTORNEY’S FEES.—Section 722(b) of the ‘‘(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in in section 1204 of the Omnibus Crime Control Revised Statutes (42 U.S.C. 1988(b)) is amend- this subsection shall be construed to limit and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796b)) ed by striking ‘‘except that in any action’’ the authority of Federal officers, or a Fed- or judge, while the public safety officer or and all that follows and inserting the fol- eral grand jury, to investigate possible viola- judge was engaged in the performance of offi- lowing: ‘‘except that— tions of this section. cial duties, or on account of the performance ‘‘(1) in any action brought against a judi- ‘‘(e) STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.— of official duties by or status as a public cial officer for an act or omission taken in ‘‘(1) OFFENSES NOT RESULTING IN DEATH.— safety officer or judge of the public safety of- the judicial capacity of that officer, such of- Except as provided in paragraph (2), no per- ficer or judge— ficer shall not be held liable for any costs, son shall be prosecuted, tried, or punished ‘‘(A) the application shall be subject to the including attorneys fees, unless such action for any offense under this section unless the time limitations and other requirements was clearly in excess of the jurisdiction of indictment for such offense is found, or the under sections 2263, 2264, and 2266; and that officer; and information for such offense is instituted, ‘‘(B) the court shall not consider claims re- ‘‘(2) in any action seeking redress for any not later than 7 years after the date on lating to sentencing that were adjudicated in deprivation that was incurred in the course which the offense was committed. a State court. of, or as a result of, or is related to, conduct ‘‘(2) OFFENSES RESULTING IN DEATH.—An in- ‘‘(2) Sections 2251, 2262, and 2101 are the ex- by the injured party that, more likely than dictment or information alleging that an of- clusive sources of authority for Federal not, constituted a felony or a crime of vio- fense under this section resulted in death courts to stay a sentence of death entered by lence (as that term is defined in section 16 of may be found or instituted at any time with- a State court in a case described in para- title 18, United States Code) (including any out limitation.’’. graph (1).’’. deprivation in the course of arrest or appre- (2) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- (2) RULES.—Rule 11 of the Rules Governing hension for, or the investigation, prosecu- tions for chapter 7 of title 18, United States Section 2254 Cases in the United States Dis- tion, or adjudication of, such an offense), the Code, is amended by adding at the end the trict Courts is amended by adding at the end court may not allow such party to recover following: the following: ‘‘Rule 60(b)(6) of the Federal attorney’s fees.’’. ‘‘120. Killing of law enforcement officers.’’. Rules of Civil Procedure shall not apply to a SEC. 6. SELF-DEFENSE RIGHTS FOR LAW EN- (c) FLIGHT TO AVOID PROSECUTION FOR KILL- proceeding under these rules in a case that is FORCEMENT OFFICERS. ING LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS.— described in section 2254(j) of title 28, United (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 203 of title 18, (1) OFFENSE.—Chapter 49 of title 18, United States Code.’’. United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 3053 the following: States Code, is amended by adding at the end (3) FINALITY OF DETERMINATION.—Section the following: 2244(b)(3)(E) of title 28, United States Code, is ‘‘§ 3054. Authority of law enforcement officers ‘‘§ 1075. Flight to avoid prosecution for killing amended by striking ‘‘the subject of a peti- to carry firearms law enforcement officials tion’’ and all that follows and inserting: ‘‘re- ‘‘Any sworn officer, agent, or employee of ‘‘(a) OFFENSE.—It shall be unlawful for any heard in the court of appeals or reviewed by the United States, a State, or a political sub- person to move or travel in interstate or for- writ of certiorari.’’. division thereof, who is authorized by law to eign commerce with intent to avoid prosecu- (4) EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICABILITY.— engage in or supervise the prevention, detec- tion, or custody or confinement after convic- (A) IN GENERAL.—This paragraph and the tion, investigation, or prosecution of any tion, under the laws of the place from which amendments made by this paragraph shall violation of law, or to supervise or secure the the person flees or under section 1114 or 1123, apply to any case pending on or after the safety of incarcerated inmates, may carry for a crime consisting of the killing, an at- date of enactment of this Act. firearms if authorized by law to do so. Such tempted killing, or a conspiracy to kill a (B) TIME LIMITS.—In a case pending on the authority to carry firearms, with respect to Federal judge or Federal law enforcement of- date of enactment of this Act, if the amend- the lawful performance of the official duties of a sworn officer, agent, or employee of a ficer (as those terms are defined in section ments made by this paragraph impose a time State or a political subdivision thereof, shall 115), or a federally funded public safety offi- limit for taking certain action, the period of include possession incident to depositing a cer (as that term is defined in section 1123). which began before the date of enactment of firearm within a secure firearms storage ‘‘(b) PENALTY.—Any person that violates this Act, the period of such time limit shall subsection (a) shall be fined under this title begin on the date of enactment of this Act. area for use by all persons who are author- ized to carry a firearm within any building and imprisoned for not less than 10 years, in (C) EXCEPTION.—The amendments made by or structure classified as a Federal facility addition to any other term of imprisonment this paragraph shall not bar consideration or Federal court facility, as those terms are for any other offense relating to the conduct under section 2266(b)(3)(B) of title 28, United defined under section 930, and any grounds described in subsection (a).’’. States Code, of an amendment to an applica- appurtenant to such a facility.’’. (2) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- tion for a writ of habeas corpus that is pend- (b) CARRYING OF CONCEALED FIREARMS BY tions for chapter 49 of title 18, United States ing on the date of enactment of this Act, if the amendment to the petition was adju- QUALIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.— Code, is amended by adding at the end the Section 926B(e)(2) of title 18, United States dicated by the court prior to the date of en- following: Code, is amended by inserting ‘‘any maga- actment of this Act. ‘‘1075. Flight to avoid prosecution for killing zine and’’ after ‘‘includes’’. law enforcement officials.’’. SEC. 5. LIMITATION ON RECOVERY OF CERTAIN (c) CARRYING OF CONCEALED FIREARMS BY SEC. 3. SPECIFIC AGGRAVATING FACTOR FOR DAMAGES FOR INDIVIDUALS EN- QUALIFIED RETIRED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFI- GAGED IN FELONIES OR CRIMES OF FEDERAL DEATH PENALTY KILLING CERS.—Section 926C(e)(1)(B) of title 18, VIOLENCE. OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. United States Code, is amended by inserting (a) AGGRAVATING FACTORS FOR HOMICIDE.— (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1979 of the Re- ‘‘any magazine and’’ after ‘‘includes’’. Section 3592(c) of title 18, United States vised Statutes (42 U.S.C. 1983) is amended (d) SCHOOL ZONES.—Section 922(q)(2)(B)(vi) Code, is amended by inserting after para- by— title 18, United States Code, is amended by graph (16) the following: (1) striking ‘‘except that in any action’’ inserting ‘‘or a qualified law enforcement of- ‘‘(17) KILLING OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFI- and all that follows through ‘‘relief was un- ficer (as defined in section 926B(c))’’ before CER, PROSECUTOR, JUDGE, OR FIRST RE- available.’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘ex- the semicolon. SPONDER.—The defendant killed or attempted cept that— (e) REGULATIONS REQUIRED.—Not later than to kill a person who is authorized by law— ‘‘(1) in any action brought against a judi- 60 days after the date of enactment of this ‘‘(A) to engage in or supervise the preven- cial officer for an act or omission taken in Act, the Attorney General shall promulgate tion, detention, or investigation of any the judicial capacity of that officer, injunc- regulations allowing persons described in criminal violation of law; tive relief shall not be granted unless a de- section 3054 of title 18, United States Code, ‘‘(B) to arrest, prosecute, or adjudicate an claratory decree was violated or declaratory to possess firearms in a manner described by individual for any criminal violation of law; relief was unavailable; and that section. With respect to Federal jus- or ‘‘(2) in any action seeking redress for any tices, judges, bankruptcy judges, and mag- ‘‘(C) to be a firefighter or other first re- deprivation that was incurred in the course istrate judges, such regulations shall be pre- sponder.’’. of, or as a result of, or is related to, conduct scribed after consultation with the Judicial SEC. 4. LIMITATION ON FEDERAL HABEAS RE- by the injured party that, more likely than Conference of the United States. LIEF FOR MURDERS OF LAW EN- not, constituted a felony or a crime of vio- (f) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- FORCEMENT OFFICERS. lence (as that term is defined in section 16 of tions for chapter 203 of title 18, United (a) JUSTICE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFI- title 18, United States Code) (including any States Code, is amended by inserting after CERS AND THEIR FAMILIES.— deprivation in the course of arrest or appre- the item relating to section 3053 the fol- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 2254 of title 28, hension for, or the investigation, prosecu- lowing: United States Code, is amended by adding at tion, or adjudication of, such an offense), a ‘‘3054. Authority of law enforcement officers the end the following: court may not award damages other than for to carry firearms.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.038 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5085 SEC. 7. IMPROVING THE RELATIONSHIP BE- tension Act of 2016, which will ensure form and Extension Act of 2016, will be TWEEN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEN- the continued success. I appreciate included. I strongly encourage the CIES AND THE COMMUNITIES THEY SERVE. Senator CANTWELL’s leadership in join- leadership of the House and Senate to (a) IN GENERAL.—For each of fiscal years ing this effort. I also appreciate the include these biodiesel reform policies 2017 through 2021, the Attorney General support of Senators ROBERTS, that were adopted in the Senate Fi- using covered amounts shall, using such HEITKAMP, THUNE, WHITEHOUSE, KIRK, nance Committee unanimously last amounts as are necessary not to exceed HEINRICH, ERNST, DONNELLY, BLUNT, year. $20,000,000, award grants to State, local, or HIRONO, FRANKEN and MURRAY. This This modification will ensure that tribal law enforcement agencies and appro- the credit is doing what Congress in- priate non-governmental organizations to— bill will modify the biodiesel fuel (1) promote trust and ensure legitimacy blenders credit to a domestic produc- tended—incentivizing investment in among law enforcement agencies and the tion credit, and extend the credit domestic biodiesel production. Surely communities they serve through procedural through 2019. we can agree that we should not be pro- reforms, transparency, and accountability; Congress created the biodiesel tax in- viding a U.S. taxpayer subsidy to al- (2) develop comprehensive and responsive centive in 2005 when I was Chairman of ready heavily subsidized foreign bio- policies on key topics relevant to the rela- the Senate Finance Committee. As a diesel imports. tionship between law enforcement agencies result of this incentive, and the Renew- I therefore urge my colleagues to and the communities they serve; able Fuel Standard, biodiesel is pro- support the production of American (3) balance the embrace of technology and digital communications with local needs, viding significant benefits to the na- biodiesel and this common-sense, cost privacy, assessments, and monitoring; tion. reduction reform. (4) encourage the implementation of poli- Senator CANTWELL and I have been cies that support community-based partner- advocating since 2009 to modify the By Mr. DAINES (for himself and ships in the reduction of crime; current incentive. We have proposed Mr. TESTER): (5) emphasize the importance of high qual- making the credit available for the do- S. 3192. A bill to designate a moun- ity and effective training and education mestic production of biodiesel, rather tain peak in the State of Montana as through partnerships with local and national than a mixture credit available to the ‘‘Alex Diekmann Peak’’; to the Com- training facilities; and blender of the fuel. mittee on Energy and Natural Re- (6) endorse practices that support officer sources. wellness and safety through the re-evalua- The bill we are introducing today is similar to an amendment that I offered Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask tion of officer shift hours, including data col- unanimous consent that the text of the lection and analysis. with Senator CANTWELL during consid- (b) COVERED AMOUNTS DEFINED.—In this eration of the tax extenders package in bill be printed in the RECORD. section, the term ‘‘covered amounts’’ the Senate Finance Committee in July There being no objection, the text of means— of last year. Our biodiesel reform the bill was ordered to be printed in (1) any unobligated balances made avail- amendment passed unanimously by the RECORD, as follows: able under the heading ‘‘GENERAL ADMIN- voice vote. S. 3192 ISTRATION’’ under the heading ‘‘DEPART- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- MENT OF JUSTICE’’ in an appropriations Converting to a producer credit im- proves the incentive in many ways. resentatives of the United States of America in Act in a fiscal year; Congress assembled, (2) any amounts made available for an ‘‘Ed- The blenders credit can be difficult to ward Byrne Memorial criminal justice inno- administer, because the blending of the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Alex vation program’’ under the heading ‘‘STATE fuel can occur at many different stages Diekmann Peak Designation Act of 2016’’. AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE’’ of the fuel distribution. This can make under the heading ‘‘OFFICE OF JUSTICE SEC. 2. FINDINGS. it difficult to ensure that only fuel Congress finds that Alex Diekmann— PROGRAMS’’ under the heading ‘‘DEPART- that qualifies for the credit claims the MENT OF JUSTICE’’ in an appropriations (1) was a loving father of 2 and an adoring Act in a fiscal year; or incentive. It has been susceptible to husband who lived in Bozeman, Montana, (3) any combination of amounts described abuse because of this. where he was a renowned conservationist in paragraphs (1) and (2). A credit for domestic production will who dedicated his career to protecting some also ensure that we are incentivizing of the most outstanding natural and scenic By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, the domestic industry, rather than sub- resource areas of the Northern Rockies; (2) was responsible during his unique con- Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. ROBERTS, sidizing imported biofuels. It is pro- servation career for the protection of more Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. THUNE, Mr. jected that imports from Argentina, In- than 50 distinct areas in the States of Mon- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. KIRK, Mr. donesia, Singapore, the European tana, Wyoming, and Idaho, conserving for HEINRICH, Mrs. ERNST, Mr. DON- Union, South Korea and others could the public over 100,000 acres of iconic moun- NELLY, Mr. BLUNT, Ms. HIRONO, exceed 1.8 billion gallons over 2016 and tains and valleys, rivers and creeks, ranches Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. MURRAY, 2017. and farms, and historic sites and open and Ms. KLOBUCHAR): We should not provide a U.S. tax- spaces; S. 3188. A bill to amend the Internal payer benefit to imported biofuels. By (3) played a central role in securing the fu- Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the in- restricting the credit to domestic pro- ture of an array of special landscapes, in- centives for biodiesel; to the Com- duction, we’ll also save taxpayer cluding— (A) the spectacular Devil’s Canyon in the mittee on Finance. money. The amendment adopted in the Craig Thomas Special Management Area in Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Finance Committee was estimated by the State of Wyoming; have long been a champion of domestic the Joint Committee on Taxation to (B) crucial fish and wildlife habitat and biofuel production, including ethanol, reduce the cost of the extension by $90 recreation access land in the Sawtooth biodiesel and cellulosic fuels. Domestic million. Mountains of Idaho, along the Salmon River, biodiesel production supports tens of Importantly, modifying the credit and near the Canadian border; and thousands of jobs. Replacing tradi- will have little to no impact on the (C) diverse and vitally important land all tional diesel with biodiesel reduces consumer. Much of the credit will con- across the Crown of the Continent in the State of Montana, from the world-famous emissions and creates cleaner air. tinue to be passed on to the blender Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to Glacier Homegrown biodiesel improves our en- and ultimately, the consumer. Addi- National Park to the Cabinet-Yaak Eco- ergy security by diversifying our trans- tionally, the U.S. biodiesel industry is system, to the recreational trails, working portation fuels and reducing our de- currently operating at approximately forests and ranches, and critical drinking pendence on foreign oil. Biodiesel itself 55 percent of capacity. The domestic water supply for Whitefish, and beyond; is a very diverse fuel. It can be pro- biodiesel industry has the capacity and (4) made a particularly profound mark on duced from a wide array of resources access to affordable feedstocks to meet the preservation of the natural wonders in such as recycled cooking oil, soybean the demand of U.S. consumers. and near the Madison Valley and the Madi- The current biodiesel credit expires son Range, Montana, where more than 12 and other plant oils, and animal fats. miles of the Madison River and much of the I am proud of the success of the at the end of this year. It is my hope world-class scenery, fish and wildlife, and American biodiesel industry, and I am that when the Senate considers legisla- recreation opportunities of the area have be- glad to be introducing today the Bio- tion to extend expiring tax provisions, come and shall remain conserved and avail- diesel Tax Incentive Reform and Ex- that the Biodiesel Tax Incentive Re- able to the public because of his efforts;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.038 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 (5) inspired others with his skill, passion, Whereas the Zika virus is a looming public tion (NOAA), the National Science Founda- and spirit of partnership that brought to- health emergency across the United States tion (NSF), the Office of Science and Tech- gether communities, landowners, sportsmen, that has been linked to severe birth defects, nology Policy (OSTP), the United States and the public at large; including microcephaly, in children of Senate, and the United States House of Rep- (6) lost a heroic battle with cancer on Feb- women infected during pregnancy; resentatives; ruary 1, 2016, at the age of 52; Whereas the Zika virus is spreading rap- Whereas the Einstein Fellowship Program (7) is survived by his wife, Lisa, and their idly across the Americas, with the Puerto fosters a spirit of cooperation between Fed- 2 sons, Logan and Liam; and Rican Department of Health reporting a one- eral agencies by placing a network of fellows (8) leaves a lasting legacy across Montana week jump of 40 percent in the number of at different agencies; and the Northern Rockies that will benefit pregnant women on the island who were di- Whereas Einstein Fellows provide practical all people of the United States in our time agnosed with Zika; perspectives on the application and impact and in the generations to follow. Whereas family planning services and sex of education policy; SEC. 3. DESIGNATION OF ALEX DIEKMANN PEAK, education are the primary tools currently Whereas Einstein Fellows have made in- MONTANA. available to directly prevent the devastating valuable contributions to the formulation of (a) IN GENERAL.—The unnamed 9,765-foot outcomes of the Zika virus; educational policy through advice to Mem- peak located 2.2 miles west-northwest of Fin- Whereas the Select Investigative Panel of bers of Congress and officials in Federal ger Mountain on the western boundary of the the Committee on Energy and Commerce of agencies, the development of legislation, and Lee Metcalf Wilderness, Montana (UTM co- the House of Representatives has turned the creation of innovative educational pro- ordinates Zone 12, 457966 E., 4982589 N.), shall their focus to investigating scientific re- grams and interventions; be known and designated as ‘‘Alex Diekmann searchers engaged in public health research, Whereas Einstein Fellows have experienced Peak’’. such as the Zika virus, using fetal tissue; unique opportunities for professional growth (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, and and development that allow for the expan- map, regulation, document, record, or other Whereas scientific researchers have re- sion of skills and knowledge; paper of the United States to the peak de- ported the diminishing availability of fetal Whereas Einstein Fellows learn valuable scribed in subsection (a) shall be considered tissue for their critical research to try to de- leadership skills to advance the fields of edu- to be a reference to ‘‘Alex Diekmann Peak’’. velop a vaccine for the Zika virus, Alz- cation, science, technology, engineering, heimer’s, and other diseases impacting mathematics, and public policy; and f Americans: Now, therefore, be it Whereas Einstein Fellows, during their SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Resolved, That the Senate— service and upon the continuation of their (1) supports the immediate termination of professional careers, serve as role models and the Select Investigative Panel of the Com- examples of dedication and commitment for mittee on Energy and Commerce of the past, present, and future generations of edu- SENATE RESOLUTION 530—SUP- House of Representatives established pursu- cators and public servants: Now, therefore, PORTING THE TERMINATION OF ant to House Resolution 461, agreed to Octo- be it THE SELECT INVESTIGATIVE ber 7, 2015; and Resolved, That the Senate— PANEL OF THE COMMITTEE ON (2) supports rescinding any unspent funds (1) recognizes the significance of the 25th ENERGY AND COMMERCE OF THE and making those funds available to the De- anniversary of the Albert Einstein Distin- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES partment of Health and Human Services for guished Educator Fellowship Program; ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO efforts to combat Zika for women and (2) recognizes the value of having current HOUSE RESOLUTION 461, AND children. science, technology, engineering, and mathe- f matics teachers directly engaged in the pol- FOR OTHER PURPOSES icymaking process; Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. BALD- SENATE RESOLUTION 531—CELE- (3) recognizes the sacrifices made by teach- WIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, BRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER- ers who interrupt their careers to serve as Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, SARY OF THE ALBERT EINSTEIN Einstein Fellows; (4) supports the continuation of the Ein- Mr. CARDIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEIN- DISTINGUISHED EDUCATOR FEL- LOWSHIP PROGRAM AND RECOG- stein Fellowship program; STEIN, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, (5) encourages Federal agencies and con- Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. LEAHY, NIZING THE SIGNIFICANT CON- gressional offices to host Einstein Fellows Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. MIKUL- TRIBUTIONS OF ALBERT EIN- and to leverage the expertise of former Ein- SKI, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. STEIN FELLOWS stein Fellows; and SCHATZ, Mr. SCHUMER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. TILLIS submitted the following (6) recognizes the contributions of past, Ms. WARREN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. resolution; which was referred to the present, and future Einstein Fellows. WYDEN) submitted the following reso- Committee on Health, Education, f lution; which was referred to the Com- Labor, and Pensions: SENATE RESOLUTION 532—CELE- mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- S. RES. 531 ernmental Affairs: BRATING THE 140TH ANNIVER- Whereas the Albert Einstein Distinguished SARY OF THE STATE OF COLO- S. RES. 530 Educator Fellowship Program was estab- Whereas Planned Parenthood provides lished in 1990 and formalized by law in 1994; RADO high-quality, affordable health care for Whereas Einstein Fellows are selected Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. women, men, and young people, and is the through a highly competitive process from BENNET) submitted the following reso- nation’s largest provider of sex education; among the best science, technology, engi- lution; which was considered and Whereas Planned Parenthood provides sex- neering, and mathematics teachers in the agreed to: ual and reproductive health care, education, field and represent diverse geographic re- information, and outreach to nearly 5,000,000 gions and communities; S. RES. 532 women, men, and adolescents worldwide in a Whereas the Albert Einstein Distinguished Whereas Colorado joined the Union as the single year; Educator Fellowship Program places excep- 38th State on August 1, 1876, when President Whereas officials in 13 States have con- tional teachers in positions within Federal Ulysses S. Grant signed a statehood procla- cluded investigations into Planned Parent- agencies and on Capitol Hill where they con- mation; hood affiliates having found no wrongdoing tribute to advancing the fields of education, Whereas statehood was granted to Colo- on behalf of Planned Parenthood, and offi- science, technology, engineering, mathe- rado after Colorado became a territory in cials in additional eight States have declined matics, and public policy; 1861 and Jerome Chaffee, a Representative to open investigations citing a lack of any Whereas the Department of Energy, for the territory, convinced Congress that evidence against Planned Parenthood to sug- through its Office of Workforce Development the population had increased enough for gest wrongdoing; for Teachers & Scientists, and the Triangle statehood to be approved; Whereas the Select Investigative Panel of Coalition for STEM Education have nurtured Whereas the United States Air Force Acad- the Committee on Energy and Commerce of and developed the Einstein Fellowship Pro- emy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, educates the House of Representatives has found no gram; and trains brave men and women in the Air wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parent- Whereas over 270 Einstein Fellows have Force; hood; served professionally at the Department of Whereas Colorado has 6 military bases that Whereas the Select Investigative Panel of Education, the Department of Energy, the are home to the honorable men and women the Committee on Energy and Commerce of National Aeronautics and Space Administra- who serve the United States; the House of Representatives has recently tion (NASA), the National Institutes of Whereas there are more than 36,000 farms authorized an additional $490,000 in unneces- Health (NIH), the National Institute of in Colorado, located on more than 31,000,000 sary spending, bringing the panel’s total ex- Standards and Technology (NIST), the Na- acres, which grow a variety of crops, includ- penditures to $790,000 thus far; tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ing barley, grapes, sunflowers, and beans;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.043 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5087 Whereas Colorado ranks fifth in the United responsibilities, authorities, and oversight of (2) acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sac- States for potato production and produces the intelligence community of the United rifice, and professionalism of the men and 2,000,000,000 pounds of potatoes; States; women of the intelligence community of the Whereas Colorado produces 8,000,000 bush- Whereas the intelligence community is de- United States; and els of barley each year and ranks third in the fined by section 3(4) of the National Security (3) encourages the people of the United United States in breweries per capita with a Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)) to include the States to observe this day with appropriate total of 285 breweries; Office of the Director of National Intel- ceremonies and activities. Whereas Golden, Colorado, is home to the ligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Laboratory National Security Agency, the Defense Intel- f (commonly referred to as ‘‘NREL’’), which is ligence Agency, the National Geospatial-In- SENATE RESOLUTION 534—REL- transforming the ways the people of the telligence Agency, the National Reconnais- ATIVE TO THE DEATH OF WIL- United States use and develop energy sance Office, other offices within the Depart- through research; ment of Defense for the collection of special- LIAM L. ARMSTRONG, FORMER Whereas Colorado is ranked twelfth in the ized national intelligence through reconnais- UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR United States for installed solar energy ca- sance programs, the intelligence elements of THE STATE OF COLORADO pacity and eighth in the United States for the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Ma- Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. the number of wind turbines located within rine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Federal Bu- BENNET) submitted the following reso- the State; reau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Whereas, with an average of more than 300 Administration, and the Department of En- lution; which was considered and days of sunshine per year, Colorado is one of ergy, the Bureau of Intelligence and Re- agreed to: the sunniest States in the United States; search of the Department of State, the Office S. RES. 534 Whereas Colorado is home to the Southern of Intelligence and Analysis of the Depart- Whereas William L. Armstrong (in this Ute Tribe and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe; ment of the Treasury, the elements of the preamble referred to as ‘‘Bill Armstrong’’) Whereas Colorado is home to 58 mountain Department of Homeland Security concerned was born in Fremont, Nebraska, and at- peaks rising 14,000 feet above sea level; with the analysis of intelligence informa- tended Tulane University and the University Whereas Colorado has world renowned ski- tion, and other elements as may be des- of Minnesota; ing and snowboarding, with 25 resorts for ignated; Whereas Bill Armstrong was a broadcaster Coloradans and out-of-State visitors to Whereas July 26, 2016, is the 69th anniver- and owner of media outlets, such as radio enjoy; sary of the signing of the National Security stations and newspapers; Whereas Colorado has 4 National Parks, in- Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.); Whereas Bill Armstrong served in the cluding the Black Canyon of the Gunnison Whereas the Intelligence Reform and Ter- Army National Guard of the United States National Park, the Great Sand Dunes Na- rorism Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law from 1957 to 1963, which brought him to Colo- tional Park and Preserve, Mesa Verde Na- 108–458; 118 Stat. 3638) created the position of rado; tional Park, and Rocky Mountain National the Director of National Intelligence to serve Whereas at age 25 Bill Armstrong was Park; as the head of the intelligence community elected to the Colorado House of Representa- Whereas Colorado is also home to numer- and to ensure that national intelligence be tives, where he served from 1963 to 1964; ous monuments, wilderness areas, recreation timely, objective, independent of political Whereas Bill Armstrong then served in the areas, and historic trails, all of which ensure considerations, and based upon all sources Colorado Senate from 1965 to 1972, where he that beautiful landscapes are preserved and available; became Majority Leader after only 4 years of provide recreation opportunities for all; Whereas Congress has previously passed service; Whereas Colorado is a national leader in joint resolutions, signed by the President, to Whereas Bill Armstrong served the people aerospace, where companies develop cutting designate Peace Officers Memorial Day on of Colorado in the United States House of edge technology to propel the United States May 15, Patriot Day on September 11, and Representatives from 1973 to 1979 and in the into the future; and other commemorative occasions, to honor from 1979 to 1991; Whereas Colorado is a symbol of the beau- the sacrifices of law enforcement officers and Whereas Bill Armstrong served honorably ty and opportunity America has to offer, and of those who lost their lives on September 11, as the Chairman of the Senate Republican Katherine Lee Bates wrote the poem ‘‘Amer- 2001; Policy Committee from 1985 to 1991; ica the Beautiful’’ after being inspired dur- Whereas the United States has increas- Whereas Bill Armstrong was a strong con- ing a hike up Pikes Peak: Now, therefore, be ingly relied upon the men and women of the servative who consistently advocated for it intelligence community to protect and de- such matters as fiscal discipline and tax re- Resolved, That the Senate commends and fend the security of the United States in the form, pay and benefits for military service celebrates Colorado and the people of Colo- years since the attacks of September 11, 2001; members, and the support of small busi- rado on the 140th anniversary of the State of Whereas the men and women of the intel- nesses; Colorado. ligence community, both civilian and mili- Whereas Bill Armstrong worked to pass tary, have been increasingly called upon to f the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (Pub- deploy to theaters of war in Iraq, Afghani- lic Law 97-34, 95 Stat. 172) and was recognized SENATE RESOLUTION 533—DESIG- stan, and elsewhere since September 11, 2001; multiple times with the ‘‘Taxpayers’ Friend’’ NATING JULY 26, 2016, AS Whereas numerous intelligence officers of award by the National Taxpayers Union; ‘‘UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE the elements of the intelligence community Whereas Bill Armstrong was named the PROFESSIONALS DAY’’ have been injured or killed in the line of ‘‘military pay champion’’ of the Senate by duty; the Army Times; Mr. WARNER (for himself, Ms. MI- Whereas intelligence officers of the United Whereas Bill Armstrong was an ardent KULSKI, Mr. KING, Mr. BURR, Mrs. FEIN- States are routinely called upon to accept champion of small business; STEIN, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. personal hardship and sacrifice in the fur- Whereas Bill Armstrong earned the RUBIO, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. HIRONO, and therance of their mission to protect the ‘‘Guardian of Small Business’’ award from United States, to undertake dangerous as- Mr. LANKFORD) submitted the following the National Federation of Independent signments in the defense of the interests of Business, and the Colorado Association of resolution; which was considered and the United States, to collect reliable infor- agreed to: Commerce and Industry Public Service mation within prescribed legal authorities Award in 1982 for his distinguished service to S. RES. 533 upon which the leaders of the United States the people of Colorado; Whereas on July 26, 1908, Attorney General rely in life-and-death situations, and to Whereas Bill Armstrong was instrumental Charles Bonaparte ordered newly-hired Fed- ‘‘speak truth to power’’ by providing their to the passage of title I of Public Law 96-560 eral investigators to report to the Office of best assessments to decision makers, regard- (94 Stat. 3265) (commonly known as the ‘‘Col- the Chief Examiner of the Department of less of political and policy considerations; orado National Forest Wilderness Act of Justice, which subsequently was renamed Whereas the men and women of the intel- 1980’’), which preserved 1,400,000 acres of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; ligence community have on numerous occa- land; Whereas on July 26, 1947, President Tru- sions succeeded in preventing attacks upon Whereas Bill Armstrong continued to serve man signed the National Security Act of 1947 the United States and allies of the United the people of Colorado for the last 10 years as (50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.), creating the Depart- States, saving numerous innocent lives; and president of Colorado Christian University; ment of Defense, the National Security Whereas intelligence officers of the United Whereas Bill Armstrong possessed a strong Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, States must of necessity often remain un- faith and lived his life accordingly; and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thereby laying known and unrecognized for their substan- Whereas Bill Armstrong led hundreds of the foundation for today’s intelligence com- tial achievements and successes: Now, there- prayer breakfasts and served on the board of munity; fore, be it Campus Crusade for Christ and Christian Whereas the National Security Act of 1947, Resolved, That the Senate— Businessmen’s Committee USA; which appears in title 50 of the United States (1) designates July 26, 2016, as ‘‘United Whereas Bill Armstrong was a person of Code, governs the definition, composition, States Intelligence Professionals Day’’; firm principle, worked towards meaningful

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.045 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 solutions, and described himself as ‘‘rel- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- structively, and that the U.K. and the atively inflexible on principles, but flexible resentatives concurring), That Congress— EU will achieve a trade and investment on the details’’; (1) calls upon the President to consult with climate that is mutually beneficial and Whereas, throughout his life, Bill Arm- the Senate and the House of Representatives productive and that supports the con- to consider opportunities to promote further strong demonstrated great integrity and re- tinuation of the United States’ close markable leadership; and economic and commercial activity and co- Whereas Bill Armstrong touched the lives operation between the United States and the diplomatic, economic, and commercial of all those he served and helped families United Kingdom, including by way of a trade ties with both the U.K. and the EU. across Colorado through his devotion to pub- agreement between the United States and Throughout this process, the U.S. lic service: Now, therefore, be it the United Kingdom; must continue to show strong support Resolved, That— (2) calls upon the President to invite the for the important and longstanding re- (1) the Senate has heard with profound sor- United Kingdom to begin discussions to- lationship that our country enjoys row and deep regret the announcement of the wards establishing the basis for negotiations with the U.K. That relationship is root- death of the Honorable William L. Arm- for a trade agreement between the United ed in democratic principles, a similar strong, former member of the United States States and the United Kingdom; culture and a common language, a (3) recalls that section 103(d) of the Bipar- Senate; strong commitment to peace and secu- (2) the Senate instructs the Secretary of tisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Ac- the Senate to communicate this resolution countability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4202(d)) di- rity, and close and open economic and to the House of Representatives and trans- rects the President to commence negotia- commercial ties. The U.S. and the U.K. mit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the tions covering tariff and nontariff barriers to have a long tradition of working to- family of William L. Armstrong; and United States trade where the President de- gether to support one another’s mutual (3) when the Senate adjourns on the date of termines that such negotiations are feasible interests, and the U.K.’s decision to adoption of this resolution, it stands ad- and timely and would benefit the United withdraw from the EU should not jeop- journed as a further mark of respect to the States; ardize that tradition. In fact, the spe- memory of the Honorable William L. Arm- (4) recalls further that section 102 of the cial relationship between our two coun- strong. Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. tries must be fortified as the U.K. navi- f 4201) sets forth the negotiating objectives of gates the process of withdrawing from the EU. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- the United States, and that the Senate and the House of Representatives expect that It is in that spirit that I propose this TION 47—EXPRESSING SUPPORT these congressionally-mandated negotiating resolution, which highlights the impor- FOR FOSTERING CLOSER ECO- objectives will be achieved in any United tance of the political, economic, and NOMIC AND COMMERCIAL TIES States trade agreement; commercial relationship between the BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES (5) urges the President, throughout discus- U.S. and the U.K., and calls upon the AND THE UNITED KINGDOM FOL- sions with the United Kingdom and in close administration to consult with the LOWING THE DECISION OF THE consultation with the Senate and the House Congress to examine ways to promote of Representatives, to determine whether ne- PEOPLE OF THE UNITED KING- further economic and commercial ac- DOM TO WITHDRAW FROM THE gotiation of a trade agreement with the United Kingdom would be likely to achieve tivity and cooperation between our two EUROPEAN UNION the negotiating objectives established by the countries, including through the nego- Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. MCCON- Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities tiation of a high-standard trade agree- NELL, Mr. COATS, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. and Accountability Act of 2015 and, if such ment at the appropriate time. THUNE, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. negotiation would be likely to achieve such The U.K. is the world’s fifth largest objectives, to commence negotiations to- ENZI, Mr. SCOTT, and Mr. GRASSLEY) economy and one of the United States’ wards a trade agreement with the United most important economic partners. Ex- submitted the following concurrent Kingdom as soon as appropriate; resolution; which was referred to the panding U.S. trade with the U.K. would (6) expresses support for enhanced eco- result in major benefits to both Amer- Committee on Finance: nomic and commercial ties between the ican and British businesses, workers, S. CON. RES. 47 United States and the European Union, in- cluding through the conclusion of a high- producers, and consumers. Further- Whereas the United States and the United more, a strengthened economic part- Kingdom are allies with a long tradition of standard Transatlantic Trade and Invest- working in close cooperation to support one ment Partnership; nership between the U.S. and the U.K. another’s mutual interests; (7) notes that the continued movement of would produce important geopolitical Whereas the United Kingdom is the world’s goods, services, and capital between the benefits that are in our national inter- fifth largest economy and one of the most United Kingdom and the European Union is est. important trading and economic partners of important to American businesses invested As such, the resolution calls upon the the United States; in Europe and the United States economy President to consult with the Congress Whereas expanding United States trade generally; and (8) calls upon the European Union and the regarding opportunities to further eco- with the United Kingdom has the potential nomic and commercial activity and co- to benefit American businesses, farmers, United Kingdom to work constructively to achieve a climate for trade and investment operation between the U.S. and the ranchers, workers, and consumers; U.K., including considering a trade Whereas a strong and economically vibrant that is mutually beneficial and productive. United Kingdom capable of supporting global Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I would agreement between our two countries. economic growth and promoting shared like to take a few minutes to talk However—and let me emphasize this Anglo-American economic principles is in about a resolution that I am submit- point—as with any trade agreement ne- the national interest of the United States; ting today regarding the importance of gotiated by this administration or the Whereas the voluntary exchange of goods the trade and investment relationship next, any future trade agreement be- and services among citizens of nations helps between the United States and the tween the U.S. and the U.K. must ad- provide global economic stability, especially United Kingdom. I also would like to here to the high standards outlined in in times of economic uncertainty; discuss our Nation’s international the recently enacted TPA law, which Whereas the United States also continues established very specific objectives re- to support the member states of the Euro- trade policy more broadly, including pean Union and seeks the further enhance- our interest in negotiating and enter- garding the negotiation of trade agree- ment of economic and commercial ties be- ing into trade agreements that satisfy ments. Any future trade agreement tween the United States and the European the high standards that the Congress with the U.K. needs to satisfy those ob- Union, including through the conclusion of a outlined in the Trade Promotion Au- jectives in order to qualify for TPA high-standard Transatlantic Trade and In- thority, or TPA, statute we enacted procedures. vestment Partnership; and last year. Now that I have spoken about the Whereas orderly and cooperative negotia- Last month, the U.K. voted to with- importance of the trade and invest- tions between the United Kingdom and the draw from the European Union. The ment relationship between the U.S. and European Union that uphold the funda- formal withdrawal process is at its be- the U.K., I would like to speak about mental bases for trade and investment be- tween the United Kingdom and the European ginning stages, and the U.K. and the the importance of the trade and invest- Union are in the mutual interest of the EU have many issues to resolve as they ment relationship between the United United States, the United Kingdom, and the work out their future political and eco- States and the European Union. While member states of the European Union: Now, nomic relationship. I am optimistic this resolution proposes stronger eco- therefore, be it that these issues will be resolved con- nomic and commercial ties with the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.045 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5089 U.K., it does the same for the EU. To be financial services. In particular, both esses, concerns are growing that the clear, the U.K.’s decision to withdraw the market access and the regulatory measures that our trading partners in- from the EU should not jeopardize or scope of the agreement should address tend to take to implement TPP fall weaken our country’s relationship with financial services. short of what is required by the agree- the U.K., nor should it jeopardize or Third, a valid and passable T–TIP ment. Failure by our trading partners weaken our country’s relationship with agreement must reflect the highest to fully and faithfully implement their the EU. Both the U.K. and the EU are standards of protection for intellectual TPP obligations threatens to reduce important diplomatic and economic property rights. Moreover, any out- the value of the agreement for U.S. partners of the United States. come on intellectual property must not businesses, workers, farmers, ranchers, As such, the resolution proposes jeopardize our country’s ability to and consumers. stronger economic and commercial ties achieve high levels of intellectual prop- That is why it is essential that the between the U.S. and the EU, including erty protection in other markets or in Obama administration now work to through the conclusion of a high-stand- other negotiations. reach country-specific plans identi- ard Transatlantic Trade and Invest- Finally, T–TIP must address barriers fying the changes that our trading ment Partnership, T–TIP, agreement. to digital trade, including discrimina- partners must and will make to their Coincidentally, our trade negotiators tory treatment of digital products and laws, regulations, and practices in are in Europe this week for the 14th barriers that inhibit the free flow of order to meet their key TPP obliga- round of T–TIP negotiations. digital data, such as forced data local- tions. These country-specific imple- I would like to take a few moments ization policies. In short, the agree- mentation commitments would provide to discuss Congress’s expectations for ment must ensure that all products, a valuable tool for resolving short- T–TIP and to highlight areas of par- services, and technologies are given the comings and ambiguities in the agree- ticular concern. chance to compete in the marketplace. ment, while helping to build confidence T–TIP presents an excellent oppor- T–TIP is intended to be a model for in the Congress that TPP will be imple- tunity for both the U.S. and the EU— the world, so we must get it right. mented fully and faithfully by our the world’s two largest economies—to The resolution that I’m introducing trading partners. Put simply, these strengthen our already robust eco- today notes the importance of eco- country-specific implementation com- nomic relationship. That relationship nomic cooperation among the U.S., the mitments can be an essential compo- is one of the most extensive and com- U.K., and the EU, and highlights the nent to developing the political sup- plex in the world. Together, our econo- mutual benefits to be achieved through port necessary for the Congress to pass mies account for approximately half of such cooperation. In particular, the TPP implementing legislation. world GDP and nearly one third of resolution calls upon the EU and the During the 114th Congress, we have worldwide trade. Annual U.S.-EU trade U.K. to work constructively to achieve successfully enacted a number of amounts to hundreds of billions of dol- a climate for trade and investment strong trade policies that reflect and lars, and our two markets already are that is mutually beneficial and produc- advance our national interest. T–TIP deeply integrated and relatively open. tive; and it notes that the continued and TPP negotiations represent impor- Nonetheless, opportunities exist for the movement of goods, services, and cap- tant opportunities for the administra- U.S. and the EU to expand trade and ital between the U.K. and the EU is im- tion to use the tools provided by Con- investment by further reducing bar- portant not only to the U.K. and the gress to help American businesses, riers and modernizing the rules that EU, but also to American businesses workers, and consumers to benefit govern such trade and investment. But invested in Europe and the U.S. econ- from trade. We must remain vigilant to in order for T–TIP or any similar trade omy generally. The U.S., the U.K., and ensure that our trade objectives are agreement to reach its full potential, it the EU will all benefit as our countries met and hold the administration ac- must reflect an unprecedented level of work together to become economically countable for achieving the goals that commitment—by both the EU and the stronger and more geopolitically se- the Congress has established. At the Obama administration. cure. same time, we need to look toward the T–TIP also presents an excellent op- Finally, I would like to say a few future. portunity for the U.S. and the EU to words regarding the Trans-Pacific The resolution that we are submit- work together to help set high stand- Partnership, or TPP, agreement. I ting today is designed to reinforce our ards for the world. If the agreement fought hard to secure TPA, in large support for strong, market-opening does not meet a high standard, then part, so that this administration would agreements and to remind this and fu- the rest of the world will take notice. have the ability to secure a strong TPP ture administrations that the Congress In order to qualify as a high-standard agreement. However, in a few impor- is, and will remain, an active partici- agreement, T–TIP—just like any poten- tant areas, TPP falls short. I am com- pant in formulating U.S. trade policy. tial trade agreement between the U.S. mitted to working with the adminis- I urge all of my colleagues to join me and the U.K.—must satisfy the stand- tration to help to improve on those in supporting this important resolu- ards outlined in the TPA statute. If the shortcomings. In the meantime, it is tion. agreement does not satisfy those essential that the administration begin standards, then it will face enormous to work with our TPP partners to de- f difficulty in the Congress. velop meaningful country-specific im- To do this, T–TIP must address sev- plementation commitments. AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND eral difficult areas. I will highlight During a hearing held by the Senate PROPOSED only a few such areas and issues today, Finance Committee earlier this year, SA 4973. Mr. BLUNT proposed an amend- while noting that many others exist. members of the Committee heard as- ment to the bill S. 2893, to reauthorize the First, the agreement must have pro- sessments from American exporters sound recording and film preservation pro- visions that provide strong market ac- and stakeholders about the implemen- grams of the Library of Congress, and for cess for agricultural products, includ- tation of past free trade agreements. It other purposes. ing through the elimination of dis- is an unfortunate fact that the Obama criminatory geographical indication administration has allowed free trade f practices and unjustified sanitary and agreements to enter into force before phytosanitary standards. ensuring that our partners have taken TEXT OF AMENDMENTS Second, the agreement must be com- all steps necessary to comply with SA 4973. Mr. BLUNT proposed an prehensive and not exclude any prod- their obligations under the agree- amendment to the bill S. 2893, to reau- ucts or economic sectors from the ne- ments. It is clear that more confidence thorize the sound recording and film gotiations. Of particular concern are regarding effective implementation of preservation programs of the Library services. The agreement should not trade agreements will be necessary be- of Congress, and for other purposes; as broadly exempt future services or spe- fore the Congress approves TPP. follows: cifically exempt other types of serv- Moreover, as our TPP partners begin On page 2, line 9, strike ‘‘$750,000’’ and in- ices, including audiovisual services or their domestic implementation proc- sert ‘‘$1,000,000’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.046 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIME AND TERRORISM The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without MEET Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the Com- COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND f TRANSPORTATION mittee on the Judiciary, Sub- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask committee on Crime and Terrorism, be UNANIMOUS CONSENT unanimous consent that the Com- authorized to meet during the session AGREEMENT—S. 2943 mittee on Commerce, Science, and of the Senate on July 13, 2016, at 2:30 Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Transportation be authorized to meet p.m., in Room SD–226 of the Dirksen unanimous consent that following the during the session of the Senate on Senate Office Building, to conduct a prayer and pledge on Thursday July 14, July 13, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., in room SR– hearing entitled ‘‘Researching the Po- the Chair lay before the Senate the 253 of the Russell Senate Office Build- tential Medical Benefits and Risks of House message accompanying S. 2943, ing to conduct a Subcommittee hearing Marijuana.’’ and Senator MCCONNELL be recognized entitled ‘‘NASA at a Crossroads: Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to make a compound motion to go to asserting American Leadership in objection, it is so ordered. conference on S. 2943; further, that Space Exploration.’’ SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH CARE after cloture is filed on the compound The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask motion, the time until 11:30 a.m. be objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the Sub- equally divided between the two lead- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL committee on Health Care of the Com- ers or their designees and that at 11:30 RESOURCES mittee on Finance be authorized to a.m. the Senate vote on the motion to Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask meet during the session of the Senate invoke cloture on the compound mo- unanimous consent that the Com- on July 13, 2016, at 2:30 p.m., in room tion to go to conference; further, that mittee on Energy and Natural Re- SD–215 of the Dirksen Senate Office if cloture is invoked, the Senate agree sources be authorized to meet during Building, to conduct a hearing entitled to the compound motion to go to con- the session of the Senate on July 13, ‘‘Alzheimer’s Disease: The Struggle for ference and there be two motions to in- 2016, at 9:30 a.m., in room SD–366 of the Families, a Looming Crisis for Medi- struct in order made by Senator SHA- Dirksen Senate Office Building. care.’’ HEEN and Senator SULLIVAN; further, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that Senator SHAHEEN be recognized to objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. offer a motion to instruct the conferees COMMITTEE ON FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EAST ASIA, THE PACIFIC, AND and that there be up to 4 minutes of de- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask INTERNATIONAL CYBERSECURITY POLICY bate equally divided on the motion and unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask that following the use or yielding back mittee on Finance be authorized to unanimous consent that the Com- of that time, the Senate vote in rela- meet during the session of the Senate mittee on Foreign Relations Sub- tion to the Shaheen motion; that fol- on July 13, 2016, at 10 a.m., in room SD– committee on East Asia, the Pacific, lowing the disposition of the Shaheen 215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- and International Cybersecurity Policy motion, Senator SULLIVAN be recog- ing, to conduct a hearing entitled be authorized to meet during the ses- nized to offer a motion to instruct the ‘‘Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthor- sion of the Senate on July 13, 2016, at conferees and that there be up to 4 ization Act of 2015: Ensuring Successful 10:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing enti- minutes of debate equally divided on Implementation of Physician Payment tled ‘‘U.S. Policy Options in the South the motion and that following the use Reforms.’’ China Sea.’’ or yielding back of that time, the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ate vote in relation to the Sullivan mo- objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. tion without any intervening action or SUBCOMMITTEE ON WESTERN HEMISPHERE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS debate. Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unanimous consent that the Com- unanimous consent that the Com- objection, it is so ordered. mittee on Foreign Relations Sub- mittee on Foreign Relations be author- committee on Western Hemisphere be f ized to meet during the session of the authorized to meet during the session Senate on July 13, 2016, at 11:30 a.m., to EXECUTIVE SESSION of the Senate on July 13, 2016, at 2:30 conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Nomina- p.m., to conduct a hearing entitled tions.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘Zika in the Western Hemisphere: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR objection, it is so ordered. Risks and Response.’’ Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unanimous consent that the Senate COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, objection, it is so ordered. AND PENSIONS proceed to executive session for the Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask f consideration of Calendar Nos. 659 unanimous consent that the Com- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR through 678 and all nominations on the mittee on Health, Education, Labor, Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask Secretary’s desk; that the nominations and Pensions be authorized to meet unanimous consent that Warren Ponto, be confirmed en bloc, the motions to during the session of the Senate on the committee’s detailee from the reconsider be considered made and laid July 13, 2016, at 2:45 p.m., in room SD– FAA, be allowed privileges of the floor. upon the table with no intervening ac- 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion or debate; that no further motions ing, to conduct a hearing entitled objection, it is so ordered. be in order; that any statements re- ‘‘Campus Safety: Improving Prevention Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I lated to the nominations be printed in and Response Efforts.’’ ask unanimous consent that Alexandra the RECORD; that the President be im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bratton, an intern on the Energy Com- mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- objection, it is so ordered. mittee, be granted floor privileges for tion, and the Senate then resume legis- COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY the remainder of today’s session of the lative session. Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. mittee on the Judiciary be authorized objection, it is so ordered. The nominations considered and con- to meet during the session of the Sen- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask firmed en bloc are as follows: ate on July 13, 2016, at 10 a.m., in Room unanimous consent that Sydney Jones, IN THE NAVY SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Macon Sheppard, William Aulgar, and The following named officer for appoint- Building, to conduct a hearing entitled Jemel Green-Harris, of my office, be ment in the United States Navy to the grade ‘‘Nominations.’’ granted the privilege of the floor for indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the remainder of today’s legislative To be rear admiral objection, it is so ordered. session. Rear Adm. (lh) Christian D. Becker

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:25 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.049 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5091 The following named officer for appoint- To be rear admiral (lower half) PN1339 ARMY nomination of Phillip W. ment in the United States Navy to the grade Capt. Tina A. Davidson Neal, which was received by the Senate and indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: appeared in the Congressional Record of The following named officer for appoint- April 14, 2016. To be rear admiral ment in the United States Navy to the grade PN1581 ARMY nomination of Nathan D. Rear Adm. (Ih) Bruce L. Gillingham indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: Schroeder, which was received by the Senate The following named officer for appoint- To be rear admiral (lower half) and appeared in the Congressional Record of ment in the United States Navy Reserve to Capt. Gayle D. Shaffer June 28, 2016. the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., The following named officer for appoint- PN1582 ARMY nomination of Renee V. section 12203: ment in the United States Navy to the grade Scott, which was received by the Senate and To be rear admiral (lower half) indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: appeared in the Congressional Record of Capt. Troy M. McClelland To be rear admiral (lower half) June 28, 2016. PN1583 ARMY nomination of Keith D. The following named officer for appoint- Capt. Frank D. Whitworth ment in the United States Navy to the grade Blodgett, which was received by the Senate indicated under article II, section 2, clause 2, The following named officer for appoint- and appeared in the Congressional Record of of the United States Constitution: ment in the United States Navy to the grade June 28, 2016. indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: PN1584 ARMY nominations (10) beginning To be rear admiral (lower half) To be rear admiral (lower half) JEFFREY M ALSTON, and ending MI- Capt. Ronny L. Jackson Capt. Stephanie T. Keck CHAEL J. TURLEY, which nominations were The following named officer for appoint- received by the Senate and appeared in the ment as Chief of Navy Reserve and appoint- The following named officer for appoint- Congressional Record of June 28, 2016. ment in the Navy Reserve to the grade indi- ment in the United States Navy to the grade PN1585 ARMY nomination of Steven C. cated while assigned to a position of impor- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: Loos, which was received by the Senate and tance and responsibility under title 10, To be rear admiral (lower half) appeared in the Congressional Record of U.S.C., sections 601 and 5143: Capt. David A. Goggins June 28, 2016. To be vice admiral Capt. Douglas W. Small PN1586 ARMY nomination of Daniel W. M. Mackle, which was received by the Senate Rear Adm. Luke M. McCollum The following named officers for appoint- and appeared in the Congressional Record of IN THE AIR FORCE ment in the United States Navy to the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: June 28, 2016. The following named officer for appoint- PN1609 ARMY nomination of Michael P. To be Rear Admiral (lower half) ment in the United States Air Force to the Lindsay, which was received by the Senate grade indicated while assigned to a position Capt. Richard D. Heinz and appeared in the Congressional Record of of importance and responsibility under title Capt. John T. Palmer July 7, 2016. 10, U.S.C., section 601: The following named officers for appoint- PN1610 ARMY nomination of Brando S. To be lieutenant general ment in the United States Navy to the grade Jobity, which was received by the Senate Maj. Gen. Steven M. Shepro indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: and appeared in the Congressional Record of July 7, 2016. IN THE ARMY To be Rear Admiral (lower half) PN1611 ARMY nomination of David C. Mar- Capt. Carl P. Chebi The following named officer for appoint- tin, which was received by the Senate and Capt. Blake L. Converse ment in the Reserve of the Army to the appeared in the Congressional Record of July Capt. Charles B. Cooper, II grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 7, 2016. 12203: Capt. Paul T. Druggan IN THE NAVY To be major general Capt. Donald D. Gabrielson Capt. Alvin Holsey PN1612 NAVY nominations (5) beginning Brig. Gen. Tammy S. Smith Capt. Jeffrey T. Jablon GREGORY A. VERLINDE, and ending The following named officer for appoint- Capt. Gary A. Mayes DAVID T. WRIGHT, which nominations were ment in the Reserve of the Army to the Capt. John F. Meier received by the Senate and appeared in the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section Capt. James E. Pitts Congressional Record of July 7, 2016. 12203: Capt. Charles W. Rock f To be major general Capt. John B Skillman LEGISLATIVE SESSION Brig. Gen. Brian E. Alvin Capt. Murray J. Tynch, III Capt. John F. Wade The following named officer for appoint- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Capt. Michael A. Wettlaufer ment in the Reserve of the Army to the ate will now resume legislative session. NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section f 12203: DESK LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SOUND To be brigadier general IN THE AIR FORCE RECORDING AND FILM PRESER- Col. Richard J. Heitkamp PN1469 AIR FORCE nominations (6) begin- ning WALTER W. BEAN, and ending SCOTT VATION PROGRAMS REAUTHOR- The following named officer for appoint- L. RUMMAGE, which nominations were re- IZATION ACT OF 2016 ment in the Reserve of the Army to the ceived by the Senate and appeared in the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Congressional Record of May 18, 2016. 12203: PN1470 AIR FORCE nominations (53) begin- unanimous consent that the Com- To be brigadier general ning JENNIFER D. BANKSTON, and ending mittee on Rules be discharged from Col. Miles A. Davis WILLIAM F. WOLFE, which nominations further consideration of S. 2893 and the The following named officer for appoint- were received by the Senate and appeared in Senate proceed to its immediate con- ment in the Reserve of the Army to the the Congressional Record of May 18, 2016. sideration. grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section PN1579 AIR FORCE nominations (18) begin- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 12203: ning RICHARD D. BETZOLD, and ending objection, it is so ordered. JENNIFER E. TONNESON, which nomina- To be brigadier general The clerk will report the bill by title. tions were received by the Senate and ap- Col. Fletcher V. Washington peared in the Congressional Record of June The legislative clerk read as follows: The following named officer for appoint- 28, 2016. A bill (S. 2893) to reauthorize the sound re- ment in the Reserve of the Army to the PN1580 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- cording and film preservation programs of grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section ning STEFANIE L. SHAVER, and ending the Library of Congress, and for other pur- 12203: WILLIAM J. BRIDGHAM, which nomina- poses. To be brigadier general tions were received by the Senate and ap- There being no objection, the Senate Col. Nikki L. Griffin Olive peared in the Congressional Record of June proceeded to consider the bill. 28, 2016. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today the IN THE NAVY PN1613 AIR FORCE nomination of Erol The following named officer for appoint- Agi, which was received by the Senate and Senate will pass the bipartisan Library ment in the United States Navy to the grade appeared in the Congressional Record of July of Congress Sound Recording and Film indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: 7, 2016. Preservation Programs Reauthoriza- To be rear admiral (lower half) IN THE ARMY tion Act of 2016, which authorizes two Capt. Darius Banaji PN1321 ARMY nomination of Joshua D. important cultural preservation pro- The following named officer for appoint- Wright, which was received by the Senate grams through 2027. Senator GRASSLEY ment in the United States Navy to the grade and appeared in the Congressional Record of and I worked together on this legisla- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: April 7, 2016. tion to help ensure that the films and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.062 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 recordings that play vital roles in S. 2893 SECTION 1. AUTHORIZING THE NATIONAL LI- shaping and recording the American BRARY SERVICE FOR THE BLIND Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED TO experience are preserved for future resentatives of the United States of America in PROVIDE PLAYBACK EQUIPMENT IN generations. Congress assembled, ALL FORMATS. Advances in digital technology have SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. The first sentence of the Act entitled ‘‘An opened up new avenues for creativity, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Library of Act to provide books for the adult blind’’, ap- allowing Americans to engage in artis- Congress Sound Recording and Film Preser- proved March 3, 1931 (2 U.S.C. 135a), is tic expression in innovative ways. As vation Programs Reauthorization Act of amended by striking ‘‘and for purchase, we embrace these new developments, 2016’’. maintenance, and replacement of repro- ducers for such sound-reproduction record- we must also ensure that the records of SEC. 2. SOUND RECORDING PRESERVATION PRO- GRAMS. ings’’ and inserting ‘‘and for purchase, main- our past are preserved. Films and tenance, and replacement of reproducers for (a) NATIONAL RECORDING PRESERVATION sound recordings created by previous any such forms’’. generations tell us who we are, and BOARD.—Section 133 of the National Record- ing Preservation Act of 2000 (2 U.S.C. 1743) is f who we were, as a society; yet the pas- amended by striking ‘‘through fiscal year sage of time has taken its toll on these FILIPINO VETERANS OF WORLD 2016’’ and inserting ‘‘through fiscal year WAR II CONGRESSIONAL GOLD historical works, erasing artifacts of 2026’’. MEDAL ACT OF 2015 our shared history and culture. (b) NATIONAL RECORDING PRESERVATION The legislation that will be passed FOUNDATION.— Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask today by the Senate continues (1) REAUTHORIZATION.—Section 152411(a) of unanimous consent that the Com- Congress’s long recognition of the im- title 36, United States Code, is amended by mittee on Banking, Housing, and portance of cultural preservation, reau- striking ‘‘through fiscal year 2016 an amount Urban Affairs be discharged from fur- thorizing both the National Film Pres- not to exceed’’ and inserting ‘‘through fiscal year 2026 an amount not to exceed the lesser ther consideration of S. 1555 and the ervation Program, which began in 1988, Senate proceed to its immediate con- and the National Sound Recording of $1,000,000 or’’. (2) NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIREC- sideration. Preservation Program, which began in TORS.—Section 152403(b)(2) of title 36, United The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2000. These programs, operated within States Code, is amended— objection, it is so ordered. the Library of Congress, help preserve (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘nine The clerk will report the bill by title. historical and cultural artifacts that directors’’ and inserting ‘‘12 directors’’; and The legislative clerk read as follows: (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘six would otherwise disappear or be de- A bill (S. 1555) to award a Congressional directors’’ each place it appears and insert- stroyed through the passage of time. Gold Medal, collectively, to the Filipino vet- ing ‘‘8 directors’’. Through the preservation programs, erans of World War II, in recognition of the the Library of Congress has created the SEC. 3. FILM PRESERVATION PROGRAMS. dedicated service of the veterans during National Film and National Recording (a) NATIONAL FILM PRESERVATION BOARD.— World War II. Registries, to recognize the most essen- Section 112 of the National Film Preserva- There being no objection, the Senate tion Act of 1996 (2 U.S.C. 179v) is amended by tial artistic works our Nation has pro- proceeded to consider the bill. duced. striking ‘‘through fiscal year 2016’’ and in- serting ‘‘through fiscal year 2026’’. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask This legislation also reauthorizes the (b) NATIONAL FILM PRESERVATION FOUNDA- unanimous consent that the bill be federally chartered National Film and TION.—Section 151711(a)(1)(C) of title 36, read a third time and passed and the National Recording Preservation Foun- United States Code, is amended by striking motion to reconsider be considered dations. These foundations play a crit- ‘‘through 2016’’ and inserting ‘‘through 2026’’. made and laid upon the table with no ical role in preservation efforts by pro- intervening action or debate. viding grants to a wide array of edu- f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cational and nonprofit organizations to objection, it is so ordered. preserve films and sound recordings. To AUTHORIZING THE NATIONAL LI- The bill (S. 1555) was ordered to be date, the National Film Preservation BRARY SERVICE FOR THE BLIND engrossed for a third reading, was read Foundation has given grants to more AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED the third time, and passed, as follows: than 270 organizations in all 50 States. By reauthorizing these important TO PROVIDE PLAYBACK EQUIP- S. 1555 programs, this legislation will allow MENT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the Library of Congress and the Foun- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, dations to continue their important unanimous consent that the Senate SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. work in preserving America’s fading proceed to the immediate consider- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Filipino treasures, as well as providing grants ation of S. 3207, introduced earlier Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold that will help libraries, museums, and today. Medal Act of 2015’’. archives preserve these works and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SEC. 2. FINDINGS. make them available for study and re- clerk will report the bill by title. Congress finds the following: search. I look forward to prompt con- The legislative clerk read as follows: (1) The First Philippine Republic was sideration of the bill by the House and A bill (S. 3207) to authorize the National founded as a result of the Spanish-American to the President signing it into law. Library Service for the Blind and Physically War in which Filipino revolutionaries and Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous Handicapped to provide playback equipment the United States Armed Forces fought to consent that the Blunt amendment at in all formats. overthrow Spanish colonial rule. On June 12, the desk be agreed to, the bill, as 1898, Filipinos declared the Philippines to be There being no objection, the Senate an independent and sovereign nation. The amended, be read a third time and proceeded to consider the bill. passed, and the motion to reconsider be Treaty of Paris negotiated between the Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask United States and Spain ignored this dec- considered made and laid upon the unanimous consent that the bill be laration of independence, and the United table. States paid Spain $20,000,000 to cede control The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without read a third time and passed and the motion to reconsider be considered of the Philippines to the United States. Fili- objection, it is so ordered. pino nationalists who sought independence The amendment (No. 4973) was agreed made and laid upon the table with no rather than a change in colonial rulers to, as follows: intervening action or debate. clashed with forces of the United States in (Purpose: To increase the amount of funds The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Islands. The Philippine-American War, authorized to be appropriated to the Na- objection, it is so ordered. which officially lasted for 3 years from 1899 tional Recording Preservation Foundation) The bill (S. 3207) was ordered to be to 1902, led to the establishment of the On page 2, line 9, strike ‘‘$750,000’’ and in- engrossed for a third reading, was read United States civil government in the Phil- sert ‘‘$1,000,000’’. the third time, and passed, as follows: ippines. (2) In 1901, units of Filipino soldiers who The bill (S. 2893), as amended, was or- S. 3207 fought for the United States against the na- dered to be engrossed for a third read- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tionalist insurrection were formally incor- ing, was read the third time, and resentatives of the United States of America in porated into the United States Army as the passed, as follows: Congress assembled, Philippine Scouts.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.064 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5093 (3) In 1934, the Philippine Independence Act 800 were killed, 1,000 were wounded, and addition, in 1945, according to the 441st (Public Law 73–127; 48 Stat. 456) established a 11,000 were captured and forced to march Counter Intelligence Unit of the United timetable for ending colonial rule of the through the city of Manila, after which the States Armed Forces, Philippine guerrillas United States. Between 1934 and Philippine captured troops were distributed to various provided ‘‘very important information and independence in 1946, the United States re- POW camps. The rest of the captured troops sketches of enemy positions and installa- tained sovereignty over Philippine foreign escaped to organize or join an underground tions’’ for the liberation of the Santo Tomas policy and reserved the right to call Fili- guerrilla army. prisoner of war camp, an event that made pinos into the service of the United States (11) Even before the fall of Corregidor, front page news across the United States. Armed Forces. Philippine resistance, in the form of guer- (17) In March 1944, members of the 2nd Fili- (4) On December 21 1935, President of the rilla armies, began to wage warfare on the pino Infantry Regiment were selected for Philippine Commonwealth, Manuel Quezon, Japanese invaders. Guerrilla armies, from special assignments, including intelligence signed the National Defense Act, passed by Northern Luzon to Mindanao— missions, and reorganized as the 2nd Filipino the Philippine Assembly. General Douglas (A) raided Japanese camps, stealing weap- Infantry Battalion (Separate). The 2nd Fili- MacArthur set upon the task of creating an ons and supplies; pino Infantry Battalion (Separate) contrib- independent army in the Philippines, con- (B) sabotaged and ambushed Japanese uted to mop-up operations as a civil affairs sisting of a small regular force, the Phil- troops on the move; and unit. ippine Constabulary, a police force created (C) with little weaponry, and severely out- (18) Filipinos participated in the war out of during the colonial period of the United matched in numbers, began to extract vic- national pride, as well as out of a commit- States, and reservists. By July 1941, the Phil- tories. ment to the Allied forces struggle against ippine army had 130,000 reservists and 6,000 (12) Japanese intelligence reports reveal fascism. 57,000 Filipinos in uniform died in officers. that from the time the Japanese invaded the war effort. Estimates of civilian deaths (5) On July 26, 1941, as tensions with Japan until the return of the United States Armed range from 700,000 to upwards of 1,000,000, or rose in the Pacific, President Franklin D. Forces in the summer of 1944, an estimated between 4.38 to 6.25 percent of the prewar Roosevelt used his authority vested in the 300,000 Filipinos continued to fight against population of 16,000,000. Constitution of the United States and the Japanese forces. Filipino resistance against (19) Because Filipinos who served in the Philippine Independence Act to ‘‘call into the Japanese was so strong that, in 1942, the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines service of the United States . . . all of the Imperial Army formed the Morista Butai, a were originally considered a part of the Al- organized military forces of the Government unit designated to suppress guerrillas. lied struggle, the military order issued by of the Philippines.’’ On July 27th, 1941, in ac- (13) Because Philippine guerrillas worked President Roosevelt on July 26, 1941, stated cordance with a War Department directive to restore communication with United that Filipinos who served in the Common- received a day earlier, the United States States forces in the Pacific, General Mac- wealth Army of the Philippines were entitled Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) was estab- Arthur was able to use the guerrillas in ad- to full veterans benefits. The guarantee to lished, and Manila was designated as the vance of a conventional operation and pro- pay back the service of Filipinos through command headquarters. Commander of the vided the headquarters of General Mac- veterans benefits was reversed by the Rescis- USAFFE, General Douglas MacArthur, Arthur with valuable information. Guerrillas sion Acts of 1946 (Public Laws 79–301 and 79– planned to absorb the entire Philippine army captured and transmitted to the head- 391; 60 Stat. 6 and 60 Stat. 221), which deemed into the USAFFE in phases. The first phase, quarters of General MacArthur Japanese that the wartime service of the Common- which began on September 1, 1941, included naval plans for the Central Pacific, including wealth Army of the Philippines and the new 25,000 men and 4,000 officers. defense plans for the Mariana Islands. Intel- Philippine Scouts was not considered active (6) Filipinos who served in the USAFFE in- ligence derived from guerrillas relating to and, therefore, did not qualify for benefits. cluded— aircraft, ship, and troop movements allowed (20) The loyal and valiant Filipino Vet- (A) the Philippine Scouts, who comprised for Allied forces to attack Japanese supply erans of World War II fought, suffered, and, half of the 22,532 soldiers in the Philippine lines and guerrillas and even directed United in many instances, died in the same manner Department, or United States Army garrison States submarines where to land agents and and under the same commander as other stationed in the Islands at the start of the cargo on the Philippine coast. war; (14) On December 20, 1941, President Roo- members of the United States Armed Forces (B) the Philippine Commonwealth Army; sevelt signed the Selective Training and during World War II. (C) the new Philippine Scouts, or Filipinos Service Amendments Act (Public Law 77–360; (21) The Filipino Veterans of World War II who volunteered to serve with the United 55 Stat. 844) which, among other things, al- fought alongside, and as an integral part of, States Army when the United States Armed lowed Filipinos in the United States to enlist the United States Armed Forces. The Phil- Forces returned to the island; in the United States Armed Forces. In Feb- ippines remained a territory of the United (D) Filipino civilians who volunteered to ruary 1942, President Roosevelt issued the States for the duration of the war and, ac- serve in the United States Armed Forces in Second War Powers Act (Public Law 77–507; cordingly, the United States maintained sov- 1945 and 1946, and who became ‘‘attached’’ to 56 Stat. 176), promising a simplified natu- ereignty over Philippine foreign relations, various units of the United States Army; and ralization process for Filipinos who served in including Philippine laws enacted by the (E) the ‘‘Guerrilla Services’’ who had the United States Armed Forces. Subse- Philippine Government. Filipinos who fought behind enemy lines throughout the quently, 16,000 Filipinos in California alone fought in the Philippines were not only de- war. decided to enlist. fending or fighting for the Philippines, but (7) Even after hostilities ceased, wartime (15) The mobilization of forces included the also defending, and ultimately liberating, service of the new Philippine Scouts contin- activation and assumption of command of sovereign territory held by the United States ued as a matter of law until the end of 1946, the First Filipino Infantry Battalion on Government. and the force gradually disbanded until it April 1, 1942, at Camp San Luis Obispo, Cali- (22) The United States remains forever in- was disestablished in 1950. fornia. Orders were issued to activate the debted to the bravery, valor, and dedication (8) On December 8th, 1941, not even 24 First Filipino Infantry Regiment and Band that the Filipino Veterans of World War II hours after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, at Salinas, California, effective July 13, 1942. displayed. Their commitment and sacrifice Japanese Imperial forces attacked bases of The activation of the Second Filipino Infan- demonstrates a highly uncommon and com- the United States Army in the Philippines. try Regiment occurred at , Cali- mendable sense of patriotism and honor. (9) In the spring of 1942, the Japanese 14th fornia, on November 21, 1942. Nearly 9,000 SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. Army overran the Bataan Peninsula, and, Filipinos and Filipino Americans fought in In this Act— after a heroic but futile defense, more than the United States Army 1st and 2nd Filipino (a) the term ‘‘Filipino Veterans of World 78,000 members of the United States Armed Infantry Regiments. War II’’ includes any individual who served— Forces were captured, specifically 66,000 Fili- (16) Soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Infantry (1) honorably at any time during the period pinos and 12,000 service members from the Regiments participated in the bloody com- beginning on July 26, 1941, and ending on De- United States. The Japanese transferred the bat and mop-up operations at New Guinea, cember 31, 1946; captured soldiers from Bataan to Camp Leyte, Samar, Luzon, and the Southern Phil- (2) in an active-duty status under the com- O’Donnell, in what is now known as the infa- ippines. In 1943, 800 men were selected from mand of the United States Armed Forces in mous Bataan Death March. Forced to march the 1st and 2nd Regiments and shipped to the Far East; and the 70-mile distance in 1 week, without ade- Australia to receive training in intelligence (3)(A) within the Philippine Common- quate food, water, or medicine, nearly 700 gathering, sabotage, and demolition. Reorga- wealth Army, the Philippine Scouts, the members of the United States Armed Forces nized as part of the 1st Reconnaissance Bat- Philippine Constabulary, Recognized Guer- and an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 Filipinos per- talion, this group was sent to the Philippines rilla units, the New Philippine Scouts, the ished during the journey. to coordinate with major guerrilla armies in First Filipino Infantry Regiment, the Second (10) After the fall of the Bataan Peninsula, the Islands. Members of the 1st Regiment Filipino Infantry Battalion (Separate), or the Japanese Army turned its sights on Cor- were also attached to the United States 6th the First Reconnaissance Battalion; or regidor. The estimated forces in defense of Army ‘‘Alamo Scouts’’, a reconnaissance (B) commanding or serving in a unit de- Corregidor totaled 13,000, and were comprised group that traveled 30 miles behind enemy scribed in paragraph (3)(A) as a United of members of the United States Armed lines to free Allied prisoners from the Caba- States military officer or enlisted soldier; Forces and Filipino troops. Of this number, natuan death camp on January 30, 1945. In and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.069 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016 (b) the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE The legislative clerk read as follows: retary of the Treasury. PROFESSIONALS DAY A bill (H.R. 10) to reauthorize the Scholar- SEC. 4. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask ships for Opportunity and Results Act, and (a) AWARD AUTHORIZED.—The President pro for other purposes. tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of unanimous consent that the Senate A bill (H.R. 4465) to decrease the deficit by the House of Representatives shall make ap- proceed to the immediate consider- consolidating and selling Federal buildings propriate arrangements for the award, on be- ation of S. Res. 533, submitted earlier and other civilian real property, and for half of Congress, of a single gold medal of ap- today. other purposes. propriate design to the Filipino Veterans of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The A bill (H.R. 4487) to reduce costs of Federal World War II in recognition of the dedicated clerk will report the resolution by real estate, improve building security, and service of the veterans during World War II. for other purposes. (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For the pur- title. A bill (H.R. 4901) to reauthorize the Schol- poses of the award referred to in subsection The legislative clerk read as follows: arships for Opportunity and Results Act, and (a), the Secretary shall strike the Gold A resolution (S. Res. 533) designating July for other purposes. Medal with suitable emblems, devices, and 26, 2016, as ‘‘United States Intelligence Pro- Mr. GRASSLEY. I now ask for a sec- inscriptions, to be determined by the Sec- fessionals Day.’’ ond reading, and I object to my own re- retary. There being no objection, the Senate (c) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.— quest, all en bloc. (1) IN GENERAL.—Following the award of proceeded to consider the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the gold medal in honor of the Filipino Vet- Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous tion having been heard, the bills will be erans of World War II, the gold medal shall consent that the resolution be agreed read for the second time on the next be given to the Smithsonian Institution, to, the preamble be agreed to, and the legislative day. where it will be available for display as ap- motions to reconsider be considered f propriate and made available for research. made and laid upon the table with no (2) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of intervening action or debate. ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, JULY 14, Congress that the Smithsonian Institution The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2016 should make the gold medal received under Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask paragraph (1) available for display elsewhere, objection, it is so ordered. particularly at other appropriate locations The resolution (S. Res. 533) was unanimous consent that when the Sen- associated with the Filipino Veterans of agreed to. ate completes its business today, it ad- World War II. The preamble was agreed to. journ until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, July (d) DUPLICATE MEDALS.— (The resolution, with its preamble, is 14; that following the prayer and (1) IN GENERAL.—Under regulations that printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- pledge, the morning hour be deemed the Secretary may promulgate, the Sec- mitted Resolutions.’’) expired, the Journal of proceedings be retary may strike and sell duplicates in approved to date, and the time for the bronze of the gold medal struck under this f Act, at a price sufficient to cover the costs of two leaders be reserved for their use RELATIVE TO THE DEATH OF later in the day; further, that following the medals, including labor, materials, dies, WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG use of machinery, and overhead expenses. the prayer and pledge, the majority (2) SALE OF DUPLICATE MEDALS.—The Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask leader be recognized as under the pre- amounts received from the sale of duplicate unanimous consent that the Senate vious order. medals under paragraph (1) shall be depos- proceed to the consideration of S. Res. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ited in the United States Mint Public Enter- 534, submitted earlier today. objection, it is so ordered. prise Fund. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f SEC. 5. STATUS OF MEDALS. clerk will report the resolution by (a) NATIONAL MEDALS.—Medals struck title. PROGRAM under this Act are national medals for pur- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, Sen- poses of chapter 51 of title 31, United States The legislative clerk read as follows: Code. A resolution (S. Res. 534) relative to the ators should expect four rollcall votes (b) NUMISMATIC ITEMS.—For purposes of death of William L. Armstrong, former at 11:30 tomorrow morning as well as section 5134 of title 31, United States Code, United States Senator for the State of Colo- one additional vote after lunch. all medals struck under this Act shall be rado. f considered to be numismatic items. There being no objection, the Senate f ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. proceeded to consider the resolution. TOMORROW CELEBRATING THE 140TH ANNI- Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, if VERSARY OF THE STATE OF consent that the resolution be agreed there is no further business to come be- COLORADO to, the preamble be agreed to, and the motions to reconsider be considered fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask made and laid upon the table with no sent that it stand adjourned under the unanimous consent that the Senate previous order under the provisions of proceed to the consideration of S. Res. intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without S. Res. 534 as a further mark of respect 532, submitted earlier today. to William L. Armstrong, former The PRESIDING OFFICER. The objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 534) was United States Senator from Colorado. clerk will report the resolution by There being no objection, the Senate, title. agreed to. The preamble was agreed to. at 8:04 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, The legislative clerk read as follows: July 14, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. A resolution (S. Res. 532) celebrating the (The resolution, with its preamble, is 140th anniversary of the State of Colorado. printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- f There being no objection, the Senate mitted Resolutions.’’) NOMINATIONS proceeded to consider the resolution. f Executive nominations received by Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask MEASURES READ THE FIRST the Senate: unanimous consent that the resolution TIME—H.R. 10, H.R. 4465, H.R. 4487, UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE be agreed to, the preamble be agreed AND H.R. 4901 GRANT T. HARRIS, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE A MEMBER to, and the motions to reconsider be OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE UNITED STATES considered made and laid upon the Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I un- INSTITUTE OF PEACE FOR A TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE JOHN A. LANCASTER, TERM EXPIRED. table with no intervening action or de- derstand that there are four bills that NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE bate. have been received from the House and HUMANITIES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without are at the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- BENJAMIN OSORIO, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE A MEM- objection, it is so ordered. BER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS FOR A The resolution (S. Res. 532) was ator is correct. TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, VICE MARIA agreed to. Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask for their first ROSARIO JACKSON, TERM EXPIRING. The preamble was agreed to. reading en bloc. STATE JUSTICE INSTITUTE (The resolution, with its preamble, is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The MARY ELLEN BARBERA, OF MARYLAND, TO BE A MEM- ECORD clerk will read the bills by title en bloc BER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE STATE JUS- printed in today’s R under ‘‘Sub- TICE INSTITUTE FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 17, mitted Resolutions.’’) for the first time. 2018, VICE JONATHAN LIPPMAN, TERM EXPIRED.

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.017 S13JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2016


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