Social World of the Late Republic BY: BRENDEN AUERBACH, CAITLIN TRAVER, MORGAN RACLAWSKI, AND GABBY FRY The power of paterfamilias

❖ Families played a major role in Roman society.

❖ They ran empires and businesses.

❖ They were typically small in size due to most children not living past the age of ten.

❖ The father ran the family owning all of its members as property.

❖ The stem pater means father and familias was the family meaning: father's family.

❖ The father could disown, sell, or kill his children at any time.

❖ He also decided if a baby was allowed into a family or was exposed, and left on the streets to be raised by another family. Power of Paterfamilias (continued)

❖ The mother or Materfamilias (mother of the family) had no power.

❖ The sons could not get their own money until the father passed away.

❖ Family life was not always time spent with the family

❖ Most of the time children were cared for by a nurse.

❖ The father rarely spent time with his children.

❖ The children were still under the father's control until he died.

❖ His wife was considered to follow the same rules as a daughter. Womens Position in Roman Society

❑ Women were considered second to men

❑ Had little to no official rule in public life

❑ They could own property or business

❑ Had less rights when married

❑ Could work as merchants, wet nurses, midwives, scribes, and dancers

❑ Some women held power through their husbands or sons or could gain power through being wealthy

❑ Not allowed to vote

❑ Not allowed into political debate Famous Roman Women

❑ Octavia

❑ Role model to the women of Rome

❑ Was said to be smart, beautiful, and loyal

❑ Older sister of Octavin who became the first emperor of Rome

❑ Married to three of the most powerful men in Rome including , Publius Pulcher, and Ciaus Scribonus Curio

❑ Gained power and control of gangs

❑ Helped Mark Antony raise troops to try and defeat Octavian

❑ Eventually defeated by Octavian Extra Facts About Roman Women

❑ Few women worked as priestesses to the goddess Vesta

❑ Not able to marry or have children

❑ Were called Vestal Virgins

❑ Job was to maintain the fire of Vesta

❑ The only women priests in the Roman Religious system

❑ Women were usually married around the age of 14 or 15

❑ Purpose of marriage was to produce children

❑ Not every women had a distinct name

❑ Ex. Julia is the women of the Julian family FAMILY VIDEO

 The first great slave revolt

 This took place between 73-71 BC

Spartacus led an uprising of thousands of slaves

 They were in central Italy

 They formed an army that defeated several Roman legions

 At one point threatened Rome itself The second great slave revolt

 This took place in the middle of the second century BC

 A major rebellion

 Took place in Sicily

 Lasted 5 years

 It started with a Syrian slave named Eunus

 Eunus got hundreds of abused and half-starved slaves

 He told them the goddess Atargatis had ordered him to lead them out of slavery The third great slave revolt

 This took place thirty years after Eunus' rebellion  Took place in Sicily  The leader of the rebellion was Salvius  It started with only 80 rebels  But in no time, he gathered 20,000 followers  Soon after this, in another part of Sicily, a slave named Athenion, started a rebellion  He claimed to be greatly skilled in astrology  He made a few accurate predictions about the future  His success gained him countless followers  his decision to join forces with Salvius created a large-scale rebellion that the Romans could not ignore. Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Rome

 Slaves were the backbone of the roman empire's economy and it was considered a need

 Became so common that slaves became almost invisible and 1 in 5 people in the empire became slaves

 Slaves were usually prisoners of war, children who were abandoned at a young age, taken from the losers in battle, traded, or children of other slaves

 Slave markets were in large towns in public squares

 People would take children that have been abandoned by their parents and bring them into slavery

 If children made father angry, the father could sell them to slavery

 People believed freedom was only possible if others were enslaved Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Rome (cont.)

 Slave jobs

 Worked in houses

 Mines

 Workshops

 Military

 Farms/agriculture

 Construction

 Transportation

 education Slave Video


 bibliography

       supernatural.html    The Worlds History by Howard Spodek