After a year of change, regional lines company Eastland Network is rolling out some major upgrades to keep the lights on. Eastland Network’s Jarred Moroney explains the details . . .

ith a range of improvements Duration index) and SAIFI (System Average upgrades, and has further enhanced our the end of the 2025 financial year. To do this already behind it and more Interruption Frequency Index),” Eastland asset inspection regime. Eastland Network will install four 6MVAr significant upgrades to come, Network general manager Jarred Moroney “Our vegetation management plan was 50kV capacitor banks. WEastland Network is preparing says. updated, with electronic checklists developed - The thermal upgrade of the Tuai-Gisborne for what is known as “the electrification of “Operationally, the network has undergone to ensure the data is captured consistently. 110kV lines to address the potential issue of everything”. a year of change, reorganisation and New asset inspection protocols were peer- overheating as a result of increased demand. This year lines company Eastland Network improvements. reviewed. Adopting the DNO Common The upgrade includes clearing high points delivered 284.3 GWh of power to 20,236 “We have undertaken one of the most Asset Indices Methodology was a major under the tower line; increasing the height domestic and 5547 non-domestic consumers significant pieces of work in our history, undertaking. of the twin pole structures; increasing across 12,000 square kilometres. with the complete overhaul of the asset “The asset management plan has a focus on the height of the towers; and tower and “This is compared with 282.7 GWh in management plan. A committee was formed a programme of upgrades in remote areas to foundation strengthening and insulator 2020. We achieved full compliance with to oversee and undertake this process. The ensure energy resilience.” replacement. service quality regulations once again, for plan identifies the most effective ways to The plan includes three main projects: both SAIDI (System Average Interruption allocate spending on asset maintenance and - Increasing MW capacity to 57.5MW by Continued on page 2 News year’s resolution? Home Keep Subscribe delivered or informed... today read online

41652-01 Call us on 869 0620 or email [email protected] or visit 2 THE GISBORNE HERALD LEAD Preparing for increase in demand From page 1 household came home and plugged in their cars at the same time. - Installing two additional 6MVAr 50kV “We’re already starting to see what used to capacitor banks which will increase regional be our peak demand occurring over winter electricity capacity to 68MW by the end of now starting to be modelled during summer. the 2034 financial year. This is being caused by the increase in heat Mr Moroney said the Network Public pumps and people not only using them Safety Management Systems audit had been to warm their houses but to cool them on completed and the network continued to summer nights. maintain its levels of compliance. “We have to make sure our assets are ready “We also introduced new efficiencies for these increases in demand. and continued to improve our 24/7 “We’re also getting prepared for large- responsiveness to outages. scale industrial load growth to ensure it can “We’ve reviewed our fault management support regional economic development. process and extended our control room “Additionally, Eastland Network is tackling hours and staffing levels. the long-time moratorium on new power “We now have Electrinet working with us connections in Mahia. With peak period on the ground. This gives us access to more demand now above our transformer and line contracted staff, who provide additional capacity on the peninsula, we can’t supply resource to fix faults. any new connections until we’ve addressed “As with all networks, major weather this. events cause widespread faults and will “We’ve committed to purchasing a new always stretch available resource,” Mr transformer this year, and are aiming to have Moroney says. a new substation built and the line upgraded “Major Matawai upgrades were completed, within three years — as long as we can with new poles installed and new secure the required land. In the meantime, automation capability. Instead of dispatching we’re replacing or reconductoring a series of a faultman to manually switch over during poles, and carrying out planned maintenance CHARGED UP: Eastland Network recently completed the installation of a region-wide faults, this will be undertaken remotely. to strengthen the capacity of the existing network of electric vehicle chargers. Picture supplied “A key upgrade continues to be the network.” introduction of an automated switching Eastland Network plans to spend $10m process, in areas such as Matawai. This every year in its latest five-year plan to means that if there’s an outage, we can do upgrade and maintain the network. more fault restorations remotely — which “Eastland Group also continues to look at helps reduce the time it takes to get the the potential for a range of local renewable POLE POSITION: power back on and minimises disruption to energy generation options, such as solar, A major asset customers. wind and waste-to-energy plants.” upgrade and “In situations like up the Coast, where we All of the power generated using replacement are reliant on one 50kV line, we can use the alternative methods would go through project in Matawai automated switches to isolate the section Eastland Network’s Gisborne substation and has seen the installation of new with the fault and our generators to provide be distributed from there. poles, as well as power, thereby drastically reducing the “We’re also exploring the viability of an the introduction number of people without power. alternative transmission line as another of an automated “We are also employing technology to option,” Mr Moroney said. switching process. monitor load usage across the network, “Building another transmission line would Picture supplied to help us understand load characteristics be complex and extremely time consuming, and where the demand may be high. This is but we need to make sure this piece of work assisting us with our planning process for is included in the overall review of demand the future.” requirements for this region.” Work has also begun on replacing the Patutahi substation. “This will increase capacity from 5MW to 12.5MW at the substation, which will accommodate the growth being seen in horticultural areas. “Work is also under way to split the Kaiti and Coast 50kV feeders, which will significantly reduce the SAIFI and SAIDI for outages on the Coast line. “The world is changing, and Eastland Network is getting ready to change with it. We have to be ready for future increases in the demand for electricity, and how and when people across Tairawhiti and Wairoa will be using their power. “In other words, the electrification of everything. “So, we’re preparing for the rapidly increasing pace of energy transformation. This is coming as a result of the improving economics of new technology and in response to climate change. “It will involve growth in the installation of small-scale distributed generation like solar PV and batteries, and an increasing uptake of electric vehicles across the network.” Eastland Network recently completed the installation of a region-wide network of electric vehicle chargers. “We predict our region will be slower than the rest of the country in terms of EV uptake because of our demographics but we still have to be ready,” Mr Moroney says. “At peak times we are already close POWER OF THE SUN: Eastland Group has extended its solar trials to commercial premises, with solar panels now installed on the roof at to capacity, so imagine if every second the Eastland Port and Eastland Network offices, above, and the new Gisborne Airport terminal. Picture supplied SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021 3 PROFILE

NEW HOME: All the way from the Philippines, Armando and Shari Anne Suaverdez, seen here with their two sons Airsleo, 8, and Pyther, 6, are enjoying getting to know the community at Ngata College, and the wider community of Ruatoria. Pictuire by Liam Clayton Patience and prayer Reporter Jack Marshall talks to Armando and Shari Anne Suaverdez, who are happy to be making a new life in Ruatoria and at Ngata Memorial College. t’s a safe bet no Filipino ever grew up background here, but I had 10 years teaching here, so I have no problems,” said Armando. While they were applying for jobs, a planning to make Ruatoria their home experience in the Philippines,” said Armando. For Shari, this is the fi rst high school she massive place of support for them was Life but that’s precisely where the Suaverdez Not only does he have a decade of has worked at after being in the primary and Church. Ifamily has decided to put down roots this experience, but the pair are laden with higher early education sectors for years. “It was a really helpful place where we could year, with both parents taking teaching roles education from the Philippines. “It’s more challenging teaching because pray and pray, because we don’t have people at Ngata Memorial College. Armando has a doctorate in physics, a it’s at the secondary level. My job is learning to lean on here. We don’t have any family e road to Ruatoria hasn’t been easy. Bachelor of secondary education and a support, so the role is diff erent, and the ages here, just the four of us.” It took three years to get the whole family Master of Arts in teaching physics. of the students are diff erent.” Armando and Shari said patience, into and a year of rejected job Shari has a Masters degree in mathematics For now, Shari helps Year 9 classes and can determination and prayer got them through applications to schools. and taught English as a foreign language in step in to teach English and maths if another the hard times. Armando and Shari Suaverdez, married for Auckland before moving into early childhood teacher is away. Now the family wants to build their eight years, were teachers in the Philippines education. Armando had always hoped to move relationships in the community as much as before moving to New Zealand. Shari said that Armando was endlessly abroad. possible. Shari said the news from New Zealand was positive despite the rejections. “It started with a simple dream. We wanted “Community is so important in Ruatoria, constantly reporting on teacher shortages “He does science, right? He told me, ‘if to go overseas, and the fi rst choice was New but everyone is approachable and very around the country, so they assumed there are 50 applicants, and one of those Zealand.” friendly,” said Armando. getting a teaching job would be easy, with people got the job,’ there are only 49 It took three years for the whole family to Every Tuesday afternoon and Friday, they their postgraduate education and years of applicants left!’” come to New Zealand. join in kapa haka practice, and the whole experience in education. Which makes sense when you hear Shari resigned from her teaching job in family is learning te reo while at school. ey stayed up into the wee small hours Armando was born on the Filipino island the Philippines in 2017 and came to New “We are attending the celebrations in the applying for teaching roles around the of Catanduanes, given the nickname “ e Zealand to study while Armando and the marae and watching the rugby games.” ( e country without getting any interviews. Happy Island”. children stayed. fi eld is right in front of their house.) “At the time, the news was saying ‘teacher en in February, Armando got a response. “It’s very hard for us to come to an English- Shari has only been in Ruatoria a few shortage’, but we thought maybe because we Ngata Memorial College asked for an speaking country. weeks, so she is still fi nding her way around. are not native to this country, we’re not the interview, and by March, he was living and “So when the door opened for me to come Armando is getting into the swing of priority. teaching in Ruatoria. here and study, I had to grab it because not things, heading to the local RSA to have “But there were heaps of vacancies,” Shari “I remember when he fi rst got the all are given a chance.” beers with the locals. said. Why weren’t they getting the jobs. interview, I made sure to check Google In 2018 Armando was granted a visa to Asked if they missed food from home, Shari spent a year applying for jobs but maps,” said Shari. come to New Zealand, and their two boys Shari said no. couldn’t land anything. “So when we Googled it, I thought, ‘oh my, had to wait another year to come over. “ ey eat butter chicken. We eat butter “I sent hundreds of applications without it’s almost 10 hours away.’” Shari studied teaching English as a foreign chicken. ey eat steak. We eat steak. ere any luck, so I thought I’d stop for a while. But she said, “Let’s give it a go,” and things language here, but in a timely twist of fate, are just some spices missing. Maybe it wasn’t my time yet, so I encouraged are working out. she decided to move into early childhood “As long as we have garlic, onion and soy Armando to apply.” “Everyone at the school has been helpful teaching. sauce, we’re fi ne.” e same thing happened to him. and supported us since I started teaching Once the borders closed and international And just in case, they’ve found a Filipino “I got rejected too because I had no science here. It’s new to me, the NCEA students were kept out, this change proved a store here in Gisborne with specialty goods experience with NCEA or secondary assessments, but the teamwork and unity are lifesaver. for a taste of home if they need it. 4 THE GISBORNE HERALD GARDENING Evergreen shrubs for your yard Planting evergreen shrubs is one of the easiest ways to achieve a low-maintenance garden that looks great all year round. Help your landscape fl ow from late winter to autumn without a lapse in colour by choosing a variety of fl owering shrubs.

GREVILLEA e often receive comments and questions on what are the best shrubs for the garden, as there are so many options and it can be quite Wconfusing. We have researched and found the top nine shrubs that grow well and look good all year round, need little in the way of care and are not too fussy about soil.

1. DWARF BOTTLEBRUSH (CALLISTEMON ‘GREAT BALLS OF FIRE’) All bottlebrush are foolproof but this compact selection looks good year round with dark green leaves, fl ushes of colourful new growth and occasional small, dark red bottlebrush fl owers. A top choice for a low hedge. Size (hxw): 1.5mx1.5m. Bottlebrush is best planted in sunny or part- shady spots.

2. EUPHORBIA ‘HIP HOP’  is looks like a delicate plant but in reality is tough. It has sprays of small white fl owers throughout the year that soften the look of other plantings. It is also a top container plant. Prune if necessary. A similar variety is ‘Diamond Frost’. Size (hxw): 50cmx50cm. Sun to part shade.

3. HYDRANGEA (HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA) All hydrangeas are surprisingly low-fuss plants but BOTTLEBRUSH HYDRANGEAEUPHORBIADWARF ‘Endless Summer’ is a pretty, long-fl owering variety for shaded gardens or potted displays. It fl owers from summer to autumn. Hydrangeas are deciduous in winter when they are pruned. Water well in summer. Size (hxw): 1mx1m. Part shade.

4. DIOSMA (DIOSMA ERICOIDES) Diosma is at its prettiest in early spring smothered in tiny star-shaped white fl owers. It is a soft, mounding, bright green shrub the rest of the year, that fi ts into any planting scheme. It is long-lived in well-draining soil. Compact and gold varieties available. Prune after fl owering to shape. Size (hxw): 1mx1m. Sun.

5. PLUMBAGO (PLUMBAGO AURICULATA ‘ROYAL CAPE’) Another soft, sprawling evergreen shrub for a low-care garden or as an informal hedge or border.  e species spreads by suckering and can also climb, but ‘Royal Cape’ doesn’t sucker. It has clusters of deep blue fl owers for much of the year. In summer and autumn they are massed with tiny blue butterfl ies. Prune hard any time. Size (hxw): 2mx2m. Sun.

6. GREVILLEA ‘ROBYN GORDON’ One of the most popular garden shrubs in , this evergreen native is rarely without a fl ower. Use as a low hedge or specimen plant.  e pinkish-red, toothbrush-shaped fl owers are attractive to nectar-feeding birds. Prune to keep compact after a fl ush of fl owers. Size (hxw): 1.5mx1.5m. Sun.

7. FAIRY ROSE (ROSA ‘THE FAIRY’) Roses are not usually included in a foolproof plant list but this low-growing Floribunda rarely needs attention if grown in a full-sun position. It has glossy green disease-resistant leaves and sprays of tiny pink double fl owers from spring to autumn. Use as a feature plant, an informal hedge or in a pot. Prune in winter. Size (hxw): 1mx1m. Sun.

8. PERSIAN SHIELD (STROBILANTHES GOSSYPINUS) Grow this handsome evergreen shrub in a sunny to lightly shaded spot with frost protection. It has handsome silvery- green leaves and sprays of lavender-blue fl owers in spring and summer. Size (hxw): 1mx1m. Sun to part shade.

9. SASANQUA CAMELLIA  is long-fl owering shrub is a star in gardens with varieties off ering a range of sizes, shapes and fl ower colours including pink and white. Plants bloom from late summer to early winter and are grown as hedges, background shrubs or in large containers. Prune after fl owering if desired. Size (hxw): 1-3mx1-1.5m. Sun to shade. — Courtesy of Yates PLUMBAGO SAturdAy,AuguSt21,2021 5 FOOD

 Picturesupplied Pepper chicken DELIGHT This delicious pepper chicken curry is a hand-me-down from Ashok Sivaraja’s grandmother. It is tasty served with rice, flatbread or wraps, and is an easy weekday meal. This recipe is sure to hit the right spot. Pepper Chicken Curry. PicturebyAshokSivaraja the raw smell goes away. Add chicken and IngredIents mix throughly so it is well coated with the onion mixture. 3 tsp oil Add turmeric, cumin and salt and give 2.5cm long cinnamon stick everything a stir. 2-3 cloves Add black pepper powder, mix and cook on 1 cardamom medium heat for five minutes. LIVE NOW, PAY LATER. 2 medium-sized onions (finely sliced) Add half cup of water to the mixture. Cover 2 green chillies (adjust to taste) and cook on slow to medium heat for 15 LIFE FOCUSED. 1 tsp ginger garlic paste minutes. 500 gm chicken (preferably with bones) Keep stirring the mixture every few Enjoy new glasses with ½ tsp turmeric minutes to ensure that the masala doesn’t interest free instalments* 1 tsp ground cumin stick to the pan. made easy by Visionplan™ 2 tsp of ground black pepper After 15 minutes, check if the chicken Salt (to taste) *Deposit required upon signing contract. Applicants must be over the age of 18. is cooked. If the chicken is not cooked Maximum payment term is 12 months or sooner if full payment is made. Not available Chopped coriander to garnish completely then cover with lid and cook until in conjunction with any other offer or discount. See Visionplan website for full T&Cs. it is done. Turn off the heat and garnish with Method OPSM GISBORNE Heat cooking oil in a pan. Add cinnamon finely chopped coriander. stick, cloves and cardamom. Enjoy pepper chicken with bread, rice or 260 Gladstone Rd wraps. Add onions and saute until golden brown. Ph: 867 7176 Add finely chopped green chillies and mix Tip: If there is too much gravy, uncover the well with the onions. mixture and cook on medium heat till the Add the ginger garlic paste and saute until gravy thickens. 41251-01 6 THE GISBORNE HERALD TRAVEL

in glorious colour: Rakiura — isle of the glowing skies — lives up to its name. All pictures by Jo Ferris History and beauty at rakiura Jo Ferris discovered more than the exquisite remoteness of Stewart Island/Rakiura when exploring its eastern coastline by boat

Upon announcing to family and friends about a pending ocean expedition at Stewart Island – in July – responses generally were in accord. Middle of winter? On a boat? Madness! The obvious presumption was for freezing temperatures and raging seas. Roaring forties, anyone? It must be conceded, there was a bit of that. Foveaux Strait, in particular. Nothing sea sickness pills can’t handle. Just how big could it be? Churningly big, as it turned out – but exhilarating. The hour-long ferry across this notorious strait is better than any roller coaster ride; especially watching the skipper - casually chewing gum - handle the wheel and waves like a daredevil driver of a throaty V-8. It certainly set the scene for what lay ahead. Hailed as the Stewart Island Discovery Expedition, discovery was an understatement. Stewart Island/Rakiura is a revelation – especially when explored by boat. South Island tour operator, Real Journeys operates arguably the best on offer. Six days and five nights aboard the Milford Wanderer — a purpose-built motorised vessel, designed around a traditional sailing scow. Catering for 36 passengers, old charm blends with modern, warm facilities in a boat that day dawns: Approaching Three Brothers’ rocks as the sun rises encourages mixing with strangers, bracing wAtErfAll: Belltopper Falls, hiding in a remote corner of South Arm in Port Pegasus. hilltop ASpECt: Special views from the hills around Port Pegasus. fresh winds around the decks and enjoying Roughly 85 percent of Stewart Island’s time in the wheelhouse with the skipper as dramatic landscape sits as the Rakiura he navigates some of New Zealand’s most National Park. Established in 2002, it embraces fascinating coastal waters. Constant companions, 157,000ha of reserves, forests and a network of Mollymawk albatrosses inspire envy watching tracks. This trip crams more into six days than their soaring aerial skill in the southern ocean is possible if simply doing DoC’s various walks winds. on foot alone. From casual beach strolls to the As the country’s third island, Rakiura is far challenging climb up the impressive granite from one single island. It’s an intricate mosaic of peak of Bald Cone, the experiences are all the hundreds, including Muttonbird Island – one of more rewarding, thanks to the expertise of the 21, where only the descendants of original Maori Real Journeys’ crew. Not to mention dining like inhabitants can harvest the young titi or sooty royalty from morning to night on a constant fare shearwater. Motoring past this main island, with of fine cuisine. its baches that house harvesters from April to Heading from one area to another allows May each year, is just one of the many sights the joy of cruising in and out of idyllic bays to most tourists would never see. discover postcard scenery and history. Wildlife Maori history and legend are integral to abounds, and you feel gleefully lucky if seen Rakiura, isle of the glowing skies. While it along the way. One trek ended on a secluded denotes the stunning sunrises and sunsets, beach frequented by sea lions. Curious females MY plACE: A young bull seal stakes his place in the face of human contact. legend also refers to a young man named Te were fiercely guarded — and herded — by burly Rakitamau. Twice refused marriage to the chief’s bulls. Every day brings new discovery, new daughters, the glowing red skies are said to adventure and lasting memories of the sheer reflect his embarrassment — hence the name beauty that, for the most part, Stewart Island/ Te Rakiura a Te Rakitamau, later shortened to Rakiura keeps to itself. Rakiura. Everything appears larger than life. And in the Legend goes deeper — Rakiura was once also case of the southern brown kiwi, it certainly is. known as Te Punga a Maui, or the anchor of One of this trip’s biggest highlights is a night Maui’s canoe, which relates to the legend of Maui walk to see kiwi in their natural habitat. Armed fishing up Aotearoa’s three islands with his magic with torches, covered in red cellophane to avoid hook. Now depicted in the form of two chain link direct light, you could be forgiven for thinking sculptures, Stewart Island is artistically hitched it was a prank. Walking along a dedicated trail to Bluff. The first was controversially built in — in silence — eyes peeled for the mere peek 2003 at Lee Bay on Stewart Island and replicated of a kiwi, it wasn’t until our troupe reached the in 2009 at Bluff’s Stirling Point to complete the beach that thoughts occurred of being on a wild illustration of the mythological link of Maui’s goose chase. Kiwi? On a beach? Right! Until canoe with its anchor stone. there they were — not one, but two — oblivious From Maori legend and history to the to the prying torches and flashing mobiles, beaks European arrival of whalers, sealers, missionaries digging blissfully for grubs in the sand. Apologies and foresters, Stewart Island/Rakiura is truly for the lack of photographic proof. Standing forESt wAlk: Easy walks on Ulva Island. fascinating. Real Journeys’ trip leaves Oban to in silence — just watching — is the ultimate motor down the eastern coastline from Port memory of such a magical moment. Adventure to Pegasus Bay. That’s the best aspect While around 50,000 people visit Stewart about spending six days aboard a boat. It unveils Island each year, the remoteness of some of its some of the most remote places on earth, while sanctuaries must surely be an asset. It helps onshore treks ashore enable quick access to protect the island’s proliferation of fearless historic sites. Maori Bay with its old sawmilling wildlife and natural beauty. This place feels lost remains and the historic Norwegian whaling in time and long may it reign. Real Journeys only station at Prices Inlet – which is now under run a select number of expeditions every year. marine protection. Either booked individually or undertaken as part Ulva Island is probably the easiest destination of a tour party through the likes of Pukehohe for most visitors. With 269 hectares of preserved Travel, the trip exceeds all expectation — even in forest, this sanctuary dates back to 1899. the middle of winter. Declared pest free by 1997 and resplendent with giant beech, macrocarpa, rimu and totara among others, it’s a refuge for rare and endangered MORE: birds. The island is managed by the Department of Conservation with support from the Ulva Island Charitable Trust. Water taxi access makes it readily available, while the network of sealed paths caters for all ages and fitness. IN FLIGHT: Mollymawk albatrosses are familiar sights. 8 THE GISBORNE HERALD COLUMN HUMILIATIOn CAn BE GOOD FOR yOU he footage this week of a giant USAF the occasion of another military debacle. similar future awaits the United States, but Afganistan was a transport taking off from Kabul The great Scottish economist and history is capricious and almost all outcomes preposterous 20-year airport with desperate Afghans philosopher was replying to a letter from a are imaginable — so panic and despair are waste of money and lives, clinging to its fuselage — and then distraught friend who feared that the British inappropriate responses. but presidents Bush and T by Gwynne dropping off — will find a place alongside the defeat in the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, The Afghanistan war was a huge and Obama both shirked the iconic shot of Americans queueing for the which was the decisive turning point in the long-lasting US mistake, but America’s necessary decision to cut Dyer last helicopter on the roof of the US embassy American Revolutionary War, meant Britain humiliation there does not significantly American losses and end in Saigon in 1975. was ruined. Smith told him not to worry: diminish the country’s economic, military it. Humiliation can be very painful, and “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” and strategic advantages (which are very President Trump finally Americans who are aware of foreign events He was right, of course. What really lay great indeed). Its cultural prestige is a bit bit the bullet and set the will be feeling very hurt at the moment. It ahead for Britain was a century and a half as dented, but memories are short and it will deadline for withdrawal, is rarely fatal even for individuals, however, the world’s greatest empire and its dominant soon recover. which Biden enforced with and almost never for countries. They should economic power. President Joe Biden’s posture, realistic only a slight extension. take solace from Adam Smith’s remark on There is certainly no guarantee that a but not defensive, will help the recovery. And while the humiliation of yet another American defeat is intense in the 1504 short term, it is (if you ACROSS DOWN will excuse the expression) a “learning 56 Dirty fog (4) 37 Impartial (4) opportunity” for the United States in the 1 Working out (7) 57 Took a break (6) 1 Stationary (5) 43 Tossed (6) longer term. 4 Defamatory (10) 58 Paltry (8) 2 One with permit to sell 44 Lives (anag)(5) The problem that has led to repeated 9 Mounted troops (7) 61 Distorted (7) alcoholic drinks (8) 46 Ground forces (4) US military fiascos like Vietnam, Iraq and 13 Hankering (4) 62 Rolled document (6) 3 Lubricate (6) 47 Correctly reasoned (7) 14 Leave (6) 63 Fall down (8) 4 Hindu teacher (5) 48 Restricted (6) Afghanistan, in the view of Dr George 15 Mountain-top (6) 66 Bearable (9) 5 Italian wine (4) 49 Painter's stand (5) Friedman, founder of Stratfor and later 16 Satisfied (7) 68 Authoritative decision 6 Wished for (7) 50 Savagely (8) of Geopolitical Futures, is that the United 19 Of language (10) (6) 7 Take away (6) 51 Small river (6) States has become addicted to what he calls 20 Voraciously hungry (8) 69 Turns aside (6) 8 Alliance (5) 52 Death-preventing (10) “non-strategic wars”. Or “wars of choice”, in 21 Peer (5) 73 Rogue (5) 10 Sailor's shout (4) 53 Principal (4) the common usage. 24 Ledger entry (6) 74 Kept back (8) 11 Old object (7) 54 Gives a sign to (7) The first use of that phrase was by Israel’s 25 Tracked down (6) 76 Robot-like (10) 12 Airstrip (6) 59 First appearance (5) then prime minister, Menachem Begin, 27 Sabre-rattler (9) 81 Certificate (7) 17 Caused to feel shame (10) 60 Open pastry (4) about the invasion of Lebanon in 1982. I 32 Wrong (8) 82 Film theatre (6) 18 Feigned pass (5) 64 Fundamental (5) was in Israel for that war, and Begin sounded 33 Airless (6) 83 Seafarer (6) 22 Plot outline (8) 65 Comfortable seat (8) proud, almost arrogant, as he contrasted 34 Stress (7) 84 Desire (4) 23 Beginning (5) 67 Newness (7) it with the wars of “no alternative” (1948, 38 Armoured glove (8) 85 Not going (7) 24 Alters (7) 68 Glowing brightly (7) 1973) when Israel fought to defend its vital 39 Milled (6) 86 Sexually unrestrained 26 Garden tool (4) 70 Sign up (6) 40 Girder (4) (10) 28 Good-natured (7) 71 Cross out (6) interests or its very existence. 41 Feather pen (5) 87 Varied (7) 29 Stifle (anag)(6) 72 Body-wrap (6) His arrogance came from the fact that by 42 Horse (5) 30 Arctic plain (6) 75 Caribbean country (5) the 1980s Israel was the Middle East’s dwarf 45 Meet with no response 31 Shapeless lump (6) 77 Goes out (5) superpower, no longer seriously vulnerable (4,2,4,4) 33 Sea inlet (5) 78 Loose-limbed (5) to attack and free to make punitive attacks 52 Psalm (anag)(5) 35 Steam bath (5) 79 Portent (4) on its neighbours whenever it felt like it. 55 Body organ (5) 36 Air (4) 80 Capital of (4) There were dead Syrian tanks all over the Beka’a valley but hardly any Israeli ones, 12 345678 9101112 and the kill ratio in the air was 86-0 for the Israelis. The United States is still cautious when 13 14 15 16 there is a risk of war with another great power. However, it has been so dominant 17 18 militarily for so long that wars with lesser powers are seen as an option to be exercised 19 20 21 or not according to the political fashion or 22 23 even the moral mood of the moment. Hence Vietnam (anti-Communist paranoia 24 25 26 27 28 and the “domino theory”); Grenada and Panama (old-fashioned imperialism); Serbia 29 30 31 and Kosovo (moral mood); Afghanistan (panic about terrorism plus moral mood); 32 33 34 35 and Iraq (broad-spectrum ignorance). Plus a 36 37 dozen lesser military interventions from the Bay of Pigs to Libya. 38 39 40 41 I have omitted the Korean War and Gulf War of 1991 because both were fought to defend a world order beneficial to the United States. All the rest, however, were 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 wars of choice: winning or losing them meant nothing in terms of the vital strategic interests of the US. It won some of the little 55 56 57 58 ones, but lost all the bigger ones. The United States has fallen into the habit 59 60 of frittering its strength away in non- strategic wars against countries that do not 61 62 63 really threaten it. This ultimately undermines 64 65 American power, and in the country’s own interest (as well as the world’s) it should 66 67 68 69 change its ways. The humiliation in Afghanistan is a chance 70 71 72 for Americans to reconsider their country’s behaviour. As Rudyard Kipling wrote at the 73 74 75 76 77 78 end of the second Boer War in 1901, “We 79 80 have had no end of a lesson: it will do us no end of good.” 81 82 83 84 Of course, the British didn’t really change their ways. Old habits die hard.

■ Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist 85 86 87 whose articles are published in 45 countries. His new book is ‘The Shortest History of War’. Saturday, auguSt 21, 2021 9 TELEVISION on tv this weekend

THE BFG Saturday, 7pm, TVNZ 2 An orphan encounters a giant who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be kind-hearted, gentle and courageous, as well as a most loyal friend. Directed by Steven Spiel- berg, and based on the book by Roald Dahl.

PRIDE & PREJUDICE & ZOMBIES THE SPY NEXT DOOR Sunday, 10.40pm, TVNZ 2 Saturday, 9pm, TVNZ 2 Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while Jackie Chan stars as a former CIA spy on his toughest assignment to date: looking after his protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies in this reimagining of girlfriend’s kids — who have not taken a shine to him! Also starring: Billy Ray Cyrus. Jane Austen’s classic.

THE BOURNE SUPREMACY Sunday, 8.30pm, TVNZ 2 When he is falsely framed in a CIA oper- ation, Jason Bourne is forced to return to his old ways as an assassin in order to THE HOLLOW MAN figure out why they Saturday, 8.30pm, TVNZ DUKE are still after him. A scientist’s amazing discovery renders him invisible, but transforms him into an Starring: Matt omnipotent, dangerous megalomaniac. Damon. Starring: Kevin Bacon, Elisabeth Shue. 10 THE GISBORNE HERALD SATURDAY-SUNDAY TELEVISION

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2021TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2021 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 0 6pm The Cube 0 5pm Ocean Bounty 0 5pm Mighty Machines PG 3 5pm The Hui 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm M The BFG PG 0 2016 6pm Newshub Live At 6pm 5.30 Prime News 5.30 Aotearoa 3 7pm Tipping Point: Lucky Adventure. A girl encounters 7pm M Bee Movie 3 0 6pm Weather Gone Viral PGC 6.30 Haka Ngahau A-Rohe: the Big Friendly Giant who, 3 Stars 0 2007 Animated. A young 3 0 Tamararo Three celebrities take on despite his intimidating 3 0 7pm M Otto Is A Rhino PG appearance, turns out to bee eager to explore 7pm Storage Wars PG a machine, hoping to win 2013 Family Animated. An be a kind-hearted soul. the world outside his 7.30 Griff’s Great Australian money for charity. optimistic boy with a Anne Boleyn Mark Rylance, Ruby hive goes to New York, Rail Trip PGL 3 0 8pm L Lotto vivid imagination finds 8.35pm on TVNZ 1 Barnhill, Penelope Wilton. befriends a human Griff is warned about 8.05 Jamie’s Easy Meals For 9pm M The Spy Next the things that can kill a pencil and draws a 0 0 florist, and becomes Everyday Door PGV 2010 Action. you in Australia’s deep rhino that comes to outraged at the selling life. Nikolai Aamand, Jamie turns an A CIA superspy gives up north. aubergine into his espionage career to of honey. Noah Crone Back, Lars 8.35 The Brokenwood something incredible settle down, but he has 8.45 M Homefront 16 Brygmann. Mysteries MVC 0 and fires up the barbie one more mission to 0 2013 Action. A former 8.30 M The Lobster 16LVS Kristin’s former boyfriend for Cajun-spiced salmon complete. Jackie Chan, 2015 Comedy Drama. In a Amber Valetta. DEA officer moves his tacos. drops in on Mike’s dystopian future, the law 10.50 M Magic Mike family to a quiet town 8.35 Anne Boleyn M 0 (Mini- birthday picnic. requires single people XXL 16LS 0 2015 Music Comedy. to escape his troubled The BFG SUNDAY to find a romantic series) (Part 2) Three years after Mike left past, but soon discovers 7pm on TVNZ 2 Anne’s new mission is 12.35 NXT PGV partner in 45 days or be the stripper life, he and an underbelly of drugs to secure her daughter’s the remaining Kings of 1.35 Infomercials transformed into beasts. and violence. right to the throne, Tampa go to Myrtle Beach 4.35 Closedown Colin Farrell, Rachel M however Cromwell has for one last performance. 10.50 Fatal Frenemies M 6am Religious Programming Weisz, Jessica Barden. 0 other ideas. Matt Bomer, Amber Heard. 2021 Thriller. 6.30 Believe It Or Not 3 10.30 Holding Court With 9.35 It’s A Sin 16LS 0 SUNDAY SUNDAY 7.30 Religious Programming Steven Adams In 1983 Jill becomes 1.05 M Moulin Rouge! 12.45 Infomercials 10am Golf: LPGA Event (HLS) 11pm Hunt With Me M 0 increasingly concerned M 2001 Drama. 5am Brian Houston @ Trust Golf Women’s 11.30 Closedown about HIV; Colin A poet begins a love SUNDAY affair with the most Hillsong Scottish Open travels to New York; 3 6.30 3 Bee Movie famous courtesan of the 5.30 Charles Stanley 11am NXT PGV Waiata Mai 3 7pm on Three Roscoe learns of family Moulin Rouge nightclub 6am Life TV Noon Whose Line Is It 6.40 Kia Mau 3 changes. in Paris. Nicole Kidman, 6.30 Brian Houston @ Anyway? 0 6.50 Huritua 10.35 Dinner Date 0 7am 3 John Leguizamo, Ewan Hillsong TV 1pm Heroes And Survivors Mahi Pai RNZ NATIONAL 11.35 Manifest 16 3 0 McGregor. 7.10 Tamariki Haka 3 5pm The World At Five 7am Charles Stanley A courier faces off The Stone family reels 3.15 2 Overnight 7.20 3 5.10 Focus On Politics 3 against a tornado; a Te Nutube 5.05 Fresh 3 8am Life TV 3 5.30 Tagata O Te Moana after a shooting; Ben wave rider battles a 7.30 He Rourou is sent on a mission to 5.30 Religious Programming 8.30 Turning Point 7.40 Paia 3 6.06 Nashville Babylon With Mark terrifying surf break. Rogers. locate two Flight 828 6am Rescue Bots Academy 9am Classical 7.50 Polyfest 3 3 0 2pm The Diagnosis 7.06 Saturday Night With Phil passengers. Destinations 3 8.20 Potae Pai 3 6.20 Blaze And The Monster Detectives PGC 3 O’Brien. SUNDAY 9.30 The Hui 3 0 8.30 Whanau Living 3 Machines 0 The experts attempt SUNDAY 12.35 Little Birds 18VSC 0 10am Newshub Nation 3 0 9am Oranga Ngakau 3 6.40 Masha And The Bear 3 0 to diagnose a young 12.04 All Night Programme Troubled New York 3 0 11.05 N Dr Jeff Rocky 10am Waiata Nation 3 6.55 Powerpuff Girls woman who has 6.08 Storytime debutante Lucy Savage 7.05 Lego City Adventures 0 Mountain Vet PG 10.30 Our Way Of Life 3 7.10 Features Hour dramatically gained goes to Tangier to 7.30 Moomin Valley 0 Noon The Titan Games PG 3 0 11am Te Ao Tapatahi 7.45 The House 0 weight and is losing her reunite with her fiance 7.50 Jandal Burn 1pm Motorsport: Racing 11.30 Te Ao With Moana 8.06 Sunday Morning 8am What Now? hair. 3 9.06 Mediawatch Hugo but is disappointed Utes Noon Moon Tide Fishing by his reaction. 10am Shortland Street 3pm The Diagnosis 12.30 Wehi Na Upload PGC 3 12.12 Standing Room Only 3 0 1.30 Motorsport: North 1.25 Nashville M 3 0 Omnibus PG Detectives PGC 3 1pm Uka 3 1.10 At The Movies Noon 3 0 2.05 2.55 Infomercials Australian Spartan Island Endurance Series The medical team try to 1.30 Reo Awhina 3 The Laugh Track On 1.35 AP Bio PG 0 Standing Room Only 6am 3 0 2.45 Motorsport: V8 explain why a young man M Attitude 2.05 Home And Away 2pm Otto Is A Rhino PG 3.05 Classic Drama 3 0 Supercars Super2 3 6.30 Cowboy Builders Omnibus PG 3 0 is having seizures. 2013 Family Animated. 4.06 Smart Talk 7.20 Tagata Pasifika 3 4.30 B Positive PGL 0 3.45 Motorsport: MotoGP 4pm GrassRoots Rugby 3.30 Pio Terei Tonight 5pm The World At Five 7.45 Praise Be 3 5pm Best Of Travel Guides 5pm Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 0 5pm Pawn Stars PGC 3 4.30 Tagata Pasifika 5.10 Heart And Soul 8.15 The Living Room 3 0 Australia PG 3 0 5.30 The Fishing Show 0 5.30 Prime News 5pm Te Ao Toa 5.35 Te Manu Korihi 9am Q+A With Jack Tame 0 10am Marae CHOICE PAY TV 10.30 Waka Huia 5.30 Antiques Roadshow SKY SPORT 1 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY 11am Super Powered Eagles 0 6.30 American Pickers 9.40 L Currie Cup 5pm Counting Cars PG 6.15 Just Mercy 5.40 Barnwood Builders PG The secrets and science 7.30 Jade Fever PGC Pumas v Cheetahs. 5.30 Counting Cars PG MC 2019 Drama. Michael B Blacksmith Breakroom. of the most powerful 8.30 Lost And Found PGC From Mbombela Jordan, Jamie Foxx. 6.35 Aussie Mega bird in the sky. 9.30 First Man Out PGC 6pm Outback Truckers M Noon Attitude Special: The Stadium, South Africa. 8.30 Birds Of Prey Mechanics PG 10.30 Choccywoccydoodah 7pm Addicted To Fishing MVLC Real Adams Family 0 11.45 All Blacks v 16VLSC 2020 Action. Harley 7.30 House Hunters: Off The Starstruck 7.30 Pawn Stars PG 1pm Sunday 0 Australia (HLS) Bledisloe Quinn teams up with Grid PG Norway. 11.30 Survival Of The Species The team puts their 2pm Susan Calman’s Grand Cup: Game Two. Black Canary, Huntress 8pm House Hunters: Off The With Ben Fogle PGCL Day Out 0 SUNDAY hands up when and Renee Montoya to Grid PG 8.30 Building Off The Grid PG 3pm Kew Gardens: The Four SUNDAY 12.05 L Currie Cup someone brings in a toy save a girl from a crime lord. Margot Robbie, 9.30 Homestead Rescue PG Seasons 0 12.30 Antiques Roadshow Lions v Sharks. gun from a classic 60s Ewan McGregor. 10.30 Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s 4pm Bradley Walsh And Son: 1.30 Hugh’s Three Good From Emirates Airlines TV show. 3 0 10.20 An American Pickle Lost Mine PG Breaking Dad Things Park, Johannesburg. 8.30 Demolition NZ M 4.30 Fishing And 2am Storage Wars: New York PGVL 2020 Comedy. Seth 11.25 UFO Witness PG 2.15 South Africa v 9pm Sewer Squad PGL Adventure 0 2.30 Fishy Business Rogen, Sarah Snook. SUNDAY Argentina (HLS) Game 10pm 5pm The Chase 0 3am Jade Fever PGC The Hunters Club MVL 11.50 The Furies 18VL 2019 Horror. 12.15 How It’s Made PG One. Airlie Dodds, Linda Ngo. 12.40 How Do They Do It? PG 4am Lost And Found PGC 10.55 Piha Rescue PG 2.55 L South Africa v SUNDAY 1.05 Blowing Up History PG 5am American Pickers 11.20 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC BRAVO Argentina 1.15 The Invisible Man 1.55 Aussie Salvage 3 6am SUNDAY 5.30 Undercover Boss PG Hugh’s Three Good Game Two. 16VLC 2020 Horror. Elisabeth Squad PG 6.30 Million Dollar Listing Things 5am French Top 14 Preview 12.20 Outback Truckers M Moss, Aldis Hodge. 2.45 Expedition Unknown PG NY PG 6.30 Through The Bible With Show 1.20 Addicted To Fishing MVLC 3.20 Capone 3.35 Expedition Unknown PG 7.30 Keeping Up With The Les Feldick 5.30 First XV Rugby Revision 1.45 Pawn Stars PG 18VLSC 2020 Drama. Tom 4.25 Expedition Unknown PG Kardashians PG 7am Leading The Way 6am Currie Cup (RPL) Lions v Hardy, Linda Cardellini. 5.15 Expedition Unknown PG 8.30 Gordon Ramsay’s 24 2.30 Demolition NZ M 7.30 Key Of David 5.02 The Kindness Of 6.05 How Do They Do It? PG Hours To Hell And Back 16 Sharks. 2.55 Piha Rescue PG 8am Rachel Allen: All Things Strangers MLSC 2020 6.30 How Do They Do It? PG 9.30 The Real Housewives Of 8am South Africa v 3.20 NXT PGV Sweet Argentina (RPL) Game Drama. Zoe Kazan, Andrea 6.55 UFO Witness PG New Jersey M 4.05 Sewer Squad PGL 10.30 Exhumed 16 3 8.30 Equator From The Air Two. Riseborough. 7.45 PG 5.05 The Hunters Club MVL 11.25 Snapped M 3 9.30 River Cottage: Veg 10am French Top 14 Preview 6.57 Hooking Up 16LSC 2020 8.35 Deadliest Catch PG 6am A1: Highway Patrol MVLC Comedy. Brittany Snow, 9.25 Deadliest Catch: SUNDAY Every Day Show 12.15 Infomercials 10.30 American Pickers 10.30 GrassRoots Rugby 7am FBI: Most Wanted MVC Sam Richardson. Bloodline PG 8.39 10.20 5am Love It Or List It 3 11.30 Top Ten Treasures Of 11.30 Playmakers: Rugby 7.55 NXT PGV Birds Of Prey 16VLSC 2020 Manhattan Project: Action. Margot Robbie, Mysteries At The 9.15 Clean House PG 3 Egypt Stories 8.50 Mountain Men PGV Ewan McGregor. Museum PG 10am Face Off PG 3 12.30 Survival Of The Species Noon South Africa v 9.35 Piha Rescue PG 10.25 An American Pickle 11.15 Gold Rush: White 10.50 Keeping Up With The With Ben Fogle PGCL Argentina (HLS) Game 3 10am Pawn Stars PG PGVL 2020 Comedy. Seth Water PG Kardashians PG 1.30 Antiques Roadshow Two. 11.40 Songland PG 3 11am Demolition NZ M Rogen, Sarah Snook. 12.10 Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s 2.30 Jade Fever PGC 12.30 Cricket: ICC World Test 12.30 Botched PG 3 11.30 FBI MV 11.53 The Doorman 16V 2020 Lost Mine PG 3.30 My Family And The Championship (RPL) Build 1.20 Botched PG 3 12.30 FBI: Most Wanted MVC Action. 1.05 Aussie Gold Hunters PG Galapagos Up to Reserve Day. 1.31 The Vanishing 2pm Bering Sea Gold PG 2.15 Million Dollar Listing 1.30 Border Security M NY PG 3 4.30 Gordon Ramsay’s 1.30 Cricket: ICC World Test 16VC 2018 Thriller. 2.55 Bering Sea Gold PG 3.10 Shark Tank PG 3 Ultimate Cookery Championship (RPL) New 2pm Raw MVC 3.20 The Kid Detective 3.50 Bering Sea Gold PG 4.05 Shark Tank PG 3 Course Zealand v India: Reserve 4.45 NXT PGV 16L 2020 Comedy. 4.45 Bering Sea Gold PG 5pm Shark Tank 3 5.30 Antiques Roadshow Day. 5.45 SmackDown MVC 5pm Archive MLC 2020 Drama. 5.40 Bering Sea Gold PG KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; 21Aug21 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Saturday, auguSt 21, 2021 11 SUNDAY-MONDAY TELEVISION

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2021TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2021 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 0 5pm Best Of Travel Guides 5pm Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 0 5pm Pawn Stars PGC 3 5pm Te Ao Toa 3 0 A quiz show where Australia PG 5.30 The Fishing Show 0 5.30 Prime News 6pm Waka Huia 3 6pm Sarah Beeny’s Renovate 6pm Newshub Live At 6pm 6pm Antiques Roadshow 3 0 6.30 Te Ao Marama contestants must stay Don’t Relocate PG 0 7pm The Block NZ PG 0 3 0 3 one step ahead of The 7pm MasterChef Australia 0 7pm Storage Wars PGC 7pm Lucky Dip Chaser. Contestants cook one The teams race to finish 7.30 Outback Truckers PG 3 7.30 Artefact 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 ingredient in two ways, their garage and laundry 0 Steve Grahame takes 8.30 M Dead Man The latest news, sport, as fast-food and as fancy spaces for judging. the world’s longest Walking 16LVC 1995 Drama. One Lane Bridge food. 8.30 M The Equalizer 16 and weather. shortcut to deliver a A nun, who agrees to 8.30pm on TVNZ 1 8.30 M The Bourne 0 2014 Action. A man who 7pm Country Calendar 0 monster load. Supremacy MV 0 2004 Action. believes he has put his be the spiritual adviser 8.30 Demolition NZ M 3 0 A family tradition of When he is framed for a mysterious past behind for a convict on death market gardening botched CIA operation, him cannot stand idly by Frustration when row, encounters the Bourne must leave his branches out into home when he meets a young demolition at suffering of the families deliveries to bolster their simple life in India and Christchurch’s High St use his skills as a trained girl under the control of the victims. Susan business. assassin to survive. of violent Russian site is halted due to Sarandon, Sean Penn, 7.30 Sunday 0 Matt Damon, Franka gangsters. asbestos. Robert Prosky. A weekly in-depth Potente. Denzel Washington, 9.30 Seal Team 16VLC 0 10.40 Uka 3 current-affairs show. 10.40 M Pride And Prejudice Marton Csokas. Bravo Team searches The Bourne Supremacy 0 11.10 Nga Pari Karangaranga 8.30 One Lane Bridge 16LC 0 And Zombies MV 2016 11pm NCIS M 3 0 booby-trapped tunnels 3 8.30pm on TVNZ 2 Action Horror. O Te Motu Blaming his visions for Gibbs and Ziva’s rogue for terrorist leader Al- Lily James, Sam Riley. 11.40 Closedown letting him down, Ariki investigation takes an Hazred. MONDAY MONDAY unexpected turn when a 10.30 ignores a warning about 12.45 First Dates New SmackDown MVC 6.30 Pipi Ma 3 3 0 possible terrorist plot is 11.30 Rugby League: NRL (DLY) another disaster. Zealand PG 6.35 Takoha 3 9.30 The Panthers 16L 0 1.35 MasterChef Australia 3 0 revealed. Broncos v Warriors. 11.55 Body Bizarre M 6.45 Takaro Tribe As Will and The 2.50 2 Overnight MONDAY The winner of Uganda’s 7am Kid’s Kai Kart 3 Panthers’ movement 4am Infomercials 1.30 Infomercials 4.30 Religious Programming Most Unusual Looking 7.10 Potae Pai 3 fires up, so does 4.30 Closedown 5am Infomercials Man searches for 7.20 Mahi Pai 3 politician Rob 0 6am Wheel Of Fortune 3 Demolition NZ 6am Les Mills Born To Move a diagnosis for his 7.30 Paia 3 Muldoon’s. 6.25 Ricky Zoom 3 0 6.25 Justice League 8.30pm on Prime dramatically misshapen 7.40 Haati Paati 3 10.30 Prodigal Son M 0 6.40 Clifford The Big Red head. Unlimited PGV 3 0 Dog 0 7.50 Kia Mau 3 RNZ NATIONAL When a priest is MONDAY 6.50 Butterbean’s Café 3 0 7.05 Thomas Edison’s Secret 8am Korero Mai 3 5pm The World At Five found murdered Bright 12.50 Infomercials 7.15 Game Shakers 3 0 Lab 0 9am Kitchen Kura 3 5.10 Heart And Soul grapples with its effect 6am The AM Show 7.40 Teenage Mutant Ninja 7.30 SpongeBob 9.30 Opaki 3 5.35 Te Manu Korihi on his own trauma. 0 9am Infomercials Turtles 3 0 SquarePants 3 6.06 Te Ahi Kaa 0 7.55 0 3 0 10am Iwi Anthems 11.30 Black Sails 18VL Miraculous: Tales Of 10.30 The Vet Life PG 8.05 Teen Titans 6.40 Voices Ladybug And Cat Noir 0 10.30 Whanau Living 3 Flint wages war against 11.30 Newshub Live At 8.30 The Thundermans 3 0 7.04 The Ted Radio Hour 8.15 Darwin And Newts 0 11:30am 3 0 11am Tangaroa With Pio 3 the world; Eleanor is 3 0 9am Antiques Roadshow 8.06 The Sunday Night Retro 8.30 Thomas And Friends Noon House Hunters 11.30 Wairua PG 3 offered clemency. 8.40 3 0 10am A Place In The Sun: Show An evening of music and Moon And Me Renovation Noon Te Ao Tapatahi MONDAY 9am Infomercials Winter Sun 3 memories. 1pm M Flawless M 0 2019 12.40 Infomercials 10am Les Mills Body Balance 0 11am Hot Bench PGS 3 12.30 Artefact 10pm The 10 O’Clock Report Drama. Three teenagers 3 6am Breakfast 0 10.30 Mike And Molly PGC 3 0 11.30 Married With 1.30 Oranga Ngakau 10.10 Mediawatch 11am The Resident MC 3 0 from Jerusalem sell 3 10.45 The Breakfast team Children PG 3 2.30 Toku Reo The House Noon The Royals PGC 0 their kidneys to pay for 3 11.04 The Retro Cocktail Hour presents news, 12.30 Artefact 3 0 3.30 Korero Mai 1pm Judge Rinder PG 3 0 cosmetic surgery and With Darrell Brogdon. interviews, weather, and 3 0 1.30 Shipping Wars PGL 3 0 4pm Pukana 2pm Murphy Brown prom dresses. MONDAY 2.30 Home And Away PG 3 0 2pm The Late Show With 4.30 Miharo 3 information. Stav Strashko, Noam 12.04 All Night Programme 0 3pm Shortland Street PG 3 0 Stephen Colbert PG 3 5pm Pipi Ma 3 9am Winning Combination Lugasy, Asi Levi. 5am First Up 6am Morning 3.35 Bluey 0 5.05 Takoha 3 10am Tipping Point 0 2.55 Match Game PG 0 3pm Wheel Of Fortune Report 9.06 Nine To Noon 3.40 Get Arty 0 3 11am The Chase 0 0 3.55 Tiny Luxury 3.30 Jeopardy 5.15 Takaro Tribe Noon Midday Report 4.05 Brain Busters 3 3 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 4.30 Friends 3 0 4.30 Newshub Live At 4pm American Pickers 5.30 Kid’s Kai Kart 1.06 Afternoons 12.30 Emmerdale PG 0 5pm The Simpsons PG 3 0 4:30pm 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5.40 Potae Pai 3 3.45 The Panel Belle calls an 5.30 Young Sheldon 0 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5.30 Prime News 5.50 Mahi Pai 3 5pm Checkpoint ambulance for Sara; Nicola suggests she CHOICE PAY TV and Jimmy should delay 5.30 Antiques Roadshow 6.30 American Pickers SKY SPORT 1 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY telling the kids. 10pm South Africa v 5.45 SmackDown MVC 5pm Archive MLC 2020 Drama. 5.40 Bering Sea Gold PG 1.30 Country Calendar 3 0 7.30 PGL Argentina (RPL) Game 7.30 FBI: Most Wanted MVC Theo James, Stacy 7.30 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 2pm Sarah Beeny’s Renovate Two. When a young man is Martin. 8.30 Aussie Mega Don’t Relocate 3 0 8.30 The 1980s: The Deadliest Decade MCLSV 10.30 French Top 14 Preview radicalised after a mass 6.50 Hard Kill 16V 2020 Action. Mechanics PG 3pm Tipping Point 0 9.30 Jodi Arias: An American Show shooting, the team Jesse Metcalfe, Bruce 9.30 Blowing Up History PG 4pm Te Karere Murder Mystery MCLSV 11pm All Blacks v must track him down Willis. 10.30 Gold Rush: White 4.30 Extreme Cake 10.30 American Pickers Australia (HLS) Game before he can exact his 8.30 Let Him Go MVC 2020 Water PG 3 0 Makers 11.30 Outback Opal Two. revenge. Thriller. A retired sheriff 11.25 Manhattan Project: L Rosie enters a cake Hunters PGL 11.25 Currie Cup 8.30 FBI MV and his wife set out to Mysteries At The show with bulldog MONDAY Griquas v Western 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans MV rescue their grandson Museum PG seated on a throne; 12.30 Antiques Roadshow Province. 10.30 MacGyver M from the clutches of a MONDAY Karisha crafts a 1.30 Hugh’s Three Good MONDAY 11.25 Mountain Men PGV dangerous family. Kevin 12.15 How It’s Made PG glamorous wedding Things 1.30 Argentina v South MONDAY Costner, Diane Lane. 12.40 How Do They Do It? PG cake. 2am Storage Wars: New York Africa (HLS) Game Two. 12.15 SmackDown MVC 10.25 The Courier 16VL 2019 1.05 UFO Witness PG 5pm The Chase 0 2.30 Fishy Business 1.55 Currie Cup (RPL) Pumas v 1.55 FBI: Most Wanted MV Action. Olga Kurylenko, 1.55 Aussie Salvage 3am The 1980’s: The Cheetahs. 2.40 Mountain Men PG Gary Oldman. Squad PG L Deadliest Decade MCLSV 4am Tennis: Western 3.30 MacGyver M MONDAY 2.45 Naked And Afraid XL M BRAVO And Southern Open 12.05 How To Build A Girl 16LSC 4.25 Naked And Afraid MVL 3 4am Jodi Arias: An American 4.20 FBI MV 5pm Shark Tank Day Seven: Doubles 2020 Comedy. Beanie 5.15 Naked And Afraid MVL 6pm Love It Or List It Murder Mystery MCLSV 5.10 NCIS: New Orleans MV Final. Feldstein, Alfie Allen. 6.05 How Do They Do It? PG 7pm M Baby Mama PG 3 5am Top Ten Treasures Of 6am Jeopardy! 6am Playmakers: Rugby 1.46 The Fanatic 18VLC 2019 6.30 How It’s Made PG 0 2008 Comedy. A focused Egypt 6.25 Wheel Of Fortune Stories Thriller. John Travolta, 6.55 House Hunters and driven career woman, 6am Big Dreams, Small 6.45 Pawn Stars PG 6.30 South Africa v Devon Sawa. Renovation PG who wants a baby but is Spaces 7.10 Storage Wars PGL physically unable to carry Argentina (RPL) Game 3.13 Phoenix, Oregon 16L 2019 7.45 House Hunters 7am Equator From The Air 7.35 Ax Men ML a child herself, recruits Two. Comedy. James Le Gros, International PG 8am My Family And The 8.25 a working girl as her 8.30 L Tennis: Western Border Security M Jesse Borrego. 8.10 House Hunters Galapagos 8.50 Counting Cars PG surrogate. 9am James Martin’s Great And Southern Open 4.59 A Beautiful Day In The International PG 9.10 M Knocked Up 16 3 0 9.15 Counting Cars PG British Adventure Day Seven: Singles Neighbourhood PGVL 8.35 Gold Rush: White 2007 Comedy. 9.40 Prison First And Last 24 11.50 Shahs Of Sunset M 10am Jade Fever PGC Final. 2019 Drama. Tom Hanks, Water PG 10.30 Currie Cup (RPL) Griquas Hours MVLC Matthew Rhys. 9.25 Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s MONDAY 10.30 Outback Opal Hunters PGL v Western Province. 10.30 NCIS MV 6.45 The Operative 16VLSC 2019 Lost Mine PG 12.40 Infomercials 11.30 Pawn Stars PG 6am Infomercials 11.30 American Pickers 12.30 Currie Cup (HLS) Pumas v Thriller. 10.20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 10am Judge Jerry 3 12.30 My Family And The Cheetahs. Noon Jeopardy! 8.40 Savage 16VLSC 2019 Crime 11.15 Aussie Mega 10.30 Botched PG 3 Galapagos 1pm Currie Cup (HLS) Lions v 12.25 Wheel Of Fortune Drama. Mechanics PG 11.25 Snapped M 3 1.30 Antiques Roadshow Sharks. 12.50 MacGyver M 10.20 The Courier 16VL 2019 12.10 How It’s Made PG 12.25 Buried In The Backyard M 3 2.30 Gordon Ramsay’s 1.30 South Africa v 1.40 NCIS: New Orleans MV Action. 12.35 How Do They Do It? PG 1.25 Real Housewives Of New Argentina (RPL) Game 2.30 Prison First And Last 24 11.59 Safe Spaces MLSC 2019 1.05 Expedition Unknown PG 3 Ultimate Cookery York City PG Course Two. Hours MVLC Comedy. 2pm Naked And Afraid MVL 2.25 Million Dollar Listing 2pm 3.20 Ax Men ML 1.30 2.55 NY PG 3 3.30 Big Cat Tales Currie Cup (RPL) Pumas v Dark Waters MLC 2019 Outback Opal 3.25 Keeping Up With The 4.30 James Martin’s Islands Cheetahs. 4.10 Jeopardy! Drama. Hunters PG Kardashians PG 3 To Highlands 4pm NPC Archives (RPL) 4.35 Wheel Of Fortune 3.35 Bellbird ML 2019 Comedy. 3.50 Gold Rush PG 4.25 Love It Or List It 3 5.30 Mysteries At The Division One Final 1996: 5pm Storage Wars PG 5.10 The Night Clerk 16VLSC 4.45 Homestead Rescue PG 5.30 Shark Tank Museum PGC Auckland v Counties. 5.30 Pawn Stars PG 2020 Drama. 5.40 Fast N’ Loud PG KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; 22Aug21 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. 12 THE GISBORNE HERALD WHAT’S PHOTO OF THE WEEK ON Spring haS arrived by Dave bearD in Gisborne To help promote events you are involved in, e-mail: [email protected] for a listing on the What’s On page, or [email protected] for a listing on the Tairawhiti Gisborne events diary.

Covid-19 Alert Level note:

The following events will be postponed or cancelled if New Zealand stays in Covid-19 alert Level 4 after august 20, and likewise for any time at alert Level 3. (The Weekender was printed early yesterday afternoon.)

Saturday, August 21 ▶ Gisborne Aerial Silks: Showcase. Local aerialists perform their own routines. Gisborne Gymnastics Club, Electrinet Sports Centre, 537 Aberdeen Rd, 5.30-6.30pm, koha entry at the door. There will be an opportunity for spectators to have a go; wear comfortable clothes without zips. ▶ Gisborne Caledonian Society: Annual Daffodil Fundraising. Dress in yellow Submit photos:, or e-mail: [email protected] or green and support the Cancer Society; by submitting a photo, the entrant agrees to allow The Gisborne Herald Co Ltd permission to use the image now and in the future for printed material and online. Where possible The Herald will make contact first. modern sequence and social dancing ▶ Fun Dancing Gisborne. Modern, sequence Library, 34 Bright St, 10.30am, free. Whakamomori: Suicide Prevention (to Aug 29), with supper. St Mark’s Church Hall, and social ballroom. St Andrew’s Church ▶ Mahjong Club, 1pm. See Aug 24. 9am-6pm. See Aug 27. 776 Childers Rd, 7.30-11pm. Hall, 176 Cobden St, learner class 7.30-8pm, ▶ FreeDance. A movement and dance ▶ Gisborne Farmers’ Market. Locally-grown ▶ POSTPONED TO NOV 20: Eagles Tribute advanced finishing 8-10pm, $5 door sales meditation practice with a variety of sound produce, flowers and seedlings. Cnr Stout & – Motel California, Dome Room, Childers Rd. plus supper, ph 867 0074, [email protected] and rhythms. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Fitzherbert Sts, 9.30am-12.30pm. Details: ▶ T-Bonez. Come along for a one-man show 176 Cobden St, 7-8.30pm, $5, bring water that gets the dance floor cranking. Smash Tuesday, August 24 bottle and comfy clothes. See Facebook. ▶ Gisborne Woodturners’ Group. Come Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 9pm, free entry, R18. ▶ Gisborne Senior Citizens: Indoor Bowls. ▶ Build-a-Band. Let’s jam. Smash Palace Bar, along and work in the workshop or see what Come along, have a roll-up and meet others. 24 Banks St, 7-11pm, free entry, R18. the group does. Clubrooms beside Enterprise Sunday, August 22 Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, 9-11.30am, ▶ Gisborne Caledonian Society Practice. Pool carpark, Nelson Rd, 10am-2pm. Details: ▶ Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club. Join $3, ph Arnold 868 5529. Social, modern and sequence dancing. ph 027 450 7719 or [email protected] in for a 7km walk, a cuppa and chat. Meet: EIT ▶ Tairawhiti Menzshed. Work in a fully- St Mark’s Church Hall, 776 Childers Rd, 7.30- ▶ TRAMPS. For all singers, musicians and staffroom, Derby St, 8am or txt 027 900 9622. equipped woodwork or carpentry workspace. 9.30pm, $5. Details: Pat ph 021 049 7148. poetry readers to come along and perform. ▶ Gisborne Petanque Junior Singles. Tairawhiti Menzshed, cnr Parkinson & Innes The Band Room, 200 Childers Rd, For ages 9-10; join in for games and a chance St, 9am-2pm. Details: ph/txt 022 465 0396. Friday, August 27 1.30-3.30pm, $4, ph John 868 9658. to win a trophy or a medal. No experience ▶ He Kakano: Little Seeds. A fun sing-along ▶ Gisborne Senior Citizens: Indoor Bowls ▶ Gisborne Cycling Group - Plexus Imaging required. Kahutia Bowling Club, 165 Cobden and read for under 2s. HB Williams Memorial & Housie. Have fun and meet others. Senior Cycle Road Series: Ngatapa Hill. For all riders; St, 9.30am, $5 each on the day. Register at Library, 34 Bright St, 10.30am, free. Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, Bowls 9-11.30am, beginners return 25km or advanced return in advance or Graeme ▶ Mahjong Club. Enjoy a friendly fellowship. $3 and Housie 1-4pm, ph Arnold 868 5529. 55km handicap road-race. Start/finish: ph 027 204 8053. Gisborne Town & Country Women’s Club, ▶ Te Aka Rangatahi: The Teen Vine. Games Bushmere Arms, 673 Matawai Rd. Register: ▶ Lions Express Train Rides. Take the kids 42 Emily St, 1pm, ph Liz 281 0187. for brains for ages 14-18; test your thinking 1.30pm, start 2pm. for a train ride around the playground. Starts ▶ Te Hapara Garden and Floral Art Club. skills. HB Williams Memorial Library, ▶ Tennis for players of all skill levels. near Gisborne Wainui Lions Junior Cycle Park, Commune with like-minded people to improve 34 Bright St, 3.30pm, free. Ormond Tennis Club, Hill Rd, Ormond, Centennial Marine Dr, 11am-3pm, $2. gardening skills and learn floral art. St Mark’s ▶ Moko Turongo Trust Wananga 2-4pm, ph 862 5741 or 862 5856. ▶ POSTPONED: Vintage Car Club of NZ: Hall, 776 Childers Rd, 2.30pm. Whakamomori: Suicide Prevention (to Aug 29). ▶ Fun Dancing Gisborne. Modern, sequence Daffodil Rally for Cancer to Tolaga Bay. ▶ Patutahi Badminton Club. All welcome. For all families that are healing from the and social ballroom. Theme: Polka Dots. ▶ Gisborne Orphans Club Concert. Patutahi Hall, Biggs St, 7.30pm, ph 862 7783. effects of suicide and require support. No stiletto heels. St Andrew’s Church Hall, All welcome. Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St, Hinerupe Marae, 60 Paikea St, Te Araroa, 176 Cobden St, 8-11pm, $10 door sales incl 1.30pm, free, incl smoko, ph Mike 867 5247. Wednesday, August 25 5-9pm, free. Register: Kerry ph 021 0853 2502 supper, ph 867 0074, [email protected] ▶ St Andrew’s Concert Series. A performance ▶ Fifties Forward. Low-impact aerobics or [email protected] ▶ The Ashes & Ter3ign. Gisborne-based by Christian singer-songwriter Peter Shaw class for all fitness levels. YMCA Stadium, ▶ NZ Poetry Day Performance Cafe. Come six-piece band playing covers and originals, with his own works. St Andrew’s Church, 447 Childers Rd, 9.30am, $4, first class free. along to celebrate national poetry day. Smash featuring Ter3ign. Smash Palace, 24 Banks St, 176 Cobden St, 2pm, koha/donation for ▶ Mainly Music. A fun music group for Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 7-9pm, free entry. 9pm, $10 door sales, R18. Family Works Guardian Angels. pre-schoolers. St Andrew’s Community Centre, ▶ Dartz & Hoick. Wellington-based Dartz 176 Cobden St, 9.45am, $4/Fam. Details: with punk/garage music, with Tauranga-based Sunday, August 29 Monday, August 23 Trish ph 867 2789 or 868 5513. Hoick. Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, ▶ Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club, 8am. ▶ Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd. ▶ Westpac Tairawhiti Business Excellence 9pm-late, R18. Tickets+Bfee: $15 at See Aug 22. New players welcome and rackets available. Awards – Business Workshop: Wrangling the ▶ Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club Social morning, 9-11.30am, $4, ph 867 2584. imposter in the mirror. Join Callum McKirdy combined Graeme Mudge and Tairawhiti Sea Kiwi Badminton for Yr 3-7 players, to learn how to move from imposter to Saturday, August 28 Wall mural walk, meet at 9am, free. A 17km 4.30-5.30pm, $5, ph 027 350 9482. impresser while staying true to yourself. Rose ▶ Gisborne parkrun. A 5km run or walk. walk; encompasses about 50 murals, incl Gisborne Badminton Club for Yr 12-13 and Room, Lawson Field Theatre, 7 Fitzherbert Meet near Waikanae Surf Life Saving Club, 23 of Mudge’s and all of the Gisborne Sea Wall seniors, 7-9pm, ph 027 253 1062. St, 4.30-6.30pm. Tickets: $20 door sales, incl 280E Grey St, 7.45-10am. Register: murals. Register: Sean ph 027 537 1726, ▶ CANCELLED UNTIL BACK IN COVID-19 refreshments or at [email protected] LEVEL 1: Kaiti Exercise Class, Dunblane ▶ Hot Shots Badminton. For Yr 7-13 players/ ▶ St Andrew’s Car Boot Sale. Bargains galore. ▶ Moko Turongo Trust Wananga Conference Room, 107 Iranui Rd. all abilities; fitness, social games and fun. Wear Carpark behind St Andrew’s Church (access off Whakamomori: Suicide Prevention, 9am-1pm. ▶ Bowlers’ Club: 500. Come along and have sports shoes. Rackets available. Badminton Childers Rd), 8am-midday, $5/car. See Aug 27. some fun. Learners welcome. Poverty Bay Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, attend one session ▶ Tairawhiti Coffin Club. Design and ▶ Gisborne Petanque Men’s Singles. Join in Bowling Club, 111 Ormond Rd, 1-4pm, $2 incl only; 5pm or 6.30pm, $7. Details: Linda ph decorate a personalised coffin; constructed for round-robin games and a chance to win smoko, ph Tony 863 3468. 027 264 8660, [email protected] by a joiner. BCR Joinery, 522 Gladstone Rd, a trophy. No experience required. Kahutia ▶ Gisborne Senior Citizens: 500. Play cards 9am-midday. Details: [email protected] Bowling Club, 165 Cobden St, 9.30am, $5 pay and meet others. Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey Thursday, August 26 ▶ Tairawhiti Menzshed, 9am-3pm. See Aug 24. on the day. Register at St, 1-4pm, $3, ph Arnold 868 5529. ▶ Bridge & Rummikub Club. Enjoy a ▶ Equine Foundation Course: Flinchlock in advance or Graeme ph 027 204 8053. ▶ Eastland Toastmasters. For confidence in friendly fellowship. Gisborne Town & Country Release (to Aug 29). A simple and efficient ▶ Universal Energy Healing. Try a relaxing public speaking and leadership. Arohaina, Women’s Club, 42 Emily St, 9am, ph 281 0187. course for animal/human health professionals healing experience. Blind Foundation Rooms, 396 Aberdeen Rd (opp Botanical Gardens), ▶ Casual Badminton Group. Come along for working to relieve pain, stress and tension 39 Grey St, 10am-2pm, $8A, $5Ch. Details: 5.30pm, ph Paul 022 405 7748. a game. Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd, in the body. Instructor: Greg Jamieson. Rose ph 027 777 0782. ▶ Gisborne Hibernian Club Indoor Bowls. 9am, $5. Details: Raewynne ph 027 256 4351 Riding for the Disabled, Gate 3, 34 Main Rd, ▶ Lions Express Train Rides, 11am-3pm. New/existing players come along for a roll-up. or [email protected] Makaraka, 9am-5pm. Register: $345 each, See Aug 22. Gisborne Intermediate School Hall, ▶ Tairawhiti Menzshed, 9am-2pm. See Aug 24. Greg at [email protected] or ph/txt ▶ Gisborne Ukulele Underground. Join in 156 Roebuck Rd, 7-9.30pm, $3 incl supper. ▶ Te Pihinga: Little Sprouts. Fun sing-along 021 703 992. for a strum-along. Smash Palace, 24 Banks St, Details: Wally ph 868 0951. and read for ages 2-5. HB Williams Memorial ▶ Moko Turongo Trust Wananga 3-5pm, free entry.