Research Mentoring Grant Available Apply for Traveling Sports Medicine Fellowship Match in Full Swing SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012


EDITOR Brett D. Owens MD

EDITOR Daniel J. Solomon MD

MANAGING EDITOR Lisa Weisenberger

PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Daniel J. Solomon MD, Chair Kevin W. Farmer, MD Kenneth M. Fine MD Robert A. Gallo MD Robert S. Gray, ATC David M. Hunter MD Brett D. Owens MD Kevin G. Shea MD Michael J. Smith, MD Robert H. Brophy MD Lance E. LeClere MD


PRESIDENT Christopher D. Harner MD



SECRETARY James P. Bradley MD

TREASURER Annunziato Amendola MD


UNDER 45 MEMBER-AT-LARGE Matthew Provencher MD



PAST PRESIDENT Peter A. Indelicato MD 2 Team ’s Corner EX OFFICIO COUNCIL OF DELEGATES Marc R. Safran MD Blunt Eye Injuries AOSSM STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Irv Bomberger



1 From the President 15 Traveling Fellowship ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mary Mucciante 9 Research News Going to Asia Pacific FINANCE DIRECTOR Richard Bennett 17 Washington Update DIRECTOR OF CORP RELATIONS & IND GIVING Judy Sherr 10 STOP Sports Injuries DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Bart Mann

Campaign Update 18 Orthopaedic Sports DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Lisa Weisenberger 12 Society News Medicine Fellowship COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Joe Siebelts STOP SPORTS INJURIES CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR Michael Konstant 20 Upcoming Meetings 12 New Abstract DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Susan Brown Zahn

Submission System and Courses SENIOR ADVISOR FOR CME PROGRAMS Jan Selan


SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE is a bimonthly publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM). The American EDUCATION & MEETINGS COORDINATOR Pat Kovach Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine—a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication, and fellowship—is a national MANAGER, MEMBER SERVICES & PROGRAMS Debbie Czech organization of orthopaedic sports medicine specialists, including national and international sports medicine leaders. AOSSM works closely with many other sports medicine specialists and clinicians, including family , emergency physicians, pediatricians, athletic trainers, and EXHIBITS & ADMIN COORDINATOR Michelle Schaffer physical therapists, to improve the identification, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries. This newsletter is also available on the Society’s website at AOSSM MEDICAL PUBLISHING GROUP TO CONTACT THE SOCIETY: American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 6300 North River Road, Suite 500, Rosemont, IL 60018, MPG EXEC EDITOR & AJSM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bruce Reider MD Phone: 847/292-4900, Fax: 847/292-4905. AJSM SENIOR EDITORIAL/PROD MANAGER Donna Tilton FROM THE PRESIDENT

Christopher D. Harner, MD

EDUCATION IS THE LIFE BLOOD FOR THE ORTHOPAEDIC SPORTS MEDICINE PROFESSION, and AOSSM continues to provide a broad array of accredited CME programs to support the professions’ expanding needs. While the Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, which was profiled in the July/August Sports Medicine Update, is our educational crown jewel, AOSSM continues to produce a steady stream of other educational programs for its members. On August 10–12, the Society held the 6th AOSSM & AAOS requirements. In August, the Society received word from Review Course for Certification in Orthopaedic the ABOS that our first Performance Improvement (PI-CME) Sports Medicine in Chicago, chaired by George Paletta, MD, module on patellofemoral pain was approved for MOC Part IV. and Michael Stuart, MD. Since it was first offered, the course In the upcoming months the Society will be working with the has established a sterling reputation for its comprehensive ABOS to integrate the program as a way of providing members program, renowned faculty, innovative approach, and value. This with an option for fulfilling their MOC Part IV requirements. year was no exception and included the AOSSM self-assessment The Society is indebted to William Grana, MD, for developing exam, imaging-arthroscopy correlation sessions modeled after the PIM and launching the Society’s work on this new and the ABOS imaging questions, and online access to all of the critical educational endeavor. program sessions after the meeting. Finally, as the Society and AANA enter their fifth year Just two weeks later, the Society and the NHL Team Physicians of the Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Match, Society, with support from the National Hockey League and the I am pleased that 92 accredited fellowship programs are again NHL Players Association, sponsored our tri-annual hockey course participating in the match, affording residents more than in Toronto, , titled Keep Your Edge: Hockey Sports Medicine 217 positions from which to consider and rank for fellowship in 2012. The co-chairs, Benjamin Shaffer, MD, and Michael training. The ongoing strength of the Match underscores Stuart, MD, put together a program and faculty who drew the commitment of the sports medicine community to work a record attendance, featured Gary Bettman, the Commissioner together in providing a strong and stable environment for of the NHL, and included a night at the Hockey Hall of Fame. fellowship training. The meeting underscores AOSSM’s collaborative approach As president, I’m proud of the Society’s ability to continue in bringing the latest scientific knowledge to clinicians. developing fresh, innovative programs that support the profession, While meetings have been the mainstay of AOSSM’s and as an educator I am especially pleased with AOSSM’s educational program, the Society continues to develop new options continued emphasis on quality education. for fulfilling members’ interests and needs. The Self-Assessment Exam has been popular not just for subspecialty certification but also for fulfilling members’ ABOS Maintenance of Certification



ROBERT A. GALLO, MD Department of Orthopedics Despite advances in protective eye wear, DAVID LIANG, MD Department of Opthalmology traumatic eye remains the second most common T. SHANE JOHNSON, MD cause of visual impairment, behind only cataracts. Each Division of Plastic , Department of Surgery MATTHEW L. SILVIS, MD year, nearly 15 percent of the 2.5 million eye injuries Department of Orthopedics in the occur during sporting activities.1 Department of Family and Community Medicine Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Of these injuries, 42,000 are severe enough to warrant Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, an emergency department visit, and approximately Hershey, Pennsylvania 13,500 result in legal blindness.2 Continued on page 3

2 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 While many of these injuries involve fat provide structural support and static Evaluation recreational , an estimated one protection while the dynamically The physical examination of an in 18 college athletes suffers an protect against injury to the eye. Arising with an acute eye injury begins with each year.3 Athletes who are particularly from the orbit and inserting on the globe, a focused history which includes the vulnerable to injury are those participating extraocular muscles allow for ocular object causing the injury and the force and in sports that involve hard and/or fast- mobility. A complete listing of extraocular direction of impact. Most eye injuries in moving projectiles (e.g., squash, baseball), muscles, their innervations and functions sports occur secondary to blunt, penetrating, sticks (e.g., hockey, lacrosse), close contact are listed in Table I. or radiating trauma. A direct blow to the (e.g., basketball, football, wrestling), The outer coat of the globe consists globe from an object smaller than the eye and intentional injury (e.g., martial arts, of the sclera and , a transparent or orbital opening leads to a rapid increase boxing). Among athletes 5–14 years area on the anterior portion of the eye in anterior-posterior compression and of age, ocular injury most commonly wall, and can be conceptually divided dilation of the middle of the globe. occurs in baseball; in those 15–64 years into two segments. The anterior segment This injury damages the internal ocular of age, basketball is the leading cause consists of: (a) cornea, (b) iris, controls structures. A direct blow with an object of eye injury in sports.4 the amount of light passing into the eye, larger in size than the orbital opening Because of the ubiquity of eye injury (c) ciliary body, produces of aqueous tends to fracture the floor or medial among all types of athletes, knowledge fluid, (d) lens.5 The structures of wall of the orbit and has a high incidence of fundamentals of evaluation and acute the anterior segment are responsible of occult internal ocular injury.4 treatment of blunt eye injury is mandatory for modifying the light/image that Several subjective complaints are for team physicians. The purpose of this is presented to retina. The posterior associated with more severe injury: review is to provide a framework for segment consists of the vitreous humor, visual loss, severe eye pain, floaters, assessing and treating blunt eye injuries. retina, choroid, and optic nerve. and/or flashes are suggestive of significant The retina, which is nourished by injury within the globe and warrant Anatomy the highly vascularized choroid, is the emergent referral to an ophthalmologist. Understanding of basic anatomy is richly innervated, complex network Superior orbital fissure syndrome is paramount for proper evaluation of injury of photoreceptors responsible for image a condition that results if the superior to the orbital region. The orbital region transduction and transmission. The orbital fissure is fractured and produces encompasses the globe and its surrounding ganglion fibers of the retina coalesce diplopia, exophthalmos, paralysis of structures including the eyelids, orbital to form the optic nerve (cranial nerve II) extraocular motions, and ptosis. bones, periorbital fat, extraocular muscles, and exit the globe at the optic disk. This constellation of symptoms combined and adjacent neurovascular structures. The macula, the center of the retina, is the with blindness is termed “orbital The orbital bones, which form a four- area of highest density of photoreceptors apex syndrome” and requires urgent sided housing for the eye, and periorbital and therefore finest visual acuity. surgical intervention.

Table I. Extraocular Muscles

MUSCLE INNERVATION FUNCTION Superior rectus Cranial nerve III Elevates, adducts, medially rotates Inferior rectus Cranial nerve III Depresses, adducts, laterally rotates Medial rectus Cranial nerve III Adducts Inferior oblique Cranial nerve III Abducts, laterally rotates, elevates medially rotated eye Superior oblique Cranial nerve IV Abducts, medially rotates, depresses medially rotated eye Lateral rectus Cranial nerve VI Abducts

Continued on page 4

September/October 2012 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE 3 Globe ruptures can be a particularly devastating injury and should be identified and treated promptly. If a is suspected, a protective eye shield should be placed, empiric administered, and emergent referral initiated.4,5 For each day of delay in surgical correction, there is a 1.16 fold increase in the possibility of having a worse visual prognosis.6 At presentation, a visual acuity worse than 6/60 predicts a bad clinical outcome and poor long-term visual acuity: over one third will eventually require enucleation.7 While detailed examination, including evaluation, is impractical for most sideline physicians, there are several key ocular functions that can be readily assessed:

Ⅲ External evaluation — The orbital region should be examined externally for signs of trauma such as orbital bruising, swelling, proptosis, and bony step-offs (Figure 1). If swollen, the eyelids should be opened gently to avoid placing pressure on the globe.8 A penlight can be used to evaluate the anterior chamber for a , hyphema, abrasion, or laceration. Ⅲ Pupil examination — Pupils should be from ). Alternately, visual acuity can evaluated for size. Anisocoria (unequal be evaluated by having the athlete count pupil size) is present in 20 percent of the fingers or read any available small print. population but should not exceed 1 mm Each eye should be tested individually. and should react normally to light. The examiner should be aware of any In direct light, normal accommodation corrective lenses that may be used should cause the pupils to constrict by the athlete at the time of the exam. promptly. Abnormal pupil response is Ⅲ Confrontation visual fields — assessed by the swinging flashlight test Confrontational visual fields should be to determine if an afferent or efferent tested for each eye individually. In this injury is present. If the pupil constricts exam, the examiner wiggles one or two Figure 1. Infraorbital ecchymosis often consensually but not to direct light, of his/her fingers from the periphery results from orbital “blow-out” fracture. i.e., “Marcus Gunn pupil,” an afferent to the center of the subject’s visual field

Ⅲ Extra-ocular motility — The examiner injury is present (highly suggestive in a defined sequence (i.e., up, down, moves his/her finger to examine the of traumatic optic nerve injury). left, right). Any side-to-side difference subject’s ability to move the eye in each If the pupil does not respond to either could signal a retinal detachment.5 of the six cardinal fields of gaze: left, up consensual or direct light, an efferent and left, up and right, right, down and injury is present (third cranial nerve, Common Eye Injuries right, down and left.5 Limited elevation sphincter muscle of pupil).4,8 Corneal Abrasion of gaze is suggestive of an orbital wall Ⅲ Visual acuity — Best corrected visual Though anatomical structures, such as fracture with potential nerve and/or acuity is best assessed using a Snellen eyelids and bony orbits, serve as protective extraocular muscle entrapment.4 eye chart (pocket version held 14 inches barriers, the outermost layer of the eye,

Continued on page 5

4 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 most importantly the cornea, is susceptible to blunt and penetrating injury (most commonly fingernail to eye). Corneal abrasions are among the most common sports-related eye injuries. The cornea, both avascular and transparent, serves as a barrier, filters light, and refracts light to the retina9 and any scarring from deep abrasions and/or recurrent corneal erosions may result in significantly impaired vision.9 Fortunately, most corneal abrasions usually heal within a week without sequelae. Once diagnosis is made, often by cobalt blue filtered light-assisted identification of topically-applied fluorescein dye within the abrasion, treatments are directed toward preventing and alleviating symptoms, including , pain, headache, and excessive tearing. Topical ointments, such as , erythromycin, and , are often prescribed for non-contact wearers; anti- Pseudomonal coverage with commercially available fluroquinolone eye drops (besifloxacin, , gatifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, or ) and cessation of use are necessary for the treatment of corneal abrasions in contact lens wearers.9 Topical anti-inflammatory medications may provide some benefit, but topical anesthetics, mydriatics (agents that dilate the pupil), and eye patches have not been demonstrated to confer any treatment advantage for corneal abrasions.9 Patients should be re-evaluated daily until the abrasion has completely healed. Referral to an ophthalmologist should be considered in the presence of significant trauma, deep abrasions, recurrent corneal erosions, lack of improvement or worsening symptoms after 3 days, any lack of clarity to the abrasion, and/or contact wearers who do not improve shortly after removal of the contact lens.9,10 Hyphema Hyphema describes the accumulation of blood within the anterior chamber of the eye. Hyphemas often are produced from blunt trauma to the anterior globe11

Continued on page 6

September/October 2012 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE 5 and resultant stretching and even tearing from the underlying retinal pigment of anterior chamber structures, such epithelium. Traumatic events can lead as ciliary body, iris root, and/or margin to breaks within the retina that allow for of the pupil.12 While traumatic cataracts, leakage of vitreous and/or hemorrhagic choroidal rupture, secondary glaucoma, fluid into the potential space between the and retinal detachment have all been photoreceptors and the retinal pigmented associated with hyphema,11 corneal blood- epithelium.15 The accumulation of fluid staining and optic nerve damage from within this space leads to progressive elevated intraocular pressure are the major retinal detachment. Prolonged retinal risks following this injury.5 Hyphemas are detachment can lead to photoreceptor graded 1–4 according to the amount of degeneration and irreversible vision loss.16 blood layering in the anterior chamber. Prompt recognition of retinal breaks Increasing grade is correlated with and detachment is essential to limit increased blood accumulation and photoreceptor degeneration, especially therefore risk of elevated intraocular to the macula. While retinal breaks are pressure and optic nerve injury. usually heralded by the presence of floaters, Treatment of hyphema focuses on unilateral sensation of flashing light, and measures to decrease intraocular pressure curtains moving into the visual field,16 by limiting bleeding and preventing loss of vision and/or visual acuity often secondary hemorrhage. Secondary signify retinal detachment. If traumatic hemorrhage usually occurs within days retinal break or detachment is suspected, 2 to 5 after the initial injury and is often emergent referral to an ophthalmologist is more severe than the original bleed.11 warranted to prevent further compromise Head elevation, limitation of activities, of vision. Retinal breaks can often be and placing an eye patch over the affected surgically managed by creating a scar eye to limit rapid eye movements are between the retina and choroid using laser appropriate measures prior to emergent or cryotherapy. Retinal detachments 11 Figure 2. CT images are the gold ophthalmic consultation. Antifibrinolytic are surgically repaired and breaks sealed standard for detecting orbital agents, such as aminocaproic acid, and often within five days of injury. Surgical wall fractures. While coronal topical cycloplegics and steroids may be urgency depends upon symptom duration, images are traditionally used administered, but anticoagulants, aspirin, extent of detachment, and visual acuity,17 three-dimensional reconstruction and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and ultimate outcome depends on extent views can be extremely helpful medications should be avoided. of macular involvement.15 in defining the fracture. Antifibrinolytic agents delay absorption Orbital Fracture of the blood clot until healing of the Orbital fractures are classified into two injured vessel occurs. These agents types, orbital rim fractures and orbital wall have been proven to reduce the rate fractures.18 While orbital rim fractures of secondary hemorrhage, even though usually result from direct trauma, orbital the duration of the hyphema is often wall or “blow-out” fractures secondarily 13 Because those with sickle prolonged. manifest from blunt trauma to the globe. cell trait and disease carry a potentially Indeed, blow-out fractures occur when higher risk of optic nerve damage the globe is bluntly impacted; instead from sickling of red cells and increased of rupturing, the globe absorbs the force, intraocular pressure, African-Americans intraocular pressure increases, and force unaware of their sickle cell status should transfers to the orbital wall and causes be urgently screened for the disease.14 fractures of its relatively weak posteromedial Retinal Detachment floor and/or medial wall.19 Due to the Retinal detachment represents intimate relationship of the structures to the separation of the photoreceptors the orbital wall, (a) the extraocular muscles

Continued on page 7

6 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 can be injured and/or entrapped within fractures.18 Despite surgical intervention, of protective eye-wear in risk prone sports. the fracture and result in diplopia (double between 37 and 53 percent have persistent Eye protection is especially important vision) and/or (b) orbital structures can diplopia, usually with upper field gaze.18,22 for functionally one-eyed athletes herniate into the underlying maxillary (best corrected visual acuity in weaker sinus and lead to enophthalmos (sunken- Prevention eye, 20/400): these athletes must wear appearing eye).19 Symptoms may include Despite the high prevalence of eye injuries eye protection and should not participate severe pain, decreased vision, and/or among athletes, Prevent Blindness America in high risk sports such as boxing altered sensation in the infraorbital region estimated that greater than 90 percent of or full contact martial arts.25 due to injury to the V2 (infraorbital) eye injuries can be prevented by the use of However, not all available eye wear branch of the trigeminal nerve. protective eye wear. Two sports, ice hockey is protective. The National Eye Institute Though computerized tomography, and women’s lacrosse, which have instituted maintains that those athletes using “street especially of the direct coronal images20 rules requiring use of protective eye wear wear” (i.e., corrective eye wear and/or is the gold standard for diagnosis. have a significantly decreased incidence sun glasses) are at higher risk of sustaining Physical examination helps guide surgical of eye injury among their athletes.23,24 an eye injury than those without eye management (Figure 2).19 Surgical Therefore, the National Eye Institute of protection. Therefore, parents and athletes intervention using implants and/or bone the United States Department of Health participating in sports that pose risk for grafting is generally reserved for those and Human Services made increased use eye injury should ensure that any purchased demonstrating diplopia (often due of protective eye wear in recreational eye wear meet the standards of the to entrapment of the inferior rectus), activities a “Healthy People 2010” objective. as certified by the American Society for noticeable enophthalmos, and/or large, Additionally, several organizations, Testing Materials, American National unstable fractures.21 To limit potential including American Academy of , Standards Institute, and/or National complications, such as orbital abscess, American Academy of , Operating Committee on Standards antibiotics are prophylactically administered American Optometric Association, and for Athletic Equipment. Generally, and surgery is often delayed until the United States Department of Health polycarbonate and/or Trivex lenses offer resolution of ; this delay allows for and Human Services have issued position substantial protection against most sage anatomic reduction and fixation of statements that strongly advocate the use projectiles encountered in sport.



1. American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Society of Ocular Trauma, United States Eye Injury Registry summary report, 1998-2002. Available at: 2. US Consumer Product Safety Commission, Sports and Recreational Eye Injuries. Washington, DC: US Consumer Product Safety Commission. 2000. 3. Vinger PF. A practical guide for sports eye protection. Phys Sportsmed. 2000. 28(6):49-69. 4. Rodriguez J, Lavina A, Agarwai A. Prevention and treatment of common eye injuries in sports. Am Fam Physician. 2003. 67:1481-1496. 5. Kleinman DM. “Injuries to the Eye.” In: Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL. Trauma (5th edition). New York, McGraw-Hill. 2004. pp. 407-422. 6. Isaac D, Ghanem V, Nascimento M, Torigoe M, Jose N. Prognosistic factors in open globe injuries. Ophthalmologica. 2003. 217:431-435. 7. Rahman I, Maino A, Devadason D, Leatherbarrow B. Open globe injuries: factors predictive of poor outcome. Eye. 2006. 20:1336-1341. 8. Heimmel M, Murphy M. Ocular injuries in basketball and baseball: what are the risks and how can we prevent them? Curr Sports Med Rep. 2008. 7(5):284-288. 9. Wilson SA, Last A. Management of corneal abrasions. Am Fam Physician. 2004. 70(1):123-128. 10. Fraser S. Corneal abrasion. Clin Ophthalmol. 2010. 4:387-390. 11. Stilger VG, Alt JM, Robinson TW. Traumatic hyphema in an intercollegiate baseball player: a case report. J Athl Train. 1999. 34(1):25-28. 12. Berríos RR, Dreyer EB. Traumatic hyphema. Int Ophthalmol Clin. 1995. 35(1):93-103. 13. Gharaibeh A, Savage HI, Scherer RW, Goldberg MF, Lindsley K. Medical interventions for traumatic hyphema. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011. (1):CD005431. 14. Spires R. Traumatic hyphema. J Ophthalmic Nurs Technol. 1995. 14:21-24. 15. Kang HK, Luff AJ. Management of retinal detachment: a guide for non-ophthalmologists. BMJ. 2008. 336(7655):1235-1240. 16. Pokhrel PK, Loftus SA. Ocular emergencies. Am Fam Physician. 2007. 76(6):829-836. 17. Abouzeid H, Wolfensberger TJ. Macular recovery after retinal detachment. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2006. 84(5):597-605. 18. Williams RJ III, Marx RG, Barnes R, O’Brien SJ, Warren RF. Fractures about the orbit in professional American football players. Am J Sports Med. 2001. 29(1):55-57. 19. Forrest LA, Schuller DE, Strauss RH. Management of orbital blow-out fractures. Case reports and discussion. Am J Sports Med. 1989. 17(2):217-220. 20. Ball JB Jr. Direct oblique sagittal CT of orbital wall fractures. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1987. 148(3):601-608. 21. Koh JY, Della Rocca R, Mayer EA. “Orbital floor fractures: diagnosis and management.” In: Naugle TC. Diagnosis and management of oculoplastic and orbital disorders. New York, Kugler Publications. 1995. pp 271-283. 22. Biesman BS, Hornblass A, Lisman R, Kazlas M. Diplopia after surgical repair of orbital floor fractures. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 1996. 12(1):9-16. 23. Pashby TJ. Eye injuries in Canadian amateur hockey. Am J Sports Med. 1979. 7(4):254-7. 24. Lincoln AE, Caswell SV, Almquist JL, Dunn RE, Clough MV, Dick RW, Hinton RY. Effectiveness of the Women’s Lacrosse Protective Eyewear Mandate in the Reduction of Eye Injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2011. Dec 8. [Epub ahead of print] 25. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness; American Academy of Ophthalmology, Eye Health and Public Information Task Force. Protective eyewear for young athletes. Pediatrics. 2004. 113 (3): 619-622.


Research Mentoring Program Launches

AOSSM recently initiated a research mentoring program that brings together individuals who have shown scientific promise at an early stage of their careers with senior clinician-scientists who have highly successful research programs. The primary goal of this program is to help younger members obtain grant funding from a large national organization such as the NIH. The program is designed for those who do not have a natural mentor at their own institution and who do not have an ongoing mentoring relationship. The official mentorship relationship will have a term of two years. It is hoped, however, that the individuals find the experience sufficiently enriching that they will continue longer-term contact, support, or collaboration. Applications will be reviewed by the Research Committee and up to five pairs will be selected for participation in the program. Application materials can be located at If you have any questions, please contact Bart Mann, PhD, AOSSM Research Director at [email protected].

This program is made possible through a generous grant from ConMed Linvatec.

Pitchers Still Needed for Study UPCOMING AOSSM members are collaborating in a national RESEARCH multi-center project involving youth baseball pitchers between the ages of 9- and 18-years-old. DEADLINES Already, more than 1,00 young pitchers have been assessed with a goal of enrolling 2,000 AOSSM provides more than $250,000 subjects. The studies recently received approval worth of research money to orthopaedic through a private, central Institutional Review sports medicine specialists each year. Board (Western IRB) that will provide IRB Deadlines for awards are approaching fast: review for anyone who does not have their own Research Awards review board. You can now rapidly join the group November 1 without administrative hassle. More information Young Investigator Grant and additional free resources to help promote December 1 the study to your patients is available. Visit Kirkley Grant December 1 Please contact Director of Research, Bart Mann For more information and details visit at [email protected], if you would like to get involved or if you have any questions. and


Get Involved and Help STOP Sports Injuries The late summer days of August and September brew with the excitement of a new academic year as well as the beginning of a new athletic season. The return of our favorite fall sports also marks one of the busier periods for youth sports injuries. When considering the young athletes in your community, we encourage you to continue using STOP Sports Injuries materials to help drive home the sports safety message — whether in football, soccer, volleyball, cross country, cheerleading, or one of the other many fall sports. All of our safety materials are easily accessible at under Prevention.

Special Thanks to Dr. Axe Tweeting About Safer Youth Sports We extend our gratitude to Dr. Michael The Campaign’s #SportsSafety chats, a new Axe from First State Orthopaedics social media piece launched during April’s Youth #SportsSafety for generously contributing $2,500 September 5, 7 PM CST of his 2012 AOSSM Mr. Sports Sports Safety Month, provide a forum for health Medicine Award toward the STOP professionals, coaches, parents, and athletes to Role of Athletic Trainers in Sports Injuries Campaign. Dr. Axe discuss hot issues affecting youth sports — and Youth Sports Injury Prevention continues to support sports safety provide resources for addressing these issues. The activities in his Wilmington, Delaware, tweet chat series will continue September 5 at 7 p.m. CST as we offer perspectives community, including hosting the local Youth in Sports television on the ’s role in youth sports injury prevention. Follow the campaign at program, designed to provide or e-mail Joe Siebelts at [email protected] for information a forum for young athletes in the area. on upcoming chats, or to learn more about this exciting initiative.


OUTREACH UPDATES Help Us Reach Our Goals Webinar Tackles A special webinar presentation on August 9, in collaboration As the campaign continues with The Positive Coaching Alliance, Midwest Orthopaedics to grow, our need for support at Rush, and the Illinois Athletic Trainers Association (IATA), is higher than ever. While offered parents and coaches a free opportunity to learn more we move to secure resources about concussions and injury prevention in young athletes. for the campaign, your Topics included problems and impact from concussions knowledge and connection in the orthopaedic sports in young athletes, as well as treatment and prevention strategies. medicine community Visit for the link to view the webinar is vital to our in case you missed it. continued success. Any information Harry Potter Helps Bring Attention to Sports Safety we receive on your relationships with On July 27 at Fifth Third Bank Ballpark in Geneva, potential corporate Illinois, STOP Sports Injuries collaborating group Fox Valley sponsors or patients Orthopedics held a Harry Potter-themed treasure hunt to with a desire to support encourage kids to be smart on the field and avoid sports injuries. our cause, might allow Young athletes were guided through the stadium, receiving us to continue to develop numerous sports injury prevention tips throughout the evening. additional programs and initiatives. Let us know who you know! E-mail Campaign Director Mike Konstant at [email protected] to discuss potential opportunities. As always, your own financial contributions are appreciated. Donate to the campaign today at

Thank You for Your Support Campaign on Display at Kaiser Permanente The campaign’s success Symposium is thanks in part to financial The campaign will be featured at the 2012 Kaiser Permanente support of our Champion Medical Group’s James O. Johnston Orthopaedic (JOJ) level sponsors: Symposium on September 21 in San Francisco. In addition We additionally thank to a booth to distribute materials to nearly 300 orthopaedic AOSSM members physicians in attendance, Council of Champions member, and others who have Tommy John, will serve as the keynote speaker to discuss his graciously contributed experiences and passion for youth sports injury prevention. STOP to help develop new programs and projects Advisory Committee member, Dr. Rob Burger, will also present a for the campaign. session on the campaign focusing on the history of the campaign and ways for healthcare professionals to utilize it in their practices.


Online Voting Will Be Available Soon for the 2012–2013 Nominating Committee The election of the 2012–2013 AOSSM Nominating Committee will begin in mid-September and be online. Watch for an e-mail from AOSSM with an e-ballot link. To ensure voting is anonymous and secure, you will receive a second e-mail after you vote asking to confirm the ballot. Your vote will not count until you affirm the ballot in the second e-mail. Robert Stanton, MD will serve as Chair of the 2012–2013 Nominating Committee. The five nominees for the four Nominating Committee positions are: AOSSM Introduces New Abstract Ⅲ Christopher Kaeding, MD Submission System Ⅲ Mininder Kocher, MD Ⅲ David McAllister, MD AOSSM is partnering with Coe-Truman Technologies to integrate its online Ⅲ Brett Owens, MD abstract submission and invitation system (OASIS) into the abstract submission Ⅲ John Tokish, MD process. Each year, AOSSM receives hundreds of research abstracts for the Watch for the e-mail, vote for four Annual Meeting and Specialty Day. Evaluating these abstracts and selecting and be sure to confirm your vote! the final podium presentations is truly a labor of love for the physician volunteers serving on the Program Committee. Abstract submission and evaluation has come a long way from the first 2013 AOSSM AOSSM Annual Meeting. Abstracts are now submitted online rather than MEMBERSHIP DUES being mailed to the Society office. This year, the abstract submission process is more robust, reliable, and user-friendly. The evaluation of those abstracts is 2013 AOSSM membership dues based on a standardized grading system and is designed to more easily assist the notices were sent out the first week Program Committee make their final selections of key research presentations. of August via e-mail. Due to the Coe-Truman Technologies recognized the need for a product specifically increasing cost of postage, the supporting the abstract and education management process for professional Society has decided to send out dues associations. They developed OASIS in 1992 for the American Society notices via e-mail only. Remember of . Today, more than 200 meetings per year rely on OASIS that dues are to be paid within for abstract submission. 30 days of receiving your notice. The step-by-step submission process includes standard abstract submission Please contact the Society if you information: title, authors, topics, keywords, and the abstract with images and have recently changed your e-mail tables. During the submission process, abstract submitters have access to their or wish to have it sent to a different abstract for updates and edits. address. Any questions can be sent Once abstracts are selected as final podium presentations, AOSSM can to Debbie Czech, Manager, Member export those abstracts from OASIS into the AOSSM Online Library. Services at [email protected]. Individuals will be able to utilize this new system for their Annual Meeting abstract submissions in October.

12 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 Tips for the Orthopaedic Fellowship Match Webinar Taking Place

Here is your opportunity to learn about the orthopaedic fellowship match process. Mark your calendar for the AAOS “Tips for the Orthopaedic Fellowship Match” free webinar that will be held on Monday, September 24, 2012, at 8:15 p.m. ET. The information covered includes match statistics for a better understanding of the match process, a perspective from fellowship program directors and applicants, and how to navigate the match process. The faculty, which includes members of the AAOS Board of Specialty Societies (BOS) Fellowship Match Oversight Committee, Fellowship Directors, current fellows who have gone through the match process, and a representative from the San Francisco Matching Program (SF Match), will provide valuable information and statistics so you can manage your fellowship match process and make it less stressful. You will be able to submit questions via e-mail during the webinar. Visit for more information.


Congratulations to AOSSM President, Christopher Harner, MD, on being named the head team physician of the Pittsburgh Penguins. He will be joined by AOSSM member, Dharmesh Vyas, MD, assistant team physician, as the lead medical team overseeing the Penguins’ care. The doctors will travel to all Are You a Fan or a Follower? of the team’s road games, in addition to the traditional coverage provided at home games. AOSSM, AJSM and Sports Health are now all on Facebook. Learn about the latest news and articles from AJSM and Sports Health. Stay up to date on Society happenings and deadlines Educate Your Patients with In Motion at AOSSM. Join the conversation and become a Fan or follower: Facebook In Motion is now available to be personalized with your practice name and logo. For just $300, Twitter you will receive four personalized issues (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) and the high and low resolution PDFs to send SMU/In Motion Adding Videos to patients’ inboxes, post on your website, or Do you have videos related to patient information or would print out and place in your waiting room. For you be willing to shoot one related to a hot sports medicine topic? more information, contact Lisa Weisenberger, If so, please contact Lisa Weisenberger at [email protected]. Director of Communications at [email protected].


Board Review Course Now Available for Online Purchase Athletic Health Handbook Learn from some of today’s leading subspecialty experts On Sale Now for Nearly 10% Off in the online version of the Board Review course. You’ll have access to more than 19 hours of intensive review Are you looking of operative and non-operative diagnosis and treatment for a quick, options for sports-related orthopaedic and medical conditions. easy reference To purchase, visit the website and click on “online meetings.” on topics you frequently face Did you miss the AOSSM 2012 Annual Meeting? Go online. in your everyday practice or Why take notes at a meeting when you can review the presentation sporting event? online? AOSSM records presentations at Specialty Day and AOSSM has the tool for you — the Athletic the Annual Meeting. You can purchase an annual subscription or Health Handbook: A Key Resource for the single meeting access. Online Meetings are a great way to review Team Physician, Athletic Trainer and Physical presentations or share new research with colleagues and fellows. Therapist. This unique 3-ring handbook For more information visit provides the team physician, athletic trainer, and physical therapist with up-to-date Team Need a Review? Purchase 2012 Self Assessment Today Physician Corner articles and consensus Looking for a great review of sports medicine? The 2012 statements from Sports Medicine Update, all Self Assessment contains 125 new questions designed to guide in one location, for quick and easy referencing. your review of diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating common Handbook purchasers also receive an added orthopaedic sports medicine injuries and conditions. Each bonus of downloadable, annual updates question contains commentary and references to support your with all of the latest information. learning. Complete the exam and earn 12 AMA PRA Category AOSSM Members receive one copy 1™ credits. Self Assessment can count toward your ABOS ›› of the Athletic Health Handbook for just MOC Part 2 requirement, too. $10! Additional copies and non-member price is now $35! Visit the online store Earn CME Through Current Concepts in AJSM at to order today! Where can you find the most up-to-date information on critical clinical topics in sports medicine? Current Concepts, the journal- based CME activity, is available each month in AJSM. Reflect and evaluate research-based information you can use in your practice while you earn AMA PRA Category 1™ credit. For more information visit

Got News We Could Use? Sports Medicine Update Wants to Hear from You! Have you received a prestigious award recently? A new academic appointment? Been named a team physician? AOSSM wants to hear from you! Sports Medicine Update welcomes all members’ news items. Send information to Lisa Weisenberger, AOSSM Director of Communications, at [email protected], fax to 847/292-4905, or contact the Society office at 847/292-4900. High resolution (300 dpi) photos are always welcomed.

14 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 Join the Traveling Fellowship Family and Host a Surgeon

The Traveling Fellowship Committee is currently seeking shopping trips and outdoor activities volunteers to host the Traveling Fellows for next year’s North unique to their locations. It is also American tour. The Traveling Fellowship Program serves as a vital important that hosts add downtime into link between the Society and its counterparts in Europe, Asia the busy schedules — two to three hours per day is suggested. Pacific, and Latin America. Tours between AOSSM and Europe or The Traveling Fellowship Committee also encourages members the Asia Pacific occur every other year. Tours between the Society to “group host,” with several institutions in one area sharing the and Latin America, take place every three years. Nearly 200 hosting duties and costs, thus adding to the diversity of the tour. individuals have participated in the program, which most report Next year’s tour will host fellows from Europe. The tour will have had a positive impact on their careers and personal lives. tentatively take place from June 19 to July 10, ending with the Each year, the Society hosts three young and promising AOSSM meeting in Chicago, Illinois, from July 11 to July 14, orthopaedic sports medicine specialists and one senior surgeon 2013. There will be one free day during the middle of this tour who acts as Godparent. These four Traveling Fellows usually to allow the fellows to rest. tour six sports medicine centers in North America and attend If you are interested in hosting the Traveling Fellows in the AOSSM Annual Meeting during their 3 and a half week stay. 2013, please fill out the form on the following page or online Individual hosts are responsible for the costs of lodging, at and e-mail or fax it meals, local transportation, entertainment, and associated costs to Debbie Czech by November 30, 2012. Applications received of the fellows. Hosts ensure that the fellows are met at the airport after the deadline will not be accepted. Please be sure to indicate when they arrive and arrangements are made for taking them which three or four day period from June 19 to July 10 when to the airport for departure. The typical visit blends time spent you will be unable to host the fellows. in scientific endeavors, a tour of the host facility, observation Please attach a sample itinerary detailing how you would blend in the operating room, social functions, and recreation. Hosts are time spent in scientific endeavors, a tour of the host facility, tours encouraged to use their creativity to plan a unique and exciting of other sports medicine facilities and research facilities in the area, experience. For example, hosts have taken the fellows on special social functions, sightseeing, and recreation. This information tours of historic sites, gone to sporting events, and arranged will help the committee with host selection and planning.

AOSSM Traveling Fellowship Tour Goes to Asia Pacific in 2013

Applications are now being accepted for stops are Hiroshima and Kobe, ; The requirements the 2013 AOSSM/APOSSM (APKASS) Beijing and Shanghai, ; Hong Kong; and application to Traveling Fellowship Tour. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Singapore. become a Traveling Dr. Allen Anderson from Tennessee Applicants must be orthopaedic surgeons Fellow can be Orthopaedic Alliance has been selected to currently practicing in North America, downloaded at be the Godfather for the AOSSM/APKASS who are 45 years of age or under, board Traveling Fellowship tour. Dr. Anderson certified, and are either AOSSM members travelingfellowship. was a former traveling fellow in 1989 or have completed accredited sports All applications traveling to the Asia Pacific region. He has medicine fellowships. Applicants must must be received also been on the AOSSM Board of Directors be interested in fostering a meaningful by the Society and the Medical Publishing Board of exchange of scientific information, no later than Trustees. The tour will tentatively take place stimulating research, and developing October 31, for four weeks starting around May 21 friendships with sports medicine 2012. For at the 2013 JOA Congress in Hiroshima, colleagues. If this describes you, then information, contact Debbie Czech Japan, and ending around June 18. Tentative the traveling fellowship is for you. at [email protected] or 847/292-4900.

AOSSM gratefully acknowledges the support of DJO Global for the Traveling Fellowship program.


Please consider me/my institution as a potential Traveling Fellowship Host. I understand that the Traveling Fellowship Committee will review my application. I also understand that I may not be selected as a host. If I am selected, I agree to assume lodging, meals, local transportation, entertainment, and associated costs. I also agree to at least 3 hours free time, per day so fellows may , contact family, read e-mails, etc.

Name of Host(s) ______Institution or Facility______Address ______City, State Zip ______Phone______Fax______E-mail ______Name of Tour Coordinator______Coordinator E-mail______I am a former Traveling Fellow/Godparent. Year______I have hosted before. Year(s) ______

DETAIL why you would like to host the Traveling Fellows.

INDICATE any 3- or 4-day period from June 19 to July 10, 2013, when you will be unable to host the fellows:

ATTACH a sample itinerary for your site so that the Committee can adequately review your application.

Please return this form to Debbie Czech by November 30, 2012, via e-mail at [email protected] or by fax to 847/292-4905.

16 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 WASHINGTON UPDATE Orthopaedic Updates from Washington By Jamie Gregorian, Esq., AAOS Senior Manager, Specialty Society Affairs and Research Advocacy

As Congress speeds toward a five-week —something neither party wants heading announced that federal health exchanges recess that will include both the Republican into an election—and keep the federal can provide premium tax subsidies, and Democratic National Conventions, government operating through March. a decision that drew significant protest there is still a flurry of activity in both The deal would keep the government from critics of the law. Opponents of the legislative and regulatory arenas. Most funded at the same levels of last year’s PPACA argue that the statute specifically observers have noted the unlikelihood debt ceiling law. The agreement would provides tax credits to purchase insurance of major legislation passing before the fund the government for six months when only through exchanges established by November elections, but there are still the current fiscal year ends on September the states, not the federal government. several deadlines that Congress will have 30, setting agency spending for the year at Moderate Rep. Steve LaTourette to tend to, not the least of which is the $1.047 trillion, as agreed to in last summer’s (R-OH), who shook Washington with September 30 end to the fiscal year. debt deal. It is just above this year’s level of a surprise announcement that he was In July, the House of Representatives $1.043 trillion. Observers long recognized retiring in frustration, said that a bipartisan passed the 33rd version of an Affordable that there was little chance of a long-term House group will try to launch a lame-duck Care Act repeal bill. As noted by MedPage budget deal prior to the September 30 effort to reform Medicare, part of what Today, “[t]he 244-185 vote, largely along end to the fiscal year. he called a “big deal” to reduce the federal party lines [in the Republican-controlled Also before recess, Senate Minority deficit by trillions of dollars. The reform House], was thought to be mainly for the Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) filed an effort will be modeled after the Simpson- purposes of making a political statement, amendment to a cybersecurity bill to fully Bowles Commission. The commission, since the bill was expected to be dead repeal the Affordable Care Act, the third named for co-chairs Alan Simpson and on arrival in the Democratic-controlled time he has introduced a repeal amendment Erskine Bowles is a Presidential Commission Senate. President Obama also has said since the Supreme Court upheld the law. created in 2010 by President Obama he would veto the measure.” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid later to identify “policies to improve the fiscal Also in late July, as expected, President called such a request “ridiculous,” and did situation in the medium term and to achieve Obama “signed the Food and Drug not bring the amendment up for a vote. fiscal sustainability over the long run.” Administration Safety and Innovation Act, Minority Leader McConnell also asked for In state government news, Massachusetts which reauthorizes user fees that the FDA a vote on full repeal of the health law when lawmakers gave final approval to a bill collects from the drug and medical-device the Senate returns to session after the August designed to save up to $200 billion in industries.” The bill included the Prescrip- recess, challenging Senate Democrats costs over the next 15 years. tion Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), and the to go on the record if they still support it. Legislative leaders say the bill will help Medical Device User Fee Act (MDUFA). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid objected, guarantee the future of the state’s landmark Prior to leaving town for the August saying Republicans “continue to want health care law and make Massachusetts recess, House and Senate leaders unveiled to fight battles that are already over.” the first state to set a goal limiting a stopgap measure to fund the government The next PPACA battles are expected the future growth of health care costs. for six months beyond the September 30 to be waged on exchanges. On August 2, The bill also encourages the creation fiscal year end. This would avert a shutdown the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of accountable care organizations.


AANA and AOSSM are pleased to announce the following sports medicine/ arthroscopy fellowship programs are participating in the Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Match for 2013. The Match, administered through the San Francisco Matching Program (, provides an orderly, equitable selection process for applicants and fellowship programs. For the most current match information, please visit

3B Orthopaedic at Penn/ Banner Good Samaritan Children’s (Boston) Program Fairview Southdale Hospital/ Penn Hospital of the University Medical Center Program Lyle J. Micheli, MD MOSMI Program of Penn Health System Anikar Chhabra Boston, MA Christopher M. Larson, MD Arthur R. Bartolozzi, MD Phoenix, AZ Cincinnati Sports Medicine Minneapolis, MN Philadelphia, PA Barton/Lake Tahoe Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center Program Henry Ford Hospital Program Allegheny General Hospital Program Fellowship Program Frank R. Noyes, MD Patricia A. Kolowich, MD Sam Akhavan, MD Keith R. Swanson, MD Cincinnati, OH Detroit, MI Pittsburgh, PA Zephyr Cove, NV Sports Medicine Program Hospital for Special Surgery Program American Sports Medicine Institute Baylor College of Medicine Program Mark S. Schickendantz, MD Scott A. Rodeo, MD (St. Vincent’s) Program David M. Green, MD Cleveland, OH New York, NY Jeffrey R. Dugas, MD Houston, TX Congress Medical Associates Program Hughston Foundation Program Birmingham, AL Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Gregory J. Adamson, MD Champ L. Baker, Jr., MD Andrews Research and Education Fellowship Program Pasadena, CA Columbus, GA Institute Program Timothy E. Kremchek, MD Detroit Medical Center Program Indiana University School James R. Andrews, MD Sharonville, OH Stephen E. Lemos, MD, PhD of Medicine Program Gulf Breeze, FL Boston University Medical Center Program Warren, MI Arthur C. Rettig, MD ASMI/Lemak Sports Medicine Program Thomas A. Einhorn, MD Doctors’ Hospital (Baptist Health Indianapolis, IN Lawrence J. Lemak, MD Boston, MA of South Florida) Program Birmingham, AL Brigham & Women’s Hospital, F. Harlan Selesnick, MD Jackson Memorial Hospital/ Aspen Sports Medicine Foundation Program Harvard Program Coral Gables, FL Jackson Health Systems Program N. Lindsay Harris, Jr., MD Scott D. Martin, MD Duke University Hospital Program Bryson P. Lesniak, MD Aspen, CO Chestnut Hill, MA Dean C. Taylor, MD Miami, FL Atlanta Sports Medicine Brown University Program Durham, NC Kaiser Permanente & Cartilage Reconstruction Paul D. Fadale, MD Emory University Orthopaedic Sports Orange County Program Fellowship Program Providence, RI Medicine Fellowship Program Brent R. Davis, MD Irvine, CA Scott D. Gillogly, MD Spero G. Karas, MD Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA

18 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012 Kaiser Permanente San Diego Program Orthopaedic Research of Virginia Program TRIA Orthopaedic Center Program University of Missouri at Kansas City Edmond Pai Young, MD John F. Meyers, MD Gary B. Fetzer, MD Program El Cajon, CA Richmond, VA Bloomington, MN Jon E. Browne, MD Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Program Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical UCLA Medical Center Program Leawood, KS Neal S. ElAttrache, MD Center Program David R. McAllister, MD University of New Program Los Angeles, CA Wayne J. Sebastianelli, MD Los Angeles, CA Daniel C. Wascher, MD Program State College, PA UHZ Sports Medicine Institute Program Albuquerque, NM Barton Nisonson, MD Rush University Medical Center Program (HealthSouth Doctors Hospital) University of Pittsburgh/UPMC Medical New York, NY Bernard R. Bach, Jr., MD John W. Uribe, MD Education Program Massachusetts General Hospital/ Chicago, IL Coral Gables, FL Christopher D. Harner, MD Harvard Medical School Program San Diego Arthroscopy Union Memorial Hospital Program Pittsburgh, PA Thomas J. Gill IV, MD & Sports Medicine Program Richard Y. Hinton, MD, MPH, MEd, PT University of Rochester Medical Center Boston, MA James P. Tasto, MD Baltimore, MD Program Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine Program San Diego, CA University at Buffalo Program Michael D. Maloney, MD Michael J. Stuart, MD Santa Monica Orthopaedic Leslie J. Bisson, MD Rochester, NY Rochester, MN & Sports Medicine Group Program Buffalo, NY University of South Florida Program Mercy Hospital Anderson/University of Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD University of California (Davis) Program Charles C. Nofsinger, MD Cincinnati College of Medicine Program Santa Monica, CA Richard A. Marder, MD Tampa, FL Denver T. Stanfield, MD SOAR Sports Medicine Fellowship Program Sacramento, CA University of Tennessee–Campbell Clinic Cincinnati, OH Michael F. Dillingham, MD University of California San Francisco Program Methodist Hospital (Houston) Program Redwood City, CA Program Frederick M. Azar, MD David M. Lintner, MD Southern California Orthopaedic Institute Christina R. Allen, MD Memphis, TN Houston, TX Program San Francisco, CA University of Texas Health Science Center Mississippi Sports Medicine Richard D. Ferkel, MD University of Chicago Program at San Antonio Program & Orthopaedic Center Program Van Nuys, CA Sherwin S. W. Ho, MD, BA Jesse C. DeLee, MD Larry D. Field, MD Sports Clinic Laguna Hills Program Chicago, IL San Antonio, TX Jackson, MS Wesley M. Nottage, MD University of Colorado Health Science University of Utah Program New England Baptist Hospital Program Laguna Hills, CA Center Program Robert T. Burks, MD Mark E. Steiner, MD Stanford Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Eric C. McCarty, MD Salt Lake City, UT Boston, MA Fellowship Program Boulder, CO University of Virginia Health Systems New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates Marc R. Safran, MD University of Connecticut Program Program Program Redwood City, CA Robert A. Arciero, MD David R. Diduch, MD Samuel K. Tabet, MD Steadman Hawkins Clinic–Denver Program Farmington, CT Charlottesville, VA Albuquerque, NM Theodore F. Schlegel, MD University of Illinois at Chicago– University of Wisconsin Hospital Northwestern University–McGaw Medical Greenwood Village, CO Center for Athletic Medicine Program & Program Center Fellowship Program Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas Preston M. Wolin, MD John F. Orwin, MD Michael A. Terry, MD Program Chicago, IL Madison, WI Chicago, IL Richard J. Hawkins, MD, FRCSC University of Iowa USC Sports Medicine Fellowship Program NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Program Greenville, SC & Clinics Program James E. Tibone, MD Orrin H. Sherman, MD Steadman Philippon Research Institute Brian R. Wolf, MD, MS Los Angeles, CA New York, NY Program Iowa City, IA Vanderbilt University Program Ochsner Clinic Foundation Program J. Richard Steadman, MD University of Kentucky Sports Medicine John E. Kuhn, MD Deryk G. Jones, MD Vail, CO Program Nashville, TN Jefferson, LA Taos Orthopaedic Institute Program Scott D. Mair, MD Wake Forest University School of Medicine Ohio State University Hospital Program James H. Lubowitz, MD Lexington, KY David F. Martin, MD Christopher C. Kaeding, MD Taos, NM University of Massachusetts Program Winston Salem, NC Columbus, OH The Orthopaedic Foundation Brian D. Busconi, MD Washington University Program OrthoCarolina Sports Medicine, for Active Lifestyles Sports Medicine Worcester, MA Matthew J. Matava, MD Shoulder & Elbow Program Fellowship University of Michigan Program Chesterfield, MO James E. Fleischli, MD Kevin D. Plancher, MD Bruce S. Miller, MD, MS West Coast Sports Medicine Foundation Charlotte, NC Cos Cob, CT Ann Arbor, MI Program OrthoIndy Program Thomas Jefferson University Program University of Missouri Keith S. Feder, MD Jack Farr II, MD Michael G. Ciccotti, MD James P. Stannard, MD Manhattan Beach, CA Greenwood, IN Philadelphia, PA Columbia, MO William Beaumont Hospital Program Kyle Anderson, MD Royal Oak, MI

September/October 2012 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE 19 Upcoming Meetings & Courses For more information and to register, visit

Advanced Team Physician Course New Orleans, Louisiana | December 6–9, 2012 AOSSM 2013 Specialty Day Chicago, Illinois | March 23, 2013 Sports Medicine and the NFL: The Playbook for 2013 Boston, Massachusetts | May 9–11, 2013 AOSSM 2013 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois | July 11–14, 2013

20 SPORTS MEDICINE UPDATE September/October 2012

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