Ingham County Democrat Sitlontewaatroiiktbeextremasuvsr-Med Under the Ctath! Patty,Dtd..;4Iot .Intoad'to-Balld up Tha'sepab^ Lasned

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Ingham County Democrat Sitlontewaatroiiktbeextremasuvsr-Med Under the Ctath! Patty,Dtd..;4Iot .Intoad'to-Balld up Tha'sepab^ Lasned VOL. m. MAfeON. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28. 18T8. NO. 9 omclal Mt Bu«tne«i Directory^ If you would be wealthy think of sav­ The "Drunkards Dream," dedicated to The Baptist soci»I WBS hold last even­ BuMlness Locals. [ngham County Democrat ing ns well as getting. .Save health, time the white and red ribbon clubs by Frank ing at the residence of J. C. Squicrs. As COUNTV OPMCEBS. \ lierir. I _ ..J-iara R. Dxar and money by using Wright's Cough B, Woodhouse, of this city, nnd publish­ there is no one afraid of John or his wife, Coractlne. ...LBMurt WooDHOoan' Syrup. * ed in this paper, will bo found very intor- everybody went, and just filled the house Treuurer ....iNo.C.SquiBBa IsOCAI. Ji,»E!VERAfa HEWS. Ltidies interested eiui meet Mrs. Hol- loii lit Mrs. T. Horton's, Thursday Clerk.. ..Jso.C. CA.WMOS .?sting, nnd be highly appreciated by his from top to bottom. Some very fine ReKisler .... A large invoice of sill tho new boards March .Oth, 1H78. <?wl J udge of Probate Jf. B. CIIATTKWOII friends. • music, now maple syrup, lots of fun and Mason boMU of » free bus. for business cards, ball tickets, prognim- Pros. Attorney - CAHU.II' about $10 in cash -was tho result. The Sugar Mitkura' .\ttciitloii: Only 25 cents, ITright's Cougli Syrup me.s, and ealliiig cards just received at William Cook of Delhi, will deliver an OlrcullConrt »jomra| tf„s»EtC. 0«T«AKMR- next one to be held by this soeiotv will For sap pans, sap pail.i, spouLs, or any­ Surreyor -AARON P. OSAKI' this oflice. address before the >[ason grange next Drain Com'r -...I. B. WooDlloua*. '^...CBU and see^ur now styles of card be a necktie at the residence of G. thing in that line you should ciiU'on f _ JACOB SwiTzaAmi!. Saturday .afternoon. Subject, "The con­ !)tf A. T. IIEKUEIWON. JOIINJ. board. " Clo and hear .lohn R. (l^Iark at tho W. Polar. Coronera, j Ttirri.*. dition of the fanner." The meeting -\vill court house next Monday tmd Tucsd.iy New Uarbnr Shop. CITY OFriCEBS. The umberella man plieth his vocation bo open to all, and everybody is invited .Wnyor...., .TVii.u.vM Woonnouae evenings. He is reported as being- sec­ Isaac Crich, formerly an employe' in again. S. B. Hughes, tho popular barber, for­ Clerk..... Sr.LAii II. WoiiniiN to :Utend. the News ollice, who has been iu Ann merly over William's drug store, has re­ Trenaur^rWHiuiaer. •••Ilend l (Joilector...•*.............•......«. X. ..B. ......IIIO.K ond to none. School Inspector T. VAxOaTiiAND Tbe red ribbon club has been resui- Poopl.) should be very careful about Arbor for a few weeks, being treated lor moved to the rooms over G. L. Barnaby'a Marshal H. O.CAU. R. .-v. Morrison, of .Sturgis, ire.isuror of grocery. Go and ace him. reeled. r.apping .at the wrong doors after twelve .a tumor, returned last .Saturday to take Street Oommissioner ,S Pilil.l.iW. IlilXllOIIr SlOED I tl*e .Michigan Grand Lodge I. 0.0. P., his position again which-he had hired .•» Don't Go Ifimicry! .MlLTOK ItYAH The weather prophets have become dis. o'clock at night, for some person in their Juaticea of the Peace W.A.Tr.BI. has eloped, witli §i;,7TS.7.l belong '•'sub" to hold for him. Upon his arrival The Clai'k House ia in shape to accom­ .PKTCR L^)Wlt e.'ccitemcnt will .sometime bore them full gustcd. to the Di-der. he was informed thtit tho office had all modate five or si.x more boarders, v^ith or .Aldorracn at Large B. r. iu% of holes with revolver shots bol'orc they Blue birds have made their appearance the help requirofl. "Iko" is a good com­ withont rooms. Prices low and ijoiird .TJiAUiiKraIL Br.KcHUDKKHMUKKK A m;iii earrying a lighted lantern on can get out of reach. first-class. Try it, and satisfy y^iursclf. .Mdormen, let Word M.W.TAXNIR positor :ind we aro sorry to see him thus - A. V.PrKK in this section. our streets in the middle of the day last Aldermen, 2d Ward lEaax Ilcccii People should rometiilier that A. T. thrown out of employment. Western corn and timothy seed at It is strange what becomes of all the week, attracted t!:o attention of all the MCnOOI. DISTRICT OFFICKK.S. Henderson's h.ardware ston; is not on Fircii .t Bu.s-.vEi.:,'y. C. CA.VSOX. •'little fiirius," The grange meeting in this city yester­ President. I. smart children. -•Vsh street now but h,as been removed to Director MiiTos ltVA»~ day was a very interesting ono, and show­ T!>i> Siittar araU.iis* rrloild. Assessor II. I'. HKNDKliaONj The brick have commenced to ai'ri'.'c It is stilted that tlii> iiit.^ri\st on ill.-; na­ t.'ic new store on !M:ipIo sti'oet with a com­ VV. -A. TKEI.. Post's patent galvaiii-/;ed eureka aap tional bonds and ..'.xponse.s of ilic Gov. ed signs of tin awakening interest in the Tnistees, ...S. A. PAUnocK. for the new post office. plete line of hardware. See his notice to spont and bucket hangers, tiie most sim­ MruTo.s KYA.V. order, all the granges in tho county ex­ eniment :imounts to .•51,M-i;,000 p.u' day. sugar makers in another''column- ple, durable, convenient and;jn^ Ele;?ant c«ttumes at low prices at the cept two being represented. Prof. W, .T. £N8tJRE AGAINST ACCIDENTS Good gracious! sap spout iu tho world, for sale by Donnelly House to-morrow. Tho M. E. Sunday school has just pur­ Beal, of tho .-Vgricultural College, gave 'Jtf A. T- IIE.VIII:II.':O:,-. In tho Old, Reliable, Safe and Sound John was the only man a.t the Pri'sby- chased a hundred dollars' worth of new We Ictrn. tliat Mrs. A. B. Wc.^t. of them a good common-aensc t,.alk of con­ Tlic-Rlooiluil Stiillliin, Jlilly aiorcati. tcrian social that dared 1,0 .slide dow:i tho books, which -wilfbe placed in their li­ Railway Passengers Assurance Company Okcmos, is dan;;erously ill. siderable length whicli wc hope to give Formerly owned by .\. D. Spauiding, banisters. Since then his p:ints Iiavc OF BARTFORTI, CONK. brary this week. They were selected to onr readers in a short time. Such of Dansville, will make the season of Sf) cenis .1 day. forSl.iWn. See Circular. Frank Bungs, of lonin, was in the city been halfsoled. witii a great deal of care, by the pastor, meetings are of groat benefit to the far­ 167S at-the stable, of the subaeribor, iu over Sunday, visiting friends. who went to Detroit for that purpose last Mason. This is one of the best Iiursc'j ia . ntr J. c. SQCiEiLS, ARnit. That woman wlio took a' black mer. the county, for all work. Fariner5.,and p. .STKOtjI.*, fjn<lertak-'r Threi* •l.ttirs west week. Quids of tobacco falling qnito a cli.s- velvet at tlie social htst evening, Iiad Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Huntington, of all others are requested to cxamina I, nf City Ilakfiry. Maaon, Micll. him. 'Perms, live dollars to insure. • , tanco make a very ninsical sound. hotter rc'turn it. for she v.-;i.s detectiel. It Our local last week had the desired Laingsburg, formerly of this city,, lost IL W 11. MOUSE, Dentist. Office over would save exposure. •Sll'. W.M. H. Clark, Prop'r. Tanner's store. Mason, Slicli. The ••iily den­ Asa G. Blanchard says that boy welsh­ cfTeot, and wo havo received ,a very fine their littlo son Albert last week, aged IC tisDt in the city who is license*! to nan JlubWrna ix AVailt.:il : hiuse for artitichil tti^:th. This lias iieon a ]Kior winter ior tho basket of apples of Capt Moore and some months, and brought the body here for ed nine pounds on the luth ult. To exchange house Jiiid lot in .lac'irson Good TpniplnrH* Or<l*?r. gray sk\' to unlock her fleecy troitsiircs from others. Of course you have our intcrincut last Saturday. This is the Joe Prcseley, now engaged in business for iiroperty.iii Mason or vicinity. Apply The Iiuhtpeniient Onler of Goiel Templars meet jit :inii keep tlii> uartli i.-nveloped in a gar­ thnnks, gontlemon. third child of aluiut this .age that they to P. 11- Bninpns, Darrow block. 7-W..1 Iheir hall ev^.ry Fri«layev^.ning at 7 o'clock. in Locke, was home over .Sunday. FI.OI:K.SOI: DKN.SIS, W...^. W. A. Tail., W. C. T. ment nf spolt>»ss purity. jr. P. Henderson now keeps a very have lost within the piisl few years, and Scttli! Up anil .sijivo Co«t. "Heal thyself!"' by using Wright's nice horse .and carriage. the loss is deo|ily I'elt b^' tho parents. W. HAMMONI>, Justice anil O^nveyuncer and Our offiec was beautifully deeoiMted I hereby give notice that all por:;o:;3 S, Collecting .Agency. Business in hia line prompt­ Cough SjTup- Only 2;j cents a bottle. Mrs- C. G. Huntington accompanied them ly attioKhui to. Otlier- .Ull door •.'net of A. Dun- one evening Last week. Turnip.s, busliol 'THE Poiri.TUY Suow.—The show of having unsettled accounls wi'Jj ine, niiig'a Grocery Store, Maaon, Michigan. to their home ou Monday, and will re. must call and settle by c:ish or ;,.>jod ap­ Ask any one who has triijd it, about baskets, green wood aud cornstalks were poultry at the exhibition in this city last O.
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