OMBUDSPERSON INSTITUTION in KOSOVO FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT 2004 – 2005 addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations 11 July 2005 Telephone: ++381 38 545 303 Telefax: ++381 38 545 302 e-mail:
[email protected] web site: FOREWORD This is the fifth annual report that I am submitting to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) of the United Nations. According to all indications this is the last such report that I have the pleasure to present. The next edition will be the momentous task of my successor. It is clear for everyone in Kosovo and outside that the period covered by this report should be and is of the utmost importance for Kosovo. Still there are many problems and unanswered questions. Notwithstanding the political solutions adopted, the future of Kosovo should be in Europe following European standards of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and, especially in the context of Kosovo, the protection of the rights of minorities. There is a lot of work in front of Kosovo’s communities and their leaders in the process of making the province a home for all who live here or intend to return after long years of exile. This recent period of Standards assessment, some of the priority standards and related issues, particularly from a human rights standpoint, are, at the same time, very much present on the agenda of the Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo and fall within the Ombudsperson’s jurisdiction. In such a situation, even if the Ombudsperson is not formally involved in standards’ evaluation on the ground, my duty should be to share with the SRSG and the general public my thoughts and conclusions of at least some selected aspects of the situation and recent achievements, or the lack thereof, as well as the persisting serious problems, as seen from the particular perspective of the Ombudsperson.