100 Years of Change in the Flora of the Carolinas
ASTERACEAE 224 Zinnia Linnaeus 1759 (Zinnia) A genus of about 17 species, herbs, of sw. North America south to South America. References: Smith in FNA (2006c); Cronquist (1980)=SE. 1 Achenes wingless; receptacular bracts (chaff) toothed or erose on the lip..............................................................Z. peruviana 1 Achenes winged; receptacular bracts (chaff) with a differentiated fimbriate lip........................................................Z. violacea * Zinnia peruviana (Linnaeus) Linnaeus, Zinnia. Cp (GA, NC, SC): disturbed areas; rare (commonly cultivated), introduced from the New World tropics. May-November. [= FNA, K, SE; ? Z. pauciflora Linnaeus – S] * Zinnia violacea Cavanilles, Garden Zinnia. Cp (GA, NC, SC): disturbed areas; rare (commonly cultivated), introduced from the New World tropics. May-November. [= FNA, K; ? Z. elegans Jacquin – S, SE] BALSAMINACEAE A. Richard 1822 (Touch-me-not Family) A family of 2 genera and 850-1000 species, primarily of the Old World tropics. References: Fischer in Kubitzki (2004). Impatiens Linnaeus (Jewelweed, Touch-me-not, Snapweed, Balsam) A genus of 850-1000 species, herbs and subshrubs, primarily tropical and north temperate Old World. References: Fischer in Kubitzki (2004). 1 Corolla purple, pink, or white; plants 3-6 (-8) dm tall; stems puberulent or glabrous; [cultivated alien, rarely escaped]. 2 Sepal spur strongly recurved; stems puberulent..............................................................................................I. balsamina 2 Sepal spur slightly
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