100 Years of Change in the Flora of the Carolinas

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100 Years of Change in the Flora of the Carolinas ASTERACEAE 224 Zinnia Linnaeus 1759 (Zinnia) A genus of about 17 species, herbs, of sw. North America south to South America. References: Smith in FNA (2006c); Cronquist (1980)=SE. 1 Achenes wingless; receptacular bracts (chaff) toothed or erose on the lip..............................................................Z. peruviana 1 Achenes winged; receptacular bracts (chaff) with a differentiated fimbriate lip........................................................Z. violacea * Zinnia peruviana (Linnaeus) Linnaeus, Zinnia. Cp (GA, NC, SC): disturbed areas; rare (commonly cultivated), introduced from the New World tropics. May-November. [= FNA, K, SE; ? Z. pauciflora Linnaeus – S] * Zinnia violacea Cavanilles, Garden Zinnia. Cp (GA, NC, SC): disturbed areas; rare (commonly cultivated), introduced from the New World tropics. May-November. [= FNA, K; ? Z. elegans Jacquin – S, SE] BALSAMINACEAE A. Richard 1822 (Touch-me-not Family) A family of 2 genera and 850-1000 species, primarily of the Old World tropics. References: Fischer in Kubitzki (2004). Impatiens Linnaeus (Jewelweed, Touch-me-not, Snapweed, Balsam) A genus of 850-1000 species, herbs and subshrubs, primarily tropical and north temperate Old World. References: Fischer in Kubitzki (2004). 1 Corolla purple, pink, or white; plants 3-6 (-8) dm tall; stems puberulent or glabrous; [cultivated alien, rarely escaped]. 2 Sepal spur strongly recurved; stems puberulent..............................................................................................I. balsamina 2 Sepal spur slightly curved; stems glabrous or with widely scattered hairs......................................................I. walleriana 1 Corolla yellow or orange (rarely cream or white); plant mostly 5-25 dm tall; stems glabrous; [native]. 3 Flowers orange (rarely orange-yellow or white); calyx spur (colored) 7-10 mm long, curved forward parallel to the calyx sac ............................................................................................................................................................I. capensis 3 Flowers yellow (rarely cream or white); calyx spur (colored) 4-6 mm long, at a right angle to the calyx sac......I. pallida * Impatiens balsamina Linnaeus, Garden Balsam. Cp (NC, SC, VA), Mt (VA): frequently cultivated, sometimes escaped as a waif or "throw-out"; rare, introduced from s. Asia. June-November. [= RAB, C, F, G, K, S] Impatiens capensis Meerburg, Orange Jewelweed, Orange Touch-me-not, Spotted Touch-me-not. Mt, Pd, Cp (GA, NC, SC, VA): moist forests, bottomlands, cove forests, streambanks, bogs; common (rare in Coastal Plain of GA). May-November. Newfoundland west to Saskatchewan and AK, south to SC, panhandle FL, AL, and TX. Within the portion of our area where I. capensis and I. pallida overlap, the two species often occur in mixed populations. I. capensis tends to have the leaf apices and crenulations more rounded than I. pallida, but the character is overlapping and variable. [= RAB, C, F, GW, K, W; = I. biflora Walter – G, S] Impatiens pallida Nuttall, Yellow Jewelweed, Yellow Touch-me-not, Pale Touch-me-not. Mt (GA, NC, VA), Pd (NC, VA), Cp (VA): cove forests, streambanks, seepages, moist forests, bogs, roadsides; common (rare in Piedmont of NC and Coastal Plain of VA). July-September. Nova Scotia and Québec west to Saskatchewan, south to e. VA, wc. NC, TN, WV, MO, and OK. [= RAB, C, F, G, GW, K, S, W] * Impatiens walleriana Hooker f., Garden Impatiens. Pd (NC): suburban woodlands, weakly spreading from horticultural plantings; rare, native of Africa. [= K] BATACEAE von Martius ex Meisner 1842 (Batis Family) A monogeneric family, low shrubs, of tropical and subtropical shores of the Americas, New Guinea, the Pacific, and Australia. References: Rogers (1982b); Bayer & Appel in Kubitzki & Bayer (2003). Batis P. Browne 1756 (Saltwort, Beachwort, Batis) A genus of 2 species, low shrubs, of tropical and subtropical shores of the Americas, New Guinea, the Pacific, and Australia. The only other member of the family and genus is B. argillicola, of New Guinea and Australia. References: Rogers (1982b); Goldblatt (1976); Bayer & Appel in Kubitzki & Bayer (2003). Batis maritima Linnaeus, Saltwort, Beachwort, Batis. Cp (GA, NC?, SC): brackish marshes; rare north of GA (but locally common). June-July; October. Se. SC south to s. FL, west to TX, and in Central and South America (apparently introduced in BERBERIDACEAE 225 HI). B. maritima is alleged (as by S) to occur as far north as NC, but the documentation is unknown; there is no twentieth century evidence to place Batis in NC. [= RAB, GW, K, S, Z] BEGONIACEAE C. Agardh 1824 (Begonia Family) Begonia Linnaeus (Begonia) * Begonia cucullata Willdenow, Begonia. Cp (GA): disturbed places; rare, native of South America. Escaped or persistent in e. GA (Jones and Coile 1988) south to FL (Wunderlin 1998). [= K] BERBERIDACEAE A.L. de Jussieu 1789 (Barberry Family) As broadly defined here, a family of about 15 genera and 650 species, herbs and shrubs, of the temperate Northern Hemisphere and Andean South America. There has been much debate and study of whether the Berberidaceae shold be recognized as a broadly defined unit, or split into a variety of segregate families (such as Podophyllaceae, Epimediaceae, Nandinaceae, Leonticaceae). Based on molecular studies, Kim & Jansen (1996, 1998) conclude that division of the Berberidaceae into segregate families is not warranted. References: Whetstone, Atkinson, & Spaulding in FNA (1997); Stearn (2002); Kim & Jansen (1996, 1998); Ahrendt (1961); Loconte & Estes (1989b); Meacham (1980); Loconte in Kubitzki, Rohwer, & Bittrich (1993). 1 Plant a shrub. 2 Leaves ternately compound; [subfamily Nandinoideae]....................................................................................... Nandina 2 Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound; [subfamily Berberideae, tribe Berberidinae]. 3 Leaves simple, < 6 cm long, fascicled on short spur shoots; stems spiny ......................................................Berberis 3 Leaves 1-pinnately compound, > 10 cm long, not fascicled on short spur shoots; stems not spiny ............. Mahonia 1 Plant an herb. 4 Leaves compound; flowers greenish or maroon; [subfamily Berberidoideae, tribe Leonticeae] ................. Caulophyllum 4 Leaves simple (though parted); flowers white; [subfamily Berberideae, tribe Epimediinae]. 5 Plant acaulescent; flower solitary and scapose; leaf segments 2; fruit a capsule.......................................Jeffersonia 5 Plant caulescent; flower solitary, or cymose to umbellate, borne on a stem with leaves; leaf segments several; fruit a berry. 6 Flowers cymose or umbellate; stamens 6; berry globose, 8-12 mm long, 2-4 seeded; larger leaves with only 2 clefts that extend > halfway to the peltate center of the leaf (thus the leaf divided into 2 halves, the other sinuses shallow) ................................................................................................................................. Diphylleia 6 Flower solitary; stamens 12-18; berry ovoid, 25-70 mm long, many-seeded; larger leaves with 5 or more clefts that extend > halfway to the peltate center of the leaf (thus the leaf fairly evenly divided into multiple lobes)..............................................................................................................................................Podophyllum Berberis Linnaeus (Barberry) (also see Mahonia) A genus of 300-500 species, shrubs, of North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and n. Africa. References: Whittemore in FNA (1997); Kim, Kim, & Landrum (2004); Loconte in Kubitzki, Rohwer, & Bittrich (1993). 1 Leaves entire; flowers solitary or 2-4 in umbels; spines mostly simple; [section Tschonoskyanae]......................B. thunbergii 1 Leaves bristly-serrate; flowers 5-many in racemes (sometimes the racemes umbelliform); spines mostly trifurcate (some simple or bifurcate). 2 Leaves evergreen, coriaceous; leaf teeth tipped with firm prickles; fruits blue-black, pruinose; [section Wallichianae] ... ......................................................................................................................................................................... B. julianiae 2 Leaves deciduous, herbaceous; leaf teeth tipped with weak bristles; fruits red, not pruinose. 3 Leaves with 1-9 (20) bristles on each margin, the bristles 3-6 mm apart; berries ovoid (6-9 mm long, 6-7 mm broad), 5-10 (rarely more) in an often umbellate raceme; petals notched at apex; [section Canadenses] ................... ..............................................................................................................................................................B. canadensis 3 Leaves with 18-36 bristles on each margin, ca. 2 mm apart; berries ellipsoid (8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm broad), 10-20 in a raceme; petals obtuse at apex; [section Vulgares] ...............................................................................B. vulgaris Berberis canadensis P. Miller, American Barberry, Allegheny Barberry. Pd, Mt (GA, NC, SC, VA): rocky woods, forest openings, glades, usually over mafic rocks (such as diabase) or calcareous rocks (such as limestone), sometimes along fence-rows in sw. VA (presumably spread by birds); uncommon, rare south of VA and in VA Piedmont (GA Special Concern, NC Rare). April-May; September-October. A broad Southern Appalachian-Ozarkian endemic, not occurring in Canada (the epithet a BERBERIDACEAE 226 misnomer): scattered and local in VA, WV, KY, TN, NC, SC, AL, GA, MO, IL,
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    You Ain’t From around Here! Exotic Invasive of the Quarter: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) By: Jennifer Gagnon, Virginia Tech The other day I was in the garden, looking at my 5‐foot‐tall horseradish plant, wondering when I should don goggles and rubber gloves and attempt a root harvest (I’m a little intimidated by the whole thing!). Horseradish is an invasive plant, so I always check carefully to make sure it hasn’t spread outside the garden. Which got me to thinking about other edible invasives, namely garlic mustard, an exotic invasive so prolific, I can’t believe I’ve gone 7 years without writing about it. This bugger is everywhere! In fact, in many woodland and floodplain environments in the Northeastern US, it is the dominant understory species. Garlic mustard, which is indeed in the mustard family (along with cabbage and broccoli), has a lot of nicknames, such as garlic root, hedge garlic, Jack‐in‐the‐bush, penny hedge, poor man's mustard, and my personal favorite, sauce‐alone. This plant, native to Europe, western and central Asia, NW Africa, Scandinavia, and India, was first found in the US on Long Island, NY in 1868. Garlic mustard has been considered widespread and invasive since 2000 and is listed as noxious or restricted in AL, CT, MA, MN, NH, OR, VT, WV, and WA. Like many of our invasive plants, garlic mustard was brought to the US intentionally – for culinary or medicinal purposes. The first‐year leaves, flowers, and fruits have a mild garlic flavor and can be chopped up and used in salads and sauces (hence the nickname sauce‐ alone?).
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