Week 22: ’ Ministry in

Introduction: As the narrative of Luke’s moves forward, we find ourselves looking into the most important week of Jesus’ life: his Passion Week. Luke 20 centers on a series of questions Jesus is asked by different and powerful groups leading up to his death. While all these questions are different in shape and form, they are all founded in the ultimate question of Jesus’ authority. Who is Jesus-and what gives him the power to say the things he says? These are the issues we’ll be diving into today.

Note: As you discuss questions in your groups or reflect on them by yourself, keep in mind that the goal is not to get all the answers right. Many of us will not know the answers, and that is okay! The goal is to interact with God’s Word and give genuine thought to it. If you struggle to even guess a possible answer, that is okay too! The pastors will provide the answers after your discussion so you can know and record them on your study guide. Questions:

Read Luke 20:1-8

1. What is significant about the context of this opening dialogue? Or to put it another way: Why do you think Luke would include this exchange between Jesus and the religious leaders at the start of ?


Read Luke 20:9-19

2. (Breakout Groups) Do your best to dissect the meaning of this parable. Who are all the characters and what is their significance? What does this parable mean for us today?

Answer: Read Luke 20:20-26

3. What is the difficult situation or context that Jesus is confronted with when asked this question? Why do you think his answer causes the audience to “marvel?”


Read Luke 20:27-40

4. (Breakout Groups) The can be described as an elitist, aristocratic group of Jewish Priests who denied many of the “supernatural” teachings of Judaism like and the resurrection of the dead. Sadducees only considered the Torah (First 5 Books of OT) authoritative (note: did attest to the beliefs like angels and the resurrection, and held all the Old Testament books as authoritative). What about Jesus’ response stands out to you?

Answer: Read Luke 20:41-44

5. In this passage, Jesus once again questions whether the religious leaders truly understand who the Messiah really is. Besides this passage, what are some other examples of Jesus challenging the common understandings of the Messiah?


Read Luke 20:46-47

6. Throughout this chapter, Jesus has drawn a sharp contrast between true faith (Himself), and the faith of the religious leaders. In the end, he reminds the disciples to reject the ways of the leaders considered to be most “religious.” Why do you think Jesus spoke these words exclusively to His disciples?

Answer: Closing Thought: Time and time again, Jesus shows himself to be the true Messiah sent from God. And yet, time and time again, Israel’s leaders fail to see Jesus for who he really is. It’s easy for us to chastise Israel’s leaders today, but we should stop and consider that on our own we would’ve rejected Jesus too. Luther’s Small Catechism even states that people “cannot by their own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ…” In short, we can only see Jesus for who he is when he opens our ways. Thanks be to him our eyes have been opened, and he is the cornerstone we can forever lean on.