Green Champions in Sport and Environment
Guide to environmentally-sound large sporting events Green Champions in Sport and Environment Publishers German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety German Olympic Sports Confederation 2 Guide Green Champions Editorial note „Green Champions in Sport and Envi- The guide is aimed, above all, at the ronment“ is published by the German organizers of large sporting events. It Federal Ministry for the Environment, is also directed, however, at national Nature Conservation and Nuclear and international sports associa- Safety and the German Olympic tions, since these set the framework Sports Confederation. The many ex- through the demands they make on amples of good practices that it con- events, through contracts with spon- tains therefore relate to action taken sors and through their competition in Germany. They demonstrate that rules. Organizers can only operate a number of measures have already within these limits, and this applies been implemented at large sporting also to the development and imple- events and are therefore feasible. mentation of environmental concepts. Comparable initiatives have also been The guide wishes, in particular, to taken in other countries. The German encourage sports associations to examples of good practice are merely examine how the framework for envi- representative. ronmentally favourable large sporting events can be further improved. Moreover, the recommendations for action put forward in the guide In order that there be even more are implementable in every country. green champions in sport and They apply – taking into considera- environment in the future, national tion respective local conditions – to and international sports associa- a Football World Cup in Germany as tions should also link the awarding well as to a World Cup in South Af- of events to ecological demands.
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