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Babylonian Mathematics with Special Reference to Recent Discoveries*

Babylonian Mathematics with Special Reference to Recent Discoveries*

Babylonian with Special Reference to Recent Discoveries*


IN A VICE-PRESIDENTIAL ADDREss before Sec­ fifty years, dealing with Sumerian, Akkadian, tion A of the American Association for the Ad­ Babylonian, and Assyrian grammar, literature, vancement of Science just six years ago, I made a metrology, and inscriptions; he discov~red math­ somewhat detailed survey' of our knowledge of ematical terminology, and translations the accu­ Egyptian and before the racy of which he thoroughly proved. He scoured . This suJVey set forth considerable mate­ museums of Europe and America for all possible rial not then found in any general history of math­ mathematical texts, and tr~nslated and interpreted ematics. During the six years since that time an­ them. By 1929 he had founded periodicals called nouncements ofnew discoveries in connection with Quellen und Studien zur Gefchichte der MathematiF Egyptian mathematics have been comparatively and from the first, the latter contained remarkable insignificant, and all known documents have prob­ new information concerning Babylonian math­ ably been more or less definitely studied and inter­ ematics. A trip to Russiafesulted in securing for preted. But the case ofBabylonian mathematics is the Que/len section, Struve's edition of the first entirely different; most extraordinary discoveries complete publication of the Gnlenishchev math­ have been made concerning their knowledge and ematical papyrus of about 1850 B.c. The third and use of four thousand years ago. So far as latest volume of the Que/len, appearing only about anything in print is concerned, nothing of the kind three ago, is a monumental work by was suspected even as late at 1928. Most of these Neugebauer himself; the first part containing over recent discoveries have been due to the brilliant five hundred pages of text, and the second part in and able young Austrian scholar Otto Neugebauer large quarto format, with over 60 pages of text and who now at the age of 36 has a truly remarkable about 70 plates. This work was designed to discuss record of achievement during the past decade. It most known texts in mathematics and mathemati­ was only in 1926 that he received his doctor's cal in- writing. And thus we in mathematics at GOttingen, for an inter­ find that by far the largest of such tablets esting piece of research in Egyptian mathematics; is in the Museum of Antiquities at lstanbnl, that but very soon he had taken up the study of the State Museum in Berlin made the next larger Babylonian cuneiform writing. He acqnired a mas­ contribution, Yale University next, then the Brit­ tery of book and periodical literature of the past ish Museum, and the University ofJena, followed by the University ofPennsylvania, where Hilprecht, some thitty years ago, published a work containing Reprinted from Mathematits Teacher 29 (May, 1936): 209-19; with permission of the National Council of Teachers of some mathematical tables. In the Museum of the Mathematics. Louvre are 16 tablets; and then there are less than


8 in each of the following: the Strasbourg Univer­ ~e Tigris and Rivers, the non-semitic sity and Library, the Musee Royaux du Cinquan­ Sumerians, south of the semitic Akkadians, were teraire in Brussels, the J. Pierpont Morgan Library generally predominant in . By 2000 B.C. Collection (temporarily deposited at Yale) the Royal they were absorbed in a larger political group. One Ontario Museum of Archaeology at Toronto, the of the greatest of the Sumerian inventions was the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, and the Bohl col­ adoption of cuneiform script; notable engineering lection at Leyden. Most of the tablets thus referred works of the Babylonians, by means of which to date from the period 2000 to 1200 B.C. It is a marshes were drained and the overflow of the satisfaction to us to know that the composition of rivers regulated by canals, went back to Sumerian this wonderful reference work was in part made times, like also a considerable part of their religion possible by The Rockefeller Foundation. Some and law, and their system of mathematics, except, two years ago it cooperated in enabling Neuge­ possibly, for certain details. As to mathematical bauer to transfer his work to the Mathematical transactions we find that long before coins were in Institute of the University of Copenhagen, after use the custom of paying interest for the loan of Nazi intolerance had rendered it impossible to produce, or of a certain weight of a precious metal, preserve his self respect while pursuing the was common. Sumerian tablets indicate that the intellectual life. This new position offered the rate of interest varied from 20 per cent to 30 per opportunity for lecturing on the History ofAncient cent, the higher rate being charged for produce. At Mathematical Science. The first volume of these a later period the rate was 51h per cent to 33'h per lectures,3 on "Mathematics before the Greeks," cent for produce. 5 An extraordinary number of was published last year, and in it are many references tablets show that the Sumerian merchant of 2500 to results, the exact setting ofwhich are only found B.c. was familiar with such things as weights and in his great source work referred to a moment ago. measures, bills, receipts, notes, and accounts. In these two works, then, we find not only a Sumerian mathematics was essentially sexages­ summing up of Neugebauer's wholly original imal and while a special symbol for 10 was con­ work, but also a critical summary of the work of stantly used it occupied a subordinate position; other scholars such as Frank, Gadd, Genouillac, there were no special symbols for 100 or for 1000. Hilprecht, Lenormant, RawlinSon, Thureau­ One hundred was thought of as 60 + 40 and 1000 Dangin, Weidner, Zimmern, and many others.4 as 16 · 60 + 40. But in these cases the Sumerian Hence my selection of material to be presented to would write simply 1,40 and 16,40; you tonight will be mainly from these two works. Before turning to this it may not be wholly <(YY<(<( Vl «


of 60. Hence there was a special sign D for 60; the purpose of the tablet in question was to solve ()> or 19 or 'lo for 600, the last of which suggests cUbic in this "normal form." He con­ 60 X 10; 0 for 3600; and @ for 36000, again tended that it was within the power of the suggesting a product. No special sign for zero in Babylonians, by a linear transformation z = x + c, to 3 2 Sumerian times, other than an empty space, has reduce a four-term cubic x + a1x + a2x 3 2 yet been discovered. But by the time of the Greeks + a3 = 0 to z + b1 z + b2 = 0. Multiplying this 3 equation by 1/b1 we have at once (on setting z = 2 3 <{. YY ~ '(~<( YYY =12x60 b1w, and a= -b2 /b1 ) the normal form

+ 0 + 33. = 43233, the sign ~ being fur zero. But to matters of numeral notation we shall make no Neugebauer's theory as to the possibiliry of such a further reference, except to remark that the reduction is in part based on problems to which I Babylonians thought of any positive shall later refer. Up to the present, however, a = Ic 60", and in the form Neugebauer has found no four-term cubic equa­ " tion solved in this way. And indeed in these same tablets are two problems which lead naturally to such equations but are solved by a This may not, of course, correspond to what we different method.' call integers. By means of negative values of n, Neugebauer feels that tables are the foundation were introduced. ofall discussion ofBabylonian mathematics, that more Babylonian tables are very nu­ tables, such as the one to which we have just merous and are often the products of a certain referred, are likely to be discovered, and to illumi­ number, successively, by 1, 2, 3 · · · 20, then 30, 40, nate other mathematical operations. There are and 50. For example, on tablets of about 1500 B.c. many tables of parallel columns of integers such as at Brussels are tables of7, 10, 12 112, 16, 24, each 2 30 multiplied into such a of numbers. There are 3 20 various tablets giving the squares of numbers from 4 15 1 to 50, and also the cubes, square roots, and 5 12 roots of numbers. But we must be care:ful not to 6 10 assume too much from this statement; the tables 8 7,30 of square roots and cube roots were really exactly 9 6, 40 the same as tables of squares and cubes, but differ­ endy expressed. In the period we are considering which is nothing but a table of reciprocals 1/n=n in the Egyptian really had nothing to correspond to the system. n · fz is always equal to 60 any of these tables, nor do we know that even the raised to 0, or some .Positive or negative integral conception of cube root was within his ken. Until power. It is notable that in the succession of num­ two years ago it was a complete mystery why the bers chosen, the n =7 does not appear, the Babylonians had tables of cubes and cube roots, reason being that there is no integer fi such that the but finally a tablet in the Berlin Museum gave a product is the power of 60 indicated. Hence every clue. This is a table of n3 +n 2, for n = 1 to 30. divisor, a, with a corresponding ii must be of the Certain problems on British Museum tablets were form a =2' · 3' · 5Y. All such reciprocals are called found to lead to cubic equations of the furrn (ux)3+ regular; and such reciprocals as of7 and 11 irregu­ (ux) 2 = 252. Hence Neugebauer reasoned in his lar.' When irregular numbers appear in tables the article of 1933 in the Gottingen Nachrichten that statement is made that they do not divide.


Some of these tables are extraordinary in their The answer given is 4- 0; 2, 33,20 = 3; 57, 26,40 complexity and extent. One tablet in the Louvre, .-}rears, not so very different from the more accurate dating from about the time of , has result 3; 48. That is, from (1; 12)4 = 2; 4, 24, 57, 36, nearly 250 reciprocals of numbers many of them 4 was found too large, giving a quantity greater six-place, and some seven. For example, here is the that 2. How the amount to subtract was discov­ second last entry for a six-place number: 8 2, 59, 21, ered is not indicated in the text, and can not now 40,48,54,20,4, 16,22,28,44, 14,57,40,4,56, be surmised. This is a conspicuous example of a 17, 46,40 that is, the product of(2 X 605+ 59 X 604 solution by the Babylonians of an equation of the 13 12 +···+54) X (20 X 60 + 4X 60 + · · · +40) = 60 19• type a"= b where xwas not integral. The object of a table of reciprocals is to reduce Both in the Berlin Museum and in Yale Uni­ division to multiplication since bla equals b multi­ versity are tablets with other problems in com­ plied by the reciprocal of a. pound interest. If for rio other reason than to point I referred a few moments ago to one-figure out that five-year plans are not wholly a modem tables of squares (that is, the squares of numbers invention I may refer to a problem in a Berlin from 1 to 60). In a tablet of the Ashmolean Mu­ papyrus, the transcription and discussion of which seum at Oxford is the only example at present occupies 16 pages ofNeugebauer's new book 12 As known of a two-figure table of squares.' This dates yet I have not mastered all the discussion of this from about 500 B. c. The tablet is of further inter­ problem, but certain facts can be stated with assur­ est from the fact -that on it are several examples of ance. There is a very curious combination of simple the sign for zero, e.g. and compound interest which is naturally sugges­ tive of what may have been customary in old (15, 30)2 = 4, . ' 15 Babylonia. If Pis an amount of principal, r is the (39, 30)2 = 26,.' 15. rate of interest per year (here 20 per cent), and we The latter is equivalent to 23702 = 5,616,900. suppose that through a five-year period P accumu­ Among table-texts are also certain ones in­ lates :it simple interest it will amount to 2P at the volving exponentials. From Neugebauer's volume end of the first five-year period. This amount 2P is of Lectures we may easily gain the impression10 then put at interest in the same way for a second that these are tables for c",n = 1 to 10, for c = 9, c = five-year period and the principal is again doubled 16, c = 100, and c = 225. On turning, however, to to 22P. The amount of capital at the end of any his work published three months ago we find tha.t year is therefore given by the formula the tables in question are on Istanbul tablets, which A= 2'P(1 + rm) are in very bad condition, so that for c = 16 there is not a single complete result; for c = 9 there are only where 0 ~ m < 5, and n is the number of five-year three complete results, and similarly for the others. periods. One of the problems is: How many five­ Enough is present however to show that the origi­ year periods will it take for a given principal P to nal was probably at one time as described. became a given sum A ? The particular case when One use of such tablets is in solving problems m = 0 gives us the equation A = 2'P. In modern of compound interest. For example in a Louvre notation~= log2 A!P. Now Neugebauer suggests text dating back to 2000 B.C. is a question as to as a possible theory in explanation of the text that how long it would take for a certain sum of money something equivalent to to the base 2 to double itself at 20 per cent interest. 11 The prob­ was here used. In the problem P = 1, A = 1,4 lem here, then, is to find x in the equation whence n = 6. Two other suggestive problems of the Baby­ (1; 12)" = 2. lonians involving powers of numbers are in a


Louvre tablet of about the time of Archimedes." more about the matter in the third volume of his We have here 10 terms of a geometric series in Lectures which is to deal with mathematical as­ which the first term is 1, and 2 the constant multi­ tronomy. plier; the sum is given correcdy, It is also a matter of great historical interest that, in at least three different problems in simul­ 9 taneous equations in two unknowns, negative num­ 2.2' = 1 + 2 + 22 + ... + 29 = 1023. bers occur as members. These examples are in Yale University texts/5 and it is very noteworthy that But what is of special interest is the apparent such conceptions were not current in Europe, even suggestion as to how this number 1023 was ob­ 2500 years later. tained. On the tablet it is stated that it is the sum 9 9 As a point of departure for certain other things of 511 = 2 -1, and 512 = 2 • Thatis let us now consider some geometrical results known to the Babylonians. There will of course be no 1023 = 2'+ 2'-1 = 2. 2'-1 = 210 -1. misunderstanding when I state general results. These simply indicate operations used in many Does this imply a knowledge of Euclid's formula numerical problems of the Babylonians. leading to the sum of the ten terms of the geomet­ 1. The area of a rectangle is the product of the ric progression as, (2 10 -1) I (2 -1)? lengths of two adjacent sides. On the same tablet is the following 2. The area of a right triangle is equal to one 1 . 1 + 2 . 2 + ... + 10 . 10 half the product of the lengths of the sides about = (1 . 1/3 + 10. 2/3) . 55= 385. the right angle. 3. The sides about corresponding of two That is, we have the sum of the squares of the first similar right triangles are proportional. 10 integers, and this sum is the product of two 4. The area of a trapezoid with one side per­ integers, one ofwhich is 55, the sum of the first 10 pendicular to the parallel sides is one-half the integers. In general terms this relation may be product of the length of this perpendicular and the stated sum of the lengths of the parallel sides. 5. The perpendicular from the vertex of an ' " :E i'= (1·1/3 +n · 2/3) :E i. on the base, bisects the base. The i= 1 area of the triangle is the product of the lengths of " the altitude and half the base.16 Indeed the Now ifwe set I. i = 'h n (n + 1), a formula known to j,l Babylonians would probably think of the area of a " the Pythagoreans, we have :E i'= 1/6n(n+ 1)(2n+ 1). triangle, other than right or isoseles, as the product ,., 1 of the lengths of its base and altitude---an easy This formula is practically equivalent to one known deduction from two adjacent, or overlapping, right to Archimedes. triangles. A large rectilineal area portrayed in a Tello T uruing back to tables for a moment one finds table, in the Museum at Istanbul, 17 was calculated by a word for subtraction, Ia/; 19 is 20 hz/1, 37 is 40 Ia/ dividing it up into 15 parts: 7 right triangles, 4 3; a Ia/ b = a - b. Neugebauer refers to a late rectangles (approximately), and 4 trapezoids. astronomical text in which before each of 12 num­ 6. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle, a bers the words tab and Ia/ (plus and minus) 14 are result till recently first attributed to Thales of placed, suggesting the arrangements ofpoints above Miletus, who flourished 1500 years later. and below a line which lie on a wave-shaped curve. 7. 1t = 3, and the area of a c£r-cle equals one This seems extraordinary. Neugebauer promised twelfrh of the square of the length ofits circumfer-


ence (which is correct if 1t = 3). A= nr' = (2nr)'l4n. and (2) To calculate the length of the sagitta from 8. The , a result entirely the chord of a circle, and its circumference. If c be unknown to the Egyptian." the length of the chord, a of its sagitta and d of the 9. The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is diameter (one-third of the circumference) of the the product of the lengths of its three dimensions, circle, the formulae used are evidently and the volume of a right prism with a trapezoidal 2 base is equal to the area of the base times the c = ..J [d' - (d- 2a) ] altitude of the prism. Such a volume as the latter would be considered in estimating the amount of a= 1h[d-..J (d'-c2 )]. earth dug in a section of a canal In a British Museum tablet the volume of a solid equivalent to Now every step of the numerical work is equiva­ that cut off from a rectangular parallelopiped by a lent to substitution in these formulae. plane through a pair of opposite edges is given The same is true of the following problem in correctly as half that of the parallelopiped. 19 another British Museum tablet. 23 A beam ofgiven 10. The volume of a right circular cylinder is the length I was originally upright against a vertical area of its base times its altitude. wall but the upper end has slipped down a given 11. The volume of the frustrum of a cone is distance h, what is the distance d of the other end equal to its altitude multiplied by the area of its from the wall? Each step is equivalent to substitu­ median cross-section. 20 tion in the formula 12. The volume of the frustrum ofa cone, or of a square pyramid, is equal to one-half its altitude d= ,j [!'-(!-h)'] multiplied by the sums of the areas of its bases. [Contrast this approximation to the volume of a and then follows the converse problem, given I and frustrum of a square pyramid with the exact for­ dto find h, mula known to the Egyptians of 1850 B.c., 1 2 V = hh(a1 + a1a2+ al), where a1, a2 are the lengths h = 1-..J I'-d'. of sides of the square bases, and h the distance between them.] On the other hand Neugebauer In these problems a, c, d, h, and I are integers. believes that the Babylouians also had an exact A third problem involving the use of the value for the volume of the frustrum of a square Pythagorean theorem is one on a Louvre tablet of pyramid, namely" the Alexandrine period:" Given in a rectangle that the sum of two adjacent sides and the diagonal is 2 1 2 a +a ) 1 (a,-a,)'] 40 and that the product of the sides is 120. The V=h [( - +-- ; 2 3 2 sides are found to be 15 and 8 and the diagonal17. There are, however, various problems in concerning the second terqt there has been more Babylonian mathematics where square roots of than- one discussion. non-square numbers, such as 1700, are discussed Practically all of these results are in British In this particular case the problem, on an Akkadian Museum texts of2000 B.C. tablet of about 2000 B.C., is to find the length of That the Pythagorean theorem was known to the diagonal of a rectangle whose sides are ;40 and the Babylonians of 2000 B.C. is certain from the ;10. It is worked out twice, as ifbytwo approxima­ following problems of a British Museum text:22 tion formulae." If the lengths of the diagonal and (1) To calculate the length of a chord of a circle sides of a rectangle are respectively d, a, and b, from its sagitta and the circumference of the circle; d = ..J(a'+ b"J and the approximation formulae are:


b' (1) d=a+-· "-Consider two adjacent trapezoids, sections of the 2a' same right triangle and with a common side of (2) d= a+2al?. length cas in the figure. The upper area of height h, (between u and c) is given as 783; the lower area The first of these is equivalent to the one em­ of height Mbetween c and!) is 1377. It is further ployed several times, two thousand years later, by given that Heron of Alexandria, in his Metrica. On the other hand the dimensions of the sec- (1) h 1 = 3h, ond formula are incorrect. Mter considerable cal- culation Neugebauer shows that a correct and good (2) u -c = 36 approximation to dis given by the following Then by applying the theorems mentioned 2 (3) d= a+ 2ab 2 2 2a + b (3) h . !!..±..£ = 783 ' 2 Since, in the particular problem in question, 2 2) = (4) h · c+l +1377 1/ (2a + b 12/11 that is, almost unity, Neuge­ I 2 bauer has surmised that the equivalent of this third formula may have been used. (5) u-c= (1/3)(c-/) The Heron approximation formula was also used by the Babylonians to find26 15/12 for ,[2 and five equations from which the five unknown quan­ 17/24 for 11,[2. tities are found. In a British Museum text of about 2000 B.c. There are many similar problems, one, of a there is an interesting attempt to approximate group, leading to ten equations in ten unknowns. ..J21h by a step equivalent to that of seeking the This is in connection with the division of a right solutions of the Diophantine equation" y2 + 221h triangle (by lines parallel to a side) into six areas of = x 2• When x = 5, y = ..J2ih. The values y = 11h, equal altitudes, while their areas are in x =51/, are found in the text. One readily finds also progression. 29 This problem seems to show math­ y = 11/s, x = 47/s so that the required y is between ematics studied for its own sake, just as problem 11/s and 11h. Babylonian tables of squares might 40 of the Rhind papyrus suggested a similar thought well give much closer approximations. there. Consider now another Strasbourg problem, of a different type, leading to a :30 . u The sum of the areas of two squares is a given area. h, A,= 783 The length (y) of the side of one square exceeds a c given ratio (a!/3) of the length (x) of the side of the AF other square, by a quantity d. The problem is to 1377 find x andy. Here hi I " v a y= 7f x-d. Two ofthe geometrical theorems referred to, a few moments ago, are employed in the solution of If we set x = X ~ it may be readily shown that we the following problem of a Strasbourg tablet." are led to the equation


X'- 2da X- A-d' =O (2) y,y, = 1 I a'+/3 2 a'+/3 2 where a, f3, D are given, f3 > a. New variables are whence then introduced, I 1 X=-- (d a+ ...fd 2a2 + (a'+ f3')(A -d')} (3) x 1 = (/3- a) y1, x, = ay, a'+ f3' I whence XI- x, = /3D, XIXz = a (/3- a). From the Now every step of the solution of this problem is resulting quadratic equation equivalent to substitution in this formula. I There are scores of problems which prove this X'- /3DX- a (/3- a) = 0 I amazing fact, that the Babylonians of 2000 B.C. I were familiar with our formula for the solution of a x and - x are found to be, I quadratic equation. Until 1949 no one suspected 1 2 that such a result was known before the time of Heron of Alexandria, two thousand years later. In general only the positive sign before the I radical in the solution of a quadratic equation is to y1 and y2 are then found from (3). Neugebauer be considered; but in the following problem" (be­ emphasizes that here, and in other texts we have a i cause of its nature) both roots are called for. The transformation of a quadratic equation to a normal problem on a Berlin tablet deals with the dimen­ form with unity as coefficient of the squared term. sions of a brick structure of given height h, of And also we have another example of an equation length ~ of width w, and of given volume v. The in which both roots are positive and the double exact nature of the structure is not clear but it is sign before the radical is taken in solving the ques­ given thatvla=hlm, where 1/ais a given numeri­ tion. cal factor. I+ m is also a given quantity S; it is We have now considered Babylonian solutions required to find I and m. They are evidendy roots of simultaneous equations, exponential equations, of the quadratic equation quadratic equations, and cubic equations. Before giving examples leading to equations of higher v X 2 -SX+-=0· degree some general remarks may be made about ah ' 17 of the 35 mathematical tablets at Y ale.33 In size when I and m are given by they are from 9.5 X 6.5 em. to 11.5 x 8.5 em. They belong to series and contain the enunciation of problems systematically arranged No solutions are given. On one tablet there are 200 problems and on the seventeen over 900. Since only a few tablets The upper sign gives the required value for I and have been preserved there must have been thou­ the lower for m. Of course both roots are positive. sands of problems in the original series. 32 On another Berlin tablet is a problem di­ To give an idea of what is meant by problems vorced from geometrical connections but which being arranged in a series it may be noted that on may possibly illustrate another point of interest. one tablet are 55 problems of the type to find x and Two unknowns )b y2 are connected by relations y, given34 xy= 600 (1) { (ax+by)'+ cx 2 + dy 2 = B


where some coefficients can be zero. The first true that x = 30, y = 20 gives the solution of every equation is the same for all of these problems. The . one of these, and of hundreds of problems in other second equations for the first seven problems are series; Neugebauer believes, however, that it is as follows: nonsensical to imagine that such values were merely to be guessed (Quellen, v. 3, part 1, p. 456). 1. (3x)2 + y 2 = 8500 There are problems about measurement ofcorn 2. + 2y2 = 8900 and grain, workers digging a canal, interest for 3. - y 2 = 7700 loan of silver, and more problems like the Stras­ bourg texts where algebraic questions are derived 4. (3x+ 2y) 2 + x 2 =17800 from consideration ofsections of a triangle. Neuge­ 5. + 2x 2 = 18700 bauer concludes the second part of his great work 6. - x2 = 16000 with an italicized statement to the effect that the 7. - 2x2 = 15100 Strasbourg and Yale texts prove that the chief importance of Babylonian mathematics lies in al­ Problems 48 and 49 are gebraic relations-not geometric. In his work of thirty years37 ago Hilprecht was [3x+5y-2(x-y)]'-2y 2 =28100 guilty of more than one disservice to truth. One + x 2 + y' = 30200. such was his great emphasis on mysticism in Babylonian mathematics. Its association with what The solution of all the equations leads at once to a he called "Plato's number," 604 = 12,960,000. In biquadratic equation which is a quadratic equation spite of the protests of contemporary scholars such 2 in x • ideas were widely disseminated. We have noted On another tablet, however, are problems of enough to realize that such an idea is purest bunk­ the type 35 rather freely to translate Neugebauer's expression.38 xy=A While it has been possible for me to draw your a(x+y)'+b(x-y)= C=O attention to only a few somewhat isolated facts, I trust that you have received the impression that in which leads to the most general form of Babylonian algebra of 4000 years ago we have biquadrdratic equation (if d = c + 2a.lf) something wonderful, real algebra without any al­ gebraic notation or any actual setting forth ofgen­ eral theory. And if all this was known in 2000 B.c., how far back must we go for the beginnings of the Sumerian mathematics, simple arithmetic opera­ The second equation of one of the problems in tions? Probably back to 3000 B.C. at least. this group is One thing which is of great interest in the study of Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics is 1/s (x + y)'- 60 (x-y) = -100, that we handle and study the actual documents which go back to those days, four thousand years one of the extraordinary exaroples of a negative ago. Contrast with this the way in which we learn number in the right hand member, to which we of . Even in the case of such a have already referred. widely used work as Euclid's Elements, there is Problems on another tablet36 lead to the most not a single manuscript which is older than 1200 general . How the Babylonians found years after Euclid lived, that is about a thousand the solution of such equations is unknown. It is years ago.


Eight years of work by a young genius stand­ 11. Que/len, v. 3, part 2, p. 37-38, 40-41. ing on the shoulders of great pioneering scholars, 12 .. ''Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 351-367, and part 2, have in extraordinary fashion greatly advanced the plates 29, 32, 54, 56, 57; Vorlesungen, p.197-199. frontiers of our knowledge of Babylonian math­ 13. Que/len, v. 3; part 1, p. 96-97, 102-103 and part ematics. One can not help feeling that the inspira­ 2, plate 1; Studien, v. 2, 1932, p. 302-303. tion of such achievement will cause more than one 14. Vorlesungen, p. 18. man to shout, "Let knowledge grow from more to 15. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 387,440,447,455,456, more," as he too joins in the endless torch race to 463, 470, 474; and part 2, plates 23, 48, 59. 16. Que/len, v. 3, part 2, p. 43, 46-47, 50-51 and "pass on the deathless brand part 1, p. 97, 104. From man to man." 17. A. Eisenlohr, Ein altbabyloni'scher Fe!dplan, Leipzig, 1896. J. Oppert, Academie d. Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes Rendus s. 4, v. 24, 1896, p. 331- NOTES 348; also in Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archiologie Orientale, * Delivered at a joint meeting of The National v. 4, 1897, p. 28-33. F. Thureau-Dangin, Revue d' Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the American Assyrialogie, v. 4, 1897, p. 13-27. Mathematical Society, and The Mathematical Associa­ 18. Mter many misstatements by mathematical his­ tion of America, at St. Louis, Mo., on January 1, 1936. torians it was an Egyptologist, the late T. E. Peet, in his 1. "Mathematics before the Greeks," Science, n.s. Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (London, 1923, p. 31-32) v. 71,31Jan. 193~p. 109-121. who brought out the fact that there is not one scrap of evidence that the Egyptians knew the Pythagorean theo­ 2. I shall later refer to the two periodicals simply by rem, even in the simple 3-4-5 case. He gave also inter­ the words Que/len, and Studt'en. esting new information about the harpedonaptai, or rope 3. Vorlesungen tiber Ge.rch£chte der antt.'ken mathe­ stretchers, referred to by Democritus. It is of course true mati.rchen Wis.renschaften, v. 1, Vorgrt'echt'.rche Mathematik that there are problems involving the relations of such (Die Grund.lehren der mathematischen W'issenschaften, numbers as 8, 6, and 10, as in Berlin Papyrus 6619 v. 43), Berlin, 1934. Reference to this work will later be (about 1850 s.c.): Distribute 100 square ells between made simply by the word Vorlesungen. two squares whose sides are in the ratio 1 to 3/4. The 4. For the literature of Babylonian mathematics same equations arise in problem 6 of the Golenishev prior to 1929, see my Bibliography in the Chace-Man­ papyrus: Given that the area of a rectangle is 12 arurae ning-Bull edition of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, v. and the ratio of the lengths of the sides 1:1f2 1f4, find the 2; for later items see K Vogel's bibliography in Bayer, sides; see also the Kahun papri, ed. by Griffith (1898). Blatterf d. Gymnasia!schulwesen, v. 71, 1935, p. 16-29. 19. Que/len, v. 3, part 2, p. 43, 47, 52. 5. M.Jastrow,Jr., The Civilization ofBabylonia and 20. Studien, v. 1, 1929, p. 86-87; Vorlesungen, Assyria, Philadelphia, 1915, p. 326, 338; C. H. W. p.171; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p.176. Johns, £an andAssyrian Laws, Contracts and Let­ 21. Studien, v. 2, 1933, p. 348-350; Vorlesungen, ters, New York, 1904, p. 251, 255-256. See also D. E. p. 171; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 150, 162, 187-188. Smith, History ofMathematics, val. 2, 1925, p. 560. Heron of Alexandria (second century A.D.?) found the

6. Compare GOttingen, Nachrichten, Math.-phys. volume of such a pyramid, for which a1 = 10, a2 = 2, h = 7 K!., 1933, p. 319; also K Danske Videnskabernes Se/skab, (Heronis Akxandrini Opera quae super.runt omnia, Leipzig, Mathem.-jjsiske Meddelelser, v. 12, no. 13, p. 9. Also v. 5, 1914, p. 3~35), every step being equivalent to Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 200-201, 210-211. substituting in this formula. 7. It is easy to approximate to 1/7, e.g. 7/28 =; 8, 22. Studien, v. 1, 1929, p. 90-92. 45; 13/90 =; 8, 40, etc., but there is no case known where 23. Que/len, v. 3, part 2, p. 53. this was done. 24. Studien, v. 2, 1932, p. 294; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, 8. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 22. p. 104. 9. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 72-73 and part 2, plate 34. 25. Studien, v. 2, 1932, p. 291-294; Vorlesungen, 10. Vor/esungen, p. 201; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 77- p. 33-36; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 279-280, 282, 286- 79 and part 2, plate 42. 287, and part 2, plates 17, 44.


26. Studien, v. 2, 1932, p. 294-295; Vorlesungen, 32. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 350-351; Vorlesungen, p. 37; Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 100, 104, and part 2, p. 186-187. plate 1. 33. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 381-516, and part2, plates 27. Studien, v. 2, 1932, p. 295-297, 309; Que/len, 36, 37,57-59, p. 60-64; Studien, v. 3, 1934, p.1-10. v. 3, part 1, p. 172. 34. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 418-420. 28. Studien, v. 1, 1929, p. 67-74; Que/len, v. 3, part 35. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 455-456. 1, p. 259--263. 36. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 402. 29. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 253; Studien, v. 1, 1929, 37. Mathematical, Metrological and ChronologicalTab­ p. 75-78; Vorlesungen, p. 180-181. !ets,from the Temple ofNippur (Univ. Pennsylvania), s.A, 30. Studien, v. 1, 1930, p. 124-126; Que/len, v. 3, Cuneiform Texts, v. 20, part 1, Philadelphia, 1906. part 1, p. 246-248. 38. K Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Matem.-fysiske I 31. Que/len, v. 3, part 1, p. 280-281,283-285. Meddele!ser, v. 12, no. 13, 1934, p. 5-6. I

I j ! I I l I I