Journal of Medicinal Research Vol. 7(8), pp. 392-397, 25 February, 2013 Available online at DOI:10.5897/JMPR12.622 ISSN 1996-0875 ©2013 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Dwindling status of govanianum Wall. ex D. Don - A case study from Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India

Shalini Vidyarthi, S. S. Samant* and Pankaj Sharma

G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Himachal Unit, Mohal-Kullu, 175 126, Himachal Pradesh, India

Accepted 26 November, 2012

Trillium govanianum Wall. ex D. Don, a lesser known medicinal in trade during past decades has gained popularity in commercial utilization these days. This species is locally known as Nagchhatri and distributed between 2,500 to 4,000 m across the Himalayan region. of this taxon are used to cure dysentery. In 2011, due to unscrupulous extraction of this species from wild in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, its population has decreased to a great extent. Such practices have left the species in dwindling condition. Therefore, the present study has been carried out to assess the quantum extraction and income generation from this species. The surveys were conducted in 16 representative villages of Upper Beas, Parbati, Banjar and Lag valleys and Mohal Khad Watershed of Kullu district in Himachal Pradesh. Maximum extraction (that is, 607 kg) was done in Upper Beas Valley (UBV) and inhabitants earned Rs. 5.46 crores, whereas minimum extraction was done from Mohal Khad Watershed (that is, 89.5 kg/day) and inhabitants earned Rs. 80.55 lakh during three months. Unsustainable commercial harvesting with other biotic pressures synergistically posed a severe threat to its existence in natural habitats. Therefore, for the conservation and management of species, population assessment using quadrat method, development of conventional and in vitro propagation protocols for mass multiplication, promotion in ex-situ and in-situ environment, and awareness among the inhabitants are suggested.

Key words: Biodiversity, Himalayan region, conservation, native, threatened.


Plants have been used since antiquity to heal ailments peak. Of the estimated 30,000 known medicinal plants of and improve wellbeing. As a result of growing interest in the world, about 8,000 are found in India (Kumar and medicinal plants, new income generating opportunities Katakam, 2002). While this increased over the years, are opening up for rural inhabitants. Himalayan medicinal their availability in the wild has declined (Dhar et al., plants appear to have been traded for millennia (Ved et 2000). al., 1998). In recent years, the demand for medicinal plants has The trade in medicinal plants for herbal remedies is increased substantially both at local and global markets. large and probably increasing. Inequitable extraction of The instant growing demand of plant based drugs is wild herbs in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is on the creating high pressure on the wild populations. It is estimated that approximately 90% medicinal plants in commercial use are collected from the wild habitats, of which 70% collection involves destructive harvesting *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: (Ved et al., 1998; Samant et al., 2008). The trade of +91- 98163 16318. plants is now no longer limited to traditional healers but

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Figure 1. (A) Plant of Trillium govanianum; B) population; (C) collection of Trillium govanianum and (D) post harvest processing.

has come into the entrepreneurial zone. Of the 1,748 Amongst the threatened medicinal plants, Trillidium species of medicinal plants recorded from the IHR govanianum (Wall. ex D. Don) Kunth is a native species (Samant et al., 1998), about 120 medicinal plants have of the Himalayan region (Samant et al., 1998; been grouped under different categories of International Anonymous, 1883, 1970) and distributed in the Himalaya, Union for Conservation of Nature (Samant et al., 1998; , and between the elevation range of Ved et al., 2003, 2005) and 17 species have been listed 2,500 to 4,000 m. It belongs to Trillidiaceae family (Aswal in the Red Data Book of Indian Plants (Nayar and Sastry, and Mehrotra, 1994; Chauhan, 1999) and locally known 1987, 1988, 1990). There has been an increase in as Nagchhatri in Kullu area of Himachal Pradesh. It can medicinal plants trade at local, regional and international be identified by its three in one whorl at the levels, as urbanization has caused the subsistence summit of the stem and a solitary, purple flower in the consumer to be distanced from harvesting areas centre. Leaves are broadly ovate, acute and (Maeshall, 1998). conspicuously stalked (Figure 1A-B). Flowers are brown If these activities continue and necessary steps are not purple with narrow . Roots contain trillarin, which on taken to check its conservation, then around 4,000 to hydrolysis yield 2.5% diosgenin (a corticosteroid 10,000 medicinal plants can become endangered at the hormone) (Chauhan, 1999). Over exploitation from the global level (Edwards, 2004). With the increasing natural habitats, to meet the demand of pharmaceutical population, demand for economically important species industry, has caused its population depletion to a great has increased greatly. This has led to the over exploita- extent (Figure 1C to D). tion and habitat degradation of the biodiversity elements Kullu district is one of the twelve districts of Himachal (Rana and Samant, 2009). Incessant exploitation of Pradesh in India, and is known for natural, unique and several medicinal plants from the wild has resulted in economically important biodiversity. It is situated between their population decline over the years (Samant et al., 31° 58′ 00″N latitudes and 77° 06′ 04″E longitudes and 1998). covers 5,503 km2 geographical area. Altitude ranges from

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Figure 2. Study area.

900 to 6000 m above mean sea level. The district plants have played an imperative role in the treatment of stretches from Rampur in the South to the Rohtang Pass various diseases by providing raw material to the local in the North and is bounded on the North and East by herbal healers. The native people of this district have Lahaul-Spiti, South-East by Kinnaur, South by Shimla, been using these resources for treating various ailments South-West and West by Mandi and North-West by in their daily life since time immemorial. With increasing Kangra districts of the State (Figure 2). It represents the demand and renewed global interest in traditional biodiversity of Great Himalayan National Park and Kais, ethnopharmacy, coupled with the increasing preference Kanawar, Khokhan, Manali, Sainj and Tirthan Wildlife for natural substances in the healthcare system, the Sanctuaries. The district has rich medicinal plants natural stock of medicinal plants of Himachal Pradesh is diversity and about 500 species of medicinal plants have under tremendous pressure (Samant et al., 1998). The been estimated by Samant et al. (2007a). Medicinal review of literature indicates that T. govanianum Wall. ex

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D. Don is widely distributed in the IHR between 2,500 to village; in Lag Valley, Tiun village; in Parbati Valley, 4,000 m but in 2011, the population in the wild habitats of Kalga village, and in Mohal Khad watershed, Dabri village the species had gone down to a great extent due to the collected the maximum quantity. Valley wise, maximum large scale exploitation. This left the species in dwindling extraction that is, 607 kg was done in Upper Beas Valley status. Keeping in view the current status of the species, (UBV) and earned Rs. 5.46 crores, and minimum 16 representative villages from Upper Beas, Parbati, extraction from Mohal Khad Watershed that is, 89.5 kg Banjar and Lag Valleys and Mohal Khad Watershed were and earned Rs. 80.55 lakhs (Table 1). The responses of selected to assess the quantum extraction and income the persons involved in extraction revealed that generation from the species. The inhabitants from Kothi, approximately 450 plants of T. govanianum were Ruar, Palchan, Chhayal and Kulang villages in Upper uprooted to produce one kilogram dry weight of the roots. Beas Valley; Tosh, Tulga and Grahan villages in Parbati The high and low quantity of collection of the species is Valley; Ghyagi, Shojha and Jibhi villages in Banjar Valley; due to the availability of species in these areas. The Tiun and Khadincha villages in Lag Valley; Lot, Dabri and present study showed that total 6,36,975 plants were Tehrenseri villages in Mohal Khad Watershed (Table 1) uprooted. collected Trillium roots from the forests. The main areas Biodiversity has always been one of the best livelihood of collection in Upper Beas valley were, Hamta, Rani options, as it provides various services to mankind. nalla, Jamu Dhug, Dundhi, Fakru, Bakru Thatch, Kothi Amongst the various components of biodiversity, Jot Kelgu butru, Deusu and Seri nalla; in Parbati Valley; medicinal plants are very well known as livelihood option Thunja, Kheer Ganga, Pandu Pul, Malana, etc.; in Banjar (Samant et al., 1998, 2007b). T. govanianum can be the Valley; Lamba lambhri, Sakiran, Hirb, Seolsar, Chhera, best example as this species is commercially exploited Rajjandi, Raghupur Jot, etc.; in Lag Valley; Sruni, Bhabsi, for trade and livelihood by the villagers. During the recent Sori and Machak Jot; and in Mohal Khad Watershed; 2 to 3 years, increasing demand of this species has Munjhak, Nanga Dhardha, Hathipur, Tarapur Garh, resulted in over-exploitation from the wild. Trade in the Bhubu Jot, etc. These sites comprising of temperate and study area is largely unregulated. The region does not sub-alpine forests, are mainly dominated by broadleaved have any certification standards and ends up losing hefty and coniferous species, and alpine meadows which are revenue. The inhabitants are largely dependent on forest dominated by alpine scrubs and herbaceous species in resources for their livelihood, primarily the collection and Upper Beas, Parbati, Banjar and Lag Valleys. The trade of medicinal plants. The inhabitants of 16 villages dominant trees and shrubs found during the surveys were studied in the present study collected 127 tons dried Quercus semecarpifolia, Picea smithiana, Abies pindrow, rootstock and earned Rs.13.01 crores. For this, the Betula utilis, Rhododendron campanulatum, R. villagers uprooted 6,36, 975 plants before seed setting. anthopogon, Juniperus indica, Rosa macrophylla, R. They found it a lucrative business because extraction of sericea and Salix lindleyana. T. govanianum has substantially improved their financial conditions. But, this unethical and unauthorized practice is to be prohibited strictly as this may lead to extinction of MATERIALS AND METHODS the species from the area. During the surveys, it was Surveys were conducted between June to August, 2011 in 16 found that inhabitants of the area were also exploiting representative villages. Adults from each family were interviewed polyphylla Sm. in the name of Nagchhatri. But, after with the help of semi-structured questionnaires. The questions were the interviews and proper identification of the species, T. mainly focused on distribution of the species, part(s) used, quantum govanianum turned out to be the actual Nagchhatri. Such extraction, number of persons involved in collection and availability of the species in the area. For each village, geo-coordinates and practices may create problems in marketing and may altitude were recorded by using Geographical Positioning System also cause harmful effects to humans if consumed as (GPS). Population of the villages are based on the information medicine. The lack of technical expertise to harvest the provided by the Panchayat Pradhans. The information was species may lead to early extinction from natural habitats. analyzed for average collection per person per day, total collection This species propagates through roots and seeds. The and total income generated (Table 1). seeds mature between mid September to the end of

October, and the inhabitants harvest roots from June to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION August. The quantum extraction of roots from the study area indicates that exploitation of roots before the The study revealed that extraction of Trillium roots was maturation of seeds may lead to extinction of species done for about three months that is, June to August. from the area. There is a need for the awareness among Valley and watershed wise name of the villages, latitudes the villagers so that the roots can be collected after the and longitudes, altitude, total population, persons maturation of seeds and their dispersal. This harvesting involved in total collection and total income generation practice would not only ensure the availability of species are presented in Table 1. Amongst the villages of Upper for sustainability but also provide sufficient time for the Beas Valley, Kothi, Ruar and Kulang, respectively maturation of roots that probably may result in high collected the maximum quantity; in Banjar Valley, Ghyagi concentration of active ingredients.

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Table 1. Areas surveyed under study showing geographical positions and collection trends

Persons Plants Altitude Human Total income Area/valley Village Latitude/Longitude involved in uprooted (m) Population (in lacs) extraction (kg) Kothi 32°18′47″N/77°11′11″E 2477 175 65 87,750 1.95 Ruar 32°18'47"N/77°10'57"E 2343 400 70 63,000 1.4 Palchan 32°18'32"N/77°10'36"E 2324 100 40 30,600 0.68 Upper Beas Valley (UBV) Chhayal 32°13'13"N/77°11'6"E 1935 400 50 33,750 0.75 Kulang 32°18'09"N/77°11'02"E 2249 200 72 58,050 1.29 Total 1275 297 273,150 6.07

Ghyagi 31°34′40″N/77°21′48″E 2035 350 45 40,500 0.90 Shojha 31°34′05″N/77°25′15″E 2589 200 30 33,750 0.75 Banjar Valley (BV) Jibhi 31°35′35″N/77°20′52″E 1840 250 35 28,350 0.63 Total 800 110 102,600 2.28

Tiun 32° 02'35"N/76°59'10"E 2549 325 46 51,750 1.15 Lag-Valley (LV) Kadincha 32° 02'04"N/76°59'53"E 2119 275 42 37,800 0.84 Total 600 88 89,550 1.99

Kalga 31°59'47"N/77°27'09"E 2212 280 80 72,000 1.60 Tulga 32°00′51″N/77°27′05″E 2371 250 60 35,100 0.78 Parbati Valley (PV) Grahan 31°58′17″N/77°20′49″E 2222 270 30 24,300 0.54 Total 800 170 131,400 2.92

Lot 31°51'25"N/77°5'33"E 2034 125 25 16,875 0.37 Dabri 31°53'01"N/77°05'41"E 1602 350 35 18,900 0.42 Mohal Khad Watershed Tehren Seri 31°52'51"N/77°06'07"E 1881 150 20 4,500 0.10 Total 625 80 40,275 0.89 Grand total 4100 745 636,975 14.15

This will certainly provide high price to the of the species in different natural landscapes for awareness among the inhabitants in the study villagers in the market. Therefore, harvesting of long term conservation and management plan-ing. area. Large scale cultivation of this species in its roots during mid September to October is sug- Also, it is essential to develop conventional and in altitudinal range may help in conservation and gested. There is a need to carryout the ecological vitro propagation protocols for mass multiplication, income generation for the inhabitants (Samant et studies to assess the current population structure promote ex-situ and in-situ conservation and al., 2008)

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Samant SS, Butola JS, Lal M (2008). Agrotechniques of Commercially Viable Medicinal Plants in the Indian Himalayan Region. Biodiversity Conservation and Management, Theme, GBPIHED, Himachal Unit, The authors are thankful to Dr. L.M.S. Palni, Director, G. Mohal-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh (India). B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Samant SS, Dhar U, Palni LMS (1998). Medicinal Plants of Indian Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora, Uttarakhand, India, Himalaya: Diversity Distribution Potential Values. Nainital: for providing necessary facilities. Mr. Rohit Chauhan and Gyanodaya Prakashan p. 163. Samant SS, Pant S, Rana MS, Lal M, Singh A, Sharma A, Bhandari S Mr. Nishant Vaidya are acknowledged for their help in (2007b). Medicinal plants in Himachal Pradesh, North Western preparing map of the study area. We also thank Mr. Himalaya. Int. J. Biodiv. Sci. Manag. 3:234–251. Karam Dass Thakur for his help in the field surveys. Samant SS, Singh M, Lal M, Pant S (2007a). Diversity, utilization Anonymous reviewers are acknowledged for their pattern and prioritization of fodder species for conservation in Kullu district, Northwestern Himalaya. Ind. J. Mount. Sci. 4(3):259-274. valuable comments. Ved DK, Kinhal GA, Ravikumar K, Prabhakaran V, Ghate U, Sankar RV, Indresha GH (2003). Conservation Assessment and Management Prioritization for the medicinal plants of J&K, H.P. and REFERENCES Uttaranchal, Shimla, H.P., FRLHT, Bangalore, India p. 205. Ved DK, Kinhal GA, Ravikumar K, Vijaya Shankar R, Haridasan K Anonymous (1883–1970). Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogamarum (2005). Conservation assessment and management prioritization Vol. 1–2 (1883–1885) and 15 Suppl. (1886–1970), Clarendron Press, (CAMP) for the wild medicinal plants of North-East India. Med. Plant Oxford. Cons. 11:40-44. Aswal BS, Mehrotra BN (1994). Flora of Lahaul-Spiti (A Cold Desert in Ved DK, Mudappa A, Shankar D (1998). Regulating export of North Western ). Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh, endangered medicinal species-need for scientific rigour. Curr. Sci. Dehradun p. 761. 75(4):341-344. Chauhan NS (1999). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Himachal Pradesh. Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi, India. Dhar U, Rawal RS, Upreti J (2000). Setting priorities for conservation of medicinal plants-a case study in Indian Himalaya. Biol. Conserv. 93:57-65. Edwards R (2004). No remedy insight for herbal ransack. New Scien. 181:10-11. Jacob I, Jacob W (1993). The Healing Past: Pharmaceuticals in the Biblical and Rabbinic World. E.J. Brill, Leiden. Kumar AK, Katakam A (2002). Credit for conservation. Frontl. 19:9-22. Marshall NT (1998) Searching for a cure: Conservation of medicinal wildlife resources in East and Southern Africa. TRAFFIC- International. Cambridge, UK. p. 112. Nayar MP, Sastry ARK (1987, 1988, 1990). Red Data Book of Indian plants. Three Volumes. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, India. Rana MS, Samant SS (2009). Prioritization of habitats and communities for conservation in the Indian Himalayan Region: a state-of-the-art approach from Manali Wildlife Sanctuary. Curr. Sci. 97(3):326-335.