LIST 1 3 January 2020 Applications Registered between 30th December 2019 and 3rd January 2020


The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to [email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Note: Representations on Brownfield Permission in Principle applications and/or associated Technical Details Consent applications must arrive not later than 14 days from the date of this list.

Application No. Proposal Location

DC/19/2438/LB Application for Listed Building Consent - (i) Northgate House VALID DATE: Replacement of exterior tile-hanging to first 8 Northgate Street 02.01.2020 floor flat with mathematical tiles (ii) replacement of brick supporting pier IP33 1HQ EXPIRY DATE: 27.02.2020 APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs N Storey GRID REF: WARD: Eastgate AGENT: Nicholas Jacob Architects 585558 264450

PARISH: Bury St CASE OFFICER: Debbie Cooper Edmunds Town Council

DC/19/2413/HH Householder Planning Application (i) Single 3 Water Lane VALID DATE: storey rear extension (following demolition of 30.12.2019 exisiting single storey extension) (ii) 1no. CB8 8PP detached garage (iii) additional ground floor EXPIRY DATE: window to southern elevation (iv) 24.02.2020 replacement front door GRID REF: 575822 252958 WARD: And APPLICANT: Mr Tunstill and van Lieverloo CASE OFFICER: Adam Yancy PARISH: Denston

DC/19/2490/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - (i) The Gables VALID DATE: 8no Maple (T1-T3 T8-T9 T11-T13 on plan) Bury Road 30.12.2019 1no Oak (T4 on plan) 5no Ash (T5-T7 T10 T15 on plan) 1no Sycamore (T14 on plan) Bury St Edmunds EXPIRY DATE: Crown lift to 3 metres above ground (ii) 1no 10.02.2020 Yew (T24 on plan) Crown lift to 2 metres IP28 6LT above ground (iii) 1no Oak (T17 on plan) fell WARD: Risby (iv) 1no Maple (T16 on plan) and 2no Willow (T22 on plan) Crown reduction by 50% (v) GRID REF: PARISH: 1no Lime (T18 on plan) 8no Apple (T20 and 582547 268859 Cum Hengrave T23 on plan) 1no Sycamore (T25 on plan) 1no Maple (T26 on plan) 1no Walnut (T27 on plan) 1no Robinia (T21 on plan) Crown reduction by 30% (vi) 1no Silver Birch (T19 on plan) Crown reduction by 25%

APPLICANT: Mrs Gillian Crow

CASE OFFICER: Falcon Saunders

DC/19/2424/HH Householder Planning Application - Single 3 Livermere Close VALID DATE: storey front extension Livermere Road 23.12.2019 APPLICANT: Mr Wayne Welch IP31 2QE EXPIRY DATE: 17.02.2020 GRID REF: WARD: The Fornhams CASE OFFICER: Connor Vince 588839 268188 And Great Barton

PARISH: Great Barton

DC/19/2441/FUL Planning Application - (i) 2no. dwellings (ii) Site Adjoining VALID DATE: vehicular access Blueberry Cottage 30.12.2019 Mill Road APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs T Jay Honington EXPIRY DATE: Suffolk 24.02.2020 AGENT: Mr Andrew Watkins - Mullins Dowse Architects LTD WARD: Bardwell CASE OFFICER: Mr Nicholas Yager GRID REF: PARISH: Honington 591433 274546 Cum


DC/19/2429/FUL Planning Application - (i) temporary siting of Florizel VALID DATE: 2no. container homes for 12 months (ii) Hamilton Road 02.01.2020 engineering works associated with container Newmarket homes (part retrospective) CB8 0NY EXPIRY DATE: 27.02.2020 APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Haggas GRID REF: WARD: Newmarket AGENT: Mrs Meghan Bonner - KWA 562941 263380 West Architects (Cambridge) Ltd

PARISH: Newmarket CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold Town Council

DC/19/2434/TPO TPO 008 (2019) Tree Preservation Order - (i) Street Record VALID DATE: 2no Horse Chestnut (T1 and T2 on plan T2 Abernant Drive 13.12.2019 and T3 on order) Crown lift to 5 metres Newmarket above ground (ii) 2no Horse Chestnut (T4 Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: and T5 on plan T5 and T6 on order) fell (iii) 07.02.2020 1no Walnut (T6 on plan T7 on order) Prune to give 2 metres clearance of vets (iv) 1no WARD: Newmarket Walnut (T7 on plan T8 on order) pollard to 7 GRID REF: West metres 564009 263303

PARISH: Newmarket APPLICANT: Mr David Taylor Town Council AGENT: Mr Josh Parry - Anglia Tree Contractors Ltd

CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire

DC/19/2393/HH Householder Planning Application - 1no. 7 Twites Corner VALID DATE: Outbuilding (retrospective) Great Saxham 02.01.2020 IP29 5JR APPLICANT: Mrs charlotte bright EXPIRY DATE: 27.02.2020 GRID REF: 578875 263926 WARD: Barrow CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire

