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Resumé Denne kandidatafhandling omhandler fordelingen af makrelkvoter mellem kystlandene i Nordøst Atlanterhavet. Siden 2009 har det ikke lykkedes kystlandene, EU, Norge, Færøerne og Island at komme til enighed om fordelingen af makrelkvoterne. Dog blev EU og Norge enige om en indbyrdes kvotefordeling i 2010, som gælder for de næste 10 år. Den manglende brede enighed mellem alle kystlandene har resulteret i, at kystlandenes kvoter i årene 2010 og 2011 er blevet tilskrevet med tanke på hvad der er bedst for kystlandene selv, og ikke på hvad der er bedst for det fælles gode. Fordelingen af makrelkvoter i 2010 og 2011 overstiger langt hvad ICES har anbefalet. Færøerne befinder sig i en kompliceret situation for så vidt angår juridisk kompetence på det udenrigspolitiske område. Færøsk deltagelse i internationale organisationer, indgåelse af internationale handelsaftaler eller fiskeriaftaler bærer præg af at Færøerne, som en del af Rigsfællesskabet, ikke har en afklaret juridisk status på det udenrigspolitiske område. Der vil i denne kandidatafhandling blive redegjort for hvordan internationale reguleringer påvirker Færøerne i dets søgen efter den optimale udnyttelse af makrellen i Nordøst Atlanterhavet. Makrellen i Nordøst Atlanterhavet er en fælles fiskebestand, der migrerer gennem internationalt farvand og i farvandene hos alle kystlandene. Der vil i denne kandidatafhandling blive redegjort for kvotefordelingen og makrelfangsten gennem de seneste 10 år, og derudover vil nogle spilteoretiske modeller blive brugt til at underbygge en anbefaling om hvad der er den optimale andel af makrelkvoter for Færøerne. Preface This thesis is the final dissertation of the Master of the Science in Business Administration and Commercial Law study at the Copenhagen Business School. The primary emphasis is on Faroe Islands’ role in the sharing of mackerel in the North East Atlantic. The Faroese economy is very dependent on fisheries and vulnerable to changes in the mackerel fisheries industry. Faroe Islands is thereby facing legal and economic challenges that can influence the Faroese economy significantly in the future. The thesis is 79.9 standard pages of 2.275 characters including spaces in length. Acknowledgements First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisors, the legal supervisor, Jens Fejø, and the economic supervisor, Cédric Schneider, for a dedicated collaboration throughout the thesis writing process. I would also like to thank Bjørn Kunoy, Jan Arge, Andrass Kristiansen, Jannit Michelsen, Ole Poulsen and Henry Damsgaard Lanng for their cooperative effort in helping me gather essential data and information regarding the sharing of mackerel in the North East Atlantic. Without their help it would be impossible to gather such relevant literature as I have been able to do. Additionally I would also like to thank Hans Ellefsen for helping and providing me with relevant and yet unpublished research on the use of game theory on the sharing of pelagic fisheries in the North East Atlantic. At last, but not least, I would like to thank Rógvi Absalonsen for linguistic guidance, and Holgar Johannesen for support and helping with the graphical layout. Abbreviations: CFP: Common Fisheries Policy COFI: Committee on Fisheries CCRF: FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries DSB: Dispute Settlement Body DSU: Dispute Settlement Understanding DWFN: Distant Water Fishing Nations EEA: European Economic Area EEC: European Economic Community EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone EFTA: European Free Trade Association EU: European Union FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade IQ: Individual Quota ICES: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea IPOA – IUU: International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing ITP: Individual Tradable Permit ITQ: Individual Trade Quota IUU: Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated MSC: Marine Stewardship Council NAFO: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization NEA: North East Atlantic NEAFC: North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission RFMO: Regional Fisheries Management Organizations TAC: Total Allowable Catch UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UNFSA: United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement WTO: World Trade Organization Faroe Islands is in general both called Faroe Islands and the Faroes . I will use both names in this thesis. The Faroese government has had various names in English over the years, but the most common, which are also used in this thesis are the Home Rule or the Home Government . The Danish government is in this thesis just called the Government . The Sharing of Mackerel in the North East Atlantic Table of contents CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 TOPIC .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 CASE ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 PROBLEM DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 FOCUS AREA ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.6 DELIMITATION .................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.7 CHOICE OF THEORIES .......................................................................................................................................... 8 1.7.1 Legal ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.7.2 Economic............................................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 AN HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF MACKEREL IN THE NORTH EAST ATLANTIC ................................................................. 12 2.2 THE REGULATION OF FISHERY RIGHTS ................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea .................................................................... 14 2.2.2 North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission .......................................................................................... 15 2.2.3 The Nordic Council .............................................................................................................................. 15 2.3 THE CATCH OF MACKEREL IN THE NORTH EAST ATLANTIC ......................................................................................... 16 2.4 FAROE ISLANDS BECOMES A COASTAL STATE .......................................................................................................... 18 2.5 ICELAND BECOMES A COASTAL STATE ................................................................................................................... 18 2.6 THE SHARING OF MACKEREL QUOTAS FOR 2010 .................................................................................................... 19 2.7 THE SHARING OF MACKEREL QUOTAS FOR 2011 .................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 3 - LEGAL SECTION .......................................................................................................................... 23 3.1 FAROE ISLANDS AND THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK ................................................................................................. 23 3.1.1 The authority of the Home Rule Act ................................................................................................... 24 3.1.2 The foreign policy authority of the Home Rule Act in Faroe Islands ................................................... 24 3.1.3 The foreign policy authority of Faroe Islands after the Home Rule Act was concluded...................... 25 3.1.4 The Act on Conclusion of Agreements under International Law ......................................................... 26 3.1.5 The authority of Faroe Islands in international negotiations ............................................................. 28 3.2 THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH ICELAND AND NORWAY ............................................................................ 28 1 The Sharing of Mackerel in the North East Atlantic 3.3 THE EUROPEAN UNION – THE COMMON FISHERIES POLICY ..................................................................................... 29 3.4 INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS AND AGREEMENTS FOR FAROE ISLANDS ..................................................................... 30 3.4.1 Agreements between Faroe Islands, Denmark and the European Union ........................................... 31 3.4.2 Free trade agreement between Faroe Islands and Norway