SEPTEMBER 30, 2007


HEAD COACH MIKE SHANAHAN (general comments) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “We knew going into the game we had to limit Indy's possessions. I think we did limit their possessions, but obviously they did a great job of making some plays, running and throwing the ball. I think they were 5-5 in the red zone.”

HEAD COACH MIKE SHANAHAN (on Broncos offensive performance) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “When you have the opportunities inside the 20, you've got to turn them into , not field goals. We had a couple of opportunities down there and couldn't convert.”

HEAD COACH MIKE SHANAHAN (on Broncos' special teams play) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “Obviously, we're going to keep working on that. We lost field position today. That's something we're going to have to improve on. The first couple of drives, we didn't have to go very far.”

HEAD COACH MIKE SHANAHAN (on Colts offense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “We know they're a very good offensive football team. They have been stopped, but obviously we didn't do that today. I shouldn't say stop, slowed down.”

QB- (on the Colts' offense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “Peyton (Manning) controls that offense. He does an exceptional job. They don't turn the ball over and don't make many mistakes. We got going early but we needed touchdowns instead of field goals.”

QB-JAY CUTLER (on not getting touchdowns in the red zone) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “We will have to go back and look at it and see what our problem is. On third downs, we need to move the chains. As a whole, we need to look at everything we are doing.”

QB-JAY CUTLER (on being first in their division) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “Doesn't feel like we are. We are 2-2 and there is still a lot of football left. We need to keep working and looking for ways each week. We have a good team. We will go back and look at the film and keep working.”

DB-NICK FERGUSON (on preparing for ) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “He's been around the league for a long time. He's seen a lot of different defenses. At least he got into his game plan and made adjustments the second half.”

DB-NICK FERGUSON (on the Colts team and offense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “It's not just all about him (Manning). He is not the offensive coordinator making the calls. Those guys did well as a unit making adjustments. So you can't give Peyton all the credit. After half-time, they came out with a different plan.”

DB-NICK FERGUSON (on waiting for the big play to happen) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “You want to try to force turnovers on defense, create a spark, but we weren't able to do it today. They didn't really get long throws, but their running game worked and they were able to get outside."

RB-SELVIN YOUNG (on needing to play the "perfect game" against the Colts) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “You try to play a perfect game. You don't want to come out on the field not knowing your assignments and not trying to play the perfect game. The closer you play the perfect game, the more chance you have to win."

RB-SELVIN YOUNG (on needing to play the "perfect game" against the Colts) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 "I feel like a team like that (Colts), of course you have to be on your game and you have to come out ready to play and understand what they are capable of doing."

RB-SELVIN YOUNG (on combining for nearly 200 yards with Henry and losing the game) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “Most definitely, I'm shocked. If you get over 150 yards, I feel like you're supposed to win the football game."

SEPTEMBER 30, 2007


HEAD COACH (general comments) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “I was joking watching these games, I said it is tough to get wins, but it really is. People don’t realize how difficult it is to win every week. We are excited. We don’t take any of them for granted. We got off to a little bit of a slow start, but I think a lot of that was due to Denver. We know they have a good running scheme and they have a really good back in Travis Henry that kept us a little bit off balance in the first half and kept the ball away from us. But when we got the lead in the second quarter, we felt pretty good. We felt like we hadn’t played our best game, but we are one point ahead and we are getting the ball. I thought we did a good job of getting that first drive and taking it down in there. They were trying not to let us get big plays. We had to run the ball. I think Peyton (Manning) did a great job of running it and going to some of the other receivers. We have a tough offense to take everything away. They took a few things away but Joseph (Addai), Kenton (Keith), and Luke (Lawton) came in and ran the ball well. So it was a good team win. One we are excited getting.”

HEAD COACH TONY DUNGY (on Denver’s game plan) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “We had to kind of figure out what they were doing. We knew it would be a little bit different. Once we got a chance to look at the pictures and everybody got comfortable and we got in our minds we’re going to have to run the ball, we did, and Joseph (Addai) got us going there with some runs. That helped us. And then we had to get the ball back for our offense. They held it a lot in the first quarter. We figured that would be there thought. It was just the way they were playing. They basically used Bly (Dre) and Bailey (Champ) on the outside guys and the backers were playing a lot of man coverage. We ran some play-action passes early and the guys were just turning their backs, running with our inside receivers. We knew at that point we were going to have to make them honor the running game. And that’s when Joseph (Addai) got going.”

HEAD COACH TONY DUNGY (on Colts’injuries) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “I really don’t know what the status is yet. I haven’t really talked to anyone. I hesitate to even think. Last (year), had an ACL and was going to be out for the year and he was back, so we had a couple of knees, don’t know extent of them. Joseph was actually ready to come back in the game and I told him that if we can hold them, if they don’t score, we will keep you out and that’s what happened. But it was a physical game.”

HEAD COACH TONY DUNGY (on Dallas Clark’s performance) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “He was on a lot of guys. They tried some different things. We had a little bit of a new formation, and we wanted to get Bailey and Bly on one side and then see who they put on Dallas (Clark) and they had a on him, they had safeties at times, they kept Bailey on him at times. We were looking at how they were aligned whether we wanted to run or throw.”

QB-PEYTON MANNING (on the Colts’ September success) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “I think every offseason we have put the previous season behind us. I mean, it is a testament to the way Coach Dungy’s schedule has set up. It is a real credit to him that our team has come out and played so well early in the season. Obviously the key is to keep it going. He talks about the season in quarters. This was kind of the first quarter, so it sure was a good one.”

QB-PEYTON MANNING (on the 4-0 start three years in a row) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “They have been hard-earned wins. Guys have done a good job preparing each week, getting ready for each opponent. We truly take them one game at a time around here. You never take winning for granted. Wins are hard to come by. This is a good win today against a good football team.”

QB-PEYTON MANNING (on the Colts injuries) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “You just hope and pray theses guys are going to be okay. Certainly today it seemed like a lot, lot of new faces in there. Coach Dungy always says guys have to be ready to step up and step in, and we did that. But you hope we can get some of these guys back. You don’t like seeing those guys leaving the game due to injuries.”

QB-PEYTON MANNING (on more reliance on the running game today) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “Obviously they were playing a lot of double safeties, deep safeties and a real challenge this week was, the past two weeks, we have seen a lot of similar looks and haven’t had a run over 12 yards. With the safeties deep like that, that really shouldn’t be the case. So that was the real challenge today to finish some longer runs, hold our blocks downfield and create some holes. Offensive line did a great job. Joe and Kenton and Luke all ran well, but I thought the receivers and tight ends did a good job and we really answered the bell on that challenge from our coaches this week.”

QB-PEYTON MANNING (on not starting the game quickly on offense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “That is two weeks in a row we have been down early in the game, and certainly it is not a panic situation, but there is a sense of urgency to go and try to get the lead. One of our goals was to try to get the lead on these guys, to put them in a one-dimensional phase and keep them from just running the ball and running the clock. It took us a little while to get the lead, but we finally got it there at the end of the first half.”

DB- (on Colts defense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 "In the beginning we didn't as well as we usually do. We had to weather through a storm today and I think we did that. It was a good test and I think it showed a lot of character and that we have the ability to be good, but we still have things to work on. They tried to break our will running the ball and we knew what they were going to do, but they came in and did it anyway and did it well. They had a game plan and they wanted to stick to and break us down, but we didn't break, we kept on fighting and made stops when we needed to."

DB-MARLIN JACKSON (on his ) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “I just recognized the formation, he had a wide split and I just anticipated him running a slant and I jumped in front of it."

DE- (on Colts defense) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 "They came out with a great gameplan. They go out there and they gave us all kinds of stuff in the first half. We just had to settle down and figure out what they were doing. We finally figured out what they were doing."

DE-DWIGHT FREENEY (on Colts injuries in the game) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/.07 "This is the game of football and unfortunately bad things like that happen. We just hope that those guys are not injured too bad and we can get them back for next week and then get some rest over the bye week."

DE-DWIGHT FREENEY (on his sack in the fourth quarter) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 "I thought they were going to take it away, again. You just keep working and you never know when it's going to come. They finally drop-back pass in that game. We waited all game for that."

RB- (on adjustment of team to injuries) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “The backup players have to be ready. They have to learn like I did last year. I never started, but I was ready to come in and do my thing. Backup players have to know that they’re one play away. You have to be ready to go out there and play when your turn come.”

RB-JOSEPH ADDAI (on success of running game today) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “It’s really just understanding what’s going on and working well with the offense. The offense has been doing a great job this season. You just need to keep playing games and getting more comfortable. The offensive line is doing an excellent job and we need to understand what they’ve got going on.”

DT- (on bouncing back from slow start) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “They had a good game plan. We just weathered the storm, went into halftime and made some adjustments and came out and played good defense.”

DT-RAHEEM BROCK (on setting tone in 3rd quarter) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “We always want to do that. We know that the game can break open at any time and wanted to keep our composure. We did a good job of weathering the storm in the first half and then coming back and playing Colts football in the second.”

TE-DALLAS CLARK (on success of running game today) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “It was great to see the linemen take full pride in that. That’s what helps us get the offense going, is getting the running game going, getting some big runs, moving the chains with the runs and getting some first downs. When you can do that, it takes pressure off the passing game and you just have to find different ways to do that.”

TE-DALLAS CLARK (on his alignment in offense today) Denver Broncos vs. Indianapolis Colts 9/30/07 “I was outside a lot, which I wasn’t expecting today. I knew we were going to try it a little bit and see how they adjusted to it. I think with some injuries that we wanted to go back to it just to see how it worked and we were able to get some things going.”