Canadian National Railway Bala Subdivision

Route Author: Robin Claxton Assisted by: Andy Hockin

Locomotives: Ed Sketcher

Railway Cars: Ian Dodd

Activities: Andy Hockin

The Bala Sub has portions of many CN subdivisions as part of the release. The route represents the Southern portion of the Bala Sub and connecting Subs to MacMillin Yard. The Yard was built to move the RR operations from downtown around the metro at the time of construction. The York Sub and Halton Sub meet at the entrance to MacMillin Yard. From the Yard, the run East on the York Sub for several miles to Doncaster Junction. The real Bala Sub begins near the downtown Union Station. However, that portion mainly runs commuter trains from the Station for the first 16 miles to Doncaster Junction. The route runs North on the Bala to mile 97 just beyond Sparrow Lake siding. The Newmarket Sub passes over the York Sub just East of the Yard. The real Newmarket Sub begins just West of Union Station and has many commuter trains and industrial switchers running over it. A portion of the real Newmarket Sub from Barrie to South of Washago was abandoned. Part of the Sub was kept to switch a major industry at the end of the spur, which has been modeled. The Newmarket Sub connects North from Washago. The Bala Sub includes accurate signaling and signage based on modern day operations. There has been some talk of the upcoming MSTS2 release. It is still over one year away but promises to be worth the wait. In the meantime, MLT will continue to bring products for MSTS1 as long as there is interest.


Andy Hockin Maple Leaf Tracks


The area including the North end of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) has a large number of shapes that can slow the frame rates on some computers. The MacMillin Yard, even though it has been selectively compressed, will also slow frame rates. All of the equipment except for the intermodal cars is new, has highly detailed shapes and textures and features some affects for the MSTS “Bin” users. The Bin has been used during the build and testing of the route on Windows XP and Vista systems. However, Vista users must have a robust gaming PC to run reliably. The route will run on older XP based PC’s with the minimum specs indicated on the products feature page. The use of the Bin is recommended for stability and fixing of many MSTS issues. It can be downloaded and installed from . The route requires the installation of a special global tsection file included with the installer. This file was also used with MLT’s Shuswap Sub. If you have that route installed or Xtracks, you do not need to install the tsection file. Xtracks is not needed for the route to run.


To install MLT products, the user must turn off all antivirus and spybot programs. If not, during installation, a threat alert of a generic Trojan horse can result blocking the installation.

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