21/09/18 6:17 Pm
The English Mercurie Hoax and the Early History of the Newspaper Markman Ellis, QMUL [Pre-publication accepted draft to be published in Book History in 2019.] In 1794 the Scottish antiquarian George Chalmers (1742-1825) undertook research into the origin of newspapers, “those pleasant vehicles of instruction, those entertaining companions of our mornings” for his biography of the Scottish publisher and scholar Thomas Ruddiman (1764-1757). After assessing the historical evidence, he declared that the first newspaper, which he defined as a regularly printed gazette of news, was English. It may gratify our national pride to be told, that mankind are indebted to the wisdom of Elizabeth and the prudence of Burleigh for the first news-paper. The epoch of the Spanish Armada is also the epoch of a genuine news-paper. In the British Museum, there are several news-papers, which had been printed while the Spanish fleet was in the English Channel, during the year 1588. It was a wise policy, to prevent, during a moment of general anxiety, the danger of false reports, by publishing real information. And the earliest news-paper is entitled, THE ENGLISH MERCURIE, which, by Authority, was “imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, her Highnesses printer, 1588”.1 Although Chalmers noted some oddities about this example (it was printed in “Roman, not in black, letter” and had certain anachronisms), his discovery was celebrated in literary journals and magazines.2 Over the following decades, it was accepted as authoritative in a series of reference works, beginning with the fifth edition of Isaac Disraeli’s Curiosities of Literature (1807),3 and thereafter the fourth volume of John Nichols’s Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century (1812),4 Johann Beckmann’s Concise History of Ancient Institutions (1823);5 and from there in various encyclopædias including Encyclopædia Londinensis (1820), 6 Encyclopaedia Americana (1832), 7 Brockhaus’s Conversations-Lexikon (1832),8 and Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1845).9 There was only one problem with this patriotic discovery: it was a hoax.
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