WAVES NEWS—PHILIPPINES Prelates Say Community Pantries Staying at Home for Show Pinoys' Helpful Nature the Homeless...How?
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FILIPINOS MAKING Gender Reveal VOL. 11 3d/4d Ultrasound WaVes NO. 4 APRIL 2021 www.filipinosmakingwaves.com TORONTO, CANADA Canada Ranked as the Best Country in the World Washington, D.C. – For the Best Countries Report, a Report; BAV Group, a unit ty. Together, this broad first time, Canada takes the ranking and analysis pro- of global marketing com- range of categories deter- top spot overall in the 2021 ject by U.S. News & World munications company mines how the 78 countries VMLY&R; and the Wharton studied are ranked on the School of the University of world stage. Pennsylvania. “Nations are impacted on This year, the model that many critical fronts by how powers this report has they are perceived globally evolved in response to a – from foreign relations to transformational year since international business to the start of the COVID-19 tourism. These perceptions pandemic. Cultural, eco- are ever-evolving in a rap- nomic, political and techno- idly changing world,” said logical influences remain Kim Castro, editor and chief important, and two new content officer at U.S. News. Parliament Hill, Canada’s central place for national outpour- Toronto, Canada’s largest city ing, is located in Ottawa, the nation’s capital. categories have been add- and a dynamic metropolis. (Continued on page4 ) ed: social purpose and agili- New pathway to permanent ‘Generosity virus’ residency for over 90,000 infects Filipinos essential temporary workers nationwide and international graduates By Marita Moaje roads, where donations have been pouring in. On April 14, 2021, the care homes and on the MANILA – If the corona- Honourable Marco E. L. frontlines of other essential “The virus of generosity virus can be killed with named Community Pantry Mendicino, Minister of sectors, as well as interna- kindness, Filipinos could Immigration, Refugees and tional graduates who are is gaining momentum all have easily prevailed over the country. The Filipi- Citizenship, announced an driving the economy of to- against the pandemic. innovative pathway to per- morrow. no spirit of 'bayanihan' is ever alive. That compassion manent residence for over Lately, community pantries To be eligible, workers and generosity is a univer- 90,000 essential workers have been sprouting every- must have at least 1 year of sal language that everyone and international gradu- where, inspired by initia- Canadian work experience ates who are actively con- tives along Quezon City tributing to Canada’s econ- in a health-care profes- (Continued on page6 ) omy. sion or another pre- approved essential occu- These special public poli- pation. International grad- The Filipino Spirit is cies will grant permanent uates must have completed status to temporary work- an eligible Canadian post- stronger than any ers and international grad- Honourable Minister Marco secondary program within uates who are already in Mendicino, the last 4 years, and no ear- adversity Story on Page 5 Canada and who possess lier than January 2017. the skills and experience The focus of this new path- we need to fight the pan- Effective May 6, 2021, Im- way will be on temporary migration, Refugees and demic and accelerate our workers employed in our economic recovery. hospitals and long-term (Continued on page4 ) Canadian Waves Philippine Waves Politics Three Canadian PHL Media Workers Paul Saguil vie for Universities in Covid-19 Vaccine Liberal MP Among the Best in Priority List nomination in the World Brampton Centre Mike Grogan salutes the world-class Pinoy Singing Cooks and Page 3 Page 5 Page 9 Waiters in this 2017 pre-pandemic photo. Page 2 Filipinos Making WAV ES April 2021 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES April 2021 Filipinos Making WA V ES Page 3 WAVES NEWS—CANADA 3 Canadian Universities Just ‘Immigration Creates Got Ranked Among the Best Growth for Canada’ in the World In 2021 Helena Hanson Columbia is ranked 31st, while Montreal’s McGill University comes in shared Yet again, several of Cana- 51st place with China’s Pe- da’s post-secondary schools king University and Austral- have been rated among the ia’s University of New South world's best universities. Wales. The U.S. News Best Global Both University of Toronto Universities ranking for and the University of British 2021 shows that three Ca- Columbia have climbed nadian universities made it from similar rankings in into the world’s top spots. 2020, moving up from 25th Hon. Minister Marco Mendicino working hard in the midst of place and 45th place re- The overall ranking encom- the pandemic to deliver fair and successful immigration poli- cies in Canada. passes nearly 1,500 top in- spectively. stitutions spread across 86 Did any others make the countries, according to the list? By Naser Miftari Metropolis Canada is the methodology. Each univer- New Canadian Media largest annual gathering of sity is scored based on fac- academics, immigrant set- In total, 1,678 schools were Canada remains deeply tors like research reputa- included in the worldwide tlement agencies, govern- committed to refugee reset- tion, publications and more. ranking. mental and non- tlement efforts and banks governmental organiza- While Harvard University, its post-pandemic recovery spots, the University of To- As many as 36 Canadian tions, and business sector Massachusetts Institute of on increased immigration, ronto comes in at 17th. institutions made the ex- representatives with a fo- Technology and Stanford as set out in the 2021-2023 cus on migration policy and University take the top (Continued on page4 ) immigration plan, Immigra- The University of British research. tion Minister Marco Mendi- cino said during his presen- Over 1,200 delegates from Workers in Ontario can be fired tation at the Metropolis coast to coast of Canada Canada Conference. took part in this year’s edi- tion titled Migrants, Migra- if they refuse return to office, Canada is basing its post- tion and Mobility: COVID- pandemic future on immi- 19 Response and Recovery employment lawyer says gration, and the country is and held remotely for the currently accepting more second time due to the pan- Pat Foran Levitt said. permanent residents than demic. The five-day event Consumer Alert before COVID-19, Marco Videojournalist, comprised more than 100 While some workers may Mendicino, minister of im- CTV News Toronto workshops, roundtables, “If everybody can work want to continue to work migration, refugees and and poster presentations from home, why hire a remotely, Levitt says em- citizenship, said during the with more than 270 people TORONTO -- During the $100,000 Canadian ployers can decide who country’s biggest annual involved in presentation COVID-19 pandemic, many when you can hire works from home and who event devoted to migration sessions. employees working from someone from the doesn't. policy. Philippines for $20,000 home enjoy the flexibility Canada’s “ambitious road who speaks perfect “Employers could say “As we continue to fight to set their own hours, map” means “welcoming English or somewhere you've proven you can COVID-19 and cast our eyes avoid commutes and spend new permanent residents else?" work effectively outside to post-pandemic future, more time with their chil- at a higher rate than before the office, so you can con- we are at a unique juncture dren. - Howard Levitt, pandemic,” the minister tinue to work from home, in Canadian history,” Men- Employment Lawyer said. “We are seizing the But as more workers get but they can say to another dicino said in his address opportunity to engage im- vaccinated, some compa- employee you haven't, so during the 23rd annual Me- migrants who are already nies are preparing to get you have to work from the tropolis Canada Confer- here.” them back to the office and office," Levitt said. ence, held virtually on one employment lawyer March 22-26, 2021. motely at cottages or in The survey also found that To illustrate, on Feb. 13, says you can be fired if you 2021 Immigration Canada small towns. 51 per cent of workers “We are facing a genera- don't return. held the largest draw in the would prefer a hybrid ap- tional challenge and we will history of its Express Entry “I think a lot of employers A work-from-home survey proach with a split working meet the moment by wel- program, extending invita- can't wait to get people by staffing agency, Robert both at home and the office. coming 401,000 new per- tions to over 27,000 peo- back to the office because Half, found that 33 per cent manent residents this Levitt said companies that ple, all from the Canadian as much as employees are of employees working from year,” the minister said, have used work-from- Experience class, which loving it, employers are not home said they would quit citing Canada’s immigra- home models in the past means they are already in loving it quite so much," their job if they were tion quota for 2021 from its abandoned the approach Canada. said Howard Levitt, em- forced to return to the of- 2021-2023 plan updated fice full time. after trying it. ployment lawyer and sen- last October. Central to Canada’s 2021- ior partner with Levitt, Levitt said many compa- “The former CEO of Twitter 2023 immigration plan is Sheikh, Chaudhri and “This is the choice we can said when they had a work the belief that “immigration nies want employees back make together for our Swann law firm. from home experiment, creates jobs, immigration in the office due to a drop country, it’s the choice we two years ago, he felt one creates growth, and immi- As the pandemic enters its in productivity. need to make now so that person working at home gration is there to acceler- second year, there have Canada’s destiny is not con- “There isn't the same buzz was too many.