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Cryptography2010.Pdf - A Bibliography of Publications on Cryptography: 2010{2019 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: 09 June 2021 Version 1.518 Title word cross-reference $9 [APPVP15]. = [JJUW10]. + [PYH+18]. 2 [YNX+16]. 3 [LHM14]. MT [HRB13]. α [TTL10]. c [KRDH13]. d [QD16]. d × d [KA17]. ` [ZTL15]. F + νF [WGF16]. γ (2; 2) [KSSY12, LTC+15b]. (K; N) p p [DWZ12]. GF(2)[x] [SF12]. GF(2m) [Bai10, YC11]. (n; t; n) [LHYZ12]. (t; n) [HJ19, SKH15]. GF(2n) [LBOX12]. K [QD16, ZPWY12]. 0 [XHX+17]. 1 [FXP12, FR16, CHX13, SG19a, XMY+17, [XHX+17]. 1; 2; 3 [SMDS11]. $100 [Sch16a]. XLP+18, ZZC17, ZHT16]. L(1=4+o(1)) 11 [LJ17]. 13 [Blo15]. 2 [Jou13]. M [MMSD13, O¸¨ S11]. F 6509 [AM19, DBPS12, EAA+16, ESS12, JR13, 3 [AMORH13]. F [SS13]. NP [HN10]. MCDB12, PGLL10, WK18, WY12]. 22 q GF(24)2 [GM16b]. GF(28) [GM16b]. GF(q) [MNP12]. 2k [Sun16]. 3 [LPdS10]. LWE [BV14]. µ [Jia14a]. N [AP10, Bro19, CG12b, DWWZ12, FWS13, [FR16]. n × k(k ≥ n=2) [MC11]. O(d13d) GZHD12, GH11a, KWS+12, LJ17, LJ15, [KA17]. O(n2) [KS11]. P [DG17, GT19]. π MKH+12, RS16, SS10b, SS12a, SGS14, [EHKSS19]. 1 [HZW+14]. q WSSO12, tWmC12, YT11a, YI14, YPRI17]. [CZCD18, GMS11]. S [LJ15]. t 32 × 32 [SA14]. 3 × 3[AMVZ12].´ 4 [HJM+11, Oba11]. w [Kre13]. [COP+14, DWZ12, HLYS14]. $49.00 [Sch15a]. 5 [YN19]. 8 [LPO+17, ZSH+19]. 2 3 -ary [CZCD18]. -band [MMSD13]. -Bit 384-bit [MMN12]. 3GPP [FPBG14]. [LPO+17, ZSH+19]. -boxes [LJ15]. -Cheater [Oba11]. -Cipher [EHKSS19]. -D 4 [Jac16, YYO15]. 42-step [AKY13]. 4765 [AM19, MCDB12]. -dimensional [ABC+12]. 4G [FMA+18]. 4th [Yan11]. [DWZ12, QD16]. -Diversity [ZTL15]. -Encoded [DG17]. -Encoding [XHX+17]. 5/3 [Ara13]. 512 [GV14b]. 512-bit -Means [KRDH13, SG19a]. -Multiple [APPVP15]. 51st [IEE10]. 52nd [IEE11b]. [LTC+15b]. -nearest [XMY+17]. -NN 5G [BBTC20, CML+18, FMA+18, GLL16, [ZZC17, ZHT16]. -Party [JR13]. -private PSM+18, SAM+18, YHSW19]. 5G-based [HJM+11]. -Round [COP+14, LJ17, Blo15]. [BBTC20]. 5th [BYL10, vDKS11]. -SDH [GMS11]. -Security [Jia14a]. -spotty [O¸¨ S11]. -trimmed [TTL10]. 6 [Ano17b, Bai12, Mur10]. 64/128 [LJ18]. 65th [Nac12]. 6LoWPAN [BNNH19]. .onion [Boy16]. 72 [HYS18]. 768-bit [KFL+10]. 795-bit 0.13um [KLM+12]. [BGG+19]. 1 [AAE+14, Ano15b, BH15, Bar16a, 8.8/11.2 [GLIC10]. 800 [MMKP16]. CGCS12, Con17, Ful10, MSas12, SKP15]. 800-160 [MMKP16]. 802.11 1-58488-551-3 [Ful10]. '10 [Ano10a]. 1024 [FLH13, ZBR11]. 802.11s [BOB13]. [Bro17, Win17]. 10Gbps [PRGBSAC19]. 802.15.4 [NBZP17]. 802.16e [CL11]. 10th [LTW11, Pie10, Sah13]. 11th 802.16m [FZZ+12]. 85 [WZM12a]. [GG10, Lin14b]. 128 [LJ18, LYD+18, TSLL11]. 128-Bit [GV14b]. 959 [ACZ16].´ 978 12th [BC11, LH10a]. 13-round [TSLL11]. [Ano15b, Ano17b, Bai12, Mur10]. 13th [Che11]. 15th [Dan12, FBM12]. 16 978-0-691-14175-6 [Ano17b]. [ZAG19]. 160 [MMKP16, WLC12]. 16th 978-0-8218-8321-1 [Sch15a]. [Abe10]. 17th [LW11a, Wes16, Ano10a]. 978-1-4200-4757-8 [Joh10]. 18th [MV12]. 192 [Blo15]. 1st [CGB+10]. 978-1-78548-004-1 [Ano15b]. 978-1-84832-615-6 [Bai12]. 2-Party [BBKL19]. 2-torsion [HR19]. 2.0 978-3-540-49243-6 [Mur10]. 9798 [NVM+17, PC16]. 2000 [ZC12]. 2003 [BCM12, BCM13]. 9th [Sha10]. 2008 [Mei10]. 2010 [Cra12, GLIC10, HWG10]. [Ano10a, Ano11b, CGB+10]. 2011 [Gre11, LCK11]. 2013 [IEE13]. 2015 AAA [BT18, MLM16]. AAA-based [IEE15]. 2016 [MSH+16, Wes16]. 2018 [MLM16]. AAoT [FQZF18]. Abandon [Ten18]. 2019 [TBL19]. 21st [IEE13, JY14]. [Loe15]. ABE 23nd [MSH+16]. 256 [FJHJ12, HQZH14, HLC+19, OSNZ19, [AKY13, App15, MAK+12]. 25th [TT18]. QZZ18, TY16a, YMC+17, ZSW+18b]. 26th [TBL19]. 29th [Gil10]. 2D abelian [HIDFGPC15]. [CDSLY14, HWS+19, LR15, Sch19b]. ability [WS12]. abnormal [AKM+15]. ABO 3 [ABM+12, BD15, jCPB+12, Ful10, LC17, [ZYY19]. ABO-LTFs [ZYY19]. Abort Mor19a, NIS15]. 30th [Rab10]. 31st [PJ12]. [EFGT18]. absence [AGH+17]. Abstract 4 [Bul10a, CFR11, MZ17b]. Abstraction [LLG15]. Across [HZS+19]. absurd [Fai19]. abuse [LQD+16, HWZP18, HFS+19, TYK+12]. [JSMG18a, QRW+18]. Abusing [VWC19]. activation [BCND19]. Active Academic [NSP+18, SDC+17]. Accelerate [LJ15, LHW18, WJ19, AGLW16, BAB+13]. [Roh19]. Accelerating [AVAH18, CMO+16, Activities [HWZZ19, DIMT12]. Activity DOS15, SKH15, XZL+19]. acceleration [NTKG17, uHAN+18]. Ad [LH12, PD14, [BYDC19]. Accelerator She14, SS15, XHC+12, BBB19, KM10b, [LLD19, MSR+17, MRL+18, ODSS17,¨ PC16, LXJ14, PY19, SGGCR+16, WXSH19]. WOLP15, PABC´ +19]. Accelerators Ad-Hoc [PD14, PY19]. Adam [Bar12]. [AW15, AW17, GP17, HKL+14, OSH16, adaptation [MCRB19]. adapted [IMB17]. BAB+13, KKJ+16]. accelerometers Adaptive [ACKB19, CT11a, zGXW12, [ZZL+18]. ACCENT [PP11]. Acceptance GLG12, HZW+14, HXHP17, HLAZ15, [SPM+13]. Access [AMSPL19, AWSS17, IAD10, Jin10, KD12a, Lin15, PWLL13, BFK+10, CO11, CGH11, DLZ+16b, FCM14, PMG+19b, SOS15, VFFHF19, CLP+13b, GRRZ18, HLC+18, HP12, LGLK17, LPL15, dCCSM+12, dCCSB+16, DRN16, EEAZ13, MSI18, MK12b, NA10b, PV17, PB12, FXP12, GKCK11, GLM+16, KS11, LHM14, QZL+16a, RSN14, SGC14, SC12, WS13, LWW +10, PC14, SH11, Wan13, WKH11]. XMLC13, XHZ+19, YTH17, YSS14, ARL13, Adaptively [HP14, OT12, LJY16]. ATKH+17, ACK+10, AMHJ10, BBTC20, adaptively-secure [LJY16]. adder BCGS16, CLH+16, Cra11, DFJ+10, [MS13a]. Adding [CFVP16, CSL+14]. FNWL18, FS18, HZL18, HK17, JAS+11, Additive [TM18, ZDL12, YJC18]. LCL+17a, LCL+15, LLH17, LHH+18, Additively [Mor19b, PKTK12]. Address MDHM18, MLM16, NZM10, NAL17, [Bel15, WLY17, PSJ+13]. addresses QCX18, RR17, Shy15, Tan12b, TODQ18, [AZH11, CBL10]. Addressing Wan18a, WS12, XHH12, XYML19, YWJ+19, [SVG16, SRB+12, VKK+19]. Adelson ZZ15, ZML17, ZDHZ18, ZVH14, ZDW+16, [BBB16b]. Adelson-Velskii [BBB16b]. ZWS+18, ZFH+18, ZZL+18]. adjacency [SA15]. adjacent [Kre13, Khl18]. Access-Control [LGLK17]. AccessAuth adjustable [BWR12b]. adjustments [TODQ18]. accessing [CSD18, KCS+18]. [GSGM16]. Administering [Pal16]. Account [Bro11]. Accountability [KS18a]. administration [ZVH14]. Adoption Accountable [SCGW+14, XHZ+19, [LKKL13, YWK10b]. Advance [KMJ18]. YMC+17, Wan18b, ZZ12]. Accumulable Advanced [B¨oh10, CSYY18, DR10, [SEXY18]. Accumulating [DGL19]. SXH+19, TC10, WRP70, YWF18, ALL+18, accumulator [KYH18, LZY+16]. DDFR13, GLIC10, Kra12, MKRM10, accumulator-based [LZY+16]. NdMMW16, SKK10]. Advances Accumulators [PTT16, JCL+18]. [LLK18, PHWM10, WP15, IAA+19, Abe10, Accuracy [CC14, Sar10a]. Accurate Gil10, LW11a, PJ12, Rab10]. Advantage [HD19, SM19a, VTY18, HQY+16, WYZ+17]. [WSSO12]. Adversarial ACE [YM19]. Achieve [BBC+13, Tan15a]. [BAG12, GA19, BCND19, BJR+14]. Achieved [YM16, Con17, Goo12]. Adversaries [BC14, XTK10]. Adversary Achieving [BN14, JLC18, KTUI16, LW12, [Yon12, KS11, LXLY12, OSNZ19, ZPWY12]. Pan14, PH12b, SLZ12, TK19]. ACIS Advert [MT17]. Advertisement [Ano11a]. ACM [ACM10, ACM11, Orm16]. [Ano16j, AMHJ10]. Advertises [AHS13]. Acoustic [DLMM+18, GST13]. ACPN AEP [LZD+19]. AEP-PPA [LZD+19]. 5 AES [ARG19, ABO+17, BW16, BBBP13, HEC+12, KMZS19, MNS11, TM12, WSS12, BKR11, BB10, DGP10, FAA+18, FLYL16a, XLM+12, XGLM14, XZLW15, YLSZ19, FLYL16b, GLMS18, GM16b, HMKG19, AAL19, AQRH+18, APK+18, AN15, HF14b, LB13, Mar10c, MM14b, PBCC14, BGAD12, CSD18, CTL13, DLK+16, RMTA18, SY15a, VGA19, WJ19, YWF18]. EBAC17, ¸ GH16, HPC12, HWB10, HWB12, AES-Like [BW16, WJ19]. AET [HTC+15]. ISC+16, IB11, IOV+18, KS11, KIH19, KP18, Affiliation [XLM+12, XGLM14, XZLW15]. KLW+16, KDW+17, LLLS13, LLY06, Affiliation-Hiding LIK+17, MHL18, NCL13, Nos11, Nos14, [XLM+12, XGLM14, XZLW15]. Affiliations ODK+17, OSANAM19, PY19, hSZZ15, [VKK+19]. Affine TLL12, WXK+17, XCL13, XXCY19, [BCEM15, LYL+18, GZHD12, ZWM14]. XMHD13, XHM14, YZZ+14, YY13, affine-transformation-invariant ZWQ+11, ZTZ16, ZGL+18a, ZZC15, OHJ10]. [GZHD12]. Afraid [Par12a]. Africa [BL10]. agriculture [APK+18]. Aided Africacrypt [BL10]. after [Sch18]. Against [BGK12, BCGK12, BGB12, Gop19, [Ano17e, BVS+13, BCHC19, BL15, BL16, GMSV14, LNWZ19, MV19, Vua10, ABBD13, CW12b, CMA14, DZS+18, DL17, FDY+19, LYL15, SGJ+18, SSAF11, WLFX17]. GDLL18, GDCC16, HCETPL+12, HLC+19, AIPISteg [AGLW16]. Air KMZS19, MSS+18, MWES19, Sch13, SGH15, [AUMT16, KTM+18, VOGB18, ZXW+18]. SLY+16, WSA15, AATM18, ASBdS16, aircraft [XWZW16]. Airflow [RSCX18]. AYSZ14, BBBP13, BD18, BVIB12, BPR14a, Airway [RSCX18]. AK [XHC+12]. BPR14b, BFK16, BSR+14, BK12b, Bud16, AK-PPM [XHC+12]. AKA [LLLS13]. BCFK15, CKHP19, Che15, CG14a, CGCS12, AKF [KDH15]. al [LLW16, LLSW16, CBJY16, CGH17, DHLAW10, DK17, Dya19, MWZ12, PLPW13, SBS+12, Mac14, Keb15]. EWS14, FTV+10, zGXW12, GSC17, al-Qaeda [Mac14, Keb15]. al. HLLG18, HYL+19, JSMG18a, JHHN12, [ABJ13, SPLHCB14]. Alan LDC13, LHM+10, LGL+12, LLY+12a, [CS12, Don14, Hel17, LCKBJ12]. Algebra LWCJ14, MCL+19, Maf16, MD12b, MNP12, [PWBJ17, Xie12a, Xie12b, BS15, Bul10b, NDNR13, OF11, OSNZ19, QRW+18, CFR11, DWZ12, FGPGP14, Nag19]. SBM15, SEY14, SY15b, SD12, TLL13, Algebraic [ACA+16, HIJ+19, HLC+19, WHN+12, Yon12, ZLQ15, ZHS+19, vV16]. LYK19, SK11, Tam15, Wat10, WCXZ17, Age [Bla12, SR14, Lan17, Sto12]. Aged Bul10a, CFR11, FMB+18, SA14, YTM+14]. [Ree15]. agency [Ald11, Kum10, ABJ13]. Algorithm agent [GPVCdBRO12]. Aggregate [AA19, ABCL17, Ano11b, AK14b, BGJT14, [CCT+14, PSM17, WCD19, GLB+18, LLY15, BKLS18, CNR14, CS10, jCPB+12, DCM18, LLL+18, ZQWZ10, ZDHZ18, CLW16]. ESS12, GKSB17, HZSL05, JLH12, JSZS12, Aggregated [NLY15]. Aggregated-Proof JHHN12, JL16, KB10, LL11, LT14a, LLL17a, [NLY15]. Aggregating [DP12]. LLLH18, LYL+18, MSR+17, MRL+18, Aggregation NdMMW16, NV10, RR11, RVRSCM12, [ARWK19, BJL16, EKOS19, LHKR10, WHZ12, WZCC18, YPRI17, YH16, SP15b, YM18, ZHW+16, DXWD16, DZC16, ZSW+12, ZWWW17, AIA+18b, Ang16, GLM+19, RR17, WMYR16]. Aging Ant14, ARG19, BYDC19, BGJT13, BMB16, [SKV12]. Agnes [Bur11, Joh15]. Agnostic CG12b, CJL16, Chm10, EEAZ13, GJ19, [HFW+19]. Agreement HZW19, JK13, Jou13, KY10, KHMB13, [ADSH18, BSBB19, Chi16, HCL+14, LC17, LR15, MS12a, MM14b, MNM+16, 6 MN14, PGLL10, PA10, PC14, SH11, SLM10, RZZ+15, Rao10, RBS+17, SK11, SY15a, SWW+17, jT12b, TTL10, WGZ+12, XTK10, SR12a, Shi11, SRRM18, SZDL14, SCGW+14, XWK+17, YWL+17, ZLW+12, ZL12, VKC15, WRP70, WDDW12, YZLC12, ZH15, sCR19a, ACZ16,´ ZOC10].
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