75¢ COLBY Thursday May 29, 2014 Volume 125, Number 84 Serving Thomas County since 1888 10 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS School adds tweaks to budget By Sam Dieter simply be raised from $497,768 Colby Free Press to $499,578 to reflect the higher
[email protected] amount of state money being paid into the fund. At its monthly meeting May 19, The new budget had not been the Colby School Board added published in the Colby Free Press one more revision to the $6.4 mil- when the state called, Harrison lion 2013-14 budget it plans to said. This means the district had publish this summer. to reschedule the public hearing After the board voted at its for the budget from May 19 to its April 21 meeting to publish a re- June 23 meeting, but did not have vised budget, Superintendent Ter- to publish twice. rel Harrison told the board, a rep- Last month, the board agreed resentative of the Kansas Depart- to revise the budget because of an ment of Education called, and told unexpected increase in the state the district it would need more. money the district will get for They said the $6,374,534 budget the number of students going to did not include enough money school here. for the Kansas Public Employees This new budget of $6,374,534 Retirement System, so on May 19 will be a little higher than the the board had to replace the bud- $6,363,020 budget originally ap- Elder statesman stops here get it approved last month with yet proved for the 2013-14 fiscal year.