SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Visitor Numbers Visitors





0 06/03 06/10 06/17 06/24

Date Visitors 06/01/19 20 06/02/19 10 06/03/19 33 06/04/19 22 06/05/19 19 06/06/19 13 06/07/19 15 06/08/19 10 06/09/19 13 06/10/19 12 06/11/19 16 06/12/19 6 06/13/19 8 06/14/19 15 06/15/19 7 06/16/19 15 06/17/19 8 06/18/19 7 06/19/19 22 06/20/19 9 06/21/19 11 06/22/19 5

1 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Date Visitors 06/23/19 10 06/24/19 11 06/25/19 13 06/26/19 12 06/27/19 5 06/28/19 12 06/29/19 13 06/30/19 18 Total 390






0 06/03 06/10 06/17 06/24

Date Sessions 06/01/19 20 06/02/19 10 06/03/19 34 06/04/19 24 06/05/19 21 06/06/19 14 06/07/19 15 06/08/19 11 06/09/19 14 06/10/19 12 06/11/19 16 06/12/19 6

2 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Date Sessions 06/13/19 9 06/14/19 15 06/15/19 7 06/16/19 15 06/17/19 8 06/18/19 7 06/19/19 22 06/20/19 9 06/21/19 11 06/22/19 5 06/23/19 10 06/24/19 11 06/25/19 14 06/26/19 13 06/27/19 5 06/28/19 12 06/29/19 14 06/30/19 18 Total 402

Search Engine Robots



Baiduspider/2.0 bingbot/2.0


Sogou web spider/4.0


Applebot/0.1 Crawler4j

Search Engine Robots Sessions Percentage bingbot/2.0 237 40.10% Crawler4j 69 11.68%

3 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Search Engine Robots Sessions Percentage Applebot/0.1 49 8.29% Googlebot-Mobile 44 7.45% web spider/4.0 30 5.08% MJ12bot/v1.4.8 27 4.57% Baiduspider/2.0 25 4.23% 360Spider 24 4.06% YandexBot/3.0 12 2.03% Googlebot/2.1 10 1.69% Exabot/3.0 9 1.52% Scrapy/1.5.0 8 1.35% Uptimebot/1.0 8 1.35% DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot/1.0 7 1.18% SeznamBot/3.2 7 1.18% WikiDo/1.1 6 1.02% Cliqzbot/2.0 4 0.68% MojeekBot/0.6 4 0.68% favicon 3 0.51% ips-agent 3 0.51% Mail.RU_Bot/2.0 2 0.34% ltx71 2 0.34% CheckMarkNetwork/1.0 1 0.17% Total 591 100.00%

4 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Page Analysis Most Frequently Visited Pages






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Pages Sessions Percentage /Default.htm 330 49.77% /Elim.htm 37 5.58% /Announce.htm 34 5.13% /Sermons.htm 33 4.98% /NewsLetterIdx.htm 27 4.07% /Calendar.htm 22 3.32% /Stats.htm 22 3.32% /web_links.htm 21 3.17% /Worship.htm 20 3.02% /Believe.htm 19 2.87% /M-Statement.htm 19 2.87% /St_Johns.htm 18 2.71% /Elim-HISTORY.htm 7 1.06% /Elim_M-Statement.htm 7 1.06% /missions.htm 7 1.06% /valley_views1113.htm 7 1.06% /StJohns_M-Statement.htm 6 0.90% /St_Johns-HISTORY.htm 6 0.90% /valley_views0813.htm 6 0.90% /CalendarOld.htm 5 0.75% /valley_views0913.htm 5 0.75% /valley_views1013.htm 3 0.45%

5 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Pages Sessions Percentage /Ann-old.htm 1 0.15% /Bulletins-old.htm 1 0.15% Total 663 100.00%

Keywords No data is available for this report during the current time period.

Referring Pages

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pages Sessions 24 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Browsers & Systems


Chrome Could not be identified


Microsoft Edge

Chrome Mobile

Opera Firefox

Safari mobile IE

Browsers Sessions Percentage Chrome 130 32.34% Firefox 42 10.45% IE 21 5.22% Safari mobile 19 4.73% Opera 9 2.24% Chrome Mobile 8 1.99% Edge 7 1.74% Python-requests 6 1.49% Safari 5 1.24% Chrome Headless 2 0.50% Silk 2 0.50% Android HttpURLConnection 1 0.25% Android browser 1 0.25% Apache-HttpClient 1 0.25% Mobile Samsung Browser 1 0.25% OkHttp 1 0.25% cURL 1 0.25% Could not be identified 145 36.07% Total 402 100.00%

7 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Operating Systems

Could not be identified Windows



Android OS X

iOS Linux

Operating Systems Sessions Percentage Windows 151 37.56% OS X 31 7.71% Linux 23 5.72% iOS 20 4.98% Android 14 3.48% macOS 9 2.24% JVM 1 0.25% Could not be identified 153 38.06% Total 402 100.00%

Visitor Locations Countries Countries Sessions Percentage United States 210 52.24% France 52 12.94% China 27 6.72% Russia 23 5.72% Germany 14 3.48% South Korea 11 2.74% Canada 8 1.99% United Kingdom 6 1.49% Ireland 6 1.49% Netherlands 5 1.24%

8 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Countries Sessions Percentage Ukraine 5 1.24% Australia 3 0.75% Brazil 3 0.75% Italy 3 0.75% Poland 3 0.75% Sweden 3 0.75% Hong Kong 2 0.50% India 2 0.50% Albania 1 0.25% Bangladesh 1 0.25% Chile 1 0.25% Egypt 1 0.25% Hungary 1 0.25% Latvia 1 0.25% Philippines 1 0.25% Romania 1 0.25% Serbia 1 0.25% Slovenia 1 0.25% Thailand 1 0.25% Turkey 1 0.25% Vietnam 1 0.25% Could not be identified 3 0.75% Total 402 100.00%


Continents Sessions Percentage North America 218 54.23% Europe 126 31.34% Asia 47 11.69% South America 4 1.00% Oceania 3 0.75% Africa 1 0.25% Could not be identified 3 0.75% Total 402 100.00%

9 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Information about the evaluations

Visitors This evaluation shows how many visitors accessed your website. Visitors are uniquely identified on the basis of the IP address and the browser ID. If a visitor goes to your website more than once a day, only one visitor is counted.

Sessions This evaluation shows the number of sessions. A session starts when a visitor accesses your website and ends when he or she leaves it. A session ends automatically after 30 minutes without activity. If a visitor goes to your website more than once a day, multiple sessions are counted.

Search Engine Robots This evaluation shows which search engine robots have accessed the pages of your web- site. Search engine robots automatically search the content of websites in order to keep search engine entries up to date.

Most Frequently Visited Pages This evaluation shows which pages of your website were visited most often.

Keywords This evaluations shows the keywords with which your website was most commonly found in search engines.

Referring Pages This evaluation shows the websites from which visitors were transferred to your web- site.

Browsers This evaluation shows which browsers visitors used to access your website. This way, you know which browsers to optimize your website for, for example.

Operating Systems This evaluation shows which operating systems visitors used to access your website. This way, you know which operating systems are most popular with your visitors, for example, and you can optimize your website for these operating systems.

10 SiteAnalytics Report: 06/01/19 – 06/30/19 Project: Other ( Customer ID: 7487260

Countries This evaluation shows the countries from which visitors accessed your website.

Continents This evaluation shows the continents from which visitors accessed your website.