Worcestershire Parish Registers

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Worcestershire Parish Registers Wo rces t e rs h i re P a r i s h R e g i s t e rs . marriages . Bo mso BY PHILLI MOR E . B . C . L . W . P . W . , M A VOL . I I . l oh och I B CR I I LLI SSUED TO THE SU S BER S B Y PH MOR E Cc ., L1 11 , 1 2 A NCE R Y LA NE . 4 , CH 1 1 9 0 . PR E FA CE . n e c t he e e e A lo g int rval , whi h Editor gr atly r gr ts , has e laps ed si nc e t he first volum e of Worc e st e rshire Parish e e n e er e e c e R gist rs was pri t d in this s i s , a d lay aus d by a e e n an m n o n e e t he e c e vari ty of r aso s , i porta t b ing abs n of f c e c e in t he n c n t he e e su fi i nt lo al h lp tra s riptio s of R gist rs , But it may be hop e d that t he app e a r anc e of t he pr e s en t volum e will stimulat e a r en e w ed int e re st in t he subj ec t c e e e be e t he in Wor st rshir , and that it will possibl for n nn be futur e to issu e at l e ast o e volum e a u ally . It may m entio ne d that in some c oun ti e s as ma ny as two volum es of R egiste rs hav e b e en issu e d i n e a c h y e ar . I n t he pr e vious volum e tw e lve R egist ers w er e i h c e c e m t he e e n c en lud d , of whi h six dat d fro sixt th tury ; t he e e o n e c n e en e e n e e o f e e pr s nt ontai s s v t R gist rs , and th s ni ne c ommenc e at t he sam e e a r ly p e riod ; th r e e of th e m e n e 1 t he e e e e e e b i g dat d 539, y ar aft r Parish R gist rs w r e c e be e t he er m dir t d to k pt by ord of Tho as , Lord h e . e t e e e ee n c e Cromw ll Four b long to s v nt th ntury , and e n t e n t he e 1 1 o ne do s o b gi till lat dat e of 7 3 . It may be c onv eni e nt to r e pe at h e r e t he n am es h e c e e n of t e parish s whi h w r i c lud e d in t he first volum e . Th ey a re 1 3 7 0 2 8 0 S n-on-S ur 1 1 m1 1s tone 1 0 hipsto to , 57 . , 5 5 m n n 1 i 6 . K n n 1 88 . Tid gto , 93 i gsto , 5 6 8 r e 1 0 . e 1 80 . B adl y, 3 R dditch , K em e 16 0 . ur en 1 0 2 . ps y, 9 Ch ch L ch , 7 m n r 1 1 er e 6 1 . u en . Ald i st , 4 Ro s L ch , 539 ' m 1 . E Ofienha m r e 1 0 . , 543 l b idg , 57 me e e e c e e This volu , lik its pr d ssor , is issu d without T h r an ind e x . e Edito hop e s that it will be fe asibl e e e e e e e n e t he e c un h r aft r to issu a g n ral i d x for whol o ty , — and thus avoid that gr e at e vil a n u ndu e multipli c ity of - e e . e e n n n w e ind x s Mor ov r , by postpo i g index maki g , e e e t h e r n n t he e e r em e e xp dit p i ti g of R gist s th s lv s , a matt e r of no small momen t wh en w e re memb e r t he e r r fir e e an d r e no t me n n s ious isks of , th ft fo g ry , to tio e n r e c a nd c c en thos of atu al d ay a id tal loss , to whi ch th e s e r valuabl e e c ords are c onti n ually e xpos e d . T he followi ng abbr e viatio ns a re agai n mad e u s e of = r = w . id . of th o wer o . e r s w widow p pa i h of. = = ins r n e m n . n th s . s t e . e un p , si gl wo a co i co ty of. = r n an = b chelor o m . di c . in h b . a e o t e e e . , si gl dioc s of — ' = d er o f. Zzc rri e en u . ma a e . d . a ght g lic c T he Editor d e sir e s to e xpre ss his tha nks to his old r e n t he R ev . n r n c e e f i d , Fra k Taylo , who has. si pass d h R e v . d t e . n t h R an n e e v . away , to A D Wilki so , A C . R . n e h he e v t e R ev . t h e t . e e Styl , F S Low d s , W Davi s , rl h R e B u a t e . r v L e a M . s l n R e v . o . R u i J H y , E E , J W g, k W. B ra dbro o r and M r . e e e in Un e , for th i valu d h lp d r taki n g t he ne e dful wor k of t r a ns c ribi ng th e s e a n c i e nt t he e e n m n fo r e n R egist e rs for pr s t volu e . Tha ks p rmissio r n t he e er are du e t he c e e n me to p i t R gist s to l rgy , whos a s i n r t h ar e men t one d u d e e r esp e c tive parish e s . It may be w e ll to r e mi n d t he re ad e r that \th es e p r i n t e d abstra c ts of - t he R egist e rs are no t l egal e vid e nc e F o r c e rtific at e s appli c ation must be mad e h to t e lo c al c l e rgy . It on ly r emai n s to add that t he Editor will gladly w e l c om e furth er h e lp in t he way of tra n s c ribing th e c Ma rriag e e ntri e s for t he e n s u ing Volume III . Su h voluntary h e lp alon e re nd e rs it possibl e to iss ue thi s s eri es of t he Parish R egist ers of Worce st ershir e . W . P . W . P . 2 Cha ncer L ane L ondon 1 4 , y , , Chr tmas 1 1 0 . is , 9 contents . A R I H . A G P S P E . North and Middl e Littl e ton South Littl e ton Churchill - i h - H alfs hi re North Piddl e Himbl e ton Huddi ngton Cl e e v e P r ior Littl e Comb erton Upton Sn odsbury Bushl e y Bi r tsmor ton Rusho c k Fra nkl ey Eastham Ha n l ey Ch1ld f Orl e ton 1 Ha nl ey William mnrrrz trrz irr 111 15 1 R e h 33 1 gis ters . Marriages at h 8: ddl l Nort M i e Litt eton , 1 6 6 2 t o 1 8 1 2 . —The e r e e n e i er e n n r and N OTE . a li st xisti g R g st s b lo gi g to No th Middle e n mmen e en r e un er the e 1 66 1 and n u e the Littl to co c with t i s d dat , i cl d s e n in the e r 1 0 bu t me e r r m an e r er re er w ddi gs y a 74 , so xt acts f o a li gist r e er e in th T no w a e r e r M u eum.
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