In Re: Republican Party of Florida Case No.: FEC 17-352 ______/

TO: Benjamin J.Gibson, Esquire Division of Elections Benjamin J. Gibson PA 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 517 East 9th Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32399 Tallahassee, FL 32303


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on, November 28, 2017 at 8:30 am, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: 412 Knott Building, Pat Thomas Committee Room, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106.25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission. However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard.

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission. In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard.

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date. As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission’s recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing.

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing.

See further instructions on the reverse side.

Amy McKeever Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission November 13, 2017

NOH FEC # 17-352 Please refer to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a campaign treasurer’s report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely. You are required to prove your case. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part. The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106.265, Florida Statutes. If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged.

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida’s election laws. Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation incorrectly applied the law to the facts of the case. Respondent may not testify, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing. The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occurred or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced.

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-1.004, Florida Administrative Code. At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause. The Respondent will be permitted to testify. However, the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause. At Respondent’s request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent’s actions in the case were willful. The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine. If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing. A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk.




DATE REPORT DUE: 9/22/17 (2017 SG2)




AMOUNT OF FINE: $110,000.00





SUMMARY: Republican Party of Florida is a Political Party Executive Committee (PPX) registered with the State of Florida. The PPX's chair is Mr. Blaise Ingoglia and its treasurer is Mr. Mike Moberley. The PPX is being represented by attorney, Mr. Benjamin J. Gibson, P.A. The PPX is appealing the fine claiming that unusual circumstances existed that caused the 2017 SG2 Report to be untimely filed. According to Mr. Gibson, "The legislature has provided political parties with the ability to appeal automatic fines based on unusual circumstances and has provided this Commission with the authority to waive such a fine in whole or in part when mitigating circumstances exist and the fine outweighs the severity of the violation committed. Based on the lack of immediate notice received, the amount of the fine far outweighing the gravity of the omission, and the history of compliance with campaign reporting requirements, RPOF respectfully requests a waiver in whole or in part of the automatic fine imposed". '

• The 2017 SG2 Report covers the time-period from 8/19/17 through 9/21117. • The PPX reported receiving 0 contributions, while also making 0 expenditures during this reporting period. • The 2017 SG2 Queued-Transactions Report reflects that this report was created on 10/3/17 at approximately 11 :37 am, before being filed on 10/3/17 at approximately 11 :51 am.

PRIOR CASES: This PPX has been involved in prior FEC investigations. STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION

In Re: Republican Party of Florida, Case No: FEC 17-352 Appellant.


COMES NOW the Appellant, Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), through its

Chairman, by undersigned counsel and pursuant to section 106.29(3)(c), Florida Statutes, files this appeal of an automatic fine imposed by the Division of Elections and requests the

Commission to waive the fine in whole or in part for the reasons set forth herein.


As a result of the resignation of Representative Jose Felix Diaz, Governor Scott issued

Executive Order 17-155 ordering a Special Election to be held in House District 116. The Order fixed the dates for the Special Primary Election and Special Election as July 25, 2017, and

September 26, 2017, respectively.

Political party state executive committees, such as the RPOF, are required by section

106.29, Florida Statutes, to file regular reports with the Division of Elections of all contributions received and expenditures made. These reports are due on the 10th day following the end of each calendar quarter, except that, during the period from the last day for candidate qualifying until the general election, reports must be filed on the Friday immediately preceding each special primary election, special election, primary election, and general election. When a special election is called, each state executive committee that makes contributions or expenditures to influence the results of the special election or the preceding special primary election must file campaign treasurers' reports on the dates set by the Department of State. ()

The Department of State in its Notice of Special Election, set the dates for candidates to file campaign reports including the SPl, SP2, SG 1, and SG2 reports. The 2017 SG2 report for

HD 116, which is the subject of this appeal, covered the period of 8/19/17- 9/21/17 and was due on September 22, 2017, the Friday immediately preceding the Special Election for HD 116.

RPOF provided a total of five (5) in-kind distributions to the Daniel Perez Campaign for

HD 116. 1 The distributions covered the cost of polling, research, and one (1) campaign staff totaling $30,950. The candidate, Daniel· Perez, timely filed his SG2 listing RPOF's in-kind contributions and making the information publicly available prior to the election. The RPOF, mistakenly, did not timely file a SG2 report listing the in-kinds reported by the candidate.

RPO F received notice via U.S. mail from the Division of Elections that the 2017 SG2

HD 116 report had not been received, on Tuesday, October 3rd. This was eleven (11) days after the due date. Upon realizing the error, .RPOF immediately filed the 2017 SG2 that day (October

3rd) reporting the in-kind distributions.

For state executive committees, the fine for failing to file a report on the Friday immediately preceding a special election is $10,000 per day for each day late. Thus, the

Division of Elections imposed an automatic fine of $110,000 against the RPOF.


Pursuant to section 106.29, Florida Statutes, this Commission has the authority to waive a fine in whole or in part. RPOF appeals this fine based on the unusual circumstances outlined below and respectfully requests the Commission to waive the fine in whole or in part.

1 This includes an in-kind distribution for research ($5,000) that was paid for by RPOF after the reporting deadline. RPOF's 2017 SG2 for HD 116 was amended on October 25th to add the in-kind distribution. The Daniel Perez Campaign simultaneously amended its SG2 to add the same in-kind contribution.

2 ,r) ( /

I. The filing officer did not immediately notify the RPOF of the failure to file

Section 106.29(3)(b) requires that, "Upon determining that a report is late, the filing officer shall immediately notify the chair of the executive committee ... as to the failure to file a report by the designated due date and that a fine is being assessed for each late day." (emphasis added). According to correspondence between the RPOF and the Division of Elections the timeline is as follows:

• Friday, September 22- 2017 SG2 for HD 116 report due;

• Tuesday, September 26- notice letter from Division to RPOF dated (see Exh.A);

• Thursday, September 28- notice letter from Division to RPOF meter stamped

(see Exh.A);

• Tuesday, October 3- RPOF receives notice letter via U.S. Mail (see Aff. Kay

Linton); and

• Tuesday, October 3- RPOF files 2017 SG2 for HD 116.

The Legislature's mandate that the filing officer "immediately notify" the Chairman of the executive committee is not an optional courtesy reminder. It is a statutory requirement. Any reasonable reading of the statute would conclude that receiving notice via U.S. mail eleven (11) days after a report is late filed, does not qualify as "[immediate notification]." The notice letter from the Division of Elections was dated Tuesday, September 26th, and sent via U.S. mail. It was not received by the RPOF until a week and a half later on October 3rd. In the interim, a

$10,000 fine per day was accruing. From Friday, September 22nd when the report was due until

Tuesday, October 3rd, when RPOF received notice via U.S. mail, there was no phone call, email, hand-delivered letter, or any communication from the filing officer to RPOF alerting that the

SG2 report for HD 116 had not been received and that a $10,000 fine was accruing daily.

3 Florida Elections Commission Rule 2B-l.005(1), F.A.C. provides a basis for appealing automatic fines based on unusual circumstances. The rule states in part "unusual circumstances shall include, but not be limited the following circumstances:

... (g) Failure of the filing officer to e-mail, telephone, or mail a letter to the candidate, chairman of a political committee, or treasurer of a committee of continuous existence that a report is late no later than seven days after the report was due shall constitute unusual circumstances if the appealing party establishes that lack of notice clearly interfered with the timely filing of the report ..."

Upon receiving notice, RPOF immediately filed its SG2 report, within hours. Clearly, there was no intention to hide anything. RPOF regularly and timely files all of its quarterly reports and makes every effort to be in compliance with all reporting requirements required by law. If RPOF received immediate notification of its error, the report could have been filed sooner and the fine would be drastically reduced.

II. RPOF made no contributions or expenditures; all in-kind distributions were publicly reported; and the fine far outweighs the gravity of the omission

RPOF did not make any cash contributions or expenditures to the Daniel Perez Campaign to influence the results of the HD 116 Special Election. The only campaign finance activities by

RPOF during the HD 116 special election cycle were in-kind distributions. These in-kind contributions from the Republican Party of Florida were reported by the Daniel Perez Campaign on its SG2 and filed prior to the Special Election. At no time was the public deprived of information relating to the in-kind distributions RPOF, since the candidate already publicly reported them. Given that the amount of the fine imposed is nearly four times the amount of the in-kind distributions, the fine far outweighs the gravity of the omission.

Prior to 2011, section 106.29, Florida Statutes, required state executive committees to only file reports on the Friday immediately preceding both the primary election and general election without any requirement to file immediately before a special primary and special

4 election (Sees. 106.29, Fla. Stat. (2010)). In 2011, the Legislature amended section 106.29 (see

ch. 2011-40, s. 73, L.O.F.) to create an additional requirement for state executive committees to

also file reports immediately prior to a special primary and special election, but just for

contributions, expenditures, and distributions relating specifically to the special election. In

other words, the reports required to be filed immediately before a special primary and a special

election are just related to the special election and are not comprehensive reports of all of a

political party's contributions, expenditures, and distributions. The automatic fine, however, is

the same as when a state executive committee fails to file a comprehensive report immediately

before a primary or general election.

Comprehensive reports required to be filed prior to a primary and general election are

very different from the reports now required to be filed prior to a special primary and special

election. Reports filed immediately before a primary and general election, prior to 2011 and

today, include all of a state executive committee's contributions, expenditures, and distributions.

These reports generally have millions of dollars of transactions in the form of contributions and

expenditures that are not otherwise publicly reported except for on a state executive committee

report. If a state executive committee fails to file immediately before a primary and general

election, they are depriving the public of a substantial amount of information prior to an election that can be found nowhere else. Requiring reports to be filed the Friday immediately before an election prevents a political party from infusing large sums of money into a race at the last minute to benefit a candidate without the public knowing. This explains the legislative reasoning

behind imposing such a severe fine when an executive committee files such a report late.

Contrast this though, with what the RPOF late filed on its SG2 report for HD 116. It did not late-report any cash contributions or expenditures to the candidate, but simply in-kind

5 distributions that were already publicly reported by the candidate. In other words, the harm that the Legislature was trying to prevent with the severest of fines is not present in this instance.

The amount of the fine imposed far outweighs the gravity of the omission.

III. Section 106.29 was not intended to harshly penalize unintentional acts; RPOF has acted in good faith and has a track record of compliance ·

The Legislature struck a balance in drafting section 106.29 by imposing a harsh automatic fine for a state executive committee not timely filing a report on the Friday immediately preceding special primary, special, primary, and general elections, and at the same time, requiring the filing officer to "immediately notify" the chair of a state executive committee of a late report. Both parts of the statute are important and show the Legislature did not intend to harshly penalize unintentional omissions by political parties. The harsh penalty for late filing

($10,000 per day) deters state executive committees from delaying the public release of their campaign finance activity until after the election, and the immediate notification by the filing officer of a report not received reduces the harsh penalty when a state executive committee's failure to file is unintentional and merely an oversight.

Providing public access to campaign finance information prior to an election is important.

The current instance, though, is not a case where the public was deprived of information prior to the special election, or where the act of omission was intentional. The public had full knowledge of RPO F's in-kind distributions prior to the Special Election for HD 116, since the candidate had reported them. Upon receiving notice of the late report, RPOF acted in good faith and immediately corrected the error filing the 2017 SG2 report for HD 116 the same day. Further,

RPOF has a history of timely filing its campaign treasure reports and complying with the reporting requirements in The Florida Election Code.


The Legislature has provided political parties with the ability to appeal automatic fines based on unusual circumstances and has provided this Commission with the authority to waive such a fine in whole or in part when mitigating circumstances exist and the fine outweighs the · severity of the violation committed. Based on the lack of immediate notice received, the amount of the fine far outweighing the gravity of the omission, and the history of compliance with campaign reporting requirements, RPOF respectfully requests a waiver in whole or in part of the automatic fine imposed.

Dated: October 26, 2017 Respectfully submitted,

Isl Benjamin J. Gibson Benjamin J. Gibson Fla. Bar No.: 058661 BENJAMIN J. GIBSON, P.A. 517 East Ninth Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Email: [email protected] Phone: (850) 792-5060

Counsel for Republican Party ofFlorida

7 r") \_) EXHIBIT A


September 26, 2017

Blaise Ingoglia, Chairperson PTY4700 Republican Party of Florida tcial Election Report 420 East Jefferson Street llM lli.u· .. ~ ... Tallahassee, FL 3230 I

Dear Representative lngoglia:

Your campa[gn treasurer's report, which was due September 22, 2017, has not been received.

Section 106.29(3)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of$1,000 per day for each late day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the. late report. However, for the report immediately preceding the general election, the fine shall be $10,000 per day for each late day.

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice.

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report, the division will tum the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission.

Section l 06.265( I}. Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter 106.

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280.

Sincerely, ~ -----~~~c.( W, !lt0 Kriiti Reid Willis, Chief Bureau of Election Records

cc: Mike Moberley, Treasurer

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 e 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399·0250 e (850) 245-6240 e W\VW Addrc:ss: http:l/!e • £ ElecRecords(iil,dos.myf/orida c --P""·--· __ ...... , ,.,,...~"""- ·--..... ·- ·--"'!" ,-"':""vii ..,..-.. \. ./ y-_.,...' - l.j. ' ...... ,. U.S. POSTAGE))PlTNEY BOWES Cf) 1-cn ll'4" ~-(.!'~ ii a::go '.5 ··~ ~-- 3 ADDRESS SERVICE ~~ ~~ ~~301 $ 000.42 ~ ,1 0001403894 SEP 28 2017 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE REQUE~:fE~: ·:;-,-_:-. -::~ l ...... ·-·· lr"' ...... - --··- -·~-. ~ DIVISION OF ELECTIONS ! R.A. Gray Building _,.--...._ ! 500 South Bronough Street, Rm 316 \ Tallahassee, Florida 32399 '--J

Blaise lngoglia, Chairperson Republican Party of Florida 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL 32301-0000

·l'l 111 11•11 .. 11111' •l'l 11'1'h1I•1l •1' I' I·1m •• ,1. ,. ,1,11 .. •1° s HAQCtlMS 323Cl1


In Re: Republican Party of Florida, Case No. FEC 17-352 Appellant.


STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF LEON ) Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Kay Linton, who being duly sworn states as follows:

1. My name is Kay Linton. I am the Accounts Payable Manager for the Republican

Party of Florida (RPOF) where I am responsible for preparing state and federal campaign finance reports, preparing event budgets, and paying invoices in accordance with state and federal law. I make this affidavit in support of RPO F's appeal of an automatic fine imposed by the Division of

Elections. The facts in this affidavit are based on my own personal knowledge and if called as a witness I could, and would, testify competently to those facts.

2. I regularly receive notices from the Division of Elections (Division) as it relates to state campaign finance requirements for the Republican Party of Florida.

3. From Friday, September 22nd until Tuesday, October 3rd, I did not receive any phone call, email, hand-delivered letter, or any other form of communication from the Division informing the RPOF that it had not filed its 2017 SG2 report for the House District 116 Special

Election. ,,--, ( J

4. As part of my duties, I regularly check for mail received at RPOF headquarters

multiple times daily in the morning and afternoon.

, 5. On October 3, 2017, I received, on behalf of the RPOF Chairman, a letter from the Division via U.S. mail notifying that the RPOF's 2017 SG2 report for House 116, due

September 22nd, had not been received.

6. Upon being informed of this, 1 immediately took steps to ensure that the report was properly prepared and filed. The report was filed on October 3, 2017. ?f;• 9-~ 12£~ Kay -inton ~ . me on this~ day of October 2017, by Kay Linton.

~~.-..~~ilPlilll..,..~ll..JTARY PUBLIC] Personally Known V OR Produced Identification ___ Type of Identification Produced:

2 (-}

EXHIBIT B Rf.~t::'IVED 17 OCT 13 PH ~: 02


October 5, 2017

Blaise lngoglia, Chairperson Republican Party of Florida PTV4700 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahasseet FL 3230 I

Dear Representative lngoglla:

The campaign tre11s1.1rer's report that was due on September 22, 2017, was tiled on October 3, 2017. By law, you arc automatically assessed a late fine of $110,000.00. You have 20 dnys from tho receipt or this notice to either: 1. Pay the fine to the Florida l>ivision of Elections (For a candid11te only, a fine is not an allowable campaign expenditure and must be paid from personal funds) at: F/01•/da Dlvisio11 ofElecr;ons R.A. G1·ayBitildi11g, Room. $16 500 So11th Bronough Streel ralla/1assee, Florida 32399·02501 J

2. Appeal the fine 10 the Florida Elections Commission (See Rules 2B-l .OOS and 2B·l.OOSS, Florida Administrative Code) at: Flo1·ida Elections Commiss/011 107 1Yest Gai11es Street, Ste. 22./ Tollalwssee, Florida 32399-0150

If you appeal, plense send a copy also to the Florida Division of Elections so that you will not receive further notices from the Division about this matter. If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 24S·6280.

Sincerelyt • ~ ~-(::.::i\~cc W" lll;._:, Krish-Reld Willis, Chief Bureau of Election Records cc: Mike Moberley, Treasurer

The R A Oray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Strc111 • Tollahass11e FL 32399-0250 • (BSO) :?45·6240 • WWW Address: http:f/ • £-Mui/: Efet:Recor~f~;dos.myflorlda.c ca 1- OJ- :c- x w .,. US PO!:> fl\GE):", F•Jt.IEY f;~'Wi!S \. >-•n • J -~ ,~ ~ 0:5 (~ ', ,;;;.;...... _,,.~ gu ~""¥-~ ~·=·~ UJI• ADDRESS SERVICE a:: •IJ ~,,"!; ZIP ;1:301 l=LORIDA DEl'ARTMENT- OF ST~rE a.n: $ OQQ 423 ;r ,_II'"··: o: m • DIVISION Of ELECTIONS REQUESTED f.'.•:.-:;~,;t;·i;~ 000 ~·t038fl-t OCT Ofi ::o Ii" (', R.A.• Gr.iy Buildin1 500 Sou1b Drunougll SIR."l!I, Rm 316 \___,,· Tullahas.u'C'. Floritl:I 323'.J''

Mike Moberley. Treasurer for Republican Party of Florida 420 East Jefferson Street - Tallahasssee, FL 32301

'3 ITY-AMi3 32::31:)1 d1Jflfm1•1•1111 11 •hl1Jrlui1hlJ 11 j•lwlf1fl1lfhf•llJhut

N ~w ¥ 0 ol- f' 0 lU .:r- ;:=~ ~ ~"' 2: > Q... ~t&.. - :,uO LL M u..>- ,. ~ oo:: '- .....- ~~ UJ c,, "::It..! C) :;)a: Q:; -<.:> .... :::.-1.&.1 ..-. acn 0 () STATE OF FLORIDA 17 DCT 13 PH FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION t,: 02 DIV/Siu;, o·- SE'CR£ TARY (OLE CTJONS In Re: Republican Party of Florida, F STATE Case No.: Respondent.


NOTICE IS GIVEN that Republican Party of Florida, Respondent, hereby appeals to the

Florida Elections Commission the assessment of a fine imposed by the Florida Department of

State, Division of Elections, dated October 5, 2017, attached hereto and received by Respondent on October 12, 2017. Respondent respectfully requests a hearing before the Commission regarding this matter.

Dated: October 13, 2017 Respectfully submitted,

Isl Benjamin J. Gibson Benjamin J. Gibson Florida Bar No.: 58661 BENJAMIN J. GIBSON, P.A. 517 E. 9th Ave. Tallahassee, FL 32303 Phone: (850) 792-5060 Primary Email: [email protected] Secondary Email: [email protected]

Counsel for Respondent, Republican Party of Florida 420 East Jefferson Street Talla1lassce, Florida 32301 (850) 222-7920 ()


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished electronically and via U.S. mail to the filing officer, Florida Division of Elections, R.A. Gray Building, Room 316, 500

South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-02501 l; [email protected]; this 13th day of October, 2017.

Isl Benjamin J. Gibson Benjamin J. Gibson

2 October 20, 2017

Kristi Reid Willis, Chief Bureau of Election Records Florida Division of Elections R.A. Gray Building, Room 316 500 South Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-025011 [email protected]


Ms. Willis:

On October 12, 2017, the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) received notice from the Division dated October 5, 2017, that an automatic fine was being assessed against the RPOF relating to the filing of our campaign treasurer's report.

Please allow this letter to serve as my notice to the Division, pursuant to section 106.29, Florida Statutes, that the RPOF is respectfully appealing this fine to the Florida Elections Commission. A copy of the notice of appeal filed with the Commission and sent to the Division on October 13, 2017, is attached hereto.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Blaise Ingoglia Chairman Republican Party of Florida

cc: Florida Elections Commission; [email protected]


October 5, 2017

Blaise Ingoglia, Chairperson Republican Party of Florida PTY 4700 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL 32301

Dear Representative Jngoglia:

The campaign treasurer's report that was due on September 22, 2017, was filed on October 3, 2017. By law, you are automatically assessed a late fine of $110,000.00.

You have 20 days from the receipt of this notice to either: 1. Pay the fine to the Florida Division of Elections (For a candidate only, a fine is not an allowable campaign expenditure and must be paid from personal funds) at: Florida Division of Elections R.A. Gray Building, Room. 316 500 South Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-025011

2. Appeal the fine to the Florida Elections Commission (See Rules 2B-I .005 and 2B- I .0055, Florida Administrative Code) at: Florida Elections Commission 107 West Gaines Street, Ste. 224 Tallahassee. Florida 32399-0150

If you appeal, please send a copy also to the Florida Division of Elections so that you will not receive further notices from the Division about this matter. If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280.

Sincerely, ~~~:i\~tt ~rish-Reid Willis, Chief . Bureau of Election Records

cc: Mike Moberley, Treasurer

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 • WWW Address: http:/ • E-Mail: ElecRecords(iiJ,dos.mvf/orida.c /') r ) ( .•


September 26, 2017

Blaise Ingoglia, Chairperson PTY 4700 Republican Party of Florida 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL 323 0 I

Dear Representative Ingoglia:

Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due September 22, 2017, has not been received.

Section l06.29(3)(b), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $1,000 per day for each late day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for the report immediately preceding the general election, the fine shall be$ I 0,000 per day for each late day.

Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice.

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission.

Section 106.265( 1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose a civil penalty up to$ l ,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter I 06.

If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280.

Sincerely, ~ ----'"t~~t-t W, U10 Kri~ti Reid Willis, Chief Bureau of Election Records

cc: Mike Moberley, Treasurer

The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 • WWW Address: • E-Mail: ElecRecords(ci;,dos.myflorida.c FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Republican Party of Florida (2) 4700 Candidate, Committe or Party Name l.D. Number

(3) 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee FL 32301-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code D Check box if address has changed since last report

(4) Check appropriate box( es): D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED 0 Party Executive Committee


Cover Period: From 08/19/2017 To 09/21/2017 Report Type: SG2

[2g Original 0 Amendment [2g Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0.00 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00

Total Monetary $0.00 Total Monetary $0.00

In-Kind $0.00 (8) Other Distributions

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss.839.13, F.S.)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of 0 Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Name of 0 Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

y x Signature Signature

Prepared on: 10/23/17 9:01 :03AM Reviewed On: 10/3/17 11 :42 am 1 ID: CAMPA1

'Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/3/17 11:42 am Prepared on: 10/23/17 9:01 :03AM ID: CAMPA1cf'~EASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED Er'}olTURES Page 1 of 1 Name: Republican Party of Florida \ · Report: 2017 SG2' ··· Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 **Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Type Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/3/17 11 :42 am Prepared on: 10/23/17 9:01 :03AM I,-\ r\. ID: 4700 CAMPAI~· JEASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED D'~ :JBUTIONS Page 1 of 1 Name: Republican Party of Florida Report: 2017 SG~ _) Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Recipient Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type Related Expenditure Amend 1 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-POLLING $19,950.00 STR 116) 08/24/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 2 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 08/31/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 3 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 09/15/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 4 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 09/21/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173

•Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/3/17 11:42 am Prepared on: 10/23/17 9:01 :04AM ,.-\ ID: CAMPAIG~ r:ASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED Fur~~NSFERS Page 1 of 1 Name: Republican Party of Florida ) Report: 2017 SG2' ) Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ** Records in Filed Report** Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Type Nature of Account Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Amend

•Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/3/17 11:42 am Prepared on: 10/23/17 9:01 :03AM (c,I [ 10/30/2017 Queued Items for 2017-S - ~ Page 1

Account: 4700 Republican Party of Florida Rpt Seq: 155 ProcessDescription Status Submitter Created LastUpdate Create Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/3/2017 11:37:31 AM 10/3/2017 11:37:31 AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/3/2017 11 :42:08 AM 10/3/2017 11 :42:08 AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/3/2017 11:42:38 AM 10/3/201711:42:38AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/3/2017 11:42:53 AM 10/3/2017 11:42:53 AM File Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/3/2017 11:51:25 AM 10/3/2017 11:51:25 AM Amend Filed Report Processing Complete 4700 10/25/2017 10:28:41 AM 10/25/2017 10:28:41 AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/25/2017 10:30:26 AM 10/25/2017 10:30:26 AM File Pending Report Processing Complete 4700 10/25/2017 10:30:56 AM 10/25/2017 10:30:57 AM FEC - Candidate/Committee Ft~-1g History Report Page 1of3 (i

search 1Qlrectory1 contact us 1411 I subscribe I tour 1help

Florida Department of State - Division of Elections Florida Election System Reports Candidate/Committee Lookup Committee Name: Republican Party of Florida Name: frepubl~can _Earty@ Account: 4700 Elect1on: Amount Amount Date Due Type Date Filed Status ~:i: As=~~~ed Appealed Fined Paid 10/10/2017 Q3 10/10/2017 Acct 8-760 .... ] 10/6/2017 SG2 10/6/2017 1ype: IcornmEtee _____ 3 9/22/2017 SG2 10/3/2017 APP 11 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $0.00 9/11/2017 SG1 10/6/2017 CLO 25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7/10/2017 Q2 7/10/2017 4/10/2017 Q1 4/10/2017 1/10/2017 Q4 1/10/2017 11/4/2016 G7 11/4/2016 8/26/2016 P7 8/26/2016 4/11/2016 Q1 4/11/2016 1/11/2016 Q4 1/11/2016 10/13/2015 Q3 10/13/2015 7/10/2015 Q2 7/10/2015 4/10/2015 Q1 4/10/2015 1/12/2015 Q4 1/12/2015 10/31/2014 G7 10/31/2014 8/22/2014 P7 8/22/2014 4/10/2014 Q1 4/10/2014 4/4/2014 SG1 4/4/2014 1/10/2014 Q4 1/10/2014 10/11/2013 SG1 10/11/2013 10/10/2013 Q3 10/10/2013 7/10/2013 Q2 7/10/2013 6/7/2013 SG1 6/7/2013 4/10/2013 Q1 4/10/2013 1/10/2013 Q4 1/10/2013 11/2/2012 G4 11/2/2012 8/10/2012 F3 8/10/2012 4/10/2012 Q1 4/10/2012 1/10/2012 Q4 1/10/2012 10/11/2011 Q3 10/11/2011 7/11/2011 Q2 7/11/2011 4/11/2011 Q1 4/11/2011 1/10/2011 Q4 1/10/2011 10/29/2010 G4 10/29/2010 8/20/2010 F3 8/20/2010 4/12/2010 Q1 4/12/2010 1/11/2010 Q4 1/11/2010 10/13/2009 Q3 10/13/2009 7/10/2009 Q2 7/10/2009 4/10/2009 Q1 4/10/2009 1/12/2009 Q4 1/12/2009 10/31/2008 G4 10/31/2008 8/23/2008 F3 8/22/2008 4/10/2008 Q1 4/10/2008 1/10/2008 Q4 1/10/2008

https ://doesecure.dos.state.fl. us/fec/FilingHistory .Asp?AcctNum=4 700&cboElection=&c... 10/23/2017 FEC - Candidate/Committee F/3~'lg History Report Page 2of3 ( } (() ,) " ,) 10/10/2007 Q3 10/10/2007 7/10/2007 Q2 7/10/2007. 4/10/2007 Q1 4/10/2007 1/10/2007 Q4 1/10/2007 11/3/2006 G4 11/3/2006 9/1/2006 F3 9/1/2006 7/10/2006 Q2 7/10/2006 4/10/2006 Q1 4/10/2006 1/10/2006 Q4 1/10/2006 10/11/2005 Q3 10/10/2005 7/11/2005 Q2 7/1112005 4/11/2005 Q1 4/11/2005 1/10/2005 Q4 1/10/2005 10/29/2004 G4 10/29/2004 8/27/2004 F3 8/27/2004 7/12/2004 Q2 7/12/2004 4/12/2004 Q1 4/12/2004 1/12/2004 Q4 1/12/2004 10/10/2003 Q3 10/9/2003 7/10/2003 Q2 7/10/2003 4/10/2003 Q1 4/9/2003 1/10/2003 Q4 1/10/2003 11/1/2002 G4 11/1/2002 9/6/2002 F3 9/6/2002 7/10/2002 Q2 7/10/2002 4/10/2002 Q1 4/10/2002 1/10/2002 Q4 1/10/2002 10/10/2001 Q3 10/10/2001 7/10/2001 Q2 7/10/2001 4/10/2001 Q1 4/9/2001 1/10/2001 Q4 1/8/2001 11/3/2000 G3 11/3/2000 9/29/2000 S3 9/29/2000 9/1/2000 F3 9/5/2000 CLO 4 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 7/10/2000 Q2 7/10/2000 4/10/2000 Q1 4/10/2000 1/10/2000 Q4 1/10/2000 10/12/1999 Q3 10/12/1999 7/12/1999 Q2 7/12/1999 4/12/1999 Q1 4/12/1999 1/11/1999 Q4 1/11/1999 10/30/1998 G3 10/30/1998 9/25/1998 S3 9/25/1998 8/28/1998 F3 8/28/1998 7/10/1998 Q2 7/10/1998 4/10/1998 Q1 4/10/1998 1/12/1998 Q4 1/12/1998 10/10/1997 Q3 10/10/1997 7/10/1997 Q2 7/10/1997 4/10/1997 Q1 4/10/1997 1/10/1997 Q4 1/10/1997 11/1/1996 G3 11/1/1996 9/27/1996 S3 9/27/1996 8/30/1996 F3 8/30/1996 7/10/1996 Q2 7/10/1996

https ://doe secure .dos. state.fl. us/fec/FilingHistory .Asp?AcctN um=4 700&cboElection=&c... 10/23/2017 .FEC - Candidate/Committee F(-" -,g History Report Page 3of3 ( I "- .• ) 4/10/1996 Q1 4/10/1996

https ://doesecure.dos.state.fl. us/fec/FilingHistory .Asp? AcctN um=4 700&cboElection=&c... 10/23/2017 \ . \ } FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION' OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Republican Party of Florida (2) 4700 Candidate, Committe or Party Name l.D. Number ' (3) 420 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee FL 32301-0000 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code D Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): ' D Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED !Kl Party Executive Committee (5) REPORT IDENTIFIERS Cover Period: From 08/19/2017 To 09/21/2017 Report Type: SG2 D Original IR] Amendment IE] Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $0.00 Monetary Expenditures $0.00 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00 Total Monetary $0.00 Total Monetary $0.00

In-Kind $0.00 (8) Other Distributions

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss.839.13, F.S.)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of D Candidate ~ Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

){ ){ Signature Signature

Prepared on: 10/30/1711:06:30AM Reviewed On: 10/25/17 10:30 am IU: 4/UU CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED DISTRIBUTIONS 1-'age ·1 or ·1 Name: Republican Party of Florida () Report: 2017 SQ,---\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ------'-. ,:----.-.-R-e_c_o-rd_s_i_n-Filed Report** "'- · }

Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Recipient Purpose Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type Related Expenditure Amend 1 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-POLLING $19,950.00 STR 116) 08/24/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 2 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 08/31/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI FL 33173 3 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 09/15/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 4 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-COST OF CAMPAIGN STAFF $2,000.00 STR 116) 09/21/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 MIAMI, FL 33173 5 DANIEL ANTHONY PEREZ CAMPAIGN, (Office: c N-RESEARCH $5,000.00 STR 116) 08/19/2017 8720 S.W. 84TH STREET INK #0 ADD MIAMI FL 33173

*Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/25/17 10:30 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 11 :06:30AM 10/30/2017 ~} Page 1 r}·. Queued Items for 2017-S · 2.

Account: 69679 STR 116 Daniel Anthony Perez Rpt Seq: 7 ProcessDescription Status Submitter Created LastUpdate Create Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 9/19/2017 9:25:29 AM 9/19/2017 9:25:29 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/19/2017 11:55:56 AM 9/19/201711:55:56AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/19/2017 12:02:49 PM 9/19/2017 12:02:49 PM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/19/2017 12:14:49 PM 9/19/2017 12:14:49 PM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/19/2017 12:26:06 PM 9/19/2017 12:26:06 PM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/21/2017 9:40:57 AM 9/21/2017 9:40:57 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/21/2017 3:12:31 PM 9/21/2017 3:12:31 PM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/201711:12:58AM 9/22/2017 11:12:58 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 11:14:18 AM 9/22/2017 11:14:18 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 11:22:25 AM 9/22/2017 11 :22:25 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 11:23:51 AM 9/22/2017 11 :23 :51 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 11:29:50 AM 9/22/2017 11 :29:50 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 11:34:23 AM 9/22/2017 11 :34:23 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 3:09:20 PM 9/22/2017 3:10:18 PM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 3:10:17 PM 9/22/2017 3:10:19 PM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 9/22/20173:11 :22 PM 9/22/2017 3:11:22 PM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 9/22/20173:11 :26 PM 9/22/2017 3:11:26 PM File Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 9/22/2017 3:23:41 PM 9/22/2017 3:23:41 PM Review Filed Report Processing Complete 69679 10/2/2017 10:37:57 AM 10/2/2017 10:37:57 AM Amend Filed Report Processing Complete 69679 10/25/2017 11:02:38 AM 10/25/2017 11:02:38 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 10/25/2017 11 :05 :44 AM 10/25/2017 11 :05 :44 AM Recalc Pending Report Total Processing Complete 69679 10/25/2017 11:07:13 AM 10/25/2017 11:07:13 AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 10/25/2017 11 :07 :22 AM 10/25/2017 11:07:22 AM File Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 10/25/201711:08:47 AM 10/25/2017 11:08:47 AM Review Filed Report Processing Complete 69679 10/27/2017 10:02:06 AM 10/27/2017 10:02:06 AM Review Filed Report Processing Complete 69679 10/27/2017 10:02:58 AM 10/27/2017 10:02:58 AM Amend Filed Report . Processing Complete 69679 10/30/2017 11:47:17 AM 10/30/2017 11:47:17 AM Review Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 10/30/2017 11 :52:24 AM 10/30/2017 11 :52:25 AM File Pending Report Processing Complete 69679 10/30/2017 11:52:39 AM 10/30/2017 11:52:39 AM \ ' / \ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Daniel Anthony Perez (2) 69679 Candidate, Committe or Party Name l.D. Number

(3) 8720 Southwest 84th Street Miami FL 33173 Address (number and street) City State Zip Code D Check box if address has changed since last report (4) Check appropriate box(es): l2S:] Candidate (office sought): D Political Committee D Check If PC has DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existance D Check If CCE has DISBANDED D Party Executive Committee (5) REPORT IDENTIFIERS

Cover Period: From 08/19/2017 To 09/21/2017 Report Type: SG2 D Original lfil Amendment I!! Special Election Report


Cash & Checks $134,353.00 Monetary Expenditures $96,385.25 Loans $0.00 Transfers to Office Account $0.00 Total Monetary $134,353.00 Total Monetary $96,385.25

In-Kind $30,950.00 (8) Other Distributions

Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss.839.13, F.S.)

I certify that I have examined this report and it is I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct and complete true, correct and complete

Name of D Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer Name of l!J Candidate D Chaiman (PC/PTY Only

')( x Signature Signature

Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52am IU: b~b/~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS t-'age ·1 or~ Name: _o_a_n_ie_l_A_n_th_o_n_y_P_e_re_z_____ n~------Report: 2017 S<7\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 " / ** Records in Filed Report** \ . j Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 1 ADVANTAGE CONSULTING TEAM, LLC. GOVERNMENT CONSUL TING $1,000.00 115 EAST PARK AVE, STE 100 B 08/23/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 2 MALOOF, AL INFRASTRUCTURE $1,000.00 100 SE 2 ST#4400 I 08/2112017 MIAMI, FL 33131 CHE 3 VILA, ALEX VARGAS RETIRED $150.00 10 ARAGON AVE I 08/31/2017 MIAMI, FL 33134 CHE ; 4 AMBAR3, LLC REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $1,000.00 3030 HARTLEY RD, SUITE 310 B 08/28/2017 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32257 CHE 5 HERNANDEZ, ANNETTE M. THERAPIST EDUCATOR $200.00 16032 SW64 TER I 08/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33193 CHE 6 HERNANDEZ, ANNETTE M. THERAPIST EDUCATOR $250.00 16032 SW64 TER I 08/30/2017 MIAMI, FL 33193 CHE 7 ASG CONSUL TING GROUP, LLC $1,000.00 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 235 W BRANDON BLVD, STE 640 B 08/19/2017 BRANDON, FL 33511 CHE UPD 7 ASG CONSUL TING GROUP, LLC $1,000.00 235 W BRANDON BLVD, STE 640 B CONSULTING 08/19/2017 BRANDON, FL 33511 CHE History 10/30/ l 7 8 AT&T FLORIDA PAC $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 150 SOUTH MONROE ST, STE 400 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 9 GOLDMEIER, BRIAN $500.00 POLITICAL CONSULTANT 951 BRICKELL AVE, #410 I 08/29/2017 MIAMI, FL 33131 CHE 10 CEDA HEAL TH OF FIU/KENDALL, LLC $1,000.00 HEALTH CARE 11890SW8ST B 08/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33184 CHE 11 CEDA HEAL TH OF HIALEAH, LLC $1,000.00 HEALTH CARE 735W49 ST B 08/19/2017 HIALEAH, FL 33010 CHE 12 CEDA HEALTH OF LITTLE HAVANA, LLC $1,000.00 HEALTHCARE 2190 WEST FLAGER ST B 08/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33135 CHE 13 CEDA HEAL TH OF SOUTH MIAMI, LLC $1,000.00 HEALTH CARE 6075 SUNSET DR B 08/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33143 CHE 14 BAUER, CLIFFORD J. $250.00 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 401NW131 AVE I 08/28/2017 PLANTATION, FL 33325 CHE 15 CYNERGY CONSUL TING, LLC $250.00 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 2606 THOMASVILLE RD B 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 CHE UPD 15 CYNERGY CONSUL TING, LLC $250.00 CONSULTING 2606 THOMASVILLE RD B 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32308 CHE History 10/30/17 16 CYPRESS OAKS $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 100 3RD ST SOUTH, SUITE 300 B 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 17 D RUSSELL & ASSOCIATES $1,000.00 GOVENMENT RELATIONS 9604 DEER VALLEY DR B 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32312 CHE 18 DADE COUNTY PBA POLITICAL ACTION $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE COMMITTEE F 08/23/2017 10680 NW 25 ST CHE DORAL, FL 33172

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: b~b/~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS t'age Lor~ Name: _D_a_n_ie_l _A_nt_h_o_ny_P_e_re_z___ __.( ___ /_,__ ___,..______Report: 2017 8(7\,,---\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 · - ** Records in Filed Report ** ) Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 19 DISNEY DESTINATIONS, LLC $1,000.00 TRAVEL 220 CELEBRATION PL, SUITE 6300 B 08/19/2017 CELEBRATION, FL 34747 CHE 20 DISNEY PHOTO IMAGING, LLC $1,000.00 1375 E. BUENA VISTA DR B PRINTING 08/19/2017 LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL 32830 CHE 21 DISNEY VACATION DEVELOPMENT, INC. $1,000.00 TRAVEL 1390 CELEBRATION BLVD. B 08/19/2017 CELEBRATION, FL 34747 CHE 22 DORAL STATION CORP $1,000.00 FUEL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS 9690NW25ST B 08/29/2017 DORAL, FL 33172 CHE 23 EAR NOSE THROAT AND SINUS CENTER $1,000.00 HEALTHCARE 213 PALERMO PL B 09/14/2017 VENICE, FL 34285 CHE 24 FAIAPAC $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE PO BOX 12001 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32317 CHE 25 FECI COMPANY, LLC $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 2855 SW 42 AVE, 4TH FLOOR B 09/14/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 26 FECI HOLDING CORP. $1,000.00 HOLDING COMPANY 2855 SW 42 AVE, 4TH FLOOR B 09/14/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 27 FL CHAMBER OF COMM PAC $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE PO BOX 11309 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32302 CHE 28 FLA. C OF C ALLIANCE, INC. $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE PO BOX 11309 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32302 CHE 29 FLAGLER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION $1,000.00 CONSTRUCTION 2855 SW 42 AVE, 4TH FLOOR ' B 09/14/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 30 FLORIDA ACADEMY OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 119EPARKAVE F 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 31 FLORIDA ACRE $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 2916 APALACHEE PKWY F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 32 FLORIDA ADVANCED PROPERTIES, INC. $1,000.00 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PO BOX 771566 B 08/23/2017 MIAMI, FL 33177 CHE 33 FLORIDA BANKERS ASSOCIATION $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 1001 THOMASVILLE RD, SUITE 201 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32302 CHE 34 FLORIDA BEER WHOLESALERS $1,000.00 215 S. MONROE ST, STE 340 F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 09/06/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 35 FLORIDA CABLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS $500.00 COMMUNICATIONS 246 E6AVE B 08/28/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32303 CHE 36 FLORIDA EAST COAST INDUSTRIES, LLC $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 2855 SW 42 AVE, 4TH FLOOR B 09/14/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 37 FLORIDA FOUNDATION FOR LIBERTY $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 115 E. PARK AVE, STE 1 F 09/07/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 38 FLORIDA HEAL TH CARE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 307 WEST PARK AVE F 08/25/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE

·-·-· ·------·-··-·-.. _, ...... _...... ______,... ____ ~---·------··----- * Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: bl:lb/l:I CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS t'age ;j or l:I Name: _D_a_ni_e_IA_n_th_o_n_y_P_e_re_z ___....:..(\:-• ----,~-____,·___,.....,, Report: 2017 ~-\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 , ·· } ** Records in Filed Report ** ·... · ) Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 39 FLORIDA JOBS PAC POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 PO BOX 11309 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32302 CHE 40 FLORIDA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 1430 PIEDMONT DR EAST F 09/14/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 CHE 41 FLORIDA OPERATORS ASSOCATION POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 119 S. MONROE ST, STE 200 F 08/25/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 42 FLORIDA RESTAURANT AND LODGING #2 POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 PO BOX 1779 F 09/14/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32302 CHE 43 FRF POLITICAL COMMITTEE POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 227 SOUTH ADAMS ST F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 44 FRIENDS OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE POLITICAL COMMITTEE $500.00 119 S. MONROE ST, STE 202 F 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 45 FRONTON HOLDINGS, LLC INVESTMENT COMPANY $1,000.00 3500 NW37 AVE B 09/01/2017 MIAMI, FL 33142 CHE 46 FTBA TRANSPORTATION PAC POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 610 S. BOULEVARD F 08/19/2017 TAMPA, FL 33606 CHE 47 GOLD COAST BEVERAGE, LLC $1,000.00 BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS 10055NW12 ST B 08/31/2017 MIAMI, FL 33172 CHE 48 SUNTRUST BANK GOOD GOVERNMENT GROUP POLITICAL COMMITTEE $500.00 FLORIDA F 08/21/2017 215 S. MONROE ST, STE 125 CHE TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 49 GRANDE COURT BLANDING $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 100 3RD ST SOUTH, SUITE 300 B 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 50 GRAY ROBINSON, PA $500.00 LAW FIRM 301 E. PINE ST, STE 1400 B 08/19/2017 ORLANDO, FL 32801 CHE 51 HCA EAST FLORIDA DIVISION AND GOOD $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE GOVERNMENT F 08/19/2017 101 N. MONROE ST, STE 801 CHE TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 52 HCA NORTH FLORIDA DIVISION AND GOOD $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE GOVERNMENT F 08/19/2017 101 N. MONROE ST, STE 801 CHE TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 53 HCA WEST FLORIDA DIVISION AND GOOD $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE GOVERNMENT F 08/19/2017 101 N. MONROE ST, STE 801 CHE TALLAHASSEE,FL32301 54 HNTB HOLDINGS, LTD. POLITICAL ACTION $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE COMMITTEE F 09/01/2017 715 KIRX DR CHE KANSAS CITY MO 64105 55 HUERTA CONSULTANTS & MANAGING GROUP, $1,000.00 FOOD DISTRIBUTION COMPANY INC. B 08/28/2017 8645SW72ST CHE UPD MIAMI FL 33143 55 HUERTA CONSULTANTS & MANAGING GROUP, $1,000.00 CONSULTANTS INC. B 08/28/2017 8645 SW72ST CHE History 10/30117 MIAMI FL 33143 56 ZULUETA, IGNACIO G. $1,000.00 EDUCATION BUSINESS OWNER 6457 SUNSET DR I 08/29/2017 MIAMI, FL 33143 CHE UPD

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM 1u: o~on-.:1 CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS 1-'age 4 or~ Name: Daniel Anthony Perez [) Report: 2017 S<7,,--\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ', / ** Records in Filed Report ** \ .. ) Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 56 ZULUETA, IGNACIO G. $1,000.00 6457 SUNSET DR I BUSINESS OWNER 08/29/2017 MIAMI, FL 33143 CHE History 10/30/17 57 IMPACT POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 PO BOX 12001 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32317 CHE 58 JACKSONVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. $1,000.00 POBOX54249 B KENNEL 08/19/2017 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32245 CHE 59 JASON M. GOLDMAN, MD, PA $1,000.00 3001 CORAL HILLS DR, STE 340 B HEALTHCARE 09/13/2017 CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33065 CHE 60 LOPEZ, JAVIER ATTORNEY $300.00 2525 PONCE DE LEON BVLD. I 08/21/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 61 KILMAN, JONATHAN ATTORNEY $250.00 3301 NE 1 AVE #3004 I 09/14/2017 MIAMI, FL 33137 CHE 62 CHAMIZO, JORGE $1,000.00 1425 CONSTITUTION PLACE EAST I GOVERNMENT RELATION CONSUL TANT 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 CHE UPD 62 CHAMIZO, JORGE $1,000.00 CONSULTING 1425 CONSTITUTION PLACE EAST I 08/2112017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32308 CHE History 10/30/17 63 DEL REY, JULIO $1,000.00 177VERACT I REALTOR 08/25/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 CHE 64 KOCK INDUSTRIES, INC. MANUFACTURING $1,000.00 4111EAST37 ST B 08/19/2017. NORTH WICHITA, KS 67220 CHE 65 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - PAC $500.00 4110LAGUNAST F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 08/19/2017 CORAL GABLES, F.L 33146 CHE 66 LENOX COURT ASSOCIATES $1,000.00 100 3RD ST SOUTH, SUITE 300 B REAL ESTATE 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 67 COLLINS, LEONARD M. $250.00 1645 CROSS POINTE WAY I ATTORNEY 08/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32308 CHE 68 MAGIC KINGDOM, INC. $1,000.00 ENTERTAINMENT 1675 N. BUENA VISTA DR B 08/19/2017 ORLANDO, FL 32830 CHE 69 DEL REY, MARILDA $1,000.00 HOUSEWIFE 177VERACT I 08/29/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 CHE 70 MARITIME LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 1007 N. AMERICA WAY, STE 407 F 09/14/2017 MIAMI, FL 33132 CHE 71 MCLANE COMPANY, INC. $1,000.00 WHOLESALER PO BOX6115 B 08/24/2017 TEMPLE, TX 76503 CHE 72 MENENDEZ MANAGEMENT CORP $500.00 RESTAURANT COMPANY 1430 S DIXIE HWY, #311 B 08/28/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 CHE UPD 72 MENENDEZ MANAGEMENT CORP $500.00 1430 S DIXIE HWY, #311 B MANAGEMENT 08/28/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 CHE History 10/30/ 17 73 MIAMI'S FUTURE, INC. $1,000.00 2600 S. DOUGLAS RD, STE 900 F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 08/22/2017 MIAMI, FL 33134 CHE

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: t>l:lbtl:I CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS t'age ::i or 1:1 Name: Daniel Anthony Perez (. Report: 2017 S{--\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~...... >.. \ ~ ,/ ** Records in Filed Report ** \ . ) Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 74 GARCIA, MICHAEL COMPLIANCE OFFICER $100.00 1421 COLUMBIA RD, NW B2 I 09/01/2017 WASHINGTON, DC 20009 CHE 75 NEXT GENERATION LEADERS PC POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 3905NW107 AVE, STE 106 F 08/19/2017 DORAL, FL 33178 CHE 76 NEXTERA ENERGY PAC $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 700 UNIVERSE BLVD. F 08/19/2017 JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 CHE 77 ORANGE PARK KENNEL CLUB $1,000.00 KENNEL PO BOX54249 B 08/19/2017 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32245 CHE 78 BOOK, PAT $1,000.00 HOUSEWIFE 2711 S. OCEAN DR, #502 I 08/19/2017 HOLLYWOOD, FL 33019 CHE 79 PEPSICO, INC. $1,000.00 FOOD MANUFACTURER 700 ANDERSON HILL ROAD B 08/23/2017 PURCHASE, NY 10577 CHE 80 PREFERRED P.A.C. $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 5420 W. PLANO PKWY F 08/29/2017 PLANO, TX 75093 CHE 81 PUBLIX SUPERMARKETS $1,000.00 SUPERMARKET PO BOX407 B 08/29/2017 LAKELAND, FL 33802 CHE 82 QUALITY ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC $1,000.00 BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS 3201 NW72NDAVE B 09/01/2017 MIAMI, FL 33122 CHE 83 RPPTL-PAC $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 215 S. MONROE ST, STE 815 F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32301 CHE 84 REAL TORS PROPERTY PROBATE & TRUST LAW $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE PAC F 08/19/2017 215 S. MONROE ST CHE TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 85 REAL TORS POLITICAL ACTIVITY COMMITTEE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 200 MONROE ST F 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 86 REAL TORS POLITICAL ADVOCY COMMITTEE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 7025 AUGUST NATIONAL DR F 08/19/2017 ORLANDO, FL 32822 CHE 87 REBUILD FLORIDA $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 8567 CORAL WAY, UNIT 374 F 08/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33155 CHE 88 RONALD BOOK, PA $1,000.00 LAW FIRM 18851 NE 29 AVE, STE 1010 B 08/19/2017 AVENTURA, FL 33180 CHE 89 BOOK, RONALD L. $1,000.00 ATTORNEY 491 COCONUT PALM TER I 08/19/2017 PLANTATION, FL 33324 CHE 90 RSA CONSULTING GROUP, LLC $1,000.00 GOVERNMENT RELATION CONSUL TANT 235 W BRANDON BLVD, STE 640 B 08/19/2017 BRANDON, FL 33511 CHE UPD 90 RSA CONSUL TING GROUP, LLC $1,000.00 CONSULTING 235 WBRANDON BLVD, STE 640 B 08/19/2017 BRANDON, FL 33511 CHE History 10/30/17 91 FERNANDEZ, RUDY $500.00 UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATOR 6960 SW92ST I 09/15/2017 MIAMI, FL 33156 CHE 92 SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT HC FINANCE, LLC $1,000.00 EDUCATION 6340 SUNSET DR B 08/29/2017 MIAMI, FL 33143 CHE

* Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: bl::tb/l::t CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS !-'age o or l:I Name: Daniel Anthony Perez ( ) Report: 2017 8(7----~) Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ------· /,_____ *_*_R_e_c_o-rd-s-in-Filed Report** \.

Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 93 SOUTHERN STRATEGY GROUP GOVERNMENT RELATIONS $1,000.00 PO BOX 10570 8 08/28/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32302 CHE 94 SOUTHERN STRATEGY GROUP OF MIAMI, LLC $1,000.00 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS PO BOX 10570 8 08/19/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32302 CHE 95 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ENTERPRISES, INC. ENTERTAINMENT $1,000.00 PO BOX 350940 8 08/31/2017 MIAMI, FL 33135 CHE 96 SPRINGS CROSSING IMAGING MRI HEALTH CARE $1,000.00 51EAST1 AVE 8 08/19/2017 HIALEAH, FL 33010 CHE 97 SUNSHINE GASOLINE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. GASOLINE DISTRIBUTORS $1,000.00 1650 NW87 AVE 8 08/28/2017 MIAMI, FL 33172 CHE 98 GOLDSTEIN, SUSAN GOVERNMENT RELATION CONSULTANT $500.00 3158 INVERNESS I 08/22/2017 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33332 CHE UPD 98 GOLDSTEIN, SUSAN CONSULTANT $500.00 3158 INVERNESS I 08/22/2017 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33332 CHE History 10/30/17 99 BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 10680 NW25 ST F 08/23/2017 DORAL, FL 33172 CHE 100 THE GEO GROUP, INC $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 621 NW 53 ST, STE 700 F 09/14/2017 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 CHE 101 THE RUBIN GROUP, INC. $1,000.00 GOVENMENTAL RELATIONS 450E. LAST OLAS BLVD., STE 1250 8 08/19/2017 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 CHE 102 THE SHIRE APARTMENTS, LTD. $1,000.00 PROPERTY MANAGERS 100 3RD ST. SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE UPD 102 THE SHIRE APARTMENTS, LTD. $1,000.00 100 3RD ST. SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 MANAGEMENT 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE History 10/30/ 17 103 TUSCAN ISLE $1,000.00 PROPERTY MANAGERS 100 3RD ST SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE UPD 103 TUSCAN ISLE $1,000.00 MANAGEMENT 100 3RD ST SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE History 10/30/17 104 USAA $1,000.00 PO BOX 34330 8 INSURANCE 08/19/2017 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265 CHE 105 VCP-SB ASSOCIATES, LTD. $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 100 3RD SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 106 VESTCOR-WR ASSOCIATES, LTD. $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 100 3RD SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 107 VESTCOR FUND XIX, LTD. $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 100 3RD SOUTH, SUITE 300 8 08/28/2017 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701 CHE 108 VESTCOR PARTNERS XXVll, LLC $1,000.00 REAL ESTATE 3030 HARTLEY RD SUITE 310 8 08/28/2017 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32257 CHE 109 WALGREENS CO. $500.00 104 WILMOT RD. MS#1415 8 RETAIL STORE 09/12/2017 DEERFIELD, IL 60015 CHE

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: b~b/~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS 1-'age I OT~ ( Report: 2017 S(?...---.\ Name: Daniel Anthony Perez l Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ./ ** Records in Filed Report ** \. J Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 110 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY FLORIDA $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES GOOD GOVERNMENT FUND PAC F 08/19/2017 90 SOUTH 7 ST CHE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 111 WEST FLAGLER ASSOCIATES, LTD. $1,000.00 PO BOX 350940 B PARIMUTUAL 09/14/2017 MIAMI, FL 33135 CHE 112 FLORIDA SURPLUS LINES ASSOCIATIONS, INC. $1,000.00 PO BOX21447 B INSURANCE 08/19/2017 SAINT PETERSBURG, FL 33742 CHE 113 SUAREZ, JONNY $3.00 9400 SW 30 TER I STUDENT 09/19/2017 MIAMI, FL 33165 CHE 114 SEMPEL, TEVA $100.00 1607 CHARLTON DR I ATTORNEY 09/21/2017 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70122 CHE 115 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA $19,950.00 420 EAST JEFFERSON ST p POLITICAL PARTY 08/24/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 INK POLLING 116 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA $2,000.00 POLITICAL PARTY 420 EAST JEFFERSON ST p 08/31/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32301 INK CAMPAIGN STAFF 117 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA $2,000.00 POLITICAL PARTY 420 EAST JEFFERSON ST p 09/15/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 INK CAMPAIGN STAFF 118 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA $2,000.00 420 EAST JEFFERSON ST p POLITICAL PARTY 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 INK CAMPAIGN STAFF 119 ADVANCE AMERICA $1,000.00 135 N. CHURCH ST B GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS 09/21/2017 SPARTANBURG, SC 29306 CHE 120 AIRBNB, INC. $1,000.00 888 BRANNAN ST, 4TH FLOOR B RENTALS 09/21/2017 SAN FRANCISCO, FL 94103 CHE 121 AQUARIUS CAPITAL; LLC $1,000.00 PO BOX 260546 B INSURANCE 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33126 CHE 122 ARRIZURIETA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $500.00 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 1200 ANASTASIA AVE, SUITE 300 B 09/21/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CHE 123 ASSURANCE FINANCIAL PARTNERS, LLC $1,000.00 1401NW136 AVE, SUITE 400 B FINANCE 09/21/2017 SUNRISE, FL 33323 CHE 124 AUTOMATED FINANCIAL PARTNERS, LLC $1,000.00 1401 NW 136 AVE, SUITE 400 B FINANCE 09/21/2017 SUNRISE, FL 33323 CHE 125 LAGO, CARLOS R. $500.00 ATTORNEY 100 EDGEWATER DR, APT 231 I 09/21/2017 CORAL GABLES, FL 33133 CHE 126 COMCAST CORPORATION $1,000.00 1701 JFK BLVD. B UTITLITIES 09/21/2017 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 CHE 127 COMMITTEE OF FLORIDA AGENTS $1,000.00 8489 CABIN HILL RD F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32311 CHE 128 DOSAL TOBACCO CORPORATION $1,000.00 4775NW132 ST B TOBACCO 09/21/2017 OPA LOCKA, FL 33054 CHE 129 DOSAMAR CORPORATION $1,000.00 4775NW132 ST B TOBACCO 09/21/2017 OPA LOCKA, FL 33054 CHE

*Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: b~b/~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS t-'age ts or~ Name: _D_a_n_ie_IA_n_t_ho_n_y_P_e_r_ez ______.( ):------Report: 2017 S<7,.-\ Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/~1/2017 ·, . / '"' Records in Filed Report ** \. ) Full Name Amount Seq# (Last, Suffix, First, Middle Contributor Occupation Date Street Address & City, State, Zip Type In-Kind Description Amend 130 FCCI INSURANCE GROUP, INC. $500.00 6300 UNIVERSITY PKWY B INSURANCE 09/21/2017 SARASOTA, FL 34240 CHE 131 FCCI SERVICES, INC. INSURANCE $500.00 6300 UNIVERSITY PKWY B 09/21/2017 SARASOTA, FL 34240 CHE 132 FLORIDA ARCHITECTS $500.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 104 E. JEFFERSON ST F 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 133 FLORIDA BLUE $1,000.00 INSURANCE PO BOX2210 B 09/21/2017 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32203 CHE 134 FLORIDA INSURANCE COUNCIL $1,000.00 PO BOX749 F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 135 FLORIDA PHARMACIST POLITICAL COMMITTEE $1,000.00 POLITICAL COMMITTEE 610 NORTH ADAMS ST F 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 CHE 136 DIAZ, JOSE $1,000.00 POLITICAL CONSUL TANT 4315SW140 CT I 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33175 CHE 137 MIAMI PROPERTY PARTNERS, LLC $1,000.00 1600NW163 ST B PROPERTY MANAGERS 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33169 CHE 138 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE & $1,000.00 INSURANCE FINANCE B 09/21/2017 1836 HERMITAGE BLVD., SUITE 200 CHE TALLAHASSEE,FL32308 139 CURTIS Ill, OLIVER BENTON $250.00 3545 PALMETTO AVE I ATIORNEY 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33133 CHE 140 POOL INDUSTRY $500.00 25555 PORTER LAKE DR, SUITE 106 F POL TICAL ACTION COMMITIEE 09/21/2017 SARASOTA, FL 34240 CHE 141 RAI SERVICES COMPANY $1,000.00 TOBACCO PO BOX464 B 09/21/2017 WINSTON, NC 27102 CHE 142 RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF $1,000.00 INSURANCE AMERICA B 09/21/2017 1025 F ST NW, 10TH FLOOR CHE WASHINGTON, DC 20004 143 DICK, SCOTT $1,000.00 PO BOX 13086 I GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 09/21/2017 TALLAHASSEE,FL32317 CHE 144 SOUTH FLORIDA COUNCIL FIREFIGHTERS $500.00 8000 NW 21 ST, # 205 F POLITICAL COMMITTEE 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33122 CHE 145 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, LLC $1,000.00 2400SW145 AVE, SUITE 300 B BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR 09/21/2017 MIRAMAR, FL 33027 CHE 146 TAMPA PROPERTY PARTNERS, LLC $1,000.00 PROPERTY MANAGERS 1600NW163 ST B 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33169 CHE 147 THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY $1,000.00 ONE TOWER SQUARE B INSURANCE 09/21/2017 HARTFORD, CT 06183 CHE 148 MARTINELLI, TOMAS J. $250.00 LODGING 2922 VIRGINIA ST I 09/21/2017 MIAMI, FL 33133 CHE 149 WHITE ROCK QUARRIES $500.00 PO BOX 15065 B CONSTRUCTION 09/21/2017 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416 CHE

• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11 :52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM IU: ti~ti/~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS !-'age~ or~ Name: Daniel Anthony Perez (~') Report: 2017 8(1,-...) Period: 08/19/2017 to 09/21/2017 ------,, / 1,_____ *_*"""R_e_c_o_rd_s_i_n-Filed Report"'* \


• Incomplete Record Reviewed On: 10/30/17 11:52 am Prepared on: 10/30/17 2:55:48PM Candidate Tracking system ()rida Division of Elections - Departm()f State Page 1of1

Candidate Tracking System

2017 Special Election - House 44 State Representative District 44

Robert "Bobby O" Olszewski Republican

Address Campaign Treasurer 1130 Copenhagen Way Michael Millner Winter Garden, FL 34787 2055 NW Diamond Creek Way Jensen Beach, FL 34957- Phone: (321 )217-8687 Status:Elected Date Filed:04/07/2017 Date Qualified:06/19/2017 Method:Petition method Email:[email protected]

c~~~paign Finance Activity 10/31/2017 Other Distributions - Divisi() Elections - Florida Department of St') Page 1of1

Florida Department of State Division of Elections

Other Distributions Republican Party of Florida

This information is being provided as a convenience to the public, has been processed by the Division of Elections and should be cross referenced with the original report on file with the Division of Elections in case of questions. About the Campaign Finance Data Base

Rpt Yr Rpt Type Data Amount Distributed To Address City State Zip

2017 SGl 08/l 7 /2017 10, 000. 00 ROBERT "BOBBY O" OLSZEWSKI CAM 1130 COPENHAGEN WAY WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 2017 SGl 08/31/2017 1,290.30 ROBER'f "BOBBY O" OLSZEWSKI CAM 1130 COPENHAGEN WAY WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 2017 SGl 09/07 /2017 13, 000. 00 ROBERT "BOBBY O" OLSZEWSKI CAM 1130 COPENHAGEN WAY WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787

24, 290. 30 3 Other Distribution (s) Selected Qua!Y the Campaign Finance Data Base

!Department of State] [Qjyision of Elections] !Candidates and Races] !Campaign Finance lnfonnation] 10/31/2017 other Distributions - Divisio(")Elections - Florida Department of S(~J Page 1of1

Florida Department of State Division of Elections

Other Distributions Republican Party of Florida

This information is being provided as a convenience to the public, has been processed by the Division of Elections and should be cross referenced with the original report on file with the Division of Elections in case of questions. About the Campaign Finance Data Base

Rpt Yr Rpt Type Date Amount Distributed To Address City State Zip


9,500.00 4 Other Distribution (s) Selected Query the Campaign Finance Data Base

!Qepartment of State] !Division of Elections] !Candidates and Races] !Campaign Finance Information] 10/31/2017 Page 1of1

RE: Republican Party of Florida - 4700 Willis, Kristi R. to: Cole Kekelis 10/31/2017 01:55 PM Hide Details From: "Willis, Kristi R." To: Cole Kekelis For parties, the fine for a late report due right before an election is based upon days late and is not limited by the activity in the report. Thus, the fine for the SG2 was based upon filing the report 11 days late.

The fine for the SGl report is limited to 25% of expenditures or contributions. As only other distributions were reported, there was no fine.

From: Cole Kekelis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 1:50 PM To: Willis, Kristi R. Subject: Republican Party of Florida - 4700

Ms. Willis:

I have a question about an automatic fine issue involving the above party committee.

Their SG2 report for the House 116 special election was filed 11 days late, and they were fined $110,000.

Their SG1 report for the House 44 special election was filed 25 days late, but they were not assessed a fine.

Both reports only contained "other distributions" to a candidate in each respective race.

Why was a fine imposed on the SG2 but not the SG1?


Cole Kekelis FEC

The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey.

file:///C:/U sers/kekelisc/AppData/Local/Temp/notes5D3EFE/~web 1598 .htm 10/31/2017 (\)

CHAPTER 2011-40

Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 1355

An act relating to elections; amending s. 97.012, F.S.; expanding the list of responsibilities of the Secretary of State when acting in his or her capacity as chief election officer; amending s. 97.021, F.S.; redefining the term "minor political party"; amending s. 97.025, F.S.; replacing a requirement for the Department of State to print copies of a pamphlet containing the Election Code with a requirement that the pamphlet be made available; amending s. 97.0575, F.S.; requiring that third-party voter registration organizations register with the Division of Elections and provide the division with certain information; requiring that the division or a super­ visor of elections make voter registration forms available to third-party voter registration organizations; requiring that such forms contain certain information; requiring that the division maintain a database of certain information; requiring supervisors of elections to provide specified information to the division in a format and at times required by the division; requiring that such information be updated and made public daily at a specified time; requiring third-party voter registration organizations to deliver collected voter registration applications within a specified period; revising penalty provisions to conform; specifying grounds for an affirmative defense to a violation of timely submission requirements; providing for the referral ofviolations to the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General to initiate a civil action; providing that an action for relief may include a permanent or temporary injunction, a restraining order, or any other appropriate order; requiring that the division adopt rules for specified purposes; providing for retroactive application of certain requirements applicable to third-party voter registration organizations; deleting provisions providing for fines to be in addition to criminal penalties; deleting provisions providing a continuing appropriation of the proceeds of fines; amending s. 97.071, F.S.; requiring that voter information cards contain the address of the polling place of the registered voter; requiring a supervisor of elections to issue a new voter information card to a voter upon a change in a voter's address of legal residence or a change in a voter's polling place address; providing instructions for implementation by the supervisors of elections; amending s. 97.073, F.S.; requiring a supervisor to notify an applicant within 5 business days regarding disposition of the voter registration applications; amending s. 97.1031, F.S.; revising the methods by which a person must update his or her voter registration due to a change of address; revising procedures for an elector to change his or her party affiliation; requiring an elector to notify the supervisor of elections when the elector changes his or her name; amending s. 98.075, F.S.; revising procedures for the removal of deceased persons and other potentially ineligible persons from the statew.ide voter registration system; amending s. 98.093, F.S.; revising requirements for the Department of Corrections to provide the Department of State with 1 CODING: Words strieken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Ch. 2011-40 LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2011-40

General Revenue Fund; amending s. 106.29, F.S.; creating an exemption from state reporting requirements for certain contributions and expendi­ tures by political parties; requiring state and county executive committees and affiliated party committees that make contributions or expenditures to influence the results of a special election or special primary election to file campaign treasurer's reports; amending campaign finance reporting dates, to conform; deleting a requirement that each state executive committee file the original and one copy of its reports with the Division of Elections; revising the due date for filing a report; providing criteria for deeming delivery complete of a notice of fine; amending s. 106.35, F.S.; deleting a requirement that the Division of Election adopt rules relating to the format and filing of certain printed campaign treasurer's reports; amending s. 112.312, F.S.; excluding contributions or expenditures reported pursuant to federal election law from the definition of the term "gift"; amending s. 112.3215, F.S.; excluding contributions or expenditures reported pursuant to federal election law from the definition of the term "expenditure"; amending s. 876.05, F.S.; deleting a requirement for all candidates for public office to record an oath to support the Constitution of the and of the State of Florida; repealing s. 876.07, F.S., relating to a requirement that a person make an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida in order to be qualified as a candidate for office; providing for severability of the act; providing effective dates.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. Subsection (16) is added to section 97.012, Florida Statutes, to read: 97.012 Secretary of State as chief election officer.-.The Secretary of State is the chief election officer of the state, and it is his or her responsibility to: (16) Provide written direction and opinions to the supervisors of elections on the performance of their official duties with respect to the Florida Election Code or rules adopted by the Department of State. Section 2. Subsection (18) of section 97.021, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 97.021 Definitions.-For the purposes of this code, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term: (18) "Minor political party'' is any group as specified defined ins. 103.095 this subsection which on January 1 preceding a primary election does not have registered as members 5 percent of the total registered electors of the state .• Any group of citizens organized for the general purposes of electing to office qualified persons and determining public issues under the democratic processes of the United States may become a minor political party of this state by filing v:ith the department a certificate shmving the name of the 8 CODING: Words strieken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Ch. 2011-40 LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2011-40 upon the finding of a violation of this chapter or chapter 104 to impose civil penalties in the form of fines not to exceed $1,000 per count, or, if applicable, to impose a civil penalty as provided ins. 104.271 ors. 106.19.

{22 In determining the amount of such civil penalties, the commission or administrative law judge shall consider, among other mitigating and aggravating circumstances: (a) The gravity of the act or omission; (b) Any previous history of similar acts or omissions; (c) The appropriateness of such penalty to the financial resources of the person, political committee, committee of continuous existence, electioneer­ ing communications organization, or political party; and (d) Whether the person, political committee, committee of continuous existence, electioneering communications organization, or political party has shown good faith in attempting to comply with the provisions of this chapter or chapter 104.

(fil~ If any person, political committee, ,committee of continuous existence, electioneering communications organization, or political party fails or refuses to pay to the commission any civil penalties assessed pursuant to the provisions of this section, the commission shall be responsible for collecting the civil penalties resulting from such action.

~ Any civil penalty collected pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund Eleetion Campaign Finaneing Trust Fund.

{fil4} Notvlithstanding any other provisions of this ehapter, Any fine assessed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall, whieh fine is designated to be deposited or v:hieh v:ould othenvise be deposited into the General Revenue Fund of the state, shall be deposited into the Eleetion Campaign Finaneing Trust Fund. Section 73. Subsection (1) and paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 106.29, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 106.29 Reports by political parties; restrictions on contributions and expenditures; penalties.-. (1) The state executive committee and each county executive committee of each political party regulated by chapter 103 shall file regular reports of all contributions received and all expenditures made by such committee. However, the reports shall not include contributions and expenditures that are reported to the Federal Election Commission. In addition, when a special election is called to fill a vacancy in office, each state executive committee, each affiliated party committee, and each county executive committee making contributions or expenditures to influence the results of

84 CODING: Words striekcn arc deletions; words underlined arc additions. Ch. 2011-40 LAWS OF FLORIDA (--) Ch. 2011-40 the special election or the preceding special primary election must file campaign treasurers' reports on the dates set by the Department of State pursuant to s. 100.111. Such reports shall contain the same information as do reports required of candidates by s. 106.07 and shall be filed on the 10th day following the end of each calendar quarter, except that, during the period from the last day for candidate qualifying until the general election, such reports shall be filed on the Friday immediately preceding each special primary election. special election, both the primary election~ and the general election. In addition to the reports filed under this section, the state executive committee and each county executive committee shall file a copy of each prior written acceptance of an in-kind contribution given by the committee during the preceding calendar quarter as required under s. 106.08(6). Each state executive committee shall file the original and one copy of its reports with the Division of Elections. Each county executive committee shall file its reports with the supervisor of elections in the county in which such committee exists. Any state or county executive committee failing to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject .to a fine as provided in subsection (3). No separate fine shall be assessed for failure to file a copy of any report required by this section. (3) (b) Upon determining that a report is late, the filing officer shall immediately notify the chair of the executive committee as to the failure to file a report by the designated due date and that a fine is being assessed for each late day. The fine shall be $1,000 for a state executive committee, and $50 for a county executive committee, per day for each late day, not to exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, if an executive committee fails to file a report on the Friday immediately preceding the special election or general election, the fine shall be $10,000 per day for each day a state executive committee is late and $500 per day for each day a county executive committee is late. Upon receipt of the report, the filing officer shall determine the amount of the fine which is due and shall notify the chair. Notice is deemed complete upon proof of delivery of written notice to the malling or street address on record with the filing officer. The filing officer shall determine the amount of the fine due based upon the earliest of the following:

1. When the report is actually received by such officer. 2. When the report is postmarked. 3. When the certificate of mailing is dated. 4. When the receipt from an established courier company is dated. 5. When the electronic receipt issued pursuant to s. 106.0705 is dated. Such fine shall be paid to the filing officer within 20 days after receipt of the notice of payment due, unless appeal is made to the Florida Elections 85 CODING: Words stFieken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Ch. 2011-40 LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2011-40

Commission pursuant to paragraph (c). An officer or member of an executive committee shall not be personally liable for such fine.

Section 74. Subsection (5) of section 106.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 106.35 Distribution of funds.- (5) The division shall adopt rules providing for the weekly reports and. certification and distribution of funds pursuant thereto required by this section. Such rules shall, at a minimum, provide fer. (a) Specifications for printed campaign treasurer's reports outlining the format for such reports, including size of paper, typeface, color of print, and placement of required information on the form.

(b}h specifications for electronically transmitted campaign treasurer's reports outlining communication parameters and protocol, data record formats, and provisions for ensuring security of data and transmission. 2. .All electronically tFansmitted campaign treasurer's reports must also be filed in printed format. Printed furmat shall . no.t include campaign treasurer's reports submitted by electl'onic facsimile transmission. Section 75. Paragraph (b) of subsection (12) of section 112.312, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 112.312 Definitions.-As used in this part and for purposes of the provisions of s. 8, Art. II of the State Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires: (12)

(b) "Gift" does not include: 1. Salary, benefits, services, fees, commissions, gifts, or expenses associated primarily with the donee's employment, business, or service as an officer or director of a corporation or organization. 2. Contributions or expenditures reported pursuant to chapter 106, contributions or expenditures reported pursuant to federal election law, campaign-related personal services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering their time, or any other contribution or expenditure by a political party. 3. An honorarium or an expense related to an honorarium event paid to a person or the person's spouse. 4. An award, plaque, certificate, or similar personalized item given in recognition of the donee's public, civic, charitable, or professional service. 86 CODING: Words stFieken are deletions; words underlined are additions. /) (/



TO: Political Parties, Affiliated Party Committees, Political Committees, and Electioneering Communication Organizations

FROM: Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

DATE: May 22, 2017

SUBJECT: Special Election - State Representative, District 116

A special election has been called for the office of State Representative, District 116. The special primary election for this race is scheduled for July 25, 2017. The special election for this race is scheduled for September 26, 2017.

When a special election is called to fill a vacancy in office, all political committees, electioneering communication organizations, political parties and affiliated party committees making contributions or expenditures to influence the results of such special election shall file campaign treasurer's reports with the filing officer on the dates set by the Department of State.

Committees or organizations are required to file special election campaign treasurer's reports only if the committee or organization makes a contribution to a special election candidate during the special election repo1ting periods (see chart on next page) or makes an expenditure to influence the results of the special election.

Please note that activities reported on special election reports are only expenditures that are made to influence the results of the special election. All other activity (e.g .. contributions) is reported on the appropriate campaign treasurer's repo1t.

Once a committee or organization has participated in the special election and has filed a special election campaign report, all remaining special election repo1is must be filed even if there is no further special election activity. If there is no further activity, a waiver must be filed.

Division of Elections R.A. Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronough Street• Tallahassee, Florida 32399 ~ W 850.245.6240 • 850.245.6260 (Fax) UQ~!J?iA '/ ELECTIONS ,,ti (~)

MEMORANDUM May 22, 2017 Page Two

All reports must be filed through the Electronic Filing System (EFS) not later than midnight, Eastern Time, of the due date. Reports not filed by this time are late filed and subject to the penalties in Sections 106.07(8) and 106.29, Florida Statutes.

In the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the rep01t will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight, Eastern Time, of the first business day the EFS becomes operable. No fine will be levied during the period the EFS was inoperable.

The campaign reporting schedule for this special election is as follows:

Report Due Date Covered Period

SP! 06-1.2-17 05-08-17 - 06~08-17 SP2 07-21-17 06-09-17 - 07-20-17 SGl 08-23-17 07-21-17-08-18-17 SG2 09-22-17 08-19-17 - 09-21-17

Please contact our office at (850) 245-6280 if you have any questions.

KRB/slb () Page 1of1 RE: Home Care PAC- 60864 Willis, Kristi R. to: ColeKekelis 10/25/2017 02:18 PM Hide Details From: "Willis, Kristi R." To: Cole Kekelis History: This message has been forwarded. 2 Attachments ~~j -,:· Email Log - 840 special election.xis Memo - Committees.pdf

The email is done through a program so I do not have .a "copy of the email" that goes out.

Here is an excerpt from the log showing that an email was sent:

I have attached a copy of the memo that was attached to the email.

I have attached also a spreadsheet that is generated by the program that lists the entities that were sent the memo. I have highlighted the entry for PC 60864.

The body of the email provided:

Please review the attached memoranda regarding the special elections that have been called for the offices of State Representative, District 116, and Senate, District 40.

Additional information can be found at the following link on the Division's website:

http: IIdos. myflori da. com/ elections/for-voters/special-elections/

Please contact our office at (850) 245-6280 if you have any questions.

If you need additional information, please let me know.

From: Cole Kekelis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 20171:54 PM To: Willis, Kristi R. Subject: Home Care PAC - 60864

Ms. \Mllis:

Previously, you sent our office a sample memorandum regarding special election reporting dates that is emailed to PACs when special elections are called.

Could you please forward me a copy of such an email that was sent to the above PAC regarding a special election for which the PAC had to file a 2017 SP1 report?

This relates to an auto fine appeal with regard to the 2017 SP1 report.


Cole Kekelis FEC

The Department of Slale is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer S~!isfacl!on Surv~.

file :///C :/Users/kekelisc/ AppData/Local/Temp/notes5D3EFE/~web6600 .htm 10/26/2017 (J '· ,'/

AcctType AcctNum email sentDate SentStatus 5/26/2017 PTY 4700 [email protected] 12:03 OK FLORIDA DEPARTMENT oj~STAT~ RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State

January 26, 2017

Mr. Mike Moberley, Treasurer Republican Party of Florida (4 700) 11573 West Rose Court Homosassa, Florida 34448

Dear Mr. Moberley:

Your appointment as treasurer for Republican Party of Florida was filed in this office on January 25, 2017. Enclosed is a security envelope containing your confidential pin number to access the Division's Electronic Filing System (EFS).

All of the Division's publications and forms are available on the Division's website at dos.myflorida.comfelections/. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapters 103, 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Rule lS-2.017, Florida Administrative Code.

If you have questions concerning the EFS, you may contact Malcolm Chellman at (850) 245-6267.

Sincerely, ~~-C~~~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



pc: Blaise Ingoglia, Chairperson

Division of Elections R.A. Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6240 • 850.245.6260 (Fax)

,. HISTORY NOTES Republican Party of Florida - 4700

Unique ID Date Recorded Last Edited Date Orgirially Recorded By

55759 10/17/201710:10:00AM slbagley RE: Emails

Received phone call from Kimberly, she said she had received my message regarding updating the emails via EFS. She then said they generally get an email sent to them after they complete a report and asked if they could get a similar type of email for failure to file and late notices. I explained the ones they get for filing a report are auto generated from the EFS software. The failure to file and late notices are not part of the EFS auto generations and are mailed out via the regular post office mail. She asked if there was a way for to put in a request for those to be sent via email, I said all requests could be sent to Kristi Willis by email, but I was not aware of this being an option that we offered.


55756 10/17/2017 9:40:00 AM slbagley RE: Email

Received call from Kimberly asking how to update email address on file for the party. I explained she could send in a signed letter from the chair or treasurer. I also called back and left a message explaining she could update it through EFS in the campaign account section.


54969 7/28/2017 1:37:00 PM slbagley RE: State Warrants for Special Elections SNT40, STR116, STR44

Received call back from Kimberly Simpson at 9:09 am saying she would be sending her assistant Richard Franklin to pick up the checks. I told her he had already been by this morning but I explained I could not release them to him until I had heard back from the Party and he said ok and would come back later.

Richard Franklin came and picked up the checks at 1:30 pm.


54959 7/28/2017 8:49:00 AM slbagley RE: State Warrants for Special Elections SNT 40, STR 116, STR44

Called againg this morning (8:41 am)since I had not heard back from anyone from the party yesterday. Spoke with Makenzie who said she received my message from yesterday, this morning and forwarded it to Kim who was not in yet, but should be in soon. She said Kim would be calling me later today to let me know if they would be picking up the checks or wanting them mailed.


54951 7/27/2017 2:33:00 PM SLBagley RE: State Warrants for Special Elections SNT40, STR116, STR44

Left voicemail leaving my direct number letting them know we had three state warrant check ready for them from the collections of the fees from the Special Elections for FL Senate 40, FL House 116, FL House 44. I left instructions to please return my call to let me know if they would be picking up the checks (and who) or if they want me to mail them.


54772 7/12/2017 12:54:00 PM mcchellman Re In-kind acceptance letters not signed by chair or individuals designated by the chair, No Tor DT was available, called and left detailed VM for Katherine Howard advising of the requirements listed in S. 106.08(6)(b)2.a, F.S., and asking her to call me.

Page 1 of 3 10/23/2017 FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION PHONE LOG Case No.: FEC 17-352

Respondent: Republican Party of Florida Complainant: Division of Elections

1. Date and time: October 23, 2017 @ 8:55 am Name: Benjamin Gibson-Attorney Phone #: (850) 792-5060 Summary: I attempted telephone contact to inquire about the reason why the 2017 SG2 Report was untimely filed. I left a message to return my call. Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

2. Date and time: October 23, 2017 @ 9:20 am Name: Benjamin Gibson-Attorney Phone#: (407) 625-7601 Summary: I had telephone contact from the attorney returning my call. Mr. Gibson advised me that he would be sending in an appeal letter that stated the reason for the untimely filing of the 2017 SG2 Report. Mr. Gibson told me that he would email his response by the COB Thursday, October 26, 2017, and put a hard copy of the document in the mail. I explained that If I received his response by then, this case would appear during the November 2017 FEC Commission meeting. Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

InvOO l (10/07) Campaign Finance Activity n·- Division of Elections - Florida Departmentn of State Page 1of5

Florida Department of State Division of Elections

Republican Party of Florida

Campaign Finance Activity

Note: The information presented below was obtained from the Committee's/Candidate's Campaign Treasurer's Report filed with the Division of Elections. About the Campaign Finance Data Base. If all contributions for a reporting period are less than 1 dollar Then they may not be displayed.

Contributions Filing Period Monetary , Loans In Kind Expend Other Transfers (E)01/01/1996 - 1,599,608. 72 30,525.0111 285,984.8511 339.891~ ~ 03/31/1996 ~I (E)04/01 /1996 - 2,046,331.95 19,490.1311 528,982.4811 66,653.411~ ~ 06/30/1996 ~I (E)07 /01 /1996 - 1,854,554.33 13,610.1011 698,432.0211 30,842.061~ ~ 08/29/1996 ~I (E>o8/30/1996 - 1,348,170.82~1 22,797.6511 721,660.6911 36,169.8111 0.001 ~ 09/26/1996 (E)09/27 /1996 - 2,355,888.32 103,939.341 4,213,820.24 1,580,905.85 ~ 10/31/1996 ~I ~ (E)11/01 /1996 -1 572,531.411~1 8,192.4511 771,948.2211 0.001~ ~ 12/31/1996 (E)01/01/1997 - 1,435,269.24 10,425.0011 329, 750.5911 500.001~ ~ 03/31/1997 ~I (E)04/01/1997 - 1,722,995.53 8,958.5611 435,098.4811 21,324.541~ ~ 06/30/1997 ~I (E)07/01/1997 -1 949,029.011~1 18, 023.1311 547,273.6611 24,198.281~ ~ 09/30/1997 (E)10/01/1997 - 1,622,174.66 57,341.3311 904,748.30 124,719.261~ ~ 12/31/1997 ~I (E)01/01/1998 - 3,913,595.35 15,927.661 2,255,207.77 920,234.101~ ~ 03/31/1998 ~I (E)04/01 /1998 - 4,022,598.08 55,218.531 2,095,311.50 730,364.0211 0.001 ~ 06/30/1998 ~I (E)07/01/1998 - 3,775,511.92 12,756.301 2,808,491.63 682,913.2411 0.001 ~ 08/27/1998 ~I (E>o8/28/1998 - 3, 116,453.90 269,043.661 3,383,455.95 415,910.3911 0.001 ~ 09/24/1998 ~I (E)09/25/1998 - 7,046,971.33 94,858.231 8,571,228.83 2,645,233.341 0.001 ~ 10/29/1998 ~I roll II 1,974,862.0511 0.0011 37,192.3211 1, 171,855.0311 0.0011 0.001 10/30/2017 Campaign Finance Activity ()ision of Elections - Florida Departm()f Sli\te Page 2of5

(E)10/30/1998 ~11 12/31/1998 I I II II II I (E)01/01/1999- 1,450,284.68 19,249.111 1,096,572.111 137,609.851~ 03/31/1999 I (E)04/01/1999 - 1,841,914.33 12,247.5611 453,693.1511 10,429.101~ 06/30/1999 I (E)07/01/1999 - 1,718,615.01 34,614.1111 476,418.5711 0.001~ 09/30/1999 I (E)10/01/1999 - 2,467,297.65 44,316.9311 662,529.99 4,668.491~ 12/31/1999 I (E)01/01/2000 - 2,858,819.46 129,212.111 1,388,173.73 70,569.551~ 03/31/2000 I (E)04/01 /2000 - 2,889,420.82 35,763.021 2,214,007.97 0.001~ 06/30/2000 I (E)07/01/2000 - 4,930,618.42 48,912.021 3,826,703.74 363,956.191~ 08/31/2000 I (E)09/01/2000 - 6,347,341.26 23,002.311 6,084,932.48 401,024.4611 0.001 09/28/2000 I (E)09/29/2000 - 12,870,051.02 47,907.211 16,926, 185.15 2,093,747.11 ~ 11/02/2000 I (E)11/03/2000 - 1,644,329.19 3,075,755.70 39,863.291 0.0011 0.001 12/31/2000 I 3, 191,525.55 3,064,574.03 (E)01/01/2001 - 98,238.961 0.00]1 0.001 03/31/2001 [ (E)04/01/2001 - 2,936,279.11 38,652.591 2,248,265.60 40,677.6311 0.001 06/30/2001 I (E)07/01/2001 - 1,824, 164.43 86,897.751 2,149,191.17 521,970.9811 0.001 09/30/2001 I (El1Q/01/2001 - 2,424,233.55 111,311.151 2,046,016.43 649,509.9811 0.001 12/31/2001 I (E)01/01/2002 - 9,877,480.52 220,905.371 2,404,520.27 619,568.9811 0.001 03/31/2002 I (E)04/01/2002 - 7,484,176.57 144,681.781 5,689,825.30 626,464.2711 0.001 06/30/2002 I (E)07/01/2002 - 8,838,808.95 84,234.331 9, 735,304.86 896,621.7511 0.001 09/05/2002 [ (E)09/01/2002 - 14,944,022.94 196,255.951 24, 145,798.07 2,338,502.581 0.001 10/31/2002 I (E)11/01/2002 - 3,852,565.19 36,513.201 3,991,901.80 0.001~ 12/31/2002 I (E)01/01/2003 - 1,378,582.44 32,419.241 1, 118,285.75 75,996.2311 0.001 03/31/2003 I (E)04/01/2003 - 2,549,887.54 85,945.151 2,475,844.35 99,351.9711 0.001 06/30/2003 I 1,999,827.60 1,668,350.55 (E)07/01/2003 - 214,127.731 0.0011 0.001 09/30/2003 I (El1Q/01/2003 - 2, 710,939.02 75,648.771 1,629,461.18 1,214.3011 0.001 12/31/2003 I 10/30/2017 .Campaign Finance Activity 0- Division of Elections - 'Florida Department0 of State Page 3of5 (E)01 /01 /2004 - 2,652,651.10~1 63,893.691 1, 736, 188.60 62,678.001~ ~ 03/31/2004 (E)04/01 /2004 - 2,513,537.36 68,925.151 1,855,043.19 66,441.651~ ~ 06/30/2004 ~I (E)07/01/2004 - 4,816,540.52 41,212.831 1,900,733.36 264,512.971~ ~ 08/26/2004 ~I o812112004 - 6,371,488.26 46,295.101 7,725,334.48 805,051.841~ ~ 10/28/2004 ~I (E)10/29/2004 - 1,430,660.92 16,409.881 2,693,361.261 0.001~ ~ 12/31/2004 ~I 01/01/2005 -1 3,004,824.371~1 46,729.1411 2,404,284.86 440,696.2911 0.001 ~ 03/31/2005 04/01/2005 - 1,239,507.27 7,065.321 3, 104,613.42 295,283.9611 0.001 ~ 06/30/2005 ~I 07/01/2005 - 2,727,389.60 88,618.741 2,365,196.38 818,501.0711 0.001 ~ 09/30/2005 ~I 10/01/2005 - 4,973,997.53 46,274.131 3,012,973.39 851,408.60 0.001 ~ 12/31/2005 ~I 01/01/2006 - 7,299,738.86 152,340.381 4,235,903.67 1,280, 752.02 0.001 ~ 03/31/2006 ~I 04/0112006 -1 3,085,129.521~1 27,666.8811 3, 794,520.981 1, 123,877.07 0.001 ~ 06/30/2006 07/01/2006 - 5,057,674.09~1 184,215.1011 6,834,093.611 1,265,862.77 0.001 ~ 08/31/2006 09/01/2006 _ 40,250,922.06 ~I 448,964.191 41,876,014.22 6,092,108.521 0.001 ~ 11/02/2006 11 /03/2006 -1 647,632.171~1 198,522.0211 3,242,656.2811 263,738.9511 0.001 ~ 12/31/2006 01/01/2007 - 3,865,841.19 148, 736.6411 4, 155,229.5011 390,150.17 0.001 s 03/31/2007 ~I 04/01/2007 - 2,211,818.73 36, 781.6411 2,801,911.4111 546,674.11 0.001 s 06/30/2007 ~I 07/01/2007 -1 4,712,899.261~1 111,747.7311 3,603,548.1611 657,484.01 0.001 ~ 09/30/2007 10/01/2007 - 4,304,171.47 111,493.491 2,827,130.011 280,570.5911 0.001 s 12/31/2007 ~I 01/01/2008 - 6,635,058.87 198, 134.8411 3, 780, 129.5011 522,444.4911 0.001 s 03/31/2008 ~I 04/01/2008 - 7, 115,093.98 218,562.3811 7,041,064.1611,186,516.531 0.001 s 08/21/2008 ~I 08/22/2008 - 7,824,070.89 326,013.27113,125,608.25 2,698,316.191 0.001 s 10/30/2008 ~I 10/31/2008 -1 1,250,973.861~1 38, 143.5011 1,475,330.53 186,538.3411 0.001 ~ 12/31/2008 01/01/2009 - 3,927,518.24 203, 146.661 3,631,788.05 319,727.5211 0.001 s . 03/31/2009 ~I 04/01/2009 - 1,160,064.08 14,092.001 1,612,571.32 417,674.7811 0.001 ~ 06/30/2009 ~I 07/01/2009 - 3,751, 125.66 144,725.301 2,496,498.28 672,469.9511 0.001 09/30/2009 r----1~ ~I.. .. 10/30/2017 Campaign Finance Activity - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State Page 4of5 cl 0 10/01 /2009 ~11 4,183,644.101~1 97,399.2711 4,075,829.151 1,311,313.291 0.001 12/31/2009 01/01/2010 - 7,661,753.36 236, 139.611 3,941,445.31 1,361,368.481 0.001 03/31/2010 ~I 04/01/2010 - 7,725,904.48 165,923.111 6, 127,029.58 3,676,555.521 0.001 08/19/2010 ~I 08/20/2010 - 31,597,805. 71 119,613.261 35,663,453.24 8,262,892.841 0.001 10/28/2010 ~I 10/29/2010 - 7,722, 153.36 180,049.391 9,381,241.411 484, 057 .2011 0.001 12/31/2010 ~I 01/01/2011 -1 4,960,551.291~1 312,814.8511 2,673,987.4411 568,691.8411 0.001 03/31/2011 04/0112011 - 3,489,343.87 74,334.5211 2,239,516.3211 359,276.8811 0.001 06/30/2011 ~I 07/01/2011 - 5,517,965.62 118,825.201 2,005,043.851 245,030.1611 0.001 09/30/2011 ~I 10/01 /2011 - 7,460,127.16 185,157.0111 2,353,492.8411 383,990.8111 0.001 12/31/2011 ~I 01/01/2012 - 2,959,746.07 193,297.951 2,329, 101.681 254, 762.4411 0.001 03/31/2012 ~I 04/0112012 -1 9,064,142.191~1 325,969.781 10,897,418.58 1,117,046.98 0.001 08/09/2012 08/10/2012 - 13.983,644.64 ~I 463, 728.671 23,677,904.79 3,357,481.51 0.001 11/01/2012 11/02/2012 - 2,174,848.00 188,080.9211 2,527,931.6511 341,930.31 0.001 12/31/2012 ~I 01/01/2013 - 5,990,401.05 406,691.0611 2,338,618.4711 233,366.2011 0.001 03/31/2013 ~I 05/10/2013 -1 0.0011 39,000.0011 11,657.3611 0.001 06/06/2013 0.001~1 04/01/2013 - 2,902,641.77 . 77,807.0211 2,384,065.9911 353,313.0011 0.001 06/30/2013 ~I 07/01/2013 -1 5,135,946.161~1 153,320.8011 2,932,211.7911 795,406.2711 0.001 09/30/2013

09/13/2013 -1 0.0011 0.0011 181,507.1211 0.001 10/10/2013 0.001~1 10/01/2013 -1 6,278,782.641~1 325, 736.391 3,956,829.821 865,316.4711 0.001 12/31/2013 01/01/2014 - 10,371,773.62~1 681,892.851 4, 120,599.54 1,248,631.271 0.001 03/31/2014

03/07/2014 -1 0.0011 0.0011 10,642.5011 0.001 04/03/2014 0.001~1 04/01/2014 - 14,905,477.39 310, 112.421 20,913,578.00 5,668,534.151 0.001 08/21/2014 ~I 08/22/2014 - 65,257,265.25 361,088.191 71,674,411.53 7,252,057.981 0.001 10/30/2014 ~I 10/31/2014 - 1,964,295.62 59, 183.631 3,970,831.981 451, 793.5011 0.001 12/31/2014 ~I 01/01/2015 -1 5,373,783.381~1 175,303.811 4,641,146.011 535,451.2011 0.001 03/31/2015 I II 1,919,327.1611 0.0011 33,990.9811 3, 106,851.0611 612,787.4311 0.001 10/30/2017 Campaign Finance Activity - Division of Elections - Florida Departme:nt: of State Page 5of5 () ()

04/0112015 ill ~I 06/30/2015 ILJI II II I 07/01/2015 - 2,249,712.38 20,160.591 1,603,555.24 392,372.6811 0.001 ~ 09/30/2015 ~I 10/01/2015 - 2,068,801.00 224, 110. 321 1,252,540.22 330,328.3911 0.001 ~ 12/31/2015 ~I 01/01/2016 - 1,559,464.65 2,476.251 1,353,693.69 83, 766.3211 0.001 ~ 03/31/2016 ~I ' 04/01/2016 - 4, 103,618.45 156,602.981 2,479,265.991 418, 178.8911 0.001 ~ 08/25/2016 ~I 08/26/2016 -1 4,129,245.461~1 67,417.0911 6,728,013.71 11,472,177.5011 0.001 ~ 11/03/2016 11/04/2016 -1 848,926.121~1 67,698.551 1,267,695.491 73,517.3411 0.001 ~ 12/31/2016 01/01/2017 - 2,460,594. 7 4 180,614.9811 1, 181,873.8911 160,843.3211 0.001 ~ 03/31/2017 ~I 04/01/2017 -1 338,942.091~1 84,012.5711 1,052,204.1711 58,069.9611 0.001 ~ 06/30/2017 08/11/2017 -1 0.001~1 0.0011 0.0011 24,290.3011 0.001 ~ 09/07/2017 08/19/2017 -1 0.001~1 0.0011 0.0011 30,950.0011 0.001 ~ 09/21/2017 07/01/2017 - 1,000.369.83 ~I 43,490.3011 1, 158,836.6511 219,167.6111 0.001 ~ 09/30/2017 09/08/2017 -1 0.001~1 0.0011 0.0011 9,500.0011 0.001 ~ 10/05/2017 All Dates 522,579,060.34 ~111, 720,973.361507,676,508.14 80,959,696.9311 0.001 ~ (Totals)


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[Department of State) [Division of Elections] [Candidates and Races) [Campaign Finance Information] 10/30/2017