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Bawadi, 2014 Page 1 of 13 CURRICULUM VITAE HIBA A Bawadi, 2014 Page 1 of 13 CURRICULUM VITAE HIBA A. BAWADI POSITION TITLE Associate Professor e-mail address: [email protected] EDUCATION/TRAINING DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY Nutrition and Food University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan B.S. 1997 Technology Jordan University of Science and Technology, M.S. 2000 Nutrition Irbid, Jordan Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Ph.D. 2004 Nutrition Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Ph.D. minor 2004 Epidemiology Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Ph.D. minor 2004 Experimental Statistics Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Postdoc 2004 Food Science American College of Nutrition FACN 2007 Nutrition A. POSITIONS AND HONORS 1997-2000 Teaching Assistant, University of Jordan 2002-2004 Graduate Research Assistant, Louisiana State University 2004-2009 Assistant Professor, Jordan University of Science and Technology 2009- present Associate Professor, Jordan University of Science and Technology Honors and Awards 1993-1997 Enrolled on the honor list of College of Agriculture at Jordan University of Science and Technology 1994 Outstanding Student Award, Jordan University of Science and Technology 1995 Outstanding Student Award, Jordan University of Science and Technology 1996 Outstanding Student Award, Jordan University of Science and Technology 1997 Outstanding Student Award, Honored by His Majesty the Late King of Jordan “Hussein Bin Talal”, Jordan University of Science and Technology 1997 Graduated with Honors and Ranked First among 50 students for the BS in Nutrition and Food Technology, Jordan University of Science and Technology 1997-1999 Assistantship from the University of Jordan to pursue a MS degree in Nutrition at Jordan University of Science and Technology 2001-2004 Scholarship from Jordan University of Science and Technology for Ph.D. study in Nutrition in the United States Bawadi, 2014 Page 2 of 13 2002-2004 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Food Science, Louisiana State University 2002 Harvey S. Lewis Travel Grant, School of Human Ecology, Louisiana State University 2003 Tom Quinn and Associates award, Institute of Food Technologists Gulf Coast Section. Research Paper Topic: “In vitro and in vivo inhibition of angiogenic differentiation by rice bioactive poly/peptides”. 2004 Guest Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL. July 12-16. Topic: “Diabetes, Angiogenesis, and Functional Foods”, Symposium #32 on “Angiogenesis and Functional Foods” 2004 First Prize Research Award, Institute of Food Technologists Gulf Coast Section. Research Paper Title: Targeting hypoxic tumor cells with vitamin K1 as a novel bio-reductive anti-angiogenic functional food 2004 Semi-finalist for IFT - Mark Bieber Student Paper Competition, 2004 Reseach Paper title: Efficacy of rhubarb-derived chrysophanic acid on hypoxic and normoxic cancer cells 2004 Semi-finalist, IFT Student Association/Phi Tau Sigma/Procter 2005 Nominee for Louisiana State University Outstanding Dissertation Award 2011 The distinguished female agricultural engineer award; Jordan Agricultural Engineers Association B. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Book Bawadi H., Takruri H., Tayyem R., Al-Shwayat N., and Al-Sahawneh S. Food Exchange system for common foods in Jordan and Arab world. 2009 Dar Al-Shoruk. Amman-Jordan. Tayyem R., Bawadi H., Osaili T.M., Handbook of healthy food preparation and storage. In Arabic. Dar Al-Amanahej. Amman-Jordan Book Chapter Losso J.N. and Bawadi H.A. Anti-angiogenic Proteins, Peptides, Amino Acids. In Nutraceutical Proteins and Peptides in Health and Disease. Mine Y. and Shahidi F. (eds.). 2006. Taylor and Francis Inc. Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications 1. Bawadi HA. Glycemic control differences across stages of change of three health- related behaviors among patients with type 2 diabetes. Primary Care Diabetes. Submitted. 2. Bawadi HA., Jdeed L., Barakat O., Banks AD., Tayyem R., Korakli M. 2013. Nutrition Knowledge among patients with type 2 diabetes in Syria: relation to body weight and glycemic control. Nutrition and Dietetics. Submitted. 3. Bawadi HA., Hamdan Z., Bawadi H., Tayyem RF., Obeidat B. Cultural beliefs and practices related to pregnancy and lactation in Jordan. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. submitted Bawadi, 2014 Page 3 of 13 4. Abu-Mweis SS., Tayyem RF., Bawadi HA., Musaiger AO. Al-Hazzaa HM. 2014. Eating habits, physical activity and sedentary adolescents residents of Amman. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Accepted. 5. Tayyem RF., Hazzaa HM., Abu-Mweis SS., Bawadi HA., Hammad SS., Musaiger A. 2014. Dietary habits, physical activity level among Jordanian adolescents attending private versus School. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. Accepted. 6. Tayyem RF., Dajani R., Khader Y., Abu-Mweis SS., Fatahallah R., Bawadi HA. 2014. Nutrients intake and lifestyle factors by diabetes status of Circassians and Chechans in Jordan. Ethnicity & Disease. Accepted. 7. Bawadi HA., Abu-Jamous D., Tayyem R.F. 2013. Evaluation of the dietary pattern of patients with type 2 diabetes in Northern Jordan: An inconvenient truth!. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. Doi: 10.1007/s13410-013-0149-8. In press. 8. Tayyem RF., Abu-Mweis SS., Bawadi HA., Agraib L., Bani-Hani K. 2013. Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess acronutrient and Micronutrient Intake among Jordanians. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2013.08.019. In press. 9. Tayyem R., Bawadi HA., Banks AB., Bayadoo F., Kassab M., Khriesat W. 2013. Association of college entrance exam with change in some lifestyle among adolescents. Nutrition & Food Science. 43 (6):573 – 581. 10. Kassab M., Khriesat WM., Bawadi HA., Anabrees J. Furosemide for transient tachypnoea of the newborn2013. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003064. 11. Al-Hamdan Z., Bawadi H., Bawadi HA., Mrayyan M. T. 2013. Nurse Managers’ Actions (NMAs) Scale to Promote Nurses’ Autonomy: Testing a New Research Instrument.‏ International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 3(8): 271-278. 12. Tayyem R., Abu-Mweis S., Bawadi HA. 2013. Low Self-Efficacy Lead to Failure in Adopting CHO-Counting Approach to Control Diabetes: Pilot Study. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (7): 651-654. 13. Tayyem RF., Shehadeh IN., Abumweis SS., Bawadi HA., Hammad SS., Bani-Hani KE., Al-Jaberi TM., Alnusair MM. 2013. Physical Inactivity, Water Intake and Constipation as Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer among Adults in Jordan. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention .14(9):5207-5212. 14. Osaili TM., Abu Jamous DO., Obeidat BA., Bawadi HA., Tayyem RF., Subih, HS. 2013. Food safety knowledge among food workers in restaurants in Jordan. Food Control. 31(1): 145-150.‏‏ 15. Al-Haifi AR., Al-Fayez MA., Al-Nashi B., Al-Athari BI., Bawadi HA., Musaiger AO.2012. Right Diet: a television series to combat obesity among adolescents in Kuwait. Journal of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity.5:205-212. 16. Bawadi HA., Banks AB., Ammari F., Tayyem R., Jebreen S. 2012. Stage of change of 6 health-related behaviors among patients with type 2 diabetes. Primary Diabetes Care. 6(4):319-327. 17. Bawadi HA. , Ammari F., Abu-Jamous D., Khader Y., Bataineh S., Tayyem R.F. 2012. Food insecurity deteriorates glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Clinical Nutrition. 31(2):250-254. Bawadi, 2014 Page 4 of 13 18. Bawadi HA., Tayyem R.F., Dwairy A.N., Al-Akour N. 2012. Prevalence of food insecurity among women in northern Jordan. Journal of Health population and Nutrition. 30(1):49-55. 19. Alakour N., Khader Y., Khassawneh M., Bawadi HA. 2012. Health-related quality of life of adolescents with overweight or obesity in the North of Jordan. Child: Care, Health and Development. 38(2):237-243. 20. Losso J., Bawadi HA. 2011. Inhibition of the Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products by Thymoquinone. Food Chemistry. 128(1): 55-61. 21. Al-Kuran K., Al-Mehaisen L., Bawadi HA., Beitawi S., Amarin Z. 2011. The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery: a prospective study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 31(1):29-31. 22. Osaili TM., Obeidat BA., Abu Jamous DO., Bawadi HA. 2011. Food safety knowledge and practices among college female students in north of Jordan. Food Control. 22(2): 269-276.‏ 23. Bawadi HA., Khader YS., Haroun TF., Alomari M., Tayyem RF. 2011. The association between periodontal disease, physical activity and healthy diet among adults in Jordan. Journal of Periodontal Research. 46(1):74-81. 24. Bawadi HA., Al-hamdan Z., Bawadi H., Ershidat O., Hammad F., Agraib L.2010. Cultural eating practices among Jordanians. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 3 (6):790-795. 25. Bawadi HA., Al-Kuran O., Al-Bastoni LA., Tayyem RF, Jaradat A., Tuuri G., Al- Beitawi S.N., Al-Mehaisen L.M. 2010. Gestational nutrition improves outcomes of vaginal deliveries in Jordan: an epidemiologic screening. Nutrition Research. 30(2):110- 117. 26. Tayyem RF., Bawadi H, Shawawreh A., Jad-Allah H., Abu-Oleim S., Khader Y. 2010. Changes in Eating Pattern among Jordanians.‏ Dirasat: Agricultural Sciences. 37(1):46 - 55. 27. Bawadi HA., Maghaydah SN., Tayyem RF. 2009. The Postprandial Hypoglycemic Activity of Fenugreek Seed and Seeds’ Extract in Type 2 Diabetics: A Pilot Study. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 4(18): 134-138. 28. Bawadi HA., Al-Shwayat N., Tayyem RF., Mekary R., Tuuri G. 2009. Developing a food exchange list for Middle Eastern appetizers and desserts commonly consumed in Jordan. Nutrition and Dietetics. 66:20-26. 29. Bawadi HA. book review "Caring for Muslim Patients". 2nd Edition. Nutrition & Dietetics 2009; 66 (In Press). 30. Khader YS., Bawadi HA., Haroun TF., Alomari M., Tayyem R.F. 2009. The Association between periodontal disease and obesity among adults in Jordan. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 36(1):18-24. 31. Tayyem R.F., Bawadi HA, Salameh M. 2008. Dietary and Physical Activity Profiles of a Sample of College. Journal of Jordan Agriculture Sciences. 4(1):52-63. 32. Tayyem RF., Mrayyan M., Heath D., Bawadi H. 2008. Assessment of Nutritional Status among ESRD Patients in Jordanian Hospitals.
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