1988 Spring – Mallon – “Transition To

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1988 Spring – Mallon – “Transition To UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Department of History Spring 1988 History 730 Florencia E. Mallon Transition to Capitalism and Nation-State Formation in Ninetee."1.th-GenttL.""'Y Latin Arnerica Desc:ription: Considered before to be one of the "backwaters'' of historical research, wb.ere traditional political and military history reigned supreme, t."le nineteenth century is now emerging as one of the periods in Latin American history with the greatest potential for theoretical and methodological innovation. For roughly the last decade, an unusually large and creative amount of work has appeared. Inspired in the debates around world systems and dependen~f t."leory, articulation of modes of production and the transition to capitalism, much of this litera~~e is also informed by the desire to illuminate the faces of the common folk, reclaiming their e~riences as they confronted the integration of their societies and economies into the modern world capitalist system. Yet as the contributions of this new literature have taken shape, so have its weaknesses. As authors attempted to apply fraiTeworks broadly informed by Marxist class analysis, their inabili~J fully to explain gender, ethnic and political/ ideological dimensions became more apparent. With these problems has also come a crisis in theory; some historians now hesitate to reach broader conclusions. Where is the field going? Through discussion of common and supplementary readings and written critical reviews, we will attempt to delineate some initial answers. Reauirome!l.ts 1) Active participation in class. The seminar's success depends on it! 2) Two short revi~H essays (7-10 pp. each), each one assessing a sample of the literature available for one of the weekly topics. Each student will pick two topics/weeks from weeks 2-13 of the syllabus. Then each week, the students responsible for reviews will also elaborate a study guide of discussion questiors in consultation with the professor. This study guide will be typed and copied and available to the other students by the Monday of the semhiar week. 3) The review essays will be due two weeks after the discussion of that topic. Copies will be made available to the other students so that everyone can be familiar with the broadest amount of literature. 4) The last two weeks of discussion will be a kind of "grab bag" of issues and loose ends. Everyone is encouraged to save up questions, gripes, doubts, etc. for consideration at that point--though of History 730 Spring 1988 Mallon page 2 course that will not be the only time they can be discussed! The discJSsion for the last week will be based e..xclusively on people's s~ggestions, wit~ no assigned reading. 5 ) Grading: Class participation: 50% Review Essays: 25% eac~ SCHEDULE OF CLASS MEETINGS AND READINGS: Week 1- January 20- Introduction Reading: Florencia E. Mallon, "Editor's Int:::"oduction," Latin America's Nineteenth Centurv Histo~1, Special Issue of Latin American Persoectives, XIII: 1 (Winter 1986), pp. 3-13. Sunolementarv: As a general resource, the Cambridge Histo~f of Latin America, eel. Leslie Be~~ell, Vols. I:I-V, covers different aspects of t~e nineteenth cenbxrt and provides some additional bibliography. If used advisedly (some authors wrote new, stnthetic essays while others serJed up "rewarmed" old materials), it can be quite useful. ALSO: 1) In the Hisoanic American Historical Review, 65:4 (.November 1985 ) , historiographical essays by E::-ic Van Your.g, Job.n J. Jchr.scn, and David Bushnell Lst and variously analyze the e..xisting historical literature for Me..xico/ Cer.t:::-al America, Latin Arr.erica, and South America (respective 1y) . 2) William Taylor, "Between Global Process and Loca2. Knowledge: An Inqui:;:-y into E3rly Latin American Socia2. History, 1500-1900," in ~eliving the Past: 'TI;.e Worlds of Social History, ed. Olivier Zunz (Chapel Hill: Univer­ sity of North Caroli~B Press), pp. 115-90, gives a good overJiew of the nineteenth century. 3) David Bushnell and Neill Macaulay, The Emergence of Latin Arrerica in the Nineteenth Centu_ry, NeN York: Oxford University Press, 1987, is a new te..xt that claims to incorporate the new research. Worth a look, I suspect, though I haven't given one yet ... UNIT I- SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSITIONS Week 2- January 27- Social Conflict and the World-System Reading: Walter Rodney, A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881-1905 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981). History 730 Spring 1988 Mallon page 3 Sunplementary: James, C.L.R., The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'OUverture and the San Domingo Revolution, 2nd. Rev. Ed., Ne<N York: Vintage Books, 1963. Mintz, Sidney W., "The So-Galled World System: Local Initiative and Local Response, " Dialectical Anthronol­ ggy, 2:4 (Nov. 1977), pp. 253-70. ________________ , SWeetness and Power: The Place of SUgar in Modern History, Ne<N York: Penguin, 1985. ----------------, "Was the Plantation Slave a Proletarian?" Review, 2:1 (Summer 1978), pp. 81-98. Mintz, Sidney W. , and Richard Price, An Anthropaloaical Approach to the Afro-American ?ast: A Caribbean Perspec­ tive, Philadelphia: ISHI Occasional Papers in Social Change, #2, 1976. Price, Richard (ed. ) , ~.aroon Societies : Rebel Slave Coii!Il1CL."1ities in the Americas, 2nd. Ed., Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Radical History Review, Issue 27: Colonialism and Resistance {1983 ) . Schwartz, Stuart B. , "India11. Lal:or a1'1.d Ne<N War ld Plantations: European Demands and Indian Responses in Northeastern Brazi 1, " Alr.er ican :lister ical Review, 83 : 3 (June 1978 ) , pp. 43-79 . Stern, Steve J. , "Feudalism, Capitalism, and the World-System in the Perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean, " American Historical Review, fort.'J.coming. Wolf, Eric R., Eurooe and the Peonle Without History, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Week 3- February 3- The Rise and Decline of Slave-Based Export Economies Reading: Stanley J. Stein, Vassouras: A Brazilian Coffee County, 1850-1900, 2nd. Ed., Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. Week 4- February 10- The Transition from Slavery to "Free" Labor History 730 Spring 1988 Mallon page 4 Reading: Rebecca Scott, Slave Emancioation in CUba: The Transi­ tion from Slaverv to Free Labor, 1860-1899, Princeton: Princeton Universi~J Press, 1986. Sunolementarv for Weeks 3 and 4 : Conrad, Robert, The Destruction of Brazilian Slaverv, 1850-1888, Berkeley: University of California ?ress, 1972. DaCosta, Emilia Viotti, Da Se~ala a Colonia, Sao Paulo: Difusao Europeia do Livro, 1966; 2nd. Ed., Sao Paulo, 1982. Dean, Warren, Rio Claro: A Brazilian Plantation System, 1820-1920, Stanford: Stanford Universi~J Press, 1976. Genovese, Eugene D., The World the Slaveholders Made: Two Essavs in Interpretation, New York: Pantheon, 1969. ~~1ight, Franklin W., Slave Society in ~~ba during t he Nineteenth Cen~-y, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970. Martinez-Alier, Vere~~' ~arriaae, Class and Colour in Nineteent!-1-Ge!:t'.'.,...l Cub2.: A Study of Racial Attitudes and Saxual Values in a Slave Society, New York: Cambridge UniversiDJ PTess, 1974. More~o Fraginals, Manuel, El inaenio: el ccmnleio ec ~n6mico social G~b~no de ~ a_7Qcar, 3 Vo ls., Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1978. -------------------------, TD~ SUaarmill: The Socioecono- mic Comnlex of s-~car in Cuba. 1760-1860, trans. Cedric Belfrage, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1976. ~..oreno Fraginals, Manuel, Frank Maya Pons, and Stanley L. Enge:!:'!nan, Between Slaverv and Free Labor: The Spanish-Speaking car:.bbean in the Nineteer.th Century, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Universi~J Press, 1985 . Scarano, Francisco, Sugar w..d Slavery in Puerto Rico: The Plantation Economy of Ponce, 1800-1850, ~~dison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. Taplin, Robert Brent, The Abolition of Slavery in Brazil, New York: Atheneum, 1975. History 730 Spring 1988 Mallon page 5 Week 5- February 17- The Limitatior~ of Kxr~rt Production Reading: Earbar3. Weinstei..'1., The Arr.azon Rubber Boom, 1820-1920, St2nford: Stanford University Press, 1983. Suoolementarv: Bergad, Laird, Coffee and the Growth of Agrariar. Capitalism in Nineteenth-Cen~~~ Puerto Rico, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983. Bro~~ID, Jor.athan C. , A Socioeconomic History of ~xgentina, 1776-1860, London and New York: Cambridge University P~ess, 1979. Eisenberg, Peter, The Suaar Industr{ in Pernambuco: Modernization Without Change, 1840-1910, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Frank, Andre Gunder, Caoi talism and Underdevelopment in Latin America, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969. Platt, D.C.M., "Deper.dency in Nineteenth-Century Latin America: An Historian Objects," Latin American Research Review, 15:1 (Winter 1980), pp. 113-30. Roset:er:::y, ~villiam, Coffee al!.d Capital ism in t~e Ver.e=uelar. Andes, Austin: Universi~J of Texas Press, 1983. Scobie, James R., Re'JOl'2":ion on the Panpas: A Social History of P..xgentine wheat I 186G_:-19l0 . A'C.Stin: Univer­ si"::y of Texas ?ress, 1964. Wells, Allen, Yucata!J. 1 S Gilded Aqe: Haciendas, Heneauen, and Internatior.al Harvester, 1860-1915, Albuquerque: University of New ~~ico Press, 1985. week 6- Febr~ 24- Social Conflict and the Transition to Capitalism Readinq: F lorene ia E. ~.all on, The Defe!'.Se of Cormnuni ty in Peru 1 s Central Hiahlands : Pe~cant St~agle and Caoitalist Transition, 1860-1940, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983. Supplementary: Andrade, Manuel Correia de, The Land and People of Northeast Brazil, trans. Dennis V. Johnson, Albuquerque: University of New ~xico Press,l980. Bauer, Arnold J. , Chilean Rural Society from the Spanish History 730 Spring 1988 Mallon page 6 Conquest to 1930, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Bergquist, Charles, Labor in Latin Ame~ica: Comoarative Essays on Chile, Arge!1t.ii1a, Ve!1ezuela, and Colombia, Stanford: Stanford Universi~i ~ess, 1986. Cohen, Robin, Peter C. ~~. Gutk.ind, and Phyllis Brazier (eds), Peasants and Proletarians: The Struggles of Third World Workers , N~~ York: Mon~~ly Review Press, 1979.
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