Controversy and Conflict () The world is full of controversy and conflict. Every headline seems to present a new debate inviting us to take up its cause. Acts 15 presents the most hotly debated issue of the early church, a controversy that had to be dealt with. The issue came down to what was necessary for salvation. Some believed (and were preaching) that faith in plus something else was necessary. Today, many live as if that’s true. The controversy was settled in Acts 15, but it needs to be settled again, in our own hearts.

1. Controversy that needed to be settled (Acts 15:1-21) Men came down from Judea () and were teaching, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of , you cannot be saved.” This is a debate about salvation, identity and covenant fulfillment. Circumcision was the identity marker for Israel for centuries. Galatians 2:11-14 VV6-19 known as “The Jerusalem Council” Peter speaks up. No distinction. Not us + them. We’re cleansed by faith. Don’t place a yoke (burden) no one has been able to bear. Jesus + ______? What more could we add? Jesus is the only “badge of membership” “identity marker” we need. and Paul speak up. James speaks up. 9:11-12 = “This isn’t plan B!” Acts 15:19-21 The final conclusion.

2. Comfort for unsettled minds (Acts 15:22-35) Paul and Barnabas sent back to with a letter backed up w/ Judas (Barsabbas) and . VV23-29 = “You don’t need to “put on Judaism” but you do need to putt off certain practices common among those who don’t know Jesus.” A call to personal holiness, to live within your context with wisdom and love, mindful of others around you. They lived in a culture where sex with a stranger, sex with a group, sex as a form of worship at pagan temples was the norm. What practices are you justifying because it’s “the norm” within culture?

3. Conflict that couldn’t be settled (Acts 15:36-41) You can love someone and so disagree with them (in practice) it pushes you to go your separate ways. Agreed on the most essential issue (), disagreed on a non-essential issue. Find comfort (again or for the first time) in the sufficiency of Jesus.

QUESTIONS (Pray, read the passage and pick 4-5 questions to discuss. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide.) 1. Read Acts 15:1-11. Describe the controversy. What is at stake? 2. What approach do followers of Jesus in Antioch decide to take to solve the issue? 3. How does Peter present the case from his viewpoint? (VV6-11) 4. In Acts 15:16-18 James quotes Amos 9:11-12. How does this passage address the controversy head on and sum up the convictions of the apostles? 5. The letter they sent out (VV23-29) has a double emphasis: no needful circumcision but also no needless offense. It’s a call to personal holiness but also a call to live within their context with wisdom and love. Why do you think the church was so encouraged by this letter? 6. They lived in a culture where sex with a stranger, sex with a group, sex as a form of worship at pagan temples was the norm. What practices might we be tempted to justify because they’re “the norm” within our culture? 7. What is necessary for salvation? It’s a question every generation of Jesus followers has to answer. Why are we so tempted to try and add something – a requirement of some kind, a performance, good works? What does say about the finished work of Jesus for us on the cross?

Just because this controversy was settled in your heart at one time (if it ever was settled), doesn’t mean you won’t wrest with it again. Have you reverted to a “performance” mentality in your walk with Jesus? Is your mind unsettled? Find comfort (again or for the first time) in the sufficiency of Jesus. Take time to pray for each other, speaking words of encouragement over each other. Words rooted in the truth of Jesus and what he accomplished.