Step out

Management Committee meeting 05

Minutes of the Step out Sheffield Management Committee held at SCC Moorfoot Offices, at 2:15pm on Monday 24th April 2017

1 Attendees and Apologies for Absence:


Sue Lee SL VWL (various walks) Chair and Cascade Trainer Richard Lee RL VWL (Graves Park, Woods) Website Manager Sharon Cassinelli SC VWL (Richmond) Secretary Nigel Ross NR VWL (various walks) Funding Manager Area Link (West) Tony Oxley TO VWL (Graves Park, Porter Valley) Area Link (East) Janet Hilbert JH VWL (Handsworth) Francis Feeley FF VWL () Area Link (North)


Malcolm Hill MH VWL (Owlthorpe) Dan Murphy DM VWL (Graves Park) Database Manager Diz Feeley DF VWL (Pitsmoor) Treasurer Kirsty Armstrong KA VWL (Norfolk Park) DrinkWise AgeWell Ruth Rigby RR Walking for Health Eileen Fawcett EF VWL () Guest Jeni Smith JS VWL (Ecclesall Woods) Area Link (South West)

2 Approval of Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting (Management Committee Meeting 04 dated 30th January 2017) were accepted for accuracy and agreed as a correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Tony Oxley, Seconded by Francis Feeley.

3 Matters arising not covered by the Agenda

From minute 5 – ‘Donate button’-RL. Only two WfH groups are registered as charities and neither currently operates a donate button. Their website is not exclusively about health walks.

From minute 8 - ‘Publicity Team report’ -Result of Ramblers competition - SL. Ramblers have been in contact to say we have won. Thanks were noted by the Committee for the Ramblers support. The presentation will be made at a Ramblers Roadshow in Surrey on 13th May. SL & RL to attend.

FF drew attention to the fact that the 5-year sponsorship agreement with Ramblers for WfH is due to expire in March 2018. We need to be aware that a change of sponsorship means a change of logos.

4 Database Report There are still issues where Data Inputters are not using the drop-down box to change the Leaders from ‘Walkers’ to ‘Volunteers’, resulting in a significant underestimation of volunteer hours. DM had circulated Information Exchange Bulletin No 2 to address this issue.

Minutes MCM 05 on 24.04.17-SLL Report from Area Links

West: NR reported an increase in numbers and no problems at any of the walks other than a minor data input problem that DM is sorting. Bramall Lane Walk has benefited from an increasing number of walkers from the Chinese Community Centre who now also attend the Forge Dam walk.

North: FF acknowledged the benefits of linking with geographically accessible walks.

NR suggested that a list of VWLs and the walks they would be prepared to provide emergency cover for would be useful. SL to circulate all VWLs and draw up a list for links to use.

5 Fund Raising Report

Summary accounts and Financial Annual Report had been circulated prior to the meeting. NR confirmed that since the last meeting, we had received £200 from Tenants and Residents Association to support the Stannington walk in the purchase of fleeces, first aid kits etc. Donation acknowledged and balance to be ring-fenced in the accounts .

Because of the reserves in the bank, and the Lottery funding for year 2, it is unlikely that we will qualify for major Trust funding in the current financial year. NR will apply to the National Lottery again this year and he will continue to seek funding for replacement fleeces and first aid kits, as these are over and above normal operational costs. SL suggested that we look into supplying polo shirts for VWLs who wanted a summer ‘uniform’. She feels the green fleeces and hi-vis vests are effectively a walking advert for Step out Sheffield.

During the next financial year, it is intended to shift the emphasis from raising immediate cash payments to securing longer term funding from Sheffield NHS and the SCC-funded department of public health. NR wants walks and walkers to continue to make direct contributions to Step out Sheffield as we rely on this funding to support volunteer events.

The full Accounts have been submitted for scrutiny and will be available in time for the AGM.

6 AGM/Next Quarterly Network Meeting 15th May 2017

SC had received 42 acceptances and 15 apologies. The invitation will now be extended to walkers on a first-come-first serve basis, via the Area Links.

One valid nomination had been received for each of the three offices, therefore no election needed. 10 valid nominations had been received for the 10 committee places. There is no need for an election. KA’s future role discussed. SL proposed that Kirsty be co-opted as the representative for DrinkWise AgeWell. Proposal seconded by NR and carried unanimously. KA to use her position on the committee to help Step out Sheffield develop partnerships with other organizations.

SL to confirm booking arrangements for the venue with VAS a.s.a.p. SC organizing refreshments. Speakers: Andy Picken from Move More to talk about how SoS fits with the local social prescribing policy and Ruth Rigby for WfH speaking about how SoS fits within the national WfH programme.

7. Safety Officers Report

NR said that since the last meeting one Safety Bulletin had been issued and two accident reports, relating to minor incidents, received. A First Aid course was delivered on 20th April and a meeting with the trainer had been arranged to organize a course at Handsworth.

NR requested that all ‘Near Miss’ accidents be reported in order that he can take measures to ensure that type of occurrence doesn’t happen again.

8 Website Update

RL has redesigned the website. Walks are now on a day-based calendar, reflecting the Walking for Health website. Bramall Lane walk details have been added together with a ‘Volunteer’ tab. A link to a Radio Sheffield broadcast from Ecclesall Woods has also been added. The site has received 5,850 hits since it was established, with 2850 of those in the last 3 months.

9 Publicity Team Report

JH and the team plan to meet after the AGM to organize SoS attendance at local events. Maralyn Guthrie and Peter Claxton have offered to showcase Step out Sheffield at forthcoming events and have each requested leaflets.

The Messenger article, set up by FF was acknowledged by the Committee. SL had provided material for David Bocking from the Star at his request.

The Star is running an 8 page supplement in May to promote Move More Month. SL has provided copy for this already and has also offered to deliver a health walk from the front door of the Move More Clinical Assessment Unit at Graves every Friday morning in June as part of the ongoing partnership development with Move More.

10 Training Update (VWL courses, First Aid etc and new VWL training)

First Aid Training: a minimum of four places available on a Red Cross course provided by DrinkWise AgeWell on Monday 12th June.

Dementia Awareness Training: Two courses (morning and afternoon), also kindly provided by DrinkWise AgeWell to take place on Monday 15th May. Course facilitated by Grace Stead from Enrichment for the Elderly. To sign up contact [email protected]

Volunteer Walk Leader Training: Friday 16th June 2017. Activity Sheffield will help to run a roll-on course to promote a ‘Walking to…’ initiative (interviews, shops, the next bus stop etc). ….Walking for Purpose, graduates can claim expenses back.

11 Partnerships Review and Move More Month June 2017

SL reported that development work was really beginning to take off and gave a breakdown of this week’s events by way of example: Monday Photoshoot in organized by SCC communications team with walkers. Tuesday SL addressing an employee meeting at Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group. Wednesday 1. Move More event at Meadowhall. 9 VWLs involved in the launch of the new Move More app. 2 NR & TO taking stand and leaflets to a SYTPE meeting at Avia to promote exercise. Thursday NR taking stand and leaflets to a Cancer Awareness event, English Institute for Sport. Friday SL radio interview with Radio Sheffield (Norfolk Park walkers also involved).

Move More month…See item No. 9.

SYH Appeal for Partnership Working

Adam Batty’s communication with suggestions of how Step out Sheffield could possibly partner with Housing to help increase the number of isolated people on our walks had been circulated and was discussed at the meeting.

It was agreed by everyone present that we are a completely voluntary organization, providing an important community service on a tiny budget. Members all felt that it was unlikely that our volunteers would want to take on a bigger commitment. NR suggested it wasn’t our role, as volunteers ourselves, to find volunteers for a partner organization. SL suggested that the way forward might be to invite SYHA staff to attend walks and speak to the walkers about possibly training to become walking ambassadors. SL proposed she write to Adam Batty inviting SYH staff to our walks to do their own recruiting. Motion seconded by FF and carried unanimously. RL pointed out that if SYH want a presence on our web site that’s fine but this should be a reciprocal arrangement.

12 VWL Quarterly Networking Event August 2017

Suggested venue Firth Park Bowling Club. SL to investigate and report to next mini meeting.

13 Walks Under Development (Bramall Lane and Clinical Centres)

TO reported that the Bramall Lane walk is going well. Numbers have increased to 14/15 and are building up nicely. The support of Sheffield Community Foundation staff was acknowledged.

Anna Scislowska’s walk is still taking place with 3-5 walkers each week.

SL is in discussion with staff at the three Clinical Assessment Centres (Thorncliffe, Concorde and Graves) who are all very keen to get health walks started from their doorsteps. They are hugely supportive and are actively helping to recruit volunteers to help lead the walks. Activity Sheffield and Move More are also helping.

14 Northern College Residential Courses (In the absence of DM – item not discussed.)

15 Any Other Business:

NR raised the question of mileage expenses for those using private vehicles for Committee business. It was agreed by the Committee, proposed at the going rate of 45p/mile by NR and seconded by SL.

Sympathy cards had been researched and a suitable supplier and price agreed by the Committee of £150/100 cards. Ideas for wording and for copy (walkers through bluebell woods) was approved. TO, SL and NR to progress and report to next mini meeting.

KA raised the point to the Secretary about the walking routes for Bramall Lane and it was agreed there would be more than one walk option offered when there were sufficient leaders and the choice of walk would be announced beforehand so the walkers could choose which route to take.

DrinkWise AgeWell are organising a day trip for VWLs and walkers. This trip is to Elsecar Heritage Centre on 25/6/17 travelling by train from Sheffield Midland station. Further details to follow in due course.

The Officers and Committee Members attending, would like to acknowledge the standing down of the original Steering Group/Committee Members that have not responded to the invitation to Nominate for the next year and thank them all for their input and support during the first successful, operational year of Step out Sheffield.

16 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting:

It was agreed that the next Management Committee meeting would be held on Monday 24th July 2017, at 2:00pm, venue to be confirmed. The meeting closed at 3.45pm.