Effects of a Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Increase in the Magnetosphere and in the Ionosphere
Ann. Geophys., 28, 1945–1959, 2010 www.ann-geophys.net/28/1945/2010/ Annales doi:10.5194/angeo-28-1945-2010 Geophysicae © Author(s) 2010. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Effects of a solar wind dynamic pressure increase in the magnetosphere and in the ionosphere L. Juusola1,2, K. Andréeová3, O. Amm1, K. Kauristie1, S. E. Milan4, M. Palmroth1, and N. Partamies1 1Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland 2Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway 3Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Received: 12 February 2010 – Revised: 20 August 2010 – Accepted: 20 October 2010 – Published: 27 October 2010 Abstract. On 17 July 2005, an earthward bound north-south eral ground-based magnetometer networks (210 MM CPMN, oriented magnetic cloud and its sheath were observed by the CANMOS, CARISMA, GIMA, IMAGE, MACCS, Super- ACE, SoHO, and Wind solar wind monitors. A steplike in- MAG, THEMIS, TGO) were used to obtain information on crease of the solar wind dynamic pressure during northward the ionospheric E ×B drift. Before the pressure increase, a interplanetary magnetic field conditions was related to the configuration typical for the prevailing northward IMF con- leading edge of the sheath. A timing analysis between the ditions was observed at high latitudes. The preliminary sig- three spacecraft revealed that this front was not aligned with nature coincided with a pair of reverse convection vortices, the GSE y-axis, but had a normal (−0.58,0.82,0). Hence, the whereas during the main signature, mainly westward convec- first contact with the magnetosphere occurred on the dawn- tion was observed at all local time sectors.
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