July 2008 (Volume 14, Number 7) Entire Issue
July 2008 Volume 17, No. 7 www.aps.org/publications/apsnews APS NEWS Election Preview A PublicAtion of the AmericAn PhysicAl society • www.APs.org/PublicAtions/APsnews Page 6 2008 US Physics Team Training Camp: Sights Set on Vietnam By Nadia Ramlagan brightest, most disciplined high tial nominee John Kerry. Students school physics students in the also presented a physics‑related Richard Berg of the University United States. Five of these stu‑ toy to their own Senators and of Maryland is standing on top dents will be chosen to represent Representatives. of a desk, one arm outstretched the US at the 67th International “Only special kids get to this and grasping a slinky. The bottom Physics Olympiad July 20‑29 in level of math and physics, they end isn’t touching the ground. Hanoi, Vietnam. have to push themselves. This What happens to the bottom end The daily routine is intensive, means doing extra problems on if the upper end is released? An studying physics from 8:00 a.m. to their own time. The most reward‑ eager group of hands shoots up 9:30 p.m. “I wish we could sleep ing aspects of this experience in the air. Welcome to the 2008 in at least one day,” says Tucker are interacting with the kids, and US Physics Team training camp. Chan, a senior from Princeton pushing them further intellectu‑ The students were responding to High School in Princeton, NJ. ally. Many times they push you,” Berg’s question during his phys‑ The week consists of 5 mystery says coach David Jones, an in‑ ics IQ test lecture, one of the labs, 7 exams, and daily lectures structor at Florida International many entertaining but challeng‑ on oscillations, waves, relativity, University and high school teach‑ ing events the team will experi‑ and thermodynamics.
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