M $79.82M Budget Moved Along Party Lines
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16-M ANOffiSTER HERALD. Wednesday. May 1.1991 KIT-N-CARLYLE by UnyWrtgN | 88 TAD SALES 9 1 CARS FOR SALE 3 FAMILY-Computers, IMPALA-1980. Power furniture, books, Steering, power brakes clothes. Much morel 56 power windows, air Lenox St. May 4th, conditioning. Runs M good. Body in good 8am-3pm. shape. High mileage. C f p r n s i GIANT TAG SALE-Rain or Asking $450 or best shine. 5/4 and 5/5. offer. Cash o r bank \HB t> o H r CMfc- L A W N CARE PAINTING/ CARPENTRY/ HEATING/ 10am-4pm. Contents of chock. 649-4379. PAPERING REMODELING PLUMBING house includes furniture, antiques, PLYMOUTH-VOYAGER large and small S E 1987 59K, air, AM/ YARDMASTERS KITCHEN a BATH REMODELING InstaMion and Repiaosment WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. appliances, household FM, luggage rack. Nice I Spring Clean-Up Quality work at a Visit our beautilul showroom or call lor ofOAGas&dectric your free estimate. items, bedding and $7000. 643-7064. Lawns, Bushes, Trees Cut. reasonable pricel -Water H e ^ more. 269 Abby Rd., S, Yards, gutters, garages Interior & Exterior HERITAGE k it c h e n & BATH CENTER ■Warm Air Funaces Windsor. No early birds Free Estimates cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appli 254 Broad Street -Boiers please. Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper ances Removed. Carpentry, Call Brian Weigle Manchester WUson ON Company Newsstand: 350 - Home: 300 Hauling, Back hoe Work. NEIGHBORHOOD TAG Thursday, May 2,1991 645- 8912 __________ 649-5400__________ 6466393 BOB RILEY Any Job Considered. SALE-Ansaldi Heights, Wells St., Battista Rd. OLDSMOBI£VOU(SWAGEN MARTY MATTSSON CUSTOM QUAUTY NO JOB TOO SMALL , Friday, Saturday, May 3 259 ADAMS 8T„ MAIKNE8TER Call 643-9996 One stop Improvements. Instant Servlce/Free Estimates and 4 .8am-4pm. Painting Interior/Exterior Framing to Painllng. Bath/KItchen Remodeling 649-1749 $79.82m budget moved along party lines HtENOraiAWN a TREE 8 B IV K £ Wallpapering Licensed & Insured. One Call Does It All SB WANTED TO B U T/ Inside Today. te now Moosptin0 mowing nooounto 30 Years Experience B.B.B. Member By BRIAN M. TROTTA tor thi* lamn MMon. 30 Years Experience ‘TRADE_______ SPECIAL PURCHASE so-called average taxpayer, who owns a house assessed at $3,097,468, over the cunent year. C 1M1 by NCA. Inc. Can Dave Adamick for a free quote. e Lawn Cut S Trim References, Insured M&M Plumbing & Heating 1991 Manchester Herald $1(X),4I0 and two cars assessed at $7,8(X), by about $90. Superintendent of Schools James P. Kennedy said that a spe • Formal Hadga Trimming 645-6523 WANTED-(3ood used fur e Troaa S Slmiba Planted 649-4431 6432871 Republican figures show that average taxpayer will pay $276 cial meeting of the Board of Education will be held Monday at ■ Zoning denies excavation 3 4 HOMES FOR RENT 3 5 STORE Sc OFFICE e Pruning 0 Spot Saadira • Farillzer niture, bedroom set, CU TLA SS C ALAIS in additional taxes this year, but would have paid an additional e VagaliMa Qardana Roto-Tilad dresser, dinette set and MANCHEST^ — In a series of party-line votes, the 7 pjn at the Board of Education building, at which time he proposal...................Rage 3. SPACE e Drivowaya Saalad G.L McHUGH PAimiNG RICK'S HANDYMAN crib. Call 524-8824. 2&4DOORS Republican majority on the Board of Directors Wednesday $366 if the revaluation was fully implemented in one year. MANCHESTER-Available ftaa W H U ti rartmatoa would recommend where the cuts should be made. Interior/Extsflor Painllng / ^ o p t e d a $79.82 million budget for the 1991-92 fiscal year. With the phase-in, the value of the town’s Grand List as of Nowl Remodeled 4 MANCHESTER-Store/ 645-1312 CARPEN TRY SERVICE ROOFING/ M)ur Choice Kennedy said most, but not all, of the cuts would come from Dsckt. Additions. Rsmodsiing. October 1,1990, is $1,368,957,167. Thus, the value of one mill ■ Common Sense Coalition bedroom Colonial Commercial use. Main Wallpapering - Paper removal 9 1 CARS FOR SALE ‘ a list he made earlier this year in which he detailed the cuts re Ceilings repaired and replaced Rspairi, Shsstrook SIDING The budget contains a 4.1-percent increase in general fund criticized.................Page 3. Cape. Appliances, wall St. near Center St. 646- * Also Cissning A Hsuing is $1,368,957. The budget requires $54,063,163 in tax dollars quired to k e ^ the education spending under 6 percent. BUICK-1984 Century, 4 $ 9,995 spending, and an overall increase of 3.6 percent. Both figures to wall, huge family 2426, 9am-5pm. Spring CiMnup, Dtihatching, Serving Hrxiie Owners East ot the Ssnioc Cftiisn discount to be raised, making the gener^ fund tax rate 40.28 mills. Democratic Minority Leader Stephen Cassano asked the room with fireplace, Lawn Mowing, Edging, H»dg# River Since 1975 tnsurod *- Rsisronoss LIONEL C0T£ door sedan. 78K miles. Many Others are well below the 6-percent cap Republicans set in January. Additional tax rates for the South Manchester Fire District 646-IMt N e w tires. Asking Republicans if they would be willing to compromise and ■ Groups announce busi laundry room and more. Trimming, U ^Tn JcM n g , Etc. Call today kx your estimate ROOFING & SIDING To Choose From “It’s Just a good conservative budget," said Republican Special Fund and the Special Taxing District were set at 5.48 $975. 646-4144 or 643- $1500. 649-4865. reduce the amount of the cut to $275,000. ness plan................. Page3. ProSeBional Bpbmeiti 6439321 •30 Years Experience Mayor Terry Werkhoven. “It’s one that we, and hopefiiUy the and 8.81 mills, respectively. 0909. administration, can live with.” “I would be willing to cut if I have to," Cassano said. “As 38 OARAGES ft Deoendable ■Fully Insured CHEVROLET-1973 El 92 TRUCKS A; VANS The Board of Education Budget was again the major source MANCHESTER-6 Room STORAGE HOME Camino. For parts or The Republicans also passed a resolution providing for a long as you’re willing to reduce that cuL” TDM PAINTING & ■License # 506737 FOR SALE of controversy. The Republicans passed a $49,113,478 budget Cape near hospital and •■■BMMHaaHaMWHMwanHaaaHaaiM Ray Hardy 646-7973 IMPROVEMENT restore. $175/best otter. three-year phase-in of the recent revaluation of real property. But Cassano was rebuffed by Deputy Mayor Ronald Osella high school. 3 MANCHESTER-Laurel WALLCOVERING 646-9564 . 643-6386 after 5pm. which includes the $550,000 cut that they first proposed last News FORD-1979, FI 50, 460 The phase-in will reduce the impact of the revaluaition on the Bedrooms. $950 a Street, garage for rent. .A . HOME IMPROVEMENT week. Education spending will increase by 6.73 percent, or Complete interior & exterior CORVETTE-1979. Com- Engine. Automatic C6 Please see BUDGET, page 8. month. Ken, 643-1442. 646-7268. Specializing in: pletely restored in and wallpapering transmission. $600/best In Brief Get the Interior ■ Exterior Restorations out. Loaded. otter. 643-6386 after 5. 646- 1894 Interior ■ Exterior Painting AIR Imm aculate, all Want Ad habit... Bathroom & KHdien Remodeling PURIFICATION receipts. Tan with TOYOTA-1986 4x4, AM/ Fully Insured Free Estimates FM cassette, 5 speed. Transplant baby ______________________ LEGAL NOTICES ______________________ read and use the ifttie ads Framing Decks ■ Sheds ■ Garages leather interior. Paul, ELIMINATE THOSE ODORS 243-7855 or 646- Excellent condition, UN preparing in Oaseified regUariy. ACall and ask about our spring dies of virus 50K miles. $6000. 647- B O B -JO B IN specials From Ybur Home, Car, ONfoet 3383.Asking $10,000. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF 643-2711 e Tobaeeo Smoke 1231. WINDSOR (AP) — A 13- INLAND WETLANDS PUBUC HEARING PAINTING, INC. Fully Insured FreeEslimalee • Cooking Reeidue FORD MUSTANG GT- • Clw m i^ a Painl Fume* month-old Windsor girl who un Bolton Planning Commis- This is my lull time business. 645-1439 1983. Standard. T - AP R IL 8,1991 sion will hold a public hearing • Muoty Odom - Mold and Miktow Tops. $3500 or best 93 CAMPERS ft derwent two liver transplants • FERTIUZINQ CEILINGS SPRAY navHallai your Indoor anvlronnwm. TRAILERS Gulf expenses died in Pittsburgh Children’s At the regular meeting of the a* 7:30 PM VWadnesday May offer. 528-1072. • UMNO TEXTURED JAMES PLOURDE A ASSOCUTES Andover Inland Wetlands 8, 1991 at the Bolton Town (wHh much paint added) 647-8087 Hospital of a virus that attacked Commission on Monday, /^ril Hall. The public hearing is for • MOWING 1984-YELLOWSTONE CEIUNO CONVENTIONAL MASONRY UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Gulf War. The total number of her lungs, liver and kidneys. 8, 1991, the following was un- an application by Lawrence Ifti that time of the year againi CARDINAL PARK MODEL. 38 X PAINTINQ U.N. Secretary-General and his staff claimants could be staggering. “The hard part is she finally animously approved Fiano for a resubdivision ot KEN'S LAWN SERVICE K & R MASONRY 12. Winter package. 25 INTERIOR PAINnNG aick, (ton* corxxet* poHoi & BUICK, INC. have begun calculating the im m en.se In the United States alone, about got the liver she needed then 4/a/91 RM Ronald Mike - 649-8045 Foot Awning (9 X 26). 4 06 flAatnn Ulll lOCStdO QiOnQ WOSI SlT^Ot, Walls, Trim, Efo cNmnayrapoW. BOOKKEEPING/ IVSZOwvvCopric* t3,S96 D e c k also. Black sum Iraq must pay in war repara 1,000 individuals or companies have ended up dying of a virus,” said 6436747 FULLY INSURED . QUALfTY - )5 yscn •jgswtonc* 1982 Ctwvy Comoro 12.896 At F iM /tw a IN C O M E T A X Pond, Woodstock.