February 15, 2020
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Board of Directors Meeting � a� 2�J , ,. ' ruarY February 15, 2020 AlbuquerqueArea Indian Health Board �. II� �11�· 1•��,1 ,,�----,, ,,��,, II� �1I-=::!JIII� �IJ I Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Saturday, February 15, 2020 • 8:30 am I. Call to Order II. Invocation III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Agenda (Tab 1) V. Approval of Minutes—January 10, 2020 VI. 20-10 Accept Mescalero Apache Tribe Resolution VII. Reports A. Albuquerque Area IHS Update 1. Announcements B. AAIHB Executive Director Update C. Written Updates—For review only 1. AASTEC 2. Audiology 3. CDC GHWIC 4. Finance 5. SAMHSA I2 Positive Directions for Native Health 6. STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention Program 7. Southwest Tribal NARCH 8. SAMHSA Prevention for Community Wellness VIII. Old Business A. Roberts Rules Training B. Update on FMLA Policy- Quentin Smith, Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores, Sanchez, & Dawes, P.A. IX. Resolutions and Letters of Support (Tab 4) A. 20-02 Board Election for Member at Large B. 20-03 Appointment of AAIHB member to EC-CSAC C. 20-04 Support of Enacting Legislation to Ensure Medicaid Fulfills the Federal Trust Responsibility to American Indians/Alaska Natives D. 20-05 Approve 2019 SEP Contribution E. 20-06 Approve Contract between AAIHB and Courtyard Marriott F. 20-07 Approve Southern Ute Indian Tribe Resolution G. 20-08 Approve EPI FY 2020 Budget H. 20-09 Authorize Support for NM Senate Bill 83 I. 20-10 Approve contribution to 2020 NIHB National Tribal Health Summit J. 20-11 Authorize GHWIC Subawards K. 20-12 Authorize Isleta Resort and Casino as Venue for the Tribal PRAMS MCH Symposium February 24-25, 2020_Addendum L. Tribal Resolutions for PL 93-638 Contract X. Board Chairman and Board Member Reports A. Tribal Committees, Workgroups, and Boards 1. Donnie Garcia a. DSTAC Representative b. Tribal Reports 2. Beverly Coho a. SDPI/TLDC Representative b. NIHB Representative c. Tribal Reports 3. Cheryl Frost a. IHS Director’s CHS Workgroup Alternate Representative—Pending b. STAC Representative—Pending c. Tribal Reports 4. Selwyn Whiteskunk a. CDC Tribal Advisory Committee Representative b. Tribal Reports 5. Jacqueline Platero a. Tribal Reports 6. Sandra Platero a. Tribal Reports 7. Alfred Lapaz a. Tribal Reports XI. Next Board Meetings and Other events (Tab 5) A. Board of Directors’ Finance Meeting—Thursday, March 12, 2020 at AAIHB B. Board of Directors’ Meeting—Friday, March 13, 2020 at AAIHB C. NIHB Tribal Public Health Summit—March 17-19, 2020 Omaha, Nebraska D. Board of Directors’ Meeting—Friday, April 10, 2020 at AAIHB XII. Adjourn XIII. Lunch at 12:00 pm ALBUQUERQUE AREA INDIAN HEALTH BOARD, INC. T6hajiilee Band of Navajos * Jicarilla Apache Nation * Mescalero Apache Tribe Ramah Band of Navajos* SouthernUte Indian Tribe* Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes January 10, 2020 • 8:55 am to 11:59 am Mountain View/ Board Room Members Present: Donnie Garcia, Jicarilla Apache Nation, Chairman Beverly Coho, Ramah Band of Navajos, Vice Chair Selwyn Whiteskunk, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Jacqueline Platero, T6hajiilee Band of Navajos Sandra Platero, Mescalero Apache Tribe AAIHB StaffPresent: Ayn Whyte, Executive Director Kristen Tsosie, Administrative Assistant Lucinda Cowboy, TEC-PHI Program Coordinator Sheldwin Yazzie, AASTEC Deputy Director Cody St. Arnold, Health Communications Specialist Rieko Yazzie, Commercial Tobacco Control & Prevention Navigator Guest Present: Leonard Thomas, AAIHS Director I. Meeting called to order at 8:55 am by Chairman Garcia II. Invocation by Executive Director, Ayn Whyte III. Roll Call Board members attended forroll call. Board meeting proceeded with 4 Board members in attendance. (Note: Ute Mountain Ute Tribe entered via conference call at 9:44 am) IV. Approval of Agenda ♦ Motion made by Ramah Band of Navajo to approvethe January 10, 2020 meeting agenda; 2nd by T6hajiilee Band of Navajos. The motion carried (4 votes in favor, 0 votes opposing, and O votes abstaining). V. Approval of Minutes ♦ Motion made by Mescalero Apache Tribe to approvethe December 13, 2019 regular meeting minutes with corrections. Corrections under VII. Reports A. AAIHS Update 2. Headquarters level a. Personnel updates iii. Jillian Curtis selected as the Director of Officeof Finance & Accounting; 2nd by Ramah Band of Navajos. The motion carried (4 votes in favor, 0 votes opposing, and O votes abstaining). VI. Reports A. Albuquerque Area IHS Update-Dr. Leonard Thomas, Albuquerque Area IHS presented the following highlights: Page 1 of6 1. Recently met with the Continuous Accreditation Readiness Program to followup on the last reaccreditation cycle and reemphasized the purpose of the accomplishment. All facilitieshave been accredited and now focusingon training and policy aspects. 2. Headquarters level a. Daniel Frye is the new Bemidji Area Director of Indian Health Service b. Randy Grinnell returned to Indian Health Services as the Deputy Director for Management Operations c. Gary Hartz P.E., Director of the Officeof Environmental Health and Engineering, Indian Health Service has retired. Still awaiting announcement of who will step in as Acting Capacity. d. December 20, 2019 President signed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 into law and it will now fund the Federal Government through September 30, 2020. This provides IHS a budget of 6 billion dollars, about 243 million dollars increase over the FY2019 Appropriations. e. Joint venture process that's ongoing, the Officeof Evironmental Health Department notified10 Tribes and Tribal Organizations that they did advance to Phase II of Evaluation Process. Mescalero Apache Tribe was one of the Tribes being notified. f. January 23-24, 2020 Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee Meeting in Washington D.C. 3. Area Level a. Duane Marcellais recently started position as the Santa Fe Service Unit CEO b. Dorlynn Simmons retired as the CEO of the Mescalero Service Unit i. Rainey Enjady has stepped in as the Acting CEO c. February 19, 2020 Albuquerque Area Tribal Consultation meeting 4. Colorectal Health Project Amendment a. Currently what's being focusedon is the Data Use Agreement and that Kevin English, AASTEC Director is currently working with Rachel Tracy to resubmit parts of the protocol and working on the last steps to move forward. Protocol was modifiedand AAIHS Director was not included in revision. No further updates have been received at the local level. B. TECH Public Health Infrastructure (PHI) Program Presentation-Lucinda Cowboy, TEC-PHI Program Coordinator Page 2 of6 1. PowerPoint handouts were provided along with presentation on TEC-PHI program overview, Network Coordinating Center, SUB-Awards - Community Health Assessment, Tribal Date Users Workgroup, TEC-PHI Trainings, Technical Assistants and intern. C. Executive Director Update-Ayn Whyte presented the Executive Director highlights which included: 1. Introductions a. Introduction of Cody St. Arnold (Health Communications Specialist), Rieko Yazzie (Commercial Tobacco Control & Prevention Navigator) and Board members -provided personal background and summary of work experience. 2. Personnel Updates a. HR Consultant update b. Quentin Smith & Eleanor Werenko transition to new firm update 3. Recurring meetings a. Staffmeetings will include team building activities 4. Executive Director activities 5. Upcoming meetings 6. Strategic planning on January 30-February 1, 2020 ♦ Motion made by Ramah Band of Navajos to approve the agenda items: "VI. Reports A. AA/HS Update B. TECH Public Health Infrastructure (PHI) C. AAIHB Executive Director's Report, and D. Program Written Reports"; 2nd by T6hajiilee Band of Navajos Tribe. Motion carried (5 votes in favor, 0 votes opposed, and O votes abstaining). VII. Old Business A. Strategic Planning Session 1. Executive Director will email weekly updates 2. All attendees will need to bring a jar of sand, dirt, earth fromhome and to keep schedule as clear as possible, it is important to be present forall parts of the process. 3. Facilitator is scheduled fortravel and accommodations forJanuary 31, 2020 to February 1, 2020. B. Robert's Rules of Order Training 1. Executive Director recommended to schedule the Robert's Rules of Order training date later in the year. Board agreed to schedule Robert's Rules of Order training to the firstweek of May 2020. Board requested Executive Director to reach out to Falmouth Institute fortraining dates. Page 3 of6 C. Update of FMLA Policy-Quentin Smith, Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores, Sanchez, & Dawes, P.A. 1. Quentin Smith was unable to draft the firstreading forthe FMLA Policy that was recommended to be included in the AAIHB Policies and Procedures. The Executive Director requested a draft of the firstreading for the FMLA Policy to be presented at the February 2020 BOD meeting. ♦ Motion made by Mescalero Apache Tribe to accept VII. Old Business, A. Strategic Planning Session, B. Robert's Rules of Order Training & C. Update of FMLA Policy-Quentin Smith, Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores, Sanchez, & Dawes, P.A.; 2nd by T6hajiilee Band of Navajos Tribe. Motion carried ( 4 votes in favor, 0 votes opposed, 0 votes abstaining, and 1 out of the room). VIII. Resolutions and Letters of Support (Under Tab 4) A. 20-01 Organizational Chart Revisions ♦ Motion made by Ramah Band of Navajos to approve the Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board Organizational Chart; 2nd by Mescalero Apache Tribe. The Motion carried (5 votes in favor, 0 votes opposed, and 0 votes