PAGE 12 .THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES JUNE 5,1930 . GALLANT FOX SET FOR BELMONT DUEL t Connolly Leads Attack Sharkey Puts Punch Into His Work New Record Probable Y^Jbsa of Indians to Tumble When Stars of Turf The annual Indianapolis Times Interscholastic golf tournament is becoming more popular with the juniors each year. Today's mail Millers in Close One Battle for Title, Gold was unusually heavy, carrying entry blanks of grade and parochial schoolboys officially entering them Bud Poles Four Hits Wednesday to Fatten Swat Average; Greatest Race Since In the fifth annual scholboy golf Days of Man-o’-War Expected; tournament. It will be held at Riv- Cvengros Ends Visitors’ Rally by Striking Whitney Entry erside next week, beginning on Looms as Favorite Despite Wood- Tuesday and ending on Saturday. Out Pinch Hitter. ward Colt’s Showing a a a in Workout. *tarlnr these When The Time* began BY EDDIE ASH BY FRANK GETTY yean It had In mind tournament* flve a*o With Bud Connolly leading the attack, the Indians got under the United Pre* Sports Editor develop better junior only one thnr. to wire by a whisker, 8 to 7, in the series opener with the Millers Wednes- NEW YORK, June s.—The put Indlanapo'.l* in the na- country's two greatest 3-year-olds Gal- rotten, and day and hostilities were to be resumed today while workmen continued lant Fox and Whichone, tional spotlirht. Billr Reed Jr. *i In the are fit and ready for what may prove one of ihe *ehool m install night bareball equipment for after-sundown contests that will Arrt tournament. He *> trade most thrilling turf duels of all time, their meeting in the each year be inaugurated at park Saturday, with classic Belmont boy. He ba* been prorre*inc the Tribe stakes at a mile and a half Saturday. *prtnr of the dedication and parade scheduled for next Tuesday until now he I* the main will have the leg up on the Fox, winner of the Shortrldte bltb rbool roll team and one evening. Connolly collected four hits Wednesday and Preakness and , while Sonny Workman, cocky little •f the favorite* to rop the 1930 choolbov drove in three runs in addition to playing bang-up snub-nosed rider for the Whitney stable, will be astride Whichone, 2-year-old Chamnion roll crown next week. ball in the field around the keystone sack. of 1929 and recent winner of the w a a a at the second sack in Withers. Since he relieved Sicking Not Mondav. with Russell of Sunday's since Man-o’-War's day has Last Billv teamed weetlv the first tilt twin bill, Connolly has Btonehouse. pro of Riverside. In the bat, including there been promise of such a race tournament at amassed ten hits in fifteen times at a as They won the event with a best these two and &ro-amateurIlls. also home run and double. The little fellow is “following bail score of 69. In that tournament Fort Harrison their two capable should put was Btil Helnleln. Times champion In 192* through*’ with the bludgeon and is far out in front riders and 1928. BUI was plavlnt as part on from the flick of the up in the Tribe batting averages. —' barrier at team and was right in the low Belmont, amateur Hoffman turned in great plays in with some SBO,OOO and the acores at the end. Warstler and 3-year-old a a championship of the year a the field during the Miller opener despite the fact . Show Changed at stake. is Neville Ewing, another each was charged with a miscue. Hoffman’s catch THERETimes champion who has made out near the flagpole on Griffin in the seventh was 'Y. Questionnaire Is Contender rapid progress in the golf field. Each a dandy and helped save the game for two runners j to Wednesday There will be other horses in the year The Times tournament play | were on base. Clarence “went into the next county" everything within **"-•_* L race, of but becomes better and better. Course for that catch. Warstler grabbed J course, expert as well Rll I reach around short and the error against him was par usually takes a beating from , “VffAX SCHMELING? I'll cut him to ribbons!" bag, liml sring his ring legs by skipping the rope, The first fistic card of the season as public opinion leaves the issue to Times tour- W '> a bad break caused by ground rules on a low throw during The . . bowl these boys . was and \p his toes to a powerful at Ft. Harrison’s punch will be Gallant a stop of Cullop’s single J.VA That the pre-battle prediction of going on deliver long, Fox and Whic.ione. James no matter how tough the to first after remarkable Jack Sharkey, and here Boston’s garrulous gob shows blow at a punching sack. It’s in the fighting pose, staged next Wednesday night, in- naments. :^j| back on the grass. Butler’s Questionnaire, running may be. how he intends to go about it. In these scenes at shown in the inset, that Schmeling,*the German stead of Tuesday, it was announced course Carmen Hill, the same Carmen who used to be against Platers, turned a and a a a Sharkey’s training camp in Orangeburg, N. Y., you heavyweight Invader, will see him when they meet today by Captain Frank Schucker, mile a popular mainstay at Washington park, was the one-eighth in 1:49 this week and This rear the field will be larrer than ..... see him firing fast lefts and rights at a punching in the Yankee stadium, New York, on June 12. matchmaker. coach victim of the Tribe attack, while Mike Cvengros out mile and over. Lieutenant George Navlor. golf The change in date was made be- finished the one-quar- been the active turned in his seventh win of the season. The ter in 2:03, good enough at Shortrtdee. who ha* cause Schucker believes the ma- time to win each year, fracas closed with Minneapolis staging a rally and many stake atarter of the tournament Connolly jority of fight fans who already races. he haa aixty boys after runs crossed the plate Cvengros struck It called to tell ua that four Plantago Wins Millers Get have made their reservations for is the belief among turf men CampbeU. coach Christner to aimed no already. Tim out Pinch Hitter High for the. game-ending out. that Gallant Fox fifty, and tickets, would like to be present at and Whichone will at Tech Is certain of mor cthan Cullop led off the ninth with a home run, Connolly tossed out make a list of the dedication of night baseball at turf history, with the winner Brother Fdwln at Cathedral has Elmer Smith and Monahan dropped Earl Smith's high fly. Griffin Coronation Cup possibly driven Coach B. T. Camp- Washington park Tuesday. to anew track rec- between 75 and 100. Earl Smith to second with a single and Morse forced Griffin. Mike Meet Primo Bill Barrett day Washington rim- sent ord. These champions have not met bell Is husv each at bounced one Schucker is a former professional Boese Ma "ual Gonzales thereupon 3-year-olds, although last year, ing entry blank*. H. G. • Bu United Preen baseball player and as the field over the low fence in left for a a rooter for his •.’ is This all indicate* EPSOM England, June 5. Whichone defeated the husv the quaLfy- DOWNS, Bn United Preen Johnny Corriden’s The rival in exceed 200. That la whv home run. Cvengros refused to Bv United Prees by the Anglo- Indians. Classic Futurity. till to two days, next DETROIT, June 5. Whether —Plantago, owned WASHINGTON, June 5.-Out- today tng time wa. extended Three-I Clubs crack, however, and fanned High, matchmaker said the largest 10 and 11. Primo Camera is a or American, W. M. G. Singer, won the Tuesday and Wednesday. June who batted for relief pitcher good fighter fielder Bill Barrett of the Washing- advance reservations of season Gallant Fox Improved just a giant the curious Coronation cup by a neck today history Morgan. physical for ton Senators, recently acquired from tickets in the of Ft. Harri- Turn to Night to gape at should be answered here from Jacques Wittouck’s Royal II son has been received and all ticket Gallant Fox, which won the Wood Hits were twelve for the Indians Barnett’s was third, the Boston Red Sox in a trade for Memorial tonight. William Athford holders will be notified today of the as well as the Preakness and ten for Minneapolis. Len Koen- a length back. Six started in the and Kentucky Derby this ecke surprised everybody with a The burly Italian collides with Earl Webb, has been sold outright to change in date. spring, is Diamond Tilts Meyer K. O. race, over the Derby distance of ap- In the a vastly improved horse, and it home run over the low fence in the Christner, rugged half. the Minneapolis Millers of the meantime, Schucker is would •.;$,“Koffogj Akron heavyweight, in a bout proximately a mile and a busy lining up what promises to be be dangerous to bet against trvss left field corner, a spot where he American Association, it was learned him. odds are also scheduled for ten rounds. In Christ- The cup was won last year by an all-star supporting card to the The likely to favor Bn United Preen seldom hits. He got a single, here today. Whichone, but they will be SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 5. and Freigau and Cvengros were ner, Camera will encounter his first Mrs. John D. Hertz’s great American double main go that will open the ex- entered from School 75 opposition Reigh Barrett previously had played ceedingly u u n Night baseball was on record today other Tribesmen get two hits. real since his invasion of Count, with season at the outdoor close.. to country ago. Plantago arena In their final part as indorsed by fans of two more Hoffman batted in two mates with this almost six months Athford second and third. with the Athletics and White Sox. Wednesday. distance work- frank won the first outs for the Belmont, rivals cities of the Three-I League, after sacrifices to the outfield. these Georgeprize in the annual Million compared as follows: its debut here and at Blooming- a a a Dollar tournament of the South Gallant Fox Much fun was ton Wednesday night. has clubbed and 14 Vi Vi Ira. 1% Grove Golf Club. Approximately 4,000 attended the CROUSE :23 1-5 :47 1:11 3-4 1:362-5 1:493-4 by the contestants in the tour- hustled his way back to the Saturday Is Official for Tribe Night Whichone had local BUCK Baseball by draw. game, which was won by Vi Vi Vi 1 m. 1!A ney, which was decided to 10. majors and the popular Indian :24 2-5 :48 2-5 1:13 4-5 1:39 1:522-5 Springfield from Peoria, 12 afternoon Sunday and then re- the players’ gate, Gallant Fox’s showing a a a running catches by outfield- backstop left Wednesday night to Secretary Bill Clauer.of the In- on one in deep right guessing that has been going on was more Long night Monday. r'ght field impressive, opinion SIO,OOO In South join the White Sox at Chicago to- dians announced today that night sume action and one outside the foul about the ability of the engineers but has it that Each entrant was given ers ani snappy infield plays were Tuesday dollar bets day, which means that Johnny Rid- On Milwaukee will be line. Fans at Wed. iday’s game to things ready, and Whichone was not driven hard. Grove currency. Thousand made in usual daytime fashion. At baseball would be inaugurated at have with the eighteen holes, Tribe. Hitting here when the official dedication of watched with interest ihe activity opener definitely were made and during the Bloomington a large crowd wit- dle returns to the set for Saturday, amounts aggressive Washington park Saturday, with the nocturnal baseball in Indianapolis of the steel spraddlers the the Players were fined vartou. nessed the opening nocturnal at- above .380 and playing before the demand for reservations is ex- offenses, a* SIOO for opposing Work and the American Association will afternoon contest started pected TECH DROPS MANUAL fur different such traction, won by the home team baseball, Crouse attracted the atten- Indians St. Paul. and there to swamp club officials. Ball of a wooden tee-S** take place. number of diamond using sand instead tion of his old team and Manager nas to the point where A was a rush for night seats later in park numbers are Belmont 0108 and fairway; S3OO for from Quincy. 9 to 4. progressed Golfers Meet for being In the wrong a had view early experi- day. East Side Shortridge being Three teams of the Three-I Ownie Bush decided mistake of all towers be- notables will the the 0107. The grand stand has been replacing divots and SIOO for cir- Clauer feels certain in Final Match. not cuit now have parks equipped with been made in sending him to the ments and by Tuesday it is expected Mike Kelley, part owner and wired to light up the runways and In the rough. ing in place and all other flood light most of the A. A. have manager the g g lighting systems. Decatur having minors. At any rate the Crouse owners will of Millers, plans to aisles for the benefit of night cus- Tech golfers will close its sea- inaugurated theirs several weeks part of the Crouse-Hoffman-Riddle equipment installed. had a glimpse of baseball by illu- remain here to see the night in- tomers. son at Riverside The will get mination. while Friday, opposing ago. A system is being installed at deal between Indians and Sox is off. “moonlight opener" augural Saturday his team In the meantime, Minneapolis will Shortridge. The east side team de- under way at 8 o’clock and ticket Steel workers are losing no time goes to Louisville. He is Quincy and others are planned with a u a ready to be played again today and Friday feated Manual Wednesday at Coffin, prices will be the same as for day on the lighting towers, six in num- order nocturnal equipment for the the probability that all of the clubs Hoffman will remain with the Indian* afternoon, day." 10 to 2. "nfs games. The ball has one near the Indians’ pi'rk if which is “ladies’ Herman Olsen. Floyd J - will be ready to play their games entire season and the Indians also hava park office ber, dugout, Minneapolis successful here. Chapman and Petrie of ‘w! ; the received many calls for reservations. one near the visitors’ in It is possible will be Tech and after sundown by the first of next Ted Blankenship on option, but bench, one The official statement by Secre- there a test Higgs of Manual 70 Dlteher Saints will play in the each had for in- g§E ■asS month. with a twenty-four recall agreement In Indians-and deep left field, another just beyond tary Clauer today puts a halt to the of the lights Friday night. dividual honors. effect. a a a Schedule on to league Week-End failed hit big Scraps Courses Ripple Ring RIDDLEpitching, though Ownie Bush Reserves Help A’s Carry on Five Fistic at College Track Stars Clash Local said the youth was a fine receiver Tonight handicap Johnny young and Riverside HIGHLAND Foursom* and hustler. is tournament. Arran** own four- perhaps later another chance will With Three Regulars Out Eight Rounds—Sergeant in Craig. National play. Ft. Title Carnival some. Eighteen medal Card Starts majors. If holes be his reward in the the Harrison vs. Mat Burman, Indianapolis; round kept July 1 heavyweights. BROADMOOR First Sox had Riddle after Eight Rounds—Scotty cup play. Scotten. Indian- matches in Goodman Four matches tonight in the Crouse would have become the out- apolis, vs. Kid Woods, Indianapolis, Also foursome handicap tonrna- Broad Ripple arena will open the right property of the Indians and Mackmen Turn in Tenth Straight Win to Hold American featherweights. Seventy Schools Represented in Meet at Chicago Start- W. R. Borlnstein Six Rounds—Red Y’eager vs. Nick Jacks ment in charge of summer fistic season at the north the Tribe also would have received of Greenfield; welterweights. and Ben Cohen. side park and action is promised by a large sum of cash. Lead; Cubs Gain. Six Rounds—Frank Gierke, Indianapolis, ing Friday; Sprints vs. Young Leach, Indianapolis; feather- Are Feature. MERIDIAN HlLLS—second round this and other cards which are *to a a a weights. matches in men's fllcht tourna- follow each Thursday night. Bv T'Kiisfl Pr'-ss Senators tallied three times in the Six Rounds—Carl Schmande! vs. Woody Ru T’liitcrl Firsts spring, keenest is Crouse said Wednesday he regretted to NEW YORK, June s.—Connie Indianapolis; welterweights. competition ex- go tenth. Birch. CHICAC O, June s.—The nation’s ment. The main will bring together leave Johnny Corriden and other Tribe Mack has eliminated the Philadel- First bout at 8:30. pected in the dashes. The feature handicap tourna- Johnny greatest track and field athletes, AVALON—MedaI Johnny Thurman of and mates for everything had been lovely and Kerr’s homer in the tenth, event the program will three A. Louisville phia Athletics’ only weakness, lack on be the ment; eighteen holes for Joe Lynn of this city, who will ex- he enjoyed playing for Indianapolis. His with two out, gave the Chicago representing more than seventy col- 100-yard great Sunday of capable reserve material, and dash in which three A. Zimmer prises. only. home is at Muncte. He wore a uni- the White Sox an Bto 7 victory over leges from coast to coast, were change wallops over the eight-round Sox 1929 champions head- le stars will compete—Frank Wykoff, COI’NTRY CLUB fo.m for several years before coming to world appear Von Porat gathering today for year’s INDIANAPOLIS warpath. The boys are in the New York Yankees, after Babe in here the Southern California: George Simp- Men 50 or oyer will engage in the Indians. ed for their second consecutive Ruth’s final tests in the national collegiate featherweight class. a a a homer with two on in the son, Ohio State’s “fastest human,” play eup. Saturday only. American League pennant. for Geddes The matches will be broadcast by TRIBE BATTING AVERAGES seventh had tied the score at 7-all. A. A. championships at Stagg field, and Eddie fleet Michigan Ne- match G AB H Pet Three Athletics’ regulars, outfield- Ruth’s Fistic Trouble Chicago and Sat- Tolan, PLEASANT RllN—Team station WKBF, with Ralph Elvin Connolly homer, his eighteenth of the university, Friday gro. Simpson was one of the big Run on 21 41 21 .4*7 A1 Simmons, third baseman Jim- with Coffin at Pleasant presiding. The full card: Dorman 2 5 2 .401 er year, put him three days ahead of urday. guns who enabled Ohio State to Sunday. Crouse 28 84 32 .381 my Dykes On t inted Pre*s Lynn and second baseman Max his record 1927 schedule. Colleges which placed in every Main Go—Joe vs. Johnny Thur- Hoffman 41 1(59 61 .381 CHICAGO, June s.—Ed Steven- win the national championship last RIVERSIDE—Riverside team at man. Barnhart 41 156 56 .359 Bishop have been on the hospital important meet this will have —Roy Woods vs. Sonnv Sprinz son, manager of Otto Van Porat, season year. Terre Hauie for match with Rea Semi-Windan 23 70 24 .343 during past week, but the Red Lucas was hit for five hits and five Mitchell. Freigau 41 172 50 list the was ordered to appear their best performers on the start- park on Sunday. Second PrcPm—Tiger Purvis vs. Billy 32 .313 reserves come through capably runs by the first five batsmen and the New before the Monahan 116 39 .836 have Illinois athletic today ing line, and record-breaking per- handicap. Moore. Sicking 38 154 46 .299 and the Athletics have climbed into York Giants defeated Cincinnati. 8 to 5. commission to WOODSTOCK June First Frclim—Roy Sullivan vs. Kid Warstler 41 178 51 .287 give reasons for refusing to abide formances are expected in several The score for each Saturday in Grady. P. Wolfe 17 15 4 .267 the league lead. Searritt.’s single, scoring Reeves, gave colleges First bout at 8:30. Koenecke Big by events. At least five are will be added. Full handicap, 35 144 35 .243 Ed Morris a victory over Hudlin. in a an agreement with the Chicago America’s June Wednesday’s 4 to 3 victory over St. ten-inning pitching duel. Boston defeating regarded as having a chance to an- medal play. Louis was the consecutive Cleveland, 5 to 4. stadium for a match with W. L. tenth (Young) nex team honors. Champion Tire COFFlN—Coffin team at Pleasant victory for the Athletics, now Stribling on June 16. who Ray Benge held St. Louis to four hits Stadium officials The regional title holders who Run for Sunday match. boast the longest wanning streak and Philadelphia beat the Cardinals, 2 to 1. announce ar- Patch! German in Top Condition for made by any major league team this rangements for the match have will compete are led by Southern Kiki Cuyler of the Chicago Cubs had a been season. perfect day at bat with a homer, a double abandoned and that they will California, which swept through the and three singles, driving in four runs' and scoring seek another opponent for Stribling ACES GO TO SEYMOUR Kiki Cuyler and Riggs Stephen- four in the Cubs’ 18-to-10 victory eastern collegiate meet last Satur- Title Scrap Still Week Away son led a twenty-hit barrage which over Boston. on that date. day. Stanford, runner-up in the Former Leaguers Make Up Strong enabled the Chicago Cubs to de- Western feat Boston. same meet; Michigan, Con- Semi-Pro Team. 18 to 10, for their sev- ference champion: Kansas, winner Local Schmeling to Keep Going Stale; enth straight victory. The victory Loafs From Doctor Says of the Missouri Valley title, and Ace Ginger Beers, strong local advanced the Cubs to within two —Baseball South Carolina, champions of the stop Calendar semi-pro nine, will endeavor to Max's Hands Are 0. K. games of the league leading Brook- Reds at Southern Conference, also have en- the fast-going Seymour lyn Robins. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION St. Louis 010 000 000— 1 4 0 tered. Seymour Sunday. A number of for- BY GEORGE KIRKSEY than I was for Paolino,” Schmeling Brooklyn dropped loosely played W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 101 000 OOx— 2 10 2 L'nited Press Staff Correspondent a Louisville 30 It .082 Heines. Frankhouse, Sherdel and J. Wil- As in other college meets this mer leaguers will perform with the told the United Press today "I can game to Pittsburgh, 12 to 6. The St. Paul 23 10 .500 son; Bsnge and Davis. ENDICOTT. N. Y.. June s.—Max fight on a minute’s Columbus 22 19 .537 Aces. notice.” two teams set a season's record for Toledo 22 19 .537 Cincinnati 100 000 301— 5 14 0 of the Aces requests Schmeling took a today and Dr. W. G. Fralick of INDIANAPOLIS 21 19 .525 New Management New York errors, Brooklyn making eight and City York 600 200 OOx— 8 12 1 Dates ready for here Kansas 18 22 .450 Lucas. Campbell. Rixev and Gooch; Don- Double-Header the following players to be played golf and fished. With Us arrived Wednesday night and five, of which were Milwaukee 10 38 .304 examined Pittsburgh four ohue. Walker and O’Farrell. the trip: Plummer. .Ferrell. Morri- heavyweight championship fight Schmeling’s hands care- charged to shortstop Engle. Minneapolis 13 28 .317 Changed in American Purcell. Schreiber. Fumell. against Jack Sharkey still a week fully , and put at rest all AMERICAN LEAGUE son. rumors Washington kept pace with the AMERICAN LEAGUE (Ten Innings' Thatcher. Lutz. Erkman and away, Schmeling is confronted with that the German injured Boston 200 010 100 1— 5 12 3 Press Schott. had one in Philadelphia Athletics in the Ameri- W. L. Pet.l W. L. Pet. Cleveland Bu United Players Schreiber. Purcell problem of keeping his present training. Phila... 30 14 .682 Chicago. 17 24 .415 210 100 000 0— 4 13 1 Springer. the can League, winning a ten-inning Morris and Heving, Berry; Hudlin and CHICAGO, June s.—The follow- formerly played with condition without going stale. After Wednesday’s Washgt. 29 15 .659 Detroit . 18 27 .400 L. Sewell. and Morrison seven-round game from Detroit. 11 to 8. Detroit C’evel... 25 19 .568 St. Louis 17 26 .395 ing revised list of double-headers in Indianapolis in shape right row workout the 14 29 .326 A. A. team. “I'm better in heat, Schmeling was tied the score in the ninth, but the New Yk. 23 19 .548 Boston.. (Ten Innings' the American League were an- almost down to 180 pounds, and Joe Washington 302 003 000 3—ll 12 2 today by Barnard, NATIONAL LEAGUE Detroit 001 100 231 0— 8 14 3 nounced E. S. Jacobs, manager, and Max Machon, W. L. Pet.: W. L. Pet. Marberry. 27 16 .628 j Yk. 21 22 .488 Thomas. Braxton and Srencer: president: trainer, do not plan to have him by Brklvn.. New Hogsett, Herrine. Page. Sullivan, Whitehill and Amateurs box Tribe Wins Squeak Chicago. 26 19 .578 Boston.. 18 22 .450 and Hargrave. Rcnsa. June 22—St. Louis at New York. Detroit Semi-Pros again until Saturday. St. Louis 24 21 ,533:Cincln... 18 25 .419 at Boston. Pittsbgh. 21 20 .512 Phila..., 14 24 .368 Schmeling s (Ten Innings' June 23—Cleveland at Washington, Chi- failure to do any road (Series First Wednesday) Bt. Phillips Bovs- Club will practice to- Brookside park No. 3 at 3 p. m. All work here has New York 001 120 300 O- 7 9 0 cago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at. New day at 4:30 at Brookside. They will play plavers report by 3 p. m. broken all precedent Chicago 200 005 000 1— 8 13 2 York. among MINNEAPOLIS Ruffing. a double-header with Orientals Sundav. heavyweights. Jess Willard Today’s Games Gomez and Bengough. Dickey; June 24—Chicago at Philadelphia. Detroit won two and lost one in Key- Caraway. McKain and Berg. Autry. Bovs' Club has St. Patricks H. N. S. will oppose is the only heavyweight AMERICAN ASSOCIATION at Boston. the Em-Roe League, their only loss being stones Sundav at Greenhouse park at 3 on record AB R H O A E to Rhodlus Cubs, undefeated leaders. p. m. Saints have added several new who did not go out on the road, Yoter. 3b 4 1 1 0 2 0 Minneaoolis at INDIANAPOLIS. Philadelphia 000 011 020— 4 11 0 June 28—Cleveland at New York. players to strengthen their lineup. A Era. Smith, ss 3 2 1 3 1 1 St. Paul at Louisville. St. Louis 100 000 020— 3 8 0 July 7—Detroit at Chicago. when training for Dempsey Cullop. cf 5 1 4 4 0 0 Kansas Citv at Columbus. will play University meeting will be held Friday at 8 p. m. In the Earnshaw. Quinn and Cochrane; Gray, July B—Philadelphia at New York. Indianapolis Orioles Saints clubrooms and all players are re- fight. Elm. Smith, rs 3 0 0 2 0 0 Milwaukee at Toledo. Kinsey and Ferrell. Heights Merchants Sunday at 3 p. m. at Erl. Smith. If 4 1 1 2 1 0 July 9—Washington at Boston. Longacre. All players are ureed to be at quested to attend. Griffin, lb 4 0 2 9 1 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE July 30—St. Chicago. New York 1918 Union street at 1 30. Sharrlck will Morse. 2b 3 1 0 33 0 Louis at West Havens are without a game for New York at Chicago. at Boston. - _ start on the Oriole mound with Bright Gonzales, c 5 1 1 1 1 0 July at Chicago. receiving. Orioles have open in Sundav. City or state clubs call Belmont Philadelphia at St. Louis. 31—St. Louis dates Hill, n 2 0 0 0 5 0 Aug. 2—Boston at Philadelphia. Wash- There's only one ami June for city and state teams. Write 0831 between 6 ar.d 7 p. m.. and ask foi Yankees Washington at Detroit. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Major ington Emmett. Mars Hill and Zionsville notice. Clash Emmer Boston at Cleveland. Leaders at New York. that’s BOWES SEAL-FAST, in the Osaie Kelso. 1918 Union street. place Morgan, p 0 0 0 0 1 0 Aug. 3—Boston at Washington. Write E. Lee. 964 North Belleview ■■ for open High 1 0 0 0 0 0 By United Press Aug. 25—St. Louis at (one striped with Y. M. S Irvington Builders a dates. NATIONAL LEAGUE Detroit green-and-white can handed Chicago game, open date'. trimming last Sunday for their in 34 7 10 24 15 1 at Boston. LEADING HITTERS 27—Chicago yoo can see • 15-to-S Semi-Finals Totals Aug. at the bright teal victory in the Municipal League. Bix vic- players desiring tryout Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Cleveland. red Fast a with a F'umer batted for Hill in eig'f.h and at G AB R H Pet. Sept. 6—Cleveland at Chicago. tories and two defeats are included on the city and road cal! befer, St. Louis Philadelphia. 49 block away. It costs 50c e can, club Cherrv 5411 .... Including Prrjf * York. Herman. Robins 42 172 72 .419 Y. M. S. record for the season. 5 p m. Friday. City and state teams write Bi' s I walked. Cincinnati at New over Kevstones. High Morgan Rice, Senators 4.3 183 45 74 .401 good patchee. wins Meldon Club. St. or call A. Monroe. 2001 Roosevelt avenue, LA BOULIE. France, June battfd for in ninth. Giants 30 102 13 41 .402 tor 25 LIFE-LONG Patricks and a 14-14 tie with Jewell A. games. s.—The Horan. plav for only two Americans in INDIANAPOLIS P. Waner. Pirates .. 34 123 25 49 .398 B- C. Next Sunday. Y M. 8. will the French Yesterday’s 108 24 43 .398 Your Dealer Midwavs at Garfield No. 3at3 p. m A amateur golf tourney Results Hellmann. Reds 40 Ask meeting and practice sesston will be held Garfield Radios continued their slump were scheduled AB R H ) A E the Em-Roe League AMERICAN ASSOCIATION SLUGGERS at Garfield Friday and all plavers are re- in Sundav bv drop- to clash in the semi-final round to- Connolly. 2b 5 1 4 5 2 0 Kansas City 400 142 203—16 19 2 HOME RUN July, ping their third straight game 4 ouested to attend. For games in call to River- Warstler. ss —.4 0 0 5 2 1 Columbus 000 011 000— 2 7 Ruth. Yankees . 18 Klein. Phillies.... 13 BASEBALL day. George Von Elm, Drexei 11S9-R. or write Arthur Beck. 806 side Cubs. The batting honors went to Detroit, Hoffman. Cf 2 0 0 6 0 0 Dav and Angly; Wykoff, and Wilson, Cubs..., 16 Herman, Dodgers.. 13 Krirer. Hamilton McCarty. Deeds Bast Terrace avenue. and The member of the Barnhart. If 4 0 1 1 1 1 Dixon. Shefflott. Berger, Braves... 151 Radios have increased their chances in the American Walker Koenecke. rs 4 1 2 2 0 0 league considerably by obtaining cup Ralph 0 First night game will be Forester Cubs plav Black Sox at Fennsv Charles team, met Allen, Ashe- Freigau. 3b 3 2 2 0 0 (First Game' Kringer. former amateur star, act as lb 3 1 1 4 1 1 CANZONERI TRIUMPS park Sundav and have a few dates. State manager. to ville, N. C. Monahan, St. Paul 012 000 100— 4 10 2 played Saturday night teams, their Crouse, c 3 1 0 4 2 0 write Schoettle, 655 Greer Standing in the Em-Roe p Louisville 220 000 05x— 9 10 1 Bv United Press ttret. or call Drexei 4767. Von Elm has been playing stellar Cvengros. 2 2 2 0 2 0 Moore and Grabowskl; Wilkinson and St. Paul. League: golf BROOKLYN, N. Y., June s.—Tony with Rhodius Cubs 4 0 1 000 and was a favorite to win to- 29 12 27 10 Barnes. Mohawks defeated Riverside Aces. 10 to Totals ~8 ~3 (Second Game' SWIM St. Philip's 3 4. Sundav Riverside. Hitting of For- 1 .750 day’s match and the title. He de- Canzoneri, 132, Brooklyn, former at Riverside Cubs 3 Millers ...; 101 033 104—7 St. Paul 010 002 200— 5 12 0 absolutely pure water ster. who tripled with the bases loaded, 1 .750 feated C. Potter, 7 Louisville 003 020 3Ox— 8 14 3 In got eight hits Pat- Orten'als 33 .500 W. and 6. Indians .4 130 102 01*—8 world’s featherweignt champion, de- Game Called at 8:00 featured. Mehawks off Garfield Radios 0 3 .000 Harris*. Nekola. Betts and Fenner. Gra- tested three times dally. terson. Riverside ace. For games with Western Union 0 Wednesday. bewski; Polli. Tincup and Barnes. p. al- 3 .000 Runs batted in—Connolly. 3: Hoffman, feated Joe Glick, 137, Williamsburg, Mohawks, cal! Ha. 4481-W after 6 Cvengros. Cul- and ask for Bob. 2: Koenecke. Ernie Smith. Indianapolis Twilights want a game for lop. Earl Smith. 2: Gonzales. 3. Home runs Milwaukee 101 001 100— 4 7 2 in ten rounds here Wednesday and No Change in Sanitary Sunday with a city or state team. LOGAN SIGNS TROBAUGH —Cullop. Gonzales. Koenecke. Three-base Toledo 002 000 14x— 7 12 2 New Dadv A. C. will meet SUlesviUe Greys Call Robertson. Stark and Young; Connally. 131%, Miami, Fla., beat Stilesville. Russ Pauxh. former LI. 3381. ask for Mack or write H. Hall. hit—Barnhart. Two-base hits—Connolly. Pete Nebo, Admission Prices Sundav at 1701 South Meridian street. Yoter. Ernie Smith. Sacrifice hits—Warst- Ogden. Rabb and Henline. Terris, 133, New York, in an- Bath House I. U. star, will be on the mound for A. C. Ind., Cven- Sid With Allison receiving. Ding Harlan or LOGANSPORT. June 5. ler. Hoffman. 2; Monahan. Crouse. Individual Steel Lockers Greys Raymond gros. Earl Smith. Morse. Stolen basest NATIONAL LEAGUE other ten. Dean probably will Ditch for the NET STAR IS DEAD J. Trobaugh of Kokomo, Connolly. on Chicago . 331 406 100—18 20 2 A. C. has open in July August Koenecke. Cvengros. Left Competent Life Gearda dates and NEW YORK. June s.—Dr. George former Indiana university lineman, bases— Minneapolis. 11; Indianapolis, 8. Boston 010 243 000—10,14 0 Connersville. Bedford. Anderson. Braxil fnd Bases on balls—Off Cvengros. 8: off RilL Malone. Bush and Hartnett; Beibold. Jewell A. B. C. write Basil Flint. 1073 King of New York, nationally has named football coach at 4; Oliver avenue, or call Belmont 1530. for known been 3. Struck out—By Cvengros. bv Hill. 1. Cunningham. Zachary and Soohrer. on tennis Hit pitched ball—Ernie Smith, bv Cven- SMAIiT clothes star, died here Wednesday as the local high school to succeed the innings; Qft/rx&iAiA Hits—Off Hill, 10 in 7 off Pittsburgh 410 301 030—12 14 5 the result of a kidney operation two late Mel Puett, and will commence Morgan. 2 in 1 inning. Losing pitcher— Brooklyn 000 330 000— 6 7 8 BROAD RIPPLE o ago. HiU. Umpires—Goetx, Osberne and Clay- French and Bool; Dudley. Morrison and EASY Sowar Light Saturday afternoon at months his nest T lines CREDIT - and duties fall. ton. Time—2:ls.