The Redeemer Review “Redeemer Lutheran brought to the generations.” November 2020

From Your Pastor’s Desk . . .

At the outset of St Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians he wrote: 2 We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly[a] mentioning you in our prayers, 3 remem- bering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and stead- fastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanksgiving will soon be here and we at Redeemer Lutheran Church of Manchester have much to give thanks for. Yet there are two VERY SPECIAL people we must give thanks to the Lord for as they both have decided to re- tire from their ministry to our congregation.

First, as I give thanks to God this Thanksgiving Day, I will be giving thanks for the long, hard, and faithful work that our Treasurer, Eileen Seal, has given to the Lord and our church. For over 9 years Eileen has faithfully come in AT LEAST twice a week and labored diligently, often for hours at a time, to ensure that the bills were paid and the staff received their pay. Eileen’s hard work and dedication through COVID ensured that the PPP Cares Act loan was secured and the staff would remain paid without a beat. We see her so much that we often joke that she is Redeemer’s best non-paid employee. Eileen often works hard at trying to put on a gruff demeanor but anyone who has worked with her knows without a doubt that she is a kind, soft-hearted woman who loves the Lord and His church here at Redeemer. Eileen, thank you very much. “Well done, good and faithful servant” of the Lord.

Secondly, my heart wells up with thanks and praise for Deaconess Helen DeMario - my right-hand in ministry. For over six years Deaconess Helen has made the 45-minute trip each way from her home to bring her loving, mercy-ministry to God’s people here. She has faithfully served as the confidant and sounding board to both Pastor Phil and myself, going above and beyond, to ensure that not only were the ones she came to visit were do- ing well but made sure that the pastor was fit for our duty as well. Whether Redeemer Lu- theran had 45 homebound members to visit, or 17 like today, she would always bring her loving and merciful care to the tender souls who need her so greatly. I often remark that when I visit people and bring Holy Communion, at the end of my visit many of them ask me, “When is Deaconess Helen coming back to visit?” Deaconess Helen, we thank God for you and ask Him to guide and bless you.

To both Eileen and Deaconess, from the bottom of our hearts. . . We will always give thanks to God for you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

When you see them around, and at your Thanksgiving table this year, give thanks for these two amazing servants of the Lord.

May God bless you all richly,

Pastor Berteau Food Bank News submitted by Lisa Ruth Kane Voters’ Meeting

For most families the thought of DATE: winter being right around the cor- ner, along with the holidays, brings Sunday, November 15, 2020 a sense of excitement and joy. But for a few families that thought brings on anxiety and/or TIME and DETAILS: stress as they will need to figure out where they are getting the extra income needed to put a A hybrid format will be used for this holiday meal on the table. During the pandemic many families have felt that stress on a daily ba- meeting (in-person and Zoom meeting). sis. Thanks to you the Pantry has been blessed Meeting to follow the 11:00 am during the pandemic and has been able to pro- worship service - 12:15 pm. vide emergency assistance for the families ex- Please note there is no luncheon due to periencing hardships and food insecurities. If you are looking to donate, and have the means, COVID-19 restrictions. the Pantry could use the following items: stuff- Also, a Mailchimp will be sent out as ing, instant mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, date approaches. cranberry sauce, canned fruit, jelly/jam, canned meat, coffee, tea, juice AND YES Informational packets are available in the Narthex. canned vegetables. Please keep us in mind whether it be through prayer or a donation as our outreach continues. SUNDAY SCHOOL

Know someone who could benefit from a food Submitted by Evelyn Gonzalez basket, have them call the church at (732) 657- 2828. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and T E A M Work Makes the DREAM Work! Friday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Individuals Come join the Sunday School Team ~ the blessings are end- can schedule an appointment to come in to re- less as we share the Bible Stories and a simple craft with ceive a basket (no walk-ins). Should no one an- our "Redeemer Kids." It would require ONLY one Sunday swer, leave a message and I will return your call. every 4, 5 or 6 weeks. You can even bring your family mem- Thank you. bers to join and assist you in having fun with the little guys.

Contributions for departed loved Thanks be to God for calling all Faithful servants ones may be given at anytime dur- ing the year. You will find the Me- Thank you so much morial Cards and envelopes by the Guest Book. Complete the card and drop it off at the office, mail it, or First Friday drop it into the offering plate mak- Fellowship

ing sure it is clearly noted that it is

a memorial gift. Peace be with you. On hiatus

due to Treasury Note – September 2020

Respectfully submitted by Eileen Seal, Treasurer “… the joy of the Lord is our COVID-19 strength!” Monthly Income Total $ 19,779.90 Nehemiah 8:10 Monthly Expense Total $ 19,342.06 Recent Official Records Difference $ 437.84

Departed Loved One(s)

YTD Income Total $174,736.49 Barbara Belhumer YTD Expense Total $178,034.48 Dorothy Foley YTD Difference $ -3,297.99 Joan Mykulak

NURSERY NEWS submitted by Danielle Wagner Christmas Poinsettia We have had a busy October in Nursery School. We had loads fun, goodies, and games at our Order Form Costume Party. They even got to show off their costumes with a Parade. We welcomed two new friends and are awaiting a few more. Now, we are all are looking forward to November and our Thanksgiving Feast. It will look a little dif- I would like to order: ferent than before, but we will feast just the same.

It is such a blessing to have such a supportive church family. ______Poinsettia(s) @ $10.00 each Total ______We are so thankful for all the terrific donations we have re- ceived. Please prayerfully consider monetary donations as well Or as donations of single-serve snacks, select-a-size paper towels, toilet paper, and sanitizing wipes. Thank you to all of you who Contributions For Greens (wreaths, garland) have continued to pray for and support our Nursery School for decorating Church Total ______these last few months. I am happy to announce that we are now up to 21 students enrolled! Check out our Bulletin Board in the Narthex to see all their smiling faces! We still have a few open- Total (all donations) ______ings and would love to welcome new friends to our group. If you are interested, please come visit with us any time or call at 732-657-0333. ______To the glory of God


Job Openings: Background check required. See Danielle Wagner ______In memory of ______Group Teacher/Kindergarten Teacher - 30 hr. week 2 Aide Positions - 20 hr. week ______-2pm to 6pm - possible January start ______Volunteer Opportunities:  Volunteers for 1 to 2 hours each morning to help as run- ners walking children to their classrooms Greeters at drop-off & pick-up, Readers, Musicians, etc. Do you have a special talent that you would like to share? ______In joyful celebration of ______

Monetary Donations: ______Cash or check made payable to Redeemer Lutheran Nurs- ery School ______Online giving via our website at: Click on the red ‘GIVE’ button and choose ‘Nursery School’ from the dropdown menu. Please consider paying the fee related to your do- ______Other ______nation so the church does not incur further charges. ______Share on Social Media: Join @RedeemerLutheranNurserySchool on Facebook ______and ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ any/all our posts with your friends and family.

Look for our Angel Tree and please take a Name ______Envelope #______tag. We are collecting for the Providence Phone Number______House. FYI, due to COVID-19 they are re- questing mostly gift cards and some toys, please check the tag. Gifts will go to local children. Please bring your unwrapped gift or Payment must accompany this form payable to: gift card back to church by Sunday, Decem- “Redeemer Lutheran Church” ber 13th. Thank you and God bless you. Reservations will be closed on December 1, 2020.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

“For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

When I was a senior in high school, I approached my Pastor and confidently an- nounced that I wanted to be a Lutheran deaconess. Knowing that (at that time) dea- coness ministry was limited to unmarried women, he kindly explained that it would be a difficult decision for me. It wasn’t. I knew that I wanted to be a wife and mother and that I would just continue to serve my church as a layperson and not as a deaconess. What I did not know was that God was saying, “wait a while…”

More than 30 years later, another dear Pastor told me about the Missouri Synod’s Deaconess Program and how much of the coursework could be done as distance learning. My husband and I prayerfully considered this and I started a new season in my life.

Almost seven years ago I was called as Deaconess to Redeemer to help Pastor Matarazzo and later Pastor Berteau with their visitation ministry. As I look back over the years here, I understand why God wanted me to wait to serve Him in this way. I have had the privilege of visiting and helping so many people in ways that I could not, without first experiencing them myself. I have grieved with mothers who lost children through miscarriage or from cancer. I have prayed with family members at the bedside of a dying loved one. I have counseled people dealing with despair and depression. I have understood the frustrations of church leaders and staff. I have listened to the fascinating experiences and wisdom of the often forgotten elderly. I have also shared the joy of hearing little ones sing and pray to their friend, Jesus!

As I write this to my dear family at Redeemer, I also think about all the ways that I have been blessed by you. I have made so many dear friends that have been called home to the loving arms of our Savior and I rejoice that I will meet them again one day. I have also seen the faithfulness of many members here who care deeply for another. I believe that now God is calling me to another season in my life and I am retiring as Deaconess of Redeemer.

I want to thank each of you for the blessings and wonderful experiences I have received during my years here. This has been an incredibly stressful year in so many ways and I don’t want my retiring to add an- other burden to Pastor Berteau. I will continue to help him and my Redeemer family from time-to-time in any way that I can. I am confident that the homebound, sick, and lonely will continue to be well cared for by Pastor, the Elders, the Shepherds, and each one of you.

May our Lord continue to bless each one of you with His peace.

In His love, Deaconess Helen 

Wednesday’s Bible Study is lead by Women's Bible study on Tuesday Pastor Berteau at 7:00 pm via Zoom. evenings meets at 6:30 pm in the On the day of the study an email is sent church Fellowship Hall. For those who choose to remain at home out at 3:00 pm, it contains the bible during the pandemic, we do offer study worksheet, which you can print the ability to participate online via out, and the Zoom invite link. Interested in joining, Zoom. For further information, and not already on our Mailchimp list, call the church please call Janelle Berteau at 757- office to be added to Mailchimp. All are welcome. 318-1450.

Please Remember Our Don’t forget to set your clocks Homebound Members BACK

The following people are on our list: Justine Applegate, Carolyn one hour at 2 am on Baumann, Joe Belhumer, Walter Dzuroska, Alma Flizen, Elaine Gabel, Sunday, November 1st. Anja Muller, Isaac Cerpa, Jeanette DiSciullo, Carol Faulkner, Jean Fedos, Mary Gall, Joan & Lou Keller, Carol Malloy, Gertrud Strick, (Or before you go to Ingeborg Ward. sleep on Saturday night *Please ask Jill O’Connor for an updated address list of our shut-ins if October 31st.) you would like to send them cards. President’s Message Elder’s View

Greetings to All, (I have used a portion of a Stewardship message provided by the LCMS)

“We strive to know Christ and to make Him known to all, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make new disciples, all your might” (Eccl 9:10) and encourage the identification and use of spiritual gifts God bids us to be faithful in the tasks He calls us to do. among the congregation and community.” DO YOU He calls us to be members of a family (husbands and KNOW WHAT THIS IS? wives; fathers and mothers; sons and daughters). He calls us to be members of society (those who govern and those If you said it was the Church’s Mission Statement, kudos to who are governed). And He calls us to be members of His you. At our last meeting it was asked if anyone can repeat family, the Church (those who preach and teach and those Our Mission Statement. It seems we were caught off guard who hear and learn). Each of these callings from God as some of us could not answer. This brought up another places a duty on us. question; is the church accomplishing what is says in the mis- As members of a family, fathers and mothers are to raise sion statement? Is the mission statement outdated and can it their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, be redone to reflect the future of Redeemer Lutheran Church teaching them the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the of Manchester NJ? After much discussion, it was agreed that Lord’s Prayer, and the Scriptures concerning Baptism, we should revisit the mission of the church and configure it to Confession, the Office of the Keys, and the Lord’s Sup- meet and follow what God has in-store for us in the future. per. Children are to honor their parents throughout their The officers of the church had a meeting to discuss this issue lives, and even when their parents are no longer alive, and invited Tom Engelbrecht, LCMS consultant to present serving and obeying them, loving and cherishing them, recommendations which will help us go forward with realistic and speaking well of them. programs for the future. As members of society, God calls those who govern to

When I first took office, I said that I would like to see where bear the sword, that is, to punish those who do evil (those who live contrary to God’s will) and to reward those who the church was and where it would be five years from then. do good (those whose lives are lived in conformity with This is my second year and many changes and issues have God’s will). Those who are governed are to obey their taken place. The year 2020 presented many challenges which leaders as to the Lord Himself, for their leaders bear the made it difficult for us to meet and have regular worship ser- sword of God’s temporal justice for a purpose. vices. Nevertheless, technology provided the opportunity for the church to continue offering weekly worship services, bi- As members of God’s own family, the Church, He calls those who preach and teach to do so in faithfulness to His ble studies, and necessary meetings. We have been having in holy Word. To preach and teach the Law of God to con- -person worship services for some time now and continue to vict the hearts of hearers of their sin and to encourage, offer services through the website. However, in an effort to admonish, and exhort them to do good works in accor- continue to explore what opportunities are out there for dance with God’s will. They are to preach and teach the growth and set up for what the future has in-store for Re- Gospel, the full forgiveness of their sins accomplished by deemer Lutheran Church of Manchester, new programs will Christ and received through faith, not by works. They are be recommended at the next Voters’ Meeting to help lead the to administer the means of grace in accordance with the officers and membership to the future of the church. I am Gospel and the Word of God. They do all this for the asking those who can attend the next Voters’ Meeting, to be young and old alike, for those who are near and far off. held on November 15th, to please do so. It will be held in the Those who hear and learn are to submit themselves to their preachers and teachers. They are to support them by church following all the guidelines of the CDC to secure the their prayers and their gifts. safety and health of all members. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Each of these callings from God place a duty on us. They make a claim on our presence; on our prayers; and our In His blessings, time, talents, and treasures. So, “Whatever your hand Obed Gonzalez, President finds to do, do it with all your might” (Eccl 9:10). Pray for your family, your government, and your church. Give If you are a Veteran, please wear your of yourself by means of your time, your talents, and your treasures to your family, your government, and your service uniform or partial uniform on Church. That is what it means to be faithful in the tasks Sunday, November 8th to worship that God has given us. That is what it means to do it with service. This is the day Redeemer is all your might. honoring our Veterans. Thank you for your service, God bless you. Don Cousens, Head Elder

November 2020 Givers of Time and Talent

Church Council Altar Guild Obed Gonzalez President 732-278-2741 Dorothy Polidoro, Melissa Mascaro, Wilma Tanney Keith Brown Vice President 848-448-0181 June Gregory Secretary 732-735-3986 Counters Eileen Seal Treasurer 732-657-6341 Bob Michalski Barbara Casper Financial Sec. 732-920-7611 Vacant Assim./Fellow.

Danielle Wagner Christian Ed. 732-232-9930 Greeter(s) Gregory O’Connor Chr. Outreach 732-850-0295 On-Hold Don Cousens Elders 732-371-3722 Thomas Sak Property Board 718-356-1929 Lay Readers Jill O'Connor Shepherds 732-547-7612 Don Cousens (Interim) Stewardship 732-600-7781 TBD Peggy Anslinger Trustee 732-642-7256

Lay Servers Elders On-Hold Don Cousens 732-371-3722 Head Elder Michael Beauduy 732-928-4980 Ushers Andrew Chmielewski 609-458-1373 TBD Frank Kravchak 732-657-0577 Alex Lanfranco 732-240-2405 Timothy O’Connor 732-928-6580 Thomas Sheridan 732-267-7100 Mark Vlossak 908-415-5600

Staff, Committee, and Group Leaders Pastor Reverend Daniel Berteau Deaconess (Retired) Helen DeMario Administrator Lisa Ruth Kane Music Director Linda Ashbey Organist Wendy Craig Saturday Evening Organist Marcus Hulse Preschool Director Danielle Wagner Altar Guild Linda Sak Greeters Betty Cousens Ladies Society Lay Readers Barbara Miceli Sunday School Superintendent Evelyn Gonzalez Ushers John Kovacs Youth Coordinator

Newsletter Deadline The cut-off date for the December/January issue of the Redeemer Review is: Friday, November 13, 2020.

Submit your article to [email protected] or give a written copy to the office. The Newsletter Team will meet on Monday, November 23rd at 9:30 am.

Redeemer Lutheran Church of Manchester Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid 2309 Route 70 East Toms River, NJ 08753 Manchester, NJ 08759-4751 PERMIT # 268 Phone: (732) 657-2828

Website: YouTube Channel: Redeemer Lutheran Church of Manchester, NJ

Church office email address: [email protected] Pastor Berteau’s email address: [email protected]

November 2020

Worship Services Adult Bible Study & Sunday School Saturdays: 4:00 pm Bible Study: 7:00 pm on Wednesdays via Zoom Sundays: 8:30 am & 11:00 am Sunday School: 10:00 am Outdoor lessons/activities (weather permitting)


Please check the church’s Google Calendar which is on our website or call the church office for the most up- to-date information for ALL worship services and fel- lowship events as the information in this newsletter is subject to cancelation or change. You can follow us on Facebook too.