1- Minutes of the February 19, 2020 B&E Meeting LOUISIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES from FEBRUARY 19, 2020 OPEN SE
LOUISIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 19, 2020 OPEN SESSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 19, 2020 OPEN SESSION OF THE LOUISIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HELD IN BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. PRESENT WERE CHAIRMAN MIKE FRANCIS, VICE CHAIRMAN CRAIG GREENE, COMMISSIONER FOSTER CAMPBELL, COMMISSIONER LAMBERT BOISSIERE, COMMISSIONER ERIC SKRMETTA, AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BRANDON FREY. Open Session of February 19, 2020, convening at 9:23 A.M., and adjourning at 12:04 P.M., the Galvez Building, 602 North 5th Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the above-named members of the Commission and Executive Secretary Brandon Frey. Ex. 1 Secretary Frey introduced new employees La Tonya Brown and Cathy Haines. Secretary Frey announced a minor change to our in-person filing procedure. Upon arrival, the front desk will direct you to the Records Division for acceptance of filings, instead of acceptance at the front desk.would start with the Records Division. Chairman Francis reminded everyone in attendance about the importance of the 2020 Census and that everyone should participate. Commissioner Skrmetta echoed the importance of the 2020 Census and stated that the Census would be conducted by telephone and through a federal website. Executive Counsel Kathryn Bowman read a Resolution commending David Frey for his 32 years of service as Executive Director of Louisiana One Call/811 organization and congratulating him upon his retirement. Ex. 2 U-35372 - Right Way Properties, LLC, ex parte. In re: Petition for Change of Rates. In re: Discussion and possible vote on Uncontested Stipulated Settlement. On motion of Commissioner Campbell, seconded by Commissioner Boissiere, and unanimously adopted, the Commission voted to adopt the Uncontested Stipulated Settlement filed into the record on January 3, 2020, subject to conditions.
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