Editor: Tanni L. Anthony, Ph.D. State Consultant on RE:SOLUTIONS Blindness/Low Vision By Tanni L. Anthony Colorado Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Let’s be honest, it has been a rough, tough past year. Brutal for many. We are all 1560 Broadway, Suite 1100 hopeful for an improved year ahead with good health, an eventual return to steady Denver, CO 80202 in-person instruction, travel, real face (and hug) time with our loved ones, etc. We are looking forward to a new year. In tradition, it is time for our classic new year (303) 866-6681 (voice) promises for self, home, and work improvements. For 2021, let’s focus on the word (303) 866-6918 (fax) RESOLUTIONS in memo format—RE: for the word “regarding” and the all important E-mail:
[email protected] word for being a proactive problem-seeker and solver—SOLUTIONS. This puts the focus not on our problems or challenges, but what we can do about them in not just a hope / prayer / promise manner, but with concrete actions that get results. Think of it this way. Rather than tell myself, “YOU need to exercise more,” I can reframe “How can I improve my cardio health?” and then look for solutions. All of a sudden ideas emerge: a virtual yoga class before work starts, a regularly scheduled “date walk or bike ride” around the neighborhood hills with my husband, or taking Skipper for a brisk walk when I am at my mom’s house. Bit by bit, moments of exercise can be woven into my life with the side benefit of being with people (and critter) that I love and activities that I enjoy.