Worcestershire. [ Kelly's
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106 FECKENHAM. WORCESTERSHIRE. [ KELLY'S Chambers Wm. Hy. Red Lion P.H Green Thomas, grocer Pin..field-Wells WaIter, cowkeeper Clarke William, poultry dealer Harris Henry, cowkeeper Shrimpton Henry, grocer Collins George, cowkeeper Jackson Charles, cowkeeper Stanton Oharles, shopkeeper Copeman Charles Fredk. dog fancier Kilby James, farmer Strain Albert, cowkeeper Duffill John, cowkeeper Ladbury Robt. Boulton, insurance agt Styler Ellen (Mrs.), poultry dealer Enfield Cycle Co. Limited (The),cycle Morris George, poultry dealer Tolley Charles, farmer, White house &; motor car manufacturers Onion John, farmer 'Wright Edward, cowkeeper Fortnam. Joseph, farmer Owen Richard, farmer FINSTALL is an ecclesia.stical parish, formed Dec. 11, of Robert Smallwood esq. J.P. is a good house with 1868, out of the parish of Stoke Prior, I! miles grounds weTI bi:d iOut. The EiCclesiastical Commis~ south-east from Bromsgrove, in the Mid division of t1he sioners, who are lords of the manor, William E, Everitt county, Upper Halfshire hundred, Bromsgrove union and esq. and Robert Smallwoou esg. are the principal land county court district, Halesowen petty sessional division, owners. The soil is clay; subsoil, sandstone. 'The chief rural deanery of Bromsgrove,and archdea{:onry and diocese crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The population oi 'Vorcester. The Bromsgrove station on the Bir- in 1891 was 1,385. mingham and Bristol section of the Midland Parish Olerk, James Evans. railway is in this parish. The old church of St. Godwald, Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office, ~ew rebuilt in 1773, is a plain square edifice of brick, consisting road.-Ennch Goode, sub-postmaster. Letters through of nave only, and is now disused excep·t for burial ser- Bromsgrove arrive at 6.30 &; 11.45 a.m. & 2·35 & 6.45 vices. The new church of St. Godwald, erected in 1883-4, p.m.; dispatched at 8.5 &; 10.45 a.m. & 1.10, 2,45, at a cost of £2,222, and now the parish church, is a build- 5.30, 7.10, 8.15 & 9.10 p.m.; sundays, 8.10 p.m. ing of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Broms- nave, south transept and a south porch, over which is a grove railway station is the nearest telegraph office simple wooden bell gable containing one small bell. The Post & T. O. Alcester road.-Mrs. Martha Ound, sub~ east window and another ill'the chancel are stained, and postmaster. Letters through Bromsgrove arrive at 6.35 there are 270 .sittings. The register dates from the year a.m. &; 3.20 p.m.; dispatched at 6.z5 p.m. Postal 1869. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value from orders are issued here, but not paid. 'rhe nearest Ecclesiastical Commissioners and ~lebe {,z80, in the gift money order offices are in the New road & at of the vicar of Stoke Prior, and held since 1897 by the Bromsgrove Rev. George Thomas Fieldwick. At Aston Fields is a 'Yall Post Box, at Railway station, cleared ,at 8 & 10.50 Primitive Methodist Sunday School, erected in 189I, and a.m. & at I, 2.40, 5.45, 7.I5, 8.5 &, 9.25 p.m.; sun- used for ,servi{:es on Sunday. The Aston Fields 'York- days at 8.10 p.m men's Club was opened in 189I. The Bristol and Bir- Board School (mixed & infants), under the Stoke Prior & mingham (Midland) ;railway works here employ about Dodderhill united board, built in 1880 & enlarged in 500 men. Finstall Park, the property of William Edward 1886, for 2I8 boys & girls & 130 infants; average attend- Everitt esq. J.P. of Wicksted, is now (1899) occupied by ance, 200 boys & girls &; Il7 infants; Chas. Hy. Tun- John Boultbee Brooks esq.; the mansion is surrounded bridge, master; Mrs. Victoria Tunbridge, infants' mist by a beautiful park of 120 acres; Rigby Hall, the seat Bromsgrove Railway Station, 'Vm."Vatkins,station mastr PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Page George, The Vale Evans James, greengrocer & parish Albright Alfred Beaumont, Grimley hll Pickering Arthur, York house, New rd clerk, Aston fields Amiss Mrs. Redcliffe, Clive road Prosser Mrs. The Birches, New road Goode Enoch, manager for J. Nadin & Bensly Francis GeD. St. Godwalds Qllinney William, Fair vi"ew 00. & po~t office, New road Bond Mrs. New road Reeves :Mrs. Clive road Hardy William, hair dresser,Aston flds Boswell Oharles Stewart, The Lindens, Roberts Mrs. New road Harford George, shoe ma. Aston fields New road Rouse George, Wellington road Harries 1Vhitfield & Co. Limited, c1oth~ Bown George, Carlton villa Sanders :Frank Eadley, Wellington rd ing manufacturers Brooks John Boultbee, Finstall park Sassons Henry, Glendene Harris John, haulier, Stone cottage Butler Frank Herbert, Olive road Sayer Ohas. Robert, Finstnll mount Heath William, frmr.Lower Gambolds Butler George, Clive road Smallwood Robert J.P. Rigby hall Jones Joseph, carpenter, Wellingtonrd Collyer "Vm. Humphrey,Wellington rd Smith Henry E. New road Juggins George, Dragoon P.H Davenport Henry, Station villa Sutton James, Elmsdale Nadin J. & N. & 00. coal merchants, Drury Victor, Marlborough avenue Swinson Henry, Cross Brook cottage Aston fields Elkington Francis King, New road Tonks Sidney H. New road Petford William, farmer, Beesleys Everitt Douglas, Walnut cottage Tunbridge Charles Henry, New road Price Nathaniel, builder Fieldwick Rev. George Thomas (vicar) Walford Miss, Raleigh villas Prescott John, shopkeepe:r Gadd George Henry, New road Wheelock William James, New road Price Sarah (Mrs.), The Cross P.H Genton Alfred Frederick Sam!. Marl- Wheelock Henry, Ford house, New rd Quinny Edward, farmer, Finch end borough avenue Whitfield Hy. Beechwood, Marlboro' av Slater Fdk. Edwd.comcl.trav. New ra G~bbins Mrs. Marlborough avenue COMMERCIAL. Taylor John, jun. frmr. Up. Gambolds Glmson Mrs. Marlborough avenue Thompson 'Vm. beer retailer Green John Henry, The Highlands, Albutt Edmund, farmer, Hop gardens Tilt Fredk. Chas. frmr. Cross brook Marlborough avenue Alcott John, butcher, Aston fields Turner Henry, farmer, Stoke court Green Thomas, Wellington road Co-operative SocietyLirnited,Aston flds Usher & Co. coal mers.Railway statn Hall James, Rockville Orewe Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr Watkins William, station master Hartland Edmund, Marlborough aven Cund Martha C~'frs.), shapkeeper,Post Wheelock Henry, farmer Harvey Mrs. Wellington road office, Alcester road Wheelock WaIter frmr.Ford ho.New rd Hill Caleb, New road Davenport Henry, manager to the Mid- Wheelock "Vm. Jas. farmer,Alcester rd Impey Frank, The Oakalls land Railway wks. Bromsgrove statn Wilson J. B. & Sons, grocers & millers Levens Philip, New road Dolphin Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, (steam), Aston fields, New road Matthews Henry, New road Aston fields Workmen's Club (WaIt. Taylor, sec) Neale William, New road Dolphin Wm. carpenter, Aston fields Wrigbt Henry, sack hiring depot, Nock Thomas, Stonehurst Edwards John, blacksmith Aston fields FLADBURY (anciently "Fleodanbyrig"-a town by sented the stained east window: the chancel retains 3 the river side) is a village and parish, bounded on the east double piscina with canopies supported by a central and south by the navigable river Avon, with a station on pillar: in the aisles are some ancient tiles both lettered the Oxford and Worcester s.ection of the Great Western and numbered, probably of the 16th century; in the railway, 3 miles east from Pershore, 4 north-north-west south wall is another stained window to the Rev. !,'.Gaunt from Evesham and 14 south-east from 'Worcester, in the lett, a former rector, and there are several other memo Southern division of the county,middle division of Oswald- rial windows, two of which exhibit the arms of seven slow hundred, Pershore petty sessional division, union and knights slain at the battle of Evesham, Aug. 4, 1265: in county court district, rural deanery of Feckenham and 1871 the body of the church was restored, re-pewed and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. The church of re-decorated: a reredos of alabaster and mosaic, with St. John the Baptist is an ancient and noble edifice of figures of angels, by Boulton, of Worcester, extends across stone, chiefly (with the exception of the Norman base of the whole east end; the church contains a fine altar tomb the tower) of the 15th century, and cons:sts of chancel, of polished Purbeck marble, with brass effigie.s and shields, nave, aisles, south porch, and embattled western tower, to John Throckmorton (sub-treasurer of England), ob. with pinnacles and containing a clock and 6 bells: in 1865 1445, and Eleanor (de Spineto) his wife; a marble monu the chancel was entirely restored under the direction of mental tablet to John, son of Arthur Charlett esq. 1710; Mr. F.Preedy, by the Rev. John Haviland M.A.then rector, marble tablet and bust to Elizabeth Oharlett, daughter of and John Cartwright esq. of Craycombe House, who pre- the same, 1746; half effigy in brass, wearing cope, to.