North ’s forest-based bioeconomy - solutions in the sustainable development

2nd Interregional Event, AgroRES project 20-21 October 2020 – perfect for forest bioeconomy

Forerunner in smart forest bioeconomy, since the 1990s: Strong and dynamic forest cluster World-class knowledge hub in forest research and expertise

163163 000 000 inhabitants inhabitants • • size size 21 21 585 585 km² km² • • 89% 89% forest forest • • 13 13 municipalities municipalities North Karelia’s forest bioeconomy cluster

Forest cover 89 % of the total land area Cornerstone of the region’s business life and industry sector Share of renewable energy of the total energy consumption: 67% (2018) Forest resources are processed: • into high added-value bioproducts and services • for domestic and export markets Unique collaboration and expertise European Forest Institute – EFI HQ Natural Resources Institute (Luke) Finnish Forest Centre University of Eastern Finland – UEF Karelia University of Applied Sciences RiveriaVocational Education & Training Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Business development: Business , regional business development organisations Our circular forest bioeconomy cluster

Forest technology Forests & Photonics Industrial symbioses Advanced wood products

Distributed biorefining New biobased products Wood construction Natural products Renewable energy production Forest information solutions Within bioeconomy, our aims are:

Ensuring ecosystem services Oil-free, low-carbon and resource-efficient region Efficient use of by-products of the forest industry, reduction of negative environmental Fossil fuels and materials replaced impacts with renewable ones Open and secure environment for industrial Forerunner in climate smart construction piloting Wide range of value-added bioproducts Smart silviculture, maintaining healthy and and natural products diverse forests Service sector with a key role Knowledge and research applied for the needs Creating jobs for the entire bioeconomy of business life value chain Innovative use of digital forest data Education of forestry experts at all levels Timeline of our strategic work

Climate and Energy Wood Energy Programme Programme of for East Finland 2000 Bioenergy North Karelia Raodmap of Oil-free Programme of North 2020 and Low Carbon Karelia 2015 North Karelia 2040

1993 1998 2007 2011 2011 2017 2020

Bioenergy Bioenergy Strategy Programme of East Climate and of North Karelia Finland 2020 Energy Programme 2030 Smart specilisation in North Karelia Growth strategy for sustainable forest bioeconomy in North Karelia ✓ Based on the strengths described above ✓ Aims in the strategy o Investments in forest bioeconomy 350 million euro by 2023 o Total turnover 2,5 mrd euro by 2023 o Jobs in forest bioeconomy 400 – 800 new jobs by 2023 Growth strategy for sustainable forest bioeconomy in North Karelia Examples of the investment aims in the strategy o Development of sustainable tourism o Development in biorefinery: carried out Lieksa Kevätniemi biorefinery area with companies specializing in wood processing: sawn timber, biorefinery – biodiesel, bioenergy o Development of green bioenergy and new (value added) products o Activated carbon production to area: plant in action in 2020 o Enhancement of the factory capacity of EnoCell pulp mill (Stora Enso, ) for value adding: investment decision made 2020 by Sora Enso Vision: North Karelia is the forerunner in climate sustainability in 2030 Climate and energy Aims: Programme 2030 1. North Karelia will be a vital region 2. Securing biodiversity, stopping impoverish of species 3. The energy is (almost) exhaustless and is based on local resources and local production 4. Enabling climate smart construction and housing in both cities and rural areas 5. Natural resources are used in climate smart and sustainable way and is enabling diverse business 6. Regions know-how is smoothly transferred into practise 7. Carrying out the aim of 80 % reduction in emissions by 2030 (2007) Challenges in the region • Energy: traffic, heath and electricity • Climate smart construction and living • New services and products based on sustainable and climate smart nature management • Smart and economical solutions • Recycling and introducing the idea “ there is no waste, only reuse of materials”, resource smart economy • Town and country planning to enable different income and introducing the “green city” concept Greenhause gas emissions in North- Karelia

Emission source Emmissions 2018, kt, Co2- Change 2007–2018 ekv Consumption energy 247 -43 % Electricity (heating) 65 -51 % District heating 145 -31 % Oil heating 51 -48 % Other heating 73 6 % Industry 64 -11 % Working machines 107 -7 % Traffic (roads) 362 -14 % Traffic (railways) 7 -55 % Traffic (water) 7 -24 % Agriculture 294 -7 % Waste management 57 -29 % F-gases 37 -22 % Wind energy Total 1516 - 25 % Energy in North Karelia

Energy Situation in 2018 Total energy consumption 11, 8 TWh Share of renewable energy 67 % Energy independence 64 % Wood-based bioenergy 5,6 TWh Other renewable energy: Biogas 20,6 GWh Water energy 765 GWh Heat pumps 260 GWh Bioenergy / renewable energy Our strategic work on renewable energy began 25 years ago

The follow-up of of the region’s energy sector has been a part of our strategic programmes A social contract on sustainable development 2015, North Karelia the first region to take part Towards Low Carbon Municipalities -> Roadmap for oil free and low carbon North Karelia 2040 Carbon neutral region commitment in 2020: Carrying out the aim of 80 % reduction in emissions by 2030 (2007) Thank you for your interest

[email protected] @pohjois-karjala @pkliitto @pohjois_karjala pohjois-karjala