COMPASSION + ACTION Challenging Injustice. Advancing Human Rights.


EXECUTIVE Human Resources: Research: Quang Nguyen, Director of Human Amber Moulton, Associate Director Mary Katherine Morn, President and Resources for Research Chief Executive Officer Adelaide Vonleh, Human Resources Brittney Rose, Senior Executive UU College of Social Justice: Assistant Assistant Gina Collignon, Senior Associate for Immersion Learning Programs Operations and Facility Management: Deva Jones, Senior Associate for DEVELOPMENT Ethan Adams, Facility and Service Learning & Volunteer Cassandra Ryan, Vice President and Operations Manager Chief Development Officer Placements Elizabeth Auwood, Development PROGRAMS, ADVOCACY, AND ACTION Angela Kelly, Senior Associate for Department & Events Coordinator Justice Training Rachel Freed, Vice President and Kathleen McTigue, Director of UU Carly Cronon, Associate for Chief Programs Officer Congregational Giving Programs College of Social Justice Heather Vickery, Senior Associate Brendan Donnelly, Planned Giving Advocacy and Strategic for Outreach, Enrollment & and Major Gifts Officer Communications: Administration Katherine Friedman, Associate Michael Givens, Associate Director of Director of Development for Strategic Communications Major Gifts Hannah Hafter, Senior Grassroots UUSC BOARD OF TRUSTEES Eric Grignol, Senior Digital Organizer Rev. Dr. Lyssa Jenkens – Board Chair Fundraising & Membership Katie Ingegneri, Digital Strategist for Todd Hess – Treasurer Engagement Officer Mobilization and Engagement Rev. Brock Leach – Vice Chair Karen Klett, Associate Director of Meredith Larson, Director of Danah Fisher – Secretary Development for Membership Advocacy, Engagement & Strategic Sarah Dreier Susan Mosher, Associate for Communications Barbara Du Mond Donor Services Shayna Lewis, Senior Advocacy Hannah Moy, Associate for Advisor Peter Fenn Major Gifts Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson Partner Support, Grantmaking, and Jennifer O’Rourke, Marketing and Lydia Lopez Impact: Membership Coordinator Lynn Miyamoto Mayuri Anupindi, Senior Partnership Officer Maria Pignataro Nielsen FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Danielle Fuller-Wimbush, April Nishimura Mack Davidson, Vice President and Director of Partner Support and Joseph Parsons Chief Administration Officer Grantmaking James Smith Philip Hamilton, Partnership Officer Finance and Accounting: Cynthia Totten for Human Rights Carol Cahalane, Director of Finance Rev. Ned Wight Michael Kourabas, Associate Director Giao Doan, Accountant for Grantmaking and Impact Winnie Chau Nguyen, Accountant Josh Leach, Policy Analyst Mohamed Zine-abidine, Senior Leigh Meunier, Associate for Financial Analyst Grantmaking and Impact Salote Soqo, Senior Partnership Officer for Climate Justice & Crisis Response

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 689 Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 • 617-868-6600 • [email protected] “I believe UUSC is one of the most effective organizations of its size in leading social change.”



Bangladesh Kiribati Serbia

Burma Macedonia Solomon Islands

Croatia Marshall Islands South Africa

El Salvador Mexico Tanzania

Fiji Micronesia Thailand

Greece Namibia Turkey

Guatemala Nepal Tuvalu

Haiti Nicaragua United States

Honduras Palau Vanuatu

Hungary Papua New Guinea Zambia

Kenya Philippines Zimbabwe OUR MISSION

UUSC advances human rights and social

justice around the world, partnering with those

who confront unjust power structures and

mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies.

Our work is grounded in the belief that all people

have inherent power and dignity.

Young girls attending the Eco-Village School in Haiti’s Central Plateau, built in part by funding from UUSC members and supporters.


“We strive every day to build upon this legacy alongside you and our partners, to put compassion into action.”

6 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Friends, It can be easy sometimes as advocates for with social change movements at the local, justice to focus on the urgent human rights regional, national, and international level. issue that confronts us in the moment and com- In these pages, you will find highlights of pels us to action here and now — and then move our eye-to-eye partnerships with communities on to the next injustice. Politics, the news cycle, around the world who are demanding human and other pressures of modern life all contribute rights, justice, and self-determination in the to this type of thinking. Though, in order to truly face of hatred, oppression, and violence. In the challenge structural oppression, we must see stories and images, you will find evidence of the the long view of history and the unique contri- power and impact of hand-to-hand connection. bution each of us can make toward it. And through all of our work, please know that We are very pleased to share this annual you are generating enduring hope with the report with you, our closest supporters. It is one heart-to-heart commitment we share. way for us all to take a moment to reflect upon For nearly 80 years, this partnership, the progress we have witnessed and to affirm connection, and commitment have made the difference we have made for those living in UUSC’s remarkable legacy of justice-building affected communities around the world. possible. We strive every day to build upon this As we shepherd UUSC’s work each day, we are legacy alongside you and our partners, to put mindful of our great privilege to serve as torch compassion into action. bearers for those who have come before us, and for those who will carry the work forward after. With deep gratitude, We form an unbroken line of advocates, urged to action by shared values of compassion and MARY KATHERINE MORN interconnectedness, aspiring to realize justice MACK DAVIDSON and dignity for every member of our human family. RACHEL FREED Throughout this journey, you have shown CASSANDRA RYAN your commitment to these efforts. This report illustrates just how integral to our success UUSC members have been this past year, and we thank you for all that you do. We hope that the programmatic highlights included here will fuel the flame that inspires you to engage more deeply

UUSC’s Executive Team, L-R: Rachel Freed, Vice President and CPO; Cassandra Ryan, Vice President and CDO; Mary Katherine Morn, President and CEO; Mack Davidson, Vice President and CAO. For those who choose to make the

perilous journey north. . .

Upon reaching the United States

border, they can be detained,

prosecuted, or have their family

members taken from them.

The Theis sisters were among those rescued from Nazi persecution by UUSC founders Martha and Waitstill Sharp. GRASSROOTS PARTNERSHIPS ALONG THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MIGRATION ROUTE

UUSC was founded at a time when isolationist haven, and to fight against policies and practic- policies in Europe and the U.S. left many victims es — at home and abroad — that created and of the Holocaust with nowhere to turn for safety. perpetuate this crisis. Whether choosing to stay Now, as then, we are witnessing a similar trend in-country or find asylum elsewhere, every per- at our southern border where migrants are arriv- son has the right of self-determination and free- ing seeking asylum from violence and persecu- dom from harm. This work is grounded in the tion in their home countries. For those who choose to make the perilous journey north — even when choosing to band together in a caravan to provide a measure of protection — migrants face further dangers and abuses designed to deter them. Upon reaching the United States border, they can be detained, prosecuted, or have their family members taken from them. Many others who already reside in the U.S. may be at risk of de- portation. We are compelled to respond to the plight of Central American families looking for safe

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 9 rights of people, not borders. sis in Honduras. To spur international action, Last year, UUSC partnered with 30 grassroots delegation staff accompanied Ely Castro Rosales organizations along the migration trail, working and other members of our partner, Radio Progre- together to reduce state-sanctioned violence in so, an independent radio station and outspoken Central America, ensure safe passage to the U.S. critic of the Honduran government, as they vis- and Mexico, and combat the criminalization of ited a number of U.S. cities to raise awareness immigrants in the U.S. about Honduran civil rights abuses. These ef- forts culminated in testimony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the U.S. RIGHT TO SAFETY IN CENTRAL House of Representatives, requesting the U.S. AMERICA end its support of the Honduran government and military, which is further fueling the crisis. Honduras El Salvador Following disputed elections in November 2017, country-wide protests and peaceful demonstra- Through our partnership with Fundación Cris- tions were met with state-sanctioned violence tosal in El Salvador, we are supporting the devel- and human rights abuses meant to stifle the re- opment of a pilot model for emergency resettle- sistance. This continued violence, including high ment of people displaced by violence. Last year rates of femicide, are a key contributor to the alone, Cristosal successfully relocated nineteen forced migration of Hondurans. Shortly after the people using this model. Also, through its strate- violent crackdown, UUSC began sending inter- gic litigation efforts, our partner recently won a faith delegations to Honduras in order to raise landmark human rights case, which forced the the visibility of Honduran human rights defend- Salvadoran government to formally recognize its ers and reduce the threat of future retaliation. failures to protect a group of internally displaced Upon returning to the U.S., delegation members people and accept its obligation to provide pro- reported on the reality of the human rights cri- tection to victims of internal displacement.

Padre Melo, Jesuit Priest and Director of UUSC partner Guatemala Radio Progreso speaks on San Francisco radio. Working with Indigenous youth, Asociación Pop No’j aims to bring about “good living” for Mayan people in Guatemala, in part through accompa- niment and reintegration support. Last year, Pop No’j accompanied 50 migrant children and ad- olescents who returned to Guatemala from the United States and Mexico, helping to reintegrate them into school. Following the family separation crisis that resulted from the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, Pop No’j accompanied the reunification of at least three children with their parents and are following up on a number of additional cases.

10 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, UUSC supports a grassroots wom- en’s organization, Fundación entre Mujeres (FEM), that helps women develop alternative livelihoods so they can free themselves from abusive partners and be less at-risk of displace- ment. FEM has also been a key partner of the UU College of Social Justice (CSJ) in CSJ’s Nicaraguan immersion learning program, which ran several times last year. That program focuses on up- lifting local community organizing efforts that make it possible for people to continue to live safely and abundantly in their home countries.


MIGRANT TRAIL Volunteers often wrote messages of hope and encour- agement on the jugs of water they placed throughout UUSC supports organizations along the migrant the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge during the trail from Central America to the United States Faith Floods the Desert action. This one reads: “God to protect migrants from violence and extortion bless you with water that is life.” while in transit, and help them to safely seek asylum in Mexico if they choose to do so. U.S. Border Mexico UUSC deepened its multi-year relationship with Our network of partners in Mexico advocate for No More Deaths (NMD), an official ministry of transnational systems to ensure crimes against the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson. undocumented migrants can be reported and When NMD volunteers were charged with mul- prosecuted. They work to provide safe transit, tiple federal felonies for providing life-saving shelter, locate missing family members, and humanitarian aid to undocumented immigrants, secure legal assistance for navigating the com- UUSC expanded our assistance to NMD to in- plicated asylum system. clude support for a National Campaign Coor- For example, Scalabrinianas Misión con Mi- dinator to spearhead the organization’s public grantes y Refugiados (SMR) accompanied be- response. tween 150 and 200 migrants in legal and admin- In coalition with NMD and other interfaith istrative processes last year, helping nearly 100 leaders, UUSC also helped to plan and imple- gain humanitarian visas allowing them to stay ment a day of action titled “Faith Floods the in Mexico. SMR’s beneficiaries included a group Desert.” Protesters placed a “water line” of more of migrants who were kidnapped from a shelter than 120 gallons across the Cabeza Prieta Re- in the state of Tabasco. When the migrants were serve in Ajo, Arizona — a desolate stretch of land liberated, SMR accompanied several of them on the border, where the remains of many peo- through the legal process to seek redress and ple who have attempted to cross into the United gain legal status in Mexico. States have been found. UUSC and NMD created strong media visibility and public support, which provided evidence for a “selective prosecution”

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 11 defense for NMD volunteers in an effort to re- tention and deportation, and demands that fam- duce the targeting of both humanitarian and ilies should stay together out of detention. Last undocumented activists. We also compelled U.S. year, our support included work to document Fish and Wildlife Service to negotiate with NMD abuses in immigration detention centers and at to allow for humanitarian aid supplies to be left the U.S.-Mexico border. legally on Cabeza Prieta. One of UUSC’s partners, Freedom for Immi- grants (FFI), launched the first pro bono hotline to connect people in immigration detention Whether choosing to stay in-country or find with their families, as well as document human rights abuses. In FY18, the hotline answered asylum elsewhere, every person has the almost 20,000 calls and helped connect 5,995 immigrants in detention to their families and right of self-determination and freedom from other resources. harm. Our work is grounded in the rights of people, not borders.

ABOVE: At a San Antonio bus depot, a mother from Guatemala points out the route they will take via bus HUMAN RIGHTS AND U.S. over the next several days to her sons. The route will require six bus changes. IMMIGRATION REFORM OPPOSITE: Humanitarian aid volunteers, faith leaders, UUSC affirms refugees’ rights under law to seek and No More Deaths staff and volunteers trek through and obtain asylum, to be free from arbitrary de- the desert in the Cabeza Prita National Wildlife Refuge carrying life-saving jugs of water for migrants.

12 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Amplifying the Voices of Our Members, Activists, and Congregations

UUSC’s loyal members and supporters — often working in conjunction with their UU congrega- “[T]his model policy positions Austin tions — form a strong network of activists that are ready to advocate for justice. Here are some as a leader in protecting immigrant highlights of the year’s advocacy work: communities and in eliminating racial ■■ In April, UUSC held a Lobby Day in Wash- ington, D.C., where UUSC staff and a group bias from policing. Austin is the first such of our most committed supporters visited 26 members of Congress. Using materials Freedom City in Texas, and we anticipate and training developed by UUSC, they asked legislators of both major parties to withhold that other cities will soon follow suit.” funding in the FY19 appropriations bill tied to police and military aid to Honduras. They also — GRASSROOTS LEADERSHIP STAFF MEMBER called for the increase of funds for refugee and migration assistance and the enactment community members seeking sanctuary in of a permanent legislative solution for Tem- Austin and around the country. porary Protective Status holders. UUSC staff gained strategic insight from Congressional ■■ Grassroots Leadership and the Texas UU offices that are leading efforts to pass a per- Justice Ministry were also instrumental in the manent solution for TPS holders — legislation Austin City Council’s adoption of a Free- for which is currently pending in the Judiciary dom City Policy last year, which aims to end Committee of each House of Congress. over-policing and criminalization of commu- nities of color in Austin. ■■ In Texas, UUSC’s support enabled Grassroots Leadership to hire Sulma Franco as a part- time organizer. In 2015, Sulma led the first successful LGBTQI sanctuary case in the country, after taking sanctuary in First UU Church of Austin. Sulma, a Guatemalan ac- tivist who fled persecution for her outspoken advocacy, was detained for several years be- fore building a life in Austin with her partner. Her sanctuary case made national headlines and helped spur the creation of the Austin Sanctuary Network, in which both Grassroots Leadership and the Texas UU Justice Ministry have been active participants. Since then, Sul- ma has been a leader in Grassroots Leader- ship’s “ICE Out of Austin” campaign and has provided support to subsequent immigrant

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 13 Our work begins with an understanding

that how people are oppressed

before a disaster will affect their access

to relief after a disaster.

Empower Generation trains women entrepreneurs in the distribution of solar power kits in remote areas of Nepal hardest hit by the 2015 earthquake.


Amidst a disaster, human rights for at-risk pop- because they know the affected communities ulations are put in heightened jeopardy. UUSC and their needs. Together, we go where access to responds to disasters where there is an opportu- aid is most limited and assist frontline commu- nity for us to leverage our distinctive assets and nities as they rebuild their lives on the way to a capabilities to address systemic inequities truly just recovery. — ensuring our work fosters lasting change after a crisis, not just a temporary fix that ignores or may deepen root causes of injustice. Unlike large aid agencies that roll out whole- sale disaster programs in a one-size-fits-all ap- proach, UUSC understands that when a disaster strikes, people’s situations vary greatly, depend- ing on their race, class, and sexual orientation or gender identity. Our work begins with an under- standing that how people are oppressed before a disaster will affect their access to relief after a disaster. Our work is grounded in eye-to-eye partner- ships with locally led, grassroots organizations who are in the best position to lead a response

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 15 “UUSC’s support was really important same time, growing xenophobia and national- ism have led to closing borders and diminishing … when our organization was making the rights of immigrants across Europe. Because of this, the Balkans and Eastern Europe have in- crucial steps in order to ... engage more creasingly become “countries of permanent stay” for refugees from the Middle East and Northern in the field and cover the territory of Africa. UUSC is supporting partner organizations in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, and Mace- Serbia. UUSC was a donor that recognized donia to ensure access to protection and refugee integration. our needs for technical assistance, In Serbia, UUSC helped Asylum Protection Center (APC) purchase two camper vehicles, for mobility, for flexibility, and that which enable APC’s mobile teams of aid workers to travel to asylum and reception centers across helps us even today to manage all the country, where they can provide aid directly to people who need it most. In FY18, APC’s mo- these difficulties we are [faced] with…. bile teams reached 15,293 migrants and poten- tial asylum seekers to inform them of their cur- Besides that, UUSC had understanding rent legal status and rights. An additional 7,644 asylum seekers and refugees obtained legal and supported our management and protection with APC’s support. Indirectly, APC estimates that 20,000 asylum-seekers, refugees, fundraising team, looking for sustainable and other migrants benefited from the sharing of information as a result of APC’s work. results in the future. For our work to be independent, to be professional, to be GENOCIDE IN BURMA UUSC has been engaged in human rights work devoted to the cause, we need to have in Burma since 2002. Early on, we responded to natural disasters, including 2008’s Cyclone Nar- financial and operational independence.” gis, considered the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of the country. Burma is a mul- ­—APC STAFF MEMBER ticultural country of over 135 ethnicities. Many ethnic and religious minorities, particularly in border regions, face severe human rights viola- SYRIAN REFUGEE RESPONSE tions, including discrimination and horrific vio- lence. Despite the 2009 democratic reforms, the The refugee crisis in the Middle East continues military continues to exert its power in these to swell as the civil war in Syria enters its sev- regions to obtain land and resources. enth year. Ongoing atrocities of the Assad re- In 2017, following the Burmese military’s gime, including indiscriminate use of incendiary brutal attacks on Rohingya villages in Northern weapons and starvation siege tactics, as well as Rakhine State, nearly 700,000 people were forced the escalating brutality of armed groups contin- to flee to Bangladesh in a matter of weeks. Due ue to displace millions of innocent people. At the to longstanding partnerships in the area, UUSC

16 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT was one of the only groups able to support the Asylum Protection Center providing humanitarian aid delivery of humanitarian aid to those who re- to asylum seekers in Serbia, using a camper van pur- chased with UUSC funding. mained in Burma. UUSC’s on-the-ground response in 2018 fo- cused on the delivery of food assistance and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable civilians members of the Burmese military until it ends in three townships in Northern Rakhine State, atrocities against the Rohingya and other ethnic reaching an estimated 7,500 individuals in 11 minorities. UUSC provided input and helped villages. Our partners helped community health secure the introduction of the legislation in late workers provide medical treatment to approx- 2017. We also worked to mobilize pressure for its imately 1,400 internally displaced people (200 passage, through several online actions, social families). media campaigns, and coalition work. To advocate for Burmese peoples’ rights, UUSC In March 2018, the Senate Committee on For- supported the Burma Human Rights Network’s eign Relations passed a bipartisan resolution (BHRN) in documenting and raising awareness condemning Burmese ethnic cleansing and of abuses. For instance, BHRN’s reporting on dis- calling for the safe repatriation of the Rohingya. placed Rohingya stranded on beaches in North- Two months later, the BURMA Act cleared the ern Rakhine State was picked up by several news House Committee on Foreign Affairs. As the outlets, including CNN. While BHRN’s efforts U.S. was about to pass the National Defense Au- were part of a larger collective push to spotlight thorization Act, which included language to ex- the issue, stranded villagers were rescued and pand U.S. military-to-military cooperation with brought back to Bangladesh’s refugee camps Burma, UUSC worked with other human rights shortly after BHRN’s coverage broke. organizations and faith leaders to support an UUSC is a key part of a coalition advocating amendment that ensured this language was not for the U.S. Congress to pass the bipartisan BUR- included in the Defense Act. MA Act, which would impose tough sanctions on

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 17 EMERGENCY RELIEF IN THE The Eco-Village School now serves children from K-6th grade. WAKE OF HURRICANE HARVEY

On August 25, 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Rockport, Texas, with winds up to communities. 130 miles per hour, and then stalled over Hous- Another UUSC partner, West Street Recovery ton for five days dumping a record-breaking 50 (WSR), helped eight families get accepted into inches of rain (or 27 trillion gallons of water). larger programs for rebuilding and helped ten The historic storm resulted in tens of thousands individuals win FEMA assistance on appeal. of homes being seriously damaged or outright Usually, the reason for a denial was an error on destroyed. Approximately 80,000 homes and the original application, which WSR has to work 500,000 vehicles were damaged or ruined. More to identify. In this process, it has sought advice than 80 people died, the majority from flood-re- from UUSC partner, Lone Star Legal Aid. lated drowning. In addition to immediate response relief, the In response, the UUA and UUSC issued a work of our partner, Fe y Justicia Worker Center, joint appeal to provide emergency relief to the spotlights the need to protect immigrants at affected communities in Texas, raising roughly work — to feel safe and to exercise their rights. $500,000. UUSC directed funds to grassroots Fe y Justicia raised occupational health and organizations serving the most vulnerable safety awareness among second responders (day communities — namely immigrants, disabled laborers, domestic workers, and other workers individuals, and people of color in resource-poor and volunteers doing cleanup and reconstruc-

18 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT tion work after the hurricane) and successfully hurdle to sustainability. The school, which will launched a workers’ empowerment clinic. The be renamed The National School of the Eco- clinic processed nearly 700 claims, including Villages of Colladere, now has 271 students en- hundreds of violations constituting nearly $1 rolled in grades K-6 — a hundred more students million in stolen wages. than last year.

COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY “Politics [in Nepal] are typically set up IN HAITI where women are expected to take The generosity of our members has enabled UUSC to fulfill its long-term commitment to the supporting roles, like treasurer or the people of Haiti whose lives were impacted by the 2010 earthquake. Our work building and secretary. Now, we can fight for lead roles.” supporting a series of Eco-Villages in the Central – MEMBER OF SRIJANSHIL MAHILA, UUSC NEPAL Plateau demonstrates our resolve to not look for quick fixes of temporary aid, but rather surface PARTNER GRANTEE TEWA sustainable solutions from the grassroots them- selves to restore livelihoods and ensure commu- nities are thriving. Last year, during a visit to the Central Plateau, NEPAL EARTHQUAKE IMPACT the villagers told us of how challenging it was to ASSESSMENT live without electricity (none of the 60 Eco- Concluding our work nearly three years after the Village houses or community spaces had elec- devastating earthquakes in Nepal, UUSC sup- tricity). Upon returning, UUSC appealed to our ported eight partners focused on empowering members to raise funds to support the connec- and increasing agency of traditionally oppressed tion of all six Eco-Villages to the electrical grid. groups, including Dalits, Indigenous people, and The funding response also allowed UUSC to fix women. And, in just three years, our partners two broken wells. As a result, all villagers now made measurable progress. Within the commu- have access to clean water and electricity. In ad- nities of single women across Nepal supported dition, we witnessed agricultural income start- by our partner, Women for Human Rights, for ex- ing to flow again, giving villagers more control ample, nearly 100 single women were identified over their own lives. as political candidates by national parties after Finally, one of the most significant develop- participating in WHR’s trainings. In Nepal’s re- ments of the recovery work included the Eco- mote Gorkha district, five women entrepreneurs Village School being granted an initial certificate trained by our partner, Empower Generation, of nationalization. Credentials for all its teach- went on to win ward member elections since our ers have been examined and approved by the support began — and due to its success, decided Ministry of Education (MoE), which means that, to launch similar programs in India and Burma. when the state has the funds, the teachers will In total, our partners provided data indicat- be compensated by MoE (as opposed to through ing UUSC-funded projects directly or indirectly outside funding from UUSC and other funders). benefited more than 112,000 individuals, with an Although there are still steps to be taken before average of 7,450 beneficiaries per grant. the school becomes financially supported by the state, this marks the clearing of a remarkable

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 19 UUSC focuses its climate justice

work on advancing and protecting the

rights of populations at risk

of climate-forced displacement.


Climate change poses grave dangers to the Alaska world’s most vulnerable populations who are disproportionately affected as a result of wid- Many of the more than 200 Alaska Native com- ening socio-economic inequalities. Increasing munities have seen a reduction in subsistence temperatures and variable precipitation intensi- harvests, sea level rise, issues with water quality, fy natural disasters and droughts, melt glaciers, increased flooding and faster shoreline erosion, raise sea levels, and cause widespread flooding. and damage to buildings, roads, and infrastruc- Mounting food and water insecurity leads to ture such as airports that serve as key transport mass displacement — visibly demonstrating for remote villages. Certain communities have how a breakdown in the interdependent web come to the difficult decision that relocation is of our earth’s ecosystem has a direct impact on the only sustainable adaptation strategy that human rights. protects their communities from the long-term UUSC focuses its climate justice work on ad- impacts of climate change. vancing and protecting the rights of populations The lack of governance frameworks — feder- at risk of climate-forced displacement, partic- al, or state agencies with a mandate to oversee ularly in Alaska and the Pacific. These com- planned relocation efforts — and financing to munities are beginning to see the results of a support relocation have posed serious challeng- warming planet now — not, as many perceive, a es to successfully executing community reloca- problem for a far-off future. Our program affirms tion. Against this backdrop, UUSC supports the the right to self-determination by prioritizing Alaska Institute for Justice (AIJ) in its work with building protections in place, or — when neces- fifteen Native tribes to transform government sary and required — helping communities relo- systems in order to ensure that the human cate with dignity. rights of Alaska Native communities are protect- ed. Community-based monitoring provides criti- cal information to determine whether and when

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 21 on Earth having to relocate because of climate change. Due to their low topographies, geo- graphic remoteness, infrastructure development challenges, and high population densities, island nations are not only seeing changes to their land happening, but also their way of life disappear- ing. Ursula Rakova, the director of UUSC’s partner, Tulele Peisa Inc. (TPI), is leading her communi- ty’s migration to higher ground while seeking to preserve its culture. UUSC is providing funding for Tulele Peisa’s work to keep Carteret Island culture alive through local advocacy and aware- ness raising. A highlight of TPI’s work this year was its “Schools Climate Change Road Show,” which resulted in the selection of 30 “Student Climate Change Warriors,” whom TPI is training in climate change awareness and activism. Its cultivation of these young leaders positions them uniquely to make a difference in how their government confronts the impacts of the cli- mate crisis.


In the bayous of southern Louisiana, UUSC’s 2017 Innovation Fellow, the Lowlander Center, trained 12 new Native leaders from five Tribes to be advocates for addressing the effects of the ABOVE: UUSC staff Salote Soqo and Amber Moulton meet with members of our climate justice partner Live climate crisis. One trainee, new to speaking pub- & Learn Environmental Education in Kiribati. licly on his own, traveled to Alaska to address the Alaska Sea Grant staff on climate impacts. BELOW: Community members of the Alaska Native Four trainees, all young adults, spent two weeks Village of Chevak with staff of the Alaska Institute for Justice, preparing equipment for shoreline erosion in Hawaii with M. Kalani Souza, a Native Hawai- monitoring training. ian storyteller, poet, and peacemaker, to learn how to put the stories of their Tribes into social media and broadcasting. relocation is required. AIJ has built a relationship As Lowlander put it, “The older generation is between the NOAA’s National Weather Service reinvigorated by seeing the youth with self-es- and 15 Alaska Native communities, for instance, teem and courage to take on the impacts of cli- so that the wisdom of the Native communities is mate. There is so much hope and joy expressed incorporated into data of environmental chang- in their pursuit to do what is right knowing full es like shoreline erosion. well the immediate and long-term impacts [of Papua New Guinea climate change] are already shaping their fu- tures.” The people of the Carteret Islands of Papua New Guinea are among the first communities

22 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Collaboration for Justice

Kathleen McTigue, UU College of Social Justice Director, walking with a Honduran teenager at a barricade where protesters had blocked a road leading into San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to protest the election of President Juan Orlando Hernandez.

Capacity, influence, and impact is increased ■■ Freedom for Immigrants (FFI), RAICES, Grass- exponentially when we build coalitions that roots Leadership, and the Queer Detainee link social justice movements together. In FY18, Empowerment Project (QDEP) collaborated UUSC excelled at connecting its partners so that to successfully advocate for the release of they could empower and learn from each Laura Monterrosa, a victim of sexual assault other. Here are just a few highlights that illus- while in immigration detention. QDEP and FFI trate the ways UUSC fosters collaboration and are also working together on a “Dignity Not helps strengthen human rights networks and Detention” campaign in New York, aiming to infrastructure. replicate legislation FFI successfully champi- oned in California.

■ ■ Justice in Motion’s “Defenders Network” held ■■ UUSC organized a convening in Zagreb, Cro- its first convening of the rights defenders atia, for civil society organizations (many of in its network, leading to many of what it them UUSC partners) serving Syrian refugees dubbed, “micro-collaborations.” For example, along the Balkan Route. Twenty-six represen- one Mexican defender was able to form a tatives from 16 organizations came together coalition to respond to the Honduran elec- to discuss how they can better coordinate toral crisis. It obtained the signatures of five their work, problem-solve challenges, and partner organizations for a joint statement on expand their network. electoral transparency and human rights. HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS

UUSC recognizes and thanks those who have contributed unrestricted and restricted support during the fiscal year July 1, 2017– June 30, 2018.

Martha and Waitstill Anonymous (4) vision helped thousands of children with food Donald and Mary Miles Sharp Society David and Melinda Anderson and medical services. Ina Miller Peter Bergh and Janet Prince Anonymous (2) Suzanne Miller and Walter vom Saal ($50,000 and over) James and Linda Bodycomb Vera Alexander Paul and Laura Milne UUSC founders Martha and Waitstill Sharp Trevor Bond Elizabeth and James Armour Melanie and James Milner led the first Unitarian relief efforts, aimed at Brach Family Deborah Bailly James and Carol Montgomery helping victims of persecution and genocide Brad and Julie Bradburd George Bauer Mary Katherine Morn and John Rakestraw in WWII Europe. Wayne and Cynthia Bullaughey David Beach and Carmen Rigau Makanah and Bob Morriss Anonymous (2) John and Irene Bush Janice Bird and R. Scott Eden Sara Moser Danah and Paul Fisher Stephen Charles Daniel Boyce F. Kevin and Rachael Murphy Bert Harrop and family Phyllis and Robert Clement Suzanne Boyce Constance Murray Peter Hendee Dave and Mary Colton Victoria and Thomas Broadie Rob and Quincy Northrup Todd and Lorella Hess Rosalie Danbury Gaia Brown and Lloyd Rogers Nancy and Leonard Nowak Brock and Julie Leach Sally Donner and Kenneth Briers William N. Butler and Maida Wright Judith and Richard Ottman Lucia Santini Field and Bruce Field Charles and Barbara Du Mond Donald and Kathé Cairns David and Mary Overton Scott and Charla Weiss Ebe Emmons Wesley Callender and Patricia Davis Paul and Nancy Pinson Jane and Gary Facente Alice Carlson Don and Lois Porter Eleanor Clark French Carol and Richard Fencl Linda Casey and Richard Williams Renie Randall Neil Gunderson Helena Chui and Nancy Nielsen-Brown Suzanne Reitz and William Kenney Society Harry Hamil Geoffrey and Martha Clark Christopher Romaine and Mary Moon ($25,000–$49,999) Judy Hartman and Craig Beyler Thomas Clewe Julie Ruckstuhl Eleanor Clark French was director of the Jean Helz and Wayne Zimmermann Catherine Colpetzer Ronald and Pat Schaeffer Unitarian Service Committee’s post-WWII Matthew Huber Lowell Croll Daniel and Janet Schneider refugee rest home at Monnetier, France, Judith Jesiolowski and David Thompson Doyle Dobbins John Severinghaus which served refugees as a place for Warren and Mary Jane Jessop Elizabeth Earle Marjorie Singleton comradeship, food, and rest to help in their Peter and Louise Kelly Peter and Alison Fenn Kathryn Smith and Family recovery. Jay Klemme and Anne Wilson Glen and Pamela Frederick William Spears and Robin MacIlroy Kevin Kroeker and Lynn Miyamoto Frederick and Christy Staats Anonymous (5) Priscilla and Jason Gaines Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Cristina Betty and Tom Stapleford Philip Altbach Peter and Dell Gerstner Romero Arnold and Emily Stoper Timothy Blodgett John Gibbons and Sue Baldauf Robert and Jane Ladner Susan Strakosch and John Glasheen Martha Easter-Wells Phil and Marcia Giudice Terry and Constance Marbach Lee Sullivan Lawrence and Suzanne Hess Michael Grady and Ellen Grimm Gary and Karen Martin Ann Throop Robert Johnson and Linda Klein Nancy Greenleaf Thomas and Eva Marx Stephen Tiwald and Karen Hutt Holly Kerr Jean Grem Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Martin Vanderlaan Bennet and Anne Manvel Ann Hailey and John Dunsheath Howard and Jan Oringer Don VandeWalle Allen and Mary Mossman Peter and Kate Hand John and Janet Pattillo Richard and Marjorie Veleta Jeff Peierls Josefine Heim-Hall Doug Poutasse and Elaine Mittell Philippe and Katherine Villers John and Sandra Reschovsky David Hersch Victoria and John Rizzi Susan Vinicor John and Aline Schwob Bunny Hodas Ann Ross Kenneth and Jerusha Vogel Mike Shonsey and Kathryn Jenkins Romer and Deming Holleran Betty Sanders Henry Whiteside Jim Smith and Betsy Gardella Carol and David Holstein Katherine Schneider Mike and Jane Winter Oliver and Helen Wolcott John and Rusty Jaggers Aubrey and Billye Smith David and Laura Johnston Teri Wiss Diana Strassmann and Jeffrey Smisek Ralph Wyman Rev. Carleton Fisher John and Kathy Kaufmann Erik and Kerriann Tavzel Elizabeth Keating A. Lee and Margaret Zeigler Society Susan Weaver and Eric Isaacson Martha Ketelle ($10,000– $24,999) Richard and Barbara Weiss R. Bruce and Sandra Kirkman Hans Deutsch Society Eric Wojcikiewicz and Jamie Berndt Carleton Fisher served as the first executive Neil and Patricia Lichtman ($1,000–$4,999) director of the Unitarian Service Committee Michael and Kay MacLaury When the Nazis invaded Paris, Austrian artist and supervised post-WWII relief efforts in Dr. Ary Bordes Society Clarence and Judy Manning Hans Deutsch abandoned all he had there and the Netherlands. He was instrumental in ($5,000–$9,999) Ninarose C. Mayer fled to Portugal, where he was assisted by coordinating early cooperation between For more than a decade, Ary Bordes worked Robert and Elisabeth McGregor the Unitarian Service Committee’s early relief the Universalist Service Committee and the with UUSC to establish progressive health- David Mentz and Pam Smith Mentz efforts. He later became an agent of the USC Unitarian Service Committee. care programs for the people of Haiti. His Bruce Mickey and Barbara Schultz and designed its logo, the flaming chalice.


UUSC is especially grateful for one loyal partner that has UUSC has always been able to count on our friends done so much to fuel our mission over many decades: at UUCSR for their extraordinary commitment to our the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock (UUCSR) in mission in ways large and small, but especially by Manhasset, N.Y. modeling compassion and generosity by providing a dollar-for-dollar match for our members each year.

Anonymous (9) Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes Velaine Carnall Virginia deLima Melanie Abercrombie Holly Bell and Matthew Kaufmann Catherine Carpenter Michael Dean and Margaret Lazzari Mark Ailes and Kay Lynn Richards Theodore and Sandy Benttinen Ken and Lois Carpenter Walter and Lillian Dean Nicholas and Jeanne Aldrich Sonya and Adam Berg Marjorie Carsen Stanley and Ann Degler S.H. George and Jane Allen David and Kitty Bessey Larry and Christine Carsman Linda DeLap Mark Allison and Ann Perry Sue Bielawski Alan and Janan Carter Alex and Christina Dell Eric and Nancy Almquist Barbara Bishop and Hale Huber Evelyn Carter Harriet Denison Jeanne Altmann Janet Blanchfield Robert Cary and Janet Nussmann Shaun Deola Bruce and Helen Ambuel Lucas and Judith Blanco Annette Casparis Lynne Derus John Andrews Saul Bloom and Celia Hinrichs Richard Cassel Alice and Julian Dewell Gene and Rena Anspach Steven and Mary Bolton Elaine and Steve Castles Jen Dillinger and Jonathan Claridge Robert and Marianne Antweiler Robert Bonner and Laura Lester Joanne Chase Denise Donato-McConnell and Patrick McConnell Joan Armstrong Gary and Sharon Borg Stanley and Elin Christianson Stephen and Karen Dornseif Dale Arnink Clayton and Nuna Bosler Earl and Marlene Clairmont Bruce and Lynn Douglas Russell Atha Kenneth Boudreau Karen Clemmensen Linda Dove John and Jamie Atkins Virginia and Charles Bowden Bernard Cleyet John and Sheryl Downing Susan Avery Winfred Boyer Gail Cobe Ellen Doyno Richard and Ellen Babcock Janet Bradford and Chris Hudson Carl Coffman and Cheryl Stearns Richard Dudley and Elizabeth Martin Dawn Baker and Aaron Milgrom Bonnie Brae Michael and Kathleen Comber Brian and Leela Duncan Madeleine Baker Greg Brail and Linda Henigin Peggy Confer and James Thompson Leah and William Dusett Edward and Martha Ban Martine Brizius Janet Conn Mary Lynn Dwyer Cheryl Barget and Thomas Darnton Lynn Broaddus and Marc Gorelick Megan and Christopher Contakes Merle Easton Gail Barr Daniel and Julia Brody Davalene Cooper Andrew and Barbara Eaton Janet Bartels Martha Brouwer and J. Pappenheimer David and Linda Corliss Philippe Eberhard Christopher and Derrith Bartling Richard Brown and Linda Jean Bonk Darrell and Mary Courtley Erica Eddy and Stuart Hansen Mary Baughman Linda Brundage and Ralph Kron Herbert Cowern Donna Ekstrand John and Astrid Baumgardner John and Gwen Buehrens Cathy and Chris Crosby-Schmidt Larry and Katherine Eldridge Gordon and Elizabeth Bawden Paul Buehrens John and Helen Crosson Richard and Martha England Susan and Ben Baxt Frank Buffum and Kathy Gehlken Roy and Leora Cummings Elisa Erickson and Richard Erickson Beverley Baxter Barbara Bunkle Donna Curtis Karen and Chris Erikson Henry and Maurine Beasley Michael Burkholder Sheryll and Stephen Daniel Marjorie Erway Lauren Lee Beaudry and Jack Snider James and Dorothy Caldiero Debasish Dasgupta James and Fran Falender Nancy Bechtolt Susan and Richard Call Ira Dash Roger Feinthel Katherine Beck Jerry Carle Martha Davis T J and Jane Fetter

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS 25 Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan Joan Lund and Gene Pizzo Laurence Paxson Eggers David and Sarah Fischell Deborah Hopkins Martha Lussenhop Karen Peake Erik Fisher and Nowell King Diantha Horton Joanne Lyman Susan Perrins W. Burns and Ellen Fisher Jim and Karen Horton Dusan and Janet Lysy Tom Peryam Alan Fleischer Donald and Barbara Hoskins Louise Machinist James Peters Robin and Martha Fletcher Louise Huddleston Richard Mains and Elizabeth Eipper Jon Peterson and Hertha Sweet Wong Barbara Flitcroft Margaret Hudson Jane Makela and John Vogt Lawrence Peterson Harold and Marilyn Fogelquist Stephanie and Duncan Hughes Laura Maltby Patricia Pickford Elizabeth Fortin David Hunter and Kerry Mueller Katherine Manker and Bruce Gardner Diane Pinkham Larry Frager Daniel and Kathleen Huxley David Marsh Demyn Plantenberg and Susan Englert Harrison and Anne Frahn Leisa Huyck and Steven Temple Edward Martoglio and Barbara Havlik- Paul Popenoe Barney and Eileen Freiberg-Dale Addison and Deborah Igleheart Martoglio David Poppe and Cherie Henderson Edward and Marilyn Fremouw Jean Inglehart Owen Masters and Jocelyn Butler William and Roberta Potsic Barbara French Judith Innes Peter Mathers and Bonnie Beavers Cricket Potter Ronald and Sara Friederich Karl and Beth Irikura Donald and Joan Mathews Therene Powell Kathy Froyd Daniel Jackoway Joyce and Warren Mathews Shelley Powsner and Stephen Skrovan Eugene and Marion Gabrych Laura Jackson Keith Mathews Richard and Laura Pratt Jeff and Dana Gale Vernon and Dorrit Jacob Susan Mathews and Christopher Gilkerson Janet Prehn Stephanie Garber and David Collins Allen Jacobson and Lila Daut John and Carol Mathis Ray and Jean Rachkowski Carol and Bill Gardner Richard and Bonnie Jensen Joseph and Deirdre McEachern Michael and Lisa Radtke Martin and Janneane Gent Arthur and David Johnson Helen McGranahan Kenneth and Nancy Ragland Robert and Fran German Gary Johnson David McIntosh Helen Raiser Hyman and Mary Gillman Harriet Johnson Douglas and Susan McLeod Alan and Ruth Ramsey Barbara Glick Joyce and David Johnson Mark and Diana McNabb Susan Ranney and Lee Edlefsen Ray and Judy Goebel Timothy and Jo Johnson Barbara Meislin Earl and Carol Ravenal Merlynne Goff Robert Jones Alfred and Margaret Mello Dianne Reece and Eric Botts Gary and Karen Gonzalez Todd and Allison Jones Ruth Mette Robert and Emily Gene Reed Laura Good Mary Anne Joyce and Catha Loomis John Metzger Alice and Andy Reese Kerrie Gorrell and Christopher Hogg Nelson Kading Daniel Meyer James Reid and Julie Prandi Melissa Graf-Evans and Jonathan Evans Julia Kant Ann Miller Alice Reilly Allen Greenleaf Lawrence and Denise Kaplan Nicholas Miller Alex and Diane Resly Julia Gregory George Kay Frank Millheim Marie Janneke Resnick Margaret Grometstein Claire Keane Don Milmore Eleanore Richards Ken and Bonnie Gross Jeffery Keffer and Suzanne Costello Ronald and Barbara Moline Jennifer Richards W. Mark and Marian Gutowski David and Joanne Kelleher Sonya Montana Mary Richards Robert Hagge James and Ellen Kelley Robert Moore and Paula Henthorn Warren Riley and Margery Abel Terry Hahn and Teresa Velasco Paul Kimball William Morkill William and Cynthia Roberts George Halsey Edward and Nancy Kingsbury Ian Morrison and Julia Eckersley Michael Robins and Amy Light Bruce Hansen John Kirwin and Kathryn Kmit Georgia Moulton Karen Robison and Karl Bucholz Robert and Janet Hanson Judith Kleen and Robert Mills Laurence Moy and Karen Chin Beulah Rochte Robert and Kristi Hardin Howard and Janet Krack Dorothy Mulligan Gordon and Patsy Roe Richard and Lonna Harkrader Peter and Hannah Kramer Fred and Mary Munson Michael Roehm Ken and Jan Harper Eric and Margaret Kranz Ann and H. Joseph Myers Marion Rosa Charles Harris Toni Kring and Larry Hayes Bette Myerson Kenneth Ross and Jean Chan Mark and Heather Hart Arthur and Annelies Kull Ranganath and Sandra Nayak Terry and Alyce Rossow Kevin and June Hartley Richard Kutta and Nancy Meyer Carol Neff and Ernie Hall Tim and Faith Rushford Jill Hartman Adam and Christine Lally Franklin and D. Joan Neff John and Maggie Russell Mark and Karen Hartman James and Mary Landfried Judith Neilson Max Russell Kevan Hartshorn and Ruth Kandel Elizabeth Larsen Lee and Heidi Newberg Victoria Safferson Joan Hay John and Cecelia Latham Quang Nguyen Jon and Margie Saphier Mark and Jane Heald Joshua Leach Margery Nicholson Louis and Nadine Sapirman Michael and Catherine Healy Kay Ledyard Eric and Elizabeth Nordgren Lowell and Ellen Satre Herbert Hethcote and Leslie Marshall John Lees Jane Norris Adrian and Carol Schmidhauser Douglas Hibshman Eleanor Legg Sarah Nuss-Warren and Christopher Evelyn Schneirsohn John Hickey and Robin Tartaglia Katy and Daniel Leonard Nakamura Raymond and Lee Schreurs Marilyn Hill Alice Lesney Virginia Nyhart Peggy Schubert William and Kathleen Branson Hillegas Philip and Elsa Lichtenberg Mary Oba Helen and Peter Schulze Beth Hillig Antonio and Lewanda Lim Susanne O’Callaghan and John Walker Martha Schumacher Everett Hilty John and Janice Limb Phyllis Olin Phillip Schuman Sandra Hochel Neal Lockwood Stuart Olmsted and Sharon Acitilles Alfred Schwendtner Nancy Hoecker George and Karen Longstreth Anita Orlikoff Richard Seibert Diane Hogan Karen Longstreth Carol Orme-Johnson Perry and Dianne Seiffert John and Ellen Hokanson Einar and Grace Lorentzen Neal and Celia Ortenberg Peter and Anne Sexton William and Deborah Holden Francis and Victoria Lowell Judy and Charles Ortman Mark and Mona Shannon Stephen Holmes Clark and Brigid Lund Priscilla and Franklin Osgood Chip Sharpe and Celestine Armenta

26 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS David and Anne Sharpe Steven Wentworth Alan and Gail Ball Jonathan Caplan Stephen Shick and Jo Ann Mulready-Shick Carol West Patricia and Bill Banasky Patricia Carrick Robert and Virginia Shiller Kenneth and Lisa West Nancy and Gary Banks George and Fanny Carroll John and Rebecca Shockley Henry Weyerhaeuser Angela Barber and John Hritz Robert Cartwright Ellen Showell Dorothy Wheeler Karen Barlow and David Reese Aaron and Andrea Cass Thomas and Susan Silverio Jean Whelan Kathryn Bates Carolyn Chambers Douglas Simons and Ellen Richey Alexander and Anne White Mark and Beth Bauer Walter and Jacqueline Chaskel Lisa Sinclair Edward Wight Barbara Bayless Robert Chen and Ellen Wild Patric and Reba Siniscalchi David and Erin Wilcox Claire Beasley Pritindra and Sharon Chowdhuri Marcella Smith and Blair Tuttle Louise Wilkinson Richard Beaubien Jody Christen and Michael Dinger Thornton and Sherry Smith Catherine and David Williams Kathy Beck Garna and Arsenia Christian Marvin and Colleen Smitherman Diane Wilson and Kay Richter David Becker and Yinbo Li Paula Ciferni and Harry Tarzian Cheryl Snell Jonathan and Donna Witte Rosalind Bedell Malcolm Clark Elaine-Maryse Solari Ruth Wodock Charles Behrens and Kathy Schmitz Carole Clarke Melissa Wachterman and Ben Sommers Frances Wolff Rosalie A Beith Sara Clavez and Judith Hill Jordan and Melissa Sonnenblick Bert Wolfson George and Phyllis Belsey Carolsue and Roger Clery Mary Sorensen Jordan Wood and David Leppik Jack and Linda Bennett Judith Clock Sylvia Soucheray Judith Wood and Calvin Van Zee Dan Berg and Welcome Jerde Edward Cluff James and Joyce Spain Peter and Carolyn Woodbury Robert Bergey Anthony Cobb Mary Speare Grace Wooding Leon and Marcia Bernstein Carol Coffey Daidee Springer and Steven Hollingsworth Wendy Wrean Robert and Claudia Blake G. Douglas and Janet Cole Cyrus and Joanne Spurlino Mary Wylie Peter and Mary Blickensderfer Kathleen Cole and Carolyn Hotchkiss Dolores and Thomas Stegman Lydia Yanak Donald and Nancy Bliss Brigid Coleman and Eric Robben Kim and Caren Stelson Jeanne Zasadil Michael Blome Theresa Collier-Young Dr. Saul Sternberg Alan Zeppa John Bloom and Gloria Simpson Valerie and Christopher Conkin Myron Steves and Rowena Young James and Deanne Bonnar Joan Connacher Michael Stryker Compass Club Angela Boswell Katherine Connolly and Alan Gardner Marian Stuart Jill Bowden Michael Conwill and Christine MacDonald ($500–$999) John and Donna Sussman Wayne Bower and Katherine Harrington Jim Cooper and Martina Queenth Woodruff and Jennifer Sutton The Compass Club was established to Joseph Boyd Kenton Cooper Barbara Swan recognize donors who have supported UUSC Michael Boyd Anne Copeland and James Womack with a gift of $500 or more. Dr. Charles Szabo and Dr. Luz Moreno Gay Boylston Robert Couch and Peggy Evans-Couch Aimee Tattersall Anonymous (11) Tara Brach Eric Cox Catherine Taylor George and Beverley Adams Ellen Brandenburg Anatole Crane James and Joni Tedesco Kathleen Adams Lora Brandis and Francisco Pena James Crawford Diane Teichert and Donald Milton Jim and Mary Adelstein Bruce and Junelle Brandt Jeffrey Crews and Alexis Moore Susan Thomas and Michael Achey Peter Aitken and Maxine Okazaki Thomas Brannin and Mariano Vera David Crockett and Andrea Derrick Thomas Thomas Farrokh and Garland Allen Kimberly and David Breitenbecher Julian and Roberta Crowell Mary Ann Thompson Mary Nell Allen Betty Brendemuehl Eileen Cummings Susan Thompson Miriam Alper Mary Louise and Graham Bright David Cummins Anne and Tom Thorward James Altman Ericsson Broadbent and Susan Macrae Catherine Cyrus and William Clark Suzanne Thouvenelle Robert Alto Katherine Brobeck Paul and Aiko Damrow Bill Tobey William Anderson Doris T Browder James Dana and Kathy Spier Robert Treitman and Leslie Fisher Judy Appelt Deborah Brown Ludy and Georganne D’Angelo Theodore and Lynn Turner Amy Armstrong and Robert Cape Jane Brown Vincent and Rosemary Daniele Constance Valk Judith Armstrong Carol Brull Robert and Deborah Daniel-Wayman Eric and Laurie Van Loon David Arnold Jeffrey and Jane Brune Edith Davidson Peter and Lee Vandermark Helen Arnold P. Dennis and Linda Brunn Dorothy Gae Davis David VanOcker Sunny Aslam Norma Bruns Matthew Davis Gerry Veeder Allan and Jyl Atmore Christie Brunson Sherrell Davis and Steven Richards Thomas and Martha Sue Villa-Lovoz Michael and Hilary Attfield W. Mark and Kathryn Brutinel Richard and Eleanor Dawson Thomas and Jeanette Von Alten James Auler and Paula Murphy Beverly Buhr Ann Day Margaret Wales M. Jill Austin Paul and Ruth Bujanda-Moore Octavio and Kathleen de los Reyes Alexander Walker William Austin Fred and Barbara Bunger Steven and Donna Deacon David Wallace Richard Avery Micheline Burger Gerald DeAmico Allen and Nancy Wambach Robert Avery Carolyn Burr and David Lewis Richard Dean Elaine Warner Eric Ayers A. Fred and Susan Burt Steve Deatherage Larry Warren Lyndon Babcock David and Kristine Burton J. A. Deblinger Joel and Linda Watson Phillip and Ruth Backup Margaret Byrne Susan Delaney Bruce Weaver and Susan Curtin Robert Bacon Robert Byrom and Laurel McClure Michele Demarest Cecile Weaver Dale and Jane Bacon Carol Cahalane Verva Densmore Sylvia Weaver Robert Bader and Michele Lauer-Bader Timothy Caldwell Dee DeRoche Phyllis Webster Mike and Marta Bainum John Calwell Wayne Detmer and Barbara Wilson Gertrude Wendt Catharine Baker Carla Campbell and Ronald Ross John and Carol Devendorf

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS 27 Douglas Dick and Ann George and Beverly Gardner Meg and Todd Hoke Brian and Mildred Larson Raymond and Nancy McKinley Easterbrooks Gary and Pamela Gates Linda Holcomb Ronal and Gretchen Larson Richard McKnight and William Pamela DiLavore Leslie Gattmann Douglas and Barbara Holdridge Terry Last Schuyler Virginia H. and George Dixon Frances Gaver Nathan Hollister Louise Lazare Donald McLaren Giao Doan Berk Geveci Joseph Holmes Anita LeBlond Hugh and Alice McLellan Susan and Christopher Donham Judith Gibson and David Nelson Eric Holtz and Dorothy Guth James Lee and Terri Wilkerson Charles McLeod and Doris Sutliff Brian and Susan Donnelly Elliot Gill Susan Hom John Lee Michael and Kok-Heong Erl Dordal and Dorothy Powers William and Irmgard Gimby Carolyn Honigman Thomas Lee McNaughton David Dow Mac and Susan Goekler Bernard and Nancy Hoop Bruce and Madeleine Lefker Joyce and Roger McNeil Walter Dowdle Glenda Gordon Anders Hörnblad and Emily Polly Leland-Mayer Christine McVay Doug Downer Robert Gotham and Michael Melcher Jean Lellelid Ira Mendelsberg and Anita Di Giulio Martha Drake Manuel Ellen Howard Pamela Leonard Robert and Karen Messing Allen and Janet Duncan Sally Gove Ann Howe Nancy Leren Sarah Metzger Joyce Duncan and Tom Zeller Richard Govea Sharon and David Howell Fred Levenstein Dean Metzner Michael and Mary Anna Dunn William and Louisa Graver Ralph and Claire Hruban Janet Leversee Fred and Lois Meyer Mary DuPree Paul Gray Donna and Lee Huddleston Laurence and Cheryl Lickteig Joan and Ralph Meyering Leroy and Patricia Egenberger John Grech Dean Hull James and Paula Lieb Nancy and Chad Michaelis Jane Eisner Rosanne Greco and Higley Harmon Larry Hungerford Kate Liebhold Patricia Mielke Thomas and Judith Ellis Karen and Alan Greenland Judith Hunt Nancy Light James and Kathleen Milch Lee and Amy Ellsworth Georgina Gregory Sonja Irwin Donald and Haideh Lightfoot Katherine Miller Josephine Elosua Uwe Greife and Gisela Lachnitt Alyce Jacobsen and Earl Jaccobsen David Lindenfeld and Jerri Becnel Timothy and M. Theresa Miller Tony and Marjorie Elson Franz Gross Janice Jacobson-Cooper Susan Lio Mary Mogee and Peter Lubitz John Ennis Stewart and Cathy Grubman Gertrude Jacoby Stephen and Nancy Lipp Zoeb and Shera Mogri Keith Ensroth Avery and Kristin Guest Edward and Myrna Jenkins Ernest Lister Katherine Monti Sabina Ernst and Justin Goggin Lynn and Brian Gunney Ann Jilg Gerald and Janet Lockwood Gerald Montie and Mary Androff June Fair Etta Habegger and Charlotte Albert and Cynthia Johnson Richard Loescher Susan Moore David Fandel and Heather Sherman Eubanks Mary Jones and S. Kingsley Samuel Losh Amy Zucker Morgenstern Silvine Farnell Don and Roberta Hall Macomber Terry Lowman and Mark Kassis Philomena Moriarty and Samuel Mary Jean Farrington Henry Hall Roger and Gloria Jones Willard Lubka and Elizabeth Trumbore John Faucett and Valerie Adams Lynda Hambourger Charlotte Jones-Carroll Diniakos John Morn Tracy Fearnside and Joseph Aaron and Sally Hamburger Richard and Jocelynn Kaiser Shirley Lucas Ruth Morton Margevicius Christopher and Fern Hamlin Andrew Kemper and Catherine Kathleen Lucich James Moskin Jolene Fee L. Peter Hamlin Wheeler Steven Lundy and Kathleen Shay Patricia Moyer and Steve Bottorff Christine Ferguson Bridget Hanson Richard Kevin Fred and Nancy Lutgens Robert Muller Louise Ferrell Joseph Haratani Don and Judy Killingbeck Alice Lyman and Leland Holt Deborah MunGavin Jon and Julie Feuerbach Carol Harding and Kyle Jansson Jerald King and Mary Clark Jeanne Lynch David Munro and Eileen Hoffman Richard Feuerborn and Valez Bird John and Patricia Haresch Gloria Kinney Stephanie M Lyon James Murphy Robin Finnan-Jones Richard and Catharine Harris Thomas Kinraide Stewart Macaulay Ray and Lauri Nandyal Sharon Fitzpatrick Peter Hartzell and Elizabeth Erwin and Janet Klaas Joan Macey Janet Nash and Ken St. John Heather Flory Harrison Karl and Judith Klasson Nancy Magurn Nathan Naze Roseanne Fogarty Marlene and Bryan Hartzler William Kleh Claus Makowka and Patricia Robert and Nancy Neff Michael Folk Michael Hassett and Ilene Karpf Anita and David Knechel Ulbrich James and Dotty Nelson Mary Foran Johanna Hatch Judith Kniffin Caroline Malde Janet Newman Mary Margaret Ford Janice Hazlehurst Vera Knoll M. Joel and Ellen Mandelbaum Bich Ngo Kenneth Foreman Stephen Healey James Kors James and Lynn Mankoff Nancy Nichols and Michael Nancy and Grant Foreman Alan and Gloria Heath Ruth Korte Charles and Barbara Manning O’Connor Gina Foringer and Laura Laing Carl and Patricia Heath Harvey and Kathrine Kowaloff Marie Martinez-Wolcott Ralph Nielsen Kathy Fosnaugh and John Dana Hees and Carl Dillon Daniel Kozarsky and Carol Connie and Kim Marvel Michael and Betty Noling Commeree James Heidell MacFarlane Geoffrey Matthews Raymond Nordhausen and Minnie Anna Foss William and Andrea Heier Edith Kraai David and Carolyn May Venable John Foster and Andrea Dimino Joan Helde Harm and Mariam Kraai Howard and Marion Mayer Maggie Norris Melody Foti Jane Henderson and Harry Keith and Marcia Kreycik Virginia McAninch Jana North John and Rhona Fournier Lancaster Richard and Becky Krumwiede Marie McCabe Ann Nugent Ruth Anne and Bob Fraley Nancy Henningsen and Alan Nancy Kyle Michael and Maria McCabe Judith Nulty James Francis and Kathy Holland Romberg Ellen Lafler Charles McCarthy Mary Ann and Godfrey Oakley Luanne Frey and Mark Lukow Nancy and Phil Henry Janice Lahr Katherine McCarthy Mark Ober Hugh and Loraine Frohbach Mary Hepokoski Nick and Rebecca Lai Nancy McConn Paul and Cindy O’Dell Robert Fuller Charles and Carolyn Herbert Marcia Lamb and Jackson James and Patty McConnell Max Oeschger Gilbert and Lynne Fulmer Daniel Hislip Turnacliff Grant McCool and Susan Wood Avis Ogilvy Jerome and Mary Fulton Sarabelle Hitchner John Lamperti Lynn McCoy John Ohlrogge Edward Fuselier and Charlotte Robert Hodapp and Elisabeth Nancy Langsan Michael and Martha McCoy William and Ruth Ohlsen Donner Dykens Paul Langston-Daley Patrick McDermott Craig Oliner and Alyson Owen James and Gwendolyn Fyke Joan Hofer and Larry Finkel C. Eugene Lantz Thomas and Elizabeth McIlwain Judy Olson Jan Garbosky Donna Hoffman and Richard Dum Oliver LaPlant Catherine McKegney and Richard Toni O’Neil Alicia Gardner John and Coralie Hoffman John and Linda LaPlante Seurer Rocco and Joanne Orlando

28 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS G. Timothy and Francene Orrok Eugene Rubin and Dorothy David Suehsdorf and Janet Muir Pamela Williams Beacon of Justice Anne Osborne Kinscherf Eileen Sullivan Robert Williams and Karen Gerda Ottman Randy and Renee Ruchotzke David Sweat and Kay Giese Uhlenbeck Banner Societies David and Patricia Page Joycelyn Rudeloff Melita Teichert and William Sabine Tracy Williams Celebrates congregations with David and Lee Page Nancy Russell Phillip Teitlebaum Andrew Wilson 75–99% UUSC membership. Paul Page Sally Russell and Rodney Lowe Bob and Eileen Teska Raymond Wilson Anita Parins Mary Saintjohn John and Jean Tews Leon and Emily Winstrom ARKANSAS Russell and Judith Parker Arthur Salter and Deborah Schultz Barbara Thomas Benjamin and Patricia Withers UU Fellowship of Jonesboro James and Kathleen Parks Frank and Mary Sanders Benjamin Thorner Joan Wright CALIFORNIA Lynnette Parrish Robert and Virginia Sandstedt David and Nancy Tilford Teri Wright UU Congregation of Whittier Michael Parry Ethel Sapico Madelon Timmons and Bill Miller Peter and Katherine Wyckoff UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale Kathryn Partridge and Ira Chernus Elizabeth Sayman John and Pam Toevs Gary Wynn and Tracy Watson Eugene Parvin Paul Schechter Peter and Nancy Torpey Hans and Edith Wyss MARYLAND Howard and Irene Passmore Al Scheider Thomas Townsend and Dorothy Russell and Sylvia Yamada UU Congregation of the Kevin and Jenny Patton Ron and Beth Schilpp Wavrek Ann and Ken Yeo Chesapeake Eleanor and Joel Pelcyger Joyce and Chad Schmucker Jerry Trammell and Katherine Jean Yngve NEW MEXICO Judith Penniman Charles and Alice Schneider Hoffman Richard and Cheryl Yoder-Edney Linda Pequegnat Gerald and Aiping Schneider Peter Travers Lynn Young UU Fellowship of Silver City Janet Peters and Alan Torborg Julius and Virginia Schwartz Paul Tremblay and Declan Cook Mike and Nancy Zajano NEW YORK Earl Scott Christine Trigeiro Theresa Zapotocky Carl and Susan Peterson UU Congregation of the Great Stefani Scott and Patrick Killian Dale and Vickie Trott Teresa Zimmer Ronald Phillips South Bay John and Lee Pierce Robert and Helen Secor Mayo Tsuzuki William Zinn Eleanor Piez Michael Selman Donald Tucker and Charlene OHIO F. Xavier and Penelope Pi-Sunyer Louis and Barbara Semrau Galarneau Estate donors Delaware UU Fellowship Richard Plattner Donna Senkbeil Jean Elizabeth Tucker UUSC honors individuals whose OREGON Gerald Polk Margaret Shaklee Frances Turner realized estate bequests exceeded South Park UU Fellowship Duane Polzien George and Paula Shaw Hugh Turner $25,000 or more. Bobbie Poole and Stanley Kidder Bernard and Alison Sheahan James Utt PENNSYLVANIA Estate of Helen Brown Hallowell Pope Stephen Shefsky Evans Van Buren UU Church of Athens & Sheshequin Jean Poppei Edie Shepard and Tom Billingsley Anne Van Cott Estate of Mary Ellen Covert Barbara Poulson Eric and Carolyn Shettle Elizabeth VanHorn Estate of Ann Davidson TEXAS Michael Powers Paul and Simone Shoemaker Alice VanWormer Estate of Lois Gilbert UU Church of the Hill Country Thomas and Noreen Powers Mark Shults and Nancy Vedder- Arthur Verhoogt and J. Henrike Estate of Alice Gonnerman Sandy Prins Shults Florusbosch Estate of James Hamilton Vision of Justice Robert and Joanne Prochnow Kathy and Edward Silver Chrissie Vidas Estate of Marjorie Melton Banner Societies Steven Pueppke and Gabriele John and Susan Simon Frederick and Susan Vierow Estate of Raymond Perry Mayer Marion Sinclair Barbara Vivier Estate of Millicent and John Celebrates congregations with Geraldine Quinlan Darien Smith Ken and Cathy Vogele Rutherford 50–74% UUSC membership. Karen Ramberg Douglas and Eileen Smith Charles Voll Estate of Marion Stearns Mark and Kimberly Ray Geoffrey and Elizabeth Smith Joan Vondra and Thomas Chang Estate of William and Doris France Ken and Susan Read-Brown Jeanette Smith Thomas Wacht Van Alen UU Fellowship of Paris Miriam Reading and Dick Miller Nancy Smith Moritz Wagner Estate of Robert Williamson Gare and Alison Reid Leslie Snow Kenneth and Brittany Walls United States Margaret Renninger Katherine Snowden Kenneth and Mary Ellen Walsh Foundations Jerry and Nanel Warren ALASKA Richard and Mary Rhine Mark and Kathy Sorensen The following foundations made Juneau UU Fellowship Isabel Richardson Kathy Speck and Gabor Kemeny William Warren grants to UUSC of $1,000 or more. Margaret Richardson Jesse Spencer-Smith Dorothy Watson ARKANSAS Raj Richardson Andrea and Jon Spiesman Sterling and Jean Weaver Bertha Z. Ellis Private Foundation Eureka UU Fellowship Thomas and Martha Rimmer Daniel and Thelma Spotten Patricia Webb and Dean Dubofsky Boston Foundation UU Village Church Kathy Ripin Seenu and Inge Srinivasan Carroll and Edith Webber Boston Foundation (Cholerton Albert and Birgit Robbert Janeira St Clare Harris Webster Fund) CALIFORNIA Dudley Foundation Jane Robens Priscilla Stadler Stephen Wellons South Bay Unitarian Fellowship Peierls Foundation, Inc. Diane Roberts Margaret Stanley Barbara Wells Unitarian Universalists of UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock Faith Robertson R. John and Susan Stedman Colleen Wells Petaluma Mary Johnson and Kirk Robey Colin and Virginia Steel Joan Wells UU Fellowship of Kern County Lewis Robinson Harold Steen Roberta Welty and Jo Weisgerber Congregational UU Community of Cambria Mark and Cynthia Robinson Joan Steitz Bradford and Kerri West Membership UU Fellowship of Visalia Bill and Nancy Stephens Mary Westland G. Jane and Gill Rock CONNECTICUT Dorothy Rogers Frederick and Janet Stocker John White Support Norman R. and Melinda Rogers Jeffrey Stocker and Mary Cynthia White Johnson These awards recognize Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs David Roscher Spyropoulos Bruce and Theresa Wiggins congregations whose members UU Society in Brooklyn Connecticut Trude Roselle Dave and Dorothy Storer Cheryl Wilfong support human rights and social FLORIDA justice through exemplary levels Diane Rosenberg Craig Stowell Brent and Linda Wilkes UU Congregation of Cocoa of UUSC membership. James and Gloria Ross Beth Stribley Diane Willcox and Nancy Douttiel UU United Fellowship of Treasure Constance Row Charles and Catherine Strickler Don Willenburg Island

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS 29 GEORGIA Sitka UU Fellowship IDAHO UU Church of Minnetonka OREGON UU Church of Valdosta ARIZONA Pocatello Unitarian Universalist White Bear UU Church Rogue Valley UU Fellowship INDIANA Mountain Vista UU Congregation Fellowship MISSOURI UU Fellowship of Klamath County UU Congregation of Columbus Prescott UU Fellowship ILLINOIS UU Fellowship of Jefferson City PENNSYLVANIA Sky Island UU Church UU Fellowship of DeKalb MONTANA Allegheny UU Church MARYLAND West Valley UU Church INDIANA Glacier UU Fellowship East Suburban UU Church UU Fellowship Greater Cumberland ARKANSAS Joseph Priestley UU Fellowship UU Fellowship of Southern Sacred Path Church Unitarian NEW HAMPSHIRE UU Church of Hot Springs Main Line Unitarian Church Maryland Universalist Durham UU Fellowship Thomas Paine UU Fellowship MASSACHUSETTS CALIFORNIA UU Fellowship of Kokomo Keene UU Church Unitarian Congregation of West First Universalist Church of Orange Berkeley Fellowship of UU’s KENTUCKY Starr King UU Fellowship Chester United First Parish Church of First UU Society of San Francisco UU Church of Bowling Green UU Fellowship of the Eastern UU Church of the Restoration Quincy Humboldt UU Fellowship Slopes UU Congregation of Smithton Mission Peak UU Congregation MAINE Walpole Unitarian Church UU Congregation of Wyoming MICHIGAN Napa Valley UU Allen Avenue UU Church NEW JERSEY Valley Ann Arbor Unitarian Fellowship Sepulveda UU Society First Universalist Church of Norway SOUTH DAKOTA New Hope UU Congregation The UU Church in Fullerton Universalist Unitarian Church of First Unitarian Society of Plainfield UU Fellowship of Central Michigan Unitarian Fellowship of Chico Waterville First UU Church of Essex County Unitarian Fellowship of Vermillion Unitarian Church of Montclair MONTANA Unitarian Universalist Church of UU Church of Brunswick TENNESSEE Ventura UU Congregation of Castine UU Ocean County Congregation at UU Fellowship of Rolla Murray Grove Peter Cooper UU Fellowship of UU Church of Palo Alto MARYLAND Memphis NEW HAMPSHIRE UU Church of Riverside NEW MEXICO Davies Memorial UU Church UU Church of the Verdugo Hills TEXAS Kearsarge UU Fellowship Goodloe Memorial UU Albuquerque UU Fellowship UU Congregation of Marin UU Fellowship of Longview Congregation San Juan Unitarian Fellowship NEW JERSEY UU Fellowship of Laguna Beach UU Fellowship of Tyler The First Unitarian Church of Unitarian Church of Los Alamos UU Congregation of the South UUs of Santa Clarita Valley UUs of New Braunfels Jersey Shore Baltimore NEW YORK VERMONT UU Fellowship of Sussex County COLORADO Towson UU Church Brockport UU Fellowship UU Church of Greeley UU Congregation of Columbia All Souls UU Church Brattleboro NEW YORK First Universalist Society of Central Unitarian Universalist Church of Square UU Congregation of Northern MASSACHUSETTS VIRGINIA Pueblo May Memorial UU Society Chautauqua First Church in Belmont Harrisonburg UU The First Universalist Church of UU Congregation of the South Fork CONNECTICUT First Church Unitarian in Littleton UU Church of Shenandoah Valley Southold All Souls UU Congregation of New First Congregational Parish in UU Church of Middletown WASHINGTON NORTH DAKOTA London Kingston UU Church of Cortland Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship Grand Forks UU Fellowship Unitarian Universalist Church in First Parish Church UU in UU Society of South Suffolk Cedars UU Church Meriden Bridgewater OHIO UU Church of Amherst East Shore Unitarian Church Unitarian Universalist First Parish Church UU in Duxbury First Universalist Church of New UU Church of Hamburg Kittitas Valley UU Congregation Congregation of Stamford First Parish in Cohasset Madison UU Congregation Central Nassau Olympia UU Congregation UU Congregation of Danbury First Parish of Watertown UU UU Church of the Ohio Valley Church UU Congregation of the Catskills WEST VIRGINIA DELAWARE UU Fellowship at Stony Brook TENNESSEE First Parish UU of Medfield New River UU Fellowship First Unitarian Church of UU Society of Oneonta Greater Nashville UU Congregation Harvard UU Church Wilmington Melrose UU Church NORTH CAROLINA WISCONSIN TEXAS UUs of Southern Delaware Northwoods UU Fellowship Northshore UU Church of Danvers UU Fellowship of Hendersonville San Marcos UU Fellowship Prairie UU Society FLORIDA Old Ship Church First Parish in UU Fellowship of Raleigh Thoreau Woods UU Church UU Fellowship of Marshfield First UU Church of West Volusia Hingham UU Fellowship of Rocky Mount WASHINGTON First UU Congregation of the Palm Theodore Parker Unitarian Church UU of Transylvania County Unitarian Universalist Parish of Congregation Community UU Church of Pasco Beaches NORTH DAKOTA Manatee UU Fellowship Monson Institutional Giving WISCONSIN UU Church of Greater Lynn UU Church of Fargo Moorhead Mosaic UU of Orange City Awards Blue Hills UU Fellowship Nature Coast UUs UU Church of Wakefield OHIO Prairie Lakes UU Fellowship UU Meeting of South Berkshire Tri-County Unitarian Universalists First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati UU Fellowship of Door County UU Society of Grafton & Upton Unitarian Universalist Church of First Unitarian Church of Toledo Helen Fogg Society Unitarian Fellowship of Milwaukee UU Society of Martha’s Vineyard Pensacola Olmsted UU Congregation Award UU Church of Tampa MICHIGAN Southwest UU Church Honors congregations for their Creating Justice UU Fellowship of Gainesville Beacon UU Congregation UU Church of Blanchard Valley UU Fellowship of St. Augustine generous gift from their annual Banner Societies Marquette UU Congregation UU Fellowship of Athens budget of at least $25 per church UU Fellowship of Vero Beach Celebrates congregations with UU Church of Farmington UU Fellowship of Erie County member. 25–49% UUSC membership. GEORGIA UU Fellowship of Midland OKLAHOMA MASSACHUSETTS Georgia Mountains UU Church MINNESOTA Channing UU Church of Edmond ALABAMA First Parish Church of Berlin Mountain Light UU Church Northwoods UU Fellowship Church of the Restoration, UU UU Church of Birmingham UU Church of Augusta Pilgrim House UU Fellowship of Tulsa ALASKA UU of Coastal Georgia St. Cloud UU Fellowship First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City

30 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS James Luther First Church in Sterling UU Church of Greater Lynn Adams Award First Parish of Watertown UU Honors congregations for their Church generous gift from their annual First Parish in Weston budget of at least $1 per church member. MINNESOTA UU Fellowship of Mankato ALABAMA First UU Church of Rochester UU Congregation of the Shoals St. Cloud UU Fellowship UU Fellowship of Winona ARKANSAS UU Village Church NEW JERSEY UU Church at Washington Crossing CALIFORNIA UU Church of Palo Alto NEW YORK First UU Society of San Francisco Community Church of New York UU First Unitarian Church of San Jose May Memorial UU Society UU Congregation of Marin Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica COLORADO High Plains Church, UU NORTH CAROLINA UU Fellowship of Durango UU Fellowship of Franklin Jefferson Unitarian Church OHIO CONNECTICUT UU Fellowship of Wayne County JOHN AND SANDRA RESCHOVSKY Unitarian Society of New Haven OREGON FLORIDA Central Coast UU Fellowship What about UUSC inspires you? Unitarian Universalists of PENNSYLVANIA “In these times, when rights are at risk in so many places and in so many Clearwater Main Line Unitarian Church ways, we are compelled to do more to fight back. We are inspired by the UU Congregation of Lakeland Joseph Priestley UU Fellowship UU Church of Tarpon Springs way in which UUSC works in such a thoughtful and strategic manner to TENNESSEE GEORGIA maximize its impact.” UU Church of Tullahoma High Street UU Church TEXAS IDAHO UU Fellowship of Abilene North Idaho UUs UU Fellowship Galveston County CALIFORNIA Lois Abbott Mersitz ILLINOIS Emerson Unitarian Universalist Susan Alden Ruth Booman Church UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale Countryside Church UU Scott Alexander and Harry Collins George Borst Unitarian Fellowship of Houston INDIANA DELAWARE Mikesell Marjorie Bowman First UU Church of San Antonio First Unitarian Church of UU Church of Bloomington Jane Ames Melinda Brisben Wilmington Unitarian Universalist VIRGINIA David and Melinda Anderson Daniel and Julia Brody Congregation of Columbus Accotink UU Church MINNESOTA Walter and Melinda Andrews Catherine Brown Betty Jo Armstead Gaia Brown and Lloyd Rogers White Bear UU Church IOWA WASHINGTON Judith Arrowood Carol Browning and Nancy UU Congregation of the Quad Cities University Unitarian Church PENNSYLVANIA Martha Atherton Maynard MAINE WISCONSIN Main Line Unitarian Church Hilde Bacharach John and Gwen Buehrens James and Sandra Bardes Helen Burke Thomas UU Congregation of Castine Bradford Community Church TEXAS William and Patricia Bardes John and Irene Bush First Unitarian Society of Unitarian Fellowship of Houston Barbara Barratt William N. Butler MARYLAND Milwaukee Brian Barrett Donald and Kathè Cairns Towson UU Church Northwoods UU Fellowship UU Church of Rockville Flaming Chalice George Bauer James and Dorothy Caldiero Circle Beverley Baxter Ken and Lois Carpenter MASSACHUSETTS Guest at Your Table Holly and Margaret Becker Marjorie Carsen First Church in Belmont Special Recognition The Flaming Chalice Circle Alan Benford Richard Cassel First Parish Church of Berlin recognizes supporters who Norma Bishop Linda Chadwick and William Byrn Honors members of these include UUSC in their estate plans King’s Chapel Laurel Blossom Lydia Chadwick congregations who contributed a or who have made a planned gift First Parish in Brookline Michael Boblett Evelyn Chidester total of $5,000 or more to UUSC’s to UUSC. Harvard UU Church work for justice through Guest at James and Rosalie Bole Jane Chirurg First Church Unitarian, Littleton Your Table. Anonymous (23) Rebecca Bontempo and Richard Elizabeth G. Clark

UUSC membership awards are calculated by church size, as reported by the UUA for that fiscal year. The compilers have carefully reviewed the names that are included. However, errors and omissions may have occurred. If your congregation has been omitted, misspelled, or listed incorrectly, accept our apologies and bring the mistake to our attention. Contact Development, UUSC, 689 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-3302; e-mail [email protected]; or call 800-766-5236. For more information on how your congregation can play a critical role in supporting UUSC, call 800-766-5236, e-mail [email protected], or visit our website at

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS 31 UUSC Needs Your Support For nearly 80 years, UUSC has helped Unitarian Universalists and like-mind- ed supporters put their values into action in the fight for human rights and Dolores Milholland John and Aline Schwob justice. With every generation UUSC has confronted tremendous challeng- Betty Mill Richard and Jill Scobie Dorothy Millon George and Patricia Scott es, beginning with Waitstill and Martha’s Sharp’s founding mission to save James and Carol Montgomery John and Elizabeth Searight refugees fleeing the Nazis during World War II. With hate once again on the Virginia Moore Marion Seymour march—here at home and around the world—our generation’s challenge is Patricia Moyer and Steve Bottorff Neil and Lillie Shadle Leigh and Thomas Mundhenk Ruth Shapin upon us, and we need your support now more than ever. Please make a gift Edward Nauss Enid Sharp online today at or contact us at [email protected]. Franklin and D. Joan Neff Martha Shepard and Rodney Jackson Janis Neff Sulochana Sherman Elsa New Joan Shkolnik Vivian Nossiter Margaret Shopbell Malcolm Clark Molly Gerbaz Alex Karter Mary Ann and Godfrey Oakley Sylvia Short Robert and Katherine Clark John Gibbons and Sue Baldauf John and Kathy Kaufmann Vernon Olson Elizabeth Simpson and John Wurr Thomas Clewe Jennifer Gilchrist John Keevert G. Timothy and Francene Orrok Lisa Sinclair Gordon Clint and Barbara Leighton Carrie Gillespie and Krishna Kaushik Andrew Kennedy and Lois Wesener Priscilla and Franklin Osgood John Smith Deirdre Cochran and Daniel Couch Ken Gjemre Holly Kerr Judith and Richard Ottman Thornton and Sherry Smith Davalene Cooper Mac and Susan Goekler R. Bruce and Sandra Kirkman David and Mary Overton Gloria Snyder Marianne Cornish Donna Gonzalez Margaret Klock Carolyn and Thomas Owen-Towle Tom and Elinore Sommerfeld Mary Beth Coulson Laura Good Fiona Knox Emily (Morse) Palmer Susan Spaven and Daniel Neagley Anne Cowan Michael Goodman Mary Koziar Erdman Palmore Charles Spence and Neil Kennedy Lowell Croll Luana Goodwin Nan Kritzler Roy Parks Mara Sprain and John Bates Phyllis Damon Barbara Gordon Karen Krueger Eugene Parvin Daidee Springer and Steven Carol Davis Michael Grady and Ellen Grimm Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Dorothy and Tracy Patterson Hollingsworth Theadora Davitt-Cornyn Beth Graham and William Schulz Cristina Romero Laurence Paxson Eggers Diane St John Rod and Jeannette Debs Richard Graham Burritt Lacy Burt Peachy Jane Stallman Harriet Denison David Gray and Nancy Bateman Lenore Snodey A. Diana Peters R. Rhoads Stephenson Judith and Marshall Deutsch Trystan Greist James and Mary Landfried Christian Peterson Jack and Nancy Stiefel Frances Dew Sara Grindlay Carol Jean Larsen Eleanor Peterson R. and Sara Stoddard Alice and Julian Dewell Avery and Kristin Guest William Latta Jon Peterson and Hertha Sweet Wong Diana Strassmann and Jeffrey Smisek Frank Dickson James Gunning and Ellen Ewing Brock and Julie Leach Paul and Nancy Pinson Lee Sullivan Patricia Diem Nan Guptill-Crain Gretchen Leavitt Carolyn Pozzini Barbara Swan Robert Dollison Catherine Gutmann Corinne Lebovit William and Lillis Raboin Aimee Tattersall Stephen and Karen Dornseif Carl and Carol Haag James Lee and Terri Wilkerson Brian Ramsey James Thornton Dennis Downing Richard and Denise Haight Nathaniel Leon and Anne Jones Peter and Christina Raskin Anne and Tom Thorward Imogene Draper John and Eileen Hamlin Pamela Leonard Katharine Rathmann Margaret Tilford-Miller Eleanor Drew Joseph and Yvonne Hammerquist Bonnie Lepoff John and Sandra Reschovsky Howard and Nina Tolley Charles and Barbara Du Mond Robert Hanson and Lyda Dicua Diana Ruth Levitan Judith Reynard Maralyn Toman Craig Dusenberry Judy Harper Justin and Phyllis Lewis Mildred Reynolds Helen True Elizabeth Earle Richard and Catharine Harris Joseph Lipton and Donna Monturo Regine Reynolds-Cornel D. Marilyn Tyrrell Martha Easter-Wells Bert Harrop Marga Lloyd John and Betty Richards Arthur and Arliss Ungar Andrew and Barbara Eaton Charles Harshbarger Neal Lockwood David Riley Robin Van Alstyne Camellia El-Antably Christopher and Margaret Heinrichs Adelma Loprest Victoria and John Rizzi Wanda Van Goor Lisbeth Eng Jean Hellmuth Martha Loustaunau Terrance and Barbara Robinson David Van Wye Claire Ernhart Eleanor Helper Eunice Lovejoy Joseph and Lou Jean Rohling Richard and Marjorie Veleta Joyce Faber Warner and Barbara Henderson Terry Lowman and Mark Kassis Nancy Roman Piero Verro Marylou and Herb Faris Todd and Lorella Hess Ginger Luke Mary Rose and Len Pellettiri Philippe and Katherine Villers Gretchen Faulstich Bunny Hodas Richard Lyman Steven Rosen and Carolyn Hayek Susan Vinicor Carol and Richard Fencl Donna Hoffman and Richard Dum Linda Mack Jean Roxburgh Spiro and Marion Vrusho Martha and John Ferger Michelle Hofmann Jack and Sandra Maniloff Arlin and Sarita Roy Robert Warfield Neal Ferris William and Deborah Holden Thomas and Eva Marx David Rubin Allan and Kathryn Warrior T J and Jane Fetter Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan Ervin and Becky Ann Mausolf John and Maggie Russell Judith Watson and Sue Matranga- Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea Gary and Susan Holstrom Jo Maxon Warren and Martha Salinger Watson Christopher and Mary Flanagan Bernard and Nancy Hoop Rochelle McAdam Ronald Sampson and Vern Isakson Leslie Weinberg Rose Fleischner Lucille Horner and James Miller Catherine McConkie Betty Sanders Daniel Weitzner Elizabeth Ford Gabriella Horvay Dolores McKellar Jeanne Saunders Janet Werkman Anne and David Forsyth Bob and Ruth Hucks Hugh and Alice McLellan Ronald and Pat Schaeffer Herb and Myrna West Frederick and Bonnie Forte William and Yoma Ingraham Barbara McMahon and Eric Spelman Claire Scheuren and Nathaniel Lois and Robert Whealey Glen and Pamela Frederick Judith Jesiolowski and David Deborah McPherson Schwartz Robert Whitney Edward and Marilyn Fremouw Thompson Mary McPherson Robert Schmidt and Patricia Dorothy Wicker Ronald and Sara Friederich Helen Johnson David Mentz and Pam Smith Mentz Weber-Schmidt Edward Wight Richard and Hillary Fuhrman Joan Johnson Andrew Mertz and Anne Pierpoint Katherine Schneider Annette Wilcox Stephanie Garber and David Collins Paul Johnson and Carol Rowan Mertz Dorcas Jane Schoppe Madeline Williams William and Pauline Gardiner Barry and Ellen Johnson-Fay Donald Micklewright Raymond and Lee Schreurs Teri Wiss Mary Geissman Todd and Allison Jones Donald and Mary Miles Robert Schuessler Jonathan and Donna Witte

32 UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS Oliver and Helen Wolcott Danah and Paul Fisher Constance Murray Martha Atherton Kevin Kroeker and Lynn Miyamoto Richard Woodham Robert Flynn Rob and Quincy Northrup Beverley Baxter Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Diane Woods Glen and Pamela Frederick Nancy and Leonard Nowak Timothy and Rebecca Blodgett Cristina Romero Judith Zacek Priscilla and Jason Gaines Howard and Jan Oringer James and Linda Bodycomb Brock and Julie Leach Ann Zawaski and Helena Lee Peter and Dell Gerster Judith and Richard Ottman Brach Family Neil and Patricia Lichtman Sara Zimmerman John Gibbons and Sue Baldauf David and Mary Overton Brad and Julie Bradburd Ginger Luke Phil and Marcia Giudice Joseph and Colette Parsons John Buehrens Bennet and Anne Manvel Stewardship Circle Michael Grady and Ellen Grimm John and Janet Pattillo John and Irene Bush Terry and Constance Marbach Nancy Greenleaf Paul and Nancy Pinson William N. Butler and Maida Wright Gary and Karen Martin Over 300 highly generous individual Tom and Suzanne Gross Susan and Leslie Polgar Velaine Carnall Thomas and Eva Marx donors participated in UUSC’s Ken and Bonnie Gross Don and Lois Porter Ken and Lois Carpenter Kathleen McTigue Stewardship Circle — a core of Avery and Kristin Guest Doug Poutasse and Elaine Mittell Katherine Cave Donald and Mary Miles committed supporters who share their Renie Randall insights and ideas to provide and Neil Gunderson Carol Kraemer and John Chenoweth Suzanne Miller and Walter Vom Saal Susan Ranney and Lee Edlefsen expand support for UUSC. Ann Hailey and John Dunsheath Helena Chui and Nancy Nielsen-Brown Paul and Laura Milne Bert Harrop Suzanne Reitz and William Kenney Dave and Mary Colton Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Anonymous (7) Judy Hartman and Craig Beyler John and Sandra Reschovsky Karen Combs and Lynn Wegener Steven Miyabe Eric and Nancy Almquist Josefine Heim-Hall John and Betty Richards Davalene Cooper James and Carol Montgomery Nancy Anderson Peter Hendee Victoria and John Rizzi Mary Beth Coulson Makanah and Bob Morriss David and Melinda Anderson Todd and Lorella Hess Mary Rose and Len Pellettiri Lowell Croll Allen and Mary Mossman Elizabeth and James Armour Lawrence and Suzanne Hess Ann Ross Rod and Jeannette Debs Constance Murray Deborah Bailly John Hickey and Robin Tartaglia Jerusha Ryan and Paul McCarthy Stanley and Ann Degler Zaynab Nawaz Beverley Baxter Bunny Hodas Charles Sandmel and Barbara Harriet Denison Maxine Neil David Beach and Carmen Rigau Romer and Deming Holleran Simonetti Doyle Dobbins Quang Nguyen Sarah Berel-Harrop Carol and David Holstein Lucia Santini Field and Bruce Field Charles and Barbara Du Mond Howard and Jan Oringer Peter Bergh and Janet Prince John and Rusty Jaggers Lowell and Ellen Satre Martha Easter-Wells Judith and Richard Ottman Janice Bird and R. Scott Eden Lyssa Jenkens and Patricia Houck Ronald and Pat Schaeffer Ebe Emmons Brydie and Erdman Palmore Timothy Blodgett Judith Jesiolowski and David Thompson Katherine Schneider Emmons-Bradlee Family Foundation Paul and Jane Pfeiffer Trust James and Linda Bodycomb Warren and Mary Jane Jessop Daniel and Janet Schneider Lisbeth Eng Paul and Nancy Pinson Daniel Boyce Timothy and Jo Johnson John and Aline Schwob Estate of David and Norma Lewis John and Sandra Reschovsky Brad and Julie Bradburd Robert Johnson and Linda Klein Sarah Sharpe Estate of Krystyna Hanna Dollison Victoria and John Rizzi Victoria and Thomas Broadie David and Laura Johnston Mike Shonsey and Kathryn Jenkins Estate of Nigel G. Wright Mary Rose and Len Pellettiri Gaia Brown and Lloyd Rogers John and Kathy Kaufmann Patric and Reba Siniscalchi Jane and Gary Facente Ann Ross John and Gwen Buehrens Elizabeth Keating Kathryn Smith Carol and Richard Fencl William and Kathleen Rousseau Wayne and Cynthia Bullaughey Jeffery Keffer and Suzanne Costello Jim Smith and Betsy Gardella Carolyn Field Cassandra Ryan and Kurt McNally John and Irene Bush Holly Kerr Aubrey and Billye Smith Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea Charles Sandmel and Barbara William N. Butler and Maida Wright Martha Ketelle Betty and Tom Stapleford Danah and Paul Fisher Simonetti Carol Byrne and R. Bruce Williams R. Bruce and Sandra Kirkman Arnold and Emily Stoper Flynn Family Lucia Santini Field and Bruce Field Donald and Kathé Cairns Jay Klemme and Anne Wilson Susan Strakosch and John Glasheen Mary and John Frantz Katherine Schneider Wesley Callender and Patricia Davis Kevin Kroeker and Lynn Miyamoto Diana Strassmann and Jeffrey Smisek Frederick and Bonnie Forte John and Aline Schwob Ken and Lois Carpenter Arthur and Annelies Kull Lee Sullivan Glen and Pamela Frederick Sarah Sharpe Linda Casey and Richard Williams Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Erik and Kerriann Tavzel Priscilla and Jason Gaines Mike Shonsey and Kathryn Jenkins Stephen Charles Cristina Romero Ann Throop Stephanie Garber and David Collins Patric and Reba Siniscalchi Helena Chui and Nancy Nielsen-Brown Larry LaBonté and Kathryn Shaw Stephen Tiwald and Karen Hutt John Gibbons and Sue Baldauf Jim Smith and Betsy Gardella Geoffrey and Martha Clark Robert and Jane Ladner Martin Vanderlaan Donna Gonzalez Daidee Springer and Steven Phyllis and Robert Clement Brock and Julie Leach Don VandeWalle Beth Graham and William Schulz Hollingsworth Dave and Mary Colton Neil and Patricia Lichtman Susan Vinicor Neil Gunderson Seenu and Inge Srinivasan Karen Combs and Lynn Wegener Michael and Kay MacLaury Kenneth and Jerusha Vogel Benjamin and Ruth Hammett Betty and Tom Stapleford Davalene Cooper Clarence and Judy Manning Susan Weaver and Eric Isaacson Richard and Catharine Harris Diana Strassmann and Jeffrey Smisek Lowell Croll Bennet and Anne Manvel Richard and Barbara Weiss Bert Harrop Lee Sullivan Harriet Denison Terry and Constance Marbach Henry Whiteside Judy Hartman and Craig Beyler Aimee Tattersall Doyle Dobbins Gary and Karen Martin Edward Wight Josefine Heim-Hall Erik and Kerriann Tavzel Daphne and Dan Dodson Thomas and Eva Marx Mike and Jane Winter Peter Hendee Paul Twitchell Sally Donner and Kenneth Briers Robert and Elisabeth McGregor Teri Wiss Todd and Lorella Hess UU Church in the Pines Duane and Vera Dowell David Mentz and Pam Smith Mentz Eric Wojcikiewicz and Jamie Berndt The Hodas Family Richard and Marjorie Veleta Charles and Barbara Du Mond Bruce Mickey and Barbara Schultz Ralph Wyman Michelle Hofmann Susan Weaver and Eric Isaacson Elizabeth Earle Donald and Mary Miles A. Lee and Margaret Zeigler Carol and David Holstein Richard and Barbara Weiss Martha Easter-Wells Suzanne Miller and Walter vom Saal Bob and Ruth Hucks Scott and Charla Weiss Andrew and Barbara Eaton Ina Miller John and Rusty Jaggers Jeff Wilson Sue Edelstein and Bill Spence Paul and Laura Milne UUSC Rising Campaign Lyssa Jenkens and Patricia Houck Jonathan and Donna Witte Ebe Emmons Melanie and James Milner Judith Jesiolowski and David Thompson Teri Wiss UUSC thanks the following donors who Joyce Faber Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Timothy and Jo Johnson Eric Wojcikiewicz and Jamie Berndt have contributed cash or planned gifts Jane and Gary Facente James and Carol Montgomery Robert Johnson and Linda Klein Oliver and Helen Wolcott to our special initiatives campaign. Carol and Richard Fencl Makanah and Bob Morriss Constance Kane Ralph Wyman Peter and Alison Fenn Allen and Mary Mossman Anonymous (15) John and Kathy Kaufmann Ann Zawaski and Helena Lee Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea F. Kevin and Rachael Murphy David and Melinda Anderson Holly Kerr Michael Zouzoua

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT : HONOR ROLL OF ANNUAL FUND MAJOR DONORS 33 Financial Statements UUSC Receives Highest Statement of Financial Position for the years ended June 30, Distinction from Charity ASSETS 2018 2017 Navigator Cash & equivalents Cash $ 875,027 1,513,271 Money market funds 4,931,985 5,078,635 5,807,012 6,591,906 For the seventh consecutive year, Investments 15,182,780 14,287,201 UUSC has earned the highest possi- Accounts and Interest Receivable 297,201 201,486 Mission related loan receivable 140,054 157,605 ble rating — four out of four stars — Prepaid expenses and other assets 200,043 235,325 from Charity Navigator, the nation’s Pledges and grants receivable, net 1,987,810 2,791,831 largest independent evaluator of Property and equipment, net 6,035,207 5,849,996 nonprofit organizations. The four- star “exceptional” rating is given TOTAL ASSETS $ 29,650,107 30,115,350 to nonprofits that demonstrate ex- LIABILITIES emplary fiscal responsibility and a Accounts payable & accrued expenses $ 501,330 483,271 commitment to accountability and Accrued compensation 362,101 384,690 transparency. Pooled income deferred revenue 66,372 7 7,181 Bond payable 2,575,323 2,669,424 Donor advance - promissory notes 125,000 125,000 Planned giving obligations: Gift annuities 643,512 692,006 Trust agreements 1,409 2,881 $ 4,275,047 4,434,453 NET ASSETS Unrestricted $ 14,772,295 13,683,840 Temporarily restricted 5,028,431 6,936,923 Permanently restricted 5,574,334 5,060,134 Allocation of program services 25,375,060 25,680,897 - $7,757 (in thousands) TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $ 29,650,107 30,115,350 Statement of Activities 2018 2017 for the years ended June 30, Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Total Total Public support & revenue $ 6,817,769 $ 1,109,441 $ 304,200 $ 8,231,410 $ 8,191,774 Net assets released from restrictions 3,117,951 (3,117,951) 0 0 0 TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE AND NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTION $ 9,935,720 $(2,008,510) $ 304,200 $ 8,231,410 $ 8,191,774

EXPENSES Program services $ 7,756,684 $ 7,756,684 $ 7,856,342 Office space rental 374,977 374,977 347,210 Fundraising 965,194 965,194 779,572 Management 822,169 822,169 898,585

TOTAL EXPENSES $ 9,919,024 $ 9,919,024 $ 9,881,709

INCOME/(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (a) $ 16,696 $(2,008,510) $ 304,200 $ 1,687,614) $ (1,689,935)

Net non-operating activities (b) $ 1,071,759 $ 100,018 $ 210,000 $ 1,381,777 $ 1,651,016

NET ASSETS Change in net assets (a+b) $ 1,088,455 $ (1,908,492) $ 514,200 $ (305,837) $ (38,919) Beginning of the year 13,683,840 6,936,923 5,060,134 25,680,897 25,719,816

END OF YEAR $ 14,772,295 $ 5,028,431 $ 5,574,334 $25,375,060 $ 25,680,897

Management note on restricted revenue. The 2018 net loss from operations shown above simply reflects that we satisfied more restrictions on previously donated net assets than we received in new restricted net assets during the year. Excluding this accounting of restricted revenue timing, UUSC generated net income from operations of $16,696 for the year.

Total expenses by three major areas - $9,544* Total Expenses - $9,544* * Net of Cambridge office space rental expenses offset by rental income

UUSC 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 35 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 689 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 • 617-868-6600 • [email protected]