Summer 19! Volume 15, Number 15 San Diego’sProgressive Bi-weekly 23rdYear of Publication

R oc kc li m b Face Down ’,f on the

Pavement? /

Theadministration is strangling student organizations,and is usingthe University CenterBoard (UCB) and AssociatedStu- dents(AS) Council to do this. Eachyear, a smallerportion of theAS ac- tivityfee is allocatedto studentorganiza- tions,because the AS Councilgrabs more andmore for its own use. What do they do with the money they keep? It wouldseem most wise for them to use themoney for things that independent stu- dentorganizations might have a hardtime doing,like large, long-term purchases of capitalequipment for campus media (which thecouncil has already made), for legal de- fenseof students’fights to organizeour own lives while attendingUCSD (whichthe councilhas not done), for independent (non- administration)technical support for stu- | dentorganizations (also not done), and forth. But,to expectsuch things would be to expectfriendship and solidarity among stu- dentsfrom the AS council.There are a number of very honest and dedicated individualson the council this year, such as GloriaCorral and MollyMcKay, to name justtwo. In spiteof this,if thecouncil ever triedto implementsuch a program,AS =advisor"Randy Woodard would get f’u~l. Instead,they use the moneyfor several thingswhich are, at best,nearly useless, and at worst,extermely harmful to students. Thosebig-time, big-name, beer-filled am- plifiedFriday fartfests on thehump come to mindright away. Why not letstudent or- ganizationsrun moreof the programming, with AS Programmingin a supportrole? Helpour own community develop its lesser- known,less expensive, local artists, while lettingmore students gain experience in organizingthe events. Rightnow the administn~on, in its relent- lesspursuit of thetotal sterilization ofour campus,is makingit mightyhard for student RIMAC organizationsto do my programmingat all. We areincreasingly strangled with red tape ************************ and"blue forms," and by bureaucrats’de- Attack! ~" New Indicator Non-ProfitOrg. mandsthat we paythe salaries of UC cops, ~,’StudentCo-op Center U.S. Postage CSO’s (=CommunityService Officers" - PAID Eight UCSD students,including the ~!~UC San Diego, B-023 whata sick joke)and HighPrice Center ~j~La Jolla,CA 92093 La Jolla,Calif. Box-officetypes. Now, we also have to newly-electedpresident of the Graduate PermitNo. 256 contend with AS Pmg~ taking up a Students’Association (GSA), filed formal complainton May 16 charging lotof otherwiseavailable dates in thePub, UCSD campus administrators with usingour money to put on free events. electionrigging in connectionwith the Naturally,we lovefree events as muchas RIMACfee referendumelection held last anyone,but let’s be real:without the money February.If implemented,the measure thatstudent organizations used to getfrom wouldincrease future students’ cost of activityfees, and being tmat~ to raisemoney attendingUCSD by $70 per quarterwhen from benefitshows, because the Pub is the facilityopened. The fee wouldthen bookedsolid with free gigs, a lotof student riseby $5 per quarterevery 5 yearsover organizationsaregoing to simplystarve to the27-year term of thedebt service. death. The complaintcharges Vice Chancellor Red Dot by Address Means Your Subscription Has Expired continuedon page 16 continuedon page 9 Please Renew Toda]’~ , office(see above listing). June18-July S "Educationfor Socialists"Study Group meetsat SanDiego State University, A/tee BlackStudlea Teacher TrMnlng Institute, THE PEACF RESOURCECENTI!R ANNOUNCES Center,Student Organizations (lower level). forteachers, students, parents and community A 10THANNIVEILqARY liVliNT! I /I Announcements "~ ’~ ~e~ Q 6:30pro. Sponsored by International Socialist activists.At San Francisco State University, c;". ! .n0oo.o..,o Organization(ISO). For reading materials sponsoredby BlackStudies Department, SPRING CLEANING NewIndicator Collective andinfo, call Stefanie at287-1988. Schoolof EthnicStudies, SFSU, 1600 HollowayAvenue, San Francisco, CA 94132. earn209, Student Center Bldg. A FOR THE HOMELESS MallCode B-023 TV GUIDE For info:call Prof. abe T’Shaka/Fanya La Jolla,CA 92093 Imara(415) 338-6161. GARDEN PARTY & (619)534-2016 LaborLink TV Cablecastingfor, by and aboutthe labormovement in San Diego FRI./SAT.June 22 St 23 JUNE 14TH & 15TH ~ County.VCR tapingis encouraged.COX d’. // Cable,Channel 24, Saturdays 8:30pro: S.W. "TheEnvironmental ¯ Health Legacies of Cable,Channel 36,Fridays 7:30pro; Del Mar NuclearWeapons," Dr. JaniceKlrech, Cable,Channel 38 (orCardiff, Channel 30), member of Physicians for Social FeaturingClassical Music by COLLECTION BINS LOCATED: Compiledby theNew hldi(’ator Collective and let TUESDAYS Fridays4pm. LI.TVsuggests that you ResponsibilityNational Task Force Un~versltv Ave the AriaChamber Players withspe(’tal thanks to thePeace Resource periodicallycheck for their 30 sec.Public Investigatingthese Issues will speak al a Center~ monthly calendar. If your group ha.~ CentralAmedce Info Center,7 pm 5716 \ t ServiceAnnouncements on your Public free talkon Fdday,June 22, 7 pro,1st N RefreshmentswdlS:e served sT°"E"E"c~ eventsthat rou want announced please (’all Hardy(Wesley Foundation). Info 583-2925. a~ BETWEEN GALBRAITH] HALL[ AccessChannel for updates. To receivea UnitarianChurch, 4190 Front St. A 163 (J34-2016)and let u~ know.Please call to monthlyschedule, write to LLTV,P.O. Box workshopexplodng these issues in depth SaturdayJune 16, 199(I AND STONEHENGE ¯ verifysummer meeting schedules! 1st WEDNESDAYS 13223,La Jolla, CA 92037. Support willtake place Saturday, June 23, 9 am to 1 2 5 p.m.(Concert Beb6ns 3 p.m.) progressivemedia! pro. $20. Spon|oredby PaR and Sierra 3575qcventh Avenue (near Balboa Park) Big Mtn. Support Group, 7 pm, 2202 HALL Morley.Info 277-0991. FrontiersofReason Alternative TV series of ClubNuclear Issues Commlllee. Info: Hal ALL MONTH thePeace Resource Center, focusing on peace, Brady,469-5012. :,,,marion:$10Advance; $12D¢~r. Peace ResourceCenter of San Diego 5;V,,,,:,~rTickets: $25(or more); Sponsors names NEXT TO (NORTH OF) BoardMeeting, 7 pm, 5717 Lindo Passe. All socialjustice & the environment. Forprogram AmnestyIntemetlonalhas a number of BALB( PARK willappear onthe program. communitygroups in thecounty. For the arewelcome, 265-0730. listings,seead, this issue. THURS. June 28 THE PRICE CENTER Programsair on: Daniels Cablevision, Ch 30, chapternearest you. call 295-0376. PRICE Mondays5:30 pro; Cox Cable,Ch 24, ComputerSpecial Interest Group for Info:265-0730 TELLER MACHINES TheGreens have a numberof groupsaround 1st SATURDAY Sundays8:00 pm andTuesdays 8:30 pm; Del Peace,Social Justice and Environmental CENTER thecounty. For the group nearest you, please CISPES(Commlfles In Solidaritywith the Mar Cable,Ch 38, Thursdays,4:30 pro; Activistssponsored by the Coordinating call222-5393. ItJN[i 1¢, C,AF, I 3[ N t’,.. : ! Y ANDCONCERT Peopleof El Salvador),I I am,Downtown .Youthwestern.Ch 36, Mondays8:00 pm; Councilfor Peace and Justice. Tonight’s topic: PublicLibrary’, Meeting Room, "E" St. OceansideCommunity TV, Ch 37,Thursdays BasicDOS commands and batch files for IBM l ndosedIs $.___ tor .....regulartickets ALL CLOTHING, SHOES, EVERY MONDAY l’dlike to be a sponsor!Enclosedls$ .... /or_ :,ck~’t~.As a sponsor,1 do, donor between8th and 9th. Info: 238-5724. 5:00pm and8:30 pm. For program & further compatibles.Also, if time allows, sharing and infocontact the PRCat 265-0730. VCR taping comparingof infoabout favorite software. 7 wantmy nameto appear on theplx)gram. ([,.i.,.vr.. ,tl,~ns must be receivedby June12 for namesto listedon program) AND BEDDING ARE MEChA.Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de is encouraged. pm to 8:30pm, 2202 Morley St., San Diego. ’~’~ Aztlan,has meetings at theiroffice in the 2nd MONDAYS I cannotattend, but have ent losed S __to su r’~ thework el the PR( UCSDHigh Price Center. Call their office at Info:753-7518. Name Phone DESPERA TEL Y NEEDED ! 534-4994for more information. Women’sIntematlonal League for Peace CONTINUING Town MeetingFollow-up: Building local /,,ddress ...... t lay qtate __ Zip .... and Freedom,10:30am, Ist Unitarian supportfor PeaceDividend and Economic Mailto: I hePeace Resource Center, 5727 Lindo [’aseo, San Diego, CA 92115. UCSD’sCh6 CaM Collective,meetings are Free, Anonymous HIT Antibody Church,4190 Front St. Inlet 755-4283. Conversion.Come discuss local actions to SponsoredbyDisabled Student Union, Disabled Student Services, at 7pm.Call 534-2311 for info. ScreeningsJ.B. AskewBuilding, 1700 The UCSD Food Co-op,meetings are at PacificHighway, Phone: 236-2264. North San follow-upon thetown meeting on thePeace andthe San Diego Rescue Mission. Dividend,including a candidates" forum in the 8pro,at StudentCooperative Center. 2nd TUESDAYS DiegoHealth Center, 2440 Grand Avenue, fall.7-9 pm, Machinists’ Hall, 5150 Kearny Phone:274-1223. East San DiegoHealth VOTERS(Volunteem Organizing Toward SierraClub Nuclear Issues Commlflee, 7 VillaRoad. Sponsored by the San Diego ElectoralReform), 7pro, Henry George Ctr., Center,5202 University Avenue, Phone: 582- pro,Sierra Club, 3820 Ray St. 299-1744. EconomicConversion Council, 278-3730. 2240Morley St., Linda Vista. Inlet 530-0454 OceanBeach Greens 7-8 pro, Green Store, 6433.South Bay HealthCenter, 263 Fig Avenue,Chula Vista, Phone: 691-4750. Gay/Bisexual Men’s Support Group, 2232Sunset Cliffs Blvd. (Group also meets on SAT. June 30 UCSD CO-OPS UCSDWomen’s Resource Center, 6-7:30 pro. fourthTuesday.) Info: 222-5393. NicaraguaNetwork Help reactivate --runmainly on volunteerlabor products. Membership based Inlet534-2023. Nicaragua’seconomy, devastated after 9 years Flavors Four. Wodd-Wlde Barbeques. & COLLECTIVES to providelow cost services& uponparticipation. 2nd WEDNESDAYS of US sponsoredcontra war and economic Don’tmiss this benefit for the Project on Recycle Co-op educates the EVERY TUESDAY aggression.Live and work in thecountryside; progressive/ UCSD’soldest heldMondays at 7pm.’1’o learn more Youth and Non-Mil/taryOpportunities Groundwork Books a political existingnewspaper. Then.i. features a givethem a callat 534-2311, orstop by at communityabout our environment and AmnestyIntematlonal. 7 pm, Ist Unitarian learnfrom Nicaraguans themselves about (ProjectYANO), as they cominuetheir collectiveworking toward social change providesdrop points on campusfor New IndicatorCollecllve meets at UCSD Church,4190 Front St. (Also meet on 4th theirrevolution, electoral process, and true popular"Flavors" series of foodsfrom around togive people more control over their communityannouncements section, theirlocation in UCSD’soriginal StudentCooperative Center, Room 209, 6:30- Weds.)lnfo: 295-0376 or 283-7608. effortsfor peace. Harvest Nov. 30-Dec. 21, newsand analysisof campus-and studentcenter (aka the Coffee Hut) computerpaper, newspaper, aluminum theworld. Live music. I-5 pro, 1036 Hayes ownlives. Books, periodicals, music, andglass. Organizes outings toenjoy the 9:30pro; orientation fornew workers at 5:30. Jan.4-Jan. 18, Jan. 4-Jan. 27, Reconstruction: Avenue,University Heights. $10 advance; $12 community-basedstruggles forjustice as thesouth side of Revelledown past New volunteersand contributorsalways Feb.I I-Mar.3,Apr. 8-May 5, Environmental: pins,bumper-stickers, andT-shirts at desertand mountains. Generaimeetings 2nd THURSDAYS door.Info: 272-5718 or 753-7518. reasonableprices. Study groups wellas nationaland internationalRevelleProvost’s officeand get welcome.Support public-access, community Jun.10-Jul. 7,Jul. 29-Aug. 18,Jul. 29-Aug.25. developments.Meets at 6:30-9:30pm, involved! are heldWednesdays at 6pm in the organizingjournalism! Peace & Freedom Party. 7 pm, Henry Cost:$450 plus travel. Nicaragua Network, organizedquarterly. Located in the RevelleFormal Lounge. 534-1831 2025 I St., NW, #212, Washington, WEDS. July 4 southend of theStudent/Co-op Center, everyTuesday. New volunteers always The UCSD GeneralStore Co-op, meetings GeorgeRec. Room, 2240 Morley St., Lands needed!Training is offered.Support Committeefor World Democracy ComputerCo-op sells computer are6pro, at StudentCooperative Center. 530-0454. DC 20006,(202)223-2328 IndependenceDay at a MissileSilo In theyare open11 am to 8 pm Monday sponsorsthe weeklyPolitical Film supplies,textbooks, class material and throughSaturday. For more info call progressiveindependent journalism! Greensof Sen Diegopublic meetings, 7-9 Mlesoud.A 5-daypeace school will open on UCSD Student/Co-opCenter, Room Series,San Diego’s acclaimed radical referencematerials for using campus pro,Wesley Foundation, 5716 Hardy Ave. 3rd MONDAYS 9 FRIDAYS THIS SUMMER July 4 next to a 1.2 megatonMinuteman themat 452-9625. cinema.The Friday night films are a computers.Volunteer labor equals low Info:284-3220. nuclearmissile poised in a concretetube. 209.534-2016. TGIFJazz In theParks Series, sponsored by TheFood Co-op offers fresh juices, focal pointfor the progressive prices.Open Men. through Fri. 10-4, in San Diego EconomicConvemlon Council Sponsoredby Nukewatch,the Nuclear Cityof Carlsbad, Calif. Free jazz start bakedgoods, fruits, sandwiches, salads, community,where group literature theStudent/Co-op Center. 534-6071. EVERY WEDNESDAY (nowIncluding SANE/Freeze of S.D.),7- Resister,and the Kansas City-based Missouri The Women’sResource Center is a 9pro,Ist United Methodist Church, 2111 at6 pmat three local park sites: Calavera Hills soyproducts, health-care supplies, studentcollective thatoffers a variety of tablesand lively conversations abound. TorreyFarms Co-op provides students Parks June 29, July 6 and July 13; PeacePlanters, the outdoor encampment will literatureandmuch more. Located inthe Women’sResource Center Coffee Houm, Caminodel Rio S., lower bldg. Rm. 5. lnfo: focuson peaceand justice issues related to the optionsand services including rape CWD meetsevery Friday at 5:30pm, withthe opportunity to grow clean, 1:30-3pm. Speakers.At UCSD Women’s 278-3730. StagecoachPark-July 20, July 27 and Student/Co-opCenter, they are open 8- prevention, childbirth options Room 208, UCSD Student/Co-op healthyfood, and a beautifulgarden August3; MageePark--August 10,17 and24. nucleararms race. Contact Nukewatch at P.O. ResourceCenter, in theHigh Price Center, 6 pm Mondaythrough Thursday, 8-5 pm exploration,lesbian/gay awareness, Center.Come join in the selectionof Inlet434-2920. Box2658, Madison, Wl 53701. behindthe Ch6 Cafr.Produce is sold to 2ndFloor. Info: 534-2023. Also, ask for the 3rd SATURDAYS Fridays,and 9-4 pm on Saturdays peer counseling, support groups, filmsand preparation of weeklypre-film the Chd Caf6 and the Food Co-op. meetingtime for the Women’s Writing Group. Generalmeetings are held Mondays at politicalannouncements. For info call CISPES --North County (Comml#eein THURS. June 14 SUN. July 22 chemical mace classes, and the KSDT cable radio station which Lesblan/Btaexual Women’s Support 8pm.For more information call 534- InternationalWomen’s Week of music, 534-4873. providesalternative music and public Group,UCSD Women’s Resource Center, 6- Solidaritywith the People of El Salvador), K,z Suyelshl,Japanese atomic bomb The EnvironmentalMovement in Eastern 4238. poetry,and performance.Located in the affairs/newsprogramming. Formerly 7:30pro. Info: 534-2023. 10 am,Palomar Unitarian Fellowship, 1600 survivorwill speak on world peace. GeneralStore Co-op offers a wide BuenaVisa Dr., Vista. 728-8112 or 723-4286.Europe and Its Emerging Impact on New IndicatorCollective produces High PriceCenter on the secondfloor, affiliatedwith KPFK/Pacificanetwork. UCSD Studentsfor Pro-Choicemeets at PollllcelChange, with Dr. Josef Sinuth. Sponsoredby SummitUnitarian Universalist variety of school and art supplies, Middle E~I Culturaland Information San Diego’sonly publicaccess their phone numberis 534-2023. 534-3673. theBerkeley room in theHigh Price Center DeputyChairman of the Czechoslovak Fellowship.10 am to 12 noon,at EastSan newspaper;a forum for the progressive calculators,clothing, back packs, Centermeets 10 am,Henry George Center, DiegoMasonic Temple, 7840 NavajoRd. Rhythm Collective. Come play with (onthe second floor, next to theWomen’s FederalAssembly. San DiegoConvention community.Also publishesthe annual The Ch6 car6 is a restaurantcollective sundries, snacks and more. Lowest ResourceCenter) 7:30 pro. Call 452-9014 2240Morley St., Linda Vista. Info: 293-0167. Info:463-4676, the all new UCSD Rhythm Collective. Center,Upper Level, Room 6 D-E,8 pm.$8 Disorientation Manual. The New thatprovides healthy vegetarian lunches possibleprices. Open Men. throughFri. Friendsof NlealraguanCulture 7:30 pm, Learn authenticAfrican rhythms and General;$5 Studentswith I.D. For further Indicator is one of the founding daily,as wellas AII YouCan Eat’severy 8:45-5,in the Student/Co-opCenter. Call459-4650 for location. 4th MONDAYS informationcall Sierra Club at 299-1741. MON. August 6 jam. Beginnersencouraged. Forinforon members of the UCSD Inter-Co-op Wednesdayand concertsmost Fridays Generalmeetings are held Tuesdaysat meetingsjams, inquire at the Ch6 Cafr. The UCSD R1mycllngCo-op meetings are RESULTS,North County, grassroots group and Saturdays.General meetingsare 6pm. 534-3932. at 6 pm in theRevelle Formal Lounge. Blockadeto EnforceInternational Law, BenefitSystem. Published biweekly, the on worldhunger. 7 pm, call for location. 455- SAT. June 16 all-weekactivities at the Rocky Flats Nuclear 5297. AfternoonGarden Party and Concert WeaponsProduction Facility in Boulder, Adverttsingdiscounts available toUCSD and New EVERY FRIDAY Mu|lolanaWho Care, 7-9 pm. Call for sponsoredby thePeace Resource Center of Colorado.Contact the Peace Resource Center ’ l~’ltP",c~ lndl~,st-r (,dlcttt~c Indicatoraffiliateslchiefly,progressive,non-profit ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’=’: location,284-3220 or 632-0770, The UCSD Re~fcllngCo-op work parties SanDiego. Inlet 265-0730. forinfo or RockyFlats Civil Resistance, 1520 I aI.~ I,t, (;,hh,lnta and educationalorgani,,ations). The New Euclid,Boulder, CO 80302(303) 444-6981. IndicatorCollecti~,e participates inthe l!CSD at ~m at thestorage shed across from the Ch~ 4th TUESDAYS EarthTrek. 5-mile walk to benefitthe Sierra The~’e, /mh, azor is a non-sectariannewspaper inter-cooperativehenefit ssstcm and welcomes I~1~~ AI~,~. ’ Caf~. Cluband other environmental groups. Begins whichpublishes the workof group’~and benclitexchange agreements with other /~(I~ qll~l~,~ql~t,~ll~ PolltlcelFilm Soriea of theCommittee for NationalOrganlzMIon for Women.7 pro, 8 am,San Diego Convention Center. Adults SUMMER individualsholdtng different positions. Article, cooperativesandcollecti’,es. $10;Children $6. Includesdisplays of printedwilh a b,-line,donot necessarily, repre,ent ~ _ _ ~ jl’ ,’ WorldDemocracy, FREE, every week during YWCA,1012 C St.Info: 238-1824. Writeto: t.!CSl). B-023, I.a .lolla. CA 92093. theacademic sessions at UCSD.7 p.m.,Third alternativefuelvehicles and energy supplies. InternationalPeace Walk: 21 days of theposition ofall members of theNew Indicator Info:268-9784. walkingwith Soviets, Visiting Soviet Homes Collective Phone:(619) 534-2016, or come by the office in ~1~ ~~" CollegeLecture Hall, room 107. Call 534-4873 StudentCenter A. Room209, preierabb at our forinfo on" films scheduled. Meeting times for 4th THURSDAYS andLiving with Soviets! Three separate walks: EligibilityIormembership inthe Nev, Indicator Russia in July; Ukraine in August; meetingt me (Tuesday 6:30-9:30 p.m.). C.W.D.are Fridays at 5:30pm, at Room208 Collectiveis.based upon ~,olunteer participation, ~" RESULTS,San Diego, grassroots group on SUN. June 17 Kazakhstan in September. Contact: 1heNew Indicator is a memberof theNetwork of of theUCSD Student Co-op Center. worldhunger. Call for location & time. 581- 1oaddress the range of interests ofthe university A StudentCall to Weshlngton.At the time InternationalPeace Walk, P.O. Box 2958, community,new students, alumni, faculty, the AlternativeStudent Press (NASP) and 0426. Dept.Z, SanRafael, CA 94912. classifiedemployees, andcommunity friends arc subscribesto the National Student News Service EVERY THURS. St SAT. of theTienamin Square Student Movement in : MississippiSummer in theCMltornie alwaysneeded. We shareskills and can offer (NSNSLMaterial published in the New Indicator EVERY OTHER MONDAY China,Oakland Congressman Ron Dellums t raining.Students mayreceive academic credit f°r iscopyrighted byt he New Indicator Collective and I N "~E : Bogle’s--reggee.5353 MissionCenter issueda callto U.S.students to cometo Rldwo(KII."Freedom Riders" are needed to maynot be reproducedforprofit without prior, research,writing and artwork submitted to New Y]~/A~;/~d~ca’~F ’. Road. UCSD ~n and Gay OrgenlaMion Washingtonand demandtrue democracy in savethe last of the old growth forest as timber writtenpermission. Permission is granted for Indicatorthrough cooperating professors. We i: Socialsat theRevelle Formal Lounge 4pm; theU.S. Many are organizing to do just t’hat. companiesrace to heat upcomingvoter especiallyencourage newspaper-related nonprofiteducational purposes, initiatives.95%of theredwood ecosystem has : EVERY SUN. Call534-4297(GAYS). A fullweek of activities areplanned, based at "independentstudies" courses, lnquiref°rreffrals The NewIndicator is publishedby theNew I~ T~"~ HowardUniversity. Info: (202) 484-2660. alreadybeen cut, much of it no longereven anddetails. IndicatorCollective, andis officially recognited as Time for Women listento UCSD women’s : : forestland. This summer everything from a campusnewspaper at the Universityel ~ programmingon KSDTradio, 95.7 cable FM, EVERY OTHER WEDS. 1000year old giants to babyredwood trees Articles,announcements of events and ietters are SAT./SUN. June 16 & 17 welcomed.Material, preferably, should be typed,California,SanDiego. The Ne,’ Indicator is a and 540 AM. New indkmtorBulk MailingWork-Party ¯ thatare chipped for pulp mills will be falling at double-spaced,ona 55 characterline. Author Js forumfor expression ofthe university community, TO ~,~A~’I andt heviews expr’essed maynot represent those of Open14011110. Each Wednesday, 5 p.m., when I~grelll~Stlldlnl Nelwork’l Nalloflal breakneckspeed. Freedom Riden for the askedto indicate choice ofediting °pti°ns: (I)edit 3~/ (~(~0 ~F 1st MONDAYS a newissue hits the streets. Come help us I~NnbqNldtipMeeting: Open to affiliated Forestare desperately needed for nonviolent asneeded, (2) edit with consultation andapproval theuniversity administration orabe Resents. spreadsubversion all over the world and get studentorganizations andindividuals. Heldat civildisobedience. Locally, housing, camp of author(provide phone number), or(31 d° Workers:Janet. James, Edword. Byron, Arnie, /15~ N D I F--~,~ p~E..S’~’]./I CoordlneltngCouncil for Peace ¯ Juettk~, Universityof Illinois,Chicago campus. sites,guides and support will he provided. edit(article maybe rejected ifediting isneeded). Android.Montgomery, John, Dave. Susan, someink on yourhands! Bring your own ¯ 5:30pm, 2202 Morley. All organizations are refreshmentsand any controversies youcan Housing(floor space) available. Inlet Susan Pleasecontact Earth First! 106 W. Standley. Authoris asked to providesuggested headline. Daniel,Bill. Jazz ma Dazz,’Deep Throat.’ , : invitedto senda repto thisnetworking & thinkof to help keep a tedious,repetitious, but Gregson,(312) 929-1842. Ukiah,CA 94582(707) 485-1478. subheads,kickers, and illustrations (photos or Anthony,Jelger. Dru, BeautifulBrian. Jen,Lucky ’ drawings). i ( ~/?) .-~’-~/’- ~.0 / 6 ¯ coordinatingmeeting. Info 265-0730. vitaltask somewhere close to ’*fun".At our Lucila.Bob, Nonie. Frank, Avram, Harald, Anne. Please pas.~ it on or Recycle it! ¯ | =--==--=*-=-...... =,,...o.....o..a Subscriptionsare$8 per year. Advertising policy Narciso.Debbie, Andrew, Matias, and and rate scheduleavailable upon requesL CommanderCuckoo. Thanx a lot. 4 NATIONAL STRIKE FOR DIVERSITY: YEAR TWO 5

L~-h~ - th = k o ,+..+,ore,.,.+. KentState 20years later: Na on~ltud t ference Hails In ’ e NationalLawyers Guild eredfor a teach-inand rally before marching around the We come together as students and youth in Kent Ohio, in solemn HUNDREDSOF S’PUDENTSat 35 law schoolsacross the tokeepup thestruggle until systemic changes securing facult.~ remembrance of the tragic events of May 1970, and with renewed vigor to and.studentdiversity are ,riplemented. Following is a briercampus.The Coalition torCivil Rights organized the protest, Activistsreclaim history shape our future destinies in this society. On May 4, 1979, four countryorganized the second nationwide LawStudent Strike/ whichculminated in an overnightsit-in. Harvard law pro- students were killed and many more wounded as they protested the Vietnam Dayof Actionon April5. Strikersboycotted classes, spon- surveyof some of theschools ,wolved and Ihe kinds of events War and the bombing of Cambodia. On May 14, 1970 two students were fessorDerrick Bell also has taken a stana killed and scores wounded at Jackson State when National Guardsmen soredtorums and held rallies and teach-ins. They signed organizedbylay, students on April 5. opened fire on students protesting at the university. Students petitionsprotesting discrimination based on race.gender. today are acutely aware of the sacrifices made by those students, and BoallHall. Berkeley: ~7 percentof thestudent body Universityof Texas at Austin:Three hundred students By SEI,MA FORD and M. IAN MYERS aIR)ut the shootmgs anti related issues and even in our commemoration havo resffirmed our commitment to continue to class,and sexual orientation in U.S. law schools, and demand- boycottedclasses and the entire school and its administrative boycottedclasses and held a rallythat garnered a great deal of promote student aftlVlSnl. struggle. inggreater representation of women and people of colorin Specialto theGuardian Theuniver,,itv al~. lullially telused to officeswere closed dov, n. [wo hundred law students held a presscoverage. Thestrike occurred inthe midst of an outbreak A~an organization that has always stood for the concerns of oppressed tenuredfacuhy position,,. KENT,Ohio--Two decades after the i,laccthe natttc~ olIhc dead Mudenls onIhe rallyoutside the law school, they were joined bv two of raciallymotivated violence at theuniversity. A thousand shootingsofunarmed students atKent State men+orial,prelerri.g to inscribe the names Peoples of Color, DC SCAR expresses its concern that the sacrifice of Theday of actionwas organized inresponse toa callby the the students at Jackson State has been grossly underplayed by the major hundredundergraduates ~ ho had spontaneously gathered and studentsvocally protested theschool’s lack of diversity dur- Universityhere and at Jackson State Univer- ollarge donor~ The words "inquire. ~earn. Coalitionfor Diversifie’d Faculty. a student organization at media and in the history books compared with the Kent tragedy. We feel marchedtothe lag’ school insupport ofthe strikers. ( Berkeley", ingan address by theuniversity president. sityin Mississippi, student activists arere- rellcct"arc=m, cribed Oll the inenlt~r,il’,, that this is a typical example of the suppression and marginalization BoaltHall Lax~, School m Berkeley.California. Thestrike undergraduatesarefighting a similar battle for diversity asthe fusingto forget--and arestriving toforge a graniteslabs. (The nanles t)l the four v, erc, that People of Color suffer under racism in this society. We hail the strong,mu!tiracial, multi-issue student in theend, grt.dgmgly placed on a granite sacrifices of our sisters and brothers at Jackson State, and together receivedsupport from ~,e~eral national law student groups. universitydecimates ilsaffirmative action plan). Law student FloridaState University: Approximately 40 percent of with those at Kent, pledge to build unity in our movement out of a includingthe Guild and NLG Lay, Students in Action. dernandsatBoah Hall include a voting voice on the Facult.,. movement. plaquenext to the nlenlorial site.) common legacy of struggle. Thispast February. theGuild--together witha coalition ot thestudent body boycotted classes. With three local TV Thousandscame to Kent Statethe Followingtile nlemorial dedic:ttion, con) HiringCommittee. fundine for the Berkeley Community Lay. channelsand other press covering the boycott, strikers brought weekendof May 4 to witness--andpro- mcmorationevents organizedby the May The manifestations of racism in American society have reached almost lawstudent groups--bad ,ponsored a national conterence to CenterClinic. ~htch serx e,, h)w-mcome clients, and a com- statewideattention tothe schoors dismal hiring record with test--thededication of a controversial4thCenter packed v.cll over 2,(XX) people epidemic levels in 1990. Racially motivated harassment, violence, and strengthenthestudent mm ement and to planfor the 1990 day t.lloa canlpushall ~helc they heard an anti-Civil Rights/Affirmative Action climate have created a hostile mitmentthat the next tixe hicult.v members hired v.ill add regardto women and people of color. About forty students and memorialto thefour students ,,lam here and debilitating environment for People of Color in all walks of life. ofaction. O’. er twohundred fifty students and faculty mem- diversitytothe school. May4, 1970and to commemorateboth the speechesby someol lhe ninestudents bersfrom 27 t,l~sschool,, m tbc United States and Canada twoprofessors ~ who were threatened with dismissal j picketed KentState killings and the killings oftwo woundedon May 4. a~, ~ell ,t’, radical allot- Confrontations and attacks at Howard Beach, Bensonhurst, and more theschool throughout theday. The Florida State NLG chapter recently Virginia Beach, have grabbed headlines, while deepening participatedin the conference, xshich was held at thefit,, (’olumbiaUniversih: rhree hundred students held studentsI0 dayslater at JacksonState. he>Wilham Kunstler, Wu’el Kaixi, exiled hostility and mistrust. Racism on college campuses has soared, while ¯ ,pearheadedthestrike. 71 Some3(X) student activists gathered here lilt ,,tutlenl leader dnd survivtlrol last years Universit>t)t Ne~ York tCL’NY)l,av, School. teach-in,Aith t’ue,,I ,,pcakers L’. Vernon Mason. William tuition increases and narrow Eurocentric curricula threaten to erase Kunstlerand Joe’, Johrl,.on. tiledetendant inlast year,, Su- May/June1990 ¯ GUILDNOTES a conferencethesun,s geckend from ;.is far I’lananuleflStluare I)l:ls~,acrc. alld t)lhers. cultural diversity on campus. Current struggles in our area at Morgan The1990 strike follo~ed by one~ear the first nationwide away as (’alifornia,Utah and Mw,- State University and Bowie State College, reflect not only the severe premeCourt flag-burning case¯ Strikers occupied the dean’s A I,ASTIN(;MEMORIAl. problems of access to education, but also the unique problems racism LawStudent Strike. al,~o mitt,ileal b.vthe Boalt Hall coalition. sachusetts,linking the current student creates for historically black institutions. OnApril 6. I list).,,tudent,, boycotted classes at36 hlw schools officeovernight andsent telegralas toalumni, asking that they movementwith its rot,s, synd’~+lized bythe " Ihebest possible kind of lasting ,uemo- throughoutthe countrx. \lncan-Arnerican. Latino. Asian/ callthe dean and inquire about the school’s faculty-hiring twoshooting incidents. rtaltribute isthe continuation ofthe student Historically, young people have been at the forefront of struggles for movementthat they died for in 1970,"said social change at home and challenging U.S. intervention abroad. DC SCAR Pacific-AmerlcalLIc,,bKm and gay. arid women’s groups record.Columbia student demands include the naming of a Theofficial dedication ceremony, heavily coveredby nationaland local media, was Alan Caniora.who was woundedby an would like to clearly express that education and youth must become our ,,upportedthat,tnkc. 3. I+G chapters and the Guild’s national deanot "’minority"affairs, six-month progress reports on flankedby a silentprotest of hundred,,Ohioguardsman’s bullet on May4, I970. ~ull:~ one national ~. facultyhiring, and a guaranteeofone"minority’" hirefor every icadcr,,htpcndor’,cd the,,tnkc", tlcnlalld’., andhelped organize Holdingba.mers that read. "’Ne~er lorgi’.e. Canfora’swords were not lost on student Around the world, young people are*taking action to change their actl’,itic’,,itntllnclou ~,la ~.~.",uh()ol’~. twostraight wbite male faculty members hired. neverforget." activists, including ma.y organi,,’¢rs,~.hohad come to Kent for a two- societies, from South Africa to Eastern Europe to E1 Salvador to China¯ [’his,.ear", ,i~.tlOll’~ l.ontllltled 1tl,2 pre,,sure onlaw ’,c’bool whocame It) Kent for the conference, denl- dayconference to build that movement. The The emerging U.S. student movement is not isolated from these events, commemoratiou and the ,.-onfcrencepro- but rather is empowered by the actions of their peers around the world. ~tdmintstratltm’,Io [11CCI,,tudcrlt’, demands. Strikers pledged HarvardUniversity: ,About two hundred students gath- onstratedfrnstration wilhthe school’s han The Jackson~Kent Commemorative Conference is a major step forward for dlingof the menlorial. gramwere consciously antiracist, placing an the 90’s student movement, and for developing greater unity: learning Activistshave hmg charged the univcrsll~ equalemphasis on themurders of Black slu- from the past to struggle for the future. administrationwilhtrying Io blurthe histor- dentsal Jackson State and the shootings of HazelwoodRuling: College Newspapers Exempt icaland political significanqe ofthe shoot- whitestudents at Kent. While one panel dis- ings.I,ast year, claiming "lack of public cussiondealt exclusively withBlack libera- -- The D.C.Student Coalition against Apartheid and Racism MASSACHUSETrS--Afederal court of bya collegeoruniversity. Thecourt went on to saythat the Hazelwood support,"theschool’s board of trustees gul- tion,all of then+ drew heavily from its his- Theactive presence of alumnifrom Stu- appealshas said what many college student "Havingdelegated discretionary editorial decision"is not applicable tocollege news- led thefunding for architect Bruno Ast’s toryand leaders¯ Panelists included Jamil journalistswere anxious to hear:the Su- papers." l.isaSullivan. anAhicar|-An|erical| Yale dents for a l)emocraticSociety and other functionstoa subordinatebody [such as a memorialdesign¯ The memoriarsfinal AbullaAI-Amin (Iormerly H. RapBrown), graduatewho called a caucusof studentsof 40-somethingactivists begged a compari- prenleCourt’s Hazelwood decision dies not studentpublication], thestate is not permit- Thedecision marks the r, st time a federal $100000 price tag is less than a tenthof the formerBlack Panther Deborah Johnson and GeneYoung, a civil rights activist who wit- color,said Black attendance atstudent con- sonbetween the two gcnerathms olprogres- applyto college publications. tedto revoke that delegation merely because appellatecourt has discussed theapplicabil- original$1¯3 million plan. and pales in ferencessuflers from a lackof strongor- siveMudcnl acliViSl)i. Theyoullger ;.lcliviMy, comparisonwith the $6 millionthe school ne~sedthe Jackson Slate nlnrdels. Ina caseinvolving a contested decision it objectsto thecontent of any specific ityof/-/azelm:,od tocollege publications. ganizationalstructure among Black stu- saidwhile they benefit frt)m the hind~,lght o[ spentto build a fashionmuseum a few years dents¯She recommended that students of history,they musl acct>mmodate andrespect bythe University ofMassachusetts toclose decisionclearly within the editorial author- (Reprintedfrom Student Press Law Center iago. MORE DIVERSE AGENDA Severalparticipants notedthat while there colormobilize tofi)rm their own groups and a in()re diverse agenda Ihall their counlcr- a studentlegal services office, the court no- ityof the subordinate body," the court said Report,Spring 1990) Meanwhile,calnpus groups were barred networks. part.,,ol20 year,, ago. ricedthe difference between student publi- ia StudentGovernment Association v. Board fromseeking funds for the memorial¯ In re- weremore people of color participating than To makea donationto the parallel alpast studeut lell gatherings. Third \Vorld Onecaucus resolved to holda nalionwide cationsand other organizations subsidized o[ Trustees,868 F.2d 473 (lst Cir. 1989). ,,;ponse,organizers formed the May 4th (?en- weeko[ programsNov. 5-9. targeting in- memorialplan or for moreinformation ter,devoted toraising funds to "finish" the studcnls~ere undcrrepresented A delega- tionfrom Jacksoq State missed the ct)nfer- creasedrestrictions onaccess to educationcontactthe May 4th Center,Box 3313. memorialand providing an off-campusedu- forThird Worldand workingclasspeople. Kent,I)H, 44240: (215) 745-1097. " cationcenterdesignedto raiseawareness oncebecause of cartrouble " ~’/,9,/E~v~7=7-,~’£r ,.o 7"A,~S’~-’A’m~ ’4ZW,~-.4r/~/-e I1=-’-" "i(;r - " --:.,, ::+ M 184’ + Held rrt f?- a m°nt ! ,,TgNIWAtL m01 George Winne Memorial I ,,if:,,,v~<~,~,~c, G4c.tSV I worK. I~;~~,d~i~ ii I rt The formal grievancefiled in January~ I je’~n ~ I ~3+,,,,1~>~ ~ ~7 I against+oof+den,the bureaucrats o+ot,oo++incharge ofregistra- , ,..o~ ~ ~ i~, + haveto go on to the next level of administra- l_ I11 ~ . =-I- ,,,,~I tirereview, according to Edword Necdham. Needham,a spokesperson forthe Student O It1 CooperativeUnion’s Students’ Rights ~ ¯ Campaigu,says tbe group will follow in the ! footstepsof UCSD Student Advocate Emeri- urlevance tusBard-Alan Finlan, and take the univer- sityto smallclaims court for breach of thegroup’s annual application forre-regis- chargeof respondingto the grievance, pro- contractand violation of dueprocess if trationinOctober. ceededfor weeks to not answer phone calls theright to go ahead with our forum or even administratorscontinue toignore the writ- fromthe Campaign. When finally cornered justthe right to a normalexistence onthis tenrules for conducting a formal grievance. Thefunds allocated forthe forum were re- inher office, she stated that the grievance campusas a registeredorganization, likethe transferredto the general unallocated fund, abilitytoget mail or to reserve a room," says Finlanwon a 1989small claims award couldbe resolvedwithout a formal hearing whichessentially refunded his tuition and andthe group’s mailbox in theHigh Price if a representativeof thegroup would sim- Needham."we want to seeto it thatthese fees,plus some additional damages, as com- Centerwas closed. But the administrator plymake an appointmentwith Strong-Hicks idiotsnever pull this arrogantly illegal be- pensationforthe administration’s delaysof responsible,Marcia Strong-Hicks, andher "andverify the signatures onthe registration havioron studentsagain in thefuture. We overone year in grantinghim the formal supervisor,Lynne Peterson, completely form."However, atthe appointment, Strong- willdrag them through the worst bureau- heatingrequired by federaland university neglectedto notifythe Students’ Rights Hickstold Needham that alleged defects in craticnightmares they can imagine, and if regulationsandfor the Chancellor’s failure Campaignthat their registration hadnot thegroup’s constitution would have to be necessary,takethem to court for more after- to implementany of themain recommenda- beenrenewed, or thatany of theirfunds addressedbefore re-registration couldbe wards.And at anystage of theprocess, we tionsof thegrievance hearing committee. werebeing confiscated. approved.She later told paralegal Monty reservethe right to employ direct action." The Students’Rights Campaign was EdwordNeedham inadvertently discov- ReedKroopkin that Peterson had not given "Itis ironic that a groupformed to pro- foundedinJanuary of1989 and registered as eredall of this when he attempted toreserve herany instructions concerning theinfor- motestudents’ rights, should have it’s own malresolution ofthe grievance. a UCSDstudent organization. Finlan was a roomin thegroup’s behalf. Subsequently, rightsso blatantlyviolated," observed oneof thefounding members. The Associ- JamesField filed a formalgrievance forthe TheStudents’ Rights Campaign believes Kroopkin.Kroopldn, who is workingas a J atedStudents approved a budget for the Fall group,under section 39.00 of UCSDPoli- Petersonisnot doing bet job, insofar asthe layadvocate for the Cam~gn, successfully QXumerto enable the group to bringspeak- ciesand Procedures Applying to Student supervisorisresponsible forconcluding the settledhis own lawsuit against the U.C. photo: Claudia Franzosi ersto thecampus for a forum.The Cam- Activities,also known as thenon-academic informalresolution ofa grievance,notthe Regents,on March20. Represented by at- paignwants to invitelegal and social sci- grievanceprocedure. Thecomplaint charges employee(whose acts are after all the sub- tome)"Robert Burns, of theNational Law- yem’Gui~ he hadlalecl for state and fedend encescholars and activists to discuss the thatthe section 38.00 due process provi- jectof the grievance). Therefore, thegroup civilrights violatiom, hemming from a 1986 legacyof the studentpower movements store----chiefly,thenotification requirenmnts hasannounced plans to proceedto a formal On May11,1990, students and others Bather at thesite of GeorseWinne’s act of self-immolation.on andthe right to a bearing--fordenial of an hearing.Under the regulations, thegroup incidenton the UCSDeremite¯ Comment- UCSD’sRevelle Plaza, to commemorateits twentieth ann,versary and to rememberall who ,ave ~,eo whichemiXed inthe 1%0% and the tutus of ingon hb settlementwith the Regents, he tmf’mbhedbusiness onthe students’ rights organization’sregistration were not lot- willbe entitledto be representedby an orsanizingfor peace and social justice. Winne was protesting the expansion of the Vietnam War into lowed. attorneyatthe hearing. said,"I’m really gl~ I willhave more time Cambodiaand the shootin8 of studentsat KentState. Participants at the memorial discussed how to agenda.However, in a veryhigh-handed to devoteto otherpeople’s cases, now that andillegal fashion, admini~nRors denied LynnePeterson, as the administrator in "Wedon’t just want our money back or my ownsuit is Klslory." obtainsocial justice and prevent future wars. ., . ¯ ¯ 6 A RISE IN INS ABUSES 7 "LightUp the Border" AND HATE CRIMES robberyafter being released because prose- beds.In this pint yesr tbe INS shot one chiJd "ui~tUp the ~Nrder" c~paign "Lightup the Border"Confrontation cutorsfailed to filea homicidecharge. in thestonnch and ran downand killed Emilio’sdeath is a tragicexample of the comesat a timeof increledviolence gong anotherwith an INSvehicle. Onc, citizens "Racists Go Home!" contradictionsof "El Bordo." The concrete knowth~ their tax dollers are heing went on theborda’. Them have beest a waveof INS coniinuedfrom page 6 factis thatthe amnesty program does not "Lightup the Border"activists and rovinSImds of lamb in fatigues a policeforce that abuses its anthority with realisticallyaddress the issue of seperatedbmtaiityandthat the "war on clrugs" isbeing counterdemom~0tsfacedoff in a racially ~y~"war ~" andholdinj mignmts thoseof us whoMve a/ranplace in our familieslet alone the constant, teal demand usedas a smokescreenforthe militarization chargedconfrontation on Thursday, May eJl~ive,hatecdm~ ia North comfy involv. ANALYSIS 24~Aaimts p~Jd tl~ir e~rJ flons Dairp heartfor everybtdybecame we’re all forMexicano labor in the U.S. Children like of theborder, they will demand rational humansand weall work for a livinginatead Emiliowill continue to attemptto reunitepoliciesand programs and the headlights of nmnRd. in Sm Yfidromd timethak l~,hts groupeof youngwhite men armedwith TheINS and Border Patrol have gone of blowingridiculuous self-aggrandizement withtheir rnotlmm orfathers and continue to the"Light Up theBorder Campaign" will towardsMexico, across an emptyfield riflesand high-temion bows robbing ml- beyondtheir bounds of dutyto thelevel of be raped,robbed or murderedon a dailydiehard. commonlycrossed by migrants.As cars grmtsas fl~cross, l~a’th couaty city com. outon tbe Ixtck of a redneckissue, isthat this humanrights abusers. Even a superficial is notan issue of "legality"butof human linedup, a planeflew overhead trailing a ciishave resorted tohiring private security rights.Over and over again, the Light Up signthat read "IViva la Migra!America’s agenciesto clearpublic land of migrant analysisof thelanguage employed by INS theBorderers have been saying Mexicans frontline for 66 years!" encampmems.Rrivate land owners have been agentsleaves no doubtthat they are racist bigotsand shouldGET A JOB."Que te shouldgo throughthe proper channels, but Counterdemonstratorslinedup opposite hiringPinkerton types in paramilitaryfa- ifthey did that they would never be allowed tigueswho descend on migrantcamps with crees,pendejo, you fucking asshole" and thedense mw of carsholding 30-foot-long to work.In otherwords, THE LAWSUCKS dogs. "AllMexicans are whores," words of Bor- bannersstating such things as "Racism killed derPatrol agents, should be insultstoall of IN THE FIRST PLACE AND NEEDS TO Emilio"(12 year old recently shot in the Theincreased tension has resulted inseri- us whohave any pride in the history of the BE CHANGED TO REFLECT REALITY. Ode to the Mowers headby a vigilante)and "Lights on the oushunm~a rights violations anda climateof strugglefor civil rights legislation. Obvi- Thisis a humanrights issue because bad Borderwill not solve the Problem_." Dem- justificationofracist hatred towards mi- onstratorschanted "Go back to Mexico"and ouslyenforcement is another issue. Besides governmentpolicies and unrealistic legisla- grantsin SanDiego County. The majority theenforcement of immigration laws, the Here 1 lay, Fridaymorning, waking counterdemonstratorschanted "Raza si, tionis leadingto abuses.Increased law of abusiveincidents are caused by our ogn JusticeDepartment is mandated in section enforcementandmilitarization willnot solve up late migrano!," "racists go home,"and "Hedge- lawenforcement agency, the U.S. Border cockis a crook."The event ended without 115(c)of theIRCA to "takedue and delib- theproblem of migrationbut fair wages and Oatrol(USBP). Human fights activists ha~e erateactions necessary to safeguardthe I thinkI shouldbe studying,but then I injurydespite high emotional tensions. an endto foreign aid to death-squad govern- hcendocumenting thelevel of abusearid constitutionalrights, personal safety, and mentswould. In Otherwords, Roger and hesitate TheMay 24th demonstration wasthe third mockingcirumstances of shootings. :\c- humandignity of UnitedStates citizens and Muriel,your stupid government is causing ina seriesof eventsspearheaded bylocal ac- .~,rdingto the congressional testimony ,)l aliens."Clearly the INS breaks the very law themigration that you are trying to make Outsidemy windowsounds a familiar tivistMuriel Watson and ex-nriyor andcon- ’:,c;kmerican Friends Service (’ommiI:ce theyare employed with our tax dollars toen- themstop. Isn’t that silly? Human rights victedfelon Roger lledgecock. Watson and combustionIgnited by two souls ’,FSC)there was "a dr:unaticchan~’c ~i~ force,venting their SICK RACISM on arebeing abused on a dailybasis, not just at lledgecockhave been trying to drawatten- ,~va.,ing practices byUSBP in 1985~1~t: peoplewe shouldrespond to withreason thehands of the INS, but of the corporate ex- dutifullyfulfilling their instruction tionto incre~edmigration of Latin Ameri- :!wshooting and wounding across the t’~ l andsympathy. cansacross the Baja California/California ecutivesand production managers ofslave- Jetof, atthat time, 12 year old Ilumt~:.> Thecause of migrationis ruthlesseco- factoriesandagri-businesses whodon’t give Luredby theincessant buzz of their ~x~rder.Shining headlights across the bor- ¢arrilloEstrada. Humberto would also i~ nomiccompetition amongst Japan, the U.S. deris symbolic support ofa recenthnmigra- A FLYINGFUCK about any of us. Roger, ~l~efirst in a longseries of victims ;~i~, andEurope and its substandard wages; and one-and-halfhorse power engine tionand Naturalization Service (INS) cam- sinceyou couldn’t help us solvethe "big" ,~ouldbe shot in the back by Border Agent, classwarfare and its funding by thesegov- J:~ paignto literally "light up" the San Ysidro issuesri~t..... now ev,~- ifyou ,,i,, look deep I getup andpeer out as theirchore is Testimonybefore Comnfittee on Foreigu ernmentscompeting for territory, and its intoyour heart, just keep THE FUCK out of andOtay borders with football stadium- Afhdrs,Subco~nmittee on Iiunmn Righ~. aboutto begin stylefloodlights. Theactivists are demon- productof deathsquads and the terror of bigissues you don’t have the brains for or April18, 1990). fascist-styleassasinations ofJesuit priests. stratingto put pressure onlaw enforcement TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE Theuse of racistpolice force and the mili- is short,thin, and of suchas theINS and its U.S. Border Patrol In thesame document the AFSC relmrled DEATH OF EMILIO,for promotingthe The one man that"since 1974, in theSan Diego area tarizationof the border will NEVER solve racistclimate in SanDiego that led to the (USBP)which patrols the entire Mexican- Mixtecface alone,33 peoplehave been killed and an- theproblem of increasedmigration. Central Americanborder. senselessshooting by someIMPRESSION- other48 woundedin 60 shootingincidents Americanstravel the entireexpanse of ABLE YOUNG REDNECK who we are He yawns and spitsand bends to tie Hedgecock,a talk show host for KSDO bythe USBP, Border Crime Prevention Unit Mexicoto escapedeath squads and war. suremust listento KSDO RADIO,you hisshoe lace radio,has been using his program to ecour- kindof demonstrationis outright racism. here?We cometo work,not to hurtany- (BCPU:half San Diego police, half USBP) Mexicansdare death daily to cross"El racistidiot. ageSan Diegans to go to theDairymart I’m hereso thatpeople will know why body." andthe Border Area Robbery Task Force. Bordo"to escape30 centper hour wages Roaddemonstrations. Local human rights Fortunately,Roger, you and your band of He then jumpsand goesto thetruck peoplecome across. There needs to be more Augustin,who has been working in the whichoperated between 1976 and 1978. In (and10-14 hour days) in themaquiladoras activistsandcitizens have been criticizing fundamentalistcrackers are a minorityin a and pullsout a rake educationsothat this hypocricy cancome to U.S.for over a yearnow said, "I’m against thissame time period, at least12 people (assemblyplants) ofTijuana, destruction countrybased on an immigrantheritage and thecampaign as raciallymotivated and as an end." theracism here...why aren’t they so con havebeen run over and either injured or visionat theage of 23in theelectronics liberallaws that protect the dignity ofeven With his blackhairglistening, long, failingtoaddress the real causes of migra- Furtherdown the line of banner-carryingcemedabout Swiss and others who want to killedby Border Patrol vehicles...l estim~e industry,and the degradation of "donkey tion.In an interviewatthe May 24th demon- thosethat we keep"other" from ourselves. andstraight counterdemonstrators,Marco, a young workin theU.S.? No, their against only thatonly one fourth of all physical abuses shows"and other prostitution in the dark stration,Roberto Martinez of the San Diego Thesolutions are realistic immigration Mexicannational spoke in Spanish:"Ihave Mexicansand because of thisit’s discrimi- arereported." hallwaysof "LA REVOLUCION." chapterof theAmerican Friends Service law,a work-exchangeprogram that doesn’t The other js bigger,with bulging comehere to protestthe abuse of authority nation.Mexicanos come here to work- the In fltissense SOME PEOPLE HAVE BET- Committee(AFSC, a Quakerhuman rights Ina separatepublication, theAFSC docu- emulatethe Bracero program, the civilian musclesand belly thatthe migra (U.S. Border Patrol) are heavylabor - it’sgood for the U.S. I don’: TER REASONS TO BREAK THE LAW organization)stated "This is a symbolic ments380 seperate abuse cases involving monitoringof law enforcement, andthe de- committingagainst their own people. You understandwhy these people don’t wani THAN OTHERS.Roger and Murielhave protest- it’s not going anywhere. Ourrole is immigrationlaw enforcement officers in militarizationof the border. The fundamen- His forest green baseball cap shouldn’tbeat your brothers. ! am alsohere Mexicanos..." beensmokescreening their un-American, to exposethe racism and hatred that is pro- fivetargeted areas during fl~e period May 5, tal solutionsare the end of the U.S. becauseof thesituation of my country- the anti-immigrant,racistsentiment (you really advertisestires by Kelly rootingviolence. There has been a definite An urbanplanner for San Diego count)- I%Sto May 4, 1989. The majority ofabtL~’S. government’sbacking of the Guatemalan economicdeficit - and warsin Central heldthe end of thefinal banner. She had .;09out of 380,occurred in San Diego. lh~ don’tlike brown people, do you?Just be andSalvadoran death-squad governments, increasein hatecrimes in San Diego America.People cannot survive in their County...They(gesturing towards Light Up workedfor the Coalition for Human and ¯ ncluded"43 cases of physical abuse, three honest)with the "legal issue." "All we ask is a realisticre-servicing of the Latin Ameri- own country.Thousands are beingmur- ImmigrationRights in LosAngeles and had casesof deathand serious injury due t¢, thatpeople just wait their turn like every- can debt,and Americanand Japanese Togetherthe men work,sweat,sing, theBorder activists) don’t realize that mi- deredin the war in El Salv-’~lor...We arehere grationis a worldwidephenomenon. People noticeda rise in racismin SanDiego County high-speedchases, and five deaths and six bodyelse" (this summarizes their deep CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILrrY(E.G., rest,and talk to be humans,not animals.We wouldbe onher return. "The motives ofthe IJght Up ~njuredfrom the use of firearms." There- analysis- Roger thinks he canuse crime HIGHERWAGES) in the "assembly"sec- arebeing forced here. There is a lotmore strongeras onecountry - everythingis violencebeing perpetuated by the migra and theBorder activists are general fear and po~edabuses included the use of a ringto s~tisticstolull us into a falsesense of his torthey have created in Mexicoand other They trim, mow, edge, groom, and thesepeople are promoting it." Hedgecock "America"after Chile - butthey have di- xenophobia.Hedgecock has beensaying cutlbe victim’s face; hiring the victim inthe objectivity).Theproblem is thatimmigra- partsof LatinAmerica. It seemsthe work sweepthe sidewalk videdthe borders for power...we are all andfellow activists claim that the campaign thatthe campaign isnot racist but this is just faceor bead with a flashlight;using a wind- tionlaw is unrealisticandunjust to begin ethicapplies only to "the other," non-yellow equal." isnot racist. a covempfor racist tendencies inSan Diego shieldscraper toaggravate a cut on the lip; with.It doesn’tdeal with the causes of or non-white,whoproduce most ofthe "toys" Leslie,an alumniof UCSDnow working county...Demographicsarechanging dra- strippinga victim in the confines ofa cell, immigrationandthe constant, real demand andfood we allconsume. The work ethic Duringa recentfilming of the KNSD forMexicano labor. It goes like this Roger: As the truck moves to the next televisionprogram "Third Thursday," in SanDiego said, "I’m here to opposethe maticallyit,the county and Hedgecock feeds tellingto bendover and pushing anautomo- mustcome to meanthose who work share in injusticeand violence along the border and biledent puller towards the victim’s anus; (GlobalPolitics 101): American corpora- theproduct oftheir own labor. The reality is apartmentlot Hedgecookand fellow panelists focused on onthe basic frustration thatwe all have with this’Light Up theBorder’ campaign epito- trafficandso on. But he’s just dispersing the grabbingtesticles; intentionally cutting off tionspay substandard wages (Ah, sorry, thatmigration and violence will not end thelegality issue, claiming that they were Roger,they do make a littlemore than radio I realizeI’m late so I dressQuick as a onlyconcerned with ensuring that immigra- mizesthis. We allneed to takea standand issueand not focusing on the real causes. circulationwithhandcuffs andbeating hand- untilthis value is realized. talkshow hosts (Aha? now we see why bulletshot tionlaw is properlyenforced. During the educateothers. These people just want to Insteadhefocuses onthe "illegal nature" of cuffedvictim; pinning victim between two Theresponse ofthe left must be precise you’repulling this dangerous little stunt. filmingofthis program, citizens g,~,~ ,p and work.They (anti-immigrant activists) draw immigration,andthese are legitimate fears patrolcars causing knee injury; choking, andclear: victim relief/response network, up bordersstrongly. They have a lotof fromtheir point of view, but they are being beatingface against concrete, kicking, chok- Youwant a newjob...)) Then, the American theincreased support of humanrights or- claimedthey could not find work in the government(and Japan, and the Germans - constructionindustry because of Latinos prejudicesagainst Mexicans and act on stere- manifestedina violentway that hurts and ing,denial of food and water, verbal abuse ganizations,formation of legal defense net- Rushingout thedoor, I run to catch O.K.)through the IMF creates "foreign" andthat "one B- 1 bomber"would solve the otypes." killspeople and that’swhere they go and threats,etc. (AFSC Second Annual works,increased documentation of abuse, the bus problem(the intention was ambiguous). Localartist Roberto Sanchez, who works awry...What’sscary is to seethe kids Report,March, 1990). debtin exchangefor a (bogus)"technology andeducation inthe economic and political transfer"(you really don’t think that the Theyalso suggested that Mexican workers withthe BorderArts Workshop (BAWTAF)’slikea tailgateparty - a social causesof migrationand especially ha the There’s two men working another benchesand pliers of an assemblyplant crossingget i~sscar~ and have health checks commented,"It’s interesting thatthey choose thing.This takes no thought." continuedon page7 valuesof theleft movement. The rise in yard,lethargically but without a fuss countfor technology, do you?). To paythe andinnoculations before being allowed to thisstrip (Dairymart Rd.)to do this ’peace- racismand violence isa reactionout of fear cross.One stood up andsaid that she held ful’protest. Why not at theINS, at the debt,the nasty leaders impose "austerity andignorance to a rapidlychanging world. plans"(=zero social services) andjust to nothingagainst Latinos and didn’t think that institutionsthat are responsible?It’s Onceeducated, most of thesepeople will From the bus I see milton dollar theywere criminals. revealing...thatthey’reracist...just where safethe "big boys" pay the nasty little- lookinto their hearts and recognize their countryboys "aid packages" to torture and theyencounter the "other." truesentiments of a faireconomic system shopping malls with ’natural’ Counterdemonstratorsat the May 24th terrorizepeople so that they can be educated landscapescleaned by powerblowers eventhad many opinions about the "Light ThreeMexicana women with the San to realizethat they really want to work in andmulti- racial harmony. But those who Femandoorganization PACOEMA said that Up theBorder" campaign. When asked why their nice "Fr~ Wod~ AmericanDe- actout of theconditioning of the sicker And I can’t help but wonderif La theycame from San Femando in solidarity segmentsof oursociety must not be toler- shehad come to counterdemonstrate,Judy moen~i~"and not in theland of Reebok, Lollawould be La Joya withoutits Maloof,a graduate student in literatureat withthe activists and organizations in San Sonyand Frmaad Flakes. And just in ease ated;precise documentation andswift legal UCSDsaid, "I think that it is scandalous that Diegoand thatChicanos and Mexicanos responseshould make examples of those brown skinned mowers mustunite. They wanted to "preventfurther theycan’t get the aid package passel in thereis somuch racism here and that people ConiFe~ot l~’li~nentot the Forbidden whoact without thinking, outof hatred. don’tunderstand thereal reasons behind mi- crimesalong the border." One conm~nted, Clffor tbe l~emlk orwhe~er, they ’ell a Tbemost recent hate crime wns the shoot- "Thereare many’gavachos’ (gringos, gration:debt, unemployment, ourdepend- littlec~ck ot whe~ve¢ to fundIt. Get It? ingof 12-year-oldboy, Emilio Jimenez- BrianO’neil encyon the (Mexican)labor pool...This whites)who go to Mexicoand no onetries Bejinez.Emilio was apparently shot in the to killthem. Why shouldn’t Mexicans come (Youprob~ly knew this all along, you sly devil,you). headby a 21-year-oldvigilante, Leonard Yousee Roger, what we reallybelieve, Cuen.Cuen has been rebooked on armed 9 8 Face Down... Computer continuedfrom page ! Science

SAN DIEGO: STUDENT GOVERNMENT/STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Theend result of theAS com~il’smoney CPC.Well, Joe cc’d his memo all around, SUPPORTSERVICES grabwill be a morealienating campm envi- andsucceeded ingetting his butt chewed all PRICE CENTER,Q-077 ronment,and even greater domination of overthe place by thefaculty’s Academic studentsbythe administration. Westudents Senate.He thenwrote another memoran- willbe further reduced topa~ive spectators dum(or should we say,"amnesiarandom?") on ourcampus, as theAS counciland UCSD askingthat all copies of his ill-mMsed prior adminim’ationcollabome tobring us"bread memobe returued ordestroyed. Alas, all the June2, 1990 andcircuses," huge, impersonal andexpen- commotionmay have s~oused some folks at dyeixmies which leave us facedown on the theLA Tunes,who accord far more impor- pavementwith one bell of a hangover,lade- tanceto a squabbleamong faculty, UCSD pendentstudent organizations willwither, officialsand wealthy La Jollahomeownecs alongwith the opportunities forparticipa- thanto a $200million rip-off ofUCSD stu- tionwhich they provide; and, with fewer dentsby resume-padding administrators and The New Indicator studentswith organizing experience among college-councilbmwn-nosers. Q-077 us,we willhave a muchharder time de- We alwayslike to meetnew friends. The Computer Co-op sells computer fendingourselves from the administration. NewIndicator Collective will be working supplies,textbooks, class material and EffectiveFall Quarter 1990, it willbe mandatoryfor your organization to sign Similarthings can be saidof theUCB. on theDisorientation Manual, and organiz- referencematerials for usingcampus Ratherthan encouraging and supporting ing.our new (and very modem) all-elec- computers.Volunteer labor equals low page two of the StudentOrganization Registration Form without deleting or student-runco-ops, the UCB has recently prices. 534-607I, crossingout any section.In the pastI have acceptedyour modifiedforms, tronicoffice, throughout thesummer. Stop takento tryingto crama lease,concocted by forice tea sometime. Or,stop by one of Now Selling however,I havebeen advised that in orderfor studentorganizations to be jointlyby theadministration andAS prez theother co-ops: the General Store, Food fully registered,the forms must be completedand signed.If student JohnEdson, down their throats. The UCB Co-op,Ch~ Caf~or GroundworkBooks. Textbooksat 10% organizationsdo not completethe forms,they will not be registered,or alsowants to make sure that any new busi- They’llbe open,too. The New Indicator Lessthan Regents’ recognizedby the University. nessopportunities which might arise on Collectivehopes you have an incredible campusare exploited by the UCB - in col- summer.See/all in thefall! Bookstore laborationwiththe administration, ofcourse If youhave any questions, please feel free to contactme. - notby a student-runco-op. We allknow thatthe UCB, with all the help they get from \ theadministration, runsthings much better thanthe co-ops, right? Just compare prices of Groundwork,the GeneralStore or Com- puterCo-op with the High Price Center Bookstore.Or, compare the FoodCo-op Recycle CO-Op educates the Randon E. Woodard withthe Sunshine Store. And, don’t forget, commumtyabout our environmentand theUCB helped the administration closethe providesdrop points on campusfor Director computerpaper, newspaper, aluminum Pub,and open Roundtable instead. We can andglass. Organizes outings toenjoy the hardlywait until they get their hands on our desertand mountains. 534-1831 co-ops. / cc: Mary Allen STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS REGISTRATION Ironically,it’sactually the UCB, not the LynnePeterson co-ops,which is beingattacked by the We.the rnemoership of do hereovagree to complywltn the requirementsand proceduresset forlh in THE UNIVERSITYOF administration.Administrators arewalking CALIFORNIA POLICIES AND U.C. SAN DIEGO CAMPUS REGULATIONS APPLYING TO CAMPUS allover the UCB, and UCB chair Nick Long ACTIVITIES,ORGANIZATIONS ANDSTUDENTS, and which shall mclu dP,but is notlilrated to: islicking their boots. 1 COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAW TheUCB’s charter gives it authorityto CompliancewigTitle VI andVl] of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title I.X of the Educanon Amendments allocatespace in the student center, but the of! 972.a~d Secnons 503 and 504 of theRehab,litauon Actof 1973. a~d non~scnnmnauon on:he bas,s of race. corer,nauonal ongm. religton, sex or han~cap. Th~s nona,scnrmnauon pohcycovers membership and access to administrationwasignoring this, and mak- =eatmemaad empioymem in ~s orgamzaoons programs an,i acnvmcs. ingeviction threats against the co-ops. Being NostudenL student organzzauon, orother ~erson attending UC~D shall knowingly commit, parncipate m. "goodsports," and not wanting to causea or conspwe[o comzmt m anymanner, acts of hazing. Ha~ng includes any memo~ of irudation orl~e~muauon into a studentorganh~auon or any pasume or ~musemem which causes, or zs likely to cause,bodily danger, physical scene,Nick Long and AS President’srep harm,or personal degTacta~on or c~sgrace msul~ng m physical ormental harm to any student or person attending MordecaiPotash changed the UCB’s char- UCSD(as per Sec. J2050-52. CEC). terto explicitlygive Watson veto power II overany of their decisions. They hoped this UNIVERSITY NAME A regls|eredcamouslstudent orgamzauon shall not use tae name of theUniversity of Califorma or wouldallow them to keepsucking up toad- abbn~vlauonsinen~of as pa~of ILSname cxceot m accordancewlm the campus mg1~a~x~s. The ~ograpnicaJ desi~nauon’at UCSD" may be usedby anycampus/smchmt orgsnhyamon u pan Of itsname v~thout oPulmmg ministratorswithout being held accountable specialapproval. forthe results. When asked about this at an Thename. insignia, seal. or add~ssof me Universitymay nat be usedin anymanner, political, or AS councilmeeting, Nick blandly replied otherwise,which unpiles that me Umvers~ty supports or agreesw~th any of the ,,’uviues, posi6ons, purposes. thatWatson had already asked him to change ideals,or gc~sof any individuals, groups, or orgamzaaons acaag voflUa ~ regulaaons. thecharter back. Seems Watson was also uneasyabout being handed total responsi- The UCSDAdministration has issuedan ultimatum ,"~EMBERSHIP (seeabove) to theNew Indicator and Alternative Visions order m’-~fam that the n g~ and obEgauons ot ~:~unsd ~ ~ bilityfor the results ofthe UCB’s mindless- newspapers.Another campus group, We The People tO memben of the UCSD Commumty (i.e.. reg~.a’e~ ~ f~uLty ~n~ ~ ~ not ~ ge~ ness.That students wereupset with his giving theadministration control ofstudent-funded PublishingCollective (publishers of Borderthink/and A sha~holdofficg.m.:~ orgI--- StudentDemocracy Movement Close to Home Needs buildingsdidn’t matter to Nick: what mat- YourHelp/) also received the ultimatum. It amounts to teredwas that Waison was upset. Nick said nothingless than a threatto totallyshut down these C:__Only the ocgamzag.._~.~oL~,,~rs or Itslmnc~ members is ~ted~RWJ~41tlII1Ui~ file ~m he’dchange it back for Joe, but that was over _UCSD ~have ~oce~to bud~ei ntun0~gs.otm~lmm~e~s.. a monthago, and we’re still waiting for it to publications. D Personsnot belon~qng ~o me UCSDCornmumW as describedabove flud] not u=e U.C a.~l/m" UCSD owned happen... Theseorganizations, forseveral years, have routinely crossed-out eqmpn~nt,suppues oromer resou~es for persona~ gum. proWL m" Ix, t~fit. Speakingof goodsports, Nick did some- portionsof thecampus registration forms (see right above). The " Commumty crossed-outportions restrict the rights of freedomof association, E.-.~e,~e.a~-oee,~ thingsimilar to this while sitting as the protectedby theI st and14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. ~nlvemty~l~e~r~r.thisWovmon sliaJl not ~’vem ~e orgamamumfrom ml~iainll m- usm|leglU counset ReveileCollege representative to the RI- The ultimatumthreatens withdrawal of registeredorganization mpresentauve as prodded for m ~d~ or ~ MAC committee.Seems Graduate Student status,which would automatically mean loss of campusfunding and Association(GSA) rep Doug W]llen wanted evictionfrom campus offices--despite thefact that the funding Signaturesoi Prmc~p~J~ D~m theRIMAC ballot measure to clearlystate comesfrom self-assessed student fees and the offices are in student- thatstudents would have full control over fundedStudent Center space. The result of denialof registration S ignarm~of Adv~or Dam thefacility. Nick, looking out once again for photo:Claudia Franzosi wouldbe totalcensorship of these publications, andtotal usurpation 2 of theauthority of theAssociated Students to fundthem, and total hisbuddies in theadministration, voted againstincluding this language onthe bal- usurpationof the student-run University Center Board’s authority to Foryears, we’ve been assignoffice spaces in theStudent Center. lot. theplace ~n SanDiego for birth The NewIndicator Collective has always had a completelyopen, Thetotal power Nick Long and his pals control(including thecervical nondiscriminatorymembership policy, and we treatall members as ~., ,~ CLINIC havehanded to Joe Watsonhas begun to cap)as wellas excellent / equals.The administration is not going to getaway with dictatingto cooperativesthis year, why all of a suddenhave they issued this gynecolog


\ o GroundworkBooks ii


I Iill 12 13 FRONT SACK

AREi THEREANY THIS IS MY S 100 2 QUESTIONS? Walled In? INCLUDES S&H , Forover 20 yearsnow the UCSD SIZES:M,L, XL Administrationandthe Associated Wholosalo Studentshave tried to Starveus into Inquiries Ineffectiveness.Despiteall the Invitod popularsupport, which is oftenall 100% Cotton, 2 Colon On Front, 1 Color On Back thatkeeps us going, it can get pretty DROP OBAD OIIIONIi~ Dept. A, P.O. aox 12023,~ 30904 frustrating.Sometimes it’s so bad thatwe droolat thethought of gettingjust ho/f of thead money -~ : they dumpon the UCSDGuardDog eachyear. ! We’resick of trying to reasonwith M; thebureaucrats, so... ! , We NeedYou to Donate:

a modem, a 35mm camera that works money 20M hard disk & controllerfor PC-XT cassettetape organizers videotape organizers money calligraphypens technicalpens a small TV a microwave oven .Vlav7, 1990 customizednews stands ’~~]- ~)~ I~ The Nation. a car a bicyclewith a trailer filingcabinets A :/ill I BEAT THE DEVIL. a xerox machine behung on thattree. ’, Castrosaid that the contras’ gear, in- JOIN a fax machine tu It is nowpretty clear that the substantive response of the cludingAK-47 rifles, was all new. officede-bugging gear :; I, ~\\~,-- In linewith its strategy ofinsuring that at least 3,000 well- I i[~ \\\\\\\~ ~ U.S.government to UNO’svictory was to organizethe im- The New IndicatorCollective! money mediateresupply of itscontra force in Honduraswith fresh armedcontras continue to destabilizeNicaragua, the U.S. a futon £ i ~ ~ equipmentand armsand these contras were then propelled governmentis eitherabusing or connivingat the abuseof an electricstapler All FB] mey’YioIS rrk~l;a,~bliC which intoNicaragua. At exactly the moment that every newspaper threeaccords. First, the Toncontinaccord of March23, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. WE CAN TRAIN YOU. wireservice subscriptions shows5AVAK,’~e Iranian se~~{ce, .inthe United States--right, liberal and social democrat-- underwhich the contrasagreed to lay downtheir arms-- CALL TO ARRANGE A NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION. an OSHA inspector waspulsing with hymns to democracyand odes to "reconcil- nowa deadletter. Second, the March 27 agreementbetween at leasta dozenfree lawyers iation,"a U.S.-backed invasion was taking place. the Sandinistasand UNO on the transferof power,under WE’LL BE AROUND ALL SUMMER! 534-2016. 20 gas masksand riot shields Thecontras’ strategy is plain,and in linewith the instruc- whichthe contras would disarm and the army remain intact the newsnever stops & neitherdo we. megaphones tionsfrom Washington that have flowed to theirleaders down pendingreductions requested by Chamorro,and with senior an hydraulicdoor spring theyears: escalation of terrorin theNicaraguan country- officersrelinquishing positions in theES.L.N.--also a dead Room 209, UCSD StudentCo-op Center. a portablestereo tape deck side,increased tempo of assassinationof Sandinista activ- letter.Third, the April 3 agreementsigned by all five Central more money ists.attempts to seizepower on a town-by-town,region-by- AmericanPresidents in Montelimar,Nicaragua, calling for [ran, regionbasis, execution of a counterrevolutionwithin the thecontras to disarm.So thataid would not go to contras counterrevolution. refusingto disarm,the five Presidents specifically asked the Thepossible options are all favorable to U.S. imperial in- UnitedStates to channelfunds through the International Bush, terest.First, the strategy oftension: black hands painted on Supportand VerificationCommission (C.I.A.V.) of the Nextyear, the new indicator will be celebrating twenty-five years of progressivejournalism at thehouses of Frentesympathizers, raids on farmco-ops, UnitedNations and the Organizationof American States, UCSD.After almost a quarter century of fightingto tell the truth amidst hostile attempts atsilencing our and murders,plus increasingly strident contra demands that the "setup forthat purpose. voices(a varied collection of often unheard and systematically stifled voices) the New Indicator Collective armydemobilize. Then, either the Sandinistas endure further Nowthe StateDepartment is backinga billin Congress is stillgoing strong. The support of ourreadership (moral and financial) andthe labor of our workers (us) humiliationas they yield ground, or theyresist, in which thatcontains a loopholeallowing the U.S. government to havekept this project going for many years, and will continue todo so formany long years ahead. It will Treason? casea U.S.invasion becomes ever more likely, with the ex- distributethe "repatriationand demobilization"aid to cusethat U.S. forces were invited by Chamorro(or Godoy or UNO~i.e.,directly to thecontras--rather thanthrough the be hardwork at a timewhen our rights are being continually eroded by courtsand legislatures as the C.I.A.V.Nothing new here. Since 1987 the United States has hard-wonreforms of thelast decades are subverted by reactionarydistortions of democracy. But with A fewweeks ago in Portland,Oregon, a anyof thecontra chieftains in the UNO coalition) to "pre- federaljury decided that Richard Brenneke, ventviolence" and insure that the mandate of theFebru- abusedall Central American agreements. As the Witness for cooperationand communication we can share in thehope of a futurewhich includes life on planetearth formerlyof theCIA, was telling the truth ary25 electionis observed. Peacereport of April12 notes:"Remember that one year anda freeexchange of ideas. whenhe saidhe flewwith George Bush, Theforegoing is notpure speculation. Early in April,Or- agotoday Congress approved the BipartisanAccord, which Althoughthis is ourlast issue of theschool year, during the summer we willbe workingon next WilliamCasey, and Donald Gregg to Paris tega.andd’Escoto were talking about civil war, with possible fundedthe contrasand promisedthere would be no more year’sDisorientation Manual and preparing for our twenty-fifth year of progressivelocal to world wherethey w~rked out a dealwith the Irani- postponementof transfer of power.Then on April18, Orte- contraattacks .... that promise was violated wholesale." coveragefor the UCSD and San Diego communities. Please call us at (619)534-2016 to findout when unsnot to freethe Americans taken hostage ga gaveground and madean agreementwith Chamorro that Meanwhile,the U.S. press contents itself with reporting we willbe workingand needing your help, we lookforward to hearingfrom and working beside you. You inthe U.S. F_JnlxLssy inTehran until after the thecontras need only begin disarming on April25 andcom- symbolicsurrenders of armsto a by thefew con- mayalso reach us by e-mailat [email protected] bitnet (this is alsoa goodway to get 1980presidential election. Brenneke had pletethat process in June.He evenratified the idea of dis- trasleft in Honduras.The arms they gave up arejunk, and beenindicted on falsedeclaration charges armingthe people, saying that Sandinista civilians would thosecontras are disabled. If the tragedy--past, present and announcementsandarticles to us.) future--wasnot so overwhelming,there would be some Fromall the people who work on thenew indicator, thank you for your interest and for your afterhe appearedin 1988as a character surrenderweapons in pacewith presumptive contra disarm- witnessfor his friend, former CIA a~en; ing.This is an ominousportent: Ortega, aglow with respect- grimsatisfaction in seeing the proclamations of a "victory understandingwhen we areprevented from fully reaching our goals of timelycoverage and distribution. HeinrichRupp, who was beingsentence. abilityand the praise of DanQuayle, seeking to be respon- fordemocracy" in Nicaraguaso rapidlyand crudely submit- To allof thepeople who have worked on thepaper and other projects this year, thank you, your help is forbank fraud in Denver.The unanimous siblein themanner of MichaelManley. Where’s all that talk tingto thecritique of reality.As thingsare, that same Feb- invaluable.To future workers, thank you too, please call us; if we don’tsee you this summer, call us verdictwas announced after only five hours of "rulingfrom below" now? ruary25 electionwill go downin historyas justanother againnext fall. ofdeliberation. Ineffect, the jtay said that Meanwhile,Witness for Peacehas beenreporting that contrivance--theritualof an election,the reality of military Specialthanks to allof thepeople who have generously donated much needed supplies: the 35mm GeorgeBush is guilty of treason.The pen. victimsof contraassaults have testified that the rebels are and economicduress--in the subjugationof Nicaraguaby theUnited States. camerathat works (of course this doesn’t mean we couldn’tuse more), the sofa (makes late-night altyfor treason isdeath. And yet this story launchingattacks, wearing fresh uniforms and carrying new weapons.Who gave them thisequipment? Remember, one Evenas a contributorto In TheseTimes was hailing the productionmuch more comfortable, butwe coulduse a decorativeblanket or sheetto coverit), the 20M receivedvirtually no attention on television beautyof the UNO victoryand speakersat theSocialist harddisk has made our computer infinitely more useful (thank you, Food Coop, it onlyfreaks out on us news,in newspapers,or radio news. Why is absoluteconstant in postwarU.S. policy has been control of themilitary in countrieswithin the imperial realm. The con- ScholarsConference in NewYork such as PaulBerman were occasionally),andto the man who brought the futon by, thank you, if youstill need to getrid of it, please this?--Letter from the publisher of the makingenergetic distinction between the contras and the SantaCruz Comic News traswill stay supplied and active so longas a Sandinista comeback, Dave didn’t know what he wastalking about when he toldyou we didn’tneed it. armyexists, or untilthey are destroyed. "democraticstrategy" of UNO (Bermanhimself confiding Thereal meaning of theBrenneke acquit- Hereis a typicalW.EE report. On March31 contrasin- he wouldhave voted for UNO), the real, unsurprising agenda Insolidarity, talis that the 1980 election wasstolen by the timidatedand robbed the presidentof a farmingco-op in bas beenunfolding. TheNew Indicator Collective Reagan/Bushadministzafion andthey have San Marcos,seventeen miles northeast of Juigalpa.Juan beenruling illegally eversince. Itis time for Castro(his name changed at hisrequest) told Mardy Town- --AlexanderCockburn a fullhearing on thesecharges. Please p.s.Call us thissummer at (619)534-2016. sendand MichaelSkinner that one of the cobrasordered contactyour Congress people and demand himat bayonetpoint to liedown and told him: "On April 25 theyopen hearings onthis treasonous act-- youare the ones who are going to disarm.We’ve never even Fromthe Clvisdc Update in ]ntegtetyTimes thoughtabout laying down our arms.... Milkyour cows May/June1990 andleave, and if I seeyou here a secondtime, your head will 15 14 MAY 9. 1990---GUARDIAN-- Peace Resource Center News,,oo U.S.still rubbing salt in Vietnam’swounds No. 118

immeasurabledestruction the United States By JACK COLHOUN theBush administration, theUnited States Vietnam’sForeign Minister Nguyen Co causedin Vietnam.The Pentagon estimated haswon support from its allies for its policy KEEP THEIR HANDS OFF THE NUCLEAR TRIGGER! GuardianCorrespondent Thach addres~dthe human dimensionof 700,000to 1,225,000civilians were killed of economicand political isolation of Viet- nomlalization."’It’s time to healthe WASHINGTON--Fifteen years have or woundedin SouthVietnam in 1965-72, nam.Hanoi’s only supporthas comefrom woundsof war,"Thach said in an April30 Continued productionof nuclear weapons will be vigorouslyprotested when peace activists passedsince the VietnamWar endedApril thevast majority victims of theextravagant theSoviet Union, Cuba and other socialist interviewwith Time magazine. "’1 don’t converge on the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant in Colorado during the week of August 6th for a 30.1975. The image of helicopterslifting useof U.S.firepower. countries. mentionthe physical or mentalwounds, but "Blockade to Enforce International Law." A key focus of the blockade will be the fact that because it offthe roof of theU.S. Embassy in Saigon As we wereflying into Hanoi on a Thai Washingtonhas hlockedloans and grants themoral ones. As longas thisstate of ab- provides the means to create new weapons, Rocky Flats contributes to U.S. plans to fight and win a for thefinal time is stillfresh in the Airjet from Bangkok, l searched the coun- for Vietnamfrom the WorldBank, the in- normal relationsdrags on, the moral memoriesof millionsof Americans,who trysidefor bomb craters from the intense ternationalMonetary Fund and the Asian woundswill bleed. It’s time to sitdown and nuclear war through a disarming first strike. Since the United Nations Charter forbids preparing for arestill sharply divided over the war. U.S.bombing of NorthVietnam. I triedto DevelopmentBank. The U.S.has prevailed talkand play and have fan. Why only hos- aggressive war, continued production at Rocky Flats violates International law. But withthe passage of timea newele- imaginewhat it musthave been like in uponallies not to tradewith Hanoi or make tileattitudes? When I meetthe people from The Rocky Flats Plant recycles plutonium from wastes and older bombs and manufactures the mentin thethinking about the war is gaining Hanoi duringthe Christmasbombing of investmentsin Vietnam.Hanoi has never the StateDepartment, their faces never plutonium trigger bombs for new weapons. Though work involving plutonium at Rocky Flats is nlomentumin boththe UnitedStates and 1972as I recallednightmares l had in exile hadaccess to sufficientcapital to rebuildits smile.It is a pity.We couldhelp you have temporarilyhalted, it is expected that the plant will be in full operation by spring. Vietnam:the need to movebeyond the past; in Canadaduring the intense terror bombing war-devastatedeconomic and social infras- gtx~lhealth and morale" Events at Rocky Flats will Include a program of education, publicity, demonstrations, and civil ihcneed for the people of theUnited States of theNorth Vietnamese capital. tructure.As a result,Vietnam is oneof the A publicopinion survey done fi~r Time ForMiller the descent into Hanoi was an resistance building up to the blockade. The blockade will close the plant as often and as continuously ,tnd Vietnamto reconcile.The time has poorestcountries in theworld ruagazineand Ihe Cable News Net~,c, rk m- unnervingexpericnce "1 kept wondering as possible through the week of August 6 or longer. c~m~efor Washington to establishnormal ,hpl,mlaticrelations with Itanoi. whatwas going It) hapr~en when we gotoff The PRC is endorsing the Rocky Flats Actions. For more info contact the PRC or Rocky Flats I learneda ]olabout the war, the Vict- theIq:tne. >’ hc cxplumed."1 hadthis lear Civil Resistance. 1520 Euclid. Boulder, CO 80302. muneserevolutionaries and reconciliationthaitt~c Viclnaln¢,,¢ would go throughthe ~.,’, p, tlmgthe underground tunnel complex passcnuerIiq and find nlv n,une That they .~fu (’hi,about ~5 illilc~, n~,rttlv+cst ofIto ~tilildthirsty nic’ tll~ ti-,;lin,,I Ih¢~all ~lnd hike ’, ’~dlnh(’ity The vaq tt+il+l~t’] nctvit+rk, me~,;! h, l;tll ()I ~,,ti:’,(" tht’~,didtl’l [ ~,~,z!’,’\lcnds to Ihe(’amboth,ul border. timL,iill~ <,II the i,~,’k,>Lil h>rtilt" xiigiltcM ,t,, !ht’ [,,~’1 ’,’,t’qUll+~[+~cd levohlti~,l~v+rlc,,’ it.’ Mgh ~il alilllloMl’, :\l~rc,,,cd It;lilt_’ ilk ;.1 [! ,~ .,,H~cto the’ telriblc tie,qrtlCll,,ell¢,,k ~l Vt’lCl,ill, [~lll ] ~2ltlll’llilld ,lU ~, ’ MillerI~ :i ,ih.,.h i~,~\~c’l Nali,lllal I lbt’l,ililln ;ltUil ’.t’ldl,iii~t c~ul.,idcl,it,ic’,Olllb,it :uld killed :i ’,’,:,~. ’?.L’I~Itlilttcl~riliirid Ill c~c:ilW{’5 ",,~l!ll~Vic’llh!l!it’~t ~olthcl ;ll ,?lo.c r,ul~t’. :, !’l!i’,aid ,utlllcr~Idld’, ~1~,’ ,IMI il, (’ll ,:,hoillhc :,.’,ih/cdallc’: l~U{llil,.’ the trl~Ut.’! ,. ~t,:. i),ll;tq ,i t,Ao \kt.’ck\iM~ h; Viclllllll! ~.,,,’,ldlnl.’d \lilly>’,- trip h~ \’ielii;ll~li,~ --,, <~ i .thtl’,!~cl~ith a ,haiti~.’l~ltlt~ ,d \liiCil i,ar! ~t hlx hc,illh,;] !~t,xc hi nearch It) ~,,, ,liehlt!lnl2 l~tl ~,’icllLtlll "~clcr;ill,, ,t,llleItt lt’iui-’.Ll’,h !h,_ \~,,il,~Ahlc-h h,i~ i’~ t.t~Aiill7, ill1 tint’% tiand~ ,llltI kllC’t. h,luillc’tlhi>it -i!icc tic lollVie, In,till ;.is d ,>ill :,;i,Ullrll- (’ti (’tit’s,nalrt*w lUllnCl l)a’~’~agc thou2() \t’,ll’- ,l~’tl I ~ vclcran~elthe \ i¢lli,im~\,lr arcin- c’lCa,,in~l~,iClUltllll~’ l(iViclllalii h)help heal Opinion & lilt:’~tOUlld~ is[ t&;il Analysis (ioidOli .~Nlflll. a Viclilaili ~,ClCldll, and nlllt" tither*\lllL’ric;.u’lk laid thecorncrMonc M,lich2h, 19U(I, l~ll a "’lifilt’CVillage" al .~a~,cnvch>pcd in darkne~and intense (’hui;.ittcach, near I);ili;.ill~. theA~,,ocialcd he,itand humidity,is a powerlulexpcri- l>rc~re’ported April S The(’hina Ilcacll c!l~cl’hc passages coiinecl vilhigc’, and colirplcxwill inch>de a rchablhldlion fenler, l~l~,~lnce~as well a~ undergrt,ulldliving o~ph,i~lagc,a lllcdical center and a trade ,tilarl¢lS.hospitals, COl)lerclwe rot)n)% i.llld ~choolThe I’cace Village protect is headed ~iorag¢deptll~. Guerrilla~ i:lillibed irlio lhc by I.eI.v Ila)~lip. :l Victnan%’~e-Anlcrican "Nowthat the war is over,why should dicalesAmericans are ready tot rect,ncilia- ~ ell-hiddenenlranc¢.~ IoIh¢ Illnllcl’~ as B-5] whoIivc~ in Calilornla.ttayslip’s East tion wilh Viemam.When asked,"’Should hollibcr>,dropped their payloads of death. Meets’IVesl I:oundalion has provided medi- the animosilybe maintainedbetween our Eyewitness calassistance Io Viclnaln the last few year~ lwo countries?For what end’?" Dang theU.S. re-establish diplomatic relations Ttlc,,emerged from the tunnels to ambu~,h with Vietnam?"48 percentrc’,ponded t ,% combatpatrols and then disaplx’ar ih!oughprivate funding. NghiemBat, head of the NorthAmerican desk in the ViemameseForeign Ministry, "’yes’"and 32 percentsaid "no " Once bdt.’k illlothe tunnel.,,. a,+kedour group. "’After World War 11, the againthe question remains, hov+m, er: Wdl at the Men and women lived undergroundfor tlnitcdStates helped its formerenemies WashingtonIolhlw the lead of the US pub- ’,t’ar,~Cu (’hi offers vinihlr~, a glil)lpsc nqlo 7, arthat ’~ I(;cnnanyand Japanl. In thepast the U.S. Jicwhen il COlliesll’l VicII1;Alll thect,tnnutment of the Vietnamese lighter~,, consideredVietnam an enemybecause Viet- .lack (’olhounwent absentwithout tht.ii ingenuityand the hardship., thcv on- theVietnamese u,ould Nevada nanlwas a friendof the SovietUnion and leavefrom the Army and lived in exilein ,luredui their resistance to tJ .S. mtervcntion .findmy nameand China.But Washingtonbecame friends wilh Canada from 1970 to 1977, where he lit Vi¢llldnl. (’hmain theearly 1970s and is nowfriendly helpededit AMEX-(’anada,the fi)rmer "lt’~good for Anlericans Io COllietO takeme of.[ to jaiL TestSite Vidhthe Soviets. The wh,>leargument has magazineof U.S.draft resisters and an- \ ietndlll htl vie t:dil conic ttlgethcr,’" tallcnapart Normalizalltm is in ourmutual tiwar(;Is living in Canada.lie visited Ngti}t..’lt [0 Manh. llur guide at (_’u (’hi. t,,ld Ofcourse, tho’ d/tln ’t.’ interest." Vietnamand (’anll~diain July 1989.¯ u’,as v+cchatted after coming oul ol thetun- Pullup to checkpoint,Enter the other ,0N’+We ,d+ould forget the p,i,.i and look to .m i/~iiiIIIIl~ImII /IIII/ zone,the feelings slightly different here. thehiture It) reconciliation. We hol~ It>Is "Smithwas involved in the buildmgof a There was a dead man in my bed last ol Americans,especially veterans, will medicalclinic by warveterans in thesouth- ! Subscribe/Renew/Contribute i ern seasidetown of VungTau. The clinic i night,a youngman, his faceclean shaven coincto Vietnamin the future."Manh, a openedMarch 3(), 1989, and receives medi- I locksof croppedblack hair. He turnedinto retiredarmy captain, helped dig tunnels in I leadersupporl has kepi the Guardianalive and growingfor over four de- I cal suppliesobtained by veteransin the cades,wilh Guardian Sustalners as lhe financialbackbone of lhisindepen- I a garmentbag once I startedbelieving thelate 1940s as a childand lived in the tun- I nelsfor several years as a soldierin the U.S..’"the AP reD~rlnoted "’Smith . . . dent.left newsweeklySusta~ners pledge to contribute$10 a monthor mote I him. I 1960s.tie has lost much of hishearing in saidhe hopedto starta programto send I tO the paper for 12 monthsSustainers aulomahcally rece,ve a subscrlpbon.I -_ The nymph in the woods by the one ear as the resultof beingcaught in Americannurses who servedin thewar to I a spec,almonthly newsletter, and the opportunflyto sendfree trial subs Io I provostsoffice turned too, into a skunks numerousB-52 bombing raids. theclinic and Vung Tau hospital." I friendsevery month The financialand politicalsupporl from Susta~nersis tail,when I startedto believe. Manh’sresponse when I told him I was CherieClark, a formerU.S. military ~_ essenlialto ’sfulure When you decideto subscribeor renew. I Some more peopleare broughtin the nurse,is tryingto winapproval from the considerio~nmg GuardianSustainers Use the coupon below, and attach I "rumleft and go downthe hill to avoid flames.It’s ashes on my chest making an antiwarGI, who refused to fightin Viet- I pen.They carryin Wayne.They havetoo OUT.We join.The sheriffdecides to put nam. is etched in my memory. Manh U.S governmentto organizeprivate relief your mall,nglabel if you currentlysubscnbe the death.The deadzone, the fencedoff, peace.Everyone’s so beautiful. I I carryhim out too,and me withhim. I’m us on the same bus as the others.When abruptlymoved closer and tookmy handin programst0r Vietnam. Clark, who lives in I don’tlook at thisfor a yearor twowhen Denver,is seekingU,S. permission to col- Contributionsto the Guardianare tax deductlble. I goodat goinglimp, the guard remarks at There’sa womanon the bus, some sort they cite us he’s Abby Hoffman,I’m his and pumpedit up-and-downwith en- its a nicetail building zone. We cut em lectcontributions to build a htrspitalat My I [ ] $3350-- 1 year I ] Signme up as a Guardian I my weight. of secretarysheriff. She gladly writes all Blaccow.No singlingout. Solidarity thusiasm."We are gratefulfor yourgood ¯ downin one day,one fuckinday, can you Lai,the site of a 1+468U.S. massacre of be- Sustalner.I enclose $ + of us up as "MotherEarth." She tellsus wins. attitude,"he exclainied"’People like you I ! ] $1800---6 rnor~ths I believeit. Wayne,the grey haired,weeping wire tween 175 and 41X) unarmedmen. women I ~ ] $59 50 ~ years towarda year’spledge of she’sa mother.Look in her eyes;one day Therest I can’ttell; it wastoo good for helpedus winour fight." ¯ 1 year , weavingwizard, says he loves you and andchildren. "The two-ntory hospital and ;] $,.5pllsoners .....¯I Someone’s looking at me likeI’m crazy she’llencourage her kids to demonstrate. words. ButManh’s attitude toward Vi¢lnanl vet- I " (Minimum pledoe +S $1D0 Or $10 i~l meansit. "Eventhough you eat meat and cransAI Millerand Dan Wright wa_,, just a’+ clinic,which would have between 15 and30 Foreignadd mon!h lot 1,’) mor~ll~ Subsc,g)hotl Like, l’m mad about somethingin my I’m in the pen again,walked in behind beds.would be called’the Anlcrican hospi- I I personallife. They don’teven see the putus in a cageand you’retrespassing on warm.Miller pointed to hismangled ear and I [ ] $18/yearCanada lucludeclDe!ads at~ve ) theShoshones. It wasjust like walking in tal.’,+he said," AP reportedMarch 31. [ i $25/yearother foreign I branchesand trunks,still coveredin Shoshoneland, and raping mother earth, I --Mother Earth, Blaccow, Dave a ,,cartm hisshoulder fronl a bulletwound I behinddad. I’ve alreadygot out of m y 20 yearsearlier, from which he nearlydied Buleven privale el fortsby veteransand leaves,lying on the groundon the other still love y o u " Aronson ’ ] ~57:Y?Arf/,°7’~V~,derast.Paof,conly) l lEnclosed,s my taxcleduct,t)ie cuffs,thin strips of plasticI canusually Millercalled then) "souvenirs of Viet- othersto helpVielnam heal the wounds of I I sideof the fencethat I’m poundingwith warare frustrated by Wa.,,hington’s refusal [ ) $30/yearl Sl class(U S & Canada) contribution of $ ..... ¯ squeezeone hand through. They’re fucking nam."Manh pointed to his ear.The three my skateboard. I needsomething, a hug beforeI go to to normalizediplomatic relations with Viet- I I with someoneout side. Somethingabout formerenemies became fast friends as they [-] This iS a renewal sleep,its been a longday, had to talkto nam.For exalnple, although it is legalfor I Rounding the corner in my cage l metalcuffs. Two renta pigsare inside, talkedabout the war and the difficult post- I cops for a lot of it. I say Hi to this U.S.citizens to travelto Vietnam,it is il- " [ ] Paymentenclosed rememberthat the bombsstill went off bringingmore water. "Hey let’s all lock war healingprocess as onlyveterans can. []Chargemy~lMastercardorF]V’sa ’ womanand we talka little,we walk back legalfor U.S. groups to organizetrips to underthe ground in Nevada. arms and keep em in untilthey let this Manh was as deeplytouched by the news I I towardsmy tentand hug beforeI headfor that country.Since 1975 U.S.-based guyin." I say,smart idea if we weren’tall that our group had brought more than Sittingwith my legscrossed, my hands my bag. Everyone’shugging. Wish for humanitarianorganizations have had tre- cuffed.The gate opens,people pressed $40,000of medicalsupplies to Vietnamas bound together,I’m chanting,doing my anything,and it’ll happen. we wereby our experienceat Cu Chi. mendousobstacles in sendingto Vietnam I ...... Mantra,wonder what the guard’sthinking. againstthe fence,Pigs walkthrough. I much-neededitems, such as picks and Crod,*ca,O.... ¯ [.!DOale c-,~ Sae/, I FromHanoi to Ho Chi MinhCity, we had A peace sign we dug in a mountain find an opening and wedge myselfin. shovelsto removeunexpkx:led U.S. bombs I I If youcan risk nuclear war you tamrisk aerms the fence,and a rock vibed with similarinteractions with Vietnamese vet- Mall to: Guardian¯ 33 West iTth Sl. ¯ New York, N.Y. 10011 Immediatelythrown face in gravel,arms andland mines from the earth. I Allchecks payable Io Guard*anCanachan checks accepled add30% to cover "~I disammmmt eve~hingin me buriedby a Yucca. eransof thewar, but none were as powerful -- ~ m lockedbehind back, pain, handcuffed, as the time we spent with Manh. Viet- In fact,Washington’s postwar strategy of exchancje Bundlerates avadabie on requeslNohfy us ol addresschanges ¯ MaybeI can get out of my body,dance Arms raisedhigh with fingersstaying draggednext to thisother guy. My scrapes stranglingVietnam econorhically has been s,xweekslnadvance,andbesurelomcludeyour ma’hng Iabe I nameseveterans and civiliansgreeted us ~4~’*" -J arotmd,see what the futureis for this pea(e,make me want to cry. Such great arejust atarting to heal. with an eagernessand warmthwe had not moresuccessful than its war-time strategy ~iiIIIIIIIIIII place.I knowthat it willfall. One way or meaningfor such snailgsmtre, a wave to Thegate’s blocked. The pigs can’t bring anticipated.We werefully mindful of the of attrition.From the Ford administration to another,it willblow itself up. us on thebus. anymore in. I motionto othersoutside to Human chain reactioawill overcome Thenext I dayI do cry,mostly from the slide by me and this guy. We all lock naclearcladn react~re. smoke of our national symbol up in legs. Inside they chant NO SINGLING 17 16

Del Mar Organizes which the proposedRoute 56 would ~~tc:=::=:NI¢:::::=:::~ create.This alternative involves using the to Save Wetlands 102 existingCarmel Mountain road, saving SPONSORED BY IEiU LOCAL costs,and to a greatextent saving the Developersand Penisquitas environment. LABORLINKTV residentstake the bus! SanDiego is nowbegining to facean issuethat will shape our future lifestyle Aproximatelyone hundred people andthe future of ourplanet. We canonly turnedout at a recentSan DiegoCity build so many freeways,we can only accomadateso manycars. Our planet (and Councilmeeting to protestthe building of -- loIIowmgpublic access channels: StateRoute 56 thoughCarmel Valley. our lungs)can onlytolerate so much The proposedsite would irreperably smog.When willwe learnthat we must VETERANS PEACE CONVOY uamagethe Valley’sextremely fragil respectthe earth to survive?The Sierra wetlands,be builtover potentialy active clubpoints out that, "Only 10 percentof taultlines, destroy the homes of countless California’soriginal wetlands are left. In JUNE 15 thru 22 animalspecies, and treat unnecesary trafic SouthernCalifornia, the figure may be as TO BIG MOUNTAIN, ARIZONA congestionin the CarmelValley area. low as 4 percent....Theyare organic Opponentsto the freewayinclude the powerhouses,nutrient rich and highly Youcan also join Labor Link ]3/ SierraClub, Carmel Valley residents, San productive(a healthysalt marsh [like Ifyou are a union ¯..-.. June 15: Calif. Convoy rally in Bakersfield DiegoBiodiversity Project, Del Mar city CarmelValley] produces produces from iiienlberor labor suppuderyou are June 15: Flagstaff, Arizona rally officersincluding the mayorand deputy five to ten timesas much oxygenand mwted to padopatein mayor,North City West planningboard carbohydratesas a wheat field)¯The DrOduclngI I [V June JI : Food distribution at Big Mountain begins nembers,and UCSD students.Those in methane,carbon dioxide, amonia, and programs NoeXpeflPf~C e iavorof thefreeway are mainly Cal Trans, nitrogengases generated by wetlandsare r:eceshar~’ Developers,and Penisquitas residents who recycledinto the atmosphere;recent ’~!lfIl(~andrepel wl[h U% wanta quickroute to thebeach. studies show that methane plays a t’vory4Ih Wednesday, A NATIONAL CAMPAIGN I b OOpm at The councildelayed its vote to importantrole in maintainingthe ozone IB~ W 56q investigatean aitemativeroute brought layer...."Carmel Valley is a crucialand ?]’~W W3~,hmgtorlSt beforethe council byElectrical engineer immediateconcern in thestruggle to save (in tParbasement> BillWatson. Cal Trans is requiredby law IN SUPPORT OF our planetand ourselves¯To thosewho LaborLink TV is 100% volunteer run. We dependon yourfinancial to investigateless costlyand less thinkthis freeway is neededto alleviate fl supportto coverthe costs of programming, fl environmenlalydamaging alternatives. trafficproblems, we recomendthe bus, or Pleasemake a tax-deductibledonation today. Theyhave made only a feebleattempt to betteryet, a lightrail system replacing all II II II NAVAJO-HOPI RESISTANCE do so.In DecemberCat Trans reported that existingroads, or better yet, the ^ . . P.O. Box 13223 i~ its findingson alternativeswere relacemantof the entiresystem with N ,t, onlac.z , .. La Jolla, CA 92039 I1 inconclusive¯When pressed further, they autonomoustribes working collectively¯ LaDOr LInK Iv (61g) 4555725 admittedthai no studieshad been made, Well,maybe a lightraiisystem would still TO FORCED RELOCATION buttheir engineers "had a gutfeeling," be nice. that none would work. Bill Watson’s Yourhelp is neededto saveCarmel alternativewould connect Route 56 at the Valley!Write to MayorO’conner and city I-5/I-805intersection, thereby eliminating councilmembers at: 202 C Street,San FROM ANCESTORAL LANDS the need to widen I-5 north of the Diego,CA, 92101.Also write to Abby intersectionto accomadate the bottleneck Wolshiremerat the same address. People’s Lawyer ~c’c: ¶ Big Mountain Support Committee (aproject of.Alliance forSurvival) RIMAC Attack! P.O.Box 33686 Robert Burns San Diego,CA 92103 continuedfrom page i Affiliatedwith Roberta Blackgoat, Big Mountain Elder (619)277-0991 of UndergraduateAffairs Joe Watson, give a studentoperated bookstore to AssistantVice Chancellor Tom Tucker, Barnes& Noble.At UCSD,four student- NationalLawyers Ou,id, Iocof chapter steenng MISSION ¯ To DeliverHumanitarian Aid To ThoseIn Resistance "ElectionsCo-ordinator" Randy Woodard runcooperatives arebeing threatened with andthe RIMACcommittee with seventeen evictionunless they give up controlover ¯ ToBring National Media Attention ToThe Social, Political differentmisdeeds, infour categories: theirassets and facilities. At other UC 1. vaguenessof theballot measure; campuses,notably Santa Barbaraand Generalpractice with emphasis on AndEnvironmental Issues At BigMountain 2. violationof students’rights to Riverside,student fee referendum measures similarto RIMAChave been pushedby due process of law concerning personal injury ¯ domestic ¯ To PromotePublic Awareness Of The Realities And Effects establishmentof compulsory fees; campusadministrators this year¯ The UC administrationalso recently eliminated 3. violationsof campusand UC students’ ability to fund their landlord-tenant Of U,S.Government Policies Toward The People Ana Land systemwideelection regulations; and organizationswithnegative-check-off fees. 4. misrepresentationof facts These administrativemaneuvers are minor criminale environmental At BigMountain concerningthe referendum election and probablymotivated by legislative itseffects ifpassed. movementtowards increasing the rights entertainment ¯ writ ¯ To CallFor A MoratoriumOn P.L.93-531 Thecomplaint seeks: of studentsto controlboth their self- assessedfees, and and the elections 1. overturningof the official appellatecases imposingthese fees. ACR 49, a bill Dcmations needed: flour, beans, canned meat and vegetables, ooffee, baking powder, electionresults (the administration currentlyin the Assembly’sHigher claimedthe RIMAC measure passed); potatos, fresh fruit and vegetables, dried milk, sugar, crisco/cooking oil, ~, EducationSubcommittee, would express Counselfor New Indicator 2. an explicitdetermination thelegislature’s intentions in thisarea tarps, propane fuel, oolesk%n-type lanterns, practical work clothing and oold weather regarding applicable election andrequest studies of thecurrent status of Over 10 yearsin localpractice clothing (wools & cottons). Cash donations are also needed for gas money and regulations;and studentcontrol over their self-assessed fees 3. allocationto a possiblestudent- fromthe UC and CSU campuses. 4877 Voltaire Street, Ocean Beach, CA 92107 purchase other items. Thanks ! initiatedrec-center committee of funding Untilsuch legislation is passed, we need equalto thatspent by its administration- to be especiallyvigilant. Campus sponsoredpredecessor administrators,desparate to "beatthe Theissues the complaint raises must be clock"on legalreform, can be expectedto (619) 223-0441 CONTRIBUTIONS(Tax-Deductible) May Be Sent To: viewedin thecontext of recentmoves by stepup theirefforts to grabstudents’ campusadministrators statewide to seize assetsfrom the Associated Students, co- controlof students’assets and self- ops, University Center Board and VeteransPeace Action Teams or (VPAT/VPC) assessed fees. The Chico State registrationfee committeesbefore new administrationrefused in 1988to renewa lawstake effect.We can expectthese P.O.Box 170670 San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 753-2130 leaseon thecampus bookstore, owned by effortsto be clothedin budgetproposals, theAssociated Students, unless "itceded charteramendments, contracts and leases, control over its operationsto the andinformal "advice" from "advisors." Any changesto the statusuo shouldbe university.TheState ieg’slature t "intervened "q /~/ I[~ ~ !_. ~ J ...... ~ _ I"1’, rl ,. ¯ . ¯ ExceptFor Postage,Telephone, And PrintingCosts, All FundsWill Be UsedTo Provide by passingACR 170¯ At San Francisco subjected... to thoroughdiscussion among # ~atvaaoran12 L’offeeBovcottAction State,administrators are attempting to smaents. HumanffadanAid For The NavajoAnd HopiIndians At Big Mountain ¯ ~ ,-~’~ ...... 1.CallProctor andGamble at 1-800-344.7490. Tellthem to stop buying Salvadorancoffee beans and that you will not buy Folgers Coffee until PleasePatronize San DiegoBusinesses Who Have Proctorand Gamble stops supporting death squads in E1 Salvador. A PROJECT OF: VETERANS PEACE ACTION TEAMS Pledgedto Supportthe SalvadoranCoffee Boycott 2.Call the Central America Information Center to get involved in P.O. Box 170670 San Francisco,CA 94117 (415) 753-2130 Salvadorancoffee boycott activities. Aswas said in the 1960’s: "If you arenot part of the solution, youare part of the problem." Phone:583-2925.

3.Send a donationtosupport the boycott work, payable tothe CAIC, P.O.Box 50211, San Diego, CA 92105. Help stop the war/ Z7 ...... -~- :-:-_~_:--’_= ~ :-~-: ~ -- _ ~ ~, . 18 MAT ¯- JMULT -z, =~m 19 SAN DIEGO Cinema ¯ 4061Adams Avenue in Kensington¯ 283-5909 EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT

ANTI-RACIST ACTION 15&16 Joina county-widechapter of Anti-RacistAction to fightracism on our scene.Attend the: ANTI-RACIST ACTION ACADEMYAWARD WINNER --Rest O0cumentaq Feature GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 5 PM (SHARP) 2nd FLOOR MEETING ROOM DOWNTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY (8TH& E STREET, SAN DIEGO) WE WILL TALK ABOUT: * ANTI-RACIST GRAFITTI CAMPAIGN * COUNTER-BORDER DEMONSTRATION PARTICIPATION * "ROCK AGAINST RACISM" BENEFIT ORGANIZING * T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER Thereare a lot of peoplewho see the needto workagainst racism on our scene,and in our society,most with different ideas aboutwhat to do, why to do it, and how to do it. The diversityof our scene’sresponse in fightingracism is our strength. Local membersof Skin Heads AgainstRacial Prejudice (SHARP) and Skins and Punks AgainstRacism (SPAR) are invited come to the Anti-RacistAction General Meeting to talk abouthow we can all work togetherto defendour showsand parties fromracist attack and violence,while keeping the indepen-denceof our groups.(Membership in ARA is open to interestedin- dividualsin the punk/undergroundmusic scene.)

JUNE28--JULY 7 * 10 DAYENGAGEMENT SCREWBALLI SEX COMEDY. Thisfilm shows the bright, gaudy visual style, mEn ov thebreezy manner and theexuberant energy that are Mr.Almodovar’s particular virtues." "An earnestgift from --JanetMadin. New York Times its crcatonto the community...graphlc, "A BENIGN SHAGGY DOG STORY! yet romantic,ta~teftd, never pomograpl~c, Balmyvariations on thetheme of sexualpolitics." yet ft~y physical." --.(.a~/Cibbon%The VillageVoice "JOYOUSLY FUN AND SEXUALLY INTOXICATING! ’Labyrinth’Is a dormparty where Almodovar’s raw early talent taps all the kegsf" --Jam)Bernard. New YorkPo~,I BeThere! "SUCH A GIDDY, IMPUDENT FARCE STUDENT ULY 7 10 It could only be the work of Almodovar." IT’SUP TO US... --KathleenCan’oll, The De=Ix New~ CALL June 17 TO March & Rally ¯ .... FromDept. of Education toLafayette Park in frontof WhiteHouse WASHINGTON I V June 18-22

Po4koAIrmo¢lovllr. Th)seltty m,x n malchkO~C Imm Iho ¢,e¢,~ate¢l dlr’PClO, ofT,e 44~ StudentAction Week From the director of Up.Tm [email protected] Do~ a~d 14~ (~ The Vefge o~w~ l o~l~ mlal~,sr~o ol Se ~ a’

Formore information call or write: BY StudentCall to WashingtonNational Mobilization NeD-Tokyois aboutto June17th \ KATSUHIRO c/oNational Collegiate Black Caucus, Inc. OTOMO EXPLODE! P.O, Box 70425 Washington,D.C. 20024-0425 I"Olllrrll (202) 484-2660FAX # (202) 554-0313 t IR)RNI’% t ’"JI~IX Lot~llMIlII M~lu re~J/ns Io ~e O v~$toneTomCtulsawas~o~ Francsof his cMldhood *lib Ihls natudlot ~n Oscar lot h,s por~aya o haun~ngaumbx>~aph~d slmy of i Id~ Itoem~.Fdmed ~vo decados Ro~Ko~¢. I youn~Ma~ne who wenl doomedfr,endsh~ be~een ~ou ung ’l-..( As Thousands IO Vmmama~ I:oslleith in God J~dmnOu~ anda Jew,shboy ht~ ~,edpa~ ~, ¯ Molterand Country Store0 won ¯ *rigo~lLn a c.,1 ~ohc Imard=ng r,~.hoog m r..811~dudm m Jomst4numb~s rackoloe~ who BesIO~’eclot O~:a/ (USA 1989) 1944(F~ance 1987)7:30 LOCAL CONTACT: h~ wodd lu~ iop,r uvy a~m h~ 7:IS 2 YON ~TURE of Students f~lI4MIkom ~llon Th~ hi It,Rql~l~l Of AUDILNCfS KeithDavis t :30,e:30 IM Nm~ yo~lkFl~ Feslv~(USA. l ONI Y Stand Up & Demand Universityof Southern California KingLear EdwardZwlck A moving~peCla~lo 8me~.Pete, B~:)o~,’a marne,. 4S01Circle View Blvd., L.A., CA 90043 kJ~ ’mmon o¢ ,T~e’e vmm~, aboul~ kstb~lek regm’~enl raised ICe~Oyh4a ein’l C(l~,l~ilCe m I~ Nodhduring ~ C,vdWar Equityand Justice (213)294-2876 or (213)745-2709 b,*lllonlinteltpretallOn byPllUl Om~Id Weshln~onwon a 8~sl Supu~qmg/~0~Olca~ as a ¢/ tcofkld,n )he linerOl~ ~t~t ilge~¯lwho tuns eh~Jl o! i)~ mob Osca~odsl~v~ Malth~le 8toaeflck while~l.~nmg miD ¯ veryd,lZV MM sndMoeledlan Floemln al~o slat .~ PharoahNarmer, The First Pharoah To UniteUpper/Lower Egypt. (USA.19~9) S:00. S:$O N~hlly:?:00,1.30; ~tuedoy ¯ S~n4~¥Malme4e: 2 00, 0:I0 FonowIUSA. 1984) S:$0. e:lS IUIT21 ¯ Educationis a Right, ¯ Justicefor Workers TwoIdlk ~I~III l &l&lll jq)ll\\}I)t1’ Nota Privilege ¯ AdoptFair ¯ IncreaseFederal Employment CollegeGrant & Aid ¯ EliminateApartheid SIIII]I] NuclldnFresh and h,Ady Jl~4Caml~ The o~tot cam)o- ¯ SaveHistorically & World-wide vastyM CimwIs. 8~tIS II $1~leta¢~tSt Temto Oe~ ~Jee. &n uncem- MMum tim ~ ¯ highly m~md davymine IO~ (~ndham) amry BlackColleges & Oppression )~oups KU dleuStar m he ¯01~: II~ COn ~Pklltl~lFulFote~(O~ 11~0) ) bm Im J~n md Universities t’,tO Imme~h Ihe tml Ih~ Au~utmRodin a~d h,t m,snts ¯ End Sexism ~h~ ~ma~ ICu4m, Cam=IsClaud~l an wl,sl,n )141)7*JI r~t(P:~at~al. 19a9) l:~m. 7:q~ ¯ End Homelessness& & Racism HA’RPR.AY ERENDIRA The~tor]r ¯ | AdeleIL Hunger Now 111111118¯ 1~1wllh 11111 iiii elllfe RentenII~tmtekl. One yc~u~g rlMl~Yt~IDuI Ila~olkl ¯~0~4 ¯ Make Our of "dO*Ilstes ~d Irlm~s.V hc~n ~etlocllyomb4~s VI(.IOt Hu~OS ~,,~o,m,., e.,d o.m Lm,,T.- I~v~s m r~ce ~ dau~’ A4e6e ~ olbse~du~ma~ eo~4 ~em mu~c end Casl~l ¯ End the Drug Environment , ~I m h~lumm~ ~W~ Senm Ik~ Oddd* ~. ~e~ re* S*m Ik, a~ IIIddl.a~ ,w~d P,e Isl. IUSA. Im41d~mSl(Frince IglS CrisisNow Safe & Clean La~ OeMy A~. (US& tN)) 11:40.S:II, S:4S IJl,O’.lO tllelllI:lli~ II;IS 2O Duringthe Sun God Festival, the fun and exciting"Read the new indicator?" booth wasapproached bya repressentativeof the UCSDpolice department who complained thatthe long anaiytical articles wepublish aretoo much for people with short attention spans.So, straight andto the point, by police order,the New Indicator Collective brings back: L on g Stories In Short

FirstThings First TheCenter for Media and Public Affairs RottenApple Disposal reportsthat in thefirst six months of the Info-World,a computer-industry tradejour- BushAdminis~ation, theBush family dog, nal,reports that the Apple Computer corpo- Millie,was mentioned more frequently in rationburied 2,700 unsold Lisa computers themajor news media then were the Secre- in a Utahlandfill last fall. Destroying the tariesof Education,Agriculture, andVeter- machinesgave Apple a bettertax write-off ans’Affairs. thancould have been obtained by giving fromthe Progressive themaway to schoolsor ThirdWorld coun- tries. fromthe Progressive

It’sa Dog’sWorld DoggieAdventure, a twenty-five-minute video-cassettebilled as theworld’s first made-for-dogvideo, is beingmarketed by Made-for-DogVideos of Minneapolis.It costs$14.95.

Frontiersof Medicine Dr.Charles Wesley Turner Jr., a physician in Anaheim,timed the delivery of a babyon New Year’sEve so thathe coulddisplay the infant on a midnighttele- visionservice being broadcast to a nation- wideaudience. He told?he Los Angeles ~rnesthat he administereda "saddle block" tothe mother, delivered thebaby by forceps, "thenswaddled the six-pound, twelve-ounce infantin a blanket,tucked her in a Christmas stocking,and ran about 150 feet outside to anotherbuilding, where the church service wasbeing conducted." Turner said, "I knew thatGod had a handin it. I wasthrilled." fromthe Progressive

7,000-LeagueBoots Fromthe label on a boxof Capezioboots: AnotherF’me Product of theUnited States ShoeCorporation. Made in Korea. fromthe Progressive Sexand the Readers’Guide Fromthe Readers’ Guide Abs~’acts Print Edition,August 1988-Jaouary 1989, pub- lishedby the H. W. WilsonCompany: "HUMANBEINGS See Man. [...] MAN Seealso Civilization; Creation; Ethics HistorT,Human ecology; Humanism. [...] WOMAN See Women. [...1 WOMEN See alsoAlcohol and v~men; Beauty, Personal; ¯ Blackwomen; Drugs and women;Femi- nism;Great men and women;Heroes and heroines;Sex differences; Young women. fromthe Progressive