National Participation and Engagement Plan
National Participation and Engagement Plan 2021-22 Hockey Australia, with assistance from Sport Australia, in partnership The Plan’s intention is to meet the challenges in hockey, the same or similar challenges that are experienced across with the Member Associations, community sport in general. and in collaboration with grassroot communities in Associations and To do this, this Plan: Clubs, have developed the National 1. Aligns the participation, recruitment and retention focus with the broader Hockey Australia Strategic Plan. Participation and Engagement Plan 2. Provides innovative, supportive and collaborative measures critical in assisting all hockey communities in (the Plan) which will see the game recovering from the COVID-19 experience. grow into the future. 3. Offers hockey the best opportunity to position itself to grow the game in all areas during the life of the subsequent Plan, commencing in 2023. This Plan has been developed with The Plan demonstrates how Hockey Australia will implement its strategic direction in the participation and the hockey community, for the hockey engagement space, whilst supporting Member Associations to establish programs and measures to meet their community. A top-down approach in strategic goals and the localised requirements of their communities. drafting this document would not have Due to the level and spirit of consultation in its development and the practical nature of the content, the Plan will be engaged our hockey communities to the a primary resource for a Member Association, local Clubs and Associations. extent they were. Flexibility in approach It is an Association/Club friendly document which can be referenced regularly by grassroots communities, in and delivery is critical in meeting the conjunction with their State/Territory bodies.
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