Iraq's Criminal Laws Preclude Justice for Women and Girls

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Iraq's Criminal Laws Preclude Justice for Women and Girls MARCH 2018 GLOBAL JUSTICE CENTER Iraq’s Criminal Laws Preclude Justice For Women And Girls “Refugiados Yazidi”/Marco Gomes/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 BY-NC-SA Gomes/CC Yazidi”/Marco “Refugiados c Global Justice Center | Human Rights Through Rule of Law Global Justice Center: human rights rule of law 1 Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................3 Domestic Crimes .................................................................................5 Rape: Act of Rape ...............................................................................................................5 Rape: Marriage Exception to Rape ......................................................................................6 Rape: Reporting Rape and Criminal Prosecution of Rape ....................................................7 Enslavement and Sexual Slavery .........................................................................................8 Forced Marriage .................................................................................................................9 Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment........................................................10 International Crimes .......................................................................... 12 Genocide .......................................................................................................................... 12 Crimes Against Humanity ................................................................................................. 13 War Crimes ...................................................................................................................... 14 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 15 Endnotes .......................................................................................................................... 16 In light of the gender dynamics at the root of Daesh’s violence, gender must also be at the center of accountability. With justice for Daesh beginning, this Briefing details how Iraq’s current legal framework precludes meaningful justice for women and girls. It highlights the gender gaps in Iraq’s criminal laws and identifies opportunities for broader reform to better protect Iraqi women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence. Introduction For years the world watched in collective horror as Daesh committed brutal atrocities. Central to this violence was sexual and gender-based violence, with explicit targeting of women and girls. Daesh used rape, sexual slavery, forced marriage and torture—distinct crimes on their own as well as constituent elements of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes—as tools for recruitment, conversion, forced indoctrination, and the fundamental destruction of community cohesion.1 For many, the only thing that stood in opposition to these crimes was the prospect, however far away, of justice. Justice, however, is complex. It requires accountability, redress and a focus on preventing the recurrence of violations. Justice efforts must be independent, credible, inclusive, and accepted by impacted communities, with special respect and recognition for the dignity of victims. Importantly, and as this Briefing illustrates, it must reflect the full scope and scale of the crimes that occurred. As the international community and the Iraqi government begin the process of holding members of Daesh accountable for their crimes, it is critical to examine the legal systems that will be responsible for these prosecutions. Prosecutions to date, which have all been conducted under Iraq’s 2005 counter-terrorism law, have failed human rights standards and do not suffice the interest of justice. This Briefing highlights one such example—specifically how Iraq’s current laws fall far short of the requirements for justice, as they are unable to punish the most egregious of Daesh’s gender crimes. Iraq’s Penal Code is a patriarchal patchwork rooted in preexisting peacetime gender inequalities and violence.2 The way and manner in which the Code defines sexual and gender-based violence crimes is steeped in language and perspectives that are inherently and overtly discriminatory against women and fall short of international standards. Any justice mechanism organized under these laws will fail to provide full accountability and redress to Daesh’s female victims. In order to highlight these challenges, this Briefing: (i) identifies particular categories of Daesh’s gender crimes and considers how these crimes are currently codified in Iraqi law; (ii) details the gaps where Iraq’s laws do not entirely capture the ways in which Daesh committed sexual and gender-based violence; and (iii) describes international standards for defining and understanding the many facets of these crimes. A complete reckoning with the planned and inherently gendered elements of Daesh’s violence is essential for Iraq to begin the transition out of armed conflict. These first steps of putting this history behind it must provide justice for victims, combat these victims’ marginalization, and prevent future violations against women, girls and other communities targeted on behalf of their gender. Global Justice Center: human rights through rule of law 1 Domestic Crimes Committed by Daesh Global Justice Center: human rights through rule of law 2 Domestic Crimes The following looks at Iraq’s definitions of rape, enslavement, forced marriage, and torture as examples of how Iraq’s criminal laws collectively fail to fully define, deter, prevent, punish, and redress sexual and gender-based violence crimes. These specific crimes were chosen because: they are included in Iraq’s criminal framework, they were committed by Daesh, and there are strong international standards that shine light on a gendered understanding of the criminal conduct. To be sure, Daesh committed a litany of other sexual and gender-based crimes (including forcible impregnation, forced abortions, forced sterilization, outrages on personal dignity, and persecution) and the following is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis. Instead, it is designed to highlight the need for reform by showing the obstacles to full gender justice for Daesh crimes under existing Iraqi law. Rape: Act of Rape Relevant Iraqi Laws → Penal Code Article 393 defines rape as“sexual intercourse with a female without her consent or…buggery with any person without their consent.” There are several “aggravating circumstances,” that increase the penalty for rape, including if the victim is a minor, if the offender is a relative, guardian, or has authority over the victim, if the victim is a virgin, and if the crime is committed by multiple offenders or multiple times.3 → Article 394 provides lesser penalties for consensual sex with a person under 18 years old.4 Gender Gaps: What’s Left Out? → Article 393 is not gender-neutral and is limited only to acts of “sexual intercourse” (vaginal intercourse)— leaving out Daesh’s serious violent and invasive sexual crimes that were beyond “sexual intercourse or buggery” (e.g. by including penetration by objects and other body parts). → “Consent” is central to Iraq’s definition of rape (rape only occurs where there is a lack of consent).5 However, the term “consent” is not defined, clarified, or otherwise described anywhere in the Penal Code’s rape provision. Prosecutions on “consent” inherently focus on semantics about the victim’s words or actions and do not properly consider victims whose enslavement, age, or subjection to threats or coercive environments prevented genuine consent.6 → The law’s limited focus on a victim’s “consent” fails to recognize the inherent coerciveness of conflict environments.7 In Daesh captivity or under their rule, women and girls had limited autonomy, including no choice over where they were taken, to whom they were sold, or how they were treated, and had no ability to decide the conditions in which they engaged in sexual activity.8 International Standards → Under international criminal law, rape is defined as “invad[ing] the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body.”9 This is a broader definition including various forms and types of penetration, extending beyond the Iraqi law’s narrow use of “sexual intercourse” and accounts for the full array of acts amounting to rape.10 → Instead of relying on “consent,” international standards define rape as being “committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion” (the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court includes examples where the victim’s “consent” might have been achieved through coercive environments, abuse of power or oppression, or where the victim is incapable of giving genuine consent).11 By emphasizing coercion over consent, international criminal law takes into account “contexts of power and culture that affect a woman’s ability to express or otherwise assert her will, as well as the inherent inequality in male-female dynamics that can render the issue of consent almost meaningless.”12 → A more comprehensive criminal definition of rape is necessary, especially during conflict or mass atrocities, to account for rape’s multifarious
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