Holonic Handling the Unexpected in Project Management
th 8 Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education Sibiu, and Romania, 10th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education October, DOI 10.1515/cplbu-2017-0019 2017 Holonic Handling the Unexpected in Project Management Levente BAKOS 1Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 2Sapientia Hungarian University of Cluj Napoca, levente.bakos@ulbsibiu.ro Dănuț DUMITRAȘCU Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania dan.dumitrascu@ulbsibiu.ro ABSTRACT Risk assessment is one the key activities of any project. The unexpected situations can have catastrophic consequences. Risk assessment tries to estimate to potential known unknowns, but there is no guarantee to foresee all circumstances around a project. In this situation the project team must be adaptive and find solutions by cooperation, creativity and abductive reasoning. In the paper we tried to analyse on what extent a project and a project team can be handled as a complex adaptive system. More precisely, how the scientific and practical achievements of the theory of complex adaptive systems (CAS) can be used in project management. More exactly, we analyse the applicability of the Holonic Multi-Agent Systems in risk management of the projects. We consider the way in which holons handle the unexpected situations can be a model in project management. Keywords: risk management, project management, holonic manufacturing, complex systems INTRODUCTION The curiosity to see the future has the same age as mankind. It’s written in our genetic code to be anxious about to future. Wizards, predictors, prophets, mages, fortune-tellers made, and still make, big business about this. In state affairs and public administration, almost any scientific field, in the business environment and engineering to get ready what will happen in the future is extremely important.
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