Presented by: With funding from YouTube

Let’s open YouTube Music

On the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a round icon that’s red, yellow, and green. This is Chrome. Can you click it once to open it?

Click over here on the address bar. This is where we can type any website we want to go to. Can you type When you’re done, press Enter .

2 YouTube Music

Let’s play some music

This is the homepage of YouTube Music. Here you can listen to popular songs and playlists.

Move your mouse over any playlist you find on the home page. You’ll see a play button appear on the bottom right corner. Click on it.

3 YouTube Music

This will play a .

On the right, you’ll see a list of other songs in the playlist. Can you click on another song?

Sometimes, before your music plays, you’ll see an advertisement. This is kind of like a short TV commercial. You can skip it by clicking the Skip Ad button.

4 YouTube Music

At the bottom of the music video, you’ll see a few options. You can pause, skip to the next song, or go to the last song that was played.

Try pausing the music by clicking on the pause button. Then, click on play.

You can watch the music video in full screen by clicking on the botton to the top right of the video. Try clicking it.

5 YouTube Music

Let’s find more music

At the top of the page is the search button. You can use it to search for any music you want. Click on search. Next, type Beatles and press Enter .

Now you can see every artist, playlist, song, or album from the band called The Beatles. Scroll through the list. Find and click on the playlist called Beatles Hits!

6 YouTube Music

This is a playlist that has 80 songs by The Beatles. You can play the music on the playlist by clicking Shuffle. This will play the songs in the playlist in a random order.

Are you logged into your ? You can add the playlist to your library by clicking Add to Library.

7 YouTube Music

Now, click on the Library button in the menu. The library is an easy way to find and listen to all your favourite music. Under Last Played, you can see all the playlists that you listened to.

you tr Search for Classical Music and find a playlist. ow y! N Add it to your library.

Search for the album called 21 by Adele and add it to your library. Search for another song you like. Add it to your library.

8 YouTube Music e d Review e’r one W !

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Access YouTube Music? Search for a song? Watch a music video in full screen? Play and pause a music video? Add a song to your music library?

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