

Volume 16 • Issue 4 • April 2009 MRC Sounds the Alarm About ‘Stealth Fairness Doctrine’ to Muzzle Conservative Talk Radio

The ongoing attacks against Rush among many others, have all said they

MRC Headquarters • Alexandria, Va Limbaugh — from the president of the want that doctrine reinstated. United States himself and the liberal The MRC took that news and spread it media — have a purpose: to demonize far and wide, warning the public, grassroots conservative talk radio and set the stage activists and lawmakers. The MRC issued INSIDE for regulating it into near-silence. press releases, a special report through its The new way to muzzle conservative Culture and Media Institute, news stories PAGE 3 talk radio is with rules mandating “diversi- through its division, a press MRC Research on ty” in media ownership and by broadcast- conference on Capitol Hill, related updates Draws ing what is “in the public interest.” Diver- on its NewsBusters blog, and frequent e- More than sity and public interest mail alerts through its 200,000 Readers — are code for liberalism Free Speech Alliance, a 6,000 Comments and liberal views. coalition of 59 groups PAGES 4 & 5 Congress, backed by representing millions of Liberal Media Bias in the liberal media, is tak- Americans. Overdrive Since Obama ing steps to implement The MRC also used Inauguration: A Selection these rules and the Me- its new broadcast studio of Some of the Most dia Research Center is to post video updates Outrageous Liberal Media doing all it can to sound on the battle over the Quotes So Far in 2009 the alarm and stop this Fairness Doctrine. PAGE 6 new attempt at govern- All that work paid Brent Bozell’s Nationally ment-run censorship. New “ownership” and off as the Broadcaster Syndicated Column: This newsletter will up- “diversity” rules for broadcast Freedom Amendment Breathtakingly date you on our ongo- media, introduced by Sen. Dick — which would prevent Bold Barack ing efforts, where the Durbin (D-Ill.), could muzzle the Federal Commu- problem stands now, and conservative talk radio. nications Commission PAGE 7 what you can do to help the MRC stop the (FCC) from reinstating the Fairness Doc- MRC in the News censors and continue the fight against lib- trine — was attached to a Senate bill by eral media bias. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) in February and For more than two years now, the MRC passed by a bipartisan vote of 87 to 11. has informed you about liberal Democrats That was a big victory for free speech in Congress who support a return of the and essentially made the Fairness Doctrine so-called Fairness Doctrine, a federal a political third rail — politicians dare not rule that said broadcast stations had to touch it for fear of the public backlash. present alternative political viewpoints on Even liberal Senate Majority Leader Harry controversial issues and which President Reid (D-Nev.) said two weeks after the Reagan scrapped in 1987. vote, “None of us want to go back to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the way it was before. … No one wants Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Sen. Dick Durbin to re-establish the Fairness Doctrine — (D-Ill.), and Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Continued on page 2

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Conservative talk radio reaches millions of people every day with the truth the liberal media won’t report. The MRC is trying to protect their right to speak and your right to listen! Help us by TAKING ACTION! Sign the petition:

Continued from page 1 Democrats or Republicans.” (By the way, the MRC’s news To that end, the MRC is informing you, the general public, division,, was the first media outlet to grassroots activists, and lawmakers to fight back. The MRC report Reid’s comments.) has issued press releases calling on President Obama and Unfortunately, in that same Senate bill was attached his nominee for FCC commissioner, Julius Genachowski, an amendment by Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) that would empower to pledge to protect talk radio from all government the FCC to take action to “promote diversity” in media censorship of political speech — or Genachowski must not ownership and “ensure that broadcast station licenses are be confirmed. used in the public interest.” Through our Free Speech Alliance, the MRC is e-mailing The “Durbin Censorship Doctrine,” as the MRC dubbed millions of Americans about the “Durbin Censorship it, passed on a partisan vote of 57 to 41. Doctrine.” Also, the Alliance is gathering petitions to deliver These new rules are nothing more than a backdoor to lawmakers that call for a permanent end to the Fairness attempt to regulate and control conservative talk radio. Doctrine, the Durbin rules, or any similar legislation that It’s not exactly the same as the Fairness Doctrine but, in would censor political speech on the radio. effect, it would produce much the same result. Rep. Mike The MRC’s news division,, is reporting Pence (R-Ind.) calls it a “stealth Fairness Doctrine.” regularly on what Congress is doing with the FCC and With these rules, the FCC can decide whether there is talk radio regulations. Our blog, NewsBusters, as well enough diverse, i.e, liberal, ownership of radio stations. as the Business & Media Institute and the Culture and The FCC can also dictate what is “in the public interest,” Media Institute are also covering this issue intensively regardless of whether the public is interested. and informing you and the general public about what the Rush Limbaugh’s show is heard by 14 million Americans liberals are trying to do. on more than 600 stations each week. Sean Hannity’s The stakes in this battle are huge. Conservative talk show is heard by 13 million, and Laura Ingraham reaches radio goes directly to the American people — over the heads 5.5 million a week. That clearly reflects what the public is of liberal politicians and the liberal media. It regularly interested in — the public is tuning into them. informs millions of people about conservative ideas. It Yet under the new rules, the FCC could say that some also puts a stake in the heart of the near-monopoly that of the stations that broadcast conservative talk radio are the liberal media hold at ABC, CBS, and NBC, at the major not diverse enough in terms of ownership. The FCC could newspapers and weeklies, and on CNN and MSNBC. also say that the conservative talk programming is not “in That’s why the liberals can’t stand conservative talk the public interest” in certain communities and mandate radio and want to control it and muzzle it. The president a change. himself has criticized Rush Limbaugh. In other words, mandate that the stations put more The MRC, America’s media watchdog, is fighting back. liberal voices on the air and more liberals in charge of the Your support makes this possible, and we are always radio stations. grateful for it. You can further help us by signing the Worse, the “Durbin Censorship Doctrine” is broad Free Speech Alliance petition, which is at our Web site, enough in wording that the FCC could pull some (or many), and by telling your family and friends about of the broadcast licenses of radio stations currently airing our mission. Thank you — and let’s roll!! Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and so many Sincerely, other fine folks. On the upside, these new censorship rules are not law — yet. They were attached to a bill that has not been finalized and is now in the House — it is all still in process. L. Brent Bozell III Thus, we have a chance to stop them. Founder and President

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The Business & Media Institute MRC Research on Draws More than 200,000 Readers – 6,000 Comments

The Business & Media Institute (BMI), a division of the MRC, has aggressively pushed its research and commentary to, one of the most popular Web sites on the Internet — and it is paying off. A recent piece by BMI’s Dan Gainor, who is the MRC’s vice president of business and culture, was viewed by more than 200,000 readers and received more than 6,000 comments. Now that’s impact! The Business & Media Institute started to work more closely with starting last year. The Web site is one of the best ways to reach new and younger readers. During the election season, Fox launched a daily live Web TV show called “Strategy Room.” Dan Gainor has appeared weekly on the show since October — working with Fox News hosts Harris Faulkner, Rick week it was posted. One of those columns focused Leventhal, Eric Bolling and Heather Nauert. on CNBC’s Rick Santelli who criticized the Obama The show is a lively panel discussion format administration’s so-called economic stimulus plan. with hosts, panelists and sometimes surprise guests The market was tumbling when Obama signed battling it out on the issues of the day. All the while, the $789-billion measure into law and Santelli was the hosts take e-mail right during the show as viewers telling it like it is. He sounded like Hoard Beale from give their feedback. The interactive nature of the the movie “Network.” program means that FoxNews is taking Web 2.0 to an Santelli’s modern interpretation of “I’m mad exciting new level and BMI gets to be part of it. as hell and not going to take it anymore” was a Early this year, Gainor became a regular columnist metaphor for the anger many ordinary Americans on’s FoxForum section, which is where are feeling about bailout mania. Gainor’s column BMI’s research is being read — research and analysis was viewed nearly 200,000 times on the site and of the liberal media’s slanted coverage of business drew 6,000 comments. and free enterprise. Change happens at the speed of light on the Twice this year already, Dan’s column has been Internet, but the Media Research Center continues the most read item on the FoxNews site for the to show it can keep up the pace.

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April2009 3 3/17/09 10:56:24 AM The 4 Watchdog APRIL 2009

Liberal Media Bias in Overdrive Since Obama Inauguration A Selection of Some of the Most Outrageous Liberal Media Quotes So Far in 2009

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell spins tax- CNN’s gets misty scofflaw Tom Daschle’s Cabinet- over the inauguration, “It was a nomination downfall: “This does giant love fest. When Barack Obama read to the public as though the started to speak, I was right in the Republicans went after this man, middle of the crowd. People were someone that the president very crying, they were laughing, they much wanted, and brought him down.” were cheering. Suddenly someone would just come up and hug you. It was just amazing.” ABC’s Terry Moran reveals his true self: “Why not just nationalize the banks? Why shouldn’t you just fire MSNBC’s ever-objective Chris Matthews explains the executives who wrecked these banks in the first Obama’s Feb. 24 speech to the nation: “It was his debut place and tanked the world’s financial system in the and he wowed us. That’s the running headline from process?” last night’s presidential address to the Congress.”

NBC’s Brian Willams hits As for the GOP, Matthews won- President Obama with a tough dered, “And finally trolls under the question: “You lost two nominees, bridge. Is that what Washington Re- two appointments today. Did that publicans have become? Gremlins make you angry, I imagine?” hiding along the pathway, nipping at the Democrats.” NYT Editor Bill Keller explains that reporters aren’t biased for Obama, “You know, I think, as a rule, CNN’s David Gergen, drinking reporters don’t fall in love with candidates. They fall from Matthews’ glass, gushes: “This in love with stories.” was the most ambitious president we’ve heard in this chamber in The ever-subtle decades. The first half of the speech of CNN refers to Rush Limbaugh as was FDR, fighting for the New Deal. “that corpulent Oxycontin aficiona- The second half was Lyndon Johnson fighting for the do of right-wing talk radio.” Great Society. I think we’re watching one of the greatest political dramas of our time.” Leftist actress Janeane Garofalo tells MSNBC’s that AOL News columnist Ken Layne “the type of female that does like trashes the deceased Paul Harvey: Rush Limbaugh is the same type “He had a face for radio and the of woman that falls in love with political compass of the Inquisition. prisoners,” and adds, “Eva Braun, Born to a long line of Baptist Hitler’s girlfriend. That is exactly the type of woman preachers, he became the biggest that responds really well to Rush.” snake oil salesman of them all” and was “known as a full-bore right-wing nut.” CBS’s Harry Smith confuses government with God: “One of the CBS’s Maggie Rodriguez pokes Republican leader sacraments of our national religion Eric Cantor, “Can the Republican Party accept that is the inauguration. So it was that there are situations when large-scale government as many as 2 million pilgrims made intervention is necessary? Where’s the bipartisanship? their way to Washington and the Are you afraid of being seen as obstructionist?” Mall to witness this most sacred event.”

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Finally, ABC’s Terry Moran says CBS’s Katie Couric tosses another what every liberal believes: “I like softball to House Speaker Nancy to say that, in some ways, Barack Pelosi about Obama’s economic Obama is the first president since stimulus plan, “Are you surprised George Washington to be taking a how intimately involved he is in step down into the Oval Office.” the whole process? Can you tell us Yes, just like George Washington. anything he said to you, like, ‘Get cracking’?”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews gets that tingle in his leg “Flatly, it may be time for Mr. again watching Obama’s Feb. 9 press conference: Cheney to leave this country,” rails “The President showed his analytical mind. He was MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, ranting at his best intellectually. I thought it was a great on, “You, Mr. Cheney, you terrified example of how his mind works. What a mind he has, more Americans than did any and I love his ability to do it on television. I love to terrorist in the last seven years, think with him.” and now it is time for you to desist, or to be made to desist.” NYT’s Deborah Solomon quizzes former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers CNN’s D.L. Hughley riffs, “The about his “long struggle against tenets of the Republican Party racism and social injustice” and are amazing and they seem warm wonders, “How do you feel when and welcome. But when I watch you wake up?” it be applied — like you didn’t have to go much further than the Given GOP Sen. Judd Gregg’s Republican National Convention. It literally look like withdrawal as commerce secretary Nazi Germany.” nominee, CNN’s sees something sinister: “[Have Republicans], in fact, declared war on President Obama? Do developments today also speak to something deeper, a war, an insurgency by Republicans against the President, against Democrats in the House and against their agenda?”

Ingmar Guandique, the suspect in the Chandra Levy murder case, is an illegal alien but CBS described him as only a “Salvadoran immigrant,” CNN called him “a laborer from El Salvador,” and Anderson Cooper 360 labeled him “a U.S. prison inmate from El Salvador.”

NBC’s Matt Lauer decries the lack of GOP support for the $789-billion stimulus deal, “If you add up the House and the Senate Stay on Top of the we have what, 219 Republicans. All but three of them voted against Latest Media Outrages this plan. 216 Republicans seem to have placed a bet Now you can watch and listen to on failure. Isn’t that safe to say?” videos of some of the best Notable CNN’s Jack Cafferty really, really likes First Lady Quotables. Better yet, you can Michelle Obama for she has “blown away the stale forward them to your friends, even air in a White House musty from eight years of the the liberal ones! Just log on to: Bushes. It’s like the sun came out and a fresh spring breeze began wafting through the open windows.”

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L. Brent Bozell III’s • March 4, 2009 • Nationally Syndicated Column

Breathtakingly Bold Barack As Gov. Bobby Jindal began to offer a Republican The wire service Agence response, it became apparent that he would be no match France-Presse found the president with Barack Obama in the soaring-oratory department. bristling with action: “Obama The Republicans really should have tried a gimmick also highlighted his audacious instead. Perhaps Jindal could have simply walked on 3.55-trillion-dollar budget plan for 2010, which bristles and said, “Today, the president held what he called with economic reforms and spending on healthcare, cli- a fiscal responsibility summit.” He could afford a wide mate change and education in a bid to end America’s smile at that point, knowing his audience had erupted in worst economic crisis since the 1930s.” laughter. Then there was , the industry Honestly, now: Are we quite ready finally to declare leader in budget salesmanship. In a front-page story, the Era of Obama As Fiscally Conservative is over? Last editor Karen DeYoung oozed Obama’s withdrawal plan year, Republicans warned that Barack Obama was from Iraq came “just a day after he transformed the ultraliberal — a socialist, in fact — but the media handlers domestic political landscape with a breathtakingly bold typically presented this as a conservative smear. Instead, budget plan.” they painted Obama as an aspiring moderate-Republican Two pages later, reporter Alec MacGillis somehow left deficit reducer. out a cheerleader’s purse full of exclamation points in a Take economics writer David story on Vice President Biden’s middle-class task force: Leonhardt last August: “Obama’s aides optimistically “Commentators left and right have reacted with awe to insist he will reduce it [the deficit], thanks to his tax the ambition and transformative potential of President increases on the affluent and his plan to wind down the Obama’s economic blueprint.” Commentators on the right Iraq war. Relative to McCain, whose promised spending reacted with awe? Only at the shameless boosterism of the cuts are extremely vague, Obama does indeed look like a leg-tingling Obama press corps. fiscal conservative.” Later came a front-page Post story by Philip How ridiculous does that sound now? John McCain Rucker, which began, “President Obama’s budget is so ambitious, with vast new spending on health care, energy probably would have been a moderate Republican independence, and services for veterans, that experts president. But the idea that President Obama would turn say he will need to hire tens of thousands of government out to be a stronger fiscal conservative than McCain should workers to realize his goals.” The Heritage Foundation inspire a pink-faced laughing fit at the preposterousness suggests it means a quarter of a million new bureaucrats of The New York Times. for the federal establishment. Now that Obama’s emphatic ultraliberalism is the As an adjective, “ambitious” is meant to be a positive elephant in the room, and liberals are cheering the re- word. But George Bush’s toppling of Saddam Hussein was versal of everything tried to accomplish “ambitious,” and the media didn’t applaud its scope. In economically, the media still don’t want to call it liberal. fact, they paraded the liberals around arguing the Iraq Instead, it’s a pollster’s list of positive adjectives: bold, war was unsustainably swelling the deficit. The late Tim ambitious, audacious, and even breathtaking. Russert pressed Bush in February of 2004: “How, why, as Here’s how Charles Babington of the Associated Press a fiscal conservative as you like to call yourself, would began his analysis: “Breathtaking in its scope and ambi- you allow a $500 billion deficit and this kind of deficit tion, President Barack Obama’s agenda for the economy, disaster?” health care and energy now goes to a Congress unaccus- Today, a $500 billion deficit would sound like progress. tomed to resolving knotty issues and buffeted by powerful Obama’s budget aspires to reduce the projected 2009 interests that oppose parts of his plan.” deficit of $1.75 trillion by more than two-thirds, to $533 Obama is the giant with breathtaking ambition, while billion, by the end of his first term — which, if successful, members of Congress are mere mortals unaccustomed would make it worse than the worst performance by to accomplishment. Obama’s agenda is not described as President Bush. liberal. Instead, it’s a plan “to undo major elements of It should be laughable for the White House to promote Ronald Reagan’s conservative movement.” a “fiscal responsibility summit” days after they shoved His AP colleague Liz Sidoti echoed the meaningless through a $787 billion “stimulus” bill through Congress. chatter: “Barack Obama is embracing the worst economic But the gooey flood of positive adjectives from the press conditions in a generation as an opportunity to advance demonstrates that they are not government watchdogs. an audacious agenda that, if successful, could reshape They’re “breathtakingly bold” Obama enablers. The the country for decades to come.” honesty deficit in our press just grows, and grows.

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WOND, Linwood, NJ, Feb. 19 KLPW, St. Louis, MO, Feb. 25 KSFO, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 20 KPDQ, Portland, OR, Feb. 19 WSMR, Sarasota, FL, Feb. 20 WMKT, Petoskey, MI, Feb. 24 in the WAMT, Orlando, FL, Feb. 13, 26 MRC News WDUN, Gainesville, GA, Feb. 26 KSSZ, Columbia, MO, Feb. 27 The experts at the Media Research KBAR, Burley, ID, Feb. 11, 16, Mar. 2 Center are interviewed almost every KUIK, Hillsboro, OR, Feb. 26 day on stories of national importance, WMAL, Washington, DC, Feb. 12 often reaching millions of Americans KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA, Feb. 11 daily. They provide analysis and com- WIBA, Madison, WI, Feb. 11, 16, 25, 27 mentary on radio, TV, the Internet, in KXYL, Brownwood, TX, Feb. 17 magazines, books and in newspapers, KCEO, San Diego, CA, Feb. 12 always striving to help restore political WIBC, Indianapolis, IN, Feb. 12 balance to the major media. Some of KSLR, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 10 WLW, Cincinnati, OH, Feb. 16 the MRC’s latest media appearances An MRC Business & Media Institute KERN, Bakersfield, CA, Feb. 12 include the following: update on the Fairness Doctrine is cited on Fox’s Special Report. ~ PARTIAL LISTING Televison CBN: Newswatch, Feb. 20 Print CNN: The Situation Room, Feb. 13, 18, 26 Washington Times, Feb. 12, 18, 25, 26 FBN: Cavuto, Feb. 11 Politico, Feb. 18 Fox Business Live, Feb. 17 Human Events, Feb. 10, 11, 19 FNC: Fox & Friends, Feb. 21 Associated Press, Feb. 18, 23 Hannity’s America, Feb. 11 McClatchy News Service, Feb. 20 Special Report w/ Brit Hume, Feb. 20 Washington Post, Feb. 16 News Watch, Feb. 21 United News & Information, Feb. 19 Fox Dallas TV, Feb. 20 Editor Terry Jeffrey analyzes the $1.75 trillion San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 23 Russia TV, Feb. 25 deficit projected for the Obama Canton Repository, Feb. 23 administration’s first year, on Herald Daily News, Feb. 23 CNN’s The Situation Room. Seattle Times, Feb. 23 Winston-Salem Journal, Feb. 25 Radio Lewiston Morning Tribune, Feb. 23 Dateline America, Feb. 19 Jacksonville Daily Progress, Feb. 11 Georgia News Network, Feb. 23 ~ PARTIAL LISTING Point of View, Feb. 23, 27 Mark Levin Show, Feb. 19 Thom Hartmann Show, Feb. 27 Talk Radio News, Feb. 27 Internet Talkback with Chuck Wilder, Feb. 24 G. Gordon Liddy Show, Feb. 26, Feb. 13 NRA News, Feb. 27 Evening Bulletin, Feb. 17 Lars Larson Show, Feb. 11, 18 On Russia TV, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor WorldNetDaily, Feb. 6, 10, 11, 13 Financial Lifeline Radio, Feb. 17 discusses President Obama’s primetime Hotline, Feb. 18 Coral Ridge Ministries, Feb. 13 speech before Congress., Feb. 19, 20 Jody Hice Show, Feb. 12 The Frontrunner, Feb. 19 Life Radio, Feb. 18 SouthernVoice, Feb. 20 American Family Radio, Feb. 27 The Capital, Feb. 12, 20 Clash Radio, Feb. 27 Boston Phoenix blog, Feb. 16 Catholic Connection, Feb. 18, Feb. 10, 20 KKTX, Corpus Christi, TX, Feb. 9, 16, 23, 25, Feb. 20 KAAY, Little Rock, AR, Feb. 16, 23 KFAX, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 17, 24, Feb. 17 WWTN, Nashville, TN, Feb. 20, Feb. 26 WTKF, Greenville, NC, Feb. 20 CounterPunch, Feb. 27 WWIB, Chippewa, WI, Feb. 17 RightSideNews, Feb. 21, Feb. 22 WEZS, Laconia, NH, Feb. 28 The MRC blog NewsBusters is cited, Feb. 12 WBT, Charlotte, NC, Feb. 22 in a story by Sean Hannity on his Fox WSAU, Wausau, WI, Feb. 20 program, Hannity’s America. ~ PARTIAL LISTING

April2009 7 3/17/09 10:56:27 AM Join Us In Our Mission Of Truth

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THE WATCHDOG (ISSN #1087-5077) is published monthly by the Media Research Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit research and education organization. © 2009 Media Research Center, All Rights Reserved. L. Brent Bozell III, Founder and President • Michael Chapman, Editor Media Research Center • 325 South Patrick Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314 • (703) 683-9733 • CREATING A MEDIA CULTURE IN AMERICA WHERE TRUTH AND LIBERTY FLOURISH

April2009 8 3/17/09 10:56:29 AM