Rev.07– 27/10/2011 Carbol Fuchsin acc. to Ziehl-Neelsen Manufacturer: Diapath Via Savoldini,71- 24057 MARTINENGO- BG- PH+39.0363.986.411
[email protected] CODE PACKAGING C0421 125 ml C0422 500 ml C0423 1000 ml Description Carbol fuchsin solution is used for the staining of acid resistant bacteria in the Ziehl-Neelsen method (see, also special stain kit code 010201). This staining is suitable to highlight mycobacteria, Nocardia and parasites on histological sections, smears, excreta and cultures. The protocol is based on typical structure of acid resistant bacteria, which acquire and keep dyes so that following decolorizing treatments are possible. Dark blue background is obtained with Methylene blue. Composition Phenol CAS No. 108-95-2 EC No. 203-6327 Basic fuchsine CAS No. 58969-01-0 EC No. 221-816-5 C.I. 42510 Ethanol CAS No.64-17-5 EC No.20-578-6 Staining protocol Histological sections (Ziehl-Neelsen staining) 1. Dewax sections and hydrate to distilled water 2. Carbol fuchsin solution for 30 minutes 3. Wash very well in running cold water 4. Acid alcohol* till sections are pale pink 5. Water for 5 minutes 6. Methylene blue solution for 30 seconds 7. Distilled water 8. Dehydrate very quickly, clarify and mount *Acid alcohol: 100 ml of ethyl alcohol 70° + 3 ml hydrochloric acid Cytological specimens (Ziehl-Neelsen staining) 1. Carbol fuchsin for 30 minutes 2. Wash in distilled water 3. Acid alcohol* 10 seconds 4. Wash in distilled water 5. Methylene blue for 30 seconds 6. Distilled water 7. Dehydrate very quickly, clarify and mount NOTE: Methylene blue could cover the possible presence of acid resistant bacteria in the specimen.