United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,876,676 Stossel Et Al

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,876,676 Stossel Et Al USOO5876676A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,876,676 Stossel et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 2, 1999 54 PRESERVATION OF BLOOD PLATELETS Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gennaro et al., Phila delphia College of Pharmacy and Science, (1990), pp. 75 Inventors: Thomas P. Stossel, Belmont; John H. 800-803. Hartwig, Jamaica Plain; Paul A. Principles of Transfusion Medicine, Rossi, etal, Williams & Janmey, Arlington, all of Mass. Wilkins, (1991), pp. 205–207,212. Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine, Mollison et al., 73 Assignee: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc., Blackwell Scientific Publications, (1993), p. 642. Boston, Mass. Hematology (Fourth Edition), Williams et al, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, (1990), pp. 368–377 and 1233–1250. 21 Appl. No.: 648,321 Hematology, Basic Principles and Practice, Hoffman et al., 22 Filed: May 16, 1996 Churchill Livingstone, (1991), pp. 1176-1197. Physical Chemistry, Atkins, P.W., W.H. Freeman and Com Related U.S. Application Data pany, San Francisco, CA, (1982), p. 935. Cassimeris, L. et al., J. Cell Biol. 110:1067–1075, 62 Division of Ser. No. 279,226, Jul. 22, 1994, Pat. No. “Chemoattractant-Stimulated Polymorphonuclear Leuko 5,576.213, which is a division of Ser. No. 19,045, Feb. 18, cytes Contain Two Populations of Actin Filaments that 1993, Pat. No. 5,358,844. Differ in Their Spatial Distributions and Relative Stabili (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... G01N 33/49 ties”. 52 U.S. Cl. ................................. 422/102; 436/8; 436/16; McManus, M.J. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 265:C562-570 435/2; 424/532 (1993), “Laser light-scattering system for studying cell 58 Field of Search ............................... 422/102; 436/18, Volume regulation and membrane transport processes”. 436/8, 17, 174; 435/2, 4; 424/529, 532 Hartwig, J., 1992 J. 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    J. Cell Sci. 10, 811-819 (1972) 8ll Printed in Great Britain A LIGHT-MICROSCOPE STUDY OF THE ACTION OF CYTOCHALASIN B ON THE CELLS AND ISOLATED CYTOPLASM OF THE CHARACEAE R.E.WILLIAMSON The Botany School, Downing Street, Cambridge, England SUMMARY The reversible inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming in cells of Nitella translucent by cyto- chalasin B was found to be accompanied by an increase in the number of mini-vacuoles in the endoplasm. Fibrils thought to drive the streaming were still present in inhibited cells. In droplets of cytoplasm obtained from cut cells of Chara corralina, the final number of fibrils formed was not sensitive to cytochalasin B, although the motility of these fibrils was highly so. The movement of organelles in the absence of visible fibrils and the rotation of chloroplasts were also inhibited. The evidence for the involvement of the microfilament system in cyto- plasmic streaming is discussed. The way in which such microfilaments seem to be operating in characean cells differs from the most likely mechanism for their operation in other cytochalasin- sensitive processes. INTRODUCTION Many investigations of cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells have made use of the large size and regular streaming pattern of characean cells. In such cells the interface between the stationary cortical gel and the flowing cytoplasm has been identified as the site at which the motive force for the streaming is generated (Kamiya & Kuroda, 1956). An electron-microscope study (Nagai & Rebhun, 1966) revealed bundles of micro- filaments, each filament being some 5 nm in diameter. The location of these micro- filaments at the interface where the motive force is produced, their orientation parallel to the direction of streaming, and their resemblance to filaments implicated in motile processes in other cells, led to their being favoured as the system responsible for generating the motive force.
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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 360-364, June 1970 Effects of Cytochalasin B upon Microfilaments Involved in Morphogenesis of Salivary Epithelium Brian S. Spooner and Norman K. Wessells DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Communicated by Colin S. Pittendrigh, March 27, 1970 Abstract. Cytochalasin B causes cultured mouse salivary gland epithelium to lose its characteristic shape and to cease undergoing morphogenesis. The drug causes disorganization of the 50 A microfilaments in epithelial cells that are thought to control cell shape because of contractile properties. Upon removal of cytochalasin, epithelia regain normal shape and resume morphogenesis. Exceptionally large bundles of microfilaments appear in such recovered epithelial cells at points where their contractile activity could account for the changes in cell and tissue shape. Morphogenesis of many developing organs is a manifestation at the population level of alterations in shape of individual cells. Recent evidence has implicated microtubules' and putative contractile microfilaments2 as the intracellular organelles involved in maintenance or change in cell shape. The latter filaments average 40-50 A in diameter and apparently insert in the junctional complex regions of epithelial cells (thus differing from the 100 A filaments that loop through desmosomes). Microfilaments are also found in the microspikes and "fluttering membrane" locomotory organelle of motile cells3 and of elongating axons,4 and in the contractile ring responsible for cytokinesis during cell divi- sion.5 Schroeder6 has found that the contractile ring filaments of cleaving marine eggs disappear after treatment with cytochalasin B,7 and that cytokinesis of such eggs ceases.
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